mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 17:24:21 +01:00
* Fixed ScatterChart to work like LineChart when are_values_columns is true * Fixed labeling spaguetti and added offset. * Fixed indentation to match GDScript style guide * Fix distances calculations Note that I removed the origin_at_zero conditional at calculate_coordinates because I already fix y_margin_min to 0 at structure_datas. * Add missing features to ScatterChart I added the missing features from LineChart to ScatterChart (like treshold and some properties) in preparation to creation of a Parent Class common to both. This way the changes can be traced easily. * Add BaseClass for Scatter and Line Charts * Changes to property_list getter * Rename ScatterChartBase.gd to scatter_chart_base.gd * Filenames changed to match GDscript Style Guide From Godot so it doesn't break the links. * Fixed some dependencies on chart and chart2D
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212 lines
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extends Node2D
class_name Chart2D
enum PointShapes { Dot, Triangle, Square, Cross }
enum TemplatesNames { Default, Clean, Gradient, Minimal, Invert }
signal chart_plotted(chart)
signal point_pressed(point)
const OFFSET: Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
export (Vector2) var SIZE: Vector2 = Vector2() setget _set_size
export (String, FILE, "*.txt, *.csv") var source: String = ""
export (String) var delimiter: String = ";"
export (bool) var origin_at_zero: bool = true
export (bool) var are_values_columns: bool = false
export (int, 0, 100) var x_values_index: int = 0
export(bool) var show_x_values_as_labels: bool = true
export (float,1,20,0.5) var column_width: float = 10
export (float,0,10,0.5) var column_gap: float = 2
export (float, 0.1, 10.0) var x_decim: float = 5.0
export (float, 0.1, 10.0) var y_decim: float = 5.0
export (PointShapes) var point_shape: int = 0
export (PoolColorArray) var function_colors = [Color("#1e1e1e")]
export (Color) var v_lines_color: Color = Color("#cacaca")
export (Color) var h_lines_color: Color = Color("#cacaca")
export (bool) var boxed: bool = true
export (Color) var box_color: Color = Color("#1e1e1e")
export (Font) var font: Font
export (Font) var bold_font: Font
export (Color) var font_color: Color = Color("#1e1e1e")
export var template : int = 0 setget apply_template
export (float, 0.1, 1) var drawing_duration: float = 0.5
export (bool) var invert_chart: bool = false
var OutlinesTween: Tween
var FunctionsTween: Tween
var PointTween : Tween
var Functions: Node2D
var GridTween: Tween
var PointData: PointData
var Outlines: Line2D
var Grid: Node2D
var point_node: PackedScene = preload("../Point/point.tscn")
var FunctionLegend: PackedScene = preload("../Legend/function_legend.tscn")
var font_size: float = 16
var const_height: float = font_size / 2 * font_size / 20
var const_width: float = font_size / 2
var origin: Vector2
# actual distance between x and y values
var x_pass: float
var y_pass: float
# vertical distance between y consecutive points used for intervals
var v_dist: float
var h_dist: float
# quantization, representing the interval in which values will be displayed
# define values on x an y axis
var x_chors: Array
var y_chors: Array
# actual coordinates of points (in pixel)
var x_coordinates: Array
var y_coordinates: Array
# datas contained in file
var datas: Array
# amount of functions to represent
var functions: int = 0
var x_label: String
# database values
var x_datas: Array
var y_datas: Array
# labels displayed on chart
var x_labels: Array
var y_labels: Array
var x_margin_min: int = 0
var y_margin_min: int = 0
# actual values of point, from the database
var point_values: Array
# actual position of points in pixel
var point_positions: Array
var legend: Array setget set_legend, get_legend
var templates: Dictionary = {}
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func build_chart():
func calculate_pass():
func calculate_coordinates():
func _set_size(v : Vector2):
SIZE = v
func _get_children():
OutlinesTween = $OutlinesTween
FunctionsTween = $FunctionsTween
Functions = $Functions
GridTween = $GridTween
PointData = $PointData/PointData
Outlines = $Outlines
Grid = $Grid
func apply_template(template_name: int):
template = template_name
templates = Utilities._load_templates()
if template_name != null:
var custom_template = templates.get(templates.keys()[template_name])
function_colors = custom_template.function_colors as PoolColorArray
v_lines_color = Color(custom_template.v_lines_color)
h_lines_color = Color(custom_template.h_lines_color)
box_color = Color(custom_template.outline_color)
font_color = Color(custom_template.font_color)
if Engine.editor_hint:
func redraw():
func show_data(point):
func hide_data():
func clear_points():
if Functions.get_children():
for function in Functions.get_children():
func count_functions():
if are_values_columns:
if not invert_chart:
functions = datas[0].size() - 1
functions = datas.size() - 1
if invert_chart:
functions = datas[0].size() - 1
functions = datas.size() - 1
func set_legend(l: Array):
legend = l
func get_legend():
return legend
func create_legend():
for function in functions:
var function_legend = FunctionLegend.instance()
var f_name: String
if invert_chart:
f_name = x_datas[function] as String
f_name = y_labels[function]
var legend_font: Font
if font != null:
legend_font = font
if bold_font != null:
legend_font = bold_font
function_legend.create_legend(f_name, function_colors[function], bold_font, font_color)