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.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState:
**Inherits:** :ref:`Object<class_Object>`
Direct access object to a space in the :ref:`Physics2DServer<class_Physics2DServer>`.
Direct access object to a space in the :ref:`Physics2DServer<class_Physics2DServer>`. It's used mainly to do queries against objects and areas residing in a given space.
- :doc:`../tutorials/physics/physics_introduction`
- :doc:`../tutorials/physics/ray-casting`
| :ref:`Array<class_Array>` | :ref:`cast_motion<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_cast_motion>` **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape **)** |
| :ref:`Array<class_Array>` | :ref:`collide_shape<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_collide_shape>` **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32 **)** |
| :ref:`Dictionary<class_Dictionary>` | :ref:`get_rest_info<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_get_rest_info>` **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape **)** |
| :ref:`Array<class_Array>` | :ref:`intersect_point<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_point>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` point, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)** |
| :ref:`Array<class_Array>` | :ref:`intersect_point_on_canvas<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_point_on_canvas>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` point, :ref:`int<class_int>` canvas_instance_id, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)** |
| :ref:`Dictionary<class_Dictionary>` | :ref:`intersect_ray<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_ray>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` from, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` to, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)** |
| :ref:`Array<class_Array>` | :ref:`intersect_shape<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_shape>` **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32 **)** |
Method Descriptions
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_cast_motion:
- :ref:`Array<class_Array>` **cast_motion** **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape **)**
Checks how far a :ref:`Shape2D<class_Shape2D>` can move without colliding. All the parameters for the query, including the shape and the motion, are supplied through a :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` object.
Returns an array with the safe and unsafe proportions (between 0 and 1) of the motion. The safe proportion is the maximum fraction of the motion that can be made without a collision. The unsafe proportion is the minimum fraction of the distance that must be moved for a collision. If no collision is detected a result of ``[1.0, 1.0]`` will be returned.
**Note:** Any :ref:`Shape2D<class_Shape2D>`\ s that the shape is already colliding with e.g. inside of, will be ignored. Use :ref:`collide_shape<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_collide_shape>` to determine the :ref:`Shape2D<class_Shape2D>`\ s that the shape is already colliding with.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_collide_shape:
- :ref:`Array<class_Array>` **collide_shape** **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32 **)**
Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` object, against the space. The resulting array contains a list of points where the shape intersects another. Like with :ref:`intersect_shape<class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_shape>`, the number of returned results can be limited to save processing time.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_get_rest_info:
- :ref:`Dictionary<class_Dictionary>` **get_rest_info** **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape **)**
Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` object, against the space. If it collides with more than one shape, the nearest one is selected. If the shape did not intersect anything, then an empty dictionary is returned instead.
**Note:** This method does not take into account the ``motion`` property of the object. The returned object is a dictionary containing the following fields:
``collider_id``: The colliding object's ID.
``linear_velocity``: The colliding object's velocity :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>`. If the object is an :ref:`Area2D<class_Area2D>`, the result is ``(0, 0)``.
``metadata``: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from :ref:`Object.get_meta<class_Object_method_get_meta>`, and is set with :ref:`Physics2DServer.shape_set_data<class_Physics2DServer_method_shape_set_data>`.
``normal``: The object's surface normal at the intersection point.
``point``: The intersection point.
``rid``: The intersecting object's :ref:`RID<class_RID>`.
``shape``: The shape index of the colliding shape.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_point:
- :ref:`Array<class_Array>` **intersect_point** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` point, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)**
Checks whether a point is inside any solid shape. The shapes the point is inside of are returned in an array containing dictionaries with the following fields:
``collider``: The colliding object.
``collider_id``: The colliding object's ID.
``metadata``: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from :ref:`Object.get_meta<class_Object_method_get_meta>`, and is set with :ref:`Physics2DServer.shape_set_data<class_Physics2DServer_method_shape_set_data>`.
``rid``: The intersecting object's :ref:`RID<class_RID>`.
``shape``: The shape index of the colliding shape.
The number of intersections can be limited with the ``max_results`` parameter, to reduce the processing time.
Additionally, the method can take an ``exclude`` array of objects or :ref:`RID<class_RID>`\ s that are to be excluded from collisions, a ``collision_mask`` bitmask representing the physics layers to check in, or booleans to determine if the ray should collide with :ref:`PhysicsBody2D<class_PhysicsBody2D>`\ s or :ref:`Area2D<class_Area2D>`\ s, respectively.
**Note:** :ref:`ConcavePolygonShape2D<class_ConcavePolygonShape2D>`\ s and :ref:`CollisionPolygon2D<class_CollisionPolygon2D>`\ s in ``Segments`` build mode are not solid shapes. Therefore, they will not be detected.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_point_on_canvas:
- :ref:`Array<class_Array>` **intersect_point_on_canvas** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` point, :ref:`int<class_int>` canvas_instance_id, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)**
Checks whether a point is inside any solid shape, in a specific canvas layer given by ``canvas_instance_id``. The shapes the point is inside of are returned in an array containing dictionaries with the following fields:
``collider``: The colliding object.
``collider_id``: The colliding object's ID.
``metadata``: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from :ref:`Object.get_meta<class_Object_method_get_meta>`, and is set with :ref:`Physics2DServer.shape_set_data<class_Physics2DServer_method_shape_set_data>`.
``rid``: The intersecting object's :ref:`RID<class_RID>`.
``shape``: The shape index of the colliding shape.
The number of intersections can be limited with the ``max_results`` parameter, to reduce the processing time.
Additionally, the method can take an ``exclude`` array of objects or :ref:`RID<class_RID>`\ s that are to be excluded from collisions, a ``collision_mask`` bitmask representing the physics layers to check in, or booleans to determine if the ray should collide with :ref:`PhysicsBody2D<class_PhysicsBody2D>`\ s or :ref:`Area2D<class_Area2D>`\ s, respectively.
**Note:** :ref:`ConcavePolygonShape2D<class_ConcavePolygonShape2D>`\ s and :ref:`CollisionPolygon2D<class_CollisionPolygon2D>`\ s in ``Segments`` build mode are not solid shapes. Therefore, they will not be detected.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_ray:
- :ref:`Dictionary<class_Dictionary>` **intersect_ray** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` from, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` to, :ref:`Array<class_Array>` exclude=[ ], :ref:`int<class_int>` collision_layer=2147483647, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_bodies=true, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` collide_with_areas=false **)**
Intersects a ray in a given space. The returned object is a dictionary with the following fields:
``collider``: The colliding object.
``collider_id``: The colliding object's ID.
``metadata``: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from :ref:`Object.get_meta<class_Object_method_get_meta>`, and is set with :ref:`Physics2DServer.shape_set_data<class_Physics2DServer_method_shape_set_data>`.
``normal``: The object's surface normal at the intersection point.
``position``: The intersection point.
``rid``: The intersecting object's :ref:`RID<class_RID>`.
``shape``: The shape index of the colliding shape.
If the ray did not intersect anything, then an empty dictionary is returned instead.
Additionally, the method can take an ``exclude`` array of objects or :ref:`RID<class_RID>`\ s that are to be excluded from collisions, a ``collision_mask`` bitmask representing the physics layers to check in, or booleans to determine if the ray should collide with :ref:`PhysicsBody2D<class_PhysicsBody2D>`\ s or :ref:`Area2D<class_Area2D>`\ s, respectively.
.. _class_Physics2DDirectSpaceState_method_intersect_shape:
- :ref:`Array<class_Array>` **intersect_shape** **(** :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` shape, :ref:`int<class_int>` max_results=32 **)**
Checks the intersections of a shape, given through a :ref:`Physics2DShapeQueryParameters<class_Physics2DShapeQueryParameters>` object, against the space.
**Note:** This method does not take into account the ``motion`` property of the object. The intersected shapes are returned in an array containing dictionaries with the following fields:
``collider``: The colliding object.
``collider_id``: The colliding object's ID.
``metadata``: The intersecting shape's metadata. This metadata is different from :ref:`Object.get_meta<class_Object_method_get_meta>`, and is set with :ref:`Physics2DServer.shape_set_data<class_Physics2DServer_method_shape_set_data>`.
``rid``: The intersecting object's :ref:`RID<class_RID>`.
``shape``: The shape index of the colliding shape.
The number of intersections can be limited with the ``max_results`` parameter, to reduce the processing time.
.. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
.. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
.. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`