tool extends Control onready var PointData = $PointData/PointData onready var Points = $Points onready var Legend = $Legend var point_node : PackedScene = preload("../Utilities/Point/Point.tscn") var FunctionLegend : PackedScene = preload("../Utilities/Legend/FunctionLegend.tscn") var font_size : float = 16 var const_height : float = font_size/2*font_size/20 var const_width : float = font_size/2 var OFFSET : Vector2 = Vector2(0,0) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# var origin : Vector2 # actual distance between x and y values var x_pass : float var y_pass : float # vertical distance between y consecutive points used for intervals var v_dist : float # quantization, representing the interval in which values will be displayed var x_decim : float = 1.0 # define values on x an y axis var x_chors : Array var y_chors : Array # actual coordinates of points (in pixel) var x_coordinates : Array var y_coordinates : Array # datas contained in file var datas : Array # amount of functions to represent var functions : int = 0 # database values var x_datas : Array var y_datas : Array # labels displayed on chart var x_label : String var y_labels : Array # actual values of point, from the database var point_values : Array # actual position of points in pixel var point_positions : Array var legend : Array setget set_legend,get_legend # --------------------- var SIZE : Vector2 = Vector2() export (String, FILE) var source : String = "" export (String) var delimiter : String = ";" export (bool) var are_values_columns : bool = false export (bool) var invert_xy : bool = false export (int,0,100) var x_values : int = 0 export (float,1,20,0.5) var column_width : float = 10 export (float,0,10,0.5) var column_gap : float = 2 export (float,0,10) var y_decim : float = 5.0 export (PoolColorArray) var function_colors = [Color("#1e1e1e")] export (bool) var boxed : bool = true export (Color) var v_lines_color : Color = Color("#cacaca") export (Color) var h_lines_color : Color = Color("#cacaca") export (Color) var outline_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") export (float,0.01,1) var drawing_duration : float = 0.3 export (Font) var font : Font export (Font) var bold_font : Font export (Color) var font_color : Color = Color("#1e1e1e") export (String,"Default","Clean","Gradient","Minimal","Invert") var template : String = "Default" setget apply_template var templates : Dictionary = {} signal chart_plotted(chart) signal point_pressed(point) func _ready(): pass func _plot(source_ : String, delimiter_ : String, are_values_columns_ : bool, x_values_ : int, invert_xy_ : bool = false): randomize() load_font() PointData.hide() datas = read_datas(source_,delimiter_) count_functions() structure_datas(datas,are_values_columns_,x_values_) build_chart() calculate_pass() calculate_coordinates() calculate_colors() create_legend() emit_signal("chart_plotted") func plot(): randomize() load_font() PointData.hide() if source == "" or source == null: Utilities._print_message("Can't plot a chart without a Source file. Please, choose it in editor, or use the custom function _plot().",1) return datas = read_datas(source,delimiter) count_functions() structure_datas(datas,are_values_columns,x_values) build_chart() calculate_pass() calculate_coordinates() calculate_colors() create_legend() emit_signal("chart_plotted") func calculate_colors(): if function_colors.empty() or function_colors.size() < functions: for function in functions: function_colors.append(Color("#1e1e1e")) func load_font(): if font != null: font_size = font.get_height() var theme : Theme = theme.set_default_font(font) PointData.set_theme(theme) else: var lbl = font = lbl.get_font("") if bold_font != null: PointData.Data.set("custom_fonts/font",bold_font) func read_datas(source : String, delimiter : String): var file : File =,File.READ) var content : Array while not file.eof_reached(): var line : PoolStringArray = file.get_csv_line(delimiter) content.append(line) file.close() for data in content: if data.size() < 2: content.erase(data) return content func structure_datas(database : Array, are_values_columns : bool, x_values : int): # @x_values can be either a column or a row relative to x values # @y_values can be either a column or a row relative to y values self.are_values_columns = are_values_columns match are_values_columns: true: for row in database.size(): var t_vals : Array for column in database[row].size(): if column == x_values: x_datas.append(database[row][column]) else: if row != 0: t_vals.append(float(database[row][column])) else: y_labels.append(str(database[row][column])) if not t_vals.empty(): y_datas.append(t_vals) x_label = str(x_datas.pop_front()) false: for row in database.size(): if row == x_values: x_datas = (database[row]) x_label = x_datas.pop_front() as String else: var values = database[row] as Array y_labels.append(values.pop_front() as String) y_datas.append(values) for data in y_datas: for value in data.size(): data[value] = data[value] as float var to_order : Array for cluster in y_datas.size(): # define x_chors and y_chors var margin = y_datas[cluster][y_datas[cluster].size()-1] to_order.append(margin) to_order.sort() var margin = to_order.pop_back() v_dist = y_decim * pow(10.0,str(margin).length()-2) var multi = 0 var p = v_dist*multi y_chors.append(p as String) while p < margin: multi+=1 p = v_dist*multi y_chors.append(p as String) func build_chart(): SIZE = get_size() origin = Vector2(OFFSET.x,SIZE.y-OFFSET.y) func calculate_pass(): if invert_xy: x_chors = y_labels as PoolStringArray else: x_chors = x_datas as PoolStringArray # calculate distance in pixel between 2 consecutive values/datas x_pass = (SIZE.x - OFFSET.x) / (x_chors.size()-1) y_pass = origin.y / (y_chors.size()-1) func calculate_coordinates(): x_coordinates.clear() y_coordinates.clear() point_values.clear() point_positions.clear() if invert_xy: for column in y_datas[0].size(): var single_coordinates : Array for row in y_datas: single_coordinates.append((row[column]*y_pass)/v_dist) y_coordinates.append(single_coordinates) else: for cluster in y_datas: var single_coordinates : Array for value in cluster.size(): single_coordinates.append((cluster[value]*y_pass)/v_dist) y_coordinates.append(single_coordinates) for x in x_chors.size(): x_coordinates.append(x_pass*x) for f in functions: point_values.append([]) point_positions.append([]) if invert_xy: for function in y_coordinates.size()-1: for function_value in y_coordinates[function].size(): point_positions[function].append(Vector2(x_coordinates[function_value]+origin.x,origin.y-y_coordinates[function][function_value])) point_values[function].append([x_chors[function_value],y_datas[function_value][function]]) else: for cluster in y_coordinates.size(): for y in y_coordinates[cluster].size(): point_values[cluster].append([x_chors[y],y_datas[cluster][y]]) point_positions[cluster].append(Vector2(x_coordinates[y]+origin.x,origin.y-y_coordinates[cluster][y])) func redraw(): build_chart() calculate_pass() calculate_coordinates() update() func _draw(): clear_points() draw_grid() draw_chart_outlines() var defined_colors : bool = false if function_colors.size(): defined_colors = true for _function in point_values.size(): var PointContainer : Control = Points.add_child(PointContainer) if invert_xy: for function_point in point_values[_function].size(): var point : Control = point_node.instance() point.connect("_mouse_entered",self,"show_data",[point]) point.connect("_mouse_exited",self,"hide_data") point.create_point(function_colors[_function], Color.white, point_positions[_function][function_point],point.format_value(point_values[_function][function_point],false,true),x_datas[_function]) PointContainer.add_child(point) if function_point > 0: draw_line(point_positions[_function][function_point-1],point_positions[_function][function_point],function_colors[_function],2,true) else: for function_point in point_values[_function].size(): var point : Control = point_node.instance() point.connect("_mouse_entered",self,"show_data",[point]) point.connect("_mouse_exited",self,"hide_data") point.create_point(function_colors[_function], Color.white, point_positions[_function][function_point],point.format_value(point_values[_function][function_point],false,true),y_labels[_function]) PointContainer.add_child(point) if function_point > 0: draw_line(point_positions[_function][function_point-1],point_positions[_function][function_point],function_colors[_function],2,true) func create_legend(): legend.clear() for function in functions: var function_legend = FunctionLegend.instance() var f_name : String if invert_xy: f_name = x_datas[function] else: f_name = y_labels[function] var legend_font : Font if font != null: legend_font = font if bold_font != null: legend_font = bold_font function_legend.create_legend(f_name,function_colors[function],bold_font,font_color) legend.append(function_legend) func draw_grid(): # ascisse for p in x_chors.size(): var point : Vector2 = origin+Vector2((p)*x_pass,0) # v grid draw_line(point,point-Vector2(0,SIZE.y-OFFSET.y),v_lines_color,0.2,true) # ascisse draw_line(point-Vector2(0,5),point,v_lines_color,1,true) draw_string(font,point+Vector2(-const_width/2*x_chors[p].length(),font_size+const_height),x_chors[p],font_color) # ordinate for p in y_chors.size(): var point : Vector2 = origin-Vector2(0,(p)*y_pass) # h grid draw_line(point,point+Vector2(SIZE.x-OFFSET.x,0),h_lines_color,0.2,true) # ordinate draw_line(point,point+Vector2(5,0),h_lines_color,1,true) draw_string(font,point-Vector2(y_chors[p].length()*const_width+font_size,-const_height),y_chors[p],font_color) func draw_chart_outlines(): draw_line(origin,SIZE-Vector2(0,OFFSET.y),outline_color,1,true) draw_line(origin,Vector2(OFFSET.x,0),outline_color,1,true) draw_line(Vector2(OFFSET.x,0),Vector2(SIZE.x,0),outline_color,1,true) draw_line(Vector2(SIZE.x,0),SIZE-Vector2(0,OFFSET.y),outline_color,1,true) var can_grab_x : bool = false var can_grab_y : bool = false var can_move : bool = false var range_mouse : float = 7 #func _input(event): # if not can_grab_x and (event.position.x > (SIZE.x-range_mouse + rect_position.x) and event.position.x < (SIZE.x+range_mouse + rect_position.x)) : # set_default_cursor_shape(Control.CURSOR_HSIZE) # if Input.is_action_pressed("mouse_left"): # can_grab_x = true # # if Input.is_action_just_released("mouse_left") and can_grab_x: # can_grab_x = false # # if not can_grab_y and (event.position.y > ( rect_position.y + origin.y-range_mouse) and event.position.y < (rect_position.y+ origin.y+range_mouse)) : # set_default_cursor_shape(Control.CURSOR_VSIZE) # if Input.is_action_pressed("mouse_left"): # can_grab_y = true # # if Input.is_action_just_released("mouse_left") and can_grab_y: # can_grab_y = false # # if (event.position.x > SIZE.x-range_mouse+rect_position.x and event.position.x < SIZE.x+range_mouse + rect_position.x) and (event.position.y > rect_position.y+origin.y-range_mouse and event.position.y < rect_position.y+origin.y+range_mouse): # set_default_cursor_shape(Control.CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE) # if not (event.position.x > SIZE.x-range_mouse+rect_position.x and event.position.x < SIZE.x+range_mouse + rect_position.x) and not (event.position.y > rect_position.y+ origin.y-range_mouse and event.position.y < rect_position.y+origin.y+range_mouse ): # set_default_cursor_shape(Control.CURSOR_ARROW) func _process(delta): if can_grab_x: PointData.hide() get_parent().rect_size.x = get_global_mouse_position().x - rect_position.x redraw() if can_grab_y: PointData.hide() get_parent().rect_size.y = get_global_mouse_position().y - rect_position.y + OFFSET.y redraw() func show_data(point): PointData.update_datas(point) func hide_data(): PointData.hide() func clear_points(): if Points.get_children(): for function in Points.get_children(): function.queue_free() for legend in Legend.get_children(): legend.queue_free() func set_legend(l : Array): legend = l func get_legend(): return legend func invert_chart(): invert_xy = !invert_xy count_functions() redraw() create_legend() func count_functions(): if are_values_columns: if not invert_xy: functions = datas[0].size()-1 else: functions = datas.size()-1 else: if invert_xy: functions = datas[0].size()-1 else: functions = datas.size()-1 func apply_template(template_name : String): if Engine.editor_hint: if template_name!=null and template_name!="": template = template_name var custom_template = templates[template_name.to_lower()] function_colors = custom_template.function_colors v_lines_color = Color(custom_template.v_lines_color) h_lines_color = Color(custom_template.h_lines_color) outline_color = Color(custom_template.outline_color) font_color = Color(custom_template.font_color) property_list_changed_notify() func _script_changed(): _ready() func _enter_tree(): templates = Utilities._load_templates()