/*************************************************************************/ /* room_manager.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "room_manager.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/containers/bitfield_dynamic.h" #include "core/math/geometry.h" #include "core/math/quick_hull.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "mesh_instance.h" #include "multimesh_instance.h" #include "portal.h" #include "room_group.h" #include "scene/3d/camera.h" #include "scene/3d/light.h" #include "scene/3d/sprite_3d.h" #include "scene/resources/multimesh.h" #include "scene/resources/world_3d.h" #include "visibility_notifier.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.h" #endif #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For csg. #ifdef MODULE_CSG_ENABLED #include "modules/csg/csg_shape.h" #endif // #define PANDEMONIUM_PORTALS_USE_BULLET_CONVEX_HULL #ifdef PANDEMONIUM_PORTALS_USE_BULLET_CONVEX_HULL #include "core/math/convex_hull.h" #endif // This needs to be static because it cannot easily be propagated to portals // during load (as the RoomManager may be loaded before Portals enter the scene tree) real_t RoomManager::_default_portal_margin = 1.0; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED RoomManager *RoomManager::active_room_manager = nullptr; // static versions of functions for use from editor toolbars void RoomManager::static_rooms_set_active(bool p_active) { if (active_room_manager) { active_room_manager->rooms_set_active(p_active); active_room_manager->property_list_changed_notify(); } } bool RoomManager::static_rooms_get_active() { if (active_room_manager) { return active_room_manager->rooms_get_active(); } return false; } bool RoomManager::static_rooms_get_active_and_loaded() { if (active_room_manager) { if (active_room_manager->rooms_get_active()) { Ref<World3D> world = active_room_manager->get_world_3d(); RID scenario = world->get_scenario(); return active_room_manager->rooms_get_active() && RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_is_loaded(scenario); } } return false; } void RoomManager::static_rooms_convert() { if (active_room_manager) { return active_room_manager->rooms_convert(); } } #endif RoomManager::RoomManager() { // some high value, we want room manager to be processed after other // nodes because the camera should be moved first set_process_priority(10000); } RoomManager::~RoomManager() { } String RoomManager::get_configuration_warning() const { String warning = Spatial::get_configuration_warning(); if (_settings_path_roomlist == NodePath()) { if (!warning.empty()) { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("The RoomList has not been assigned."); } else { Spatial *roomlist = _resolve_path<Spatial>(_settings_path_roomlist); if (!roomlist) { // possibly also check (roomlist->get_class_name() != StringName("Spatial")) if (!warning.empty()) { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("The RoomList node should be a Spatial (or derived from Spatial)."); } } if (_settings_portal_depth_limit == 0) { if (!warning.empty()) { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("Portal Depth Limit is set to Zero.\nOnly the Room that the Camera is in will render."); } if (Room::detect_nodes_of_type<RoomManager>(this)) { if (!warning.empty()) { warning += "\n\n"; } warning += TTR("There should only be one RoomManager in the SceneTree."); } return warning; } void RoomManager::_preview_camera_update() { Ref<World3D> world = get_world_3d(); RID scenario = world->get_scenario(); if (_pandemonium_preview_camera_ID != (ObjectID)-1) { Camera *cam = Object::cast_to<Camera>(ObjectDB::get_instance(_pandemonium_preview_camera_ID)); if (!cam) { _pandemonium_preview_camera_ID = (ObjectID)-1; } else { // get camera position and direction Vector3 camera_pos = cam->get_global_transform().origin; Vector<Plane> planes = cam->get_frustum(); // only update the visual server when there is a change.. as it will request a screen redraw // this is kinda silly, but the other way would be keeping track of the override camera in visual server // and tracking the camera deletes, which might be more error prone for a debug feature... bool changed = false; if (camera_pos != _pandemonium_camera_pos) { changed = true; } // check planes if (!changed) { if (planes.size() != _pandemonium_camera_planes.size()) { changed = true; } } if (!changed) { // num of planes must be identical for (int n = 0; n < planes.size(); n++) { if (planes[n] != _pandemonium_camera_planes[n]) { changed = true; break; } } } if (changed) { _pandemonium_camera_pos = camera_pos; _pandemonium_camera_planes = planes; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_override_camera(scenario, true, camera_pos, &planes); } } } } void RoomManager::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { set_process_internal(_pandemonium_preview_camera_ID != (ObjectID)-1); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // note this mechanism may fail to work correctly if the user creates two room managers, // but should not create major problems as it is just used to auto update when portals etc // are changed in the editor, and there is a check for nullptr. active_room_manager = this; SpatialEditor *spatial_editor = SpatialEditor::get_singleton(); if (spatial_editor) { spatial_editor->update_portal_tools(); } #endif } else { if (_settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled) { set_process_internal(true); } } } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED active_room_manager = nullptr; if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { SpatialEditor *spatial_editor = SpatialEditor::get_singleton(); if (spatial_editor) { spatial_editor->update_portal_tools(); } } #endif } break; case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS: { // can't call visual server if not inside world if (!is_inside_world()) { return; } if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { _preview_camera_update(); return; } if (_settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled) { Ref<World3D> world = get_world_3d(); RID scenario = world->get_scenario(); List<Camera *> cameras; world->get_camera_list(&cameras); Vector<Vector3> positions; for (int n = 0; n < cameras.size(); n++) { positions.push_back(cameras[n]->get_global_transform().origin); } RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_update_gameplay_monitor(scenario, positions); } } break; } } void RoomManager::_bind_methods() { BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PVS_MODE_DISABLED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PVS_MODE_PARTIAL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(PVS_MODE_FULL); // main functions ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("rooms_convert"), &RoomManager::rooms_convert); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("rooms_clear"), &RoomManager::rooms_clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_pvs_mode", "pvs_mode"), &RoomManager::set_pvs_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pvs_mode"), &RoomManager::get_pvs_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_roomlist_path", "p_path"), &RoomManager::set_roomlist_path); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_roomlist_path"), &RoomManager::get_roomlist_path); // These are commented out for now, but available in case we want to cache PVS to disk, the functionality exists // ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_pvs_filename", "pvs_filename"), &RoomManager::set_pvs_filename); // ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pvs_filename"), &RoomManager::get_pvs_filename); // just some macros to make setting inspector values easier #define LPORTAL_STRINGIFY(x) #x #define LPORTAL_TOSTRING(x) LPORTAL_STRINGIFY(x) #define LIMPL_PROPERTY(P_TYPE, P_NAME, P_SET, P_GET) \ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD(LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_SET), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_NAME)), &RoomManager::P_SET); \ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD(LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_GET)), &RoomManager::P_GET); \ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(P_TYPE, LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_NAME)), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_SET), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_GET)); #define LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(P_TYPE, P_NAME, P_SET, P_GET, P_RANGE_STRING) \ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD(LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_SET), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_NAME)), &RoomManager::P_SET); \ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD(LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_GET)), &RoomManager::P_GET); \ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(P_TYPE, LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_NAME), PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, P_RANGE_STRING), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_SET), LPORTAL_TOSTRING(P_GET)); ADD_GROUP("Main", ""); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, active, rooms_set_active, rooms_get_active); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::NODE_PATH, "roomlist", PROPERTY_HINT_NODE_PATH_VALID_TYPES, "Spatial"), "set_roomlist_path", "get_roomlist_path"); ADD_GROUP("PVS", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "pvs_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Partial,Full"), "set_pvs_mode", "get_pvs_mode"); // ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "pvs_filename", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.pvs"), "set_pvs_filename", "get_pvs_filename"); ADD_GROUP("Gameplay", ""); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, gameplay_monitor, set_gameplay_monitor_enabled, get_gameplay_monitor_enabled); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, use_secondary_pvs, set_use_secondary_pvs, get_use_secondary_pvs); ADD_GROUP("Optimize", ""); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, merge_meshes, set_merge_meshes, get_merge_meshes); ADD_GROUP("Debug", ""); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, show_margins, set_show_margins, get_show_margins); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::BOOL, debug_sprawl, set_debug_sprawl, get_debug_sprawl); LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(Variant::INT, overlap_warning_threshold, set_overlap_warning_threshold, get_overlap_warning_threshold, "1,1000,1"); LIMPL_PROPERTY(Variant::NODE_PATH, preview_camera, set_preview_camera_path, get_preview_camera_path); ADD_GROUP("Advanced", ""); LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(Variant::INT, portal_depth_limit, set_portal_depth_limit, get_portal_depth_limit, "0,255,1"); LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(Variant::REAL, room_simplify, set_room_simplify, get_room_simplify, "0.0,1.0,0.005"); LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(Variant::REAL, default_portal_margin, set_default_portal_margin, get_default_portal_margin, "0.0, 10.0, 0.01"); LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE(Variant::REAL, roaming_expansion_margin, set_roaming_expansion_margin, get_roaming_expansion_margin, "0.0, 3.0, 0.01"); #undef LIMPL_PROPERTY #undef LIMPL_PROPERTY_RANGE #undef LPORTAL_STRINGIFY #undef LPORTAL_TOSTRING } void RoomManager::_refresh_from_project_settings() { _settings_use_simple_pvs = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/pvs/use_simple_pvs"); _settings_log_pvs_generation = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/pvs/pvs_logging"); _settings_use_signals = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/gameplay/use_signals"); _settings_remove_danglers = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/optimize/remove_danglers"); _show_debug = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/debug/logging"); Portal::_portal_plane_convention = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/portals/advanced/flip_imported_portals"); // force not to show logs when not in editor if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { _show_debug = false; _settings_log_pvs_generation = false; } } void RoomManager::set_roomlist_path(const NodePath &p_path) { _settings_path_roomlist = p_path; update_configuration_warning(); } void RoomManager::set_preview_camera_path(const NodePath &p_path) { _settings_path_preview_camera = p_path; resolve_preview_camera_path(); bool camera_on = _pandemonium_preview_camera_ID != (ObjectID)-1; // make sure the cached camera planes are invalid, this will // force an update to the visual server on the next internal_process _pandemonium_camera_planes.clear(); // if in the editor, turn processing on or off // according to whether the camera is overridden if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { if (is_inside_tree()) { set_process_internal(camera_on); } } // if we are turning camera override off, must inform visual server if (!camera_on && is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid() && get_world_3d()->get_scenario().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_override_camera(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), false, Vector3(), nullptr); } // we couldn't resolve the path, let's set it to null if (!camera_on) { _settings_path_preview_camera = NodePath(); } } void RoomManager::set_room_simplify(real_t p_value) { _room_simplify_info.set_simplify(p_value); } real_t RoomManager::get_room_simplify() const { return _room_simplify_info._plane_simplify; } void RoomManager::set_portal_depth_limit(int p_limit) { _settings_portal_depth_limit = p_limit; if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_set_params(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), p_limit, _settings_roaming_expansion_margin); } } void RoomManager::set_roaming_expansion_margin(real_t p_dist) { _settings_roaming_expansion_margin = p_dist; if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_set_params(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), _settings_portal_depth_limit, _settings_roaming_expansion_margin); } } void RoomManager::set_default_portal_margin(real_t p_dist) { _default_portal_margin = p_dist; // send to portals Spatial *roomlist = _resolve_path<Spatial>(_settings_path_roomlist); if (!roomlist) { return; } _update_portal_gizmos(roomlist); } void RoomManager::_update_portal_gizmos(Spatial *p_node) { Portal *portal = Object::cast_to<Portal>(p_node); if (portal) { portal->update_gizmos(); } // recurse for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _update_portal_gizmos(child); } } } real_t RoomManager::get_default_portal_margin() const { return _default_portal_margin; } void RoomManager::set_show_margins(bool p_show) { Portal::_settings_gizmo_show_margins = p_show; Spatial *roomlist = _resolve_path<Spatial>(_settings_path_roomlist); if (!roomlist) { return; } _update_gizmos_recursive(roomlist); } bool RoomManager::get_show_margins() const { return Portal::_settings_gizmo_show_margins; } void RoomManager::set_debug_sprawl(bool p_enable) { if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_set_debug_feature(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), RenderingServer::ROOMS_DEBUG_SPRAWL, p_enable); _debug_sprawl = p_enable; } } bool RoomManager::get_debug_sprawl() const { return _debug_sprawl; } void RoomManager::set_merge_meshes(bool p_enable) { _settings_merge_meshes = p_enable; } bool RoomManager::get_merge_meshes() const { return _settings_merge_meshes; } void RoomManager::show_warning(const String &p_string, bool p_skippable, bool p_alert) { if (p_skippable && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && !_show_debug) { return; } WARN_PRINT(p_string); // OS::get_singleton()->alert(p_string, p_title); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (p_alert && Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTRGET(p_string)); } #endif } void RoomManager::debug_print_line(String p_string, int p_priority) { if (_show_debug) { if (!p_priority) { print_verbose(p_string); } else { print_line(p_string); } } } void RoomManager::rooms_set_active(bool p_active) { if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_set_active(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), p_active); _active = p_active; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { SpatialEditor *spatial_editor = SpatialEditor::get_singleton(); if (spatial_editor) { spatial_editor->update_portal_tools(); } } #endif } } bool RoomManager::rooms_get_active() const { return _active; } void RoomManager::set_pvs_mode(PVSMode p_mode) { _pvs_mode = p_mode; } RoomManager::PVSMode RoomManager::get_pvs_mode() const { return _pvs_mode; } void RoomManager::set_pvs_filename(String p_filename) { _pvs_filename = p_filename; } String RoomManager::get_pvs_filename() const { return _pvs_filename; } void RoomManager::_rooms_changed(String p_reason) { _rooms.clear(); if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_unload(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), p_reason); } } void RoomManager::rooms_clear() { _rooms.clear(); if (is_inside_world() && get_world_3d().is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_and_portals_clear(get_world_3d()->get_scenario()); } } void RoomManager::rooms_flip_portals() { // this is a helper emergency function to deal with situations where the user has ended up with Portal nodes // pointing in the wrong direction (by doing initial conversion with flip_portal_meshes set incorrectly). _roomlist = _resolve_path<Spatial>(_settings_path_roomlist); if (!_roomlist) { WARN_PRINT("Cannot resolve nodepath"); show_warning(TTR("RoomList path is invalid.\nPlease check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager.")); return; } _flip_portals_recursive(_roomlist); _rooms_changed("flipped Portals"); } void RoomManager::rooms_convert() { // set all error conditions to false _warning_misnamed_nodes_detected = false; _warning_portal_link_room_not_found = false; _warning_portal_autolink_failed = false; _warning_room_overlap_detected = false; _refresh_from_project_settings(); _roomlist = _resolve_path<Spatial>(_settings_path_roomlist); if (!_roomlist) { WARN_PRINT("Cannot resolve nodepath"); show_warning(TTR("RoomList path is invalid.\nPlease check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager.")); return; } ERR_FAIL_COND(!is_inside_world() || !get_world_3d().is_valid()); // every time we run convert we increment this, // to prevent individual rooms / portals being converted // more than once in one run _conversion_tick++; rooms_clear(); // first check that the roomlist is valid, and the user hasn't made // a silly scene tree if (!_check_roomlist_validity(_roomlist)) { return; } LocalVector<Portal *> portals; LocalVector<RoomGroup *> roomgroups; // find the rooms and portals _convert_rooms_recursive(_roomlist, portals, roomgroups); if (!_rooms.size()) { rooms_clear(); show_warning(TTR("RoomList contains no Rooms, aborting.")); return; } // add portal links _second_pass_portals(_roomlist, portals); // create the statics _second_pass_rooms(roomgroups, portals); // third pass // autolink portals that are not already manually linked // and finalize the portals _autolink_portals(_roomlist, portals); // Find the statics AGAIN and only this time add them to the PortalRenderer. // We need to do this twice because the room points determine the room bound... // but the bound is needed for autolinking, // and the autolinking needs to be done BEFORE adding to the PortalRenderer so that // the static objects will correctly sprawl. It is a chicken and egg situation. // Also finalize the room hulls. _third_pass_rooms(portals); // now we run autoplace to place any statics that have not been explicitly placed in rooms. // These will by definition not affect the room bounds, but is convenient for users to edit // levels in a more freeform manner _autoplace_recursive(_roomlist); bool generate_pvs = false; bool pvs_cull = false; switch (_pvs_mode) { default: { } break; case PVS_MODE_PARTIAL: { generate_pvs = true; } break; case PVS_MODE_FULL: { generate_pvs = true; pvs_cull = true; } break; } RenderingServer::get_singleton()->rooms_finalize(get_world_3d()->get_scenario(), generate_pvs, pvs_cull, _settings_use_secondary_pvs, _settings_use_signals, _pvs_filename, _settings_use_simple_pvs, _settings_log_pvs_generation); // refresh portal depth limit set_portal_depth_limit(get_portal_depth_limit()); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED _generate_room_overlap_zones(); #endif // just delete any intermediate data _cleanup_after_conversion(); // display error dialogs if (_warning_misnamed_nodes_detected) { show_warning(TTR("Misnamed nodes detected, check output log for details. Aborting.")); rooms_clear(); } if (_warning_portal_link_room_not_found) { show_warning(TTR("Portal link room not found, check output log for details."), true); } if (_warning_portal_autolink_failed) { show_warning(TTR("Portal autolink failed, check output log for details.\nCheck the portal is facing outwards from the source room."), true); } if (_warning_room_overlap_detected) { show_warning(TTR("Room overlap detected, cameras may work incorrectly in overlapping area.\nCheck output log for details."), true); } } void RoomManager::_second_pass_room(Room *p_room, const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { if (_settings_merge_meshes) { _merge_meshes_in_room(p_room); } // find statics and manual bound bool manual_bound_found = false; // points making up the room geometry, in world space, to create the convex hull Vector<Vector3> room_pts; for (int n = 0; n < p_room->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_room->get_child(n)); if (child) { if (_node_is_type<Portal>(child) || child->is_queued_for_deletion()) { // the adding of portal points is done after this stage, because // we need to take into account incoming as well as outgoing portals } else if (_name_ends_with(child, "-bound")) { manual_bound_found = _convert_manual_bound(p_room, child, p_portals); } else { // don't add the instances to the portal renderer on the first pass of _find_statics, // just find the geometry points in order to make sure the bound is correct. _find_statics_recursive(p_room, child, room_pts, false); } } } // Has the bound been specified using points in the room? // in that case, overwrite the room_pts if (p_room->_bound_pts.size() && p_room->is_inside_tree()) { Transform tr = p_room->get_global_transform(); room_pts.clear(); room_pts.resize(p_room->_bound_pts.size()); for (int n = 0; n < room_pts.size(); n++) { room_pts.set(n, tr.xform(p_room->_bound_pts[n])); } // we override and manual bound with the room points manual_bound_found = false; } if (!manual_bound_found) { // rough aabb for checking portals for warning conditions AABB aabb; aabb.create_from_points(room_pts); for (int n = 0; n < p_room->_portals.size(); n++) { int portal_id = p_room->_portals[n]; Portal *portal = p_portals[portal_id]; // only checking portals out from source room if (portal->_linkedroom_ID[0] != p_room->_room_ID) { continue; } // don't add portals to the world bound that are internal to this room! if (portal->is_portal_internal(p_room->_room_ID)) { continue; } // check portal for suspect conditions, like a long way from the room AABB, // or possibly flipped the wrong way _check_portal_for_warnings(portal, aabb); } // create convex hull _convert_room_hull_preliminary(p_room, room_pts, p_portals); } // add the room to roomgroups for (int n = 0; n < p_room->_roomgroups.size(); n++) { int roomgroup_id = p_room->_roomgroups[n]; p_roomgroups[roomgroup_id]->add_room(p_room); } } void RoomManager::_second_pass_rooms(const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { for (int n = 0; n < _rooms.size(); n++) { _second_pass_room(_rooms[n], p_roomgroups, p_portals); } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void RoomManager::_generate_room_overlap_zones() { for (int n = 0; n < _rooms.size(); n++) { Room *room = _rooms[n]; // no planes .. no overlap if (!room->_planes.size()) { continue; } for (int c = n + 1; c < _rooms.size(); c++) { if (c == n) { continue; } Room *other = _rooms[c]; // do a quick reject AABB if (!room->_aabb.intersects(other->_aabb) || (!other->_planes.size())) { continue; } // if the room priorities are different (i.e. an internal room), they are allowed to overlap if (room->_room_priority != other->_room_priority) { continue; } // get all the planes of both rooms in a contiguous list LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> planes; planes.resize(room->_planes.size() + other->_planes.size()); Plane *dest = planes.ptr(); memcpy(dest, &room->_planes[0], room->_planes.size() * sizeof(Plane)); dest += room->_planes.size(); memcpy(dest, &other->_planes[0], other->_planes.size() * sizeof(Plane)); Vector<Vector3> overlap_pts = Geometry::compute_convex_mesh_points(planes.ptr(), planes.size()); if (overlap_pts.size() < 4) { continue; } // there is an overlap, create a mesh from the points Geometry::MeshData md; Error err = _build_convex_hull(overlap_pts, md); if (err != OK) { WARN_PRINT("QuickHull failed building room overlap hull"); continue; } // only if the volume is more than some threshold real_t volume = Geometry::calculate_convex_hull_volume(md); if (volume > _overlap_warning_threshold) { WARN_PRINT("Room overlap of " + String(Variant(volume)) + " detected between " + room->get_name() + " and " + other->get_name()); room->_gizmo_overlap_zones.push_back(md); _warning_room_overlap_detected = true; } } } } #endif void RoomManager::_third_pass_rooms(const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { bool found_errors = false; for (int n = 0; n < _rooms.size(); n++) { Room *room = _rooms[n]; // no need to do all these string operations if we are not debugging and don't need logs if (_show_debug) { String room_short_name = _find_name_before(room, "-room", true); convert_log("ROOM\t" + room_short_name); // log output the portals associated with this room for (int p = 0; p < room->_portals.size(); p++) { const Portal &portal = *p_portals[room->_portals[p]]; bool portal_links_out = portal._linkedroom_ID[0] == room->_room_ID; int linked_room_id = (portal_links_out) ? portal._linkedroom_ID[1] : portal._linkedroom_ID[0]; // this shouldn't be out of range, but just in case if ((linked_room_id >= 0) && (linked_room_id < _rooms.size())) { Room *linked_room = _rooms[linked_room_id]; String portal_link_room_name = _find_name_before(linked_room, "-room", true); String in_or_out = (portal_links_out) ? "POUT" : "PIN "; // display the name of the room linked to convert_log("\t\t" + in_or_out + "\t" + portal_link_room_name); } else { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("linked_room_id is out of range"); } } } // if _show_debug // do a second pass finding the statics, where they are // finally added to the rooms in the portal_renderer. Vector<Vector3> room_pts; // the true indicates we DO want to add to the portal renderer this second time // we call _find_statics_recursive _find_statics_recursive(room, room, room_pts, true); if (!_convert_room_hull_final(room, p_portals)) { found_errors = true; } room->update_gizmos(); room->update_configuration_warning(); } if (found_errors) { show_warning(TTR("Error calculating room bounds.\nEnsure all rooms contain geometry or manual bounds.")); } } void RoomManager::_second_pass_portals(Spatial *p_roomlist, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < r_portals.size(); n++) { Portal *portal = r_portals[n]; // we have a choice here. // If we are importing, we will try linking using the naming convention method. // We do this by setting the assigned nodepath if we find the link room, then // the resolving links is done in the usual manner from the nodepath. if (portal->_importing_portal) { String string_link_room_shortname = _find_name_before(portal, "-portal"); String string_link_room = string_link_room_shortname + "-room"; if (string_link_room_shortname != "") { // try the room name plus the postfix first, this will be the most common case during import Room *linked_room = Object::cast_to<Room>(p_roomlist->find_node(string_link_room, true, false)); // try the short name as a last ditch attempt if (!linked_room) { linked_room = Object::cast_to<Room>(p_roomlist->find_node(string_link_room_shortname, true, false)); } if (linked_room) { NodePath path = portal->get_path_to(linked_room); portal->set_linked_room_internal(path); } else { WARN_PRINT("Portal link room : " + string_link_room + " not found."); _warning_portal_link_room_not_found = true; } } } // get the room we are linking from int room_from_id = portal->_linkedroom_ID[0]; if (room_from_id != -1) { Room *room_from = _rooms[room_from_id]; portal->resolve_links(_rooms, room_from->_room_rid); // add the portal id to the room from and the room to. // These are used so we can later add the portal geometry to the room bounds. room_from->_portals.push_back(n); int room_to_id = portal->_linkedroom_ID[1]; if (room_to_id != -1) { Room *room_to = _rooms[room_to_id]; room_to->_portals.push_back(n); // make the portal internal if necessary portal->_internal = room_from->_room_priority > room_to->_room_priority; } } } } void RoomManager::_autolink_portals(Spatial *p_roomlist, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < r_portals.size(); n++) { Portal *portal = r_portals[n]; // all portals should have a source room DEV_ASSERT(portal->_linkedroom_ID[0] != -1); const Room *source_room = _rooms[portal->_linkedroom_ID[0]]; if (portal->_linkedroom_ID[1] != -1) { // already manually linked continue; } bool autolink_found = false; // try to autolink // try points iteratively out from the portal center and find the first that is in a room that isn't the source room for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 4; attempt++) { // found if (portal->_linkedroom_ID[1] != -1) { break; } // these numbers are arbitrary .. we could alternatively reuse the portal margins for this? real_t dist = 0.01; switch (attempt) { default: { dist = 0.01; } break; case 1: { dist = 0.1; } break; case 2: { dist = 1.0; } break; case 3: { dist = 2.0; } break; } Vector3 test_pos = portal->_pt_center_world + (dist * portal->_plane.normal); int best_priority = -1000; int best_room = -1; for (int r = 0; r < _rooms.size(); r++) { Room *room = _rooms[r]; if (room->_room_ID == portal->_linkedroom_ID[0]) { // can't link back to the source room continue; } // first do a rough aabb check if (!room->_aabb.has_point(test_pos)) { continue; } bool outside = false; for (int p = 0; p < room->_preliminary_planes.size(); p++) { const Plane &plane = room->_preliminary_planes[p]; if (plane.distance_to(test_pos) > 0.0) { outside = true; break; } } // for through planes if (!outside) { // we found a suitable room, but we want the highest priority in // case there are internal rooms... if (room->_room_priority > best_priority) { best_priority = room->_room_priority; best_room = r; } } } // for through rooms // found a suitable link room if (best_room != -1) { Room *room = _rooms[best_room]; // great, we found a linked room! convert_log("\t\tAUTOLINK OK from " + source_room->get_name() + " to " + room->get_name(), 1); portal->_linkedroom_ID[1] = best_room; // add the portal to the portals list for the receiving room room->_portals.push_back(n); // send complete link to visual server so the portal will be active in the visual server room system RenderingServer::get_singleton()->portal_link(portal->_portal_rid, source_room->_room_rid, room->_room_rid, portal->_settings_two_way); // make the portal internal if necessary // (this prevents the portal plane clipping the room bound) portal->_internal = source_room->_room_priority > room->_room_priority; autolink_found = true; break; } } // for attempt // error condition if (!autolink_found) { if (_show_debug) { WARN_PRINT("Portal AUTOLINK failed for " + portal->get_name() + " from " + source_room->get_name()); } _warning_portal_autolink_failed = true; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED portal->_warning_autolink_failed = true; portal->update_gizmos(); #endif } } // for portal } // to prevent users creating mistakes for themselves, we limit what can be put into the room list branch. // returns invalid node, or NULL bool RoomManager::_check_roomlist_validity(Node *p_node) { // restrictions lifted here, but we can add more if required return true; } void RoomManager::_convert_rooms_recursive(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals, LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &r_roomgroups, int p_roomgroup) { // is this a room? if (_node_is_type<Room>(p_node) || _name_ends_with(p_node, "-room")) { _convert_room(p_node, r_portals, r_roomgroups, p_roomgroup); } // is this a roomgroup? if (_node_is_type<RoomGroup>(p_node) || _name_ends_with(p_node, "-roomgroup")) { p_roomgroup = _convert_roomgroup(p_node, r_roomgroups); } // recurse through children for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _convert_rooms_recursive(child, r_portals, r_roomgroups, p_roomgroup); } } } int RoomManager::_convert_roomgroup(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &r_roomgroups) { String string_full_name = p_node->get_name(); // is it already a roomgroup? RoomGroup *roomgroup = Object::cast_to<RoomGroup>(p_node); // if not already a RoomGroup, convert the node and move all children if (!roomgroup) { // create a RoomGroup roomgroup = _change_node_type<RoomGroup>(p_node, "G"); } else { // already hit this tick? if (roomgroup->_conversion_tick == _conversion_tick) { return roomgroup->_roomgroup_ID; } } convert_log("convert_roomgroup : " + string_full_name, 1); // make sure the roomgroup is blank, especially if already created roomgroup->clear(); // make sure the object ID is sent to the visual server RenderingServer::get_singleton()->roomgroup_prepare(roomgroup->_room_group_rid, roomgroup->get_instance_id()); // mark so as only to convert once roomgroup->_conversion_tick = _conversion_tick; roomgroup->_roomgroup_ID = r_roomgroups.size(); r_roomgroups.push_back(roomgroup); return r_roomgroups.size() - 1; } void RoomManager::_convert_room(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals, const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, int p_roomgroup) { String string_full_name = p_node->get_name(); // is it already an lroom? Room *room = Object::cast_to<Room>(p_node); // if not already a Room, convert the node and move all children if (!room) { // create a Room room = _change_node_type<Room>(p_node, "G"); } else { // already hit this tick? if (room->_conversion_tick == _conversion_tick) { return; } } // make sure the room is blank, especially if already created room->clear(); // mark so as only to convert once room->_conversion_tick = _conversion_tick; // set roomgroup if (p_roomgroup != -1) { room->_roomgroups.push_back(p_roomgroup); room->_room_priority = p_roomgroups[p_roomgroup]->_settings_priority; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_prepare(room->_room_rid, room->_room_priority); } // add to the list of rooms room->_room_ID = _rooms.size(); _rooms.push_back(room); _find_portals_recursive(room, room, r_portals); } void RoomManager::_find_portals_recursive(Spatial *p_node, Room *p_room, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals) { MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); if (_node_is_type<Portal>(p_node) || (mi && _name_ends_with(mi, "-portal"))) { _convert_portal(p_room, p_node, r_portals); } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _find_portals_recursive(child, p_room, r_portals); } } } void RoomManager::_check_portal_for_warnings(Portal *p_portal, const AABB &p_room_aabb_without_portals) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED AABB bb = p_room_aabb_without_portals; bb = bb.grow(bb.get_longest_axis_size() * 0.5); bool changed = false; // far outside the room? const Vector3 &pos = p_portal->get_global_transform().origin; bool old_outside = p_portal->_warning_outside_room_aabb; p_portal->_warning_outside_room_aabb = !bb.has_point(pos); if (p_portal->_warning_outside_room_aabb != old_outside) { changed = true; } if (p_portal->_warning_outside_room_aabb) { WARN_PRINT(String(p_portal->get_name()) + " possibly in the wrong room."); } // facing wrong way? Vector3 offset = pos - bb.get_center(); real_t dot = offset.dot(p_portal->_plane.normal); bool old_facing = p_portal->_warning_facing_wrong_way; p_portal->_warning_facing_wrong_way = dot < 0.0; if (p_portal->_warning_facing_wrong_way != old_facing) { changed = true; } if (p_portal->_warning_facing_wrong_way) { WARN_PRINT(String(p_portal->get_name()) + " possibly facing the wrong way."); } // handled later p_portal->_warning_autolink_failed = false; if (changed) { p_portal->update_gizmos(); } #endif } bool RoomManager::_autoplace_object(VisualInstance *p_vi) { // note we could alternatively use the portal_renderer to do this more efficiently // (as it has a BSP) but at a cost of returning result from the visual server AABB bb = p_vi->get_transformed_aabb(); Vector3 centre = bb.get_center(); // in order to deal with internal rooms, we can't just stop at the first // room the point is within, as there could be later rooms with a higher priority int best_priority = -INT32_MAX; Room *best_room = nullptr; // if not set to zero (no preference) this can override a preference // for a certain RoomGroup priority to ensure the instance gets placed in the correct // RoomGroup (e.g. outside, for building exteriors) int preferred_priority = p_vi->get_portal_autoplace_priority(); for (int n = 0; n < _rooms.size(); n++) { Room *room = _rooms[n]; if (room->contains_point(centre)) { // the standard routine autoplaces in the highest priority room if (room->_room_priority > best_priority) { best_priority = room->_room_priority; best_room = room; } // if we override the preferred priority we always choose this if (preferred_priority && (room->_room_priority == preferred_priority)) { best_room = room; break; } } } if (best_room) { // just dummies, we won't use these this time Vector<Vector3> room_pts; // we can reuse this function _process_static(best_room, p_vi, room_pts, true); return true; } return false; } void RoomManager::_autoplace_recursive(Spatial *p_node) { if (p_node->is_queued_for_deletion()) { return; } // as soon as we hit a room, quit the recursion as the objects // will already have been added inside rooms if (Object::cast_to<Room>(p_node)) { return; } VisualInstance *vi = Object::cast_to<VisualInstance>(p_node); // we are only interested in VIs with static or dynamic mode if (vi) { switch (vi->get_portal_mode()) { default: { } break; case CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC: case CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_STATIC: { _autoplace_object(vi); } break; } } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _autoplace_recursive(child); } } } void RoomManager::_process_static(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, bool p_add_to_portal_renderer) { bool ignore = false; VisualInstance *vi = Object::cast_to<VisualInstance>(p_node); bool is_dynamic = false; // we are only interested in VIs with static or dynamic mode if (vi) { switch (vi->get_portal_mode()) { default: { ignore = true; } break; case CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC: { is_dynamic = true; } break; case CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_STATIC: break; } } if (!ignore) { // We'll have a done flag. This isn't strictly speaking necessary // because the types should be mutually exclusive, but this would // break if something changes the inheritance hierarchy of the nodes // at a later date, so having a done flag makes it more robust. bool done = false; Light *light = Object::cast_to<Light>(p_node); if (!done && light) { done = true; // lights (don't affect bound, so aren't added in first pass) if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { Vector<Vector3> dummy_pts; RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_add_instance(p_room->_room_rid, light->get_instance(), light->get_transformed_aabb(), dummy_pts); convert_log("\t\t\tLIGT\t" + light->get_name()); } } GeometryInstance *gi = Object::cast_to<GeometryInstance>(p_node); if (!done && gi) { done = true; // MeshInstance is the most interesting type for portalling, so we handle this explicitly MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); if (mi) { bool added = false; Vector<Vector3> object_pts; AABB aabb; // get the object points and don't immediately add to the room // points, as we want to use these points for sprawling algorithm in // the visual server. if (_bound_findpoints_mesh_instance(mi, object_pts, aabb)) { // need to keep track of room bound // NOTE the is_visible check MAY cause problems if conversion run on nodes that // aren't properly in the tree. It can optionally be removed. Certainly calling is_visible_in_tree // DID cause problems. if (!is_dynamic && mi->get_include_in_bound() && mi->is_visible()) { r_room_pts.append_array(object_pts); } if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { // We are sending the VisualInstance AABB rather than the manually calced AABB, maybe we don't need to calc the AABB. // If this works okay we can maybe later remove the manual AABB calculation in _bound_findpoints_mesh_instance(). RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_add_instance(p_room->_room_rid, mi->get_instance(), mi->get_transformed_aabb().grow(mi->get_extra_cull_margin()), object_pts); added = true; } } // if bound found points if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { String msg = "\t\t\tMESH\t" + mi->get_name(); if (!added) { msg += "\t(unrecognized)"; } convert_log(msg); } } else { // geometry instance but not a mesh instance .. Vector<Vector3> object_pts; AABB aabb; bool added = false; // attempt to recognise this GeometryInstance and read back the geometry // Note: never attempt to add dynamics to the room aabb if (is_dynamic || _bound_findpoints_geom_instance(gi, object_pts, aabb)) { // need to keep track of room bound // NOTE the is_visible check MAY cause problems if conversion run on nodes that // aren't properly in the tree. It can optionally be removed. Certainly calling is_visible_in_tree // DID cause problems. if (!is_dynamic && gi->get_include_in_bound() && gi->is_visible()) { r_room_pts.append_array(object_pts); } if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { // if dynamic, we won't have properly calculated the aabb yet if (is_dynamic) { aabb = gi->get_transformed_aabb(); } aabb.grow_by(gi->get_extra_cull_margin()); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_add_instance(p_room->_room_rid, gi->get_instance(), aabb, object_pts); added = true; } } // if bound found points if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { String msg = "\t\t\tGEOM\t" + gi->get_name(); if (!added) { msg += "\t(unrecognized)"; } convert_log(msg); } } } // if gi VisibilityNotifier *vn = Object::cast_to<VisibilityNotifier>(p_node); if (!done && vn && ((vn->get_portal_mode() == CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_DYNAMIC) || (vn->get_portal_mode() == CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_STATIC))) { done = true; if (p_add_to_portal_renderer) { AABB world_aabb = vn->get_global_transform().xform(vn->get_aabb()); RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_add_ghost(p_room->_room_rid, vn->get_instance_id(), world_aabb); convert_log("\t\t\tVIS \t" + vn->get_name()); } } } // if not ignore } void RoomManager::_find_statics_recursive(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, bool p_add_to_portal_renderer) { // don't process portal MeshInstances that are being deleted // (and replaced by proper Portal nodes) if (p_node->is_queued_for_deletion()) { return; } _process_static(p_room, p_node, r_room_pts, p_add_to_portal_renderer); for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _find_statics_recursive(p_room, child, r_room_pts, p_add_to_portal_renderer); } } } bool RoomManager::_convert_manual_bound(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); if (!mi) { return false; } Vector<Vector3> points; AABB aabb; if (!_bound_findpoints_mesh_instance(mi, points, aabb)) { return false; } mi->set_portal_mode(CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE); // hide bounds after conversion // set to portal mode ignore? mi->hide(); return _convert_room_hull_preliminary(p_room, points, p_portals); } bool RoomManager::_convert_room_hull_preliminary(Room *p_room, const Vector<Vector3> &p_room_pts, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { if (p_room_pts.size() <= 3) { return false; } Geometry::MeshData md; Error err = OK; // if there are too many room points, quickhull will fail or freeze etc, so we will revert // to a bounding rect and send an error message if (p_room_pts.size() > 100000) { WARN_PRINT(String(p_room->get_name()) + " contains too many vertices to find convex hull, use a manual bound instead."); AABB aabb; aabb.create_from_points(p_room_pts); LocalVector<Vector3> pts; Vector3 mins = aabb.position; Vector3 maxs = mins + aabb.size; pts.push_back(Vector3(mins.x, mins.y, mins.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(mins.x, maxs.y, mins.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(maxs.x, maxs.y, mins.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(maxs.x, mins.y, mins.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(mins.x, mins.y, maxs.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(mins.x, maxs.y, maxs.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(maxs.x, maxs.y, maxs.z)); pts.push_back(Vector3(maxs.x, mins.y, maxs.z)); err = _build_convex_hull(pts, md); } else { err = _build_room_convex_hull(p_room, p_room_pts, md); } if (err != OK) { return false; } // add any existing portals planes first, as these will trump any other existing planes further out for (int n = 0; n < p_room->_portals.size(); n++) { int portal_id = p_room->_portals[n]; Portal *portal = p_portals[portal_id]; // don't add portals to the hull that are internal to this room! if (portal->is_portal_internal(p_room->_room_ID)) { continue; } Plane plane = portal->_plane; // does it need to be reversed? (i.e. is the portal incoming rather than outgoing) if (portal->_linkedroom_ID[1] == p_room->_room_ID) { plane = -plane; } _add_plane_if_unique(p_room, p_room->_preliminary_planes, plane); } // add the planes from the geometry or manual bound for (int n = 0; n < md.faces.size(); n++) { const Plane &p = md.faces[n].plane; _add_plane_if_unique(p_room, p_room->_preliminary_planes, p); } // temporary copy of mesh data for the boundary points // to form a new hull in _convert_room_hull_final p_room->_bound_mesh_data = md; // aabb (should later include portals too, these are added in _convert_room_hull_final) p_room->_aabb.create_from_points(md.vertices); return true; } bool RoomManager::_convert_room_hull_final(Room *p_room, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals) { Vector<Vector3> vertices_including_portals = p_room->_bound_mesh_data.vertices; // add the portals planes first, as these will trump any other existing planes further out int num_portals_added = 0; for (int n = 0; n < p_room->_portals.size(); n++) { int portal_id = p_room->_portals[n]; Portal *portal = p_portals[portal_id]; // don't add portals to the world bound that are internal to this room! if (portal->is_portal_internal(p_room->_room_ID)) { continue; } Plane plane = portal->_plane; // does it need to be reversed? (i.e. is the portal incoming rather than outgoing) if (portal->_linkedroom_ID[1] == p_room->_room_ID) { plane = -plane; } if (_add_plane_if_unique(p_room, p_room->_planes, plane)) { num_portals_added++; } // add any new portals to the aabb of the room for (int p = 0; p < portal->_pts_world.size(); p++) { const Vector3 &pt = portal->_pts_world[p]; vertices_including_portals.push_back(pt); p_room->_aabb.expand_to(pt); } } // create new convex hull Geometry::MeshData md; Error err = _build_room_convex_hull(p_room, vertices_including_portals, md); if (err != OK) { return false; } // add the planes from the new hull for (int n = 0; n < md.faces.size(); n++) { const Plane &p = md.faces[n].plane; _add_plane_if_unique(p_room, p_room->_planes, p); } // recreate the points within the new simplified bound, and then recreate the convex hull // by running quickhull a second time... (this enables the gizmo to accurately show the simplified hull) int num_planes_before_simplification = p_room->_planes.size(); Geometry::MeshData md_simplified; _build_simplified_bound(p_room, md_simplified, p_room->_planes, num_portals_added); if (num_planes_before_simplification != p_room->_planes.size()) { convert_log("\t\t\tcontained " + itos(num_planes_before_simplification) + " planes before simplification, " + itos(p_room->_planes.size()) + " planes after."); } // make a copy of the mesh data for debugging // note this could be avoided in release builds? NYI p_room->_bound_mesh_data = md_simplified; // send bound to visual server RenderingServer::get_singleton()->room_set_bound(p_room->_room_rid, p_room->get_instance_id(), p_room->_planes, p_room->_aabb, md_simplified.vertices); return true; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool RoomManager::_room_regenerate_bound(Room *p_room) { // for a preview, we allow the editor to change the bound ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_room, false); if (!p_room->_bound_pts.size()) { return false; } // can't do yet if not in the tree if (!p_room->is_inside_tree()) { return false; } Transform tr = p_room->get_global_transform(); Vector<Vector3> pts; pts.resize(p_room->_bound_pts.size()); for (int n = 0; n < pts.size(); n++) { pts.set(n, tr.xform(p_room->_bound_pts[n])); } Geometry::MeshData md; Error err = _build_room_convex_hull(p_room, pts, md); if (err != OK) { return false; } p_room->_bound_mesh_data = md; p_room->update_gizmos(); return true; } #endif void RoomManager::_build_simplified_bound(const Room *p_room, Geometry::MeshData &r_md, LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> &r_planes, int p_num_portal_planes) { if (!r_planes.size()) { return; } Vector<Vector3> pts = Geometry::compute_convex_mesh_points(&r_planes[0], r_planes.size(), 0.001); Error err = _build_room_convex_hull(p_room, pts, r_md); if (err != OK) { WARN_PRINT("QuickHull failed building simplified bound"); return; } // if the number of faces is less than the number of planes, we can use this simplified version to reduce the number of planes if (r_md.faces.size() < r_planes.size()) { // always include the portal planes r_planes.resize(p_num_portal_planes); for (int n = 0; n < r_md.faces.size(); n++) { _add_plane_if_unique(p_room, r_planes, r_md.faces[n].plane); } } } Error RoomManager::_build_room_convex_hull(const Room *p_room, const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry::MeshData &r_mesh) { // calculate an epsilon based on the simplify value, and use this to build the hull real_t s = 0.0; DEV_ASSERT(p_room); if (p_room->_use_default_simplify) { s = _room_simplify_info._plane_simplify; } else { s = p_room->_simplify_info._plane_simplify; } // value between 0.3 (accurate) and 10.0 (very rough) // * UNIT_EPSILON s *= s; s *= 40.0; s += 0.3; // minimum s *= UNIT_EPSILON; return _build_convex_hull(p_points, r_mesh, s); } bool RoomManager::_add_plane_if_unique(const Room *p_room, LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> &r_planes, const Plane &p) { DEV_ASSERT(p_room); if (p_room->_use_default_simplify) { return _room_simplify_info.add_plane_if_unique(r_planes, p); } return p_room->_simplify_info.add_plane_if_unique(r_planes, p); } void RoomManager::_convert_portal(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &portals) { Portal *portal = Object::cast_to<Portal>(p_node); bool importing = false; // if not a gportal already, convert the node type if (!portal) { importing = true; portal = _change_node_type<Portal>(p_node, "G", false); portal->create_from_mesh_instance(Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node)); p_node->queue_delete(); } else { // only allow converting once if (portal->_conversion_tick == _conversion_tick) { return; } } // make sure to start with fresh internal data each time (for linked rooms etc) portal->clear(); // mark the portal if we are importing, because we will need to use the naming // prefix system to look for linked rooms in that case portal->_importing_portal = importing; // mark so as only to convert once portal->_conversion_tick = _conversion_tick; // link rooms portal->portal_update(); // keep a list of portals for second pass portals.push_back(portal); // the portal is linking from this first room it is added to portal->_linkedroom_ID[0] = p_room->_room_ID; } bool RoomManager::_bound_findpoints_geom_instance(GeometryInstance *p_gi, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, AABB &r_aabb) { // max opposite extents .. note AABB storing size is rubbish in this aspect // it can fail once mesh min is larger than FLT_MAX / 2. r_aabb.position = Vector3(FLT_MAX / 2, FLT_MAX / 2, FLT_MAX / 2); r_aabb.size = Vector3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); #ifdef MODULE_CSG_ENABLED CSGShape *shape = Object::cast_to<CSGShape>(p_gi); if (shape) { // Shapes will not be up to date on the first frame due to a quirk // of CSG - it defers updates to the next frame. So we need to explicitly // force an update to make sure the CSG is correct on level load. shape->force_update_shape(); Array arr = shape->get_meshes(); if (!arr.size()) { return false; } Ref<ArrayMesh> arr_mesh = arr[1]; if (!arr_mesh.is_valid()) { return false; } if (arr_mesh->get_surface_count() == 0) { return false; } // for converting meshes to world space Transform trans = p_gi->get_global_transform(); for (int surf = 0; surf < arr_mesh->get_surface_count(); surf++) { Array arrays = arr_mesh->surface_get_arrays(surf); if (!arrays.size()) { continue; } PoolVector<Vector3> vertices = arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; // convert to world space for (int n = 0; n < vertices.size(); n++) { Vector3 pt_world = trans.xform(vertices[n]); r_room_pts.push_back(pt_world); // keep the bound up to date r_aabb.expand_to(pt_world); } } // for through the surfaces return true; } // if csg shape #endif // multimesh MultiMeshInstance *mmi = Object::cast_to<MultiMeshInstance>(p_gi); if (mmi) { Ref<MultiMesh> rmm = mmi->get_multimesh(); if (!rmm.is_valid()) { return false; } // first get the mesh verts in local space LocalVector<Vector3, int32_t> local_verts; Ref<Mesh> rmesh = rmm->get_mesh(); if (rmesh->get_surface_count() == 0) { String string; string = "MultiMeshInstance '" + mmi->get_name() + "' has no surfaces, ignoring"; WARN_PRINT(string); return false; } for (int surf = 0; surf < rmesh->get_surface_count(); surf++) { Array arrays = rmesh->surface_get_arrays(surf); if (!arrays.size()) { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("MultiMesh mesh surface with no mesh, ignoring"); continue; } const PoolVector<Vector3> &vertices = arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; int count = local_verts.size(); local_verts.resize(local_verts.size() + vertices.size()); for (int n = 0; n < vertices.size(); n++) { local_verts[count++] = vertices[n]; } } if (!local_verts.size()) { return false; } // now we have the local space verts, add a bunch for each instance, and find the AABB for (int i = 0; i < rmm->get_instance_count(); i++) { Transform trans = rmm->get_instance_transform(i); trans = mmi->get_global_transform() * trans; for (int n = 0; n < local_verts.size(); n++) { Vector3 pt_world = trans.xform(local_verts[n]); r_room_pts.push_back(pt_world); // keep the bound up to date r_aabb.expand_to(pt_world); } } return true; } // Sprite3D SpriteBase3D *sprite = Object::cast_to<SpriteBase3D>(p_gi); if (sprite) { Ref<TriangleMesh> tmesh = sprite->generate_triangle_mesh(); PoolVector<Vector3> vertices = tmesh->get_vertices(); // for converting meshes to world space Transform trans = p_gi->get_global_transform(); // convert to world space for (int n = 0; n < vertices.size(); n++) { Vector3 pt_world = trans.xform(vertices[n]); r_room_pts.push_back(pt_world); // keep the bound up to date r_aabb.expand_to(pt_world); } return true; } // Particles have a "visibility aabb" we can use for this /* Particles *particles = Object::cast_to<Particles>(p_gi); if (particles) { r_aabb = particles->get_global_transform().xform(particles->get_visibility_aabb()); return true; } */ // Fallback path for geometry that is not recognised // (including CPUParticles, which will need to rely on an expansion margin) r_aabb = p_gi->get_transformed_aabb(); return true; } bool RoomManager::_bound_findpoints_mesh_instance(MeshInstance *p_mi, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, AABB &r_aabb) { // max opposite extents .. note AABB storing size is rubbish in this aspect // it can fail once mesh min is larger than FLT_MAX / 2. r_aabb.position = Vector3(FLT_MAX / 2, FLT_MAX / 2, FLT_MAX / 2); r_aabb.size = Vector3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); // some pandemonium jiggery pokery to get the mesh verts in local space Ref<Mesh> rmesh = p_mi->get_mesh(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!rmesh.is_valid(), false); if (rmesh->get_surface_count() == 0) { String string; string = "MeshInstance '" + p_mi->get_name() + "' has no surfaces, ignoring"; WARN_PRINT(string); return false; } bool success = false; // for converting meshes to world space Transform trans = p_mi->get_global_transform(); for (int surf = 0; surf < rmesh->get_surface_count(); surf++) { Array arrays = rmesh->surface_get_arrays(surf); // possible to have a meshinstance with no geometry .. don't want to crash if (!arrays.size()) { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("MeshInstance surface with no mesh, ignoring"); continue; } success = true; PoolVector<Vector3> vertices = arrays[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX]; // convert to world space for (int n = 0; n < vertices.size(); n++) { Vector3 ptWorld = trans.xform(vertices[n]); r_room_pts.push_back(ptWorld); // keep the bound up to date r_aabb.expand_to(ptWorld); } } // for through the surfaces return success; } void RoomManager::_cleanup_after_conversion() { for (int n = 0; n < _rooms.size(); n++) { Room *room = _rooms[n]; room->_portals.reset(); room->_preliminary_planes.reset(); // outside the editor, there's no need to keep the data for the convex hull // drawing, as it is only used for gizmos. if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { room->_bound_mesh_data = Geometry::MeshData(); } } } bool RoomManager::resolve_preview_camera_path() { Camera *camera = _resolve_path<Camera>(_settings_path_preview_camera); if (camera) { _pandemonium_preview_camera_ID = camera->get_instance_id(); return true; } _pandemonium_preview_camera_ID = -1; return false; } template <class NODE_TYPE> NODE_TYPE *RoomManager::_resolve_path(NodePath p_path) const { if (has_node(p_path)) { NODE_TYPE *node = Object::cast_to<NODE_TYPE>(get_node(p_path)); if (node) { return node; } else { WARN_PRINT("node is incorrect type"); } } return nullptr; } template <class NODE_TYPE> bool RoomManager::_node_is_type(Node *p_node) const { NODE_TYPE *node = Object::cast_to<NODE_TYPE>(p_node); return node != nullptr; } template <class T> T *RoomManager::_change_node_type(Spatial *p_node, String p_prefix, bool p_delete) { String string_full_name = p_node->get_name(); Node *parent = p_node->get_parent(); if (!parent) { return nullptr; } // owner should normally be root Node *owner = p_node->get_owner(); // change the name of the node to be deleted p_node->set_name(p_prefix + string_full_name); // create the new class T object T *pNew = memnew(T); pNew->set_name(string_full_name); // add the child at the same position as the old node // (this is more convenient for users) parent->add_child_below_node(p_node, pNew); // new lroom should have same transform pNew->set_transform(p_node->get_transform()); // move each child while (p_node->get_child_count()) { Node *child = p_node->get_child(0); p_node->remove_child(child); // needs to set owner to appear in IDE pNew->add_child(child); } // needs to set owner to appear in IDE _set_owner_recursive(pNew, owner); // delete old node if (p_delete) { p_node->queue_delete(); } return pNew; } void RoomManager::_update_gizmos_recursive(Node *p_node) { Portal *portal = Object::cast_to<Portal>(p_node); if (portal) { portal->update_gizmos(); } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { _update_gizmos_recursive(p_node->get_child(n)); } } Error RoomManager::_build_convex_hull(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry::MeshData &r_mesh, real_t p_epsilon) { #ifdef PANDEMONIUM_PORTALS_USE_BULLET_CONVEX_HULL return ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(p_points, r_mesh); #if 0 // test comparison of methods QuickHull::build(p_points, r_mesh, p_epsilon); int qh_faces = r_mesh.faces.size(); int qh_verts = r_mesh.vertices.size(); r_mesh.vertices.clear(); r_mesh.faces.clear(); r_mesh.edges.clear(); Error err = ConvexHullComputer::convex_hull(p_points, r_mesh); int bh_faces = r_mesh.faces.size(); int bh_verts = r_mesh.vertices.size(); if (qh_faces != bh_faces) { print_line("qh_faces : " + itos(qh_faces) + ", bh_faces : " + itos(bh_faces)); } if (qh_verts != bh_verts) { print_line("qh_verts : " + itos(qh_verts) + ", bh_verts : " + itos(bh_verts)); } return err; #endif #else QuickHull::_flag_warnings = false; Error err = QuickHull::build(p_points, r_mesh, p_epsilon); QuickHull::_flag_warnings = true; return err; #endif } void RoomManager::_flip_portals_recursive(Spatial *p_node) { Portal *portal = Object::cast_to<Portal>(p_node); if (portal) { portal->flip(); } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _flip_portals_recursive(child); } } } void RoomManager::_set_owner_recursive(Node *p_node, Node *p_owner) { if (!p_node->get_owner() && (p_node != p_owner)) { p_node->set_owner(p_owner); } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { _set_owner_recursive(p_node->get_child(n), p_owner); } } bool RoomManager::_name_ends_with(const Node *p_node, String p_postfix) const { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_node, false); String name = p_node->get_name(); int pf_l = p_postfix.length(); int l = name.length(); if (pf_l > l) { return false; } // allow capitalization errors if (name.substr(l - pf_l, pf_l).to_lower() == p_postfix) { return true; } return false; } String RoomManager::_find_name_before(Node *p_node, String p_postfix, bool p_allow_no_postfix) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_node, String()); String name = p_node->get_name(); int pf_l = p_postfix.length(); int l = name.length(); if (pf_l > l) { if (!p_allow_no_postfix) { return String(); } } else { if (name.substr(l - pf_l, pf_l) == p_postfix) { name = name.substr(0, l - pf_l); } else { if (!p_allow_no_postfix) { return String(); } } } // because pandemonium doesn't support multiple nodes with the same name, we will strip e.g. a number // after an * on the end of the name... // e.g. kitchen*2-portal for (int c = 0; c < name.length(); c++) { if (name[c] == PANDEMONIUM_PORTAL_WILDCARD) { // remove everything after and including this character name = name.substr(0, c); break; } } return name; } void RoomManager::_merge_meshes_in_room(Room *p_room) { // only do in running game so as not to lose data if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { return; } _merge_log("merging room " + p_room->get_name()); // list of meshes suitable LocalVector<MeshInstance *, int32_t> source_meshes; _list_mergeable_mesh_instances(p_room, source_meshes); // none suitable if (!source_meshes.size()) { return; } _merge_log("\t" + itos(source_meshes.size()) + " source meshes"); BitFieldDynamic bf; bf.create(source_meshes.size(), true); for (int n = 0; n < source_meshes.size(); n++) { LocalVector<MeshInstance *, int32_t> merge_list; // find similar meshes MeshInstance *a = source_meshes[n]; merge_list.push_back(a); // may not be necessary bf.set_bit(n, true); for (int c = n + 1; c < source_meshes.size(); c++) { // if not merged already if (!bf.get_bit(c)) { MeshInstance *b = source_meshes[c]; if (a->is_mergeable_with(b)) { merge_list.push_back(b); bf.set_bit(c, true); } } // if not merged already } // for c through secondary mesh // only merge if more than 1 if (merge_list.size() > 1) { // we can merge! // create a new holder mesh MeshInstance *merged = memnew(MeshInstance); merged->set_name("MergedMesh"); _merge_log("\t\t" + merged->get_name()); // merge function takes a vector of variants Vector<Variant> variant_merge_list; variant_merge_list.resize(merge_list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < merge_list.size(); i++) { variant_merge_list.set(i, merge_list[i]); } if (merged->merge_meshes(variant_merge_list, true, false)) { // set all the source meshes to portal mode ignore so not shown for (int i = 0; i < merge_list.size(); i++) { merge_list[i]->set_portal_mode(CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_IGNORE); } // and set the new merged mesh to static merged->set_portal_mode(CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_STATIC); // attach to scene tree p_room->add_child(merged); merged->set_owner(p_room->get_owner()); // compensate for room transform, as the verts are now in world space Transform tr = p_room->get_global_transform(); tr.affine_invert(); merged->set_transform(tr); // delete originals? // note this isn't perfect, it may still end up with dangling spatials, but they can be // deleted later. for (int i = 0; i < merge_list.size(); i++) { MeshInstance *mi = merge_list[i]; if (!mi->get_child_count()) { mi->queue_delete(); } else { Node *parent = mi->get_parent(); if (parent) { // if there are children, we don't want to delete it, but we do want to // remove the mesh drawing, e.g. by replacing it with a spatial String name = mi->get_name(); mi->set_name("DeleteMe"); // can be anything, just to avoid name conflict with replacement node Spatial *replacement = memnew(Spatial); replacement->set_name(name); parent->add_child(replacement); // make the transform and owner match replacement->set_owner(mi->get_owner()); replacement->set_transform(mi->get_transform()); // move all children from the mesh instance to the replacement while (mi->get_child_count()) { Node *child = mi->get_child(0); mi->remove_child(child); replacement->add_child(child); } } // if the mesh instance has a parent (should hopefully be always the case?) } } } else { // no success memdelete(merged); } } } // for n through primary mesh if (_settings_remove_danglers) { _remove_redundant_dangling_nodes(p_room); } } bool RoomManager::_remove_redundant_dangling_nodes(Spatial *p_node) { int non_queue_delete_children = 0; // do the children first for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Node *node_child = p_node->get_child(n); Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(node_child); if (child) { _remove_redundant_dangling_nodes(child); } if (node_child && !node_child->is_queued_for_deletion()) { non_queue_delete_children++; } } if (!non_queue_delete_children) { // only remove true spatials, not derived classes if (p_node->get_class_name() == "Spatial") { p_node->queue_delete(); return true; } } return false; } void RoomManager::_list_mergeable_mesh_instances(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<MeshInstance *, int32_t> &r_list) { MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); if (mi) { // only interested in static portal mode meshes VisualInstance *vi = Object::cast_to<VisualInstance>(mi); // we are only interested in VIs with static or dynamic mode if (vi && vi->get_portal_mode() == CullInstance::PORTAL_MODE_STATIC) { // disallow for portals or bounds // mesh instance portals should be queued for deletion by this point, we don't want to merge portals! if (!_node_is_type<Portal>(mi) && !_name_ends_with(mi, "-bound") && !mi->is_queued_for_deletion()) { // only merge if visible if (mi->is_inside_tree() && mi->is_visible()) { r_list.push_back(mi); } } } } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { Spatial *child = Object::cast_to<Spatial>(p_node->get_child(n)); if (child) { _list_mergeable_mesh_instances(child, r_list); } } }