.. _doc_instancing: Creating instances ================== In the previous part, we saw that a scene is a collection of nodes organized in a tree structure, with a single node as its root. You can split your project into any number of scenes. This feature helps you break down and organize your game's different components. You can create as many scenes as you'd like and save them as files with the `.tscn` extension, which stands for "text scene". The `Label.tscn` file from the previous lesson was an example. We call those files "Packed Scenes" as they pack information about your scene's content. Here's an example of a ball. It's composed of a `RigidBody2D ( RigidBody2D )` node as its root named Ball, which allows the ball to fall and bounce on walls, a `Sprite` node, and a `CollisionShape2D`. ![](img/instancing_ball_scene.png) Once you saved a scene, it works as a blueprint: you can reproduce it in other scenes as many times as you'd like. Replicating an object from a template like this is called **instancing**. ![](img/instancing_ball_instances_example.png) As we mentioned in the previous part, instanced scenes behave like a node: the editor hides their content by default. When you instance the Ball, you only see the Ball node. Notice also how each duplicate has a unique name. Every instance of the Ball scene starts with the same structure and properties as `Ball.tscn`. However, you can modify each independently, such as changing how they bounce, how heavy they are, or any property exposed by the source scene. In practice ----------- Let's use instancing in practice to see how it works in Godot. We invite you to download the ball's sample project we prepared for you: :download:`instancing.zip