.. _doc_object_class: Object class ============ .. seealso:: This page describes the C++ implementation of objects in Godot. Looking for the Object class reference? `Have a look here.` General definition ------------------ `Object` is the base class for almost everything. Most classes in Godot inherit directly or indirectly from it. Objects provide reflection and editable properties, and declaring them is a matter of using a single macro like this. .. code-block:: cpp class CustomObject : public Object { GDCLASS(CustomObject, Object); // this is required to inherit }; This makes Objects gain a lot of functionality, like for example .. code-block:: cpp obj = memnew(CustomObject); print_line("Object class: ", obj->get_class()); // print object class obj2 = Object::cast_to(obj); // converting between classes, this also works without RTTI enabled. References: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - `core/object.h `__ Registering an Object --------------------- ClassDB is a static class that holds the entire list of registered classes that inherit from Object, as well as dynamic bindings to all their methods properties and integer constants. Classes are registered by calling: .. code-block:: cpp ClassDB::register_class() Registering it will allow the class to be instanced by scripts, code, or creating them again when deserializing. Registering as virtual is the same but it can't be instanced. .. code-block:: cpp ClassDB::register_virtual_class() Object-derived classes can override the static function ``static void _bind_methods()``. When one class is registered, this static function is called to register all the object methods, properties, constants, etc. It's only called once. If an Object derived class is instanced but has not been registered, it will be registered as virtual automatically. Inside ``_bind_methods``, there are a couple of things that can be done. Registering functions is one: .. code-block:: cpp ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("methodname", "arg1name", "arg2name"), &MyCustomMethod); Default values for arguments can be passed in reverse order: .. code-block:: cpp ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("methodname", "arg1name", "arg2name"), &MyCustomType::method, DEFVAL(-1)); // default value for arg2name ``D_METHOD`` is a macro that converts "methodname" to a StringName for more efficiency. Argument names are used for introspection, but when compiling on release, the macro ignores them, so the strings are unused and optimized away. Check ``_bind_methods`` of Control or Object for more examples. If just adding modules and functionality that is not expected to be documented as thoroughly, the ``D_METHOD()`` macro can safely be ignored and a string passing the name can be passed for brevity. References: ~~~~~~~~~~~ - `core/class_db.h `__ Constants --------- Classes often have enums such as: .. code-block:: cpp enum SomeMode { MODE_FIRST, MODE_SECOND }; For these to work when binding to methods, the enum must be declared convertible to int, for this a macro is provided: .. code-block:: cpp VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(MyClass::SomeMode); // now functions that take SomeMode can be bound. The constants can also be bound inside ``_bind_methods``, by using: .. code-block:: cpp BIND_CONSTANT(MODE_FIRST); BIND_CONSTANT(MODE_SECOND); Properties (set/get) -------------------- Objects export properties, properties are useful for the following: - Serializing and deserializing the object. - Creating a list of editable values for the Object derived class. Properties are usually defined by the PropertyInfo() class. Usually constructed as: .. code-block:: cpp PropertyInfo(type, name, hint, hint_string, usage_flags) For example: .. code-block:: cpp PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "amount", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,49,1", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR) This is an integer property, named "amount", hint is a range, range goes from 0 to 49 in steps of 1 (integers). It is only usable for the editor (edit value visually) but won't be serialized. Another example: .. code-block:: cpp PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "modes", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Enabled,Disabled,Turbo") This is a string property, can take any string but the editor will only allow the defined hint ones. Since no usage flags were specified, the default ones are PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE and PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR. There are plenty of hints and usage flags available in object.h, give them a check. Properties can also work like C# properties and be accessed from script using indexing, but this usage is generally discouraged, as using functions is preferred for legibility. Many properties are also bound with categories, such as "animation/frame" which also make indexing impossible unless using operator []. From ``_bind_methods()``, properties can be created and bound as long as set/get functions exist. Example: .. code-block:: cpp ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "amount"), "set_amount", "get_amount") This creates the property using the setter and the getter. .. _doc_binding_properties_using_set_get_property_list: Binding properties using ``_set``/``_get``/``_get_property_list`` ----------------------------------------------------------------- An additional method of creating properties exists when more flexibility is desired (i.e. adding or removing properties on context). The following functions can be overridden in an Object derived class, they are NOT virtual, DO NOT make them virtual, they are called for every override and the previous ones are not invalidated (multilevel call). .. code-block:: cpp protected: void _get_property_list(List *r_props) const; // return list of properties bool _get(const StringName &p_property, Variant &r_value) const; // return true if property was found bool _set(const StringName &p_property, const Variant &p_value); // return true if property was found This is also a little less efficient since ``p_property`` must be compared against the desired names in serial order. Dynamic casting --------------- Godot provides dynamic casting between Object-derived classes, for example: .. code-block:: cpp void somefunc(Object *some_obj) { Button *button = Object::cast_to