`Code::Blocks <https://codeblocks.org/>`_ is a free, open source, cross platform IDE.
Creating a new project
From Code::Blocks' main screen, click **Create a new project** or select **File > New > Project...**.
..figure:: img/code_blocks_file_new_project.png
In the **New from template** window, from **Projects**, select **Empty project**, and click **Go**.
..figure:: img/code_blocks_new_empty_project.png
Click Next, to pass the welcome to the new empty project wizard.
..figure:: img/code_blocks_wizard_welcome.png
The project file should be created in the root of the cloned project folder. To achieve this, first, ensure that the **Project title** is the same as the folder name that Godot was cloned into. Unless you cloned the project into a folder with a different name, this will be ``godot``.
Second, ensure that the **Folder to create project in** is the folder you ran the Git clone command from, not the ``godot`` project folder. Confirm that the **Resulting filename** field will create the project file in the root of the cloned project folder.
The compiler and configuration settings are managed through **SCons** and will be configured later. However, it's worth deselecting the **Create "Release" configuration** option; so only a single build target is created before clicking **Finish**.
Select the **"Make" commands** tab and remove all the existing commands for all the build targets. For each build target enter the **SCons** command for creating the desired build in the **Build project/target** field. The minimum is ``scons``. For details on the **SCons** build options, see `doc_introduction_to_the_buildsystem`. It's also useful to add the ``scons --clean`` command in the **Clean project/target** field to the project's default commmands.
If you're using Windows, all the commands need to be preceded with ``cmd /c`` to iniitalize the command interpreter.
..figure:: img/code_blocks_scons_minimum.png
..figure:: img/code_blocks_scons_clean.png
Windows example:
..figure:: img/code_blocks_scons_windows.png
Code::Blocks should now be configured to build Godot; so either select **Build > Build**, click the gear button, or press :kbd:`Ctrl + F9`.
Configuring the run
Once **SCons** has successfully built the desired target, reopen the project **Properties...** and select the **Build targets** tab. In the **Output filename** field, browse to the ``bin`` folder and select the compiled file.
Deselect the **Auto-generate filename prefix** and **Auto-generate filename extension** options.
..figure:: img/code_blocks_build_targets.png
Code::Blocks should now be configured to run your compiled Godot executable; so either select **Build > Run**, click the green arrow button, or press :kbd:`Ctrl + F10`.
There are two additional points worth noting. First, if required, the **Execution working dir** field can be used to test specific projects, by setting it to the folder containing the ``project.godot`` file. Second, the **Build targets** tab can be used to add and remove build targets for working with and creating different builds.
Adding files to the project
To add all the Godot code files to the project, right-click on the new project and select **Add files recursively...**.
Before editing any files, remember that all code needs to comply with the `doc_code_style_guidelines`. One important difference with Godot is the use of tabs for indents. Therefore, the key default editor setting that needs to be changed in Code::Blocks is to enable tabs for indents. This setting can be found by selecting **Settings > Editor**.
Under **General Settings**, on the **Editor Settings** tab, under **Tab Options** check **Use TAB character**.
..figure:: img/code_block_use_tab_character.png
That's it. You're ready to start contributing to Godot using the Code::Blocks IDE. Remember to save the project file and the **Workspace**. If you run into any issues, ask for help in one of `Godot's community channels <https://godotengine.org/community>`__.