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Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Gino van den Bergen / Erwin Coumans https://bulletphysics.org
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#include "btVector3.h"
#include "btQuadWord.h"
#define btQuaternionData btQuaternionDoubleData
#define btQuaternionDataName "btQuaternionDoubleData"
#define btQuaternionData btQuaternionFloatData
#define btQuaternionDataName "btQuaternionFloatData"
#ifdef BT_USE_SSE
//const __m128 ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(vOnes) = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
#define vOnes (_mm_set_ps(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE)
#define vQInv (_mm_set_ps(+0.0f, -0.0f, -0.0f, -0.0f))
#define vPPPM (_mm_set_ps(-0.0f, +0.0f, +0.0f, +0.0f))
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
const btSimdFloat4 ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(vQInv) = {-0.0f, -0.0f, -0.0f, +0.0f};
const btSimdFloat4 ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(vPPPM) = {+0.0f, +0.0f, +0.0f, -0.0f};
/**@brief The btQuaternion implements quaternion to perform linear algebra rotations in combination with btMatrix3x3, btVector3 and btTransform. */
class btQuaternion : public btQuadWord
/**@brief No initialization constructor */
btQuaternion() {}
#if (defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)) || defined(BT_USE_NEON)
// Set Vector
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion(const btSimdFloat4 vec)
mVec128 = vec;
// Copy constructor
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion(const btQuaternion& rhs)
mVec128 = rhs.mVec128;
// Assignment Operator
operator=(const btQuaternion& v)
mVec128 = v.mVec128;
return *this;
// template <typename btScalar>
// explicit Quaternion(const btScalar *v) : Tuple4<btScalar>(v) {}
/**@brief Constructor from scalars */
btQuaternion(const btScalar& _x, const btScalar& _y, const btScalar& _z, const btScalar& _w)
: btQuadWord(_x, _y, _z, _w)
/**@brief Axis angle Constructor
* @param axis The axis which the rotation is around
* @param angle The magnitude of the rotation around the angle (Radians) */
btQuaternion(const btVector3& _axis, const btScalar& _angle)
setRotation(_axis, _angle);
/**@brief Constructor from Euler angles
* @param yaw Angle around Y unless BT_EULER_DEFAULT_ZYX defined then Z
* @param pitch Angle around X unless BT_EULER_DEFAULT_ZYX defined then Y
* @param roll Angle around Z unless BT_EULER_DEFAULT_ZYX defined then X */
btQuaternion(const btScalar& yaw, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& roll)
setEuler(yaw, pitch, roll);
setEulerZYX(yaw, pitch, roll);
/**@brief Set the rotation using axis angle notation
* @param axis The axis around which to rotate
* @param angle The magnitude of the rotation in Radians */
void setRotation(const btVector3& axis, const btScalar& _angle)
btScalar d = axis.length();
btAssert(d != btScalar(0.0));
btScalar s = btSin(_angle * btScalar(0.5)) / d;
setValue(axis.x() * s, axis.y() * s, axis.z() * s,
btCos(_angle * btScalar(0.5)));
/**@brief Set the quaternion using Euler angles
* @param yaw Angle around Y
* @param pitch Angle around X
* @param roll Angle around Z */
void setEuler(const btScalar& yaw, const btScalar& pitch, const btScalar& roll)
btScalar halfYaw = btScalar(yaw) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar halfPitch = btScalar(pitch) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar halfRoll = btScalar(roll) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar cosYaw = btCos(halfYaw);
btScalar sinYaw = btSin(halfYaw);
btScalar cosPitch = btCos(halfPitch);
btScalar sinPitch = btSin(halfPitch);
btScalar cosRoll = btCos(halfRoll);
btScalar sinRoll = btSin(halfRoll);
setValue(cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw,
cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw,
sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw,
cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw);
/**@brief Set the quaternion using euler angles
* @param yaw Angle around Z
* @param pitch Angle around Y
* @param roll Angle around X */
void setEulerZYX(const btScalar& yawZ, const btScalar& pitchY, const btScalar& rollX)
btScalar halfYaw = btScalar(yawZ) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar halfPitch = btScalar(pitchY) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar halfRoll = btScalar(rollX) * btScalar(0.5);
btScalar cosYaw = btCos(halfYaw);
btScalar sinYaw = btSin(halfYaw);
btScalar cosPitch = btCos(halfPitch);
btScalar sinPitch = btSin(halfPitch);
btScalar cosRoll = btCos(halfRoll);
btScalar sinRoll = btSin(halfRoll);
setValue(sinRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw, //x
cosRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw, //y
cosRoll * cosPitch * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPitch * cosYaw, //z
cosRoll * cosPitch * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPitch * sinYaw); //formerly yzx
/**@brief Get the euler angles from this quaternion
* @param yaw Angle around Z
* @param pitch Angle around Y
* @param roll Angle around X */
void getEulerZYX(btScalar& yawZ, btScalar& pitchY, btScalar& rollX) const
btScalar squ;
btScalar sqx;
btScalar sqy;
btScalar sqz;
btScalar sarg;
sqx = m_floats[0] * m_floats[0];
sqy = m_floats[1] * m_floats[1];
sqz = m_floats[2] * m_floats[2];
squ = m_floats[3] * m_floats[3];
sarg = btScalar(-2.) * (m_floats[0] * m_floats[2] - m_floats[3] * m_floats[1]);
// If the pitch angle is PI/2 or -PI/2, we can only compute
// the sum roll + yaw. However, any combination that gives
// the right sum will produce the correct orientation, so we
// set rollX = 0 and compute yawZ.
if (sarg <= -btScalar(0.99999))
pitchY = btScalar(-0.5) * SIMD_PI;
rollX = 0;
yawZ = btScalar(2) * btAtan2(m_floats[0], -m_floats[1]);
else if (sarg >= btScalar(0.99999))
pitchY = btScalar(0.5) * SIMD_PI;
rollX = 0;
yawZ = btScalar(2) * btAtan2(-m_floats[0], m_floats[1]);
pitchY = btAsin(sarg);
rollX = btAtan2(2 * (m_floats[1] * m_floats[2] + m_floats[3] * m_floats[0]), squ - sqx - sqy + sqz);
yawZ = btAtan2(2 * (m_floats[0] * m_floats[1] + m_floats[3] * m_floats[2]), squ + sqx - sqy - sqz);
/**@brief Add two quaternions
* @param q The quaternion to add to this one */
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion& operator+=(const btQuaternion& q)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
mVec128 = _mm_add_ps(mVec128, q.mVec128);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
mVec128 = vaddq_f32(mVec128, q.mVec128);
m_floats[0] += q.x();
m_floats[1] += q.y();
m_floats[2] += q.z();
m_floats[3] += q.m_floats[3];
return *this;
/**@brief Subtract out a quaternion
* @param q The quaternion to subtract from this one */
btQuaternion& operator-=(const btQuaternion& q)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
mVec128 = _mm_sub_ps(mVec128, q.mVec128);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
mVec128 = vsubq_f32(mVec128, q.mVec128);
m_floats[0] -= q.x();
m_floats[1] -= q.y();
m_floats[2] -= q.z();
m_floats[3] -= q.m_floats[3];
return *this;
/**@brief Scale this quaternion
* @param s The scalar to scale by */
btQuaternion& operator*=(const btScalar& s)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vs = _mm_load_ss(&s); // (S 0 0 0)
vs = bt_pshufd_ps(vs, 0); // (S S S S)
mVec128 = _mm_mul_ps(mVec128, vs);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
mVec128 = vmulq_n_f32(mVec128, s);
m_floats[0] *= s;
m_floats[1] *= s;
m_floats[2] *= s;
m_floats[3] *= s;
return *this;
/**@brief Multiply this quaternion by q on the right
* @param q The other quaternion
* Equivilant to this = this * q */
btQuaternion& operator*=(const btQuaternion& q)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vQ2 = q.get128();
__m128 A1 = bt_pshufd_ps(mVec128, BT_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 0));
__m128 B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 0));
A1 = A1 * B1;
__m128 A2 = bt_pshufd_ps(mVec128, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 1));
__m128 B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 1));
A2 = A2 * B2;
B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(mVec128, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 2));
B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 2));
B1 = B1 * B2; // A3 *= B3
mVec128 = bt_splat_ps(mVec128, 3); // A0
mVec128 = mVec128 * vQ2; // A0 * B0
A1 = A1 + A2; // AB12
mVec128 = mVec128 - B1; // AB03 = AB0 - AB3
A1 = _mm_xor_ps(A1, vPPPM); // change sign of the last element
mVec128 = mVec128 + A1; // AB03 + AB12
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
float32x4_t vQ1 = mVec128;
float32x4_t vQ2 = q.get128();
float32x4_t A0, A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
float32x2_t vQ1zx, vQ2wx, vQ1yz, vQ2zx, vQ2yz, vQ2xz;
float32x2x2_t tmp;
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), vget_low_f32(vQ1)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ1zx = tmp.val[0];
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ2zx = tmp.val[0];
vQ2wx = vext_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ1yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1);
vQ2yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ2xz = vext_f32(vQ2zx, vQ2zx, 1);
A1 = vcombine_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vQ1zx); // X Y z x
B1 = vcombine_f32(vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1), vQ2wx); // W W W X
A2 = vcombine_f32(vQ1yz, vget_low_f32(vQ1));
B2 = vcombine_f32(vQ2zx, vdup_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1));
A3 = vcombine_f32(vQ1zx, vQ1yz); // Z X Y Z
B3 = vcombine_f32(vQ2yz, vQ2xz); // Y Z x z
A1 = vmulq_f32(A1, B1);
A2 = vmulq_f32(A2, B2);
A3 = vmulq_f32(A3, B3); // A3 *= B3
A0 = vmulq_lane_f32(vQ2, vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1); // A0 * B0
A1 = vaddq_f32(A1, A2); // AB12 = AB1 + AB2
A0 = vsubq_f32(A0, A3); // AB03 = AB0 - AB3
// change the sign of the last element
A1 = (btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)A1, (int32x4_t)vPPPM);
A0 = vaddq_f32(A0, A1); // AB03 + AB12
mVec128 = A0;
m_floats[3] * q.x() + m_floats[0] * q.m_floats[3] + m_floats[1] * q.z() - m_floats[2] * q.y(),
m_floats[3] * q.y() + m_floats[1] * q.m_floats[3] + m_floats[2] * q.x() - m_floats[0] * q.z(),
m_floats[3] * q.z() + m_floats[2] * q.m_floats[3] + m_floats[0] * q.y() - m_floats[1] * q.x(),
m_floats[3] * q.m_floats[3] - m_floats[0] * q.x() - m_floats[1] * q.y() - m_floats[2] * q.z());
return *this;
/**@brief Return the dot product between this quaternion and another
* @param q The other quaternion */
btScalar dot(const btQuaternion& q) const
#if defined BT_USE_SIMD_VECTOR3 && defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vd;
vd = _mm_mul_ps(mVec128, q.mVec128);
__m128 t = _mm_movehl_ps(vd, vd);
vd = _mm_add_ps(vd, t);
t = _mm_shuffle_ps(vd, vd, 0x55);
vd = _mm_add_ss(vd, t);
return _mm_cvtss_f32(vd);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
float32x4_t vd = vmulq_f32(mVec128, q.mVec128);
float32x2_t x = vpadd_f32(vget_low_f32(vd), vget_high_f32(vd));
x = vpadd_f32(x, x);
return vget_lane_f32(x, 0);
return m_floats[0] * q.x() +
m_floats[1] * q.y() +
m_floats[2] * q.z() +
m_floats[3] * q.m_floats[3];
/**@brief Return the length squared of the quaternion */
btScalar length2() const
return dot(*this);
/**@brief Return the length of the quaternion */
btScalar length() const
return btSqrt(length2());
btQuaternion& safeNormalize()
btScalar l2 = length2();
if (l2 > SIMD_EPSILON)
return *this;
/**@brief Normalize the quaternion
* Such that x^2 + y^2 + z^2 +w^2 = 1 */
btQuaternion& normalize()
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vd;
vd = _mm_mul_ps(mVec128, mVec128);
__m128 t = _mm_movehl_ps(vd, vd);
vd = _mm_add_ps(vd, t);
t = _mm_shuffle_ps(vd, vd, 0x55);
vd = _mm_add_ss(vd, t);
vd = _mm_sqrt_ss(vd);
vd = _mm_div_ss(vOnes, vd);
vd = bt_pshufd_ps(vd, 0); // splat
mVec128 = _mm_mul_ps(mVec128, vd);
return *this;
return *this /= length();
/**@brief Return a scaled version of this quaternion
* @param s The scale factor */
operator*(const btScalar& s) const
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vs = _mm_load_ss(&s); // (S 0 0 0)
vs = bt_pshufd_ps(vs, 0x00); // (S S S S)
return btQuaternion(_mm_mul_ps(mVec128, vs));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btQuaternion(vmulq_n_f32(mVec128, s));
return btQuaternion(x() * s, y() * s, z() * s, m_floats[3] * s);
/**@brief Return an inversely scaled versionof this quaternion
* @param s The inverse scale factor */
btQuaternion operator/(const btScalar& s) const
btAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
return *this * (btScalar(1.0) / s);
/**@brief Inversely scale this quaternion
* @param s The scale factor */
btQuaternion& operator/=(const btScalar& s)
btAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
return *this *= btScalar(1.0) / s;
/**@brief Return a normalized version of this quaternion */
btQuaternion normalized() const
return *this / length();
/**@brief Return the ***half*** angle between this quaternion and the other
* @param q The other quaternion */
btScalar angle(const btQuaternion& q) const
btScalar s = btSqrt(length2() * q.length2());
btAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
return btAcos(dot(q) / s);
/**@brief Return the angle between this quaternion and the other along the shortest path
* @param q The other quaternion */
btScalar angleShortestPath(const btQuaternion& q) const
btScalar s = btSqrt(length2() * q.length2());
btAssert(s != btScalar(0.0));
if (dot(q) < 0) // Take care of long angle case see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp
return btAcos(dot(-q) / s) * btScalar(2.0);
return btAcos(dot(q) / s) * btScalar(2.0);
/**@brief Return the angle [0, 2Pi] of rotation represented by this quaternion */
btScalar getAngle() const
btScalar s = btScalar(2.) * btAcos(m_floats[3]);
return s;
/**@brief Return the angle [0, Pi] of rotation represented by this quaternion along the shortest path */
btScalar getAngleShortestPath() const
btScalar s;
if (m_floats[3] >= 0)
s = btScalar(2.) * btAcos(m_floats[3]);
s = btScalar(2.) * btAcos(-m_floats[3]);
return s;
/**@brief Return the axis of the rotation represented by this quaternion */
btVector3 getAxis() const
btScalar s_squared = 1.f - m_floats[3] * m_floats[3];
if (s_squared < btScalar(10.) * SIMD_EPSILON) //Check for divide by zero
return btVector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Arbitrary
btScalar s = 1.f / btSqrt(s_squared);
return btVector3(m_floats[0] * s, m_floats[1] * s, m_floats[2] * s);
/**@brief Return the inverse of this quaternion */
btQuaternion inverse() const
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
return btQuaternion(_mm_xor_ps(mVec128, vQInv));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btQuaternion((btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)mVec128, (int32x4_t)vQInv));
return btQuaternion(-m_floats[0], -m_floats[1], -m_floats[2], m_floats[3]);
/**@brief Return the sum of this quaternion and the other
* @param q2 The other quaternion */
operator+(const btQuaternion& q2) const
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
return btQuaternion(_mm_add_ps(mVec128, q2.mVec128));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btQuaternion(vaddq_f32(mVec128, q2.mVec128));
const btQuaternion& q1 = *this;
return btQuaternion(q1.x() + q2.x(), q1.y() + q2.y(), q1.z() + q2.z(), q1.m_floats[3] + q2.m_floats[3]);
/**@brief Return the difference between this quaternion and the other
* @param q2 The other quaternion */
operator-(const btQuaternion& q2) const
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
return btQuaternion(_mm_sub_ps(mVec128, q2.mVec128));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btQuaternion(vsubq_f32(mVec128, q2.mVec128));
const btQuaternion& q1 = *this;
return btQuaternion(q1.x() - q2.x(), q1.y() - q2.y(), q1.z() - q2.z(), q1.m_floats[3] - q2.m_floats[3]);
/**@brief Return the negative of this quaternion
* This simply negates each element */
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion operator-() const
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
return btQuaternion(_mm_xor_ps(mVec128, btvMzeroMask));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btQuaternion((btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)mVec128, (int32x4_t)btvMzeroMask));
const btQuaternion& q2 = *this;
return btQuaternion(-q2.x(), -q2.y(), -q2.z(), -q2.m_floats[3]);
/**@todo document this and it's use */
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion farthest(const btQuaternion& qd) const
btQuaternion diff, sum;
diff = *this - qd;
sum = *this + qd;
if (diff.dot(diff) > sum.dot(sum))
return qd;
return (-qd);
/**@todo document this and it's use */
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btQuaternion nearest(const btQuaternion& qd) const
btQuaternion diff, sum;
diff = *this - qd;
sum = *this + qd;
if (diff.dot(diff) < sum.dot(sum))
return qd;
return (-qd);
/**@brief Return the quaternion which is the result of Spherical Linear Interpolation between this and the other quaternion
* @param q The other quaternion to interpolate with
* @param t The ratio between this and q to interpolate. If t = 0 the result is this, if t=1 the result is q.
* Slerp interpolates assuming constant velocity. */
btQuaternion slerp(const btQuaternion& q, const btScalar& t) const
const btScalar magnitude = btSqrt(length2() * q.length2());
btAssert(magnitude > btScalar(0));
const btScalar product = dot(q) / magnitude;
const btScalar absproduct = btFabs(product);
if (absproduct < btScalar(1.0 - SIMD_EPSILON))
// Take care of long angle case see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slerp
const btScalar theta = btAcos(absproduct);
const btScalar d = btSin(theta);
btAssert(d > btScalar(0));
const btScalar sign = (product < 0) ? btScalar(-1) : btScalar(1);
const btScalar s0 = btSin((btScalar(1.0) - t) * theta) / d;
const btScalar s1 = btSin(sign * t * theta) / d;
return btQuaternion(
(m_floats[0] * s0 + q.x() * s1),
(m_floats[1] * s0 + q.y() * s1),
(m_floats[2] * s0 + q.z() * s1),
(m_floats[3] * s0 + q.w() * s1));
return *this;
static const btQuaternion& getIdentity()
static const btQuaternion identityQuat(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(1.));
return identityQuat;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const btScalar& getW() const { return m_floats[3]; }
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serialize(struct btQuaternionData& dataOut) const;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerialize(const struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataIn);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerialize(const struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataIn);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serializeFloat(struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataOut) const;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerializeFloat(const struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataIn);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void serializeDouble(struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataOut) const;
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deSerializeDouble(const struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataIn);
/**@brief Return the product of two quaternions */
operator*(const btQuaternion& q1, const btQuaternion& q2)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vQ1 = q1.get128();
__m128 vQ2 = q2.get128();
__m128 A0, A1, B1, A2, B2;
A1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 0)); // X Y z x // vtrn
B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 0)); // W W W X // vdup vext
A1 = A1 * B1;
A2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 1)); // Y Z X Y // vext
B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 1)); // z x Y Y // vtrn vdup
A2 = A2 * B2;
B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 2)); // z x Y Z // vtrn vext
B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 2)); // Y Z x z // vext vtrn
B1 = B1 * B2; // A3 *= B3
A0 = bt_splat_ps(vQ1, 3); // A0
A0 = A0 * vQ2; // A0 * B0
A1 = A1 + A2; // AB12
A0 = A0 - B1; // AB03 = AB0 - AB3
A1 = _mm_xor_ps(A1, vPPPM); // change sign of the last element
A0 = A0 + A1; // AB03 + AB12
return btQuaternion(A0);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
float32x4_t vQ1 = q1.get128();
float32x4_t vQ2 = q2.get128();
float32x4_t A0, A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
float32x2_t vQ1zx, vQ2wx, vQ1yz, vQ2zx, vQ2yz, vQ2xz;
float32x2x2_t tmp;
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), vget_low_f32(vQ1)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ1zx = tmp.val[0];
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ2zx = tmp.val[0];
vQ2wx = vext_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ1yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1);
vQ2yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ2xz = vext_f32(vQ2zx, vQ2zx, 1);
A1 = vcombine_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vQ1zx); // X Y z x
B1 = vcombine_f32(vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1), vQ2wx); // W W W X
A2 = vcombine_f32(vQ1yz, vget_low_f32(vQ1));
B2 = vcombine_f32(vQ2zx, vdup_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1));
A3 = vcombine_f32(vQ1zx, vQ1yz); // Z X Y Z
B3 = vcombine_f32(vQ2yz, vQ2xz); // Y Z x z
A1 = vmulq_f32(A1, B1);
A2 = vmulq_f32(A2, B2);
A3 = vmulq_f32(A3, B3); // A3 *= B3
A0 = vmulq_lane_f32(vQ2, vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1); // A0 * B0
A1 = vaddq_f32(A1, A2); // AB12 = AB1 + AB2
A0 = vsubq_f32(A0, A3); // AB03 = AB0 - AB3
// change the sign of the last element
A1 = (btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)A1, (int32x4_t)vPPPM);
A0 = vaddq_f32(A0, A1); // AB03 + AB12
return btQuaternion(A0);
return btQuaternion(
q1.w() * q2.x() + q1.x() * q2.w() + q1.y() * q2.z() - q1.z() * q2.y(),
q1.w() * q2.y() + q1.y() * q2.w() + q1.z() * q2.x() - q1.x() * q2.z(),
q1.w() * q2.z() + q1.z() * q2.w() + q1.x() * q2.y() - q1.y() * q2.x(),
q1.w() * q2.w() - q1.x() * q2.x() - q1.y() * q2.y() - q1.z() * q2.z());
operator*(const btQuaternion& q, const btVector3& w)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vQ1 = q.get128();
__m128 vQ2 = w.get128();
__m128 A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
A1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 0));
B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 0));
A1 = A1 * B1;
A2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 1));
B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 1));
A2 = A2 * B2;
A3 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 2));
B3 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 2));
A3 = A3 * B3; // A3 *= B3
A1 = A1 + A2; // AB12
A1 = _mm_xor_ps(A1, vPPPM); // change sign of the last element
A1 = A1 - A3; // AB123 = AB12 - AB3
return btQuaternion(A1);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
float32x4_t vQ1 = q.get128();
float32x4_t vQ2 = w.get128();
float32x4_t A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
float32x2_t vQ1wx, vQ2zx, vQ1yz, vQ2yz, vQ1zx, vQ2xz;
vQ1wx = vext_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), vget_low_f32(vQ1), 1);
float32x2x2_t tmp;
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ2zx = tmp.val[0];
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), vget_low_f32(vQ1)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ1zx = tmp.val[0];
vQ1yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1);
vQ2yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ2xz = vext_f32(vQ2zx, vQ2zx, 1);
A1 = vcombine_f32(vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1), vQ1wx); // W W W X
B1 = vcombine_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), vQ2zx); // X Y z x
A2 = vcombine_f32(vQ1yz, vget_low_f32(vQ1));
B2 = vcombine_f32(vQ2zx, vdup_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1));
A3 = vcombine_f32(vQ1zx, vQ1yz); // Z X Y Z
B3 = vcombine_f32(vQ2yz, vQ2xz); // Y Z x z
A1 = vmulq_f32(A1, B1);
A2 = vmulq_f32(A2, B2);
A3 = vmulq_f32(A3, B3); // A3 *= B3
A1 = vaddq_f32(A1, A2); // AB12 = AB1 + AB2
// change the sign of the last element
A1 = (btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)A1, (int32x4_t)vPPPM);
A1 = vsubq_f32(A1, A3); // AB123 = AB12 - AB3
return btQuaternion(A1);
return btQuaternion(
q.w() * w.x() + q.y() * w.z() - q.z() * w.y(),
q.w() * w.y() + q.z() * w.x() - q.x() * w.z(),
q.w() * w.z() + q.x() * w.y() - q.y() * w.x(),
-q.x() * w.x() - q.y() * w.y() - q.z() * w.z());
operator*(const btVector3& w, const btQuaternion& q)
#if defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
__m128 vQ1 = w.get128();
__m128 vQ2 = q.get128();
__m128 A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
A1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 0)); // X Y z x
B1 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(3, 3, 3, 0)); // W W W X
A1 = A1 * B1;
A2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 1));
B2 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 1));
A2 = A2 * B2;
A3 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ1, BT_SHUFFLE(2, 0, 1, 2));
B3 = bt_pshufd_ps(vQ2, BT_SHUFFLE(1, 2, 0, 2));
A3 = A3 * B3; // A3 *= B3
A1 = A1 + A2; // AB12
A1 = _mm_xor_ps(A1, vPPPM); // change sign of the last element
A1 = A1 - A3; // AB123 = AB12 - AB3
return btQuaternion(A1);
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
float32x4_t vQ1 = w.get128();
float32x4_t vQ2 = q.get128();
float32x4_t A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3;
float32x2_t vQ1zx, vQ2wx, vQ1yz, vQ2zx, vQ2yz, vQ2xz;
float32x2x2_t tmp;
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ1), vget_low_f32(vQ1)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ1zx = tmp.val[0];
tmp = vtrn_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2)); // {z x}, {w y}
vQ2zx = tmp.val[0];
vQ2wx = vext_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ1yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vget_high_f32(vQ1), 1);
vQ2yz = vext_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1);
vQ2xz = vext_f32(vQ2zx, vQ2zx, 1);
A1 = vcombine_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ1), vQ1zx); // X Y z x
B1 = vcombine_f32(vdup_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(vQ2), 1), vQ2wx); // W W W X
A2 = vcombine_f32(vQ1yz, vget_low_f32(vQ1));
B2 = vcombine_f32(vQ2zx, vdup_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(vQ2), 1));
A3 = vcombine_f32(vQ1zx, vQ1yz); // Z X Y Z
B3 = vcombine_f32(vQ2yz, vQ2xz); // Y Z x z
A1 = vmulq_f32(A1, B1);
A2 = vmulq_f32(A2, B2);
A3 = vmulq_f32(A3, B3); // A3 *= B3
A1 = vaddq_f32(A1, A2); // AB12 = AB1 + AB2
// change the sign of the last element
A1 = (btSimdFloat4)veorq_s32((int32x4_t)A1, (int32x4_t)vPPPM);
A1 = vsubq_f32(A1, A3); // AB123 = AB12 - AB3
return btQuaternion(A1);
return btQuaternion(
+w.x() * q.w() + w.y() * q.z() - w.z() * q.y(),
+w.y() * q.w() + w.z() * q.x() - w.x() * q.z(),
+w.z() * q.w() + w.x() * q.y() - w.y() * q.x(),
-w.x() * q.x() - w.y() * q.y() - w.z() * q.z());
/**@brief Calculate the dot product between two quaternions */
dot(const btQuaternion& q1, const btQuaternion& q2)
return q1.dot(q2);
/**@brief Return the length of a quaternion */
length(const btQuaternion& q)
return q.length();
/**@brief Return the angle between two quaternions*/
btAngle(const btQuaternion& q1, const btQuaternion& q2)
return q1.angle(q2);
/**@brief Return the inverse of a quaternion*/
inverse(const btQuaternion& q)
return q.inverse();
/**@brief Return the result of spherical linear interpolation betwen two quaternions
* @param q1 The first quaternion
* @param q2 The second quaternion
* @param t The ration between q1 and q2. t = 0 return q1, t=1 returns q2
* Slerp assumes constant velocity between positions. */
slerp(const btQuaternion& q1, const btQuaternion& q2, const btScalar& t)
return q1.slerp(q2, t);
quatRotate(const btQuaternion& rotation, const btVector3& v)
btQuaternion q = rotation * v;
q *= rotation.inverse();
#if defined BT_USE_SIMD_VECTOR3 && defined(BT_USE_SSE_IN_API) && defined(BT_USE_SSE)
return btVector3(_mm_and_ps(q.get128(), btvFFF0fMask));
#elif defined(BT_USE_NEON)
return btVector3((float32x4_t)vandq_s32((int32x4_t)q.get128(), btvFFF0Mask));
return btVector3(q.getX(), q.getY(), q.getZ());
shortestArcQuat(const btVector3& v0, const btVector3& v1) // Game Programming Gems 2.10. make sure v0,v1 are normalized
btVector3 c = v0.cross(v1);
btScalar d = v0.dot(v1);
if (d < -1.0 + SIMD_EPSILON)
btVector3 n, unused;
btPlaneSpace1(v0, n, unused);
return btQuaternion(n.x(), n.y(), n.z(), 0.0f); // just pick any vector that is orthogonal to v0
btScalar s = btSqrt((1.0f + d) * 2.0f);
btScalar rs = 1.0f / s;
return btQuaternion(c.getX() * rs, c.getY() * rs, c.getZ() * rs, s * 0.5f);
shortestArcQuatNormalize2(btVector3& v0, btVector3& v1)
return shortestArcQuat(v0, v1);
struct btQuaternionFloatData
float m_floats[4];
struct btQuaternionDoubleData
double m_floats[4];
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::serializeFloat(struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataOut) const
///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dataOut.m_floats[i] = float(m_floats[i]);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::deSerializeFloat(const struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataIn)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_floats[i] = btScalar(dataIn.m_floats[i]);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::serializeDouble(struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataOut) const
///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dataOut.m_floats[i] = double(m_floats[i]);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::deSerializeDouble(const struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataIn)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_floats[i] = btScalar(dataIn.m_floats[i]);
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::serialize(struct btQuaternionData& dataOut) const
///could also do a memcpy, check if it is worth it
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dataOut.m_floats[i] = m_floats[i];
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::deSerialize(const struct btQuaternionFloatData& dataIn)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_floats[i] = (btScalar)dataIn.m_floats[i];
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btQuaternion::deSerialize(const struct btQuaternionDoubleData& dataIn)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_floats[i] = (btScalar)dataIn.m_floats[i];