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# MIT License
# Copyright The SCons Foundation
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""File system nodes.
These Nodes represent the canonical external objects that people think
of when they think of building software: files and directories.
This holds a "default_fs" variable that should be initialized with an FS
that can be used by scripts or modules looking for the canonical default.
import codecs
import fnmatch
import importlib.util
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import time
from itertools import chain
from typing import Optional
import SCons.Action
import SCons.Debug
import SCons.Errors
import SCons.Memoize
import SCons.Node
import SCons.Node.Alias
import SCons.Subst
import SCons.Util
import SCons.Warnings
from SCons.Debug import logInstanceCreation, Trace
from SCons.Util import hash_signature, hash_file_signature, hash_collect
print_duplicate = 0
def sconsign_none(node):
raise NotImplementedError
def sconsign_dir(node):
"""Return the .sconsign file info for this directory,
creating it first if necessary."""
if not node._sconsign:
import SCons.SConsign
node._sconsign = SCons.SConsign.ForDirectory(node)
return node._sconsign
_sconsign_map = {0 : sconsign_none,
1 : sconsign_dir}
class FileBuildInfoFileToCsigMappingError(Exception):
class EntryProxyAttributeError(AttributeError):
An AttributeError subclass for recording and displaying the name
of the underlying Entry involved in an AttributeError exception.
def __init__(self, entry_proxy, attribute):
self.entry_proxy = entry_proxy
self.attribute = attribute
def __str__(self):
entry = self.entry_proxy.get()
fmt = "%s instance %s has no attribute %s"
return fmt % (entry.__class__.__name__,
# The max_drift value: by default, use a cached signature value for
# any file that's been untouched for more than two days.
default_max_drift = 2*24*60*60
# We stringify these file system Nodes a lot. Turning a file system Node
# into a string is non-trivial, because the final string representation
# can depend on a lot of factors: whether it's a derived target or not,
# whether it's linked to a repository or source directory, and whether
# there's duplication going on. The normal technique for optimizing
# calculations like this is to memoize (cache) the string value, so you
# only have to do the calculation once.
# A number of the above factors, however, can be set after we've already
# been asked to return a string for a Node, because a Repository() or
# VariantDir() call or the like may not occur until later in SConscript
# files. So this variable controls whether we bother trying to save
# string values for Nodes. The wrapper interface can set this whenever
# they're done mucking with Repository and VariantDir and the other stuff,
# to let this module know it can start returning saved string values
# for Nodes.
Save_Strings = None
def save_strings(val):
global Save_Strings
Save_Strings = val
# Avoid unnecessary function calls by recording a Boolean value that
# tells us whether or not os.path.splitdrive() actually does anything
# on this system, and therefore whether we need to bother calling it
# when looking up path names in various methods below.
do_splitdrive = None
_my_splitdrive =None
def initialize_do_splitdrive():
global do_splitdrive
global has_unc
drive, path = os.path.splitdrive('X:/foo')
# splitunc is removed from python 3.7 and newer
# so we can also just test if splitdrive works with UNC
has_unc = (hasattr(os.path, 'splitunc')
or os.path.splitdrive(r'\\split\drive\test')[0] == r'\\split\drive')
do_splitdrive = not not drive or has_unc
global _my_splitdrive
if has_unc:
def splitdrive(p):
if p[1:2] == ':':
return p[:2], p[2:]
if p[0:2] == '//':
# Note that we leave a leading slash in the path
# because UNC paths are always absolute.
return '//', p[1:]
return '', p
def splitdrive(p):
if p[1:2] == ':':
return p[:2], p[2:]
return '', p
_my_splitdrive = splitdrive
# Keep some commonly used values in global variables to skip to
# module look-up costs.
global OS_SEP
global os_sep_is_slash
OS_SEP = os.sep
os_sep_is_slash = OS_SEP == '/'
# Used to avoid invoking os.path.normpath if not necessary.
needs_normpath_check = re.compile(
# We need to renormalize the path if it contains any consecutive
# '/' characters.
.*// |
# We need to renormalize the path if it contains a '..' directory.
# Note that we check for all the following cases:
# a) The path is a single '..'
# b) The path starts with '..'. E.g. '../' or '../moredirs'
# but we not match '..abc/'.
# c) The path ends with '..'. E.g. '/..' or 'dirs/..'
# d) The path contains a '..' in the middle.
# E.g. dirs/../moredirs
(.*/)?\.\.(?:/|$) |
# We need to renormalize the path if it contains a '.'
# directory, but NOT if it is a single '.' '/' characters. We
# do not want to match a single '.' because this case is checked
# for explicitly since this is common enough case.
# Note that we check for all the following cases:
# a) We don't match a single '.'
# b) We match if the path starts with '.'. E.g. './' or
# './moredirs' but we not match '.abc/'.
# c) We match if the path ends with '.'. E.g. '/.' or
# 'dirs/.'
# d) We match if the path contains a '.' in the middle.
# E.g. dirs/./moredirs
needs_normpath_match = needs_normpath_check.match
# SCons.Action objects for interacting with the outside world.
# The Node.FS methods in this module should use these actions to
# create and/or remove files and directories; they should *not* use
# os.{link,symlink,unlink,mkdir}(), etc., directly.
# Using these SCons.Action objects ensures that descriptions of these
# external activities are properly displayed, that the displays are
# suppressed when the -s (silent) option is used, and (most importantly)
# the actions are disabled when the the -n option is used, in which case
# there should be *no* changes to the external file system(s)...
# For Now disable hard & softlinks for win32
# PY3 supports them, but the rest of SCons is not ready for this
# in some cases user permissions may be required.
# TODO: See if there's a reasonable way to enable using links on win32/64
if hasattr(os, 'link') and sys.platform != 'win32':
def _hardlink_func(fs, src, dst):
# If the source is a symlink, we can't just hard-link to it
# because a relative symlink may point somewhere completely
# different. We must disambiguate the symlink and then
# hard-link the final destination file.
while fs.islink(src):
link = fs.readlink(src)
if not os.path.isabs(link):
src = link
src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src), link)
fs.link(src, dst)
_hardlink_func = None
if hasattr(os, 'symlink') and sys.platform != 'win32':
def _softlink_func(fs, src, dst):
fs.symlink(src, dst)
_softlink_func = None
def _copy_func(fs, src, dest):
shutil.copy2(src, dest)
st = fs.stat(src)
fs.chmod(dest, stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) | stat.S_IWRITE)
Valid_Duplicates = ['hard-soft-copy', 'soft-hard-copy',
'hard-copy', 'soft-copy', 'copy']
Link_Funcs = [] # contains the callables of the specified duplication style
def set_duplicate(duplicate):
# Fill in the Link_Funcs list according to the argument
# (discarding those not available on the platform).
# Set up the dictionary that maps the argument names to the
# underlying implementations. We do this inside this function,
# not in the top-level module code, so that we can remap os.link
# and os.symlink for testing purposes.
link_dict = {
'hard' : _hardlink_func,
'soft' : _softlink_func,
'copy' : _copy_func
if duplicate not in Valid_Duplicates:
raise SCons.Errors.InternalError("The argument of set_duplicate "
"should be in Valid_Duplicates")
global Link_Funcs
Link_Funcs = []
for func in duplicate.split('-'):
if link_dict[func]:
def LinkFunc(target, source, env):
Relative paths cause problems with symbolic links, so
we use absolute paths, which may be a problem for people
who want to move their soft-linked src-trees around. Those
people should use the 'hard-copy' mode, softlinks cannot be
used for that; at least I have no idea how ...
src = source[0].get_abspath()
dest = target[0].get_abspath()
dir, file = os.path.split(dest)
if dir and not target[0].fs.isdir(dir):
if not Link_Funcs:
# Set a default order of link functions.
fs = source[0].fs
# Now link the files with the previously specified order.
for func in Link_Funcs:
func(fs, src, dest)
except (IOError, OSError):
# An OSError indicates something happened like a permissions
# problem or an attempt to symlink across file-system
# boundaries. An IOError indicates something like the file
# not existing. In either case, keeping trying additional
# functions in the list and only raise an error if the last
# one failed.
if func == Link_Funcs[-1]:
# exception of the last link method (copy) are fatal
return 0
Link = SCons.Action.Action(LinkFunc, None)
def LocalString(target, source, env):
return 'Local copy of %s from %s' % (target[0], source[0])
LocalCopy = SCons.Action.Action(LinkFunc, LocalString)
def UnlinkFunc(target, source, env):
t = target[0]
return 0
Unlink = SCons.Action.Action(UnlinkFunc, None)
def MkdirFunc(target, source, env):
t = target[0]
# This os.path.exists test looks redundant, but it's possible
# when using Install() to install multiple dirs outside the
# source tree to get a case where t.exists() is true but
# the path does already exist, so this prevents spurious
# build failures in that case. See test/Install/multi-dir.
if not t.exists() and not os.path.exists(t.get_abspath()):
return 0
Mkdir = SCons.Action.Action(MkdirFunc, None, presub=None)
MkdirBuilder = None
def get_MkdirBuilder():
global MkdirBuilder
if MkdirBuilder is None:
import SCons.Builder
import SCons.Defaults
# "env" will get filled in by Executor.get_build_env()
# calling SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment() when necessary.
MkdirBuilder = SCons.Builder.Builder(action = Mkdir,
env = None,
explain = None,
is_explicit = None,
target_scanner = SCons.Defaults.DirEntryScanner,
name = "MkdirBuilder")
return MkdirBuilder
class _Null:
_null = _Null()
# Cygwin's os.path.normcase pretends it's on a case-sensitive filesystem.
_is_cygwin = sys.platform == "cygwin"
if os.path.normcase("TeSt") == os.path.normpath("TeSt") and not _is_cygwin:
def _my_normcase(x):
return x
def _my_normcase(x):
return x.upper()
class DiskChecker:
def __init__(self, type, do, ignore):
self.type = type
self.do = do
self.ignore = ignore
self.func = do
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
return self.func(*args, **kw)
def set(self, list):
if self.type in list:
self.func = self.do
self.func = self.ignore
def do_diskcheck_match(node, predicate, errorfmt):
result = predicate()
# If calling the predicate() cached a None value from stat(),
# remove it so it doesn't interfere with later attempts to
# build this Node as we walk the DAG. (This isn't a great way
# to do this, we're reaching into an interface that doesn't
# really belong to us, but it's all about performance, so
# for now we'll just document the dependency...)
if node._memo['stat'] is None:
del node._memo['stat']
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
if result:
raise TypeError(errorfmt % node.get_abspath())
def ignore_diskcheck_match(node, predicate, errorfmt):
diskcheck_match = DiskChecker('match', do_diskcheck_match, ignore_diskcheck_match)
diskcheckers = [
def set_diskcheck(list):
for dc in diskcheckers:
def diskcheck_types():
return [dc.type for dc in diskcheckers]
class EntryProxy(SCons.Util.Proxy):
__str__ = SCons.Util.Delegate('__str__')
# In PY3 if a class defines __eq__, then it must explicitly provide
# __hash__. Since SCons.Util.Proxy provides __eq__ we need the following
# see: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__
__hash__ = SCons.Util.Delegate('__hash__')
def __get_abspath(self):
entry = self.get()
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(entry.get_abspath(),
entry.name + "_abspath")
def __get_relpath(self):
entry = self.get()
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(entry.get_relpath(),
entry.name + "_relpath")
def __get_filebase(self):
name = self.get().name
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(SCons.Util.splitext(name)[0],
name + "_filebase")
def __get_suffix(self):
name = self.get().name
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(SCons.Util.splitext(name)[1],
name + "_suffix")
def __get_file(self):
name = self.get().name
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(name, name + "_file")
def __get_base_path(self):
"""Return the file's directory and file name, with the
suffix stripped."""
entry = self.get()
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(SCons.Util.splitext(entry.get_path())[0],
entry.name + "_base")
def __get_posix_path(self):
"""Return the path with / as the path separator,
regardless of platform."""
if os_sep_is_slash:
return self
entry = self.get()
r = entry.get_path().replace(OS_SEP, '/')
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(r, entry.name + "_posix")
def __get_windows_path(self):
r"""Return the path with \ as the path separator,
regardless of platform."""
if OS_SEP == '\\':
return self
entry = self.get()
r = entry.get_path().replace(OS_SEP, '\\')
return SCons.Subst.SpecialAttrWrapper(r, entry.name + "_windows")
def __get_srcnode(self):
return EntryProxy(self.get().srcnode())
def __get_srcdir(self):
"""Returns the directory containing the source node linked to this
node via VariantDir(), or the directory of this node if not linked."""
return EntryProxy(self.get().srcnode().dir)
def __get_rsrcnode(self):
return EntryProxy(self.get().srcnode().rfile())
def __get_rsrcdir(self):
"""Returns the directory containing the source node linked to this
node via VariantDir(), or the directory of this node if not linked."""
return EntryProxy(self.get().srcnode().rfile().dir)
def __get_dir(self):
return EntryProxy(self.get().dir)
dictSpecialAttrs = { "base" : __get_base_path,
"posix" : __get_posix_path,
"windows" : __get_windows_path,
"win32" : __get_windows_path,
"srcpath" : __get_srcnode,
"srcdir" : __get_srcdir,
"dir" : __get_dir,
"abspath" : __get_abspath,
"relpath" : __get_relpath,
"filebase" : __get_filebase,
"suffix" : __get_suffix,
"file" : __get_file,
"rsrcpath" : __get_rsrcnode,
"rsrcdir" : __get_rsrcdir,
def __getattr__(self, name):
# This is how we implement the "special" attributes
# such as base, posix, srcdir, etc.
attr_function = self.dictSpecialAttrs[name]
except KeyError:
attr = SCons.Util.Proxy.__getattr__(self, name)
except AttributeError:
# Raise our own AttributeError subclass with an
# overridden __str__() method that identifies the
# name of the entry that caused the exception.
raise EntryProxyAttributeError(self, name)
return attr
return attr_function(self)
class Base(SCons.Node.Node):
"""A generic class for file system entries. This class is for
when we don't know yet whether the entry being looked up is a file
or a directory. Instances of this class can morph into either
Dir or File objects by a later, more precise lookup.
Note: this class does not define __cmp__ and __hash__ for
efficiency reasons. SCons does a lot of comparing of
Node.FS.{Base,Entry,File,Dir} objects, so those operations must be
as fast as possible, which means we want to use Python's built-in
object identity comparisons.
__slots__ = ['name',
def __init__(self, name, directory, fs):
"""Initialize a generic Node.FS.Base object.
Call the superclass initialization, take care of setting up
our relative and absolute paths, identify our parent
directory, and indicate that this node should use
if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Node.FS.Base')
# Filenames and paths are probably reused and are intern'ed to save some memory.
# Filename with extension as it was specified when the object was
# created; to obtain filesystem path, use Python str() function
self.name = SCons.Util.silent_intern(name)
self.fs = fs #: Reference to parent Node.FS object
assert directory, "A directory must be provided"
self._abspath = None
self._labspath = None
self._path = None
self._tpath = None
self._path_elements = None
self.dir = directory
self.cwd = None # will hold the SConscript directory for target nodes
self.duplicate = directory.duplicate
self.changed_since_last_build = 2
self._func_sconsign = 0
self._func_exists = 2
self._func_rexists = 2
self._func_get_contents = 0
self._func_target_from_source = 1
self.store_info = 1
def str_for_display(self):
return '"' + self.__str__() + '"'
def must_be_same(self, klass):
This node, which already existed, is being looked up as the
specified klass. Raise an exception if it isn't.
if isinstance(self, klass) or klass is Entry:
raise TypeError("Tried to lookup %s '%s' as a %s." %\
(self.__class__.__name__, self.get_internal_path(), klass.__name__))
def get_dir(self):
return self.dir
def get_suffix(self):
return SCons.Util.splitext(self.name)[1]
def rfile(self):
return self
def __getattr__(self, attr):
""" Together with the node_bwcomp dict defined below,
this method provides a simple backward compatibility
layer for the Node attributes 'abspath', 'labspath',
'path', 'tpath', 'suffix' and 'path_elements'. These Node
attributes used to be directly available in v2.3 and earlier, but
have been replaced by getter methods that initialize the
single variables lazily when required, in order to save memory.
The redirection to the getters lets older Tools and
SConstruct continue to work without any additional changes,
fully transparent to the user.
Note, that __getattr__ is only called as fallback when the
requested attribute can't be found, so there should be no
speed performance penalty involved for standard builds.
if attr in node_bwcomp:
return node_bwcomp[attr](self)
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" %
(self.__class__, attr))
def __str__(self):
"""A Node.FS.Base object's string representation is its path
global Save_Strings
if Save_Strings:
return self._save_str()
return self._get_str()
def __lt__(self, other):
""" less than operator used by sorting on py3"""
return str(self) < str(other)
def _save_str(self):
return self._memo['_save_str']
except KeyError:
result = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self._get_str())
self._memo['_save_str'] = result
return result
def _get_str(self):
global Save_Strings
if self.duplicate or self.is_derived():
return self.get_path()
srcnode = self.srcnode()
if srcnode.stat() is None and self.stat() is not None:
result = self.get_path()
result = srcnode.get_path()
if not Save_Strings:
# We're not at the point where we're saving the string
# representations of FS Nodes (because we haven't finished
# reading the SConscript files and need to have str() return
# things relative to them). That also means we can't yet
# cache values returned (or not returned) by stat(), since
# Python code in the SConscript files might still create
# or otherwise affect the on-disk file. So get rid of the
# values that the underlying stat() method saved.
try: del self._memo['stat']
except KeyError: pass
if self is not srcnode:
try: del srcnode._memo['stat']
except KeyError: pass
return result
rstr = __str__
def stat(self):
return self._memo['stat']
except KeyError:
result = self.fs.stat(self.get_abspath())
except os.error:
result = None
self._memo['stat'] = result
return result
def lstat(self):
return self._memo['lstat']
except KeyError:
result = self.fs.lstat(self.get_abspath())
except os.error:
result = None
self._memo['lstat'] = result
return result
def exists(self):
return SCons.Node._exists_map[self._func_exists](self)
def rexists(self):
return SCons.Node._rexists_map[self._func_rexists](self)
def getmtime(self):
if self.islink():
st = self.lstat()
st = self.stat()
if st:
return st[stat.ST_MTIME]
return None
def getsize(self):
if self.islink():
st = self.lstat()
st = self.stat()
if st:
return st[stat.ST_SIZE]
return None
def isdir(self):
st = self.stat()
return st is not None and stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE])
def isfile(self):
st = self.stat()
return st is not None and stat.S_ISREG(st[stat.ST_MODE])
if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
def islink(self):
st = self.lstat()
return st is not None and stat.S_ISLNK(st[stat.ST_MODE])
def islink(self):
return False # no symlinks
def is_under(self, dir):
if self is dir:
return 1
return self.dir.is_under(dir)
def set_local(self):
self._local = 1
def srcnode(self):
"""If this node is in a build path, return the node
corresponding to its source file. Otherwise, return
srcdir_list = self.dir.srcdir_list()
if srcdir_list:
srcnode = srcdir_list[0].Entry(self.name)
return srcnode
return self
def get_path(self, dir=None):
"""Return path relative to the current working directory of the
Node.FS.Base object that owns us."""
if not dir:
dir = self.fs.getcwd()
if self == dir:
return '.'
path_elems = self.get_path_elements()
pathname = ''
try: i = path_elems.index(dir)
except ValueError:
for p in path_elems[:-1]:
pathname += p.dirname
for p in path_elems[i+1:-1]:
pathname += p.dirname
return pathname + path_elems[-1].name
def set_src_builder(self, builder):
"""Set the source code builder for this node."""
self.sbuilder = builder
if not self.has_builder():
def src_builder(self):
"""Fetch the source code builder for this node.
If there isn't one, we cache the source code builder specified
for the directory (which in turn will cache the value from its
parent directory, and so on up to the file system root).
scb = self.sbuilder
except AttributeError:
scb = self.dir.src_builder()
self.sbuilder = scb
return scb
def get_abspath(self):
"""Get the absolute path of the file."""
return self.dir.entry_abspath(self.name)
def get_labspath(self):
"""Get the absolute path of the file."""
return self.dir.entry_labspath(self.name)
def get_relpath(self):
"""Get the path of the file relative to the root SConstruct file's directory."""
return os.path.relpath(self.dir.entry_abspath(self.name), self.fs.SConstruct_dir.get_abspath())
def get_internal_path(self):
if self.dir._path == '.':
return self.name
return self.dir.entry_path(self.name)
def get_tpath(self):
if self.dir._tpath == '.':
return self.name
return self.dir.entry_tpath(self.name)
def get_path_elements(self):
return self.dir._path_elements + [self]
def for_signature(self):
# Return just our name. Even an absolute path would not work,
# because that can change thanks to symlinks or remapped network
# paths.
return self.name
def get_subst_proxy(self):
return self._proxy
except AttributeError:
ret = EntryProxy(self)
self._proxy = ret
return ret
def target_from_source(self, prefix, suffix, splitext=SCons.Util.splitext):
Generates a target entry that corresponds to this entry (usually
a source file) with the specified prefix and suffix.
Note that this method can be overridden dynamically for generated
files that need different behavior. See Tool/swig.py for
an example.
return SCons.Node._target_from_source_map[self._func_target_from_source](self, prefix, suffix, splitext)
def _Rfindalldirs_key(self, pathlist):
return pathlist
def Rfindalldirs(self, pathlist):
Return all of the directories for a given path list, including
corresponding "backing" directories in any repositories.
The Node lookups are relative to this Node (typically a
directory), so memoizing result saves cycles from looking
up the same path for each target in a given directory.
memo_dict = self._memo['Rfindalldirs']
except KeyError:
memo_dict = {}
self._memo['Rfindalldirs'] = memo_dict
return memo_dict[pathlist]
except KeyError:
create_dir_relative_to_self = self.Dir
result = []
for path in pathlist:
if isinstance(path, SCons.Node.Node):
dir = create_dir_relative_to_self(path)
memo_dict[pathlist] = result
return result
def RDirs(self, pathlist):
"""Search for a list of directories in the Repository list."""
cwd = self.cwd or self.fs._cwd
return cwd.Rfindalldirs(pathlist)
def rentry(self):
return self._memo['rentry']
except KeyError:
result = self
if not self.exists():
norm_name = _my_normcase(self.name)
for dir in self.dir.get_all_rdirs():
node = dir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError:
if dir.entry_exists_on_disk(self.name):
result = dir.Entry(self.name)
self._memo['rentry'] = result
return result
def _glob1(self, pattern, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False):
return []
# Dict that provides a simple backward compatibility
# layer for the Node attributes 'abspath', 'labspath',
# 'relpath', 'path', 'tpath' and 'path_elements'.
# @see Base.__getattr__ above
node_bwcomp = {'abspath' : Base.get_abspath,
'labspath' : Base.get_labspath,
'relpath' : Base.get_relpath,
'path' : Base.get_internal_path,
'tpath' : Base.get_tpath,
'path_elements' : Base.get_path_elements,
'suffix' : Base.get_suffix}
class Entry(Base):
"""This is the class for generic Node.FS entries--that is, things
that could be a File or a Dir, but we're just not sure yet.
Consequently, the methods in this class really exist just to
transform their associated object into the right class when the
time comes, and then call the same-named method in the transformed
__slots__ = ['scanner_paths',
def __init__(self, name, directory, fs):
Base.__init__(self, name, directory, fs)
self._func_exists = 3
self._func_get_contents = 1
def diskcheck_match(self):
def disambiguate(self, must_exist=None):
if self.isfile():
self.__class__ = File
elif self.isdir():
self.__class__ = Dir
# There was nothing on-disk at this location, so look in
# the src directory.
# We can't just use self.srcnode() straight away because
# that would create an actual Node for this file in the src
# directory, and there might not be one. Instead, use the
# dir_on_disk() method to see if there's something on-disk
# with that name, in which case we can go ahead and call
# self.srcnode() to create the right type of entry.
srcdir = self.dir.srcnode()
if srcdir != self.dir and \
srcdir.entry_exists_on_disk(self.name) and \
self.__class__ = Dir
elif must_exist:
msg = "No such file or directory: '%s'" % self.get_abspath()
raise SCons.Errors.UserError(msg)
self.__class__ = File
return self
def rfile(self):
"""We're a generic Entry, but the caller is actually looking for
a File at this point, so morph into one."""
self.__class__ = File
return File.rfile(self)
def scanner_key(self):
return self.get_suffix()
def get_contents(self):
"""Fetch the contents of the entry. Returns the exact binary
contents of the file."""
return SCons.Node._get_contents_map[self._func_get_contents](self)
def get_text_contents(self):
"""Fetch the decoded text contents of a Unicode encoded Entry.
Since this should return the text contents from the file
system, we check to see into what sort of subclass we should
morph this Entry."""
self = self.disambiguate(must_exist=1)
except SCons.Errors.UserError:
# There was nothing on disk with which to disambiguate
# this entry. Leave it as an Entry, but return a null
# string so calls to get_text_contents() in emitters and
# the like (e.g. in qt.py) don't have to disambiguate by
# hand or catch the exception.
return ''
return self.get_text_contents()
def must_be_same(self, klass):
"""Called to make sure a Node is a Dir. Since we're an
Entry, we can morph into one."""
if self.__class__ is not klass:
self.__class__ = klass
# The following methods can get called before the Taskmaster has
# had a chance to call disambiguate() directly to see if this Entry
# should really be a Dir or a File. We therefore use these to call
# disambiguate() transparently (from our caller's point of view).
# Right now, this minimal set of methods has been derived by just
# looking at some of the methods that will obviously be called early
# in any of the various Taskmasters' calling sequences, and then
# empirically figuring out which additional methods are necessary
# to make various tests pass.
def exists(self):
return SCons.Node._exists_map[self._func_exists](self)
def rel_path(self, other):
d = self.disambiguate()
if d.__class__ is Entry:
raise Exception("rel_path() could not disambiguate File/Dir")
return d.rel_path(other)
def new_ninfo(self):
return self.disambiguate().new_ninfo()
def _glob1(self, pattern, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False):
return self.disambiguate()._glob1(pattern, ondisk, source, strings)
def get_subst_proxy(self):
return self.disambiguate().get_subst_proxy()
# This is for later so we can differentiate between Entry the class and Entry
# the method of the FS class.
_classEntry = Entry
class LocalFS:
This class implements an abstraction layer for operations involving
a local file system. Essentially, this wraps any function in
the os, os.path or shutil modules that we use to actually go do
anything with or to the local file system.
Note that there's a very good chance we'll refactor this part of
the architecture in some way as we really implement the interface(s)
for remote file system Nodes. For example, the right architecture
might be to have this be a subclass instead of a base class.
Nevertheless, we're using this as a first step in that direction.
We're not using chdir() yet because the calling subclass method
needs to use os.chdir() directly to avoid recursion. Will we
really need this one?
def chmod(self, path, mode):
return os.chmod(path, mode)
def copy(self, src, dst):
return shutil.copy(src, dst)
def copy2(self, src, dst):
return shutil.copy2(src, dst)
def exists(self, path):
return os.path.exists(path)
def getmtime(self, path):
return os.path.getmtime(path)
def getsize(self, path):
return os.path.getsize(path)
def isdir(self, path):
return os.path.isdir(path)
def isfile(self, path):
return os.path.isfile(path)
def link(self, src, dst):
return os.link(src, dst)
def lstat(self, path):
return os.lstat(path)
def listdir(self, path):
return os.listdir(path)
def scandir(self, path):
return os.scandir(path)
def makedirs(self, path, mode=0o777, exist_ok=False):
return os.makedirs(path, mode=mode, exist_ok=exist_ok)
def mkdir(self, path, mode=0o777):
return os.mkdir(path, mode=mode)
def rename(self, old, new):
return os.rename(old, new)
def stat(self, path):
return os.stat(path)
def symlink(self, src, dst):
return os.symlink(src, dst)
def open(self, path):
return open(path)
def unlink(self, path):
return os.unlink(path)
if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
def islink(self, path):
return os.path.islink(path)
def islink(self, path):
return False # no symlinks
if hasattr(os, 'readlink'):
def readlink(self, file):
return os.readlink(file)
def readlink(self, file):
return ''
class FS(LocalFS):
def __init__(self, path = None):
"""Initialize the Node.FS subsystem.
The supplied path is the top of the source tree, where we
expect to find the top-level build file. If no path is
supplied, the current directory is the default.
The path argument must be a valid absolute path.
if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Node.FS')
self._memo = {}
self.Root = {}
self.SConstruct_dir = None
self.max_drift = default_max_drift
self.Top = None
if path is None:
self.pathTop = os.getcwd()
self.pathTop = path
self.defaultDrive = _my_normcase(_my_splitdrive(self.pathTop)[0])
self.Top = self.Dir(self.pathTop)
self.Top._path = '.'
self.Top._tpath = '.'
self._cwd = self.Top
DirNodeInfo.fs = self
FileNodeInfo.fs = self
def set_SConstruct_dir(self, dir):
self.SConstruct_dir = dir
def get_max_drift(self):
return self.max_drift
def set_max_drift(self, max_drift):
self.max_drift = max_drift
def getcwd(self):
if hasattr(self, "_cwd"):
return self._cwd
return "<no cwd>"
def chdir(self, dir, change_os_dir=0):
"""Change the current working directory for lookups.
If change_os_dir is true, we will also change the "real" cwd
to match.
if dir is not None:
self._cwd = dir
if change_os_dir:
except OSError:
self._cwd = curr
def get_root(self, drive):
Returns the root directory for the specified drive, creating
it if necessary.
drive = _my_normcase(drive)
return self.Root[drive]
except KeyError:
root = RootDir(drive, self)
self.Root[drive] = root
if not drive:
self.Root[self.defaultDrive] = root
elif drive == self.defaultDrive:
self.Root[''] = root
return root
def _lookup(self, p, directory, fsclass, create=1):
The generic entry point for Node lookup with user-supplied data.
This translates arbitrary input into a canonical Node.FS object
of the specified fsclass. The general approach for strings is
to turn it into a fully normalized absolute path and then call
the root directory's lookup_abs() method for the heavy lifting.
If the path name begins with '#', it is unconditionally
interpreted relative to the top-level directory of this FS. '#'
is treated as a synonym for the top-level SConstruct directory,
much like '~' is treated as a synonym for the user's home
directory in a UNIX shell. So both '#foo' and '#/foo' refer
to the 'foo' subdirectory underneath the top-level SConstruct
If the path name is relative, then the path is looked up relative
to the specified directory, or the current directory (self._cwd,
typically the SConscript directory) if the specified directory
is None.
if isinstance(p, Base):
# It's already a Node.FS object. Make sure it's the right
# class and return.
return p
# str(p) in case it's something like a proxy object
p = str(p)
if not os_sep_is_slash:
p = p.replace(OS_SEP, '/')
if p[0:1] == '#':
# There was an initial '#', so we strip it and override
# whatever directory they may have specified with the
# top-level SConstruct directory.
p = p[1:]
directory = self.Top
# There might be a drive letter following the
# '#'. Although it is not described in the SCons man page,
# the regression test suite explicitly tests for that
# syntax. It seems to mean the following thing:
# Assuming the the SCons top dir is in C:/xxx/yyy,
# '#X:/toto' means X:/xxx/yyy/toto.
# i.e. it assumes that the X: drive has a directory
# structure similar to the one found on drive C:.
if do_splitdrive:
drive, p = _my_splitdrive(p)
if drive:
root = self.get_root(drive)
root = directory.root
root = directory.root
# We can only strip trailing after splitting the drive
# since the drive might the UNC '//' prefix.
p = p.strip('/')
needs_normpath = needs_normpath_match(p)
# The path is relative to the top-level SCons directory.
if p in ('', '.'):
p = directory.get_labspath()
p = directory.get_labspath() + '/' + p
if do_splitdrive:
drive, p = _my_splitdrive(p)
if drive and not p:
# This causes a naked drive letter to be treated
# as a synonym for the root directory on that
# drive.
p = '/'
drive = ''
# We can only strip trailing '/' since the drive might the
# UNC '//' prefix.
if p != '/':
p = p.rstrip('/')
needs_normpath = needs_normpath_match(p)
if p[0:1] == '/':
# Absolute path
root = self.get_root(drive)
# This is a relative lookup or to the current directory
# (the path name is not absolute). Add the string to the
# appropriate directory lookup path, after which the whole
# thing gets normalized.
if directory:
if not isinstance(directory, Dir):
directory = self.Dir(directory)
directory = self._cwd
if p in ('', '.'):
p = directory.get_labspath()
p = directory.get_labspath() + '/' + p
if drive:
root = self.get_root(drive)
root = directory.root
if needs_normpath is not None:
# Normalize a pathname. Will return the same result for
# equivalent paths.
# We take advantage of the fact that we have an absolute
# path here for sure. In addition, we know that the
# components of lookup path are separated by slashes at
# this point. Because of this, this code is about 2X
# faster than calling os.path.normpath() followed by
# replacing os.sep with '/' again.
ins = p.split('/')[1:]
outs = []
for d in ins:
if d == '..':
except IndexError:
elif d not in ('', '.'):
p = '/' + '/'.join(outs)
return root._lookup_abs(p, fsclass, create)
def Entry(self, name, directory = None, create = 1):
"""Look up or create a generic Entry node with the specified name.
If the name is a relative path (begins with ./, ../, or a file
name), then it is looked up relative to the supplied directory
node, or to the top level directory of the FS (supplied at
construction time) if no directory is supplied.
return self._lookup(name, directory, Entry, create)
def File(self, name, directory = None, create = 1):
"""Look up or create a File node with the specified name. If
the name is a relative path (begins with ./, ../, or a file name),
then it is looked up relative to the supplied directory node,
or to the top level directory of the FS (supplied at construction
time) if no directory is supplied.
This method will raise TypeError if a directory is found at the
specified path.
return self._lookup(name, directory, File, create)
def Dir(self, name, directory = None, create = True):
"""Look up or create a Dir node with the specified name. If
the name is a relative path (begins with ./, ../, or a file name),
then it is looked up relative to the supplied directory node,
or to the top level directory of the FS (supplied at construction
time) if no directory is supplied.
This method will raise TypeError if a normal file is found at the
specified path.
return self._lookup(name, directory, Dir, create)
def VariantDir(self, variant_dir, src_dir, duplicate=1):
"""Link the supplied variant directory to the source directory
for purposes of building files."""
if not isinstance(src_dir, SCons.Node.Node):
src_dir = self.Dir(src_dir)
if not isinstance(variant_dir, SCons.Node.Node):
variant_dir = self.Dir(variant_dir)
if src_dir.is_under(variant_dir):
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Source directory cannot be under variant directory.")
if variant_dir.srcdir:
if variant_dir.srcdir == src_dir:
return # We already did this.
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("'%s' already has a source directory: '%s'."%(variant_dir, variant_dir.srcdir))
variant_dir.link(src_dir, duplicate)
def Repository(self, *dirs):
"""Specify Repository directories to search."""
for d in dirs:
if not isinstance(d, SCons.Node.Node):
d = self.Dir(d)
def PyPackageDir(self, modulename):
r"""Locate the directory of a given python module name
For example scons might resolve to
Windows: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\scons-2.5.1
Linux: /usr/lib/scons
This can be useful when we want to determine a toolpath based on a python module name"""
dirpath = ''
# Python3 Code
modspec = importlib.util.find_spec(modulename)
dirpath = os.path.dirname(modspec.origin)
return self._lookup(dirpath, None, Dir, True)
def variant_dir_target_climb(self, orig, dir, tail):
"""Create targets in corresponding variant directories
Climb the directory tree, and look up path names
relative to any linked variant directories we find.
Even though this loops and walks up the tree, we don't memoize
the return value because this is really only used to process
the command-line targets.
targets = []
message = None
fmt = "building associated VariantDir targets: %s"
start_dir = dir
while dir:
for bd in dir.variant_dirs:
if start_dir.is_under(bd):
# If already in the build-dir location, don't reflect
return [orig], fmt % str(orig)
p = os.path.join(bd._path, *tail)
tail = [dir.name] + tail
dir = dir.up()
if targets:
message = fmt % ' '.join(map(str, targets))
return targets, message
def Glob(self, pathname, ondisk=True, source=True, strings=False, exclude=None, cwd=None):
This is mainly a shim layer
if cwd is None:
cwd = self.getcwd()
return cwd.glob(pathname, ondisk, source, strings, exclude)
class DirNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
__slots__ = ()
# This should get reset by the FS initialization.
current_version_id = 2
fs = None
def str_to_node(self, s):
top = self.fs.Top
root = top.root
if do_splitdrive:
drive, s = _my_splitdrive(s)
if drive:
root = self.fs.get_root(drive)
if not os.path.isabs(s):
s = top.get_labspath() + '/' + s
return root._lookup_abs(s, Entry)
class DirBuildInfo(SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase):
__slots__ = ()
current_version_id = 2
glob_magic_check = re.compile('[*?[]')
def has_glob_magic(s):
return glob_magic_check.search(s) is not None
class Dir(Base):
"""A class for directories in a file system.
__slots__ = ['scanner_paths',
NodeInfo = DirNodeInfo
BuildInfo = DirBuildInfo
def __init__(self, name, directory, fs):
if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Node.FS.Dir')
Base.__init__(self, name, directory, fs)
def _morph(self):
"""Turn a file system Node (either a freshly initialized directory
object or a separate Entry object) into a proper directory object.
Set up this directory's entries and hook it into the file
system tree. Specify that directories (this Node) don't use
signatures for calculating whether they're current.
self.repositories = []
self.srcdir = None
self.entries = {'.': self, '..': self.dir}
self.cwd = self
self.searched = 0
self._sconsign = None
self.variant_dirs = []
self.root = self.dir.root
self.changed_since_last_build = 3
self._func_sconsign = 1
self._func_exists = 2
self._func_get_contents = 2
self._abspath = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.dir.entry_abspath(self.name))
self._labspath = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.dir.entry_labspath(self.name))
if self.dir._path == '.':
self._path = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.name)
self._path = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.dir.entry_path(self.name))
if self.dir._tpath == '.':
self._tpath = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.name)
self._tpath = SCons.Util.silent_intern(self.dir.entry_tpath(self.name))
self._path_elements = self.dir._path_elements + [self]
# For directories, we make a difference between the directory
# 'name' and the directory 'dirname'. The 'name' attribute is
# used when we need to print the 'name' of the directory or
# when we it is used as the last part of a path. The 'dirname'
# is used when the directory is not the last element of the
# path. The main reason for making that distinction is that
# for RoorDir's the dirname can not be easily inferred from
# the name. For example, we have to add a '/' after a drive
# letter but not after a UNC path prefix ('//').
self.dirname = self.name + OS_SEP
# Don't just reset the executor, replace its action list,
# because it might have some pre-or post-actions that need to
# be preserved.
# But don't reset the executor if there is a non-null executor
# attached already. The existing executor might have other
# targets, in which case replacing the action list with a
# Mkdir action is a big mistake.
if not hasattr(self, 'executor'):
self.builder = get_MkdirBuilder()
# Prepend MkdirBuilder action to existing action list
l = self.get_executor().action_list
a = get_MkdirBuilder().action
l.insert(0, a)
def diskcheck_match(self):
diskcheck_match(self, self.isfile,
"File %s found where directory expected.")
def __clearRepositoryCache(self, duplicate=None):
"""Called when we change the repository(ies) for a directory.
This clears any cached information that is invalidated by changing
the repository."""
for node in self.entries.values():
if node != self.dir:
if node != self and isinstance(node, Dir):
del node._srcreps
except AttributeError:
if duplicate is not None:
node.duplicate = duplicate
def __resetDuplicate(self, node):
if node != self:
node.duplicate = node.get_dir().duplicate
def Entry(self, name):
Looks up or creates an entry node named 'name' relative to
this directory.
return self.fs.Entry(name, self)
def Dir(self, name, create=True):
Looks up or creates a directory node named 'name' relative to
this directory.
return self.fs.Dir(name, self, create)
def File(self, name):
Looks up or creates a file node named 'name' relative to
this directory.
return self.fs.File(name, self)
def link(self, srcdir, duplicate):
"""Set this directory as the variant directory for the
supplied source directory."""
self.srcdir = srcdir
self.duplicate = duplicate
def getRepositories(self):
"""Returns a list of repositories for this directory.
if self.srcdir and not self.duplicate:
return self.srcdir.get_all_rdirs() + self.repositories
return self.repositories
def get_all_rdirs(self):
return list(self._memo['get_all_rdirs'])
except KeyError:
result = [self]
fname = '.'
dir = self
while dir:
for rep in dir.getRepositories():
if fname == '.':
fname = dir.name
fname = dir.name + OS_SEP + fname
dir = dir.up()
self._memo['get_all_rdirs'] = list(result)
return result
def addRepository(self, dir):
if dir != self and dir not in self.repositories:
dir._tpath = '.'
def up(self):
return self.dir
def _rel_path_key(self, other):
return str(other)
def rel_path(self, other):
"""Return a path to "other" relative to this directory.
# This complicated and expensive method, which constructs relative
# paths between arbitrary Node.FS objects, is no longer used
# by SCons itself. It was introduced to store dependency paths
# in .sconsign files relative to the target, but that ended up
# being significantly inefficient.
# We're continuing to support the method because some SConstruct
# files out there started using it when it was available, and
# we're all about backwards compatibility..
memo_dict = self._memo['rel_path']
except KeyError:
memo_dict = {}
self._memo['rel_path'] = memo_dict
return memo_dict[other]
except KeyError:
if self is other:
result = '.'
elif other not in self._path_elements:
other_dir = other.get_dir()
except AttributeError:
result = str(other)
if other_dir is None:
result = other.name
dir_rel_path = self.rel_path(other_dir)
if dir_rel_path == '.':
result = other.name
result = dir_rel_path + OS_SEP + other.name
i = self._path_elements.index(other) + 1
path_elems = ['..'] * (len(self._path_elements) - i) \
+ [n.name for n in other._path_elements[i:]]
result = OS_SEP.join(path_elems)
memo_dict[other] = result
return result
def get_env_scanner(self, env, kw={}):
import SCons.Defaults
return SCons.Defaults.DirEntryScanner
def get_target_scanner(self):
import SCons.Defaults
return SCons.Defaults.DirEntryScanner
def get_found_includes(self, env, scanner, path):
"""Return this directory's implicit dependencies.
We don't bother caching the results because the scan typically
shouldn't be requested more than once (as opposed to scanning
.h file contents, which can be requested as many times as the
files is #included by other files).
if not scanner:
return []
# Clear cached info for this Dir. If we already visited this
# directory on our walk down the tree (because we didn't know at
# that point it was being used as the source for another Node)
# then we may have calculated build signature before realizing
# we had to scan the disk. Now that we have to, though, we need
# to invalidate the old calculated signature so that any node
# dependent on our directory structure gets one that includes
# info about everything on disk.
return scanner(self, env, path)
# Taskmaster interface subsystem
def prepare(self):
def build(self, **kw):
"""A null "builder" for directories."""
global MkdirBuilder
if self.builder is not MkdirBuilder:
SCons.Node.Node.build(self, **kw)
def _create(self):
"""Create this directory, silently and without worrying about
whether the builder is the default or not."""
listDirs = []
parent = self
while parent:
if parent.exists():
p = parent.up()
if p is None:
# Don't use while: - else: for this condition because
# if so, then parent is None and has no .path attribute.
raise SCons.Errors.StopError(parent._path)
parent = p
for dirnode in listDirs:
# Don't call dirnode.build(), call the base Node method
# directly because we definitely *must* create this
# directory. The dirnode.build() method will suppress
# the build if it's the default builder.
# The build() action may or may not have actually
# created the directory, depending on whether the -n
# option was used or not. Delete the _exists and
# _rexists attributes so they can be reevaluated.
except OSError:
def multiple_side_effect_has_builder(self):
global MkdirBuilder
return self.builder is not MkdirBuilder and self.has_builder()
def alter_targets(self):
"""Return any corresponding targets in a variant directory.
return self.fs.variant_dir_target_climb(self, self, [])
def scanner_key(self):
"""A directory does not get scanned."""
return None
def get_text_contents(self):
"""We already emit things in text, so just return the binary
return self.get_contents()
def get_contents(self):
"""Return content signatures and names of all our children
separated by new-lines. Ensure that the nodes are sorted."""
return SCons.Node._get_contents_map[self._func_get_contents](self)
def get_csig(self):
"""Compute the content signature for Directory nodes. In
general, this is not needed and the content signature is not
stored in the DirNodeInfo. However, if get_contents on a Dir
node is called which has a child directory, the child
directory should return the hash of its contents."""
contents = self.get_contents()
return hash_signature(contents)
def do_duplicate(self, src):
def is_up_to_date(self):
"""If any child is not up-to-date, then this directory isn't,
if self.builder is not MkdirBuilder and not self.exists():
return 0
up_to_date = SCons.Node.up_to_date
for kid in self.children():
if kid.get_state() > up_to_date:
return 0
return 1
def rdir(self):
if not self.exists():
norm_name = _my_normcase(self.name)
for dir in self.dir.get_all_rdirs():
try: node = dir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError: node = dir.dir_on_disk(self.name)
if node and node.exists() and \
(isinstance(dir, Dir) or isinstance(dir, Entry)):
return node
return self
def sconsign(self):
"""Return the .sconsign file info for this directory. """
return _sconsign_map[self._func_sconsign](self)
def srcnode(self):
"""Dir has a special need for srcnode()...if we
have a srcdir attribute set, then that *is* our srcnode."""
if self.srcdir:
return self.srcdir
return Base.srcnode(self)
def get_timestamp(self):
"""Return the latest timestamp from among our children"""
stamp = 0
for kid in self.children():
if kid.get_timestamp() > stamp:
stamp = kid.get_timestamp()
return stamp
def get_abspath(self):
"""Get the absolute path of the file."""
return self._abspath
def get_labspath(self):
"""Get the absolute path of the file."""
return self._labspath
def get_internal_path(self):
return self._path
def get_tpath(self):
return self._tpath
def get_path_elements(self):
return self._path_elements
def entry_abspath(self, name):
return self._abspath + OS_SEP + name
def entry_labspath(self, name):
return self._labspath + '/' + name
def entry_path(self, name):
return self._path + OS_SEP + name
def entry_tpath(self, name):
return self._tpath + OS_SEP + name
def entry_exists_on_disk(self, name):
""" Searches through the file/dir entries of the current
directory, and returns True if a physical entry with the given
name could be found.
@see rentry_exists_on_disk
d = self.on_disk_entries
except AttributeError:
d = {}
entries = os.listdir(self._abspath)
except OSError:
for entry in map(_my_normcase, entries):
d[entry] = True
self.on_disk_entries = d
if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'cygwin':
name = _my_normcase(name)
result = d.get(name)
if result is None:
# Belt-and-suspenders for Windows: check directly for
# 8.3 file names that don't show up in os.listdir().
result = os.path.exists(self._abspath + OS_SEP + name)
d[name] = result
return result
return name in d
def rentry_exists_on_disk(self, name):
""" Searches through the file/dir entries of the current
*and* all its remote directories (repos), and returns
True if a physical entry with the given name could be found.
The local directory (self) gets searched first, so
repositories take a lower precedence regarding the
searching order.
@see entry_exists_on_disk
rentry_exists = self.entry_exists_on_disk(name)
if not rentry_exists:
# Search through the repository folders
norm_name = _my_normcase(name)
for rdir in self.get_all_rdirs():
node = rdir.entries[norm_name]
if node:
rentry_exists = True
except KeyError:
if rdir.entry_exists_on_disk(name):
rentry_exists = True
return rentry_exists
def srcdir_list(self):
return self._memo['srcdir_list']
except KeyError:
result = []
dirname = '.'
dir = self
while dir:
if dir.srcdir:
dirname = dir.name + OS_SEP + dirname
dir = dir.up()
self._memo['srcdir_list'] = result
return result
def srcdir_duplicate(self, name):
for dir in self.srcdir_list():
if self.is_under(dir):
# We shouldn't source from something in the build path;
# variant_dir is probably under src_dir, in which case
# we are reflecting.
if dir.entry_exists_on_disk(name):
srcnode = dir.Entry(name).disambiguate()
if self.duplicate:
node = self.Entry(name).disambiguate()
return node
return srcnode
return None
def _srcdir_find_file_key(self, filename):
return filename
def srcdir_find_file(self, filename):
memo_dict = self._memo['srcdir_find_file']
except KeyError:
memo_dict = {}
self._memo['srcdir_find_file'] = memo_dict
return memo_dict[filename]
except KeyError:
def func(node):
if (isinstance(node, File) or isinstance(node, Entry)) and \
(node.is_derived() or node.exists()):
return node
return None
norm_name = _my_normcase(filename)
for rdir in self.get_all_rdirs():
try: node = rdir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError: node = rdir.file_on_disk(filename)
else: node = func(node)
if node:
result = (node, self)
memo_dict[filename] = result
return result
for srcdir in self.srcdir_list():
for rdir in srcdir.get_all_rdirs():
try: node = rdir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError: node = rdir.file_on_disk(filename)
else: node = func(node)
if node:
result = (File(filename, self, self.fs), srcdir)
memo_dict[filename] = result
return result
result = (None, None)
memo_dict[filename] = result
return result
def dir_on_disk(self, name):
if self.entry_exists_on_disk(name):
try: return self.Dir(name)
except TypeError: pass
node = self.srcdir_duplicate(name)
if isinstance(node, File):
return None
return node
def file_on_disk(self, name):
if self.entry_exists_on_disk(name):
try: return self.File(name)
except TypeError: pass
node = self.srcdir_duplicate(name)
if isinstance(node, Dir):
return None
return node
def walk(self, func, arg):
Walk this directory tree by calling the specified function
for each directory in the tree.
This behaves like the os.path.walk() function, but for in-memory
Node.FS.Dir objects. The function takes the same arguments as
the functions passed to os.path.walk():
func(arg, dirname, fnames)
Except that "dirname" will actually be the directory *Node*,
not the string. The '.' and '..' entries are excluded from
fnames. The fnames list may be modified in-place to filter the
subdirectories visited or otherwise impose a specific order.
The "arg" argument is always passed to func() and may be used
in any way (or ignored, passing None is common).
entries = self.entries
names = list(entries.keys())
func(arg, self, names)
for dirname in [n for n in names if isinstance(entries[n], Dir)]:
entries[dirname].walk(func, arg)
def glob(self, pathname, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False, exclude=None):
Returns a list of Nodes (or strings) matching a specified
pathname pattern.
Pathname patterns follow UNIX shell semantics: * matches
any-length strings of any characters, ? matches any character,
and [] can enclose lists or ranges of characters. Matches do
not span directory separators.
The matches take into account Repositories, returning local
Nodes if a corresponding entry exists in a Repository (either
an in-memory Node or something on disk).
By defafult, the glob() function matches entries that exist
on-disk, in addition to in-memory Nodes. Setting the "ondisk"
argument to False (or some other non-true value) causes the glob()
function to only match in-memory Nodes. The default behavior is
to return both the on-disk and in-memory Nodes.
The "source" argument, when true, specifies that corresponding
source Nodes must be returned if you're globbing in a build
directory (initialized with VariantDir()). The default behavior
is to return Nodes local to the VariantDir().
The "strings" argument, when true, returns the matches as strings,
not Nodes. The strings are path names relative to this directory.
The "exclude" argument, if not None, must be a pattern or a list
of patterns following the same UNIX shell semantics.
Elements matching a least one pattern of this list will be excluded
from the result.
The underlying algorithm is adapted from the glob.glob() function
in the Python library (but heavily modified), and uses fnmatch()
under the covers.
dirname, basename = os.path.split(pathname)
if not dirname:
result = self._glob1(basename, ondisk, source, strings)
if has_glob_magic(dirname):
list = self.glob(dirname, ondisk, source, False, exclude)
list = [self.Dir(dirname, create=True)]
result = []
for dir in list:
r = dir._glob1(basename, ondisk, source, strings)
if strings:
r = [os.path.join(str(dir), x) for x in r]
if exclude:
excludes = []
excludeList = SCons.Util.flatten(exclude)
for x in excludeList:
r = self.glob(x, ondisk, source, strings)
result = [x for x in result if not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(str(x), str(e)) for e in SCons.Util.flatten(excludes))]
return sorted(result, key=lambda a: str(a))
def _glob1(self, pattern, ondisk=True, source=False, strings=False):
Globs for and returns a list of entry names matching a single
pattern in this directory.
This searches any repositories and source directories for
corresponding entries and returns a Node (or string) relative
to the current directory if an entry is found anywhere.
TODO: handle pattern with no wildcard
search_dir_list = self.get_all_rdirs()
for srcdir in self.srcdir_list():
selfEntry = self.Entry
names = []
for dir in search_dir_list:
# We use the .name attribute from the Node because the keys of
# the dir.entries dictionary are normalized (that is, all upper
# case) on case-insensitive systems like Windows.
node_names = [ v.name for k, v in dir.entries.items()
if k not in ('.', '..') ]
if not strings:
# Make sure the working directory (self) actually has
# entries for all Nodes in repositories or variant dirs.
for name in node_names: selfEntry(name)
if ondisk:
disk_names = os.listdir(dir._abspath)
except os.error:
if not strings:
# We're going to return corresponding Nodes in
# the local directory, so we need to make sure
# those Nodes exist. We only want to create
# Nodes for the entries that will match the
# specified pattern, though, which means we
# need to filter the list here, even though
# the overall list will also be filtered later,
# after we exit this loop.
if pattern[0] != '.':
disk_names = [x for x in disk_names if x[0] != '.']
disk_names = fnmatch.filter(disk_names, pattern)
dirEntry = dir.Entry
for name in disk_names:
# Add './' before disk filename so that '#' at
# beginning of filename isn't interpreted.
name = './' + name
node = dirEntry(name).disambiguate()
n = selfEntry(name)
if n.__class__ != node.__class__:
n.__class__ = node.__class__
names = set(names)
if pattern[0] != '.':
names = [x for x in names if x[0] != '.']
names = fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
if strings:
return names
return [self.entries[_my_normcase(n)] for n in names]
class RootDir(Dir):
"""A class for the root directory of a file system.
This is the same as a Dir class, except that the path separator
('/' or '\\') is actually part of the name, so we don't need to
add a separator when creating the path names of entries within
this directory.
__slots__ = ('_lookupDict', 'abspath', 'path')
def __init__(self, drive, fs):
if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Node.FS.RootDir')
# Handle all the types of drives:
if drive == '':
# No drive, regular UNIX root or Windows default drive.
name = OS_SEP
dirname = OS_SEP
elif drive == '//':
# UNC path
dirname = UNC_PREFIX
# Windows drive letter
name = drive
dirname = drive + OS_SEP
# Filename with extension as it was specified when the object was
# created; to obtain filesystem path, use Python str() function
self.name = SCons.Util.silent_intern(name)
self.fs = fs #: Reference to parent Node.FS object
self._path_elements = [self]
self.dir = self
self._func_rexists = 2
self._func_target_from_source = 1
self.store_info = 1
# Now set our paths to what we really want them to be. The
# name should already contain any necessary separators, such
# as the initial drive letter (the name) plus the directory
# separator, except for the "lookup abspath," which does not
# have the drive letter.
self._abspath = dirname
self._labspath = ''
self._path = dirname
self._tpath = dirname
self.dirname = dirname
# EntryProxy interferes with this class and turns drive paths on
# Windows such as "C:" into "C:\C:". Avoid this problem by setting
# commonly-accessed attributes directly.
self.abspath = self._abspath
self.path = self._path
self.duplicate = 0
self._lookupDict = {'': self, '/': self}
self.root = self
# The // entry is necessary because os.path.normpath()
# preserves double slashes at the beginning of a path on Posix
# platforms.
if not has_unc:
self._lookupDict['//'] = self
def _morph(self):
"""Turn a file system Node (either a freshly initialized directory
object or a separate Entry object) into a proper directory object.
Set up this directory's entries and hook it into the file
system tree. Specify that directories (this Node) don't use
signatures for calculating whether they're current.
self.repositories = []
self.srcdir = None
self.entries = {'.': self, '..': self.dir}
self.cwd = self
self.searched = 0
self._sconsign = None
self.variant_dirs = []
self.changed_since_last_build = 3
self._func_sconsign = 1
self._func_exists = 2
self._func_get_contents = 2
# Don't just reset the executor, replace its action list,
# because it might have some pre-or post-actions that need to
# be preserved.
# But don't reset the executor if there is a non-null executor
# attached already. The existing executor might have other
# targets, in which case replacing the action list with a
# Mkdir action is a big mistake.
if not hasattr(self, 'executor'):
self.builder = get_MkdirBuilder()
# Prepend MkdirBuilder action to existing action list
l = self.get_executor().action_list
a = get_MkdirBuilder().action
l.insert(0, a)
def must_be_same(self, klass):
if klass is Dir:
Base.must_be_same(self, klass)
def _lookup_abs(self, p, klass, create=1):
Fast (?) lookup of a *normalized* absolute path.
This method is intended for use by internal lookups with
already-normalized path data. For general-purpose lookups,
use the FS.Entry(), FS.Dir() or FS.File() methods.
The caller is responsible for making sure we're passed a
normalized absolute path; we merely let Python's dictionary look
up and return the One True Node.FS object for the path.
If a Node for the specified "p" doesn't already exist, and
"create" is specified, the Node may be created after recursive
invocation to find or create the parent directory or directories.
k = _my_normcase(p)
result = self._lookupDict[k]
except KeyError:
if not create:
msg = "No such file or directory: '%s' in '%s' (and create is False)" % (p, str(self))
raise SCons.Errors.UserError(msg)
# There is no Node for this path name, and we're allowed
# to create it.
dir_name, file_name = p.rsplit('/',1)
dir_node = self._lookup_abs(dir_name, Dir)
result = klass(file_name, dir_node, self.fs)
# Double-check on disk (as configured) that the Node we
# created matches whatever is out there in the real world.
self._lookupDict[k] = result
dir_node.entries[_my_normcase(file_name)] = result
dir_node.implicit = None
# There is already a Node for this path name. Allow it to
# complain if we were looking for an inappropriate type.
return result
def __str__(self):
return self._abspath
def entry_abspath(self, name):
return self._abspath + name
def entry_labspath(self, name):
return '/' + name
def entry_path(self, name):
return self._path + name
def entry_tpath(self, name):
return self._tpath + name
def is_under(self, dir):
if self is dir:
return 1
return 0
def up(self):
return None
def get_dir(self):
return None
def src_builder(self):
return _null
class FileNodeInfo(SCons.Node.NodeInfoBase):
__slots__ = ('csig', 'timestamp', 'size')
current_version_id = 2
field_list = ['csig', 'timestamp', 'size']
# This should get reset by the FS initialization.
fs = None
def str_to_node(self, s):
top = self.fs.Top
root = top.root
if do_splitdrive:
drive, s = _my_splitdrive(s)
if drive:
root = self.fs.get_root(drive)
if not os.path.isabs(s):
s = top.get_labspath() + '/' + s
return root._lookup_abs(s, Entry)
def __getstate__(self):
Return all fields that shall be pickled. Walk the slots in the class
hierarchy and add those to the state dictionary. If a '__dict__' slot is
available, copy all entries to the dictionary. Also include the version
id, which is fixed for all instances of a class.
state = getattr(self, '__dict__', {}).copy()
for obj in type(self).mro():
for name in getattr(obj, '__slots__', ()):
if hasattr(self, name):
state[name] = getattr(self, name)
state['_version_id'] = self.current_version_id
del state['__weakref__']
except KeyError:
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
Restore the attributes from a pickled state.
# TODO check or discard version
del state['_version_id']
for key, value in state.items():
if key not in ('__weakref__',):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.csig == other.csig and self.timestamp == other.timestamp and self.size == other.size
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class FileBuildInfo(SCons.Node.BuildInfoBase):
This is info loaded from sconsign.
Attributes unique to FileBuildInfo:
dependency_map : Caches file->csig mapping
for all dependencies. Currently this is only used when using
MD5-timestamp decider.
It's used to ensure that we copy the correct csig from the
previous build to be written to .sconsign when current build
is done. Previously the matching of csig to file was strictly
by order they appeared in bdepends, bsources, or bimplicit,
and so a change in order or count of any of these could
yield writing wrong csig, and then false positive rebuilds
__slots__ = ['dependency_map', ]
current_version_id = 2
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
# If any attributes are changed in FileBuildInfo, we need to
# invalidate the cached map of file name to content signature
# heald in dependency_map. Currently only used with
# MD5-timestamp decider
if key != 'dependency_map' and hasattr(self, 'dependency_map'):
del self.dependency_map
return super(FileBuildInfo, self).__setattr__(key, value)
def convert_to_sconsign(self):
Converts this FileBuildInfo object for writing to a .sconsign file
This replaces each Node in our various dependency lists with its
usual string representation: relative to the top-level SConstruct
directory, or an absolute path if it's outside.
if os_sep_is_slash:
node_to_str = str
def node_to_str(n):
s = n.get_internal_path()
except AttributeError:
s = str(n)
s = s.replace(OS_SEP, '/')
return s
for attr in ['bsources', 'bdepends', 'bimplicit']:
val = getattr(self, attr)
except AttributeError:
setattr(self, attr, list(map(node_to_str, val)))
def convert_from_sconsign(self, dir, name):
Converts a newly-read FileBuildInfo object for in-SCons use
For normal up-to-date checking, we don't have any conversion to
perform--but we're leaving this method here to make that clear.
def prepare_dependencies(self):
Prepares a FileBuildInfo object for explaining what changed
The bsources, bdepends and bimplicit lists have all been
stored on disk as paths relative to the top-level SConstruct
directory. Convert the strings to actual Nodes (for use by the
--debug=explain code and --implicit-cache).
attrs = [
('bsources', 'bsourcesigs'),
('bdepends', 'bdependsigs'),
('bimplicit', 'bimplicitsigs'),
for (nattr, sattr) in attrs:
strings = getattr(self, nattr)
nodeinfos = getattr(self, sattr)
except AttributeError:
if strings is None or nodeinfos is None:
nodes = []
for s, ni in zip(strings, nodeinfos):
if not isinstance(s, SCons.Node.Node):
s = ni.str_to_node(s)
setattr(self, nattr, nodes)
def format(self, names=0):
result = []
bkids = self.bsources + self.bdepends + self.bimplicit
bkidsigs = self.bsourcesigs + self.bdependsigs + self.bimplicitsigs
for bkid, bkidsig in zip(bkids, bkidsigs):
result.append(str(bkid) + ': ' +
' '.join(bkidsig.format(names=names)))
if not hasattr(self,'bact'):
self.bact = "none"
result.append('%s [%s]' % (self.bactsig, self.bact))
return '\n'.join(result)
class File(Base):
"""A class for files in a file system.
__slots__ = ['scanner_paths',
NodeInfo = FileNodeInfo
BuildInfo = FileBuildInfo
# Although the command-line argument is in kilobytes, this is in bytes.
hash_chunksize = 65536
def diskcheck_match(self):
diskcheck_match(self, self.isdir,
"Directory %s found where file expected.")
def __init__(self, name, directory, fs):
if SCons.Debug.track_instances: logInstanceCreation(self, 'Node.FS.File')
Base.__init__(self, name, directory, fs)
def Entry(self, name):
"""Create an entry node named 'name' relative to
the directory of this file."""
return self.dir.Entry(name)
def Dir(self, name, create=True):
"""Create a directory node named 'name' relative to
the directory of this file."""
return self.dir.Dir(name, create=create)
def Dirs(self, pathlist):
"""Create a list of directories relative to the SConscript
directory of this file."""
return [self.Dir(p) for p in pathlist]
def File(self, name):
"""Create a file node named 'name' relative to
the directory of this file."""
return self.dir.File(name)
def _morph(self):
"""Turn a file system node into a File object."""
self.scanner_paths = {}
if not hasattr(self, '_local'):
self._local = 0
if not hasattr(self, 'released_target_info'):
self.released_target_info = False
self.store_info = 1
self._func_exists = 4
self._func_get_contents = 3
# Initialize this Node's decider function to decide_source() because
# every file is a source file until it has a Builder attached...
self.changed_since_last_build = 4
# If there was already a Builder set on this entry, then
# we need to make sure we call the target-decider function,
# not the source-decider. Reaching in and doing this by hand
# is a little bogus. We'd prefer to handle this by adding
# an Entry.builder_set() method that disambiguates like the
# other methods, but that starts running into problems with the
# fragile way we initialize Dir Nodes with their Mkdir builders,
# yet still allow them to be overridden by the user. Since it's
# not clear right now how to fix that, stick with what works
# until it becomes clear...
if self.has_builder():
self.changed_since_last_build = 5
def scanner_key(self):
return self.get_suffix()
def get_contents(self) -> bytes:
"""Return the contents of the file as bytes."""
return SCons.Node._get_contents_map[self._func_get_contents](self)
def get_text_contents(self) -> str:
"""Return the contents of the file in text form.
This attempts to figure out what the encoding of the text is
based upon the BOM bytes, and then decodes the contents so that
it's a valid python string.
contents = self.get_contents()
# The behavior of various decode() methods and functions
# w.r.t. the initial BOM bytes is different for different
# encodings and/or Python versions. ('utf-8' does not strip
# them, but has a 'utf-8-sig' which does; 'utf-16' seems to
# strip them; etc.) Just sidestep all the complication by
# explicitly stripping the BOM before we decode().
if contents[:len(codecs.BOM_UTF8)] == codecs.BOM_UTF8:
return contents[len(codecs.BOM_UTF8):].decode('utf-8')
if contents[:len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE)] == codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE:
return contents[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE):].decode('utf-16-le')
if contents[:len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE)] == codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE:
return contents[len(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE):].decode('utf-16-be')
return contents.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
return contents.decode('latin-1')
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
return contents.decode('utf-8', errors='backslashreplace')
def get_content_hash(self) -> str:
Compute and return the hash for this file.
if not self.rexists():
return hash_signature(SCons.Util.NOFILE)
fname = self.rfile().get_abspath()
cs = hash_file_signature(fname, chunksize=File.hash_chunksize)
except EnvironmentError as e:
if not e.filename:
e.filename = fname
return cs
def get_size(self) -> int:
return self._memo['get_size']
except KeyError:
if self.rexists():
size = self.rfile().getsize()
# sentinel value for doesn't exist, even in repository
size = -1
self._memo['get_size'] = size
return size
def get_timestamp(self) -> int:
return self._memo['get_timestamp']
except KeyError:
if self.rexists():
timestamp = self.rfile().getmtime()
timestamp = 0
self._memo['get_timestamp'] = timestamp
return timestamp
convert_copy_attrs = [
convert_sig_attrs = [
def convert_old_entry(self, old_entry):
# Convert a .sconsign entry from before the Big Signature
# Refactoring, doing what we can to convert its information
# to the new .sconsign entry format.
# The old format looked essentially like this:
# BuildInfo
# .ninfo (NodeInfo)
# .bsig
# .csig
# .timestamp
# .size
# .bsources
# .bsourcesigs ("signature" list)
# .bdepends
# .bdependsigs ("signature" list)
# .bimplicit
# .bimplicitsigs ("signature" list)
# .bact
# .bactsig
# The new format looks like this:
# .ninfo (NodeInfo)
# .bsig
# .csig
# .timestamp
# .size
# .binfo (BuildInfo)
# .bsources
# .bsourcesigs (NodeInfo list)
# .bsig
# .csig
# .timestamp
# .size
# .bdepends
# .bdependsigs (NodeInfo list)
# .bsig
# .csig
# .timestamp
# .size
# .bimplicit
# .bimplicitsigs (NodeInfo list)
# .bsig
# .csig
# .timestamp
# .size
# .bact
# .bactsig
# The basic idea of the new structure is that a NodeInfo always
# holds all available information about the state of a given Node
# at a certain point in time. The various .b*sigs lists can just
# be a list of pointers to the .ninfo attributes of the different
# dependent nodes, without any copying of information until it's
# time to pickle it for writing out to a .sconsign file.
# The complicating issue is that the *old* format only stored one
# "signature" per dependency, based on however the *last* build
# was configured. We don't know from just looking at it whether
# it was a build signature, a content signature, or a timestamp
# "signature". Since we no longer use build signatures, the
# best we can do is look at the length and if it's thirty two,
# assume that it was (or might have been) a content signature.
# If it was actually a build signature, then it will cause a
# rebuild anyway when it doesn't match the new content signature,
# but that's probably the best we can do.
import SCons.SConsign
new_entry = SCons.SConsign.SConsignEntry()
new_entry.binfo = self.new_binfo()
binfo = new_entry.binfo
for attr in self.convert_copy_attrs:
value = getattr(old_entry, attr)
except AttributeError:
setattr(binfo, attr, value)
delattr(old_entry, attr)
for attr in self.convert_sig_attrs:
sig_list = getattr(old_entry, attr)
except AttributeError:
value = []
for sig in sig_list:
ninfo = self.new_ninfo()
if len(sig) == 32:
ninfo.csig = sig
ninfo.timestamp = sig
setattr(binfo, attr, value)
delattr(old_entry, attr)
return new_entry
def get_stored_info(self):
return self._memo['get_stored_info']
except KeyError:
sconsign_entry = self.dir.sconsign().get_entry(self.name)
except (KeyError, EnvironmentError):
import SCons.SConsign
sconsign_entry = SCons.SConsign.SConsignEntry()
sconsign_entry.binfo = self.new_binfo()
sconsign_entry.ninfo = self.new_ninfo()
if isinstance(sconsign_entry, FileBuildInfo):
# This is a .sconsign file from before the Big Signature
# Refactoring; convert it as best we can.
sconsign_entry = self.convert_old_entry(sconsign_entry)
delattr(sconsign_entry.ninfo, 'bsig')
except AttributeError:
self._memo['get_stored_info'] = sconsign_entry
return sconsign_entry
def get_stored_implicit(self):
binfo = self.get_stored_info().binfo
try: return binfo.bimplicit
except AttributeError: return None
def rel_path(self, other):
return self.dir.rel_path(other)
def _get_found_includes_key(self, env, scanner, path):
return (id(env), id(scanner), path)
def get_found_includes(self, env, scanner, path):
"""Return the included implicit dependencies in this file.
Cache results so we only scan the file once per path
regardless of how many times this information is requested.
memo_key = (id(env), id(scanner), path)
memo_dict = self._memo['get_found_includes']
except KeyError:
memo_dict = {}
self._memo['get_found_includes'] = memo_dict
return memo_dict[memo_key]
except KeyError:
if scanner:
result = [n.disambiguate() for n in scanner(self, env, path)]
result = []
memo_dict[memo_key] = result
return result
def _createDir(self):
# ensure that the directories for this node are
# created.
def push_to_cache(self):
"""Try to push the node into a cache
# This should get called before the Nodes' .built() method is
# called, which would clear the build signature if the file has
# a source scanner.
# We have to clear the local memoized values *before* we push
# the node to cache so that the memoization of the self.exists()
# return value doesn't interfere.
if self.nocache:
if self.exists():
def retrieve_from_cache(self):
"""Try to retrieve the node's content from a cache
This method is called from multiple threads in a parallel build,
so only do thread safe stuff here. Do thread unsafe stuff in
Returns true if the node was successfully retrieved.
if self.nocache:
return None
if not self.is_derived():
return None
return self.get_build_env().get_CacheDir().retrieve(self)
def visited(self):
if self.exists() and self.executor is not None:
ninfo = self.get_ninfo()
csig = self.get_max_drift_csig()
if csig:
ninfo.csig = csig
ninfo.timestamp = self.get_timestamp()
ninfo.size = self.get_size()
if not self.has_builder():
# This is a source file, but it might have been a target file
# in another build that included more of the DAG. Copy
# any build information that's stored in the .sconsign file
# into our binfo object so it doesn't get lost.
old = self.get_stored_info()
def release_target_info(self):
"""Called just after this node has been marked
up-to-date or was built completely.
This is where we try to release as many target node infos
as possible for clean builds and update runs, in order
to minimize the overall memory consumption.
We'd like to remove a lot more attributes like self.sources
and self.sources_set, but they might get used
in a next build step. For example, during configuration
the source files for a built E{*}.o file are used to figure out
which linker to use for the resulting Program (gcc vs. g++)!
That's why we check for the 'keep_targetinfo' attribute,
config Nodes and the Interactive mode just don't allow
an early release of most variables.
In the same manner, we can't simply remove the self.attributes
here. The smart linking relies on the shared flag, and some
parts of the java Tool use it to transport information
about nodes...
@see: built() and Node.release_target_info()
if self.released_target_info or SCons.Node.interactive:
if not hasattr(self.attributes, 'keep_targetinfo'):
# Cache some required values, before releasing
# stuff like env, executor and builder...
# Now purge unneeded stuff to free memory...
self.executor = None
self._memo.pop('rfile', None)
self.prerequisites = None
# Cleanup lists, but only if they're empty
if not len(self.ignore_set):
self.ignore_set = None
if not len(self.implicit_set):
self.implicit_set = None
if not len(self.depends_set):
self.depends_set = None
if not len(self.ignore):
self.ignore = None
if not len(self.depends):
self.depends = None
# Mark this node as done, we only have to release
# the memory once...
self.released_target_info = True
def find_src_builder(self):
if self.rexists():
return None
scb = self.dir.src_builder()
if scb is _null:
scb = None
if scb is not None:
b = self.builder
except AttributeError:
b = None
if b is None:
return scb
def has_src_builder(self):
"""Return whether this Node has a source builder or not.
If this Node doesn't have an explicit source code builder, this
is where we figure out, on the fly, if there's a transparent
source code builder for it.
Note that if we found a source builder, we also set the
self.builder attribute, so that all of the methods that actually
*build* this file don't have to do anything different.
scb = self.sbuilder
except AttributeError:
scb = self.sbuilder = self.find_src_builder()
return scb is not None
def alter_targets(self):
"""Return any corresponding targets in a variant directory.
if self.is_derived():
return [], None
return self.fs.variant_dir_target_climb(self, self.dir, [self.name])
def _rmv_existing(self):
if SCons.Node.print_duplicate:
print("dup: removing existing target {}".format(self))
e = Unlink(self, [], None)
if isinstance(e, SCons.Errors.BuildError):
raise e
# Taskmaster interface subsystem
def make_ready(self):
def prepare(self):
"""Prepare for this file to be created."""
if self.get_state() != SCons.Node.up_to_date:
# Exists will report False for dangling symlinks so if it
# exists or is a link (which would mean it's a dangling
# link) then we should remove it as appropriate.
if self.exists() or self.islink():
if self.is_derived() and not self.precious:
except SCons.Errors.StopError as drive:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("No drive `{}' for target `{}'.".format(drive, self))
def remove(self):
"""Remove this file."""
if self.exists() or self.islink():
return 1
return None
def do_duplicate(self, src):
if SCons.Node.print_duplicate:
print("dup: relinking variant '{}' from '{}'".format(self, src))
Unlink(self, None, None)
e = Link(self, src, None)
if isinstance(e, SCons.Errors.BuildError):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Cannot duplicate `{}' in `{}': {}.".format(src.get_internal_path(), self.dir._path, e.errstr))
self.linked = 1
# The Link() action may or may not have actually
# created the file, depending on whether the -n
# option was used or not. Delete the _exists and
# _rexists attributes so they can be reevaluated.
def exists(self):
return self._memo['exists']
except KeyError:
result = SCons.Node._exists_map[self._func_exists](self)
self._memo['exists'] = result
return result
def get_max_drift_csig(self) -> Optional[str]:
Returns the content signature currently stored for this node
if it's been unmodified longer than the max_drift value, or the
max_drift value is 0. Returns None otherwise.
old = self.get_stored_info()
mtime = self.get_timestamp()
max_drift = self.fs.max_drift
if max_drift > 0:
if (time.time() - mtime) > max_drift:
n = old.ninfo
if n.timestamp and n.csig and n.timestamp == mtime:
return n.csig
except AttributeError:
elif max_drift == 0:
return old.ninfo.csig
except AttributeError:
return None
def get_csig(self) -> str:
"""Generate a node's content signature."""
ninfo = self.get_ninfo()
return ninfo.csig
except AttributeError:
csig = self.get_max_drift_csig()
if csig is None:
size = self.get_size()
if size == -1:
contents = SCons.Util.NOFILE
elif size < File.hash_chunksize:
contents = self.get_contents()
csig = self.get_content_hash()
except IOError:
# This can happen if there's actually a directory on-disk,
# which can be the case if they've disabled disk checks,
# or if an action with a File target actually happens to
# create a same-named directory by mistake.
csig = ''
if not csig:
csig = SCons.Util.hash_signature(contents)
ninfo.csig = csig
return csig
def builder_set(self, builder):
SCons.Node.Node.builder_set(self, builder)
self.changed_since_last_build = 5
def built(self):
"""Called just after this File node is successfully built.
Just like for 'release_target_info' we try to release
some more target node attributes in order to minimize the
overall memory consumption.
@see: release_target_info
if (not SCons.Node.interactive and
not hasattr(self.attributes, 'keep_targetinfo')):
# Ensure that the build infos get computed and cached...
# ... then release some more variables.
self._specific_sources = False
self._labspath = None
self.cwd = None
self.scanner_paths = None
def changed(self, node=None, allowcache=False):
Returns if the node is up-to-date with respect to the BuildInfo
stored last time it was built.
For File nodes this is basically a wrapper around Node.changed(),
but we allow the return value to get cached after the reference
to the Executor got released in release_target_info().
@see: Node.changed()
if node is None:
return self._memo['changed']
except KeyError:
has_changed = SCons.Node.Node.changed(self, node)
if allowcache:
self._memo['changed'] = has_changed
return has_changed
def changed_content(self, target, prev_ni, repo_node=None):
cur_csig = self.get_csig()
return cur_csig != prev_ni.csig
except AttributeError:
return 1
def changed_state(self, target, prev_ni, repo_node=None):
return self.state != SCons.Node.up_to_date
# Caching node -> string mapping for the below method
__dmap_cache = {}
__dmap_sig_cache = {}
def _build_dependency_map(self, binfo):
Build mapping from file -> signature
self - self
binfo - buildinfo from node being considered
dictionary of file->signature mappings
# For an "empty" binfo properties like bsources
# do not exist: check this to avoid exception.
if (len(binfo.bsourcesigs) + len(binfo.bdependsigs) +
len(binfo.bimplicitsigs)) == 0:
return {}
binfo.dependency_map = { child:signature for child, signature in zip(chain(binfo.bsources, binfo.bdepends, binfo.bimplicit),
chain(binfo.bsourcesigs, binfo.bdependsigs, binfo.bimplicitsigs))}
return binfo.dependency_map
# @profile
def _add_strings_to_dependency_map(self, dmap):
In the case comparing node objects isn't sufficient, we'll add the strings for the nodes to the dependency map
first_string = str(next(iter(dmap)))
# print("DMAP:%s"%id(dmap))
if first_string not in dmap:
string_dict = {str(child): signature for child, signature in dmap.items()}
return dmap
def _get_previous_signatures(self, dmap):
Return a list of corresponding csigs from previous
build in order of the node/files in children.
self - self
dmap - Dictionary of file -> csig
List of csigs for provided list of children
prev = []
if len(dmap) == 0:
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Nothing dmap shortcutting")
return None
elif MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("len(dmap):%d"%len(dmap))
# First try retrieving via Node
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Checking if self is in map:%s id:%s type:%s"%(str(self), id(self), type(self)))
df = dmap.get(self, False)
if df:
return df
# Now check if self's repository file is in map.
rf = self.rfile()
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Checking if self.rfile is in map:%s id:%s type:%s"%(str(rf), id(rf), type(rf)))
rfm = dmap.get(rf, False)
if rfm:
return rfm
# get default string for node and then also string swapping os.altsep for os.sep (/ for \)
c_strs = [str(self)]
if os.altsep:
c_strs.append(c_strs[0].replace(os.sep, os.altsep))
# In some cases the dependency_maps' keys are already strings check.
# Check if either string is now in dmap.
for s in c_strs:
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Checking if str(self) is in map :%s" % s)
df = dmap.get(s, False)
if df:
return df
# Strings don't exist in map, add them and try again
# If there are no strings in this dmap, then add them.
# This may not be necessary, we could walk the nodes in the dmap and check each string
# rather than adding ALL the strings to dmap. In theory that would be n/2 vs 2n str() calls on node
# if not dmap.has_strings:
dmap = self._add_strings_to_dependency_map(dmap)
# In some cases the dependency_maps' keys are already strings check.
# Check if either string is now in dmap.
for s in c_strs:
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Checking if str(self) is in map (now with strings) :%s" % s)
df = dmap.get(s, False)
if df:
return df
# Lastly use nodes get_path() to generate string and see if that's in dmap
if not df:
# this should yield a path which matches what's in the sconsign
c_str = self.get_path()
if os.altsep:
c_str = c_str.replace(os.sep, os.altsep)
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Checking if self.get_path is in map (now with strings) :%s" % s)
df = dmap.get(c_str, None)
except AttributeError as e:
raise FileBuildInfoFileToCsigMappingError("No mapping from file name to content signature for :%s"%c_str)
return df
def changed_timestamp_then_content(self, target, prev_ni, node=None):
Used when decider for file is Timestamp-MD5
NOTE: If the timestamp hasn't changed this will skip md5'ing the
file and just copy the prev_ni provided. If the prev_ni
is wrong. It will propagate it.
See: https://github.com/SCons/scons/issues/2980
self - dependency
target - target
prev_ni - The NodeInfo object loaded from previous builds .sconsign
node - Node instance. Check this node for file existence/timestamp
if specified.
Boolean - Indicates if node(File) has changed.
if node is None:
node = self
# Now get sconsign name -> csig map and then get proper prev_ni if possible
bi = node.get_stored_info().binfo
rebuilt = False
dependency_map = bi.dependency_map
except AttributeError as e:
dependency_map = self._build_dependency_map(bi)
rebuilt = True
if len(dependency_map) == 0:
# If there's no dependency map, there's no need to find the
# prev_ni as there aren't any
# shortcut the rest of the logic
if MD5_TIMESTAMP_DEBUG: print("Skipping checks len(dmap)=0")
# We still need to get the current file's csig
# This should be slightly faster than calling self.changed_content(target, new_prev_ni)
return True
new_prev_ni = self._get_previous_signatures(dependency_map)
new = self.changed_timestamp_match(target, new_prev_ni)
old = self.changed_timestamp_match(target, prev_ni)
if old != new:
print("Mismatch self.changed_timestamp_match(%s, prev_ni) old:%s new:%s"%(str(target), old, new))
new_prev_ni = self._get_previous_signatures(dependency_map)
if not new:
# NOTE: We're modifying the current node's csig in a query.
self.get_ninfo().csig = new_prev_ni.csig
except AttributeError:
return False
return self.changed_content(target, new_prev_ni)
def changed_timestamp_newer(self, target, prev_ni, repo_node=None):
return self.get_timestamp() > target.get_timestamp()
except AttributeError:
return 1
def changed_timestamp_match(self, target, prev_ni, repo_node=None):
Return True if the timestamps don't match or if there is no previous timestamp
:param target:
:param prev_ni: Information about the node from the previous build
return self.get_timestamp() != prev_ni.timestamp
except AttributeError:
return 1
def is_up_to_date(self):
"""Check for whether the Node is current
In all cases self is the target we're checking to see if it's up to date
T = 0
if T: Trace('is_up_to_date(%s):' % self)
if not self.exists():
if T: Trace(' not self.exists():')
# The file (always a target) doesn't exist locally...
r = self.rfile()
if r != self:
# ...but there is one (always a target) in a Repository...
if not self.changed(r):
if T: Trace(' changed(%s):' % r)
# ...and it's even up-to-date...
if self._local:
# ...and they'd like a local copy.
e = LocalCopy(self, r, None)
if isinstance(e, SCons.Errors.BuildError):
# Likely this should be re-raising exception e
# (which would be BuildError)
raise e
if T: Trace(' 1\n')
return 1
if T: Trace(' None\n')
return None
r = self.changed()
if T: Trace(' self.exists(): %s\n' % r)
return not r
def rfile(self):
return self._memo['rfile']
except KeyError:
result = self
if not self.exists():
norm_name = _my_normcase(self.name)
for repo_dir in self.dir.get_all_rdirs():
node = repo_dir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError:
node = repo_dir.file_on_disk(self.name)
if node and node.exists() and \
(isinstance(node, File) or isinstance(node, Entry)
or not node.is_derived()):
result = node
# Copy over our local attributes to the repository
# Node so we identify shared object files in the
# repository and don't assume they're static.
# This isn't perfect; the attribute would ideally
# be attached to the object in the repository in
# case it was built statically in the repository
# and we changed it to shared locally, but that's
# rarely the case and would only occur if you
# intentionally used the same suffix for both
# shared and static objects anyway. So this
# should work well in practice.
result.attributes = self.attributes
self._memo['rfile'] = result
return result
def find_repo_file(self):
For this node, find if there exists a corresponding file in one or more repositories
:return: list of corresponding files in repositories
retvals = []
norm_name = _my_normcase(self.name)
for repo_dir in self.dir.get_all_rdirs():
node = repo_dir.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError:
node = repo_dir.file_on_disk(self.name)
if node and node.exists() and \
(isinstance(node, File) or isinstance(node, Entry)
or not node.is_derived()):
return retvals
def rstr(self):
return str(self.rfile())
def get_cachedir_csig(self):
Fetch a Node's content signature for purposes of computing
another Node's cachesig.
This is a wrapper around the normal get_csig() method that handles
the somewhat obscure case of using CacheDir with the -n option.
Any files that don't exist would normally be "built" by fetching
them from the cache, but the normal get_csig() method will try
to open up the local file, which doesn't exist because the -n
option meant we didn't actually pull the file from cachedir.
But since the file *does* actually exist in the cachedir, we
can use its contents for the csig.
return self.cachedir_csig
except AttributeError:
cache = self.get_build_env().get_CacheDir()
cachedir, cachefile = cache.cachepath(self)
if not self.exists() and cachefile and os.path.exists(cachefile):
self.cachedir_csig = cache.get_cachedir_csig(self)
self.cachedir_csig = self.get_csig()
return self.cachedir_csig
def get_contents_sig(self):
A helper method for get_cachedir_bsig.
It computes and returns the signature for this
node's contents.
return self.contentsig
except AttributeError:
executor = self.get_executor()
result = self.contentsig = hash_signature(executor.get_contents())
return result
def get_cachedir_bsig(self):
Return the signature for a cached file, including
its children.
It adds the path of the cached file to the cache signature,
because multiple targets built by the same action will all
have the same build signature, and we have to differentiate
them somehow.
Signature should normally be string of hex digits.
return self.cachesig
except AttributeError:
# Collect signatures for all children
children = self.children()
sigs = [n.get_cachedir_csig() for n in children]
# Append this node's signature...
# ...and it's path
# Merge this all into a single signature
result = self.cachesig = hash_collect(sigs)
return result
default_fs = None
def get_default_fs():
global default_fs
if not default_fs:
default_fs = FS()
return default_fs
class FileFinder:
def __init__(self):
self._memo = {}
def filedir_lookup(self, p, fd=None):
A helper method for find_file() that looks up a directory for
a file we're trying to find. This only creates the Dir Node if
it exists on-disk, since if the directory doesn't exist we know
we won't find any files in it... :-)
It would be more compact to just use this as a nested function
with a default keyword argument (see the commented-out version
below), but that doesn't work unless you have nested scopes,
so we define it here just so this work under Python 1.5.2.
if fd is None:
fd = self.default_filedir
dir, name = os.path.split(fd)
drive, d = _my_splitdrive(dir)
if not name and d[:1] in ('/', OS_SEP):
#return p.fs.get_root(drive).dir_on_disk(name)
return p.fs.get_root(drive)
if dir:
p = self.filedir_lookup(p, dir)
if not p:
return None
norm_name = _my_normcase(name)
node = p.entries[norm_name]
except KeyError:
return p.dir_on_disk(name)
if isinstance(node, Dir):
return node
if isinstance(node, Entry):
return node
return None
def _find_file_key(self, filename, paths, verbose=None):
# Note: paths could be a list, which is not hashable. If it is, convert
# it to a tuple, which is hashable.
paths_entry = tuple(paths) if isinstance(paths, list) else paths
return (filename, paths_entry)
def find_file(self, filename, paths, verbose=None):
Find a node corresponding to either a derived file or a file that exists already.
Only the first file found is returned, and none is returned if no file is found.
filename: A filename to find
paths: A list of directory path *nodes* to search in. Can be represented as a list, a tuple, or a callable that is called with no arguments and returns the list or tuple.
returns The node created from the found file.
memo_key = self._find_file_key(filename, paths)
memo_dict = self._memo['find_file']
except KeyError:
memo_dict = {}
self._memo['find_file'] = memo_dict
return memo_dict[memo_key]
except KeyError:
if verbose and not callable(verbose):
if not SCons.Util.is_String(verbose):
verbose = "find_file"
_verbose = ' %s: ' % verbose
verbose = lambda s: sys.stdout.write(_verbose + s)
filedir, filename = os.path.split(filename)
if filedir:
self.default_filedir = filedir
paths = [_f for _f in map(self.filedir_lookup, paths) if _f]
result = None
for dir in paths:
if verbose:
verbose("looking for '%s' in '%s' ...\n" % (filename, dir))
node, d = dir.srcdir_find_file(filename)
if node:
if verbose:
verbose("... FOUND '%s' in '%s'\n" % (filename, d))
result = node
memo_dict[memo_key] = result
return result
find_file = FileFinder().find_file
def invalidate_node_memos(targets):
Invalidate the memoized values of all Nodes (files or directories)
that are associated with the given entries. Has been added to
clear the cache of nodes affected by a direct execution of an
action (e.g. Delete/Copy/Chmod). Existing Node caches become
inconsistent if the action is run through Execute(). The argument
`targets` can be a single Node object or filename, or a sequence
of Nodes/filenames.
from traceback import extract_stack
# First check if the cache really needs to be flushed. Only
# actions run in the SConscript with Execute() seem to be
# affected. XXX The way to check if Execute() is in the stacktrace
# is a very dirty hack and should be replaced by a more sensible
# solution.
for f in extract_stack():
if f[2] == 'Execute' and f[0][-14:] == 'Environment.py':
# Dont have to invalidate, so return
if not SCons.Util.is_List(targets):
targets = [targets]
for entry in targets:
# If the target is a Node object, clear the cache. If it is a
# filename, look up potentially existing Node object first.
except AttributeError:
# Not a Node object, try to look up Node by filename. XXX
# This creates Node objects even for those filenames which
# do not correspond to an existing Node object.
node = get_default_fs().Entry(entry)
if node:
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