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.. Generated automatically by doc/tools/make_rst.py in Godot's source tree.
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.. _class_GeometryInstance:
**Inherits:** :ref:`VisualInstance<class_VisualInstance>` **<** :ref:`CullInstance<class_CullInstance>` **<** :ref:`Spatial<class_Spatial>` **<** :ref:`Node<class_Node>` **<** :ref:`Object<class_Object>`
**Inherited By:** :ref:`CPUParticles<class_CPUParticles>`, :ref:`CSGShape<class_CSGShape>`, :ref:`ImmediateGeometry<class_ImmediateGeometry>`, :ref:`MeshInstance<class_MeshInstance>`, :ref:`MultiMeshInstance<class_MultiMeshInstance>`, :ref:`Particles<class_Particles>`, :ref:`SpriteBase3D<class_SpriteBase3D>`
Base node for geometry-based visual instances.
Base node for geometry-based visual instances. Shares some common functionality like visibility and custom materials.
| :ref:`ShadowCastingSetting<enum_GeometryInstance_ShadowCastingSetting>` | :ref:`cast_shadow<class_GeometryInstance_property_cast_shadow>` | ``1`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`extra_cull_margin<class_GeometryInstance_property_extra_cull_margin>` | ``0.0`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`generate_lightmap<class_GeometryInstance_property_generate_lightmap>` | ``true`` |
| :ref:`LightmapScale<enum_GeometryInstance_LightmapScale>` | :ref:`lightmap_scale<class_GeometryInstance_property_lightmap_scale>` | ``0`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`lod_max_distance<class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_max_distance>` | ``0.0`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`lod_max_hysteresis<class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_max_hysteresis>` | ``0.0`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`lod_min_distance<class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_min_distance>` | ``0.0`` |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`lod_min_hysteresis<class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_min_hysteresis>` | ``0.0`` |
| :ref:`Material<class_Material>` | :ref:`material_override<class_GeometryInstance_property_material_override>` | |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`use_in_baked_light<class_GeometryInstance_property_use_in_baked_light>` | ``false`` |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`get_flag<class_GeometryInstance_method_get_flag>` **(** :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` flag **)** |const| |
| void | :ref:`set_custom_aabb<class_GeometryInstance_method_set_custom_aabb>` **(** :ref:`AABB<class_AABB>` aabb **)** |
| void | :ref:`set_flag<class_GeometryInstance_method_set_flag>` **(** :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` flag, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` value **)** |
.. _enum_GeometryInstance_LightmapScale:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_LIGHTMAP_SCALE_1X:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_LIGHTMAP_SCALE_2X:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_LIGHTMAP_SCALE_4X:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_LIGHTMAP_SCALE_8X:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_LIGHTMAP_SCALE_MAX:
enum **LightmapScale**:
- **LIGHTMAP_SCALE_1X** = **0** --- The generated lightmap texture will have the original size.
- **LIGHTMAP_SCALE_2X** = **1** --- The generated lightmap texture will be twice as large, on each axis.
- **LIGHTMAP_SCALE_4X** = **2** --- The generated lightmap texture will be 4 times as large, on each axis.
- **LIGHTMAP_SCALE_8X** = **3** --- The generated lightmap texture will be 8 times as large, on each axis.
- **LIGHTMAP_SCALE_MAX** = **4**
.. _enum_GeometryInstance_ShadowCastingSetting:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_OFF:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_SHADOWS_ONLY:
enum **ShadowCastingSetting**:
- **SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_OFF** = **0** --- Will not cast any shadows.
- **SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON** = **1** --- Will cast shadows from all visible faces in the GeometryInstance.
Will take culling into account, so faces not being rendered will not be taken into account when shadow casting.
- **SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_DOUBLE_SIDED** = **2** --- Will cast shadows from all visible faces in the GeometryInstance.
Will not take culling into account, so all faces will be taken into account when shadow casting.
- **SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_SHADOWS_ONLY** = **3** --- Will only show the shadows casted from this object.
In other words, the actual mesh will not be visible, only the shadows casted from the mesh will be.
.. _enum_GeometryInstance_Flags:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_FLAG_USE_BAKED_LIGHT:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_FLAG_DRAW_NEXT_FRAME_IF_VISIBLE:
.. _class_GeometryInstance_constant_FLAG_MAX:
enum **Flags**:
- **FLAG_USE_BAKED_LIGHT** = **0** --- Will allow the GeometryInstance to be used when baking lights using a :ref:`GIProbe<class_GIProbe>` or :ref:`BakedLightmap<class_BakedLightmap>`.
- **FLAG_DRAW_NEXT_FRAME_IF_VISIBLE** = **1** --- Unused in this class, exposed for consistency with :ref:`InstanceFlags<enum_VisualServer_InstanceFlags>`.
- **FLAG_MAX** = **2** --- Represents the size of the :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` enum.
Property Descriptions
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_cast_shadow:
- :ref:`ShadowCastingSetting<enum_GeometryInstance_ShadowCastingSetting>` **cast_shadow**
| *Default* | ``1`` |
| *Setter* | set_cast_shadows_setting(value) |
| *Getter* | get_cast_shadows_setting() |
The selected shadow casting flag. See :ref:`ShadowCastingSetting<enum_GeometryInstance_ShadowCastingSetting>` for possible values.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_extra_cull_margin:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **extra_cull_margin**
| *Default* | ``0.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_extra_cull_margin(value) |
| *Getter* | get_extra_cull_margin() |
The extra distance added to the GeometryInstance's bounding box (:ref:`AABB<class_AABB>`) to increase its cull box.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_generate_lightmap:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **generate_lightmap**
| *Default* | ``true`` |
| *Setter* | set_generate_lightmap(value) |
| *Getter* | get_generate_lightmap() |
When disabled, the mesh will be taken into account when computing indirect lighting, but the resulting lightmap will not be saved. Useful for emissive only materials or shadow casters.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_lightmap_scale:
- :ref:`LightmapScale<enum_GeometryInstance_LightmapScale>` **lightmap_scale**
| *Default* | ``0`` |
| *Setter* | set_lightmap_scale(value) |
| *Getter* | get_lightmap_scale() |
Scale factor for the generated baked lightmap. Useful for adding detail to certain mesh instances.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_max_distance:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **lod_max_distance**
| *Default* | ``0.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_lod_max_distance(value) |
| *Getter* | get_lod_max_distance() |
The GeometryInstance's max LOD distance.
**Note:** This property currently has no effect.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_max_hysteresis:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **lod_max_hysteresis**
| *Default* | ``0.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_lod_max_hysteresis(value) |
| *Getter* | get_lod_max_hysteresis() |
The GeometryInstance's max LOD margin.
**Note:** This property currently has no effect.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_min_distance:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **lod_min_distance**
| *Default* | ``0.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_lod_min_distance(value) |
| *Getter* | get_lod_min_distance() |
The GeometryInstance's min LOD distance.
**Note:** This property currently has no effect.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_lod_min_hysteresis:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **lod_min_hysteresis**
| *Default* | ``0.0`` |
| *Setter* | set_lod_min_hysteresis(value) |
| *Getter* | get_lod_min_hysteresis() |
The GeometryInstance's min LOD margin.
**Note:** This property currently has no effect.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_material_override:
- :ref:`Material<class_Material>` **material_override**
| *Setter* | set_material_override(value) |
| *Getter* | get_material_override() |
The material override for the whole geometry.
If a material is assigned to this property, it will be used instead of any material set in any material slot of the mesh.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_property_use_in_baked_light:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **use_in_baked_light**
| *Default* | ``false`` |
| *Setter* | set_flag(value) |
| *Getter* | get_flag() |
If ``true``, this GeometryInstance will be used when baking lights using a :ref:`GIProbe<class_GIProbe>` or :ref:`BakedLightmap<class_BakedLightmap>`.
Method Descriptions
.. _class_GeometryInstance_method_get_flag:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **get_flag** **(** :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` flag **)** |const|
Returns the :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` that have been set for this object.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_method_set_custom_aabb:
- void **set_custom_aabb** **(** :ref:`AABB<class_AABB>` aabb **)**
Overrides the bounding box of this node with a custom one. To remove it, set an :ref:`AABB<class_AABB>` with all fields set to zero.
.. _class_GeometryInstance_method_set_flag:
- void **set_flag** **(** :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` flag, :ref:`bool<class_bool>` value **)**
Sets the :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` specified. See :ref:`Flags<enum_GeometryInstance_Flags>` for options.
.. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
.. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
.. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`