@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Size and anchors
# Size and anchors
If a game was always going to be run on the same device and at the same
resolution, positioning controls would be a simple matter of setting the
@ -38,8 +37,7 @@ it, leaving a 20 pixel margin:

Centering a control
## Centering a control
To center a control in its parent, set its anchors to 0.5 and each margin
to half of its relevant dimension. For example, the code below shows how
@ -64,8 +62,7 @@ Setting each anchor to 0.5 moves the reference point for the margins to
the center of its parent. From there, we set negative margins so that
the control gets its natural size.
Layout Presets
## Layout Presets
Instead of manually adjusting the margin and anchor values, you can use the
toolbar's Layout menu, above the viewport. Besides centering, it gives you many
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Using Containers
# Using Containers
`Anchors doc_size_and_anchors )` are an efficient way to handle
different aspect ratios for basic multiple resolution handling in GUIs,
@ -14,8 +13,7 @@ common case where more advanced layout features may be required is in-game tools
All these situations require a more capable OS-like user interface, with advanced layout and formatting.
For that, `Containers` are more useful.
Container layout
## Container layout
Containers provide a huge amount of layout power (as an example, the Pandemonium editor user interface is entirely done using them):
@ -34,8 +32,7 @@ Example of *HBoxContainer* resizing children buttons.
The real strength of containers is that they can be nested (as nodes), allowing the creation of very complex layouts that resize effortlessly.
Size flags
## Size flags
When adding a node to a container, the way the container treats each child depends mainly on their *size flags*. These flags
can be found by inspecting any control that is a child of a *Container*.
@ -56,13 +53,11 @@ Size flags are independent for vertical and horizontal sizing and not all contai
Experimenting with these flags and different containers is recommended to get a better grasp on how they work.
Container types
## Container types
Pandemonium provides several container types out of the box as they serve different purposes:
Box Containers
### Box Containers
Arranges child controls vertically or horizontally (via `HBoxContainer` and
`VBoxContainer`). In the opposite of the designated direction
@ -72,16 +67,14 @@ Arranges child controls vertically or horizontally (via `HBoxContainer` and
These containers make use of the *Ratio* property for children with the *Expand* flag set.
Grid Container
### Grid Container
Arranges child controls in a grid layout (via `GridContainer`, amount
of columns must be specified). Uses both the vertical and horizontal expand flags.

Margin Container
### Margin Container
Child controls are expanded towards the bounds of this control (via
`MarginContainer`). Padding will be added on the margins
@ -94,8 +87,7 @@ constants overrides section of each control:

Tab Container
### Tab Container
Allows you to place several child controls stacked on top of each other (via
`TabContainer`), with only the *current* one visible.
@ -110,8 +102,7 @@ The titles are generated from the node names by default (although they can be ov
Settings such as tab placement and *StyleBox* can be modified in the *TabContainer* theme overrides.
Split Container
### Split Container
Accepts only one or two children controls, then places them side to side with a divisor
(via `HSplitContainer`).
@ -124,8 +115,7 @@ The divisor can be dragged around to change the size relation between both child

### PanelContainer
Simple container that draws a *StyleBox*, then expands children to cover its whole area
(via `PanelContainer`, respecting the *StyleBox* margins).
@ -135,8 +125,7 @@ It respects both the horizontal and vertical size flags.
This container is useful as top-level, or just to add custom backgrounds to sections of a layout.
### ScrollContainer
Accepts a single child node. If this node is bigger than the container, scrollbars will be added
to allow panning the node around (via `ScrollContainer`). Both
@ -152,14 +141,12 @@ Mouse wheel and touch drag (when touch is available) are also valid ways to pan
As in the example above, one of the most common ways to use this container is together with a *VBoxContainer* as child.
### ViewportContainer
This is a special control that will only accept a single *Viewport* node as child, and it will display
it as if it was an image (via `ViewportContainer`).
Creating custom Containers
## Creating custom Containers
It is possible to easily create a custom container using script. Here is an example of a simple container that fits children
to its rect size:
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
Custom GUI controls
# Custom GUI controls
So many controls...
## So many controls...
Yet there are never enough. Creating your own custom controls that act
just the way you want them to is an obsession of almost every GUI
@ -13,15 +11,13 @@ the way you want. Before contacting the developers with a pull-request
to support diagonal scrollbars, at least it will be good to know how to
create these controls easily from script.
## Drawing
For drawing, it is recommended to check the `doc_custom_drawing_in_2d` tutorial.
The same applies. Some functions are worth mentioning due to their
usefulness when drawing, so they will be detailed next:
Checking control size
### Checking control size
Unlike 2D nodes, "size" is important with controls, as it helps to
organize them in proper layouts. For this, the
@ -29,8 +25,7 @@ organize them in proper layouts. For this, the
property is provided. Checking it during `draw()` is vital to ensure
everything is kept in-bounds.
Checking focus
### Checking focus
Some controls (such as buttons or text editors) might provide input
focus for keyboard or joypad input. Examples of this are entering text
@ -52,8 +47,7 @@ gdscript GDScript
## Sizing
As mentioned before, size is important to controls. This allows
them to lay out properly, when set into grids, containers, or anchored.
@ -83,14 +77,12 @@ gdscript GDScript
set_custom_minimum_size(Vector2(30, 30))
## Input
Controls provide a few helpers to make managing input events much easier
than regular nodes.
Input events
### Input events
There are a few tutorials about input before this one, but it's worth
mentioning that controls have a special input method that only works
@ -119,8 +111,7 @@ gdscript GDScript
For more information about events themselves, check the `doc_inputevent`
### Notifications
Controls also have many useful notifications for which no dedicated callback
exists, but which can be checked with the _notification callback:
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
Keyboard/Controller Navigation and Focus
# Keyboard/Controller Navigation and Focus
It is a common requirement for a user interface to have full keyboard
and controller support for navigation and interaction. There are two main
@ -23,8 +21,7 @@ Warning:
Because these actions are used for focus they should not be used for any
gameplay code.
Node settings
## Node settings
In addition to the built-in logic, you can define what is known as focus neighbors
for each individual control node. This allows to finely tune the path the UI focus
@ -57,8 +54,7 @@ no focus neighbor configured, the engine will try to guess the next control auto
This may result in unintended behavior, especially in a complex user interface that doesn't
have well-defined vertical or horizontal navigation flow.
Necessary code
## Necessary code
For keyboard and controller navigation to work correctly, any node must be focused on
using code when the scene starts. Without doing this, pressing buttons or keys won't
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Control node gallery
# Control node gallery
Here is a list of common Control nodes with their name next to them:


The Control Gallery demo pictured above can be found
`on GitHub ( )`.
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
BBCode in RichTextLabel
# BBCode in RichTextLabel
## Introduction
Label nodes are great for displaying basic text, but they have limits. If you want
to change the color of the text, or its alignment, that change affects all of the
@ -18,8 +16,7 @@ It has a built-in API for generating the markup, but can also parse a BBCode.
Note that the BBCode tags can also be used, to some extent, in the
`XML source of the class reference ( doc_updating_the_class_reference )`.
Using BBCode
## Using BBCode
For uniformly formatted text you can write in the "Text" property, but if you want
to use BBCode markup you should use the "Text" property in the "Bb Code" section
@ -47,55 +44,36 @@ Note:
There are no BBCode tags to control vertical centering of text yet.
## Reference
| Command | Tag | Description |
| Command | Tag | Description |
| **bold** | `[b]{text}[/b]` | Makes {text} bold. |
| **italics** | `[i]{text}[/i]` | Makes {text} italics. |
| **underline** | `[u]{text}[/u]` | Makes {text} underline. |
| **strikethrough** | `[s]{text}[/s]` | Makes {text} strikethrough. |
| **code** | `[code]{text}[/code]` | Makes {text} use the code font (which is typically monospace). |
| **center** | `[center]{text}[/center]` | Makes {text} horizontally centered. |
| **right** | `[right]{text}[/right]` | Makes {text} horizontally right-aligned. |
| **fill** | `[fill]{text}[/fill]` | Makes {text} fill the RichTextLabel's width. |
| **indent** | `[indent]{text}[/indent]` | Increase the indentation level of {text}. |
| **url** | `[url]{url}[/url]` | Show {url} as such, underline it and make it clickable. |
| | | **Must be handled with the "meta_clicked" signal to have an effect.** |
| | | See `doc_bbcode_in_richtextlabel_handling_url_tag_clicks`. |
| | | **Must be handled with the "meta_clicked" signal to have an effect.** |
| | | See `doc_bbcode_in_richtextlabel_handling_url_tag_clicks`. |
| **url (ref)** | `[url=<url>]{text}[/url]` | Makes {text} reference <url> (underlined and clickable). |
| | | **Must be handled with the "meta_clicked" signal to have an effect.** |
| | | See `doc_bbcode_in_richtextlabel_handling_url_tag_clicks`. |
| | | **Must be handled with the "meta_clicked" signal to have an effect.** |
| | | See `doc_bbcode_in_richtextlabel_handling_url_tag_clicks`. |
| **image** | `[img]{path}[/img]` | Insert image at resource {path}. |
| **resized image** | `[img=<width>]{path}[/img]` | Insert image at resource {path} using <width> (keeps ratio). |
| **resized image** | `[img=<width>x<height>]{path}[/img]` | Insert image at resource {path} using <width>×<height>. |
| **font** | `[font=<path>]{text}[/font]` | Use custom font at <path> for {text}. |
| **color** | `[color=<code/name>]{text}[/color]` | Change {text} color; use name or # format, such as `#ff00ff`. |
| **table** | `[table=<number>]{cells}[/table]` | Creates a table with <number> of columns. |
| **cell** | `[cell]{text}[/cell]` | Adds cells with the {text} to the table. |
Built-in color names
### Built-in color names
List of valid color names for the [color=<name>] tag:
@ -115,8 +93,7 @@ List of valid color names for the [color=<name>] tag:
- white
- yellow
Hexadecimal color codes
### Hexadecimal color codes
For opaque RGB colors, any valid 6-digit hexadecimal code is supported, e.g. `[color=#ffffff]white[/color]`.
Short RGB color codes such as `#6f2` (equivalent to `#66ff22`) are also supported.
@ -125,10 +102,7 @@ For transparent RGB colors, any 8-digit hexadecimal code can be used, e.g. `[col
In this case, note that the alpha channel is the **first** component of the color code, not the last one.
Short RGBA color codes such as `#86f2` (equivalent to `#8866ff22`) are also supported.
Handling `[url]` tag clicks
### Handling `[url]` tag clicks
By default, `[url]` tags do nothing when clicked. This is to allow flexible use
of `[url]` tags rather than limiting them to opening URLs in a web browser.
@ -152,8 +126,7 @@ For more advanced use cases, it's also possible to store JSON in an `[url]`
tag's option and parse it in the function that handles the `meta_clicked` signal.
For example: `[url={"example": "value"}]JSON[/url]`
Image vertical offset
### Image vertical offset
You use a custom font for your image in order to align it vertically.
@ -161,14 +134,12 @@ You use a custom font for your image in order to align it vertically.
2. Set this bitmap font with a positive value for the `ascent` property, that's your height offset
3. Set the BBCode tag this way: `[font=<font-path>][img]{image-path}[/img][/font]`
Animation effects
## Animation effects
BBCode can also be used to create different text animation effects. Five customizable
effects are provided out of the box, and you can easily create your own.
### Wave

@ -176,8 +147,7 @@ Wave makes the text go up and down. Its tag format is `[wave amp=50 freq=2][/wav
`amp` controls how high and low the effect goes, and `freq` controls how fast the
text goes up and down.
### Tornado

@ -186,8 +156,7 @@ Tornao makes the text move around in a circle. Its tag format is
`radius` is the radius of the circle that controls the offset, `freq` is how
fast the text moves in a circle.
### Shake

@ -195,8 +164,7 @@ Shake makes the text shake. Its tag format is `[shake rate=5 level=10][/shake]`.
`rate` controls how fast the text shakes, `level` controls how far the text is
offset from the origin.
### Fade

@ -206,8 +174,7 @@ Fade creates a fade effect over the text that is not animated. Its tag format is
command is inserted, `length` controls over how many characters should the fade
out take place.
### Rainbow

@ -216,8 +183,7 @@ Rainbow gives the text a rainbow color that changes over time. Its tag format is
`freq` is the number of full rainbow cycles per second, `sat` is the saturation
of the rainbow, `val` is the value of the rainbow.
Custom BBCode tags and text effects
## Custom BBCode tags and text effects
You can extend the `RichTextEffect` resource type to create your own custom
BBCode tags. You begin by extending the `RichTextEffect` resource type. Add
@ -238,8 +204,7 @@ Optionally, you can also provide a custom BBCode identifier simply by adding a m
name `bbcode`. The code will check the `bbcode` property automatically or will
use the name of the file to determine what the BBCode tag should be.
### `process_custom_fx`
This is where the logic of each effect takes place and is called once per character
during the draw phase of text rendering. This passes in a `CharFXTransform`
@ -269,8 +234,7 @@ the user fixes whatever error cropped up in their custom effect logic.
Here are some examples of custom effects:
### Ghost
@ -292,8 +256,7 @@ Ghost
return true
### Pulse
@ -319,8 +282,7 @@ Pulse
return true
### Matrix
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.9 KiB |