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synced 2025-02-02 22:35:55 +01:00
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342 lines
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#include "wave_form_collapse.h"
#include <limits>
// Normalize a vector so the sum of its elements is equal to 1.0f
void WaveFormCollapse::normalize(Vector<double> &v) {
double sum_weights = 0.0;
int size = v.size();
const double *vpr = v.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
sum_weights += vpr[i];
double *vpw = v.ptrw();
double inv_sum_weights = 1.0 / sum_weights;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
vpw[i] *= inv_sum_weights;
// Return distribution * log(distribution).
Vector<double> WaveFormCollapse::get_plogp(const Vector<double> &distribution) {
Vector<double> plogp;
for (int i = 0; i < distribution.size(); i++) {
plogp.push_back(distribution[i] * log(distribution[i]));
return plogp;
// Return min(v) / 2.
double WaveFormCollapse::get_min_abs_half(const Vector<double> &v) {
double min_abs_half = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
min_abs_half = std::min(min_abs_half, std::abs(v[i] / 2.0));
return min_abs_half;
bool WaveFormCollapse::get_eriodic_output() const {
return is_impossible;
void WaveFormCollapse::set_periodic_output(const bool val) {
is_impossible = val;
void WaveFormCollapse::set_seed(const int seed) {
void WaveFormCollapse::set_size(uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height) {
wave_width = p_width;
wave_height = p_height;
wave_size = p_height * p_width;
void WaveFormCollapse::set_propagator_state(const Vector<PropagatorStateEntry> &p_propagator_state) {
propagator_state = p_propagator_state;
void WaveFormCollapse::set_pattern_frequencies(const Vector<double> &p_patterns_frequencies, const bool p_normalize) {
patterns_frequencies = p_patterns_frequencies;
if (p_normalize) {
Array2D<uint32_t> WaveFormCollapse::run() {
while (true) {
// Define the value of an undefined cell.
ObserveStatus result = observe();
// Check if the algorithm has terminated.
return Array2D<uint32_t>(0, 0);
} else if (result == OBSERVE_STATUS_FAILURE) {
return wave_to_output();
WaveFormCollapse::ObserveStatus WaveFormCollapse::observe() {
// Get the cell with lowest entropy.
int argmin = wave_get_min_entropy();
// If there is a contradiction, the algorithm has failed.
if (argmin == -2) {
// If the lowest entropy is 0, then the algorithm has succeeded and
// finished.
if (argmin == -1) {
// Choose an element according to the pattern distribution
double s = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < patterns_frequencies.size(); k++) {
s += wave_get(argmin, k) ? patterns_frequencies[k] : 0;
double random_value = gen.random(0.0, s);
size_t chosen_value = patterns_frequencies.size() - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < patterns_frequencies.size(); k++) {
random_value -= wave_get(argmin, k) ? patterns_frequencies[k] : 0;
if (random_value <= 0) {
chosen_value = k;
// And define the cell with the pattern.
for (int k = 0; k < patterns_frequencies.size(); k++) {
if (wave_get(argmin, k) != (k == chosen_value)) {
add_to_propagator(argmin / wave_width, argmin % wave_width, k);
wave_set(argmin, k, false);
Array2D<uint32_t> WaveFormCollapse::wave_to_output() const {
Array2D<uint32_t> output_patterns(wave_height, wave_width);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < wave_size; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < patterns_frequencies.size(); k++) {
if (wave_get(i, k)) {
output_patterns.data.write[i] = k;
return output_patterns;
void WaveFormCollapse::wave_set(uint32_t index, uint32_t pattern, bool value) {
bool old_value = data.get(index, pattern);
// If the value isn't changed, nothing needs to be done.
if (old_value == value) {
// Otherwise, the memoisation should be updated.
data.get(index, pattern) = value;
memoisation_plogp_sum.write[index] -= plogp_patterns_frequencies[pattern];
memoisation_sum.write[index] -= patterns_frequencies[pattern];
memoisation_log_sum.write[index] = log(memoisation_sum[index]);
memoisation_entropy.write[index] = memoisation_log_sum[index] - memoisation_plogp_sum[index] / memoisation_sum[index];
// If there is no patterns possible in the cell, then there is a contradiction.
if (memoisation_nb_patterns[index] == 0) {
is_impossible = true;
int WaveFormCollapse::wave_get_min_entropy() const {
if (is_impossible) {
return -2;
RandomPCG pcg;
// The minimum entropy (plus a small noise)
double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
int argmin = -1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < wave_size; i++) {
// If the cell is decided, we do not compute the entropy (which is equal
// to 0).
double nb_patterns_local = memoisation_nb_patterns[i];
if (nb_patterns_local == 1) {
// Otherwise, we take the memoised entropy.
double entropy = memoisation_entropy[i];
// We first check if the entropy is less than the minimum.
// This is important to reduce noise computation (which is not
// negligible).
if (entropy <= min) {
// Then, we add noise to decide randomly which will be chosen.
// noise is smaller than the smallest p * log(p), so the minimum entropy
// will always be chosen.
double noise = pcg.random(0.0, min_abs_half_plogp);
if (entropy + noise < min) {
min = entropy + noise;
argmin = i;
return argmin;
void WaveFormCollapse::init_compatible() {
CompatibilityEntry value;
// We compute the number of pattern compatible in all directions.
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < wave_height; y++) {
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < wave_width; x++) {
for (int pattern = 0; pattern < propagator_state.size(); pattern++) {
for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
value.direction[direction] = static_cast<uint32_t>(propagator_state[pattern].directions[get_opposite_direction(direction)].size());
compatible.get(y, x, pattern) = value;
void WaveFormCollapse::propagate() {
// We propagate every element while there is element to propagate.
while (propagating.size() != 0) {
// The cell and pattern that has been set to false.
const PropagatingEntry &e = propagating[propagating.size() - 1];
uint32_t y1 = e.data[0];
uint32_t x1 = e.data[1];
uint32_t pattern = e.data[2];
propagating.resize(propagating.size() - 1);
// We propagate the information in all 4 directions.
for (uint32_t direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
// We get the next cell in the direction direction.
int dx = directions_x[direction];
int dy = directions_y[direction];
int x2, y2;
if (periodic_output) {
x2 = ((int)x1 + dx + (int)wave_width) % wave_width;
y2 = ((int)y1 + dy + (int)wave_height) % wave_height;
} else {
x2 = x1 + dx;
y2 = y1 + dy;
if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= (int)wave_width) {
if (y2 < 0 || y2 >= (int)wave_height) {
// The index of the second cell, and the patterns compatible
uint32_t i2 = x2 + y2 * wave_width;
const Vector<uint32_t> &patterns = propagator_state[pattern].directions[direction];
// For every pattern that could be placed in that cell without being in
// contradiction with pattern1
int size = patterns.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
uint32_t pattern_entry = patterns[i];
// We decrease the number of compatible patterns in the opposite
// direction If the pattern was discarded from the wave, the element
// is still negative, which is not a problem
CompatibilityEntry &value = compatible.get(y2, x2, pattern_entry);
// If the element was set to 0 with this operation, we need to remove
// the pattern from the wave, and propagate the information
if (value.direction[direction] == 0) {
add_to_propagator(y2, x2, pattern_entry);
wave_set(i2, pattern_entry, false);
void WaveFormCollapse::initialize() {
data.resize_fill(wave_width * wave_height, patterns_frequencies.size(), 1);
plogp_patterns_frequencies = get_plogp(patterns_frequencies);
min_abs_half_plogp = get_min_abs_half(plogp_patterns_frequencies);
is_impossible = false;
// Initialize the memoisation of entropy.
double base_entropy = 0;
double base_s = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < patterns_frequencies.size(); i++) {
base_entropy += plogp_patterns_frequencies[i];
base_s += patterns_frequencies[i];
double log_base_s = log(base_s);
double entropy_base = log_base_s - base_entropy / base_s;
memoisation_plogp_sum.resize(wave_width * wave_height);
memoisation_sum.resize(wave_width * wave_height);
memoisation_log_sum.resize(wave_width * wave_height);
memoisation_nb_patterns.resize(wave_width * wave_height);
memoisation_entropy.resize(wave_width * wave_height);
compatible.resize(wave_height, wave_width, propagator_state.size());
WaveFormCollapse::WaveFormCollapse() {
//todo maybe it should be better as true?
periodic_output = false;
is_impossible = false;
WaveFormCollapse::~WaveFormCollapse() {
void WaveFormCollapse::bind_methods() {
} |