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.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/make_rst.py in Godot's source tree.
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.. _class_SpriteBase3D:
**Inherits:** :ref:`GeometryInstance<class_GeometryInstance>` **<** :ref:`VisualInstance<class_VisualInstance>` **<** :ref:`CullInstance<class_CullInstance>` **<** :ref:`Spatial<class_Spatial>` **<** :ref:`Node<class_Node>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_Object>`
**Inherited By:** :ref:`AnimatedSprite3D<class_AnimatedSprite3D>`, :ref:`Sprite3D<class_Sprite3D>`
2D sprite node in 3D environment.
A node that displays 2D texture information in a 3D environment.
| :ref:`AlphaCutMode<enum_SpriteBase3D_AlphaCutMode>` | :ref:`alpha_cut<class_SpriteBase3D_property_alpha_cut>` | ``0`` |
| Vector3.Axis | :ref:`axis<class_SpriteBase3D_property_axis>` | ``2`` |
| :ref:`BillboardMode<enum_SpatialMaterial_BillboardMode>` | :ref:`billboard<class_SpriteBase3D_property_billboard>` | ``0`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`centered<class_SpriteBase3D_property_centered>` | ``true`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`double_sided<class_SpriteBase3D_property_double_sided>` | ``true`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`flip_h<class_SpriteBase3D_property_flip_h>` | ``false`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`flip_v<class_SpriteBase3D_property_flip_v>` | ``false`` |
| :ref:`Color<class_Color>` | :ref:`modulate<class_SpriteBase3D_property_modulate>` | ``Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )`` |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`offset<class_SpriteBase3D_property_offset>` | ``Vector2( 0, 0 )`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`opacity<class_SpriteBase3D_property_opacity>` | ``1.0`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`pixel_size<class_SpriteBase3D_property_pixel_size>` | ``0.01`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`shaded<class_SpriteBase3D_property_shaded>` | ``false`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`transparent<class_SpriteBase3D_property_transparent>` | ``true`` |
| :ref:`TriangleMesh<class_TriangleMesh>` | :ref:`generate_triangle_mesh<class_SpriteBase3D_method_generate_triangle_mesh>` **(** **)** |const| |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`get_draw_flag<class_SpriteBase3D_method_get_draw_flag>` **(** :ref:`DrawFlags<enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags>` flag **)** |const| |
| :ref:`Rect2<class_Rect2>` | :ref:`get_item_rect<class_SpriteBase3D_method_get_item_rect>` **(** **)** |const| |
| void | :ref:`set_draw_flag<class_SpriteBase3D_method_set_draw_flag>` **(** :ref:`DrawFlags<enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags>` flag, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` enabled **)** |
.. _enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_FLAG_TRANSPARENT:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_FLAG_SHADED:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_FLAG_MAX:
enum **DrawFlags**:
- **FLAG_TRANSPARENT** = **0** --- If set, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible.
- **FLAG_SHADED** = **1** --- If set, lights in the environment affect the sprite.
- **FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED** = **2** --- If set, texture can be seen from the back as well, if not, it is invisible when looking at it from behind.
- **FLAG_MAX** = **3** --- Represents the size of the :ref:`DrawFlags<enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags>` enum.
.. _enum_SpriteBase3D_AlphaCutMode:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_ALPHA_CUT_DISCARD:
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_constant_ALPHA_CUT_OPAQUE_PREPASS:
enum **AlphaCutMode**:
- **ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED** = **0**
- **ALPHA_CUT_DISCARD** = **1**
Property Descriptions
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_alpha_cut:
- :ref:`AlphaCutMode<enum_SpriteBase3D_AlphaCutMode>` **alpha_cut**
| *Default* | ``0`` |
| *Setter* | set_alpha_cut_mode(value) |
| *Getter* | get_alpha_cut_mode() |
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_axis:
- Vector3.Axis **axis**
| *Default* | ``2`` |
| *Setter* | set_axis(value) |
| *Getter* | get_axis() |
The direction in which the front of the texture faces.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_billboard:
- :ref:`BillboardMode<enum_SpatialMaterial_BillboardMode>` **billboard**
| *Default* | ``0`` |
| *Setter* | set_billboard_mode(value) |
| *Getter* | get_billboard_mode() |
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_centered:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **centered**
| *Default* | ``true`` |
| *Setter* | set_centered(value) |
| *Getter* | is_centered() |
If ``true``, texture will be centered.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_double_sided:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **double_sided**
| *Default* | ``true`` |
| *Setter* | set_draw_flag(value) |
| *Getter* | get_draw_flag() |
If ``true``, texture can be seen from the back as well, if ``false``, it is invisible when looking at it from behind.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_flip_h:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **flip_h**
| *Default* | ``false`` |
| *Setter* | set_flip_h(value) |
| *Getter* | is_flipped_h() |
If ``true``, texture is flipped horizontally.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_flip_v:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **flip_v**
| *Default* | ``false`` |
| *Setter* | set_flip_v(value) |
| *Getter* | is_flipped_v() |
If ``true``, texture is flipped vertically.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_modulate:
- :ref:`Color<class_Color>` **modulate**
| *Default* | ``Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )`` |
| *Setter* | set_modulate(value) |
| *Getter* | get_modulate() |
A color value used to *multiply* the texture's colors. Can be used for mood-coloring or to simulate the color of light.
**Note:** If a :ref:`GeometryInstance.material_override<class_GeometryInstance_property_material_override>` is defined on the ``SpriteBase3D``, the material override must be configured to take vertex colors into account for albedo. Otherwise, the color defined in :ref:`modulate<class_SpriteBase3D_property_modulate>` will be ignored. For a :ref:`SpatialMaterial<class_SpatialMaterial>`, :ref:`SpatialMaterial.vertex_color_use_as_albedo<class_SpatialMaterial_property_vertex_color_use_as_albedo>` must be ``true``. For a :ref:`ShaderMaterial<class_ShaderMaterial>`, ``ALBEDO *= COLOR.rgb;[/color] must be inserted in the shader's [code]fragment()`` function.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_offset:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **offset**
| *Default* | ``Vector2( 0, 0 )`` |
| *Setter* | set_offset(value) |
| *Getter* | get_offset() |
The texture's drawing offset.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_opacity:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **opacity**
| *Default* | ``1.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_opacity(value) |
| *Getter* | get_opacity() |
The texture's visibility on a scale from ``0`` (fully invisible) to ``1`` (fully visible). :ref:`opacity<class_SpriteBase3D_property_opacity>` is a multiplier for the :ref:`modulate<class_SpriteBase3D_property_modulate>` color's alpha channel.
**Note:** If a :ref:`GeometryInstance.material_override<class_GeometryInstance_property_material_override>` is defined on the ``SpriteBase3D``, the material override must be configured to take vertex colors into account for albedo. Otherwise, the opacity defined in :ref:`opacity<class_SpriteBase3D_property_opacity>` will be ignored. For a :ref:`SpatialMaterial<class_SpatialMaterial>`, :ref:`SpatialMaterial.vertex_color_use_as_albedo<class_SpatialMaterial_property_vertex_color_use_as_albedo>` must be ``true``. For a :ref:`ShaderMaterial<class_ShaderMaterial>`, ``ALPHA *= COLOR.a;[/color] must be inserted in the shader's [code]fragment()`` function.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_pixel_size:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **pixel_size**
| *Default* | ``0.01`` |
| *Setter* | set_pixel_size(value) |
| *Getter* | get_pixel_size() |
The size of one pixel's width on the sprite to scale it in 3D.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_shaded:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **shaded**
| *Default* | ``false`` |
| *Setter* | set_draw_flag(value) |
| *Getter* | get_draw_flag() |
If ``true``, the :ref:`Light<class_Light>` in the :ref:`Environment<class_Environment>` has effects on the sprite.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_property_transparent:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **transparent**
| *Default* | ``true`` |
| *Setter* | set_draw_flag(value) |
| *Getter* | get_draw_flag() |
If ``true``, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible.
Method Descriptions
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_method_generate_triangle_mesh:
- :ref:`TriangleMesh<class_TriangleMesh>` **generate_triangle_mesh** **(** **)** |const|
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_method_get_draw_flag:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **get_draw_flag** **(** :ref:`DrawFlags<enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags>` flag **)** |const|
Returns the value of the specified flag.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_method_get_item_rect:
- :ref:`Rect2<class_Rect2>` **get_item_rect** **(** **)** |const|
Returns the rectangle representing this sprite.
.. _class_SpriteBase3D_method_set_draw_flag:
- void **set_draw_flag** **(** :ref:`DrawFlags<enum_SpriteBase3D_DrawFlags>` flag, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` enabled **)**
If ``true``, the specified flag will be enabled.
.. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
.. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
.. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`