mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:13:24 +01:00
545 lines
15 KiB
545 lines
15 KiB
extends Control
class_name Chart
# Signals ..................................
signal chart_plotted(chart)
signal point_pressed(point)
# Onready Vars ............................
onready var PointData = $PointData/PointData
onready var Points = $Points
onready var Legend = $Legend
# Scenes and Reosurces ......................
var point_node : PackedScene = preload("../Point/Point.tscn")
var FunctionLegend : PackedScene = preload("../Legend/FunctionLegend.tscn")
# Enums .....................................
enum PointShapes { Dot, Triangle, Square, Cross }
enum TemplatesNames { Default, Clean, Gradient, Minimal, Invert }
# Shared Variables .........................
var SIZE : Vector2 = Vector2()
var OFFSET : Vector2 = Vector2(0,0)
var origin : Vector2
var font_size : float = 16
var const_height : float = font_size/2*font_size/20
var const_width : float = font_size/2
# actual distance between x and y values
var x_pass : float
var y_pass : float
# vertical distance between y consecutive points used for intervals
var v_dist : float
var h_dist : float
# define values on x an y axis
var x_chors : Array
var y_chors : Array
# actual coordinates of points (in pixel)
var x_coordinates : Array
var y_coordinates : Array
# datas contained in file
var datas : Array
# amount of functions to represent
var functions : int = 0
# database values
var x_datas : Array
var y_datas : Array
# labels displayed on chart
var x_label : String
var x_labels : Array
var y_labels : Array
var x_margin_min : int = 0
var y_margin_min : int = 0
# actual values of point, from the database
var point_values : Array
# actual position of points in pixel
var point_positions : Array
var legend : Array setget set_legend,get_legend
var templates : Dictionary = {}
# ................... Export Shared Variables ..................
export (String) var chart_name : String = "" setget set_chart_name
export (String, FILE, "*.txt, *.csv") var source : String = "" setget set_source
export (String) var delimiter : String = ";" setget set_delimiter
var origin_at_zero : bool = true setget set_origin_at_zero#, get_origin_at_zero
var are_values_columns : bool = false setget set_are_values_columns#, get_are_values_columns
var show_x_values_as_labels : bool = true setget set_show_x_values_as_labels#, get_show_x_values_as_labels
var labels_index : int = 0 setget set_labels_index#, get_labels_index
var function_names_index : int = 0 setget set_function_names_index#, get_function_names_index
# for radar
var use_height_as_radius : bool = false setget set_use_height_as_radius
var radius : float = 150.0 setget _set_radius
# for columns
var column_width : float = 10 setget set_column_width
var column_gap : float = 2 setget set_column_gap
var full_scale : float = 1.0 setget set_full_scale
var x_decim : float = 5.0 setget set_x_decim
var y_decim : float = 5.0 setget set_y_decim
var points_shape : Array = [PointShapes.Dot] setget set_points_shape
var function_colors = [Color("#1e1e1e")] setget set_function_colors
var outline_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") setget set_outline_color
var box_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") setget set_box_color
var v_lines_color : Color = Color("#cacaca") setget set_v_lines_color
var h_lines_color : Color = Color("#cacaca") setget set_h_lines_color
var grid_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") setget set_grid_color
var font : Font setget set_font
var bold_font : Font setget set_bold_font
var font_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") setget set_font_color
var template : int = TemplatesNames.Default setget set_template
# modifiers
var rotation : float = 0 setget set_rotation
var invert_chart : bool = false setget set_invert_chart
# .......................... Properties Manager ....................................
func _get(property):
match property:
return origin_at_zero
return are_values_columns
return show_x_values_as_labels
return labels_index
return function_names_index
return use_height_as_radius
return radius
return column_width
return column_gap
return full_scale
return x_decim
return y_decim
return points_shape
return function_colors
return template
return outline_color
return grid_color
return box_color
return v_lines_color
return h_lines_color
return font
return bold_font
return font_color
return rotation
return invert_chart
func _set(property, value):
match property:
origin_at_zero = value
return true
are_values_columns = value
return true
show_x_values_as_labels = value
return true
labels_index = value
return true
function_names_index = value
return true
use_height_as_radius = value
return true
radius = value
return true
column_width = value
return true
column_width = value
return true
full_scale = value
return true
x_decim = value
return true
y_decim = value
return true
points_shape = value
return true
function_colors = value
return true
template = value
return true
outline_color = value
return true
grid_color = value
return true
box_color = value
return true
v_lines_color = value
return true
h_lines_color = value
return true
font = value
return true
bold_font = value
return true
font_color = value
return true
rotation = value
return true
invert_chart = value
return true
func _ready():
templates = Utilities._load_templates()
# .......................... Shared Functions and virtuals ........................
#func _plot(source_ : String, delimiter_ : String, are_values_columns_ : bool, x_values_index_ : int, invert_chart_ : bool = false):
# randomize()
# load_font()
# PointData.hide()
# datas = read_datas(source_,delimiter_)
# structure_datas(datas,are_values_columns_,x_values_index_)
# build_chart()
# count_functions()
# calculate_pass()
# calculate_coordinates()
# calculate_colors()
# set_shapes()
# create_legend()
# emit_signal("chart_plotted")
func plot():
if source == "" or source == null:
Utilities._print_message("Can't plot a chart without a Source file. Please, choose it in editor, or use the custom function _plot().",1)
datas = read_datas(source)
func load_font():
if font != null:
font_size = font.get_height()
var theme : Theme = Theme.new()
var lbl = Label.new()
font = lbl.get_font("")
if bold_font != null:
func calculate_colors():
if function_colors.empty() or function_colors.size() < functions:
for function in functions:
func set_shapes():
if points_shape.empty() or points_shape.size() < functions:
for function in functions:
func read_datas(source : String):
var file : File = File.new()
var content : Array
while not file.eof_reached():
var line : PoolStringArray = file.get_csv_line(delimiter)
for data in content:
if data.size() < 2 or data.empty():
return content
func count_functions():
if are_values_columns:
if not invert_chart:
functions = datas[0].size()-1
functions = datas.size()-1
if invert_chart:
functions = datas[0].size()-1
functions = datas.size()-1
func clear_points():
if $Points.get_children():
for function in Points.get_children():
for legend in $Legend.get_children():
func redraw():
# .................. VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS .........................
func calculate_pass():
func calculate_coordinates():
func structure_datas(database : Array, are_values_columns : bool, labels_index : int):
func build_chart():
func function_colors():
func create_legend():
# ........................... Shared Setters & Getters ..............................
func apply_template(template_name : int):
if Engine.editor_hint:
# !!! API v2
func set_chart_name(ch_name : String):
chart_name = ch_name
# !!! API v2
func set_source(source_file : String):
source = source_file
# !!! API v2
func set_indexes(lb : int = 0, function_names : int = 0):
labels_index = lb
function_names_index = function_names
# !!! API v2
func set_radius(use_height : bool = false, f : float = 0):
use_height_as_radius = use_height
radius = f
# !!! API v2
func set_chart_colors(f_colors : Array, o_color : Color, b_color : Color, g_color : Color, h_lines : Color, v_lines : Color):
function_colors = f_colors
outline_color = o_color
box_color = b_color
grid_color = g_color
h_lines_color = h_lines
v_lines_color = v_lines
# !!! API v2
func set_chart_fonts(normal_font : Font, bold_font : Font, f_color : Color):
font = normal_font
self.bold_font = bold_font
font_color = f_color
# !!! API v2
func set_delimiter(d : String):
d = delimiter
# ! API
func set_origin_at_zero(b : bool):
origin_at_zero = b
# ! API
func set_are_values_columns(b : bool):
are_values_columns = b
# ! API
func set_show_x_values_as_labels(b : bool):
show_x_values_as_labels = b
func set_labels_index(i : int):
labels_index = i
func set_function_names_index(i : int):
function_names_index = i
func set_use_height_as_radius(b : bool):
use_height_as_radius = b
func _set_radius(r : float):
radius = r
# ! API
func set_column_width(f : float):
column_width = f
# ! API
func set_column_gap(f : float):
column_gap = f
# ! API
func set_full_scale(f : float):
full_scale = f
# ! API
func set_x_decim(f : float):
x_decim = f
# ! API
func set_y_decim(f : float):
y_decim = f
# ! API
func set_points_shape(a : Array):
points_shape = a
# ! API
func set_function_colors(a : Array):
function_colors = a
# ! API
func set_outline_color(c : Color):
outline_color = c
# ! API
func set_box_color(c : Color):
box_color = c
# ! API
func set_grid_color(c : Color):
grid_color = c
# ! API
func set_v_lines_color(c : Color):
v_lines_color = c
# ! API
func set_h_lines_color(c : Color):
h_lines_color = c
# ! API
func set_font(f : Font):
font = f
# ! API
func set_bold_font(f : Font):
bold_font = f
# ! API
func set_font_color(c : Color):
font_color = c
# ! API
func set_template(template_name : int):
template = template_name
templates = Utilities.templates
if template_name!=null:
var custom_template = templates.get(templates.keys()[template_name])
function_colors = custom_template.function_colors as PoolColorArray
outline_color = Color(custom_template.outline_color)
box_color = Color(custom_template.outline_color)
grid_color = Color(custom_template.v_lines_color)
v_lines_color = Color(custom_template.v_lines_color)
h_lines_color = Color(custom_template.h_lines_color)
box_color = Color(custom_template.outline_color)
font_color = Color(custom_template.font_color)
# ! API
func set_rotation(f : float):
rotation = f
# ! API
func set_invert_chart(b : bool):
invert_chart = b
func set_legend(l : Array):
legend = l
func get_legend():
return legend
# ............................. Shared Signals ..............................
func point_pressed(point : Point):
func show_data(point : Point):
func hide_data():