Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans  http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
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2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
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#include "btAlignedAllocator.h"
#include "btScalar.h" // has definitions like SIMD_FORCE_INLINE

///If the platform doesn't support placement new, you can disable BT_USE_PLACEMENT_NEW
///then the btAlignedObjectArray doesn't support objects with virtual methods, and non-trivial constructors/destructors
///You can enable BT_USE_MEMCPY, then swapping elements in the array will use memcpy instead of operator=
///see discussion here: http://continuousphysics.com/Bullet/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1231 and

//#define BT_USE_MEMCPY 1 //disable, because it is cumbersome to find out for each platform where memcpy is defined. It can be in <memory.h> or <string.h> or otherwise...
#define BT_ALLOW_ARRAY_COPY_OPERATOR // enabling this can accidently perform deep copies of data if you are not careful

#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif //BT_USE_MEMCPY

#include <new> //for placement new

// -- PANDEMONIUM start --
namespace VHACD {
// -- PANDEMONIUM end --

///The btAlignedObjectArray template class uses a subset of the stl::vector interface for its methods
///It is developed to replace stl::vector to avoid portability issues, including STL alignment issues to add SIMD/SSE data
template <typename T>
//template <class T>
class btAlignedObjectArray {
    btAlignedAllocator<T, 16> m_allocator;

    int32_t m_size;
    int32_t m_capacity;
    T* m_data;
    //PCK: added this line
    bool m_ownsMemory;

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btAlignedObjectArray<T>& operator=(const btAlignedObjectArray<T>& other)
        return *this;
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btAlignedObjectArray<T>& operator=(const btAlignedObjectArray<T>& other);

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t allocSize(int32_t size)
        return (size ? size * 2 : 1);
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void copy(int32_t start, int32_t end, T* dest) const
        int32_t i;
        for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
            new (&dest[i]) T(m_data[i]);
            dest[i] = m_data[i];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void init()
        //PCK: added this line
        m_ownsMemory = true;
        m_data = 0;
        m_size = 0;
        m_capacity = 0;
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void destroy(int32_t first, int32_t last)
        int32_t i;
        for (i = first; i < last; i++) {

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void* allocate(int32_t size)
        if (size)
            return m_allocator.allocate(size);
        return 0;

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void deallocate()
        if (m_data) {
            //PCK: enclosed the deallocation in this block
            if (m_ownsMemory) {
            m_data = 0;



    ///Generally it is best to avoid using the copy constructor of an btAlignedObjectArray, and use a (const) reference to the array instead.
    btAlignedObjectArray(const btAlignedObjectArray& otherArray)

        int32_t otherSize = otherArray.size();
        otherArray.copy(0, otherSize, m_data);

    /// return the number of elements in the array
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t size() const
        return m_size;

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const T& at(int32_t n) const
        btAssert(n >= 0);
        btAssert(n < size());
        return m_data[n];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE T& at(int32_t n)
        btAssert(n >= 0);
        btAssert(n < size());
        return m_data[n];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[](int32_t n) const
        btAssert(n >= 0);
        btAssert(n < size());
        return m_data[n];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[](int32_t n)
        btAssert(n >= 0);
        btAssert(n < size());
        return m_data[n];

    ///clear the array, deallocated memory. Generally it is better to use array.resize(0), to reduce performance overhead of run-time memory (de)allocations.
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void clear()
        destroy(0, size());



    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void pop_back()
        btAssert(m_size > 0);

    ///resize changes the number of elements in the array. If the new size is larger, the new elements will be constructed using the optional second argument.
    ///when the new number of elements is smaller, the destructor will be called, but memory will not be freed, to reduce performance overhead of run-time memory (de)allocations.
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void resize(int32_t newsize, const T& fillData = T())
        int32_t curSize = size();

        if (newsize < curSize) {
            for (int32_t i = newsize; i < curSize; i++) {
        else {
            if (newsize > size()) {
            for (int32_t i = curSize; i < newsize; i++) {
                new (&m_data[i]) T(fillData);

        m_size = newsize;

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE T& expandNonInitializing()
        int32_t sz = size();
        if (sz == capacity()) {

        return m_data[sz];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE T& expand(const T& fillValue = T())
        int32_t sz = size();
        if (sz == capacity()) {
        new (&m_data[sz]) T(fillValue); //use the in-place new (not really allocating heap memory)

        return m_data[sz];

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void push_back(const T& _Val)
        int32_t sz = size();
        if (sz == capacity()) {

        new (&m_data[m_size]) T(_Val);
        m_data[size()] = _Val;


    /// return the pre-allocated (reserved) elements, this is at least as large as the total number of elements,see size() and reserve()
    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE int32_t capacity() const
        return m_capacity;

    SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void reserve(int32_t _Count)
    { // determine new minimum length of allocated storage
        if (capacity() < _Count) { // not enough room, reallocate
            T* s = (T*)allocate(_Count);

            copy(0, size(), s);

            destroy(0, size());


            //PCK: added this line
            m_ownsMemory = true;

            m_data = s;

            m_capacity = _Count;

    class less {
        bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
            return (a < b);

    template <typename L>
    void quickSortInternal(const L& CompareFunc, int32_t lo, int32_t hi)
        //  lo is the lower index, hi is the upper index
        //  of the region of array a that is to be sorted
        int32_t i = lo, j = hi;
        T x = m_data[(lo + hi) / 2];

        //  partition
        do {
            while (CompareFunc(m_data[i], x))
            while (CompareFunc(x, m_data[j]))
            if (i <= j) {
                swap(i, j);
        } while (i <= j);

        //  recursion
        if (lo < j)
            quickSortInternal(CompareFunc, lo, j);
        if (i < hi)
            quickSortInternal(CompareFunc, i, hi);

    template <typename L>
    void quickSort(const L& CompareFunc)
        //don't sort 0 or 1 elements
        if (size() > 1) {
            quickSortInternal(CompareFunc, 0, size() - 1);

    ///heap sort from http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/tildeAlgDS/Sort/Heap/
    template <typename L>
    void downHeap(T* pArr, int32_t k, int32_t n, const L& CompareFunc)
        /*  PRE: a[k+1..N] is a heap */
        /* POST:  a[k..N]  is a heap */

        T temp = pArr[k - 1];
        /* k has child(s) */
        while (k <= n / 2) {
            int32_t child = 2 * k;

            if ((child < n) && CompareFunc(pArr[child - 1], pArr[child])) {
            /* pick larger child */
            if (CompareFunc(temp, pArr[child - 1])) {
                /* move child up */
                pArr[k - 1] = pArr[child - 1];
                k = child;
            else {
        pArr[k - 1] = temp;
    } /*downHeap*/

    void swap(int32_t index0, int32_t index1)
        char temp[sizeof(T)];
        memcpy(temp, &m_data[index0], sizeof(T));
        memcpy(&m_data[index0], &m_data[index1], sizeof(T));
        memcpy(&m_data[index1], temp, sizeof(T));
        T temp = m_data[index0];
        m_data[index0] = m_data[index1];
        m_data[index1] = temp;

    template <typename L>
    void heapSort(const L& CompareFunc)
        /* sort a[0..N-1],  N.B. 0 to N-1 */
        int32_t k;
        int32_t n = m_size;
        for (k = n / 2; k > 0; k--) {
            downHeap(m_data, k, n, CompareFunc);

        /* a[1..N] is now a heap */
        while (n >= 1) {
            swap(0, n - 1); /* largest of a[0..n-1] */

            n = n - 1;
            /* restore a[1..i-1] heap */
            downHeap(m_data, 1, n, CompareFunc);

    ///non-recursive binary search, assumes sorted array
    int32_t findBinarySearch(const T& key) const
        int32_t first = 0;
        int32_t last = size() - 1;

        //assume sorted array
        while (first <= last) {
            int32_t mid = (first + last) / 2; // compute mid point.
            if (key > m_data[mid])
                first = mid + 1; // repeat search in top half.
            else if (key < m_data[mid])
                last = mid - 1; // repeat search in bottom half.
                return mid; // found it. return position /////
        return size(); // failed to find key

    int32_t findLinearSearch(const T& key) const
        int32_t index = size();
        int32_t i;

        for (i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
            if (m_data[i] == key) {
                index = i;
        return index;

    void remove(const T& key)

        int32_t findIndex = findLinearSearch(key);
        if (findIndex < size()) {
            swap(findIndex, size() - 1);

    //PCK: whole function
    void initializeFromBuffer(void* buffer, int32_t size, int32_t capacity)
        m_ownsMemory = false;
        m_data = (T*)buffer;
        m_size = size;
        m_capacity = capacity;

    void copyFromArray(const btAlignedObjectArray& otherArray)
        int32_t otherSize = otherArray.size();
        otherArray.copy(0, otherSize, m_data);

// -- PANDEMONIUM start --
}; // namespace VHACD
// -- PANDEMONIUM end --

#endif //BT_OBJECT_ARRAY__