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.. _class_Transform2D:
2D transformation (2×3 matrix).
2×3 matrix (2 rows, 3 columns) used for 2D linear transformations. It can represent transformations such as translation, rotation, or scaling. It consists of three :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` values: :ref:`x<class_Transform2D_property_x>`, :ref:`y<class_Transform2D_property_y>`, and the :ref:`origin<class_Transform2D_property_origin>`.
For more information, read the "Matrices and transforms" documentation article.
- :doc:`Math tutorial index <../tutorials/math/index>`
- :doc:`Matrices and transforms <../tutorials/math/matrices_and_transforms>`
- `Matrix Transform Demo <https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/584>`__
- `2.5D Demo <https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/583>`__
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`origin<class_Transform2D_property_origin>` | ``Vector2( 0, 0 )`` |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`x<class_Transform2D_property_x>` | ``Vector2( 1, 0 )`` |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`y<class_Transform2D_property_y>` | ``Vector2( 0, 1 )`` |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D_method_Transform2D>` **(** :ref:`Transform<class_Transform>` from **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D_method_Transform2D>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` x_axis, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` y_axis, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` origin **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D_method_Transform2D>` **(** :ref:`float<class_float>` rotation, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` position **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`affine_inverse<class_Transform2D_method_affine_inverse>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`basis_xform<class_Transform2D_method_basis_xform>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` v **)** |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`basis_xform_inv<class_Transform2D_method_basis_xform_inv>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` v **)** |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`get_origin<class_Transform2D_method_get_origin>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`float<class_float>` | :ref:`get_rotation<class_Transform2D_method_get_rotation>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` | :ref:`get_scale<class_Transform2D_method_get_scale>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`interpolate_with<class_Transform2D_method_interpolate_with>` **(** :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` transform, :ref:`float<class_float>` weight **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`inverse<class_Transform2D_method_inverse>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`bool<class_bool>` | :ref:`is_equal_approx<class_Transform2D_method_is_equal_approx>` **(** :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` transform **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`orthonormalized<class_Transform2D_method_orthonormalized>` **(** **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`rotated<class_Transform2D_method_rotated>` **(** :ref:`float<class_float>` angle **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`scaled<class_Transform2D_method_scaled>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` scale **)** |
| :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` | :ref:`translated<class_Transform2D_method_translated>` **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` offset **)** |
| :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` | :ref:`xform<class_Transform2D_method_xform>` **(** :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` v **)** |
| :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` | :ref:`xform_inv<class_Transform2D_method_xform_inv>` **(** :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` v **)** |
.. _class_Transform2D_constant_IDENTITY:
.. _class_Transform2D_constant_FLIP_X:
.. _class_Transform2D_constant_FLIP_Y:
- **IDENTITY** = **Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 )** --- The identity ``Transform2D`` with no translation, rotation or scaling applied. When applied to other data structures, :ref:`IDENTITY<class_Transform2D_constant_IDENTITY>` performs no transformation.
- **FLIP_X** = **Transform2D( -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 )** --- The ``Transform2D`` that will flip something along the X axis.
- **FLIP_Y** = **Transform2D( 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 )** --- The ``Transform2D`` that will flip something along the Y axis.
Property Descriptions
.. _class_Transform2D_property_origin:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **origin**
| *Default* | ``Vector2( 0, 0 )`` |
The origin vector (column 2, the third column). Equivalent to array index ``2``. The origin vector represents translation.
.. _class_Transform2D_property_x:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **x**
| *Default* | ``Vector2( 1, 0 )`` |
The basis matrix's X vector (column 0). Equivalent to array index ``0``.
.. _class_Transform2D_property_y:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **y**
| *Default* | ``Vector2( 0, 1 )`` |
The basis matrix's Y vector (column 1). Equivalent to array index ``1``.
Method Descriptions
.. _class_Transform2D_method_Transform2D:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **Transform2D** **(** :ref:`Transform<class_Transform>` from **)**
Constructs the transform from a 3D :ref:`Transform<class_Transform>`.
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **Transform2D** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` x_axis, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` y_axis, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` origin **)**
Constructs the transform from 3 :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` values representing :ref:`x<class_Transform2D_property_x>`, :ref:`y<class_Transform2D_property_y>`, and the :ref:`origin<class_Transform2D_property_origin>` (the three column vectors).
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **Transform2D** **(** :ref:`float<class_float>` rotation, :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` position **)**
Constructs the transform from a given angle (in radians) and position.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_affine_inverse:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **affine_inverse** **(** **)**
Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the transformation is composed of rotation, scaling and translation.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_basis_xform:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **basis_xform** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` v **)**
Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by the basis matrix.
This method does not account for translation (the origin vector).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_basis_xform_inv:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **basis_xform_inv** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` v **)**
Returns a vector transformed (multiplied) by the inverse basis matrix.
This method does not account for translation (the origin vector).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_get_origin:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **get_origin** **(** **)**
Returns the transform's origin (translation).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_get_rotation:
- :ref:`float<class_float>` **get_rotation** **(** **)**
Returns the transform's rotation (in radians).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_get_scale:
- :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` **get_scale** **(** **)**
Returns the scale.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_interpolate_with:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **interpolate_with** **(** :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` transform, :ref:`float<class_float>` weight **)**
Returns a transform interpolated between this transform and another by a given ``weight`` (on the range of 0.0 to 1.0).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_inverse:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **inverse** **(** **)**
Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the transformation is composed of rotation and translation (no scaling, use :ref:`affine_inverse<class_Transform2D_method_affine_inverse>` for transforms with scaling).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_is_equal_approx:
- :ref:`bool<class_bool>` **is_equal_approx** **(** :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` transform **)**
Returns ``true`` if this transform and ``transform`` are approximately equal, by calling ``is_equal_approx`` on each component.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_orthonormalized:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **orthonormalized** **(** **)**
Returns the transform with the basis orthogonal (90 degrees), and normalized axis vectors (scale of 1 or -1).
.. _class_Transform2D_method_rotated:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **rotated** **(** :ref:`float<class_float>` angle **)**
Returns a copy of the transform rotated by the given ``angle`` (in radians), using matrix multiplication.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_scaled:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **scaled** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` scale **)**
Returns a copy of the transform scaled by the given ``scale`` factor, using matrix multiplication.
\ **Note:** Negative X scales in 2D are not decomposable from the transformation matrix. Due to the way scale is represented with transformation matrices in Godot, negative scales on the X axis will be changed to negative scales on the Y axis and a rotation of 180 degrees when decomposed.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_translated:
- :ref:`Transform2D<class_Transform2D>` **translated** **(** :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>` offset **)**
Returns a copy of the transform translated by the given ``offset``, relative to the transform's basis vectors.
Unlike :ref:`rotated<class_Transform2D_method_rotated>` and :ref:`scaled<class_Transform2D_method_scaled>`, this does not use matrix multiplication.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_xform:
- :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` **xform** **(** :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` v **)**
Transforms the given :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>`, :ref:`Rect2<class_Rect2>`, or :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_PoolVector2Array>` by this transform.
.. _class_Transform2D_method_xform_inv:
- :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` **xform_inv** **(** :ref:`Variant<class_Variant>` v **)**
Inverse-transforms the given :ref:`Vector2<class_Vector2>`, :ref:`Rect2<class_Rect2>`, or :ref:`PoolVector2Array<class_PoolVector2Array>` by this transform, under the assumption that the transformation is composed of rotation and translation (no scaling). Equivalent to calling ``inverse().xform(v)`` on this transform. For affine transformations (e.g. with scaling) see :ref:`affine_inverse<class_Transform2D_method_affine_inverse>` method.
.. |virtual| replace:: :abbr:`virtual (This method should typically be overridden by the user to have any effect.)`
.. |const| replace:: :abbr:`const (This method has no side effects. It doesn't modify any of the instance's member variables.)`
.. |vararg| replace:: :abbr:`vararg (This method accepts any number of arguments after the ones described here.)`