mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 19:06:21 +01:00
update Tooltip
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,5 +43,4 @@ func _draw_lines() -> void:
_draw_line(function_points[function][i - 1], function_points[function][i], function)
func _draw() -> void:
if chart_properties.lines:
@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ signal point_entered(point)
var _point_box_rad: int = 10
# List of all unordered points belonging to this plot
var points: Array = []
# List of all points, grouped by function
var function_points: Array = []
# Currently focused point
var focused_point: Point = null
func _clear_points() -> void:
@ -19,35 +24,36 @@ func _clear() -> void:
func _get_point_box(point: Point, rad: int) -> Rect2:
return Rect2(point.position - (Vector2.ONE * rad), (Vector2.ONE * rad * 2))
func _move_tooltip(position: Vector2) -> void:
$Tooltip.set_position(position + (Vector2.ONE * 15))
func _show_tooltip(position: Vector2, text: String) -> void:
func _hide_tooltip() -> void:
func _get_function_point(point: Point) -> int:
var point_f_index: int = -1
for f_point in function_points.size():
var found: int = function_points[f_point].find(point)
if found != -1:
point_f_index = f_point
return point_f_index
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouse:
for point in points:
if _get_point_box(point, _point_box_rad).abs().has_point(event.position):
if focused_point == point:
focused_point = point
_show_tooltip(event.position, str(focused_point.value))
var func_index: int = _get_function_point(focused_point)
emit_signal("point_entered", point)
# Mouse is not in any point's box
focused_point = null
func _draw_point(point: Point, function_index: int) -> void:
match chart_properties.get_point_shape(function_index):
@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ func _calculate_points() -> void:
for i in y_sampled.values.size():
var real_point_val: Pair = Pair.new(x[i], y[i])
var sampled_point_pos: Vector2 = Vector2(x_sampled.values[i], y_sampled.values[i])
var point: Point = Point.news(sampled_point_pos, real_point_val)
var point: Point = Point.new(sampled_point_pos, real_point_val)
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ var y_sampled: SampledAxis = SampledAxis.new()
var x_labels: Array = []
var y_labels: Array = []
var functions_names: Array = []
###### STYLE
var chart_properties: ChartProperties = ChartProperties.new()
@ -22,12 +23,13 @@ var chart_properties: ChartProperties = ChartProperties.new()
# The bounding_box of the chart
var node_box: Rect2
var bounding_box: Rect2
var plot_offset: Vector2
var plot_box: Rect2
# The Reference Rectangle to plot samples
# It is the @bounding_box Rectangle inverted on the Y axis
var x_sampled_domain: Pair
var y_sampled_domain: Pair
var sampled_domain_rect: Rect2
var _padding_offset: Vector2 = Vector2(20.0, 20.0)
var _internal_offset: Vector2 = Vector2(15.0, 15.0)
@ -51,6 +53,13 @@ func _ready() -> void:
func validate_input_samples(samples: Array) -> bool:
if samples.size() > 1 and samples[0] is Array:
for sample in samples:
if (not sample is Array) or sample.size() != samples[0].size():
return false
return true
func plot(x: Array, y: Array, properties: ChartProperties = self.chart_properties) -> void:
self.x = x
self.y = y
@ -71,10 +80,14 @@ func _has_decimals(values: Array) -> bool:
if temp[0] is Array:
for dim in temp:
for val in dim:
if val is String:
return false
if abs(fmod(val, 1)) > 0.0:
return true
for val in temp:
if val is String:
return false
if abs(fmod(val, 1)) > 0.0:
return true
@ -93,7 +106,6 @@ func _find_min_max(values: Array) -> Pair:
_min = min_ts.min()
_max = max_ts.max()
_min = temp.min()
_max = temp.max()
@ -115,6 +127,7 @@ func _sample_values(values: Array, rel_values: Pair, ref_values: Pair) -> Sample
var temp: Array = values.duplicate(true)
var rels: Array = []
var division_size: float
if temp[0] is Array:
for t_dim in temp:
var rels_t: Array = []
@ -123,8 +136,12 @@ func _sample_values(values: Array, rel_values: Pair, ref_values: Pair) -> Sample
for val in temp:
rels.append(_map_pair(val, rel_values, ref_values))
division_size = (ref_values.right - ref_values.left) / values.size()
for val_i in temp.size():
if temp[val_i] is String:
rels.append(val_i * division_size)
rels.append(_map_pair(temp[val_i], rel_values, ref_values))
return SampledAxis.new(rels, rel_values)
@ -134,20 +151,47 @@ func _round_min(val: float) -> float:
func _round_max(val: float) -> float:
return round(val) if abs(val) < 10 else ceil(val / 10.0) * 10.0
func _pre_process() -> void:
var t_gr: Rect2 = get_global_rect()
#### @node_box size, which is the whole "frame"
node_box = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, t_gr.size - t_gr.position)
#### drawing size for defining @bounding_box
func _calc_x_domain() -> void:
x_min_max = _find_min_max(x)
x_domain = Pair.new(_round_min(x_min_max.left), _round_max(x_min_max.right))
func _sample_x() -> void:
### @sampled_domain, which are the domain relative to the sampled values
### x (real value) --> sampling --> x_sampled (pixel value in canvas)
x_sampled_domain = Pair.new(plot_box.position.x, plot_box.end.x)
# samples
x_sampled = _sample_values(x, x_min_max, x_sampled_domain)
func _calc_y_domain() -> void:
y_min_max = _find_min_max(y)
y_domain = Pair.new(_round_min(y_min_max.left), _round_max(y_min_max.right))
func _sample_y() -> void:
### @sampled_domain, which are the domain relative to the sampled values
### x (real value) --> sampling --> x_sampled (pixel value in canvas)
y_sampled_domain = Pair.new(plot_box.end.y, plot_box.position.y)
# samples
y_sampled = _sample_values(y, y_domain, y_sampled_domain)
func _find_longest_x() -> String:
return ("%.2f" if x_has_decimals else "%s") % x_domain.right
func _pre_process() -> void:
var frame: Rect2 = get_global_rect()
#### @node_box size, which is the whole "frame"
node_box = Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, frame.size - frame.position)
#### calculating offset from the @node_box for the @bounding_box.
var offset: Vector2 = _padding_offset
plot_offset = _padding_offset
### if @labels drawing is enabled, calcualte offsets
if chart_properties.labels:
@ -159,12 +203,12 @@ func _pre_process() -> void:
###### --- X
x_has_decimals = _has_decimals(x)
# calculate the string length of the largest value on the Y axis.
# calculate the string length of the largest value on the X axis.
# remember that "-" sign adds additional pixels, and it is relative only to negative numbers!
var x_max_formatted: String = ("%.2f" if x_has_decimals else "%s") % x_domain.right
var x_max_formatted: String = _find_longest_x()
_x_ticklabel_size = chart_properties.font.get_string_size(x_max_formatted)
offset.y += _x_label_offset + _x_label_size.y + _x_ticklabel_offset + _x_ticklabel_size.y
plot_offset.y += _x_label_offset + _x_label_size.y + _x_ticklabel_offset + _x_ticklabel_size.y
###### --- Y
y_has_decimals = _has_decimals(y)
@ -181,31 +225,26 @@ func _pre_process() -> void:
_y_ticklabel_size = chart_properties.font.get_string_size(y_max_formatted)
offset.x += _y_label_offset + _y_label_size.y + _y_ticklabel_offset + _y_ticklabel_size.x
plot_offset.x += _y_label_offset + _y_label_size.y + _y_ticklabel_offset + _y_ticklabel_size.x
### if @ticks drawing is enabled, calculate offsets
if chart_properties.ticks:
offset.x += _y_tick_size
offset.y += _x_tick_size
plot_offset.x += _y_tick_size
plot_offset.y += _x_tick_size
### @bounding_box, where the points will be plotted
bounding_box = Rect2(
t_gr.size - (offset * 2)
frame.size - (plot_offset * 2)
### @sampled_domain, which are the domain relative to the sampled values
### x (real value) --> sampling --> x_sampled (pixel value in canvas)
x_sampled_domain = Pair.new(bounding_box.position.x + _internal_offset.x, bounding_box.position.x + bounding_box.size.x - _internal_offset.y)
y_sampled_domain = Pair.new(bounding_box.size.y + bounding_box.position.y - _internal_offset.x, bounding_box.position.y + _internal_offset.y)
sampled_domain_rect = Rect2(
Vector2(x_sampled_domain.left, y_sampled_domain.left),
Vector2(x_sampled_domain.right, y_sampled_domain.right)
plot_box = Rect2(
bounding_box.position + _internal_offset,
bounding_box.size - (_internal_offset * 2)
# samples
x_sampled = _sample_values(x, x_min_max, x_sampled_domain)
y_sampled = _sample_values(y, y_domain, y_sampled_domain)
func _draw_borders() -> void:
draw_rect(node_box, Color.red, false, 1, true)
@ -233,12 +272,82 @@ func _draw_background() -> void:
# draw_line(Vector2(half.x, node_box.position.y), Vector2(half.x, node_box.size.y), Color.red, 3, false)
# draw_line(Vector2(node_box.position.x, half.y), Vector2(node_box.size.x, half.y), Color.red, 3, false)
func _draw_grid() -> void:
var validation: int = _validate_sampled_axis(x_sampled, y_sampled)
if not validation == OK:
printerr("Cannot draw grid for invalid dataset! Error: %s" % validation)
func _draw_tick(from: Vector2, to: Vector2, color: Color) -> void:
draw_line(from, to, color, 1, true)
func _get_vertical_tick_label_pos(base_position: Vector2, text: String) -> Vector2:
return base_position + Vector2(
- chart_properties.font.get_string_size(text).x / 2,
_x_label_size.y + _x_tick_size
func _get_tick_label(line_index: int, line_value: float) -> String:
var tick_lbl: String = ""
if x_labels.empty():
tick_lbl = ("%.2f" if x_has_decimals else "%s") % [x_min_max.left + (line_index * line_value)]
tick_lbl = x_labels[clamp(line_value * line_index, 0, x_labels.size() - 1)]
return tick_lbl
func _draw_vertical_gridline_component(p1: Vector2, p2: Vector2, line_index: int, line_value: float) -> void:
if chart_properties.labels:
var tick_lbl: String = _get_tick_label(line_index, line_value)
_get_vertical_tick_label_pos(p2, tick_lbl),
# Draw V Ticks
if chart_properties.ticks:
_draw_tick(p2, p2 + Vector2(0, _x_tick_size), chart_properties.colors.bounding_box)
# Draw V Grid Lines
if chart_properties.grid:
draw_line(p1, p2, chart_properties.colors.grid, 1, true)
func _draw_horizontal_tick_label(font: Font, position: Vector2, color: Color, line_index: int, line_value: float) -> void:
var tick_lbl: String = ""
if y_labels.empty():
tick_lbl = ("%.2f" if y_has_decimals else "%s") % [y_domain.left + (line_index * line_value)]
tick_lbl = y_labels[clamp(y_labels.size() * line_index, 0, y_labels.size() - 1)]
position - Vector2(
chart_properties.font.get_string_size(tick_lbl).x + _y_ticklabel_offset + _y_tick_size,
- _y_ticklabel_size.y * 0.35
func _draw_horizontal_gridline_component(p1: Vector2, p2: Vector2, line_index: int, line_value: float) -> void:
# Draw H labels
if chart_properties.labels:
# Draw H Ticks
if chart_properties.ticks:
_draw_tick(p1, p1 - Vector2(_y_tick_size, 0), chart_properties.colors.bounding_box)
# Draw H Grid Lines
if chart_properties.grid:
draw_line(p1, p2, chart_properties.colors.grid, 1, true)
func _draw_vertical_grid() -> void:
# draw vertical lines
# 1. the amount of lines is equals to the X_scale: it identifies in how many sectors the x domain
@ -249,43 +358,18 @@ func _draw_grid() -> void:
var x_lbl_val: float = (x_min_max.right - x_min_max.left) / (chart_properties.x_scale)
for _x in chart_properties.x_scale + 1:
var x_val: float = _x * x_pixel_dist + x_sampled.min_max.left
var p1: Vector2 = Vector2(
var top: Vector2 = Vector2(
range_lerp(x_val, x_sampled.min_max.left, x_sampled.min_max.right, x_sampled_domain.left, x_sampled_domain.right),
var p2: Vector2 = Vector2(
var bottom: Vector2 = Vector2(
range_lerp(x_val, x_sampled.min_max.left, x_sampled.min_max.right, x_sampled_domain.left, x_sampled_domain.right),
bounding_box.size.y + bounding_box.position.y
# Draw V labels
if chart_properties.labels:
var tick_lbl: String = ""
if x_labels.empty():
tick_lbl = ("%.2f" if x_has_decimals else "%s") % [x_min_max.left + (_x * x_lbl_val)]
tick_lbl = x_labels[clamp(x_lbl_val * _x, 0, x_labels.size() - 1)]
p2 + Vector2(
- chart_properties.font.get_string_size(tick_lbl).x / 2,
_x_label_size.y + _x_tick_size
# Draw V Ticks
if chart_properties.ticks:
draw_line(p2, p2 + Vector2(0, _x_tick_size), chart_properties.colors.bounding_box, 1, true)
# Draw V Grid Lines
if chart_properties.grid:
draw_line(p1, p2, chart_properties.colors.grid, 1, true)
# draw horizontal lines
_draw_vertical_gridline_component(top, bottom, _x, x_lbl_val)
func _draw_horizontal_grid() -> void:
# 1. the amount of lines is equals to the y_scale: it identifies in how many sectors the y domain
# should be devided
# 2. calculate the spacing between each line in pixel. It is equals to y_sampled_domain / y_scale
@ -294,40 +378,25 @@ func _draw_grid() -> void:
var y_lbl_val: float = (y_domain.right - y_domain.left) / (chart_properties.y_scale)
for _y in chart_properties.y_scale + 1:
var y_val: float = (_y * y_pixel_dist) + y_sampled.min_max.left
var p1: Vector2 = Vector2(
var left: Vector2 = Vector2(
range_lerp(y_val, y_sampled.min_max.left, y_sampled.min_max.right, y_sampled_domain.left, y_sampled_domain.right)
var p2: Vector2 = Vector2(
var right: Vector2 = Vector2(
bounding_box.size.x + bounding_box.position.x,
range_lerp(y_val, y_sampled.min_max.left, y_sampled.min_max.right, y_sampled_domain.left, y_sampled_domain.right)
# Draw H labels
if chart_properties.labels:
var tick_lbl: String = ""
if y_labels.empty():
tick_lbl = ("%.2f" if y_has_decimals else "%s") % [y_domain.left + (_y * y_lbl_val)]
tick_lbl = y_labels[clamp(y_labels * _y, 0, y_labels.size() - 1)]
p1 - Vector2(chart_properties.font.get_string_size(tick_lbl).x + _y_ticklabel_offset + _y_tick_size, - _y_ticklabel_size.y * 0.35),
# Draw H Ticks
if chart_properties.ticks:
p1 - Vector2(_y_tick_size, 0),
chart_properties.colors.bounding_box, 1, true)
# Draw H Grid Lines
if chart_properties.grid:
draw_line(p1, p2, chart_properties.colors.grid, 1, true)
_draw_horizontal_gridline_component(left, right, _y, y_lbl_val)
func _draw_grid() -> void:
var validation: int = _validate_sampled_axis(x_sampled, y_sampled)
if not validation == OK:
printerr("Cannot draw grid for invalid dataset! Error: %s" % validation)
func _create_canvas_label(text: String, position: Vector2, rotation: float = 0.0) -> Label:
var lbl: Label = Label.new()
@ -383,6 +452,10 @@ func _clear() -> void:
# The draw loop also contains the "processing loop" which is where
# everything is calculated in a separated function.
func _draw():
if not (validate_input_samples(x) and validate_input_samples(y)):
printerr("Input samples are invalid!")
@ -421,3 +494,10 @@ func _validate_sampled_axis(x_data: SampledAxis, y_data: SampledAxis) -> int:
# X and Y samples don't have same length
error = 2
return error
# ----- utilities
func _get_function_name(function_idx: int) -> String:
return functions_names[function_idx] if functions_names.size() > 0 else "Function %s" % function_idx
func _get_function_color(function_idx: int) -> Color:
return chart_properties.colors.functions[function_idx] if chart_properties.colors.functions.size() > 0 else Color.black
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://addons/easy_charts/control_charts/chart.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[sub_resource type="StyleBoxFlat" id=1]
bg_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
[ext_resource path="res://addons/easy_charts/utilities/containers/data_tooltip/data_tooltip.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=2]
[node name="Chart" type="Control"]
anchor_right = 1.0
@ -26,9 +24,5 @@ margin_bottom = 14.0
margin_right = 40.0
margin_bottom = 14.0
[node name="Tooltip" type="Label" parent="."]
[node name="Tooltip" parent="." instance=ExtResource( 2 )]
visible = false
margin_right = 40.0
margin_bottom = 14.0
custom_colors/font_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
custom_styles/normal = SubResource( 1 )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user