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#ifndef WORLD_H
#define WORLD_H
#include "core/containers/vector.h"
#include "core/object/reference.h"
#include "node.h"
class Camera;
class World3D;
class World2D;
class World : public Node {
GDCLASS(World, Node);
Camera *get_camera() const;
Ref<World2D> get_world_2d() const;
void set_world_2d(const Ref<World2D> &p_world_2d);
Ref<World3D> get_world_3d() const;
void set_world_3d(const Ref<World3D> &p_world);
bool is_using_own_world_3d() const;
void set_use_own_world_3d(const bool p_use_own_world_3d);
bool get_override_in_parent_viewport();
void set_override_in_parent_viewport(const bool value);
//If a World has an override these are overridden
Ref<World2D> find_world_2d() const;
Ref<World3D> find_world_3d() const;
Ref<World2D> find_world_2d_no_override() const;
Ref<World3D> find_world_3d_no_override() const;
World *get_override_world();
World *get_override_world_or_this();
void set_override_world(World *p_world);
void set_override_world_bind(Node *p_world);
// If a world has an override the override defers these to the overridden
// As these are called by the child Nodes of the overriding world
// Viewport root
// -- World w1
// ---- PanelContainer pc
// w1 is set as override for the root.
// pc's CanvasItem will use the canvas in w1, and will likely call gui_reset_canvas_sort_index() in w1 at least some point.
// What we want, is to defer this call to the root viewport, as that is the class that is able to deal with it.
// This is what makes overrides transparent to nodes like the Camera, as they can just use the world that they are a child of
// and overrides can be handled for them in the background.
virtual void gui_reset_canvas_sort_index();
virtual int gui_get_canvas_sort_index();
virtual void enable_canvas_transform_override(bool p_enable);
virtual bool is_canvas_transform_override_enbled() const;
virtual void set_canvas_transform_override(const Transform2D &p_transform);
virtual Transform2D get_canvas_transform_override() const;
virtual void set_canvas_transform(const Transform2D &p_transform);
virtual Transform2D get_canvas_transform() const;
virtual void set_global_canvas_transform(const Transform2D &p_transform);
virtual Transform2D get_global_canvas_transform() const;
virtual Transform2D get_final_transform() const;
virtual Rect2 get_visible_rect() const;
virtual RID get_viewport_rid() const;
Vector2 get_camera_coords(const Vector2 &p_viewport_coords) const;
Vector2 get_camera_rect_size() const;
void update_worlds();
void _world_3d_register_camera(Camera *p_camera);
void _world_3d_remove_camera(Camera *p_camera);
void _world_3d_register_camera_no_override(Camera *p_camera);
void _world_3d_remove_camera_no_override(Camera *p_camera);
void _world_3d_register_camera_as_override(Camera *p_camera);
void _world_3d_remove_camera_as_override(Camera *p_camera);
void _clear_override_cameras();
void _add_override_cameras(World *p_from);
//friend class Camera;
void _camera_transform_changed_notify();
virtual void _camera_set(Camera *p_camera);
bool _camera_add(Camera *p_camera); //true if first
void _camera_remove(Camera *p_camera);
void _camera_make_next_current(Camera *p_exclude);
virtual void _update_listener();
virtual void _update_listener_2d();
virtual void _own_world_3d_changed();
virtual void _on_set_use_own_world_3d(bool p_use_own_world_3d);
virtual void _on_set_world_3d(const Ref<World3D> &p_old_world);
virtual void _on_set_world_2d(const Ref<World2D> &p_old_world_2d);
virtual void _on_before_world_override_changed();
virtual void _on_after_world_override_changed();
void _propagate_enter_world(Node *p_node);
void _propagate_exit_world(Node *p_node);
void _notification(int p_what);
static void _bind_methods();
Ref<World2D> world_2d;
Ref<World3D> world_3d;
Ref<World3D> own_world_3d;
World *_parent_world;
bool _override_in_parent_viewport;
World *_override_world;
World *_overriding_world;
Camera *camera;
RBSet<Camera *> cameras;
Camera *_own_active_camera;
Vector<Camera *> _override_cameras;
//override canvas layers vec remove /add on override set, and unset
Size2 size;