mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 16:20:06 +01:00
355 lines
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355 lines
37 KiB
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[sub_resource type="VisualShaderNodeTexture" id=4]
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[sub_resource type="VisualShaderNodeScalarOp" id=5]
operator = 2
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[sub_resource type="VisualShaderNodeScalarOp" id=7]
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[sub_resource type="VisualShaderNodeScalarFunc" id=8]
function = 12
[sub_resource type="VisualShader" id=9]
code = "shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float speed;
void vertex() {
// Output:0
void fragment() {
// Texture:4
vec3 n_out4p0;
float n_out4p1;
vec4 _tex_read = texture(TEXTURE , UV.xy);
n_out4p0 = _tex_read.rgb;
n_out4p1 = _tex_read.a;
// Input:3
float n_out3p0 = TIME;
// ScalarUniform:7
float n_out7p0 = speed;
// ScalarOp:6
float n_out6p0 = n_out3p0 * n_out7p0;
// ScalarFunc:2
float n_out2p0 = sin(n_out6p0);
// ScalarFunc:9
float n_out9p0 = abs(n_out2p0);
// ScalarOp:8
float n_out8p0 = n_out4p1 * n_out9p0;
// Output:0
COLOR.rgb = n_out4p0;
COLOR.a = n_out8p0;
void light() {
// Output:0
custom_defines = ""
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mode = 1
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[sub_resource type="VisualShaderNodeTexture" id=14]
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[sub_resource type="VisualShader" id=15]
code = "shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D tex_frg_3;
void vertex() {
// Output:0
void fragment() {
// Texture:4
vec3 n_out4p0;
float n_out4p1;
vec4 _tex_read = texture(TEXTURE , UV.xy);
n_out4p0 = _tex_read.rgb;
n_out4p1 = _tex_read.a;
// Texture:3
vec4 tex_frg_3_read = texture(tex_frg_3, UV.xy);
vec3 n_out3p0 = tex_frg_3_read.rgb;
float n_out3p1 = tex_frg_3_read.a;
// Output:0
COLOR.rgb = n_out4p0;
COLOR.a = n_out3p1;
void light() {
// Output:0
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