# Arabic translation of the Godot Engine editor
# Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md).
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Godot source code.
# Adel <dragonhunter250@gmail.com>, 2018.
# athomield <athomield@hotmail.com>, 2017.
# Basil Al-Khateeb <basil.y.alkhateeb@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Jamal Alyafei <jamal.qassim@gmail.com>, 2017.
# john lennon <khoanantonio@outlook.com>, 2017.
# Mohammmad Khashashneh <mohammad.rasmi@gmail.com>, 2016, 2020.
# Mr ChaosXD <mrchaosxd3@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Mrwan Ashraf <mrwan.ashraf94@gmail.com>, 2017.
# noureldin sharaf <sharaf.noureldin@yahoo.com>, 2017.
# omar anwar aglan <omar.aglan91@yahoo.com>, 2017-2018.
# OWs Tetra <owstetra@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Rached Noureddine <rached.noureddine@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Rex_sa <asd1234567890m@gmail.com>, 2017, 2018, 2019.
# Wajdi Feki <wajdi.feki@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Omar Aglan <omar.aglan91@yahoo.com>, 2018, 2019, 2020.
# Codes Otaku <ilyas.gamerz@gmail.com>, 2018, 2019.
# Takai Eddine Kennouche <takai.kenn@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Mohamed El-Baz <albaz2000eg@gmail.com>, 2018.
# عاصم شكر - Aasem shokr <aasemshokr@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Mohammad Fares <mhdchehade@gmail.com>, 2018.
# NewFriskFan26 <newfriskfan26@gmail.com>, 2019.
# spiderx0x <legendofdarks@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Ibraheem Tawfik <tawfikibraheem@gmail.com>, 2019.
# DiscoverSquishy <noaimi@discoversquishy.me>, 2019.
# ButterflyOfFire <ButterflyOfFire@protonmail.com>, 2019.
# PhoenixHO <oussamahaddouche0@gmail.com>, 2019.
# orcstudio <orcstudio@orcstudio.org>, 2019.
# Rachid Graphicos <graphicos1d@gmail.com>, 2019.
# traveller010 <manar.bushnaq.001@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Ahmed Shahwan <dev.ahmed.shahwan@gmail.com>, 2019.
# hshw <shw@tutanota.com>, 2020.
# Youssef Harmal <the.coder.crab@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Nabeel20 <nabeelandnizam@gmail.com>, 2020, 2021, 2022.
# merouche djallal <kbordora@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Airbus5717 <Abdussamadf350@gmail.com>, 2020.
# tamsamani mohamed <tamsmoha@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Anas <anas.ghamdi61@gmail.com>, 2020.
# R-K <raouf9005@gmail.com>, 2020.
# HeroFight dev <abdkafi2002@gmail.com>, 2020.
# أحمد مصطفى الطبراني <eltabaraniahmed@gmail.com>, 2020.
# ChemicalInk <aladdinalkhafaji@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Musab Alasaifer <mousablasefer@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Yassine Oudjana <y.oudjana@protonmail.com>, 2020, 2022.
# bruvzg <bruvzg13@gmail.com>, 2020.
# StarlkYT <mrsstarlkps4@gmail.com>, 2020, 2021.
# Games Toon <xxtvgoodxx@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022.
# Kareem Abduljaleel <karemjaleel34@gmail.com>, 2021.
# ILG - Game <moegypt277@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Hatim Jamal <hatimjamal8@gmail.com>, 2021.
# HASSAN GAMER - حسن جيمر <gamerhassan55@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022.
# abubakrAlsaab <madeinsudan19@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Hafid Talbi <atalbiie@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Hareth Mohammed <harethpy@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Mohammed Mubarak <modymu9@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022.
# Spirit <i8bou3@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022.
# TURKYM7MD <turkytb7700@gmail.com>, 2022.
# zeyad majed <zmajd62@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Whales State <whalesstate@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Mr.k <mineshtine28546271@gmail.com>, 2022.
# ywmaa <ywmaa.personal@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Awab Najim <dev.djvan@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Abderrahim <abdoudido117@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Jhon Smith <jhonsmaith3@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Oo mohab oO <mohab9225@gmail.com>, 2022.
# عبد الرحمن أبو سعدة ||Abd Alrahman abo saada <abdalrahmanabs2005@gmail.com>, 2022.
# xX-Void-Xx <arandomdude75@gmail.com>, 2022.
# أحمد النور <ahmed2699@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Commander Gordon <gordoncommander@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Abdulrahman <abdelrahman.ramadan686@gmail.com>, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Godot Engine editor\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/godotengine/godot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-21 07:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Abdulrahman <abdelrahman.ramadan686@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.15.1-dev\n"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Tablet Driver"
msgstr "برنامج تشغيل الكمبيوتر اللوحي"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Clipboard"
msgstr "الحافظة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Current Screen"
msgstr "الشاشة الحالية"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Exit Code"
msgstr "شِفرة الخروج"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "V-Sync Enabled"
msgstr "تفعيل V-Sync"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "V-Sync Via Compositor"
msgstr "V-Sync عبر المؤلف"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Delta Smoothing"
msgstr "سلاسة دلتا"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode"
msgstr "وضع استخدام المعالج المنخفض"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "وضع السكون لاستخدام المعالج المنخفض (µsec)"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Keep Screen On"
msgstr "إبقاء الشاشة قيد التشغيل"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Min Window Size"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى لحجم النافذة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Max Window Size"
msgstr "الحد الأعلى لحجم النافذة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Screen Orientation"
msgstr "اتجاه الشاشة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Window"
msgstr "نافذة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Borderless"
msgstr "بلا إطار"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Per Pixel Transparency Enabled"
msgstr "تمكين الشفافية لكل بكسل"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "ملء الشاشة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Maximized"
msgstr "مكبرة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Minimized"
msgstr "مصغرة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Resizable"
msgstr "متغير الحجم"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Position"
msgstr "موقع"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: main/main.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Size"
msgstr "الحجم"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Endian Swap"
msgstr "مبادلة Endian"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Editor Hint"
msgstr "تلميح المحرر"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Print Error Messages"
msgstr "طباعة رسائل الخطأ"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Iterations Per Second"
msgstr "التكرارات في الثانية"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Target FPS"
msgstr "FPS المستهدفة"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Time Scale"
msgstr "مقياس الوقت"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Physics Jitter Fix"
msgstr "إصلاح الرجفان الفيزيائي"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error"
msgstr "خطأ"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Error String"
msgstr "سلسلة الخطأ"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Error Line"
msgstr "سطر الخطأ"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Result"
msgstr "النتيجة"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "الذاكرة"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp
#: core/register_core_types.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Limits"
msgstr "الحدود"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp
msgid "Command Queue"
msgstr "قائمة انتظار الأوامر"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp
msgid "Multithreading Queue Size (KB)"
msgstr "حجم قائمة انتظار Multithreading (كيلو بايت)"

#: core/func_ref.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Function"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: core/image.cpp core/packed_data_container.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Data"
msgstr "بيانات"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp core/register_core_types.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Network"
msgstr "الشبكة"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Remote FS"
msgstr "FS من بعد"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Page Size"
msgstr "حجم الصفحة"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Page Read Ahead"
msgstr "قراءة الصفحة مسبقا"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Blocking Mode Enabled"
msgstr "تمكين وضع الحظر"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "إتصال"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Read Chunk Size"
msgstr "حجم قطعة القراءة"

#: core/io/marshalls.cpp
msgid "Object ID"
msgstr "معرف الكائن"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Allow Object Decoding"
msgstr "السماح بفك ترميز الكائن"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Refuse New Network Connections"
msgstr "رفض اتصالات الشبكة الجديدة"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Network Peer"
msgstr "نظير الشبكة"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Root Node"
msgstr "العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp
msgid "Refuse New Connections"
msgstr "رفض الإتصالات الجديدة"

#: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp
msgid "Transfer Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحويل"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Encode Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى لمخزن التشفير المؤقت"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Input Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى لمخزن المدخلات المؤقت"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Output Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى لمخزن المخرجات المؤقت"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Stream Peer"
msgstr "قرين التسلسل"

#: core/io/stream_peer.cpp
msgid "Big Endian"
msgstr "Endian الكبيرة"

#: core/io/stream_peer.cpp
msgid "Data Array"
msgstr "مصفوفة البيانات"

#: core/io/stream_peer_ssl.cpp
msgid "Blocking Handshake"
msgstr "حظر المصافحة"

#: core/io/udp_server.cpp
msgid "Max Pending Connections"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى للاتصالات المعلقة"

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Invalid type argument to convert(), use TYPE_* constants."
msgstr "معامل خاطئ لدالة ()Convert، استخدم احدى الثوابت من مجموعة TYPE_*."

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Expected a string of length 1 (a character)."
msgstr "كانت الدالة تتوقع سلسلة-حروف طولها 1 (حرف واحد)."

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
#: modules/mono/glue/gd_glue.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Not enough bytes for decoding bytes, or invalid format."
msgstr "ليس هنالك بايتات كافية من أجل فك البايتات، أو الصيغة غير صحيحة."

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid input %d (not passed) in expression"
msgstr "مدخلات خاطئة %d (لم يتم تمريرها) في التعبير"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "self can't be used because instance is null (not passed)"
msgstr "لا يمكن استخدام self لأن النموذج فارغ (لم يتم ادخاله)"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s."
msgstr "معامل غير صالحة للمشغل %s و %s و %s."

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid index of type %s for base type %s"
msgstr "فهرس غير صحيح للنوع %s التابع للنوع الأساسي %s"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid named index '%s' for base type %s"
msgstr "أسم فهرس غير صالح '%s' للنوع الأساسي %s"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid arguments to construct '%s'"
msgstr "معامل غير صالح لإنشاء '%s'"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "On call to '%s':"
msgstr "عند استدعاء '%s':"

#: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp
#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Seed"
msgstr "Seed"

#: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp
msgid "State"
msgstr "الحالة"

#: core/message_queue.cpp
msgid "Message Queue"
msgstr "قائمة انتظار الرسائل"

#: core/message_queue.cpp
msgid "Max Size (KB)"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى (كيلو بايت)"

#: core/os/input.cpp
msgid "Mouse Mode"
msgstr "وضع الفأرة"

#: core/os/input.cpp
msgid "Use Accumulated Input"
msgstr "استخدم المدخلات المتراكمة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Device"
msgstr "الجهاز"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "مفتاح Alt"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "مفتاح Shift"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Control"
msgstr "مفتاح Control"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "المرجعية الذاتية (Meta)"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Command"
msgstr "مفتاح Command"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Physical"
msgstr "فيزيائي"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Pressed"
msgstr "ضٌغط (الزر)"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Scancode"
msgstr "رمز المفتاح"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Physical Scancode"
msgstr "رمز المفتاح الفيزيائي"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "يونيكود"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Echo"
msgstr "صدى"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Button Mask"
msgstr "قناع الزر"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Global Position"
msgstr "الموقع العالمي"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Factor"
msgstr "العامل"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Button Index"
msgstr "مؤشر الزر"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Doubleclick"
msgstr "نقرتين متتاليتين"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Tilt"
msgstr "إمالة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pressure"
msgstr "الضغط"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pen Inverted"
msgstr "قُلب القلم"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "نسبي"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Axis"
msgstr "محور"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Axis Value"
msgstr "قيمة المحور"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Index"
msgstr "المؤشر"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Action"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Strength"
msgstr "القوة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "دلتا"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "قناة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Message"
msgstr "رسالة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pitch"
msgstr "الحدّة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Velocity"
msgstr "التسارع"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Instrument"
msgstr "أداة"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Controller Number"
msgstr "رقم وحدة التحكم"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Controller Value"
msgstr "قيمة/(رقم تعريف) وحدة التحكم"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Application"
msgstr "التطبيق"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Config"
msgstr "إعداد"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Project Settings Override"
msgstr "تجاوز إعدادات المشروع"

#: core/project_settings.cpp core/resource.cpp
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
msgid "Name"
msgstr "الاسم"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: main/main.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Main Scene"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Disable stdout"
msgstr "تعطيل stdout"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Disable stderr"
msgstr "تعطيل stderr"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Hidden Project Data Directory"
msgstr "استخدم دليل بيانات المشروع المخفية"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Custom User Dir"
msgstr "استخدم دليل المستخدم المخصص"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Custom User Dir Name"
msgstr "اسم دليل المستخدم المخصص"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Display"
msgstr "عرض"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Width"
msgstr "العرض"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Always On Top"
msgstr "عرض نافذة المشروع امام كل النوافذ"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Test Width"
msgstr "عرض الاختبار"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Test Height"
msgstr "ارتفاع الاختبار"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp main/main.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "الصوت"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Bus Layout"
msgstr "تنسيق الناقل الافتراضي"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "المحرّر"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Run Args"
msgstr "معاملات المشهد الرئيس"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Scene Naming"
msgstr "تسمية المشهد"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Search In File Extensions"
msgstr "البحث في امتدادات الملف"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Script Templates Search Path"
msgstr "مسار البحث في قوالب النص البرمجي"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Version Control Autoload On Startup"
msgstr "التحميل التلقائي للتحكم في الإصدار عند بدء التشغيل"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Version Control Plugin Name"
msgstr "اسم مدير اصدار الاضافة"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Input"
msgstr "إدخال"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Accept"
msgstr "قبول"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Select"
msgstr "تحديد"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Focus Next"
msgstr "حدد التالي"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Focus Prev"
msgstr "حدد السابق"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Left"
msgstr "يسار"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Right"
msgstr "يمين"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Up"
msgstr "أعلى"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Down"
msgstr "أسفل"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Page Up"
msgstr "الصفحة السابقة / up"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Page Down"
msgstr "الصفحة التالية / down"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Home"
msgstr "الرئيسي (home)"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI End"
msgstr "النهاية"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/bullet/register_types.cpp
#: modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
#: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Physics"
msgstr "الفيزياء"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "3D"
msgstr "ثلاثي الأبعاد 3D"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Smooth Trimesh Collision"
msgstr "إنشاء متصادم ترام"

#: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Rendering"
msgstr "استدعاء"

#: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quality"
msgstr "جودة"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "مرشحات"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Sharpen Intensity"
msgstr "شحذ الكثافة"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_export.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "تصحيح الأخطاء"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "الإعدادات"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "مُنشئ الملفات التعريفية Profiler"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Max Functions"
msgstr "أقصى عمل"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "ضغط"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "التنسيقات"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zstd"
msgstr "Zstd"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Long Distance Matching"
msgstr "مطابقة المسافات الطويلة"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Compression Level"
msgstr "مستوى الضغط"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Window Log Size"
msgstr "حجم نافذة سجل"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zlib"
msgstr "Zlib"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gzip"
msgstr "Gzip"

#: core/project_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Android"
msgstr "أندرويد"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "وحدات"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "TCP"
msgstr "بروتوكول التحكم بالإرسال (TCP)"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Connect Timeout Seconds"
msgstr "نفذ وقت الإتصال"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Packet Peer Stream"
msgstr "حزمة تيار الأقران"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Max Buffer (Power of 2)"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى للمخزن المؤقت (قوة 2)"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Certificates"
msgstr "الشهادات"

#: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Resource"
msgstr "مورد"

#: core/resource.cpp
msgid "Local To Scene"
msgstr "مشهد محلي"

#: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Path"
msgstr "المسار"

#: core/script_language.cpp
msgid "Source Code"
msgstr "الكود المصدري || الشفرة المصدرية"

#: core/translation.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "محلي"

#: core/translation.cpp
msgid "Test"
msgstr "إختبار"

#: core/translation.cpp scene/resources/font.cpp
msgid "Fallback"
msgstr "تراجع | انسحاب"

#: core/ustring.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "B"
msgstr "بايت"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "KiB"
msgstr "كيلوبايت"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "ميبي بايت (MiB)"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "جيبي بايت (GiB)"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "TiB"
msgstr "تيبي بايت (TiB)"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "PiB"
msgstr "بيبي بايت (PiB)"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "EiB"
msgstr "إكسي بايت (EiB)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Buffers"
msgstr "المخازن المؤقته"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Canvas Polygon Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "حجم المخزن المؤقت للوحة المضلعات (KB)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Canvas Polygon Index Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "حجم فهرس المخزن المؤقت للوحة المضلعات (KB)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp main/main.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
#: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "2D"
msgstr "ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snapping"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use GPU Pixel Snap"
msgstr "إستخدام كبس البكسل"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Immediate Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "حجم المخزن المؤقت الفوري (KB)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lightmapping"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
msgid "Use Bicubic Sampling"
msgstr "استخدم طريقة Bicubic Sampling"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Renderable Elements"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى للعناصر القابلة للعرض"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Renderable Lights"
msgstr "الحجم الأقصى للأضواء القابلة للعرض"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Renderable Reflections"
msgstr "نصف المُحدد"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Lights Per Object"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى للأضواء لكل كائن"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Subsurface Scattering"
msgstr "التشتت تحت السطح"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow Surface"
msgstr "تزويد السطح"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Weight Samples"
msgstr "عينات الوزن"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Voxel Cone Tracing"
msgstr "تتبع مخروط فوكسل (Voxel)"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "High Quality"
msgstr "جودة عالية"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
msgid "Blend Shape Max Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى لحجم المخزن المؤقت لشكل المزج (كيلو بايت)"

#. TRANSLATORS: Adjective, refers to the mode for Bezier handles (Free, Balanced, Mirror).
#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Free"
msgstr "فارغ"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "متعادل"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "انعكاس"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "الوقت:"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "القيمة:"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Insert Key Here"
msgstr "أدخل المفتاح هنا"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selected Key(s)"
msgstr "تكرار المفتاح(المفاتيح) المحدد(ة)"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected Key(s)"
msgstr "إمسح المفتاح(المفاتيح) المحدد(ة)"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Bezier Point"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة بيزية"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Bezier Points"
msgstr "تحريك نقاط بيزية"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Duplicate Keys"
msgstr "Anim تكرار مفاتيح التحريك"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Delete Keys"
msgstr "Anim أزل مفاتيح التحريك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Time"
msgstr "Anim تغيير وقت الإطار الرئيسي"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transition"
msgstr "Anim تغيير إنتقالية الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transform"
msgstr "Anim تغيير التحويل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Value"
msgstr "Anim تغيير قيمة الإطار الرئيسي"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Call"
msgstr "Anim تغيير النداء (Call)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Time"
msgstr "الوقت"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Location"
msgstr "توطين"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "خطوة الدوران"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Value"
msgstr "قيمة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Arg Count"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Args"
msgstr "المعاملات (Args)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Type"
msgstr "النوع"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "In Handle"
msgstr "حدد المعامل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Out Handle"
msgstr "حدد المعامل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Stream"
msgstr "المجرى (Stream)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Start Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "End Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Easing"
msgstr "تسارع بعد بداية بطيئة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Time"
msgstr "Anim تغييرات متعددة لوقت الإطار الرئيسي"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Transition"
msgstr "Anim تغييرات متعددة للمراحل الانتقالية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Transform"
msgstr "Anim تغييرات متعددة للتحويلات"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Value"
msgstr "Anim تغييرات متعددة لقيمة الإطار(ات) الرئيسية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Call"
msgstr "Anime تغييرات متعددة نداء(ات)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Length"
msgstr "تعديل مدة الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop"
msgstr "تعديل رباط (Loop) الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Property Track"
msgstr "مسار خاصية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "3D Transform Track"
msgstr "مسار التحويل (تحريك في الأبعاد)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Call Method Track"
msgstr "مسار لاستدعاء دالة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Bezier Curve Track"
msgstr "مسار منحنى بيزيه"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Audio Playback Track"
msgstr "شريط ضبط الصوت"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation Playback Track"
msgstr "شريط ضبط حركة الرسم المتحرك (Animation)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (frames)"
msgstr "مدة الرسم المتحرك (بالإطارات)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (seconds)"
msgstr "مدة الرسم المتحرك (بالثواني)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Track"
msgstr "إضافة مسار"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation Looping"
msgstr "تكرار الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Functions:"
msgstr "الدوال:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Audio Clips:"
msgstr "مقاطع صوتية:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Clips:"
msgstr "مقاطع الرسوم المتحركة:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Track Path"
msgstr "تغيير مسار مقطع الحركة/الانيميشن"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle this track on/off."
msgstr "تمكين/إيقاف هذا المسار."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Update Mode (How this property is set)"
msgstr "وضع التحديث (كيفية تعيين هذه الخاصية)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Loop Wrap Mode (Interpolate end with beginning on loop)"
msgstr "وضع التفاف الحلقة (مزج النهاية مع البداية في الحلقة)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove this track."
msgstr "إزالة هذا المسار."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Time (s):"
msgstr "الوقت(ثواني):"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "مكان الرصيف:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotation:"
msgstr "خطوة الدوران:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale:"
msgstr "تغيير الأبعاد:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "نوع:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Invalid, expected type: %s)"
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Easing:"
msgstr "تسارع بعد بداية بطيئة:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "In-Handle:"
msgstr "حدد المعامل:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Out-Handle:"
msgstr "حدد المعامل:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stream:"
msgstr "عنصر خِيار:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Start (s):"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل (ثواني):"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "End (s):"
msgstr "تلاشي في البداية (ثواني):"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Animation Clip:"
msgstr "الرسومات المتحركة:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Track Enabled"
msgstr "ترجيح المسار المُفعل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Continuous"
msgstr "متواصل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Discrete"
msgstr "متقطع"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "تفعيل/أطلاق"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Capture"
msgstr "التقاط"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Nearest"
msgstr "أقرب"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "خطي"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr "مكعبي"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clamp Loop Interp"
msgstr "تفسير الحلقة المثبتة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Wrap Loop Interp"
msgstr "التفاف الحلقة المثبتة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key"
msgstr "أدخل مفتاح"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Key(s)"
msgstr "تكرار المفتاح (المفاتيح)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add RESET Value(s)"
msgstr "أضفْ قيمة(قيم) إعادة تعيين (RESET)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Key(s)"
msgstr "حذف المفتاح (المفاتيح)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Update Mode"
msgstr "تغيير وضع التحديث للرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "تغيير وضع التفسير (Interpolation) للرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop Mode"
msgstr "تغيير وضع عقدة الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Anim Track"
msgstr "إزالة مسار التحريك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editors"
msgstr "المحرّر"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirm Insert Track"
msgstr "Anim أضفْ مسار حركة و مفتاح"

#. TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced by a phrase describing the target of track.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create NEW track for %s and insert key?"
msgstr "أنشئ مسار جديد ل %s و إدخال مفتاح؟"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create %d NEW tracks and insert keys?"
msgstr "أنشئ %d مسارات جديدة و أدخل مفاتيح؟"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/create_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create"
msgstr "أنشئ"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert"
msgstr "Anim إدخال حركة"

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "node '%s'"
msgstr "الوحدة '%s'"

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "animation"
msgstr "رسم متحرك"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "AnimationPlayer can't animate itself, only other players."
msgstr ""
"لاعب-التحريك (AnimationPlayer) لا يستطيع تحريك نفسه ,فقط اللاعبين الآخرين."

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "property '%s'"
msgstr "الخاصية '%s'"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Create & Insert"
msgstr "Anim أنشئ وأضفْ"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Track & Key"
msgstr "Anim أضفْ مسار حركة و مفتاح"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Key"
msgstr "Anim أضفْ مفتاح الحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Step"
msgstr "تغيير خطوة الحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Tracks"
msgstr "إعادة ترتيب المسارات"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Transform tracks only apply to Spatial-based nodes."
msgstr "تنطبق مسارات التحويل فقط على وحدات الحيز المكاني."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Audio tracks can only point to nodes of type:\n"
msgstr ""
"يمكن للمسارات الصوتية فقط أن تشير إلى وحدات بنوع:\n"
"-لاعب الصوت الجاري\n"
"-لاعب الصوت الجاري للحيز ثنائي الأبعاد\n"
"-لاعب الصوت الجاري للحيز ثلاثي الأبعاد"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation tracks can only point to AnimationPlayer nodes."
msgstr "مسارات الحركة يمكنها فقط أن تشير إلى وحدات مشغّل الرسوم المتحركة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Not possible to add a new track without a root"
msgstr "لا يمكن إضافة مقطع جديد بدون جذر (root)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid track for Bezier (no suitable sub-properties)"
msgstr "مقطع غير متوافق مع منحنى بيزر (Bezier) (خصائص فرعية غير متوافقة)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Bezier Track"
msgstr "إضافة مسار لمنحنى بيزر"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a key."
msgstr "مسار المقطع غير صالح, إذن لا يمكن إضافة مفتاح."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track is not of type Spatial, can't insert key"
msgstr "المقطع ليس من نوع مكاني (Spatial), لا يمكن إضافة مفتاح"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Transform Track Key"
msgstr "أضفْ مفتاح لمقطع التحويل (Transform Track)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Track Key"
msgstr "أضفْ مفتاح المقطع"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a method key."
msgstr "مسار المقطع غير صالح, إذن لا يمكن إضافة دالة المفتاح (Method key)."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Method Track Key"
msgstr "أضْف مفتاح لمقطع الدالة (Method Track)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Method not found in object:"
msgstr "دالة لم توجد في الكائن:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Move Keys"
msgstr "Anim تحريك المفاتيح"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "التحوّل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Methods"
msgstr "دوال"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Bezier"
msgstr "منحنى بيزر (Bezier)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "الحافظة فارغة!"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste Tracks"
msgstr "لصق المقاطع"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Scale Keys"
msgstr "Anim تكبير المفاتيح"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This option does not work for Bezier editing, as it's only a single track."
msgstr "هذا الخيار لا يعمل لتعديل منحنى بيزر (Bezier), لأنه فقط مقطع واحد."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add RESET Keys"
msgstr "Anim إضافة مفاتيح إعادة تعيين (RESET Keys)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This animation belongs to an imported scene, so changes to imported tracks "
"will not be saved.\n"
"To enable the ability to add custom tracks, navigate to the scene's import "
"settings and set\n"
"\"Animation > Storage\" to \"Files\", enable \"Animation > Keep Custom "
"Tracks\", then re-import.\n"
"Alternatively, use an import preset that imports animations to separate "
msgstr ""
"هذه الرسوم المتحركة تنتمي الى مشهد مستورد، لذا فإن أي تغييرات في المسارات "
"المستوردة لن يتم حفظها.\n"
"لتشغيل الامكانية لإضافة مسارات خاصة، انتقل إلى إعدادات استيراد المشهد واضبط "
"\"رسوم متحركة > تخزين\" إلى \"ملفات\"،\n"
"شغل \"رسوم متحركة > أحتفظ بالمقاطع (المسارات) المخصصة\"، ثم اعد الاستيراد.\n"
"يمكنك ايضاً استخدام إعدادات استيراد مسبقة تقوم باستيراد الرسوم المتحركة الى "
"ملفات متفرقة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Warning: Editing imported animation"
msgstr "تحذير: تعديل رسوم متحركة مستوردة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select an AnimationPlayer node to create and edit animations."
msgstr "اختر مشغل الرسم المتحرك من شجرة المشهد لكي تنشئ أو تعدل الحركة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Only show tracks from nodes selected in tree."
msgstr "فقط قم بتبين المقاطع من العقد (Nodes) المحددة في الشجرة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Group tracks by node or display them as plain list."
msgstr "قم بتجميع المقاطع حسب العقد (Nodes) أو إظهارهم كقائمة بسيطة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Snap:"
msgstr "إنطباق أو محاذاة:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation step value."
msgstr "قيمة خطوة الحركة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "ثواني"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "FPS"
msgstr "إطار خلال ثانية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "تعديل"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation properties."
msgstr "خاصيات الحركة."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Copy Tracks"
msgstr "إنسخ المقاطع"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Selection"
msgstr "تكبير المحدد"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale From Cursor"
msgstr "تكبير من المؤشر"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selection"
msgstr "تكرير المحدد"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Transposed"
msgstr "نقل مكرر"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selection"
msgstr "إحدف المحدد (المجموعة المختارة)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Step"
msgstr "إذهب إلى الخطوة التالية"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Step"
msgstr "إذهب إلى الخطوة السابقة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Apply Reset"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize Animation"
msgstr "تحسين الحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation"
msgstr "تنظيف الحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick the node that will be animated:"
msgstr "إختار العقدة التي سوف يتم تحريكها:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Use Bezier Curves"
msgstr "إستعمل منحنيات بيزر"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create RESET Track(s)"
msgstr "إنشاء مسار(ات) إعادة التعيين (RESET)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim. Optimizer"
msgstr "مُحسن الحركة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Linear Error:"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء خطية:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Angular Error:"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء زواية:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max Optimizable Angle:"
msgstr "أقصي زواية تحسين:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "تحسين"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove invalid keys"
msgstr "إمسح المفاتيح الفاسدة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove unresolved and empty tracks"
msgstr "إمسح المسارات الفارغة أو الغير محلولة"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-up all animations"
msgstr "تنظيف جميع الحركات"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation(s) (NO UNDO!)"
msgstr "تنظيف الحركة(ات) (بلا عودة)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up"
msgstr "تنظيف"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Ratio:"
msgstr "نسبة التكبير:"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Tracks to Copy"
msgstr "إختر المقاطع المراد نسخها"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_log.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "نسخ"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select All/None"
msgstr "إختر الكل/لا شيء"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Track Clip"
msgstr "أضف مقطع صوت"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Track Clip Start Offset"
msgstr "تغيير موضع بداية مقطع صوت"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Track Clip End Offset"
msgstr "تغيير موضع نهاية مقطع صوت"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Resize Array"
msgstr "تغيير حجم المصفوفة"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value Type"
msgstr "تغيير نوع القيم في المصفوفة"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value"
msgstr "تغيير قيمة في المصفوفة"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line"
msgstr "إذهب إلي الخط"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line Number:"
msgstr "رقم الخط:"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "%d replaced."
msgstr "تم إستبدال %d."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "%d match."
msgstr "تطابق %d."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "%d matches."
msgstr "%d تطابقات."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Match Case"
msgstr "قضية تشابه"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Whole Words"
msgstr "كل الكلمات"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "إستبدال"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "إستبدال الكل"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Selection Only"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "معياري"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Scripts Panel"
msgstr "تحديد التبويب البرمجي"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "تكبير"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "تصغير"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset Zoom"
msgstr "إرجاع التكبير"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "تحذيرات"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line and column numbers."
msgstr "أرقام الخط و العمود."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method in target node must be specified."
msgstr "يجب تحديد الدالة في العقدة المستهدفة."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method name must be a valid identifier."
msgstr "اسم الدالة يجب أن تكون مميزاً و صالحاً."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Target method not found. Specify a valid method or attach a script to the "
"target node."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم العثور على الدالة المستهدفة. حدّد دالة سليمة أو أرفق نص برمجي للعقدة "

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect to Node:"
msgstr "صلها بالعقدة:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect to Script:"
msgstr "الإتصال بالمخطوطة:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "From Signal:"
msgstr "من إشارة:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene does not contain any script."
msgstr "لا يحتوي المشهد علي اي برنامج نصي."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add"
msgstr "أضف"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "إمسح"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Add Extra Call Argument:"
msgstr "إضافة وسيطة إستدعاء إضافية:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Extra Call Arguments:"
msgstr "وسائط إستدعاء إضافية :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Receiver Method:"
msgstr "الدالة المُتلقية:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "إعدادات متقدمة"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "مؤجل"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Defers the signal, storing it in a queue and only firing it at idle time."
msgstr "تأخير الإشارة وتخزينها في قائمة الانتظار و تشغيلها فقط في وقت الفراغ."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Oneshot"
msgstr "لقطة واحدة"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnects the signal after its first emission."
msgstr "فصل الإشارة بعد انبعاثها الأول."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Cannot connect signal"
msgstr "إشارة غير قادر على الاتصال"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/groups_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close"
msgstr "إغلاق"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "وصل"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Signal:"
msgstr "إشارة:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "وصل '%s' إلي '%s'"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect '%s' from '%s'"
msgstr "قطع إتصال'%s' من '%s'"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect all from signal: '%s'"
msgstr "قطع إتصال'%s' من '%s'"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect..."
msgstr "يتصل..."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "قطع الاتصال"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect a Signal to a Method"
msgstr "قم بوصل الإشارة إلى الدالة"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit Connection:"
msgstr "تعديل الإتصال:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from the \"%s\" signal?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد أنك تود إزالة كل الإتصالات من الإشارة \"%s\"؟"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "الإشارات"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Filter signals"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from this signal?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد أنك تود إزالة كل الإتصالات من هذه الإشارة؟"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect All"
msgstr "قطع الاتصال على الكل"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "تعديل..."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to Method"
msgstr "اذهب إلى الدالة"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Change %s Type"
msgstr "غير نوع %s"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change"
msgstr "تغير"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create New %s"
msgstr "إنشاء %s جديد"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No results for \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا نتائج من أجل \"%s\"."

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "No description available for %s."
msgstr "ليس هناك وصف مناسب لأجل %s."

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites:"
msgstr "المفضلة:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Recent:"
msgstr "الحالي:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_quick_open.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "بحث:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_quick_open.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Matches:"
msgstr "يطابق:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "الوصف:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement For:"
msgstr "البحث عن بديل ل:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies For:"
msgstr "تبعيات ل:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' is currently being edited.\n"
"Changes will only take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"يتم حاليا تحرير المشهد '٪s'.\n"
"لن تسري التغييرات إلا بعد إعادة تحميلها."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Resource '%s' is in use.\n"
"Changes will only take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"المورد '%s' هو قيد الإستخدام.\n"
"لن تسري التغييرات إلا بعد إعادة التحميل."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "التبعيات"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies:"
msgstr "التبعيات:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Broken"
msgstr "أصلح المعطوب"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependency Editor"
msgstr "محرر التبعيات"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement Resource:"
msgstr "البحث عن مورد بديل:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_quick_open.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open"
msgstr "إفتح"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owners of: %s (Total: %d)"
msgstr "مالكو: %s (المجموع: %d)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove the selected files from the project? (Cannot be undone.)\n"
"Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved "
"to the system trash or deleted permanently."
msgstr ""
"هل تريد حذف الملفات المحددة من المشروع؟ (لا يمكن استعادتها.)\n"
"حسب إِعدادات مُدير ملفات نظام تشغيلك, سيتم نقلها إلى سلة المهملات أو ستحذف "

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to "
"Remove them anyway? (Cannot be undone.)\n"
"Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved "
"to the system trash or deleted permanently."
msgstr ""
"الملفات التي يتم إزالتها هي مطلوبة من قبل موارد أخرى لكي تعمل.\n"
"هل تريد إزالتها على أي حال؟ (لا يمكن التراجع).\n"
"اعتماداً على إِعدادات مُدير ملفات نظام تشغيلك, سيتم نقلها إِلى سلة المُهملات أَو "
"سيتم حذفها نهائياً."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Cannot remove:"
msgstr "لا يمكن المسح:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading:"
msgstr "خطأ في التحميل:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Load failed due to missing dependencies:"
msgstr "فشل في تحميل المشهد بسبب وجود تبعيات مفقودة يعتمد المشهد عليها:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Anyway"
msgstr "إفتح علي أية حال"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Which action should be taken?"
msgstr "ماذا الأجراء الذي يجب أن يُتخذ؟"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Dependencies"
msgstr "أصلح التبعيات"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Errors loading!"
msgstr "اخطاء في التحميل!"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Permanently delete %d item(s)? (No undo!)"
msgstr "هل تريد حذف %d عنصر (عناصر) نهائيًا؟ (لا يمكن التراجع!)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Show Dependencies"
msgstr "إظهار التبعيات"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer"
msgstr "متصفح الموارد أورفان"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "حذف"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owns"
msgstr "يملك"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources Without Explicit Ownership:"
msgstr "موارد من غير مالك صريح:"

#: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Dictionary Key"
msgstr "تغيير مفتاح القاموس"

#: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Dictionary Value"
msgstr "تغيير قيمة في القاموس"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Thanks from the Godot community!"
msgstr "شكراً من مجتمع غودوت!"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Click to copy."
msgstr "انقر للنسخ."

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Godot Engine contributors"
msgstr "المسهامين في محرك غودوت"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Project Founders"
msgstr "مؤسسون المشروع"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Lead Developer"
msgstr "قائد المطوريين"

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to a job title.
#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Job Title"
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "مدير المشروع"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "المطورون"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "المالكون"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Platinum Sponsors"
msgstr "الرعاة البلاتينيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Sponsors"
msgstr "الرعاة الذهبيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Silver Sponsors"
msgstr "المانحين الفضيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Bronze Sponsors"
msgstr "المانحين البرنزيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Mini Sponsors"
msgstr "الرعاة الصغار"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Donors"
msgstr "المانحين الذهبيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Silver Donors"
msgstr "المانحين الفضيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Bronze Donors"
msgstr "المانحين البرنزيين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Donors"
msgstr "مانحين"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "License"
msgstr "الرخصة"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Third-party Licenses"
msgstr "تراخيص الجهات الخارجية"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot Engine relies on a number of third-party free and open source "
"libraries, all compatible with the terms of its MIT license. The following "
"is an exhaustive list of all such third-party components with their "
"respective copyright statements and license terms."
msgstr ""
"محرك غودوت يعتمد على عدد من المكتبات و المكونات البرمجية لملاك اخرين و لكنها "
"مجانية و مفتوحة المصدر، و كلها متفقة مع شروط الاستخدام لرخصة \"MIT\". في ما "
"يلي قائمة تحوي جميع هذه المكونات اضافة الى حقوق النشر و شروط الاستخدام "
"الخاصة بها."

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "All Components"
msgstr "كل المكونات"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Components"
msgstr "مكونات"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "تراخيص"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Error opening asset file for \"%s\" (not in ZIP format)."
msgstr "حدث خطأ عند فتح ملف الحزمة لـ \"%s\" (لأنه ليس بصيغة ZIP) ."

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "%s (already exists)"
msgstr "%s (موجود بالفعل)"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - %d file(s) conflict with your project:"
msgstr "تتعارض محتويات المصدر \"%s\" - من الملف(ات) %d مع مشروعك:"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - No files conflict with your project:"
msgstr "محتويات المصدر \"%s\" - لا تتعارض مع مشروعك:"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Uncompressing Assets"
msgstr "يفكك الضغط عن الأصول"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from asset \"%s\":"
msgstr "فشل استخراج الملفات التالية من الحزمة \"٪ s\":"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "(and %s more files)"
msgstr "(و %s ملفات اخرى)"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Asset \"%s\" installed successfully!"
msgstr "تم تثبيت الحزمة \"%s\" بنجاح!"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "تم بشكل ناجح!"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install"
msgstr "تثبيت"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Asset Installer"
msgstr "مثبت الحزم"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Speakers"
msgstr "مكبرات الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Effect"
msgstr "أضف تأثير"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Rename Audio Bus"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Bus Volume"
msgstr "تغيير حجم صوت مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Solo"
msgstr "تبديل مسار الصوت إلي فردي"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Mute"
msgstr "تبديل مسار الصوت إلي صامت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Bypass Effects"
msgstr "تبديل مسار الصوت إلي موثرات التبديل"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Select Audio Bus Send"
msgstr "حدد مسار الصوت للإرسال"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Bus Effect"
msgstr "أضف موثرات إلي مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Move Bus Effect"
msgstr "حرك ثأثير مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Bus Effect"
msgstr "مسح تأثير مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Drag & drop to rearrange."
msgstr "إسحب وأسقط لإعادة الترتيب."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Solo"
msgstr "فردي"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "صامت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Bypass"
msgstr "تخطي"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Bus Options"
msgstr "‎خيارات مسار الصوت (BUS)"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "تكرير"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Reset Volume"
msgstr "إرجاع الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Effect"
msgstr "إمسح التأثير"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Bus"
msgstr "أضف مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Master bus can't be deleted!"
msgstr "مسار الصوت الأساسي لا يمكن مسحة!"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Audio Bus"
msgstr "إمسح مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Audio Bus"
msgstr "تكرار مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Reset Bus Volume"
msgstr "إرجاع صوت المسار"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Move Audio Bus"
msgstr "تحريك مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save Audio Bus Layout As..."
msgstr "حفظ تخطيط مسار الصوت ك…"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Location for New Layout..."
msgstr "المكان للنسق الجديد..."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Open Audio Bus Layout"
msgstr "إفتح نسق مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "There is no '%s' file."
msgstr "لا يوجد ملف '%s'."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Layout:"
msgstr "المخطط:"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, not an audio bus layout."
msgstr "ملف خطأ، ليس ملف نسق مسار الصوت."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Error saving file: %s"
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل الملف: %s"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Bus"
msgstr "أضف مسار"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add a new Audio Bus to this layout."
msgstr "أضف مسار صوت (Audio Bus) جديد إلى هذا التصميم."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Load"
msgstr "تحميل"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Load an existing Bus Layout."
msgstr "تحميل نسق مسار موجود مسبقاً."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "حفظ بأسم"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save this Bus Layout to a file."
msgstr "إحفظ نسق هذا مسار إلي ملف."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Load Default"
msgstr "تحميل الإفتراضي"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Load the default Bus Layout."
msgstr "تحميل نسق المسار الإفتراضي."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Create a new Bus Layout."
msgstr "أنشئ نسق مسار جديد."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Audio Bus Layout"
msgstr "إفتح نسق مسار الصوت"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name."
msgstr "اسم غير صالح."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Cannot begin with a digit."
msgstr "لا يمكن أن تبدأ برقم."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Valid characters:"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing engine class name."
msgstr "إسم غير صالح، يجب أن لا يتصادم مع أسم فئة خاصة بالمحرك."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing built-in type name."
msgstr "اسم غير صالح يجب ألا يتضارب مع اسم موجود ومبني ضمناً بالمحرك."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing global constant name."
msgstr "اإسم غير صالح، ييجب ألاّ يتضارب مع اسم ثابت عام موجود سلفاً."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Keyword cannot be used as an autoload name."
msgstr "لا يمكن استخدام الكلمة المفتاحية كاسم التحميل التلقائي."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Autoload '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "التحميل التلقائي '%s' موجود اصلا!"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rename Autoload"
msgstr "اعادة تسمية التحميل التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Toggle AutoLoad Globals"
msgstr "تبديل التحميل التلقائي العام"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Move Autoload"
msgstr "نقل التحميل التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Autoload"
msgstr "ازالة التحميل التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Autoloads"
msgstr "اعادة ترتيب التحميلات التلقائية"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Can't add autoload:"
msgstr "لا يمكن إضافة التحميل التلقائي:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "%s is an invalid path. File does not exist."
msgstr "%s مسار غير صالح. الملف غير موجود."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "%s is an invalid path. Not in resource path (res://)."
msgstr "المسار %s غير صالح. غير موجود في مسار الموارد (//:res)."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Add AutoLoad"
msgstr "إضافة للتحميل التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "المسار:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Node Name:"
msgstr "إسم العقدة:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Global Variable"
msgstr "مُتغيّر عام (Global Variable)"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Paste Params"
msgstr "لصق المُعامل"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating Scene"
msgstr "يُحدث المشهد"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Storing local changes..."
msgstr "جاري تخزين التعديلات المحلية..."

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating scene..."
msgstr "يُحدث المشهد..."

#: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[فارغ]"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "[unsaved]"
msgstr "[غير محفوظ]"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Please select a base directory first."
msgstr "من فضلك حدد الوجهة الأساسية أولاً."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose a Directory"
msgstr "حدد الوجهة"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "أنشئ مجلد"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "الأسم:"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Could not create folder."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "إختر"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Project export for platform:"
msgstr "تصدير المشروع لمنصة:"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completed with warnings."
msgstr "نسخ مسار العُقدة."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completed successfully."
msgstr "اكتمل بنجاح."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed."
msgstr "فشل."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Storing File:"
msgstr "تخزين الملف:"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "No export template found at the expected path:"
msgstr "لم يوجد قالب التصدير في المسار المتوقع:"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Packing"
msgstr "يَحزم\"ينتج الملف المضغوط\""

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save PCK"
msgstr "حفظ بأسم"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot create file \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to export project files."
msgstr "لم نتمكن من تصدير ملفات المشروع."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't open file to read from path \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح الملف للكتابة."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save ZIP"
msgstr "حفظ بأسم"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable 'Import "
"Etc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"المنصة المستهدفة تحتاج لتشفير ملمس 'ETC' ل GLES2. قم بتمكين 'Import Etc' في "
"إعدادات المشروع."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC2' texture compression for GLES3. Enable "
"'Import Etc 2' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"المنصة المستهدفة تحتاج لتشفير ملمس \"ETC2\" ل GLES3. قم بتمكين 'Import Etc "
"2' في إعدادات المشروع."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for the driver fallback "
"to GLES2.\n"
"Enable 'Import Etc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback "
msgstr ""
"تتطلب المنصة المستهدفة ضغط الرسومات النقشية 'ETC' texture ليرجع المعرّف إلى "
"مكّن 'استيراد Etc' في إعدادات المشروع، أو عطّل 'تمكين التوافق الرجعي للتعريفات "
"Driver Fallback Enabled'."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable "
"'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"المنصة المستهدفة تحتاج لتشفير ملمس 'PVRTC' ل GLES2. قم بتمكين 'Import Pvrtc' "
"في إعدادات المشروع."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC2' or 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES3. "
"Enable 'Import Etc 2' or 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"المنصة المستهدفة تحتاج لتشفير ملمس \"ETC2\" او 'PVRTC' ل GLES3. قم بتمكين "
"'Import Etc 2' او 'Import Pvrtc' في إعدادات المشروع."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for the driver fallback "
"to GLES2.\n"
"Enable 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback "
msgstr ""
"تتطلب المنصة المستهدفة ضغط الرسومات النقشية 'ETC' texture ليرجع المعرّف إلى "
"مَكِّن 'استيراد Etc' في إعدادات المشروع، أو عطّل 'تمكين التوافق الرجعي للتعريفات "
"Driver Fallback Enabled'."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Template"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Release"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Binary Format"
msgstr "تنسيق ثنائي"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "64 Bits"
msgstr "64 بت"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Embed PCK"
msgstr "تضمين PCK"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Format"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "BPTC"
msgstr "BPTC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "S3TC"
msgstr "S3TC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "ETC"
msgstr "ETC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "ETC2"
msgstr "ETC2"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No BPTC Fallbacks"
msgstr "اجبار ارتداد(احتياط) التظليل"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom debug template not found."
msgstr "نمودج تصحيح الأخطاء غير موجود."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom release template not found."
msgstr "قالب الإصدار المخصص ليس موجود."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Prepare Template"
msgstr "إدارة القوالب"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "The given export path doesn't exist."
msgstr "مسار التصدير المُزود غير موجود."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Template file not found: \"%s\"."
msgstr "ملف النموذج غير موجود: ."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to copy export template."
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: platform/x11/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PCK Embedding"
msgstr "الحواف Padding"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "On 32-bit exports the embedded PCK cannot be bigger than 4 GiB."
msgstr "لا يمكن لمُصدرات 32-bit التي تتضمن PCK أن تكون أكبر من 4 GiB."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Convert Text Resources To Binary On Export"
msgstr "تحويل الموارد النصية إلى صيغة ثنائية عند التصدير"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "3D Editor"
msgstr "محرر تلاثي الأبعاد"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Script Editor"
msgstr "محرر النص البرمجي"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Asset Library"
msgstr "مكتبة المُلحقات"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree Editing"
msgstr "تعديل شجرة المشهد"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Node Dock"
msgstr "رصيف العُقد"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "FileSystem Dock"
msgstr "رصيف نظام الملفات"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Import Dock"
msgstr "رصيف الاستيراد"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to view and edit 3D scenes."
msgstr "يسمح لعرض وتحرير المشاهد ثلاثية الأبعاد."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to edit scripts using the integrated script editor."
msgstr "يسمح بتحرير النصوص البرمجية عن طريق المحرر المدمج."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Provides built-in access to the Asset Library."
msgstr "يؤمن وصول لمكتبة الملحقات من داخل المحرر."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows editing the node hierarchy in the Scene dock."
msgstr "يسمح بتحرير تراتبية العقد عن طريق رصيف المشهد."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Allows to work with signals and groups of the node selected in the Scene "
msgstr "يسمح بالعمل مع إشارات ومجموعات العقد المحددة في رصيف المشهد."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to browse the local file system via a dedicated dock."
msgstr "يسمح بتصفح ملفات النظام المحلية عن طريق رصيف خاص بذلك."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Allows to configure import settings for individual assets. Requires the "
"FileSystem dock to function."
msgstr ""
"يسمح بتحديد خصائص الاستيراد المتعلقة بالوسائط على حدى. يتطلب عمله رصيف "

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(current)"
msgstr "(الحالي)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(لاشيء)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Remove currently selected profile, '%s'? Cannot be undone."
msgstr "أترغب بإزالة الملف المحدد '%s'؟ لا يمكنك التراجع عن ذلك."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Profile must be a valid filename and must not contain '.'"
msgstr "ينبغي أن يكون الملف الشخصي اسم ملف صالح وألّا يحتوي '.'"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Profile with this name already exists."
msgstr "ملفٌ بهذا الاسم موجود بالفعل."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Editor Disabled, Properties Disabled)"
msgstr "(المحرر مُعطّل، الخاصيات مُعطّلة)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Properties Disabled)"
msgstr "(الخاصيات مُعطّلة)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Editor Disabled)"
msgstr "(المُحرر مُعطّل)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Class Options:"
msgstr "إعدادات الصف (Class):"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Enable Contextual Editor"
msgstr "مكّن المحرر السياقي Contextual"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Class Properties:"
msgstr "خصائص الفئة (Class):"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Main Features:"
msgstr "المزايا الرئيسية:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Nodes and Classes:"
msgstr "العُقد (Nodes) والفئات (Classes):"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "File '%s' format is invalid, import aborted."
msgstr "لاحقة الملف '%s' غير صالحة، أجهض الإستيراد."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Profile '%s' already exists. Remove it first before importing, import "
msgstr "الملف'%s' موجود سلفاً، قم بإزالته بداية قبل الاستيراد، أجهض الإستيراد."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Error saving profile to path: '%s'."
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ الملف إلى المسار: '%s'."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Reset to Default"
msgstr "إعادة التعيين إلى الافتراضي"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Current Profile:"
msgstr "الملف (النسخة) الحالية:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "أصنع حساب"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Remove Profile"
msgstr "أمسح الحساب"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Available Profiles:"
msgstr "الملفات المتوافرة:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Make Current"
msgstr "إجعل الحالي"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "Import"
msgstr "استيراد"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export"
msgstr "تصدير"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Configure Selected Profile:"
msgstr "عدل على الحساب الحالي:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Extra Options:"
msgstr "خيارات إضافية:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Create or import a profile to edit available classes and properties."
msgstr "أنشئ أو استورد ملفاً لتحرير الصفوف والخصائص المتوفرة."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "New profile name:"
msgstr "اسم مَلف (profile) جديد:"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Godot Feature Profile"
msgstr "ملفات غودوت المُرشّحة"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Import Profile(s)"
msgstr "استيراد الملف(الملفات)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Export Profile"
msgstr "تصدير الملف"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Manage Editor Feature Profiles"
msgstr "تدبير محرر الملفات المُرشحة"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Feature Profile"
msgstr "ملفات غودوت المُرشّحة"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Select Current Folder"
msgstr "تحديد المجلد الحالي"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File exists, overwrite?"
msgstr "الملف موجود، إستبدال؟"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Select This Folder"
msgstr "حدد هذا المجلد"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Path"
msgstr "نسخ المسار"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open in File Manager"
msgstr "افتح في مدير الملفات"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Show in File Manager"
msgstr "أظهر في مدير الملفات"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Folder..."
msgstr "مجلد جديد..."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "تحديث"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Recognized"
msgstr "جميع الأنواع المعتمدة\"المعروفة\""

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Files (*)"
msgstr "كل الملفات (*)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File"
msgstr "إفتح ملف"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open File(s)"
msgstr "إفتح ملف(ات)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a Directory"
msgstr "إفتح وجهة"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File or Directory"
msgstr "إفتح ملف أو وجهة"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save"
msgstr "حفظ"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save a File"
msgstr "حفظ ملف"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Access"
msgstr "الوصول (للملف)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr "وضع التشغيل"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Dir"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current File"
msgstr "الملف (النسخة) الحالية"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Path"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Hidden Files"
msgstr "أظهر الملفات المخفية"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disable Overwrite Warning"
msgstr "تعطيل تحذير الإستبدال"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Back"
msgstr "الرجوع للخلف"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Forward"
msgstr "الذهاب للأمام"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Up"
msgstr "إذهب للأعلى"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Hidden Files"
msgstr "أظهر الملفات المخفية"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Favorite"
msgstr "أظهر المُفضلة"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Toggle Mode"
msgstr "أظهر المود"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Focus Path"
msgstr "مسار التركيز"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Up"
msgstr "حرك المُفضلة للأعلى"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Down"
msgstr "حرك المُفضلة للأسفل"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to previous folder."
msgstr "إرجع إلي المجلد السابق."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to next folder."
msgstr "إذهب إلي المجلد التالي."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to parent folder."
msgstr "إذهب إلي مجلد الأصل."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Refresh files."
msgstr "حَدِّث الملفات."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "(Un)favorite current folder."
msgstr "إضافة المجلد إلى المفضلة / إخراجه من المفضلة."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle the visibility of hidden files."
msgstr "إظهار/إخفاء الملفات المخفية."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a grid of thumbnails."
msgstr "أظهر العناصر كشبكة من الصور المصغرة."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a list."
msgstr "أظهر العناصر كقائمة."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Directories & Files:"
msgstr "الوجهات والملفات:"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/style_box_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "إستعراض:"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File:"
msgstr "الملف:"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "ScanSources"
msgstr "فحص المصادر"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid ""
"There are multiple importers for different types pointing to file %s, import "
msgstr "هناك عدة مستوردات مخصوصة لعدة أنواع حددت الملف %s، أجهض الإستيراد"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "(Re)Importing Assets"
msgstr "إعادة إستيراد الأصول"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "Reimport Missing Imported Files"
msgstr "إعادة استيراد الملفات المستوردة المفقودة"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Top"
msgstr "فوق"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Class:"
msgstr "صنف:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Inherits:"
msgstr "يرث:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Inherited by:"
msgstr "مورث بواسطة:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Online Tutorials"
msgstr "التعليمات على الإنترنت"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "خصائص"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "overrides %s:"
msgstr "يتجاوز %s:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "default:"
msgstr "الافتراضي:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Theme Properties"
msgstr "خصائص الثِمة"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constants"
msgstr "ثوابت"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "الخطوط"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "الأيقونات"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "مظاهر"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Enumerations"
msgstr "تعداد"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Property Descriptions"
msgstr "أوصاف المُلكية"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "(value)"
msgstr "(القيمة)"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by "
"[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""
"لا يوجد حاليا وصف لهذه الخاصية. الرجاء مساعدتنا عن طريق [color=$color]"
"[url=$url]المساهمة فيها [/url][/color]!"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Method Descriptions"
msgstr "أوصاف الدوال"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by "
"[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""
"لا يوجد حاليا وصف لهذه الطريقة. الرجاء المساعدة من خلال [color=$color]"
"[url=$url]المساهمة واحد[/url][/color] !"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "فتح المُحرر ثنائي الأبعاد 2D"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Help"
msgstr "مساعدة"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Sort Functions Alphabetically"
msgstr "ترتيب الدوال أبجديا"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Help"
msgstr "ابحث في المساعدة"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Case Sensitive"
msgstr "حساسة لحالة الأحرف"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Show Hierarchy"
msgstr "اظهر التراتبية"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Display All"
msgstr "إظهار الكل"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Classes Only"
msgstr "الصفوف فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Methods Only"
msgstr "الطرق فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Signals Only"
msgstr "إشارات فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Constants Only"
msgstr "ثوابت فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Properties Only"
msgstr "خصائص فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Theme Properties Only"
msgstr "خصائص الموضوع Theme فقط"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Member Type"
msgstr "نوع العضو"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Class"
msgstr "الصف"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Method"
msgstr "دالة"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Signal"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Property"
msgstr "خاصية"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Theme Property"
msgstr "خاصية الموضوع (Theme)"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Property:"
msgstr "خاصية:"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Label"
msgstr "القيمة"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Read Only"
msgstr "الطرق فقط"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Checkable"
msgstr "فَعل العنصر"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Checked"
msgstr "عنصر مُفعل"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Red"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keying"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pin value"
msgstr "القيمة المثبتة"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid ""
"Pinning a value forces it to be saved even if it's equal to the default."
msgstr "تثبيت القيمة يجْبِرَهُ على حفظها حتى لو كانت تساوي القيمة الإفتراضية."

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pin value [Disabled because '%s' is editor-only]"
msgstr "القيمة المثبتة [معطلة لان '%s' هو/هي في المحرر-فقط]"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Set %s"
msgstr "تحديد %s"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Set Multiple:"
msgstr "تحديد التكرار:"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pinned %s"
msgstr "تم تثبيت %s"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Unpinned %s"
msgstr "تم فك التثبيت s%"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Copy Property"
msgstr "نسخ ال"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Paste Property"
msgstr "لصق ال"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Copy Property Path"
msgstr "نسخ مسار الخاصية"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp
msgid "Output:"
msgstr "المُخرجات:"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Selection"
msgstr "نسخ المُحدد"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "مسح"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp
msgid "Clear Output"
msgstr "مسح المُخرجات"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "إيقاف"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Start"
msgstr "بدء"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "%s/s"
msgstr "%s/s"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Down"
msgstr "أسفل"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Up"
msgstr "أعلى"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Node"
msgstr "وحدة"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Incoming RPC"
msgstr "نداء إجراء بعيد وادر"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Incoming RSET"
msgstr "RSET (ناقل الحالة التمثيلية) وارد"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Outgoing RPC"
msgstr "نداء الإجراء البعيد RPC صادر"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Outgoing RSET"
msgstr "ناقل الحالة التمثيلية RSET صادر"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "نافذة جديدة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Project"
msgstr "مشروع غير مسمى"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Spins when the editor window redraws.\n"
"Update Continuously is enabled, which can increase power usage. Click to "
"disable it."
msgstr ""
"يدور عندما يعاد رسم نافذة المحرر.\n"
"التحديث المستمر ممكن، الأمر الذي يعني استهلاك أكبر للطاقة. اضغط لإزالة "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Spins when the editor window redraws."
msgstr "قم بالتدوير أثناء إعادة رسم نافذة المحرّر."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Imported resources can't be saved."
msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ الموارد المستوردة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "OK"
msgstr "حسنا"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving resource!"
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ المورد!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource can't be saved because it does not belong to the edited scene. "
"Make it unique first."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن حفظ هذا المورد كونه لا ينتمي إلى المشهد الذي تم تحريره. اجعله مميزاً "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Resource As..."
msgstr "حفظ المورد باسم..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't open file for writing:"
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح الملف للكتابة:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Requested file format unknown:"
msgstr "صيغة الملف المطلوب غير معروفة:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while saving."
msgstr "خطأ خلال الحفظ."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't open '%s'. The file could have been moved or deleted."
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح '%s'. ربما تم حذف الملف أو نقله."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while parsing '%s'."
msgstr "خطأ خلال تحميل '%s'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unexpected end of file '%s'."
msgstr "نهاية ملف غير مرتقبة '%s'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Missing '%s' or its dependencies."
msgstr "'%s' مفقود أو أحدي إعتمادته."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while loading '%s'."
msgstr "خطأ خلال تحميل '%s'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Saving Scene"
msgstr "حفظ المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Analyzing"
msgstr "جاري التحليل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Creating Thumbnail"
msgstr "ينشئ الصورة المصغرة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a tree root."
msgstr "هذه العميلة لا يمكن إجرائها من غير جذر رئيسي للشجرة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This scene can't be saved because there is a cyclic instancing inclusion.\n"
"Please resolve it and then attempt to save again."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن حفظ هذا المشهد كونخ يتضمن نمذجة دورية cyclic instancing.\n"
"من فضلك قم بحل تلك المشكلة ومن ثمَّ حاول من جديد."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save scene. Likely dependencies (instances or inheritance) couldn't "
"be satisfied."
msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ المشهد. على الأرجح لا يمكن إستيفاء التبعيات (مجسّدات)."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not save one or more scenes!"
msgstr "لم يتمكن من حفظ واحد أو أكثر من المشاهد!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save All Scenes"
msgstr "حفظ جميع المشاهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't overwrite scene that is still open!"
msgstr "لا يمكن الكتابة عنوة (استبدال overwrite ) المشهد كونه ما زال مفتوحاً!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load MeshLibrary for merging!"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل مكتبة الميش من أجل الدمج!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving MeshLibrary!"
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ مكتبة الميش!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load TileSet for merging!"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل مجموعة البلاط من أجل الدمج!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving TileSet!"
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ مجموعة البلاط!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to save the editor layout.\n"
"Make sure the editor's user data path is writable."
msgstr ""
"حدث خطأ ما عند المحاوله لحفظ المحرر.\n"
"تأكد من عنوان بيانات المستخدم للمحرر قابله للكتابه."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Default editor layout overridden.\n"
"To restore the Default layout to its base settings, use the Delete Layout "
"option and delete the Default layout."
msgstr ""
"تم تجاوز اعدادات المحرر الاساسيه.\n"
"لإستعادة اعدادات المحررالأساسية, اذهب إلى خيار 'Delete Layout' من ثم أزل "
"الاعدادات الاساسيه."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Layout name not found!"
msgstr "إسم النسق غير موجود!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Restored the Default layout to its base settings."
msgstr "تم إسترجاع النسق الإفتراضي (Default layout) لاعدادتهِ الأساسية."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was imported, so it's not editable.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""
"هذا المصدر ينتمي إلي مشهد قد تم إستيراده، إذا لا يمكن تعديله.\n"
"من فضلك إقرأ التوثيق المرتبط بإستيراد المشاهد لكي تفهم بشكل أفضل كيفية عمل "
"هذا النظام."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was instanced or inherited.\n"
"Changes to it won't be kept when saving the current scene."
msgstr ""
"هذا المصدر ينتمي إلي مشهد قد تم توضيحة أو إيراثه.\n"
"تغييره لن يُحفظ حينما يتم حفظ المشهد الحالي."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource was imported, so it's not editable. Change its settings in the "
"import panel and then re-import."
msgstr ""
"هذا المورد قد تم إستيراده، إذا لا يمكن تعديله. غير إعدادته في قائمة "
"الإستيراد ومن ثم أعد إستيراده."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This scene was imported, so changes to it won't be kept.\n"
"Instancing it or inheriting will allow making changes to it.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""
"المشهد تم إستيراده، إذا أي تغيير فيه لن يُحفظ.\n"
"الإيضاح أو الإيراث سوف يسمح بحفظ أي تغيير فيه.\n"
"من فضلك إقرأ التوثيق المرتبط بإستيراد المشاهد لكي تفهم بشكل أفضل طريقة عمل "
"هذا النظام."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This is a remote object, so changes to it won't be kept.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to debugging to better understand "
"this workflow."
msgstr ""
"هذا المصدر ينتمي إلي مشهد قد تم إستيراده، التعديلات لن تحفظ.\n"
"من فضلك إقرأ التوثيق المرتبط بإستيراد المشاهد لكي تفهم بشكل أفضل كيفية عمل "
"هذا النظام."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "There is no defined scene to run."
msgstr "ليس هناك مشهد محدد ليتم تشغيله."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save scene before running..."
msgstr "احفظ المشهد قبل التشغيل..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not start subprocess!"
msgstr "لا يمكن بدء عملية جانبية!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Scene"
msgstr "فتح مشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Base Scene"
msgstr "فتح مشهد أساسي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open..."
msgstr "فتح سريع ..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Scene..."
msgstr "فتح سريع للمشهد..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Script..."
msgstr "فتح سريع للكود..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save & Reload"
msgstr "حفظ و إعادة تشغيل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before reloading?"
msgstr "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات إلي'%s' قبل الإغلاق؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save & Close"
msgstr "حفظ و إغلاق"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before closing?"
msgstr "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات إلي'%s' قبل الإغلاق؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%s no longer exists! Please specify a new save location."
msgstr "%s لم يعد موجوداً! من فضلك حدد موقعاً جديداً للحفظ."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The current scene has no root node, but %d modified external resource(s) "
"were saved anyway."
msgstr ""
"المشهد الحالي لا يملك عقدة رئيسة، ولكن %d عدّل المصدر(مصادر) خارجياً وتم الحفظ "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"A root node is required to save the scene. You can add a root node using the "
"Scene tree dock."
msgstr ""
"يتطلب حفظ المشهد توافر وحدة رئيسة. يمكنك إضافة وحدة رئيسية من خلال رصيف شجرة "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene As..."
msgstr "حفظ المشهد ك…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a scene."
msgstr "هذه العملية لا يمكن الإكتمال من غير مشهد."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Mesh Library"
msgstr "تصدير مكتبة الميش"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a root node."
msgstr "هذه العملية لا يمكن أن تتم من غير عقدة الجذر."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Tile Set"
msgstr "تصدير مجموعة الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a selected node."
msgstr "هذه العملية لا يمكن أن تتم من غير عقدة محددة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene not saved. Open anyway?"
msgstr "لم يتم حفظ المشهد الحالي. إفتحه علي أية حال؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't undo while mouse buttons are pressed."
msgstr "لا يمكن التراجع أثناء ضغط أزار الفأرة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Nothing to undo."
msgstr "لا شيء للتراجع عنه."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Undo: %s"
msgstr "تراجع: %s"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't redo while mouse buttons are pressed."
msgstr "لا يمكن إعادة العمل أثناء ضغط أزرار الفأرة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Nothing to redo."
msgstr "لا شيء لإعادة عمله مجدداً."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Redo: %s"
msgstr "إعادة: %s"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't reload a scene that was never saved."
msgstr "لا يمكن إعادة تحميل مشهد لم يتم حفظه من قبل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reload Saved Scene"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل المشهد المحفوظ"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The current scene has unsaved changes.\n"
"Reload the saved scene anyway? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"يحتوي المشهد الحالي على تغييرات غير محفوظة.\n"
"إعادة تحميل المشهد المحفوظ على أي حال؟ لا يمكن التراجع عن هذا الإجراء."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Run Scene..."
msgstr "تشغيل مشهد بسرعة..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "إنهاء"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "نعم"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Exit the editor?"
msgstr "خروج من المُعدل؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Project Manager?"
msgstr "فتح مدير المشروع؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before reloading?"
msgstr "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات للمشاهد التالية قبل الخروج؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save & Quit"
msgstr "حفظ و خروج"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before quitting?"
msgstr "هل تريد حفظ التغييرات للمشاهد التالية قبل الخروج؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before opening Project Manager?"
msgstr ""
"هل تود حفظ التغييرات التي اجريت على المشاهد الحالية قبل فتح نافذة ادارة "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This option is deprecated. Situations where refresh must be forced are now "
"considered a bug. Please report."
msgstr ""
"هذا الإعداد مُعطل. الحالة حيث التحديث يجب أن يطبق بالقوة هي الأن تعتبر خطأ. "
"من فضلك أبلغ عن الخطأ."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pick a Main Scene"
msgstr "إختر المشهد الأساسي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Scene"
msgstr "اغلاق المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reopen Closed Scene"
msgstr "إعادة فتح المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to enable addon plugin at: '%s' parsing of config failed."
msgstr "غير قادر علي تفعيل إضافة البرنامج المُساعد في: '%s' تحميل الظبط فشل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to find script field for addon plugin at: '%s'."
msgstr "غير قادر على إيجاد منطقة النص البرمجي من أجل إضافة البرنامج في: '%s'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'."
msgstr "غير قادر علي تحميل النص البرمجي للإضافة من المسار: '%s'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'. This might be due to a code "
"error in that script.\n"
"Disabling the addon at '%s' to prevent further errors."
msgstr ""
"غير قادر علي تحميل النص البرمجي للإضافة من المسار: '%s'. يبدو أنه يوجد خطأ "
"في ذلك النص البرمجي.\n"
"تعطيل الإضافة في '%s' لتجنب الأخطاء لاحقاً."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Base type is not EditorPlugin."
msgstr ""
"غير قادر علي تحميل النص البرمجي الإضافي من المسار: '%s' النوع الأساسي ليس "
"إضافة المُعدل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Script is not in tool mode."
msgstr ""
"غير قادر علي تحميل النص البرمجي الإضافي من المسار: '%s' النص البرمجي ليس في "
"وضع الأداة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' was automatically imported, so it can't be modified.\n"
"To make changes to it, a new inherited scene can be created."
msgstr ""
"المشهد '%s' تم إستيراده تلقائياً، إذن لا يمكن تعديله.\n"
"لكي تجري أي تغيير إليه، مشهد جديد مورث يمكن إنشاءه."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Error loading scene, it must be inside the project path. Use 'Import' to "
"open the scene, then save it inside the project path."
msgstr ""
"خطا في تحميل المشهد، يجب ان يكون المشهد في نفس الملف الخاص بالمشروع. يمكنك "
"استخدام نافذة \"الاستيراد\" لفتح المشهد٫ ثم احفظه في ملف المشروع."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Scene '%s' has broken dependencies:"
msgstr "المشهد '%s' لدية تبعيات معطوبة:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Scenes"
msgstr "إخلاء المشاهد الحالية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"No main scene has ever been defined, select one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"لا مشهد أساسي تم تحديده، حدد واحد؟\n"
"يمكنك تغييره لاحقاً في \"إعدادات المشروع\" تحت قسم 'التطبيق'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' does not exist, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"المشهد المُحدد '%s' غير موجود، حدد مشهد صالح؟\n"
"يمكنك تغييره لاحقاً في \"إعدادات المشروع\" تحت قسم 'التطبيق'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' is not a scene file, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"المشهد المُحدد '%s' ليس ملف مشهد. حدد مشهد صالح؟\n"
"يمكنك تغييره لاحقاً في \"إعدادات المشروع\" تحت قسم 'التطبيق'."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Layout"
msgstr "حفظ المخطط"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Delete Layout"
msgstr "مسح المخطط"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Default"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Show in FileSystem"
msgstr "أظهر في مدير الملفات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play This Scene"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "اغلاق التبويب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Undo Close Tab"
msgstr "تراجع عن ‭‬إغلاق التبويب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Other Tabs"
msgstr "أغلق الألسنة الاخرى"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Tabs to the Right"
msgstr "أغلق التبويبات على اليمين"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close All Tabs"
msgstr "اغلاق جميع نوافذ التبويب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Switch Scene Tab"
msgstr "تبديل بين نوافذ المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more files or folders"
msgstr "%d مزيد من الملفات والمجلدات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more folders"
msgstr "%d مزيد من المجلدات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more files"
msgstr "%d مزيد من الملفات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to write to file '%s', file in use, locked or lacking permissions."
msgstr ""
"غير قادر على الكتابة إلى الملف '% s' ، الملف قيد الاستخدام ، مؤمن أو ينقصه "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scene Tabs"
msgstr "تبديل بين نوافذ المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always Show Close Button"
msgstr "إظهار الشبكة دوماً"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Resize If Many Tabs"
msgstr "تغيير الحجم في حالة وجود العديد من علامات التبويب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimum Width"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى للعرض"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Output"
msgstr "المخرجات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always Clear Output On Play"
msgstr "مسح المُخرجات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Open Output On Play"
msgstr "دائما افتح نافذة الإخراج أثناء التشغيل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Close Output On Stop"
msgstr "دائما أغلق نافذة الإخراج عند إيقاف التشغيل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save On Focus Loss"
msgstr "حفظ عند فقدان التركيز"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Each Scene On Quit"
msgstr "حفظ الفرع كمشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit Confirmation"
msgstr "إظهار المعلومات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Update Spinner"
msgstr "إخفاء دوران التحديث"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Continuously"
msgstr "تحديث متواصل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update Vital Only"
msgstr "تحديث التغيرات المهمة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Localize Settings"
msgstr "توطين"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restore Scenes On Load"
msgstr "عقدة التنقل الزمني"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Thumbnail On Hover"
msgstr "إظهار الصورة المصغرة عند التمرير"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Inspector"
msgstr "مُتفحص"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Property Name Style"
msgstr "مسار المشروع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default Float Step"
msgstr "خطوة الfloat الافتراضية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Folding"
msgstr "زر معطّل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Auto Unfold Foreign Scenes"
msgstr "إكشف المشاهد الأجنبية تلقائيا"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Vector2 Editing"
msgstr "تحرير Vector2 الأفقي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Vector Types Editing"
msgstr "تحرير أنواع المتجهات الأفقية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Resources In Current Inspector"
msgstr "افتح في المُتصفح"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resources To Open In New Inspector"
msgstr "افتح في المُتصفح"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default Color Picker Mode"
msgstr "وضع منتقي الألوان الافتراضي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr "إدارة الإصدارات (Version Control)"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Username"
msgstr "إعادة التسمية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Public Key Path"
msgstr "مسار المفتاح العام لSSH"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Private Key Path"
msgstr "مسار المفتاح الخاص لSSH"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Dock Position"
msgstr "مكان الرصيف"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Distraction Free Mode"
msgstr "وضع خالي من الإلهاء"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Toggle distraction-free mode."
msgstr "تمكين/إيقاف الوضع الخالي من الإلهاء."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Add a new scene."
msgstr "إضافة مشهد جديد."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scene"
msgstr "مشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to previously opened scene."
msgstr "اذهب الي المشهد المفتوح مسبقا."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Text"
msgstr "نسخ النص"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Next tab"
msgstr "التبويب التالي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Previous tab"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Filter Files..."
msgstr "فلتر الملفات..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Operations with scene files."
msgstr "عمليات مع ملفات المشهد."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Scene"
msgstr "مشهد جديد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene..."
msgstr "مشهد مورث جديد..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene..."
msgstr "افتح مشهد..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "فُتح مؤخراً"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene"
msgstr "حفظ المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Convert To..."
msgstr "تحويل إلى..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "MeshLibrary..."
msgstr "مكتبة مجسّمات..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "TileSet..."
msgstr "مجموعة بلاط..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "تراجع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "إعادة تراجع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Miscellaneous project or scene-wide tools."
msgstr "أدوات مشروع أو مشهد متنوعة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
msgid "Project"
msgstr "مشروع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Project Settings..."
msgstr "إعدادات المشروع..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Up Version Control"
msgstr "إعداد إدارة الإصدارات (Version Control)"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Shut Down Version Control"
msgstr "إطفاء إدارة الإصدارات (Version Control)"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "تصدير..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install Android Build Template..."
msgstr "تحميل قالب البناء للأندرويد..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open User Data Folder"
msgstr "إفتح مجلّد بيانات المستخدم"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "أدوات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer..."
msgstr "متصفح الموارد اليتيمة..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reload Current Project"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل/تشغيل المشروع الحالي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit to Project List"
msgstr "العودة إلى قائمة المشاريع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Deploy with Remote Debug"
msgstr "نشر مع تصحيح الأخطاء عن بعد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy will make the executable "
"attempt to connect to this computer's IP so the running project can be "
"This option is intended to be used for remote debugging (typically with a "
"mobile device).\n"
"You don't need to enable it to use the GDScript debugger locally."
msgstr ""
"عند تمكين هذا الخيار ، سيؤدي استخدام النشر بنقرة واحدة إلى إجراء المحاولة "
"القابلة للتنفيذ للاتصال ب IP الخاص بهذا الكمبيوتر بحيث يمكن تصحيح أخطاء "
"المشروع الجاري تشغيله.\n"
"الغرض من هذا الخيار هو استخدامه لتصحيح الأخطاء عن بُعد (عادةً باستخدام جهاز "
"لا تحتاج إلى تمكينه لاستخدام مصحح أخطاء GDScript محليًا."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Small Deploy with Network Filesystem"
msgstr "نشر صغير مع نظام ملفات الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy for Android will only "
"export an executable without the project data.\n"
"The filesystem will be provided from the project by the editor over the "
"On Android, deploying will use the USB cable for faster performance. This "
"option speeds up testing for projects with large assets."
msgstr ""
"حينما يتم تفعيل هذا الإعداد، التصدير أو النشر سوف ينتج ملف تشغيل بالحد "
"الأدنى (مبسط).\n"
"نظام الملفات سوف يتم توفيره بواسطة المُعدل من خلال الشبكة.\n"
"على الأندرويد، النشر سوف يستخدم وصلة اليو إس بي من أجل أداء أسرع. هذا "
"الإعداد يسرّع إختبار الألعاب ذو الحجم الكبير."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Collision Shapes"
msgstr "أشكال إصطدام ظاهرة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, collision shapes and raycast nodes (for 2D and "
"3D) will be visible in the running project."
msgstr ""
"أشكال الإصطدام و عُقد الراي كاست (من أجل 2D و 3D) سوف تكون ظاهرة في اللعبة "
"العاملة إذا كان هذا الإعداد مُفعّل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Navigation"
msgstr "الإنتقال المرئي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, navigation meshes and polygons will be visible "
"in the running project."
msgstr ""
"عندما يكون هذا الخيار مفعل,مجسمات التنقل والأشكال المضلعة سوف تكون ظاهرة في "
"المشروع المشغل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Force Shader Fallbacks"
msgstr "اجبار ارتداد(احتياط) التظليل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, shaders will be used in their fallback form "
"(either visible via an ubershader or hidden) during all the run time.\n"
"This is useful for verifying the look and performance of fallbacks, which "
"are normally displayed briefly.\n"
"Asynchronous shader compilation must be enabled in the project settings for "
"this option to make a difference."
msgstr ""
"عندما يتم تفعيل هذا الخيار ، سيتم استخدام التظليل في وضعه الارتدادي (اما "
"ظاهر عن طريق تظليل اوبر او مخفي ) اثناء كل وقت التشغيل.\n"
"هذا مفيد للتأكد من المظهر و الاداء الخاص بالارتدادات، و يتم عرضهم سريعا.\n"
"التظليل الغير متزامن يجب تفعيله في اعدادات المشروع حتى يتم ملاحظة فرق في هذا "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Synchronize Scene Changes"
msgstr "مزامنة تغييرات المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, any changes made to the scene in the editor "
"will be replicated in the running project.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network "
"filesystem option is enabled."
msgstr ""
"حينما يكون هذا الخيار مُفعل، أي تغيير يحدث في المشهد من خلال المُعدل سوف يتم "
"تطبيقة في اللعبة العاملة.\n"
"حينما يتم إستخدامه عن بعد علي جهاز، سيكون هذا أكثر فعالية مع نظام شبكات "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Synchronize Script Changes"
msgstr "مزامنة تغييرات النص البرمجي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, any script that is saved will be reloaded in "
"the running project.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network "
"filesystem option is enabled."
msgstr ""
"حينما يكون هذا الإعداد مُفعل، أي نص برمجي يتم حفظه سيتم إعادة تحميله في "
"اللعبة العاملة.\n"
"حينما يتم إستخدامه عن بُعد على جهاز، سيكون أكثر كفاءتاً عند تفعيل إعداد نظام "
"ملفات الشبكة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings..."
msgstr "إعدادات المحرّر…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Layout"
msgstr "تنسيق المحرّر"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Take Screenshot"
msgstr "أخذ صورة للشاشة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Screenshots are stored in the Editor Data/Settings Folder."
msgstr "لقطات الشاشة تكون محفوظة في مجلّد بيانات/إعدادات المحرّر."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Toggle Fullscreen"
msgstr "تفعيل/إلغاء وضع الشاشة الكاملة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Data/Settings Folder"
msgstr "فتح مجلّد بيانات/إعدادات المحرّر"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Data Folder"
msgstr "فتح مجلّد بيانات المحرّر"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Settings Folder"
msgstr "فتح مجلّد إعدادات المحرّر"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Editor Features..."
msgstr "إدارة ميّزات المحرّر…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Export Templates..."
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Online Documentation"
msgstr "الوثائق الإلكترونية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Questions & Answers"
msgstr "أسئلة وإجابات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Report a Bug"
msgstr "إرسال تقرير عن خلل برمجي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Suggest a Feature"
msgstr "اقترح ميزة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Send Docs Feedback"
msgstr "إرسال مستندات التغذية الراجعة Feedback"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Community"
msgstr "المجتمع"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "About Godot"
msgstr "حول غو-دوت"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Support Godot Development"
msgstr "إدعم تطوير محرك غو-دوت"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the project."
msgstr "تشغيل المشروع."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause the scene execution for debugging."
msgstr "إيقاف المشهد من أجل تنقيح الكبوات البرمجية (debugging)."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause Scene"
msgstr "إيقاف مؤقّت للمشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Stop the scene."
msgstr "إيقاف المشهد."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the edited scene."
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد المُعدّل."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Scene"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play custom scene"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد المخصص"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Custom Scene"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد المخصص"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Changing the video driver requires restarting the editor."
msgstr "تعديل معرّف الفيديو video driver يتطلب إعادة تشغيل المحرر."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save & Restart"
msgstr "حفظ و إعادة تشغيل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update All Changes"
msgstr "تحديث كل التغيرات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Vital Changes"
msgstr "تحديث التغيرات المهمة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Hide Update Spinner"
msgstr "إخفاء دوران التحديث"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "FileSystem"
msgstr "نظام الملفات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Expand Bottom Panel"
msgstr "توسيع القائمة السفلية"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "لا تحفظ"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Android build template is missing, please install relevant templates."
msgstr "قالب البناء الخاص بالأندرويد مفقود، من فضلك نزل قوالب ذات صلة."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Templates"
msgstr "إدارة القوالب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install from file"
msgstr "تثبيت من ملف"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Select android sources file"
msgstr "تحديد مصدر ملفات الاندرويد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This will set up your project for custom Android builds by installing the "
"source template to \"res://android/build\".\n"
"You can then apply modifications and build your own custom APK on export "
"(adding modules, changing the AndroidManifest.xml, etc.).\n"
"Note that in order to make custom builds instead of using pre-built APKs, "
"the \"Use Custom Build\" option should be enabled in the Android export "
msgstr ""
"بهذه الطريقة سيتم إعداد المشروع الخاص بك لأجل نسخ بناء أندرويد مخصص عن طريق "
"تثبيت قوالب المصدر البرمجي في \"res://android/build\".\n"
"يمكنك تطبيق تعديلات الخاصة على نسخة البناء للحصول على حزمة تطبيق أندرويد APK "
"معدّلة عند التصدير (زيادة مُلحقات، تعديل ملف AndroidManifest.xml إلخ..).\n"
"ضع في بالك أنه من أجل إنشاء نسخ بناء مخصوصة بدلاً من الحزم APKs المبنية سلفاً، "
"ينبغي أن يكون إعداد \"استخدام بناء مخصص\" ممكناً في إعدادات تصدير الأندرويد "
"Android export preset."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The Android build template is already installed in this project and it won't "
"be overwritten.\n"
"Remove the \"res://android/build\" directory manually before attempting this "
"operation again."
msgstr ""
"قالب البناء الخاص بالأندرويد تم تنزيله سلفاً لأجل هذا المشروع ولا يمكنه "
"الكتابة فوق البيانات السابقة.\n"
"قم بإزالة \"res://android/build\" يدوياً قبل الشروع بهذه العملية مرة أخرى."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Import Templates From ZIP File"
msgstr "إستيراد القوالب من ملف مضغوط بصيغة Zip"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Template Package"
msgstr "رزمة القوالب"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "Export Library"
msgstr "تصدير المكتبة"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Merge With Existing"
msgstr "دمج مع الموجود"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Apply MeshInstance Transforms"
msgstr "تطبيق الهيئة ل MeshInstance"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open & Run a Script"
msgstr "فتح و تشغيل كود"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?"
msgstr ""
"الملفات التالية أحدث على القرص.\n"
"ما الإجراء الذي ينبغي اتخاذه؟"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resave"
msgstr "إعادة حفظ"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited"
msgstr "موروث جديد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load Errors"
msgstr "خطأ تحميل"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Select"
msgstr "حدد"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Select Current"
msgstr "حدد المشهد الحالي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open 2D Editor"
msgstr "فتح المُحرر 2D"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open 3D Editor"
msgstr "فتح المُحرر 3D"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Script Editor"
msgstr "فتح محرر النص البرمجي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Open Asset Library"
msgstr "فتح مكتبة المُلحقات"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open the next Editor"
msgstr "فتح في المُحرر التالي"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open the previous Editor"
msgstr "إفتح المُحرر السابق"

#: editor/editor_node.h
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "تحذيرات!"

#: editor/editor_path.cpp
msgid "No sub-resources found."
msgstr "لا مصدر للسطح تم تحديده."

#: editor/editor_path.cpp
msgid "Open a list of sub-resources."
msgstr "فتح قائمة الموارد الفرعية."

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Creating Mesh Previews"
msgstr "يُنشئ مستعرضات الميش"

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Thumbnail..."
msgstr "الصورة المصغرة..."

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Script:"
msgstr "النص البرمجي الأصلي :"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Edit Plugin"
msgstr "تعديل الإضافة"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Installed Plugins:"
msgstr "الإضافات المُثبتة:"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid "Update"
msgstr "تحديث"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Version"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Author"
msgstr "المالك"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Status"
msgstr "الحالة"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Measure:"
msgstr "قياس:"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame Time (ms)"
msgstr "وقت الإطار (مللي ثانية)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Average Time (ms)"
msgstr "متوسط الوقت (مللي ثانية)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame %"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Physics Frame %"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Inclusive"
msgstr "شامل"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Self"
msgstr "ذاتي"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid ""
"Inclusive: Includes time from other functions called by this function.\n"
"Use this to spot bottlenecks.\n"
"Self: Only count the time spent in the function itself, not in other "
"functions called by that function.\n"
"Use this to find individual functions to optimize."
msgstr ""
"شامل: يشمل الوقت من الدوال الأخرى التي تستدعيها هذه الدالة.\n"
"استخدم هذا لتحديد الاختناقات (bottlenecks).\n"
"ذاتي: احسب فقط الوقت المستغرق في الدالة نفسها ، وليس في الدوال الأخرى التي "
"تستدعيها تلك الدالة.\n"
"استخدم هذا للعثور على دوال محددة لتحسينها."

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame #:"
msgstr "إطار #:"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Calls"
msgstr "إستدعاءات"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Debugger"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Profiler Frame History Size"
msgstr "حجم تاريخ إطار المحلل"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profiler Frame Max Functions"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الوظيفة البرمجية"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Edit Text:"
msgstr "تحرير النص:"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "On"
msgstr "فعّال"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, value %d"
msgstr "Bit %d، القيمة %d"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "[Empty]"
msgstr "[فارغ]"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Assign..."
msgstr "إلحاق..."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Invalid RID"
msgstr "RID غير صالح"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't create a ViewportTexture on resources saved as a file.\n"
"Resource needs to belong to a scene."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إنشاء نقشة إطار العرض ViewportTexture على مورد تم حفظه كملف.\n"
"ينبغي أن ينتمي المورد إلى مشهد ما."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't create a ViewportTexture on this resource because it's not set as "
"local to scene.\n"
"Please switch on the 'local to scene' property on it (and all resources "
"containing it up to a node)."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إنشاء نقشة إطار العرض ViewportTexture اعتماداً على هذا المصدر كونه "
"ليس محلياً بالنسبة للمشهد.\n"
"قم بتشغيل خاصية 'محلي بالنسبة للمشهد local to scene' لذلك المورد (ولكل "
"الموارد التي تضمنتها وصولاً إلى العقدة)."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick a Viewport"
msgstr "اختر إطار عرض"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Selected node is not a Viewport!"
msgstr "العُقدة المختارة ليست إطار عرض Viewport!"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "الحجم:"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "Page:"
msgstr "الصفحة:"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Item"
msgstr "إزالة عنصر"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "New Key:"
msgstr "مفتاح جديد:"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "New Value:"
msgstr "قيمة جديدة:"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "Add Key/Value Pair"
msgstr "إضافة زوج مفتاح/قيمة"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid ""
"The selected resource (%s) does not match any type expected for this "
"property (%s)."
msgstr ""
"يلا يتطابق نوع المورد المختار (%s) مع أي نوع متوقع لأجل هذه الخاصية (%s)."

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "Quick Load"
msgstr "تحميل سريع"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Unique"
msgstr "إجعلة مميزاً"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "لصق"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert to %s"
msgstr "حوّلْ إلى %s"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New %s"
msgstr "%s جديدة"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base Type"
msgstr "النوع الأساسي"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edited Resource"
msgstr "إضافة مورد"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/slider.cpp scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editable"
msgstr "عنصر قابل للتعديل"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New Script"
msgstr "نص برمجي جديد"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Extend Script"
msgstr "فتح الكود البرمجي"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Script Owner"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي"

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
msgid ""
"No runnable export preset found for this platform.\n"
"Please add a runnable preset in the Export menu or define an existing preset "
"as runnable."
msgstr ""
"لا يوجد إعداد تصدير مسبق لهذه المنصة.\n"
"من فضلك أضفْ إعداد تصدير في قائمة التصدير أو عرف إعداد تصدير موجود كقابل "

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Project Run"
msgstr "مشروع"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Write your logic in the _run() method."
msgstr "أكتب منطقك في الطريقة ()run_."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "There is an edited scene already."
msgstr "يوجد مشهد معدل عليه بالفعل."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't instance script:"
msgstr "لم نستطع طلب النص:"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the 'tool' keyword?"
msgstr "هل نسيت الكلمة الدلالية 'اداة' ؟"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't run script:"
msgstr "لم نستطع تشغيل الكود:"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the '_run' method?"
msgstr "هل نسيت الطريقة '_run' ؟"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor Language"
msgstr "تنسيق المحرّر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Scale"
msgstr "إظهار الكل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Custom Display Scale"
msgstr "مقياس العرض المخصص"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Font Size"
msgstr "حجم الخط الرئيسي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Font Size"
msgstr "حجم خط الشِفرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Font Antialiased"
msgstr "الخط Antialiased"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Font Hinting"
msgstr "تلميح الخط (Hinting)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main Font"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Font Bold"
msgstr "الخط الرئيسي غامق"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code Font"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة العقدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Dim Editor On Dialog Popup"
msgstr "اخفت المحرر عند انبثاق نافذة الحوار"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "وضع السكون المنخفض للمعالج (µsec)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Unfocused Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "وضع السكون المنخفض للمعالج غير المركّز (µsec)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Separate Distraction Mode"
msgstr "وضع خالي من الإلهاء"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Automatically Open Screenshots"
msgstr "فتح لقطات الشاشة تلقائيًا"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Max Array Dictionary Items Per Page"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى لعناصر قاموس المصفوفة في كل صفحة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "الموضوع"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Preset"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Icon And Font Color"
msgstr "لون الأيقونة والخط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Base Color"
msgstr "اللون الاساسي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accent Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "التباين"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Relationship Line Opacity"
msgstr "عتامة خط العلاقة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlight Tabs"
msgstr "انشاء خارطة الضوء"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border Size"
msgstr "البكسلات المحيطية (الحدودية)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Graph Node Headers"
msgstr "استخدم رؤوس وحدات الرسم البياني"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Additional Spacing"
msgstr "مساحة اضافية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Theme"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Script Button"
msgstr "اضهار زر السكربت"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autoscan Project Path"
msgstr "مسار المشروع"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Project Path"
msgstr "مسار المشروع"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "On Save"
msgstr "عند الحفظ"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compress Binary Resources"
msgstr "نسخ الموارد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Safe Save On Backup Then Rename"
msgstr "حفظ آمن على النسخ الاحتياطي ثم إعادة التسمية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Dialog"
msgstr "نافذة XForm"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "الصورة المصغرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Docks"
msgstr "النوافذ المثبتة (Docked)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scene Tree"
msgstr "تعديل شجرة المشهد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Start Create Dialog Fully Expanded"
msgstr "بدء نافذة حوار الإنشاء موسعة بالكامل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Show Folders"
msgstr "إظهار الملفات دوماً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Property Editor"
msgstr "محرر المجموعات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Refresh Interval"
msgstr "الفاصل الزمني للتحديث التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subresource Hue Tint"
msgstr "مورد فرعي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Theme"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "تباعد الأسطر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Highlight All Occurrences"
msgstr "قم بتمييز جميع التكرارات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Highlight Current Line"
msgstr "تمييز السطر الحالي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Highlight Type Safe Lines"
msgstr "تمييز سطور الأنواع الآمنة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Indent"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يساراً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Auto Indent"
msgstr "مسافة بادئة تلقائية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert Indent On Save"
msgstr "تحويل المسافة البادئة إلى مسافات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Draw Tabs"
msgstr "رسم فراغات زر التاب"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Draw Spaces"
msgstr "رسم فراغات زر السبايس"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Smooth Scrolling"
msgstr "التمرير السلس"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "V Scroll Speed"
msgstr "سرعة التمرير العمودي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Minimap"
msgstr "إظهار الخريطة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimap Width"
msgstr "عرض الخريطة المصغرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Mouse Extra Buttons Navigate History"
msgstr "تنقل في سجل أزرار الماوس الإضافية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag And Drop Selection"
msgstr "تحديد الملئ خريطة-الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Stay In Script Editor On Node Selected"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "المظهر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Show Line Numbers"
msgstr "اظهار رقم الخط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Numbers Zero Padded"
msgstr "رقم الخط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Bookmark Gutter"
msgstr "إظهار مزراب الإشارة المرجعية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Breakpoint Gutter"
msgstr "تخطي نقاط التكسّر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Info Gutter"
msgstr "إظهار معلومات المزراب"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Folding"
msgstr "طي الكود"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Word Wrap"
msgstr "التفاف الكلمات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Line Length Guidelines"
msgstr "إظهار إرشادات طول السطر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Soft Column"
msgstr "عمود ناعم لتوجيه طول السطر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Hard Column"
msgstr "عمود غامق لتوجيه طول السطر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script List"
msgstr "لائحة السكربتات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Members Overview"
msgstr "عرض نظرة عامة على الأعضاء"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ملف"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace On Save"
msgstr "تشذيب الفراغات البيضاء الزائدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Autosave Interval Secs"
msgstr "الفاصل الزمني للحفظ التلقائي بالثواني"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restore Scripts On Load"
msgstr "استعادة البرامج النصية عند التحميل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Reload And Parse Scripts On Save"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل البرامج النصية تلقائيا وتحليلها عند الحفظ"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Reload Scripts On External Change"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل البرامج النصية تلقائيا عند تغييرها من الخارج"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create Signal Callbacks"
msgstr "اجبار ارتداد(احتياط) التظليل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Sort Members Outline Alphabetically"
msgstr "فرز الخطوط العريضة للأعضاء أبجدياً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "المؤشر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scroll Past End Of File"
msgstr "التمرير إلى ما بعد نهاية الملف"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Block Caret"
msgstr "علامة الإقحام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Caret Blink"
msgstr "وميض علامة الإقحام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Caret Blink Speed"
msgstr "سرعة وميض علامة الإقحام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Right Click Moves Caret"
msgstr "اضغط بالزر الأيمن لإضافة علامة الإقحام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion"
msgstr "تكملة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Idle Parse Delay"
msgstr "تأخير التحليل الخامل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Brace Complete"
msgstr "اكمال القوس التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Complete Delay"
msgstr "تأخير الإكمال التلقائي للكود"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Put Callhint Tooltip Below Current Line"
msgstr "ضع تلميح أداة Callhint أسفل السطر الحالي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Callhint Tooltip Offset"
msgstr "إزاحة تلميح أداة Callhint"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Complete File Paths"
msgstr "نسخ مسار العُقدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Type Hints"
msgstr "إضافة نوع"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Single Quotes"
msgstr "بلاطة مُفردة جديدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Help Index"
msgstr "أظهر المساعدات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Font Size"
msgstr "حجم خط المساعدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Source Font Size"
msgstr "حجم خط مصدر المساعدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Title Font Size"
msgstr "حجم خط عنوان المساعدة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Map"
msgstr "خريطة الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview Size"
msgstr "حجم العرض"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Primary Grid Color"
msgstr "لون الشبكة الأساسي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Secondary Grid Color"
msgstr "لون الشبكة الثانوي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Box Color"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "3D Gizmos"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gizmo Colors"
msgstr "الوان الإنبعاث"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Instanced"
msgstr "كائن"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joint"
msgstr "نقطة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "شكل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Primary Grid Steps"
msgstr "خطوة الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid Size"
msgstr "خطوة الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Max"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى لمستوى تقسيم الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Min"
msgstr "الحد الأدنى لمستوى تقسيم الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Bias"
msgstr "التحيز على مستوى تقسيم الشبكة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid XZ Plane"
msgstr "تلوين (طلاء) خريطة الشبكة GridMap"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid XY Plane"
msgstr "تلوين (طلاء) خريطة الشبكة GridMap"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid YZ Plane"
msgstr "تلوين (طلاء) خريطة الشبكة GridMap"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default FOV"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Z Near"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Z Far"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Lightmap Baking Number Of CPU Threads"
msgstr "عدد خطوط المعالجة لحفظ خرائط الإضاءة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Scheme"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invert Y Axis"
msgstr "تعديل المحور Y"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invert X Axis"
msgstr "تعديل المحور X"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Style"
msgstr "تصغير"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Emulate Numpad"
msgstr "محاكاة لوحة مفاتيح الأرقام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Emulate 3 Button Mouse"
msgstr "محاكاة الماوس ذو الثلاثة أزرار"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Orbit Modifier"
msgstr "رتب من أول ما تم تعديله"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pan Modifier"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Warped Mouse Panning"
msgstr "التفاف الحركة بالماوس"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Feel"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Orbit Sensitivity"
msgstr "حساسية التدوير"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Orbit Inertia"
msgstr "القصور الذاتي المداري"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation Inertia"
msgstr "الترجمات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Inertia"
msgstr "تكبير"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook للأعلى"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Navigation Scheme"
msgstr "أنشئ سطح Mesh التنقل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Sensitivity"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook يساراً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Inertia"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook يساراً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Base Speed"
msgstr "مُعدّل سرعة الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Activation Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل تباطؤ الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Speed Zoom Link"
msgstr "مُعدّل سرعة الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Guides Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smart Snapping Line Color"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Width"
msgstr "عرض العظام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone Color 1"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone Color 2"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone Selected Color"
msgstr "عدل على الحساب الحالي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone IK Color"
msgstr "لون IK العظام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Outline Color"
msgstr "لون حدود العظام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone Outline Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Viewport Border Color"
msgstr "لون حدود إطار العرض"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Constrain Editor View"
msgstr "تقييد عرض المحرر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Simple Panning"
msgstr "التحريك البسيط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scroll To Pan"
msgstr "التمرير للتحريك"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pan Speed"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Poly Editor"
msgstr "مُحرر UV الخاص بالمُضلعات ثنائية البُعد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Point Grab Radius"
msgstr "قطر نقطة الإنتزاع"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Previous Outline"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autorename Animation Tracks"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Create Bezier Tracks"
msgstr "إنشاء مسارات Bezier الإفتراضية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Create Reset Tracks"
msgstr "إنشاء مسار(ات) إعادة التعيين (RESET)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Onion Layers Past Color"
msgstr "لون Onion Layers في الماضي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Onion Layers Future Color"
msgstr "لون Onion Layers في المستقبل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visual Editors"
msgstr "محرر المجموعات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimap Opacity"
msgstr "عتامة الخريطة المصغرة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Window Placement"
msgstr "موضع النافذة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rect"
msgstr "على كامل المستطيل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rect Custom Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع خروج الإنحناء"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "شاشة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Save"
msgstr "الاقتطاع التلقائي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Before Running"
msgstr "احفظ المشهد قبل التشغيل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Remote Host"
msgstr "المضيف عن بعد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote Port"
msgstr "مسح النقطة"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor SSL Certificates"
msgstr "إعدادات المُعدل"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "HTTP Proxy"
msgstr "وكيل (Proxy) HTTP"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Host"
msgstr "المضيف"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port"
msgstr "منفذ"

#. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects.
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "مدير المشروع"

#. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects.
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorting Order"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مجلد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Symbol Color"
msgstr "لون الرمز"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Keyword Color"
msgstr "لون الكلمة المفتاحية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Control Flow Keyword Color"
msgstr "لون الكلمة المفتاحية لتدفق التحكم"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Type Color"
msgstr "النوع الأساسي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Engine Type Color"
msgstr "لون نوع المحرك"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "User Type Color"
msgstr "لون نوع المستخدم"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Comment Color"
msgstr "لون التعليق"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "String Color"
msgstr "تخزين الملف"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "لون خلفية غير صالح"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completion Background Color"
msgstr "لون خلفية غير صالح"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completion Selected Color"
msgstr "إستيراد المحدد"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Existing Color"
msgstr "لون الإكمال الموجود"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Scroll Color"
msgstr "لون تمرير الإكمال"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Font Color"
msgstr "لون خط الإكمال"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "الطابق التالي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Number Color"
msgstr "رقم الخط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Safe Line Number Color"
msgstr "رقم الخط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Caret Color"
msgstr "لون علامة الإقحام"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Caret Background Color"
msgstr "لون خلفية غير صالح"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text Selected Color"
msgstr "حذف المُختار"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Color"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Brace Mismatch Color"
msgstr "لون عدم تطابق الأقواس"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Line Color"
msgstr "المشهد الحالي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Color"
msgstr "لون إرشاد طول السطر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Word Highlighted Color"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Number Color"
msgstr "لون الرقم"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Function Color"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Member Variable Color"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المُتغيّر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mark Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bookmark Color"
msgstr "المحفوظات"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Breakpoint Color"
msgstr "نقاط التكسّر"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Executing Line Color"
msgstr "لون سطر التنفيذ"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Code Folding Color"
msgstr "لون الكود القابل للطي"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search Result Color"
msgstr "نتائج البحث"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search Result Border Color"
msgstr "نتائج البحث"

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to round to integers. Hold Shift for more precise changes."
msgstr ""
"اضغط باستمرار s% للتقريب إلى اعداد صحيحة.اضغط باستمرار Shift لإجراء تغييرات "
"أكثر دقة."

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flat"
msgstr "السطح 0"

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide Slider"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Select Node(s) to Import"
msgstr "إختيار عقدة(عقد) للإستيراد"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "تصفح"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Scene Path:"
msgstr "المسار للمشهد:"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Import From Node:"
msgstr "إستيراد من عقدة:"

#. TRANSLATORS: %s refers to the name of a version control system (e.g. "Git").
#: editor/editor_vcs_interface.cpp
msgid "%s Error"
msgstr "٪s خطأ"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open the folder containing these templates."
msgstr "افتح المجلد الحاوي هذه القوالب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall these templates."
msgstr "إزالة تثبيت هذه القوالب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "There are no mirrors available."
msgstr "لا يوجد مرايا متوفرة."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Retrieving the mirror list..."
msgstr "يتم استرداد قائمة المرايا، من فضلك إنتظر..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Starting the download..."
msgstr "الشروع بالتنزيل..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error requesting URL:"
msgstr "خطأ في طلب الرابط:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connecting to the mirror..."
msgstr "يتم الاتصال بالمُضيف (المرآة)..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve the requested address."
msgstr "لا يمكن حل العنوان المطلوب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't connect to the mirror."
msgstr "لا يمكن الإتصال بالمُضيف."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "No response from the mirror."
msgstr "لا ردّ من المُضيف."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed."
msgstr "فشل الطلب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Request ended up in a redirect loop."
msgstr "فشل الطلب, السبب هو انتهاء الطلب في حلقة إعادة توجيه."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Request failed:"
msgstr "فَشَلَ الطلب:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download complete; extracting templates..."
msgstr "اكتمل التحميل؛ استخراج القوالب..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Cannot remove temporary file:"
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف ملف مؤقت:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Templates installation failed.\n"
"The problematic templates archives can be found at '%s'."
msgstr ""
"أخفق تنصيب القوالب.\n"
"يمكن إيجاد أرشيف القوالب المعطوبة في '%s'."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error getting the list of mirrors."
msgstr "هناك خطأ في جلب قائمة المرايا mirrors."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error parsing JSON with the list of mirrors. Please report this issue!"
msgstr ""
"حدث خطأ في تفسير/تحليل ملف JSON الخاص بقائمة المرايا. من فضلك بلّغ عن هذه "

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Best available mirror"
msgstr "أفضل بديل متوافر"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"No download links found for this version. Direct download is only available "
"for official releases."
msgstr ""
"لا روابط تحميل تم إيجادها لهذه النسخة. التحميل المباشر متوفر فقط للنسخ "

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "غير متصل"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Resolving"
msgstr "جاري الحل"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't Resolve"
msgstr "لا يمكن الحل"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr "جاري الإتصال..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't Connect"
msgstr "لا يمكن الإتصال"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "متصل"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Requesting..."
msgstr "جار الطلب..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "جاري التنزيل"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connection Error"
msgstr "خطأ في الإتصال"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "SSL Handshake Error"
msgstr "خطأ مطابقة ssl"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't open the export templates file."
msgstr "لا نستطيع فتح ملف القوالب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid version.txt format inside the export templates file: %s."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة ل version.txt داخل ملف القالب: %s."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "No version.txt found inside the export templates file."
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد ملف version.txt في داخل ملف القالب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error creating path for extracting templates:"
msgstr "خطأ في إنشاء المسار لاستخراج القوالب:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Extracting Export Templates"
msgstr "يستخرج قوالب التصدير"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Importing:"
msgstr "يستورد:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove templates for the version '%s'?"
msgstr "ازالة القوالب للنسخة '%s'؟"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uncompressing Android Build Sources"
msgstr "يتم تفكيك مصادر بناء أندرويد Android"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export Template Manager"
msgstr "‌تصدير مدير القوالب"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Current Version:"
msgstr "النسخة الحالية:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export templates are missing. Download them or install from a file."
msgstr "قوالب التصدير مفقودة. حمّلها أو نصبّها من ملف."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export templates are installed and ready to be used."
msgstr "تم تنصيب قوالب التصدير وهي جاهزة للاستعمال."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "افتح المجلد"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open the folder containing installed templates for the current version."
msgstr "افتح المجلد الحاوي على القوالب المنصبة بالنسبة للإصدار الحالي."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "إلغاء التثبيت"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall templates for the current version."
msgstr "إلغاء تثبيت القوالب للنسخة الحالية."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download from:"
msgstr "التحميل من:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open in Web Browser"
msgstr "إفتحهُ في المتصفح"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Copy Mirror URL"
msgstr "انسخ عنوان URL المرآة"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr "حمّل ونصّب"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Download and install templates for the current version from the best "
"possible mirror."
msgstr "حمّل ونصّب قوالب الإصدار الحالي من أفضل مصدر متوفر."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Official export templates aren't available for development builds."
msgstr "قوالب التصدير الرسمية غير مدعومة لأجل البناء الخاص بالتطوير."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Install from File"
msgstr "تثبيت من ملف"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Install templates from a local file."
msgstr "تثبيت القوالب من ملف محلي."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
#: editor/progress_dialog.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Cancel the download of the templates."
msgstr "إلغاء تحميل القوالب."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Other Installed Versions:"
msgstr "نسخ مُثبتة اخرى:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall Template"
msgstr "إلغاء تثبيت القالب"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Select Template File"
msgstr "حدد ملف القالب"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Godot Export Templates"
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير لغودوت"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The templates will continue to download.\n"
"You may experience a short editor freeze when they finish."
msgstr ""
"ستستمر القوالب بالتحميل.\n"
"ربما تلاحظ تجمداً بسيطاً بالمحرر عندما ينتهي تحميلهم."

#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
msgid "File Server"
msgstr "خادم الملفات"

#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Password"
msgstr "كلمة المرور"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "المفضلات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Status: Import of file failed. Please fix file and reimport manually."
msgstr "الحالة: إستيراد الملف فشل. من فضلك أصلح الملف و أعد إستيراده يدوياً."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Importing has been disabled for this file, so it can't be opened for editing."
msgstr "تم تعطيل الاستيراد لهذا الملف ، لذا لا يمكن فتحه للتحرير."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Cannot move/rename resources root."
msgstr "لا يمكن مسح/إعادة تسمية جذر الموارد."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Cannot move a folder into itself."
msgstr "لا يمكن تحريك مجلد إلي نفسه."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Error moving:"
msgstr "خطأ في تحريك:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Error duplicating:"
msgstr "خطآ في التكرار:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Unable to update dependencies:"
msgstr "غير قادر علي تحديث التبعيات:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "No name provided."
msgstr "لا أسم مُقدم."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Provided name contains invalid characters."
msgstr "الإسم المُقدم يحتوي على أحرف خاطئة."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "A file or folder with this name already exists."
msgstr "ملف أو مجلد مع هذا الأسم موجود بالفعل."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Name contains invalid characters."
msgstr "الأسم يحتوي علي أحرف غير صالحة."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"This file extension is not recognized by the editor.\n"
"If you want to rename it anyway, use your operating system's file manager.\n"
"After renaming to an unknown extension, the file won't be shown in the "
"editor anymore."
msgstr ""
"لم يتعرف المحرر على امتداد الملف.\n"
"إذا تريد إعادة تسميتهُ على أي حال, فأستخدم مدير ملفات نظام التشغيل الخاص بك.\n"
"بعْدَ إعادة تسميتهُ إلى امتداد غير معرف, الملف لن يظهر في المحرر بعد الآن."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files or folders conflict with items in the target location "
"Do you wish to overwrite them?"
msgstr ""
"تتعارض الملفات أو المجلدات التالية مع العناصر الموجودة في الموقع الهدف '%s'\n"
"هل ترغب في الكتابة عليها؟"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Renaming file:"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية ملف:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Renaming folder:"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مجلد:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicating file:"
msgstr "تكرير الملف:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicating folder:"
msgstr "تكرار مجلد:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene"
msgstr "مشهد مُوّرَث جديد"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Set As Main Scene"
msgstr "تعيين كمشهد أساسي"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Scenes"
msgstr "فتح المَشاهِد"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance"
msgstr "كائن"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "إضافة إلى المفضلات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "حذف من المفضلات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Dependencies..."
msgstr "تعديل التبعيات..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View Owners..."
msgstr "أظهر المُلاك..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move To..."
msgstr "تحريك إلي..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Scene..."
msgstr "مشهد جديد..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Script..."
msgstr "فتح النص البرمجي..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Resource..."
msgstr "مصدر جديد..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Expand All"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Collapse All"
msgstr "طوي الكل"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort files"
msgstr "رتبْ الملفات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Name (Ascending)"
msgstr "صنف وفقا للاسم (تصاعدياً)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Name (Descending)"
msgstr "صنف وفقاً للاسم (تنازلياً)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Type (Ascending)"
msgstr "صنّف وفقاً للنوع (تصاعدياً)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Type (Descending)"
msgstr "صنّف وفقاً للنوع (تنازلياً)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Last Modified"
msgstr "رتب من آخر ما تم تعديله"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by First Modified"
msgstr "رتب من أول ما تم تعديله"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate..."
msgstr "تكرير..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "إعادة تسمية..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Focus the search box"
msgstr "حدد صندوق البحث"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Previous Folder/File"
msgstr "المجلد/الملف السابق"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Next Folder/File"
msgstr "المجلد/الملف التالي"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Re-Scan Filesystem"
msgstr "إعادة فحص نظام الملفات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Toggle Split Mode"
msgstr "تعيين وضعية الإنقسام"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Search files"
msgstr "بحث الملفات"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Scanning Files,\n"
"Please Wait..."
msgstr ""
"يفحص الملفات،\n"
"من فضلك إنتظر..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move"
msgstr "تحريك"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "إعادة التسمية"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "الكتابة المُتراكبة Overwrite"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Scene"
msgstr "إنشاء المشهد"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Script"
msgstr "إنشاء نص برمجي"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find in Files"
msgstr "إبحث في الملفات"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "إيجاد:"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Replace:"
msgstr "إستبدال:"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "مجلد:"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Filters:"
msgstr "مرشحات:"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid ""
"Include the files with the following extensions. Add or remove them in "
msgstr ""
"يتضمن الملفات ذات الإضافات التالية. قم بإضافتهم أو إزالتهم في إعدادات "

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "ابحث..."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace..."
msgstr "استبدال..."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Replace in Files"
msgstr "إستبدل في كل المفات"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Replace All (NO UNDO)"
msgstr "إستبدال الكل (لا رجوع)"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "جاري البحث..."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d match in %d file."
msgstr "%d تطابق في %d الملف."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d matches in %d file."
msgstr "%d تطابقات في %d الملف."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d matches in %d files."
msgstr "%d تطابقات في %d الملف."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Add to Group"
msgstr "إضافة إلي مجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove from Group"
msgstr "حذف من المجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Group name already exists."
msgstr "توجد مجموعة بهذا الاسم."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid group name."
msgstr "اسم المجموعة غير صالح."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Group"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Group"
msgstr "حذف المجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "المجموعات"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Nodes Not in Group"
msgstr "العُقد خارج المجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Filter nodes"
msgstr "تصفية العُقد"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Nodes in Group"
msgstr "العُقد في المجموعة"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Empty groups will be automatically removed."
msgstr "ستزال المجموعات الفارغة تلقائياً."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Group Editor"
msgstr "محرر المجموعات"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Manage Groups"
msgstr "إدارة المجموعات"

#: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
msgid "Collada"
msgstr "كولادا (Collada)"

#: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
msgid "Use Ambient"
msgstr "استخدم Ambient"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create From"
msgstr "أنشئ مجلد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Threshold"
msgstr "عتبة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compress"
msgstr "مكونات"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "محدد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "ColorCorrect"
msgstr "الوظيفة البرمجية للون"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
msgid "No BPTC If RGB"
msgstr "لا BPTC إذا RGB"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "أعلام"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/animation/tween.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "كرر"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "مرشحات"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mipmaps"
msgstr "الإشارات"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Anisotropic"
msgstr "تباين الخواص"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "sRGB"
msgstr "sRGB (قياسي)"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slices"
msgstr "الاقتطاع التلقائي"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "عَرضياً"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "شاقولياً"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate Tangents"
msgstr "قم بتوليد نقاط"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Mesh"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Offset Mesh"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Octahedral Compression"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
msgid "Optimize Mesh Flags"
msgstr "تحسين أعلام المجسّم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Single Scene"
msgstr "إستيراد كمشهد واحد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Animations"
msgstr "إستيراد مع رسوم متحركة منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials"
msgstr "إستيراد مع موارد منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects"
msgstr "إستيراد مع عناصر منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials"
msgstr "إستيراد مع عناصر+موارد منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Animations"
msgstr "إستيراد مع عناصر + رسوم متحركة منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials+Animations"
msgstr "إستيراد مع مصادر+ رسوم متحركة منفصلة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials+Animations"
msgstr "إستيراد مع عناصر + مصادر + رسوم متحركة منفصلين"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes"
msgstr "إستيراد علي هيئة مشاهد متعددة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes+Materials"
msgstr "إستيراد علي هيئة مشاهد + موارد متعددة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "وحدة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root Type"
msgstr "أرجعْ"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root Name"
msgstr "من بُعد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root Scale"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Script"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Storage"
msgstr "تخزين الملف"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Use Legacy Names"
msgstr "استخدم الأسماء القديمة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Materials"
msgstr "تغيرات المادة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keep On Reimport"
msgstr "إعادة الاستيراد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Meshes"
msgstr "مجسّم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ensure Tangents"
msgstr "تعديل مماس الإنحناء"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Baking"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lightmap Texel Size"
msgstr "طبخ/تجهيز-خريطة-الاضاءة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "سكينس (Skins)"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Named Skins"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "External Files"
msgstr "إفتح ملف"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Store In Subdir"
msgstr "خزن في مجلد فرعي"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Script"
msgstr "تشريح النصوص البرمجية"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keep Custom Tracks"
msgstr "التحوّل"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Optimizer"
msgstr "تحسين"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/y_sort.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Linear Error"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء خطية"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Angular Error"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء زواية"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Angle"
msgstr "القيمة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Unused Tracks"
msgstr "إزالة مسار التحريك"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clips"
msgstr "مقاطع الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Scene"
msgstr "إستيراد مشهد"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Importing Scene..."
msgstr "حاري إستيراد المشهد..."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Generating Lightmaps"
msgstr "انشاء خارطة الضوء"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Generating for Mesh:"
msgstr "توليد للمجسّم:"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Running Custom Script..."
msgstr "تشغيل النص البرمجي المُخصص..."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load post-import script:"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل النص البرمجي المستورد أو المطبوع:"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import (check console):"
msgstr "النص البرمجي مستورد-ملصق متضرر/خاطئ (تحقق من وحدة التحكم):"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Error running post-import script:"
msgstr "خطأ في تشغيل النص البرمجي الملصق- المستورد:"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Did you return a Node-derived object in the `post_import()` method?"
msgstr "هل قمت بإرجاع كائن مشتق من العقدة في دالة`post_import ()`؟"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "جاري الحفظ..."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"%s: Texture detected as used as a normal map in 3D. Enabling red-green "
"texture compression to reduce memory usage (blue channel is discarded)."
msgstr ""
"%s: تم الكشف عن نقش مستخدم كخريطة نورمال (NormalMap) في 3D. تمكين ضغط نقش "
"الأحمر والأخضر لتقليل استخدام الذاكرة (يتم تجاهل القناة الزرقاء)."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"%s: Texture detected as used in 3D. Enabling filter, repeat, mipmap "
"generation and VRAM texture compression."
msgstr ""
"%s: تم الكشف عن نقش مستخدم في 3D. تمكين المرشح والتكرار وتوليد خريطة-الرسمة-"
"بدقات-متعددة (mipmap) وضغط نقش VRAM."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "2D, Detect 3D"
msgstr "2D، والكشف عن 3D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "2D Pixel"
msgstr "البكسيلات الأساسية (Solid Pixels)"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Lossy Quality"
msgstr "جودة ضائعة (Lossy)"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "HDR Mode"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "BPTC LDR"
msgstr "BPTC LDR"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Normal Map"
msgstr "خريطة عادية"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Process"
msgstr "المعالجة-اللاحقة Post-Process"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Fix Alpha Border"
msgstr "إصلاح حدود ألفا"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Premult Alpha"
msgstr "تعديل مُتعدد السطوح"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Hdr As Srgb"
msgstr "Hdr As Srgb"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invert Color"
msgstr "رأس"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normal Map Invert Y"
msgstr "حجم عشوائي"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Size Limit"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى للحجم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Detect 3D"
msgstr "كشف 3D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SVG"
msgstr "HSV"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning, no suitable PC VRAM compression enabled in Project Settings. This "
"texture will not display correctly on PC."
msgstr ""
"تحذير، لم يتم تمكين ضغط VRAM مناسب للكمبيوتر الشخصي في إعدادات المشروع. لن "
"يتم عرض هذا النقش بشكل صحيح على جهاز الكمبيوتر."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Atlas File"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import Mode"
msgstr "وضع التصدير"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crop To Region"
msgstr "تحديد منطقة البلاط"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
msgid "Trim Alpha Border From Region"
msgstr "تقليم حدود ألفا من المنطقة"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Force"
msgstr "أنشر بإجبار"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "8 Bit"
msgstr "8 بت"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Mono"
msgstr "احاديه"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Rate"
msgstr "عقدة الخلط"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Rate Hz"
msgstr "عقدة الخلط"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "Trim"
msgstr "تقليم"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normalize"
msgstr "البنية (اللاحقة)"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loop Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحريك"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loop Begin"
msgstr "وضع التحريك"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loop End"
msgstr "وضع التحريك"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Importer"
msgstr "حدد المستورد"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Importer:"
msgstr "المستورد:"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset to Defaults"
msgstr "اعادة التعيين للإفتراضيات"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Keep File (No Import)"
msgstr "الاحتفاظ بالملف (بدون استيراد)"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "%d Files"
msgstr "%d ملفات"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Set as Default for '%s'"
msgstr "حدد كإفتراضي من أجل '%s'"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Default for '%s'"
msgstr "إخلاء الإفتراضي ل '%s'"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Reimport"
msgstr "إعادة الاستيراد"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"You have pending changes that haven't been applied yet. Click Reimport to "
"apply changes made to the import options.\n"
"Selecting another resource in the FileSystem dock without clicking Reimport "
"first will discard changes made in the Import dock."
msgstr ""
"لديك تغييرات معلقة لم تطبقها حتى الآن. اضغط على إعادة الاستيراد لتطبيق "
"التغييرات التي تم اجراؤها من خيارات الاستيراد.\n"
"اختيار مورد آخر في رصيف نظام-الملفات من دون الضغط على إعادة الاستيراد أولاً "
"سيؤدي إلى اهمال التغييرات التي تم اجراؤها في رصيف الاستيراد."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Import As:"
msgstr "إستيراد ك:"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Scenes, Re-Import, and Restart"
msgstr "احفظ المشاهد، إعادة-الإستيراد، وإعادة التشغيل"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Changing the type of an imported file requires editor restart."
msgstr "يتطلب تعديل نوع الملفات المستوردة إعادة تشغيل المحرر."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"WARNING: Assets exist that use this resource, they may stop loading properly."
msgstr "تحذير: هناك مُلحقات تستخدم هذا المورد، ربما سيتوقف تحميلها بشكل صحيح."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Select a resource file in the filesystem or in the inspector to adjust "
"import settings."
msgstr "إختر ملف مورد في نظام الملفات أو في المُتفحص لضبط إعدادت الاستيراد."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Failed to load resource."
msgstr "فشل تحميل المورد."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Property Name Style"
msgstr "اسم المشروع"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Raw"
msgstr "خام"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capitalized"
msgstr "تكبير الحروف Capitalize"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Localized"
msgstr "محلي"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Localization not available for current language."
msgstr "الترجمة غير متوفرة للغة الحالية."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Properties"
msgstr "إنسخ الخاصيات"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Paste Properties"
msgstr "إلصق الخاصيات"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Sub-Resources Unique"
msgstr "إجعل الموارد الجانبية مميزة"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Create a new resource in memory and edit it."
msgstr "انشاء مورد جديد فى الذاكرة و تعديله."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Load an existing resource from disk and edit it."
msgstr "تحميل مورد موجود مسبقا من الذاكرة وتعديله."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Save the currently edited resource."
msgstr "حفظ المورد الذي يتم تعديله حاليا."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "حفظ باسم..."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Extra resource options."
msgstr "أختيارات اضافية للمورد."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Resource from Clipboard"
msgstr "تحرير المورد من الحافظة (Clipboard)"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Resource"
msgstr "نسخ الموارد"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Resource Built-In"
msgstr "إجعل المورد مُدمج"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Go to the previous edited object in history."
msgstr "إذهب إلي العنصر المعدل سابقاً في التاريخ."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Go to the next edited object in history."
msgstr "إذهب إلي العنصر المُعدل تالياً في التاريخ."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "History of recently edited objects."
msgstr "تاريخ العناصر المعدلة حالياً."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Open documentation for this object."
msgstr "إفتح الوثائق لهذا الكائن."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Documentation"
msgstr "فتح الوثائق"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Filter properties"
msgstr "خصائص التصفية"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Manage object properties."
msgstr "إدارة خصائص الكائن."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Changes may be lost!"
msgstr "التغييرات ربما تُفقد!"

#: editor/multi_node_edit.cpp
msgid "MultiNode Set"
msgstr "تحديد عقد متعددة"

#: editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Select a single node to edit its signals and groups."
msgstr "حدد عقدة لكي تُعدل إشاراتها ومجموعاتها."

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit a Plugin"
msgstr "تعديل إضافة"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create a Plugin"
msgstr "إنشاء إضافة"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Plugin Name:"
msgstr "اسم الإضافة:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Subfolder:"
msgstr "المجلد الفرعي:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "المالك:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "النسخة:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "اللغة:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script Name:"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي:"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Activate now?"
msgstr "التفعيل الآن؟"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon"
msgstr "إنشاء مضلع"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Create points."
msgstr "إنشاء نقاط."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Edit points.\n"
"LMB: Move Point\n"
"RMB: Erase Point"
msgstr ""
"تعديل النقاط.\n"
"زر الفأرة الأيسر: لتحريك النقطة\n"
"زر الفأرة الأيمن: مسح النقطة"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase points."
msgstr "مسح النقاط."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Polygon"
msgstr "تعديل مضلع"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Insert Point"
msgstr "إدخال نقطة"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Polygon (Remove Point)"
msgstr "تعديل المضلع (مسح النقطة)"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Polygon And Point"
msgstr "مسح المضلع والنقطة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Animation"
msgstr "أضف حركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Add %s"
msgstr "أضفْ %s"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Load..."
msgstr "تحميل..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node Point"
msgstr "تحريك نقطة العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Limits"
msgstr "تغيير حدود BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Labels"
msgstr "تغيير ملصقات BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "This type of node can't be used. Only root nodes are allowed."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن استخدام هذا النوع من العُقد. فقط العُقد الرئيسة root nodes مسموحة."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node Point"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Animation Point"
msgstr "أضفة نقطة الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace1D Point"
msgstr "إزالة نقطة BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Move BlendSpace1D Node Point"
msgstr "حرك نقطعة العُقدة BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"AnimationTree is inactive.\n"
"Activate to enable playback, check node warnings if activation fails."
msgstr ""
"شجرة الرسومات المتحركة غير فعالة.\n"
"فعلها لتتمكن من التشغيل playback، تفقد تنبيهات/تحذيرات التي تصدرها الوحدة "
"إذا فشل التفعيل."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Set the blending position within the space"
msgstr "حدد مكان الخلط blending position ضمن الفراغ"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Select and move points, create points with RMB."
msgstr "حدد وحرك النقاط، أنشئ النقاط باستخدام RMB."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Enable snap and show grid."
msgstr "تمكين المحاذاة وإظهار الشبكة."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Point"
msgstr "نقطة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Editor"
msgstr "فتح المُحرر ثنائي الأبعاد 2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Open Animation Node"
msgstr "فتح عُقدة الرسم المتحرك Animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Triangle already exists."
msgstr "المثلثات موجودة سلفاً."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Triangle"
msgstr "إضافة مثلث"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Limits"
msgstr "تغيير حدود(إمكانيات) BlendSpace2D \"الدمج_الفضائي_ثنائي البُعد\""

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Labels"
msgstr "تعديل لصاقات BlendSpace2D \"الدمج الفضائي ثنائي البُعد\""

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Point"
msgstr "إزالة نقاط الدمج الفضائي ثنائي البُعد BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Triangle"
msgstr "إزالة مثلث الدمج الفضائي ثنائي البُعد BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "BlendSpace2D does not belong to an AnimationTree node."
msgstr ""
"إن BlendSpace2D لا ينتمي إلى شبكة/node شجرة الرسومات المتحركة AnimationTree."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "No triangles exist, so no blending can take place."
msgstr "لا وجود لأي من المثلثات، لذا لا يمكن أن يتم الخلط."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Auto Triangles"
msgstr "تفعيل المثلثات التلقائية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Create triangles by connecting points."
msgstr "إنشاء المثلثات عن طريق وصل النقاط."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase points and triangles."
msgstr "مسح النقط والمثلثات."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Generate blend triangles automatically (instead of manually)"
msgstr "توليد مثلثات دمج بصورة تلقائية (بدلاً من اليدوية)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend:"
msgstr "الدمج:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Parameter Changed:"
msgstr "لقد تم تغيير المَعلم:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Filters"
msgstr "تعديل المُرشحات"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Output node can't be added to the blend tree."
msgstr "لا يمكن إضافة مخرجات الوحدة إلى شجرة الدمج."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node to BlendTree"
msgstr "أضفْ وحدة إلى شجرة الدمج"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node Moved"
msgstr "لقد تحركت العُقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to connect, port may be in use or connection may be invalid."
msgstr ""
"غير قادر على الاتصال، ربما البوابة قيد الاستخدام أو أن الإتصال غير صالح."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nodes Connected"
msgstr "العُقد متصلة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nodes Disconnected"
msgstr "العُقد غير متصلة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Animation"
msgstr "تحديد الرسومية المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Node"
msgstr "حذف العُقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)"
msgstr "حذف عُقدة (عُقد)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Filter On/Off"
msgstr "تعديل المُرشحات تشغيل/إيقاف"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Filter"
msgstr "تغيير المُرشح Filter"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No animation player set, so unable to retrieve track names."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم تحديد أي من الرسومات المتحركة للاعب، لذا لا يمكن استرجاع أسماء "

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Player path set is invalid, so unable to retrieve track names."
msgstr "المسار المحدد للاعب غير مناسب، لا يمكن استرجاع أسماء المقاطع."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Animation player has no valid root node path, so unable to retrieve track "
msgstr ""
"الرسومات المتحركة الخاصة باللاعب لا تملك مسار عُقدة صالح، غير قادر على "
"استرجاع أسماء المقاطع."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anim Clips"
msgstr "مقاطع الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Clips"
msgstr "مقاطع صوتية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Renamed"
msgstr "العُقدة معادة التسمية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node..."
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Filtered Tracks:"
msgstr "تحرير المقاطع المُرشحة Filtered Tracks:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Filtering"
msgstr "تمكين الترشيح Filtering"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Autoplay"
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل التشغيل التلقائي"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation Name:"
msgstr "إسم رسم المتحرك جديد:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Anim"
msgstr "رسم متحرك جديدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Animation"
msgstr "إنشاء رسوم متحركة جديدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Name:"
msgstr "تغيير إسم الرسم المتحرك:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Animation"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Animation?"
msgstr "مسح الرسم المتحرك؟"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Animation"
msgstr "مسح الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid animation name!"
msgstr "اسم حركة خاطئ!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation name already exists!"
msgstr "إسم الرسم المتحرك موجود بالفعل!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Animation"
msgstr "تكرار الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Next Changed"
msgstr "دمج التغيير التالي"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Blend Time"
msgstr "تغيير وقت الدمج"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Animation"
msgstr "تحميل الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No animation resource on clipboard!"
msgstr "لا يوجد مورد لرسم متحرك في الحافظة clipboard!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pasted Animation"
msgstr "تم لصق الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Animation"
msgstr "لصق الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from current pos. (A)"
msgstr "تشغيل الرسم المتحرك المختار بشكل عكسي من الموقع الحالي. (زر A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from end. (Shift+A)"
msgstr "تشغيل الرسم المتحرك المختار بشكل عكسي من النهاية. (Shift+A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stop animation playback. (S)"
msgstr "إيقاف تشغيل الرسم المتحرك. (S)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from start. (Shift+D)"
msgstr "تشغيل الرسم المتحرك المحدد من البداية. (Shift+D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from current pos. (D)"
msgstr "تشغيل الرسم المتحرك المختار من الموقع الحالي. (D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation position (in seconds)."
msgstr "موقع الرسم المتحرك (بالثواني)."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale animation playback globally for the node."
msgstr "تكبير تشغيل الرسم المتحرك عالمياً من العقدة."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Tools"
msgstr "أدوات الرسم المتحرك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New"
msgstr "جديد"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paste As Reference"
msgstr "%s مرجعية الصف Class"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Transitions..."
msgstr "تحرير الانتقالات..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open in Inspector"
msgstr "افتح في المُتصفح"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display list of animations in player."
msgstr "إظهار قائمة الحركات في المُشغل."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Autoplay on Load"
msgstr "تشغيل تلقائي حينما يتم التحميل"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Onion Skinning"
msgstr "تفعيل تقشير البصل"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Onion Skinning Options"
msgstr "إعدادت شفافية طبقات البصل"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Directions"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Future", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning.
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Past"
msgstr "الماضي"

#. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Past", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning.
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Future"
msgstr "المستقبل"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Depth"
msgstr "العمق"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 step"
msgstr "خطوة واحدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 steps"
msgstr "خطوتان"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 steps"
msgstr "ثلاثة خطوات"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Differences Only"
msgstr "الإختلافات فقط"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Force White Modulate"
msgstr "الاجبار على التعديل الابيض"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Include Gizmos (3D)"
msgstr "تضمين جيزموس (3D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pin AnimationPlayer"
msgstr "تثبيت مُشغّل الرسوميات المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Name:"
msgstr "إسم الرسم المتحرك:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "خطأ!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Times:"
msgstr "أوقات الدمج:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next (Auto Queue):"
msgstr "التالي (مزامنة تلقائية):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cross-Animation Blend Times"
msgstr "وقت الدمج عبر الحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node"
msgstr "تحريك العُقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition exists!"
msgstr "الإنتقال موجود سلفاً!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Transition"
msgstr "إضافة انتقال"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "End"
msgstr "النهاية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Immediate"
msgstr "فوري"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "مزامنة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "At End"
msgstr "في النهاية"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Travel"
msgstr "السفر"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Start and end nodes are needed for a sub-transition."
msgstr "عُقد البداية والنهاية مطلوبة لأجل الانتقال الجزيئ sub-transition."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "No playback resource set at path: %s."
msgstr "لم يتم تعيين موارد التشغيل في المسار: %s."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Removed"
msgstr "تمت إزالة الكائن"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition Removed"
msgstr "تمت إزالة الانتقال"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Start Node (Autoplay)"
msgstr "تحديد عُقدة البداية (التشغيل التلقائي)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Select and move nodes.\n"
"RMB to add new nodes.\n"
"Shift+LMB to create connections."
msgstr ""
"اختر وحرّك العُقد.\n"
"RMB (زر الفأرة الأيمن) لإضافة عُقد جديدة.\n"
"LMB + Shift (زر الفأرة الأيسر) لإنشاء الوصلات."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Create new nodes."
msgstr "إنشاء وحدات جديدة."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect nodes."
msgstr "ربط الوحدات."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected node or transition."
msgstr "ازالة الكائن المحدد او الإنتقال المحدد."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle autoplay this animation on start, restart or seek to zero."
msgstr ""
"تبديل (نعم/لا) التشغيل التلقائي لهذا الرسم المتحرك ليشتغل، يعيد التشغيل، أو "
"يسعى للصفر."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Set the end animation. This is useful for sub-transitions."
msgstr ""
"تحديد الرسومية المتحركة الخاصة بالنهاية. سيكون ذلك مفيداً للحركات الفرعية."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition:"
msgstr "المراحل الانتقالية:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Play Mode:"
msgstr "وضع التشغيل:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "AnimationTree"
msgstr "شجرة التحريك"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New name:"
msgstr "إسم جديد:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade In (s):"
msgstr "تلاشي في البداية (ثواني):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade Out (s):"
msgstr "تلاشي من النهاية (ثواني):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Blend"
msgstr "دمج"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart:"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل تلقائية:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart (s):"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل (ثواني):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Restart (s):"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل عشوائية (ثواني):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Start!"
msgstr "بدء!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "الكمية:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 0:"
msgstr "الدمج 0:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 1:"
msgstr "الدمج 1:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Fade Time (s):"
msgstr "وقت التلاشي X (ثواني):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input"
msgstr "أضف مدخله"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Auto-Advance"
msgstr "إخلاء التقدم التلقائي"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Auto-Advance"
msgstr "حدد التقدم التلقائي"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Input"
msgstr "مسح المدخله"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is valid."
msgstr "شجرة التحريك صالحةٌ."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is invalid."
msgstr "شجرة التحريك غير صالحة."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Node"
msgstr "عقدة الحركة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "OneShot Node"
msgstr "عقدة اللقطة الواحدة"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix Node"
msgstr "عقدة الخلط"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend2 Node"
msgstr "عقدة الدمج2"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend3 Node"
msgstr "عقدة الدمج3"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend4 Node"
msgstr "عقدة الدمج4"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeScale Node"
msgstr "عقدة التكبير الزمني"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeSeek Node"
msgstr "عقدة التنقل الزمني"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transition Node"
msgstr "عقدة التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Animations..."
msgstr "إستيراد الرسوم المتحركة..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Node Filters"
msgstr "تعديل مصافي العقد"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filters..."
msgstr "الفلترة..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Use Threads"
msgstr "استخدم خطوط المعالجة"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "المحتويات:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Files"
msgstr "إظهار الملفات"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download"
msgstr "تنزيل"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connection error, please try again."
msgstr "خطأ في الإتصال، من فضلك حاول مجدداً."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't connect."
msgstr "لا يمكن الإتصال."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't connect to host:"
msgstr "لا يمكن الإتصال بالمُضيف:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response from host:"
msgstr "لا ردّ من المُضيف:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response."
msgstr "لا يوجد إستجابة."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve hostname:"
msgstr "لا يمكن حل أسم المُضيف:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve."
msgstr "لا يمكن الحل."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, return code:"
msgstr "فشل إتمام الطلب٫ الرمز الذي تم إرجاعه:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cannot save response to:"
msgstr "لا يمكن حفظ الرد الى:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Write error."
msgstr "كتابة خطأ."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, too many redirects"
msgstr "فشل الطلب٫ السبب هو اعادة التحويل مرات اكثر من اللازم"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Redirect loop."
msgstr "حلقة إعادة التوجيه."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, timeout"
msgstr "فشل الطلب، انتهت المهلة"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Timeout."
msgstr "انتهت المهلة."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed:"
msgstr "فشل:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bad download hash, assuming file has been tampered with."
msgstr "تجزئة تحميل سيئة، من المتوقع أن يكون الملف قد تم العبث به."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expected:"
msgstr "ما كان متوقعاً:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Got:"
msgstr "ما تم الحصول عليه:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed SHA-256 hash check"
msgstr "فشل في تجزئة SHA-256"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Asset Download Error:"
msgstr "خطأ في تنزيل الأصول:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Downloading (%s / %s)..."
msgstr "جاري تنزيل (%s / %s)..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Downloading..."
msgstr "‫جاري التنزيل..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resolving..."
msgstr "جاري الحل..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error making request"
msgstr "خطأ في إنشاء الطلب"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "الخمول (idle)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Install..."
msgstr "تثبيت..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "إعادة المحاولة"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download Error"
msgstr "خطأ في التحميل"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Available URLs"
msgstr "الملفات المتوافرة"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download for this asset is already in progress!"
msgstr "تحميل هذا الأصل قيد التنفيذ أصلاً!"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr "حُدّث منذ فترة وجيزة"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Least Recently Updated"
msgstr "آخر تحديث قريب الأمد"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Name (A-Z)"
msgstr "الاسم (ألف بائياً)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Name (Z-A)"
msgstr "الاسم (ترتيب ألف بائي معكوس)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "License (A-Z)"
msgstr "الرخصة (أ-ي)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "License (Z-A)"
msgstr "الرخصة (ي-أ)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "جاري التحميل..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "First"
msgstr "الأول"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "السابق"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "التالي"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Last"
msgstr "الأخير"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "All"
msgstr "الكل"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search templates, projects, and demos"
msgstr "ابحث في القوالب، والمشاريع والنماذج"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search assets (excluding templates, projects, and demos)"
msgstr "ابحث في الوسائط (عدا القوالب، والمشاريع، والنماذج)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import..."
msgstr "استيراد..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Plugins..."
msgstr "إضافات..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Sort:"
msgstr "ترتيب:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "الفئة:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Site:"
msgstr "الموقع:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Support"
msgstr "الدعم"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Official"
msgstr "رسمياً"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "أختبار"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed to get repository configuration."
msgstr "فشل الحصول على إعدادات الأرشيف."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Assets ZIP File"
msgstr "ملف أصول مضغوط"

#: editor/plugins/audio_stream_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Preview Play/Pause"
msgstr "معاينة الصوت شغّل/أوقف"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't determine a save path for lightmap images.\n"
"Save your scene and try again."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن تحديد مسار الحفظ لصور خرائط الضوء.\n"
"احفظ مشهدك ثم حاول مجدداً."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"No meshes to bake. Make sure they contain an UV2 channel and that the 'Use "
"In Baked Light' and 'Generate Lightmap' flags are on."
msgstr ""
"لا يوجد mesh ليتم تجهيزهُ. تأكد أنهُ يحتوي على منفذ UV2 و أن علامتا 'الاستخدام "
"في الضوء المخبوز ' و 'أنتج خريطة ضوئية' مفعلتان."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed creating lightmap images, make sure path is writable."
msgstr "لا يمكن انشاء خرائط الضوء, تاكد من ان المسار صحيح و قابل للكتابه."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed determining lightmap size. Maximum lightmap size too small?"
msgstr ""
"فشل تحديد حجم الخريطة الضوئية (lightmap). هل الحجم الأقصى للخريطة الضوئية "
"صغير جدًا؟"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Some mesh is invalid. Make sure the UV2 channel values are contained within "
"the [0.0,1.0] square region."
msgstr ""
"بعض المجسمات غير صالحة. تأكد من احتواء قيم قنوات UV2 في داخل منطقة مربعة "

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot editor was built without ray tracing support, lightmaps can't be baked."
msgstr ""
"تم تجميع محرر غو-دوت بدون دعم لتتبع الأشعة. لذلك لا يمكن بناء خرائط ضوئية."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake Lightmaps"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LightMap Bake"
msgstr "طبخ/تجهيز-خريطة-الاضاءة"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select lightmap bake file:"
msgstr "حدد ملف الخريطة الضوئية (lightmap):"

#: editor/plugins/camera_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "عرض"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap"
msgstr "تعديل اللقطة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset:"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step:"
msgstr "خطوة الشبكة:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Primary Line Every:"
msgstr "الخط الأساسي عند:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "steps"
msgstr "خطوات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Offset:"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الدوران:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Step:"
msgstr "خطوة الدوران:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Step:"
msgstr "خطوة التحجيم:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Vertical Guide"
msgstr "تحريك الموجه العمودي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Vertical Guide"
msgstr "إنشاء موجه عمودي جديد"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Vertical Guide"
msgstr "ازالة الموجه العمودي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "تحريك الموجه الأفقي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "إنشاء موجه أفقي جديد"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "مسح الموجه الأفقي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Horizontal and Vertical Guides"
msgstr "إنشاء موجه عمودي وأفقي جديد"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set CanvasItem \"%s\" Pivot Offset to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "تعيين إزاحة \"CanvasItem \"%s المحورية إلى (%d, %d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "تدوير%d من عناصر-اللوحة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate CanvasItem \"%s\" to %d degrees"
msgstr "تدوير عنصر-اللوحة \"%s\" الى %d درجة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" Anchor"
msgstr "تحريك مرساة عنصر-اللوحة \"%s\""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Node2D \"%s\" to (%s, %s)"
msgstr "تعديل حجم العقدة \"Node2D \"%s إلى (s, %s%)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resize Control \"%s\" to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "تغيير حجم عنصر التحكم \"٪ s\" إلى (٪ d،٪ d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "تغيير حجم عناصر-اللوحة %d"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%s, %s)"
msgstr "تغيير حجم عنصر-اللوحة \"%s\" الى (%s, %s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "تحريك %d من عناصر-اللوحات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "تحريك عنصر-اللوحة \"%s\" الى (%d, %d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "مُقفل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grouped"
msgstr "مُجَمعَ"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Children of containers have their anchors and margins values overridden by "
"their parent."
msgstr "تجاوز الأطفال الثوابت والقيم وتجاهل الوالدين ."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Presets for the anchors and margins values of a Control node."
msgstr "إعدادات مسبقة للمخططات والتحكم بالدمج ."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"When active, moving Control nodes changes their anchors instead of their "
msgstr ""
"عندما يكون فعالاً، إن تحريك عُقد التحكم سيغير نقطة التثبيت anchors الخاص بها "
"بدلاً من الهوامش."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Top Left"
msgstr "في الأعلى يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Top Right"
msgstr "في الأعلى يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Bottom Right"
msgstr "في الأسفل يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Bottom Left"
msgstr "في الأسفل يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Left"
msgstr "في المنتصف يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Top"
msgstr "في أعلى المنتصف"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Right"
msgstr "في المنتصف يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Bottom"
msgstr "في أسفل المنتصف"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center"
msgstr "المنتصف"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض بالأعلى"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض بالأسفل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "VCenter Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض بالمنتصف شاقولياً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "HCenter Wide"
msgstr "بالعرض بالمنتصف أفقياً"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Full Rect"
msgstr "على كامل المستطيل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Ratio"
msgstr "نسبة التكبير"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anchors only"
msgstr "المرتكزات فقط"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors and Margins"
msgstr "تغيير المرتكزات و الهوامش"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors"
msgstr "تغيير المرتكزات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Project Camera Override\n"
"Overrides the running project's camera with the editor viewport camera."
msgstr ""
"تجاوز كاميرا المشروع.\n"
"يتجاوز كاميرا المشروع و يستخدم بدلها كاميرا إطار العرض في المحرر."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Project Camera Override\n"
"No project instance running. Run the project from the editor to use this "
msgstr ""
"تجاوز كاميرا المشروع.\n"
"ليس هناك نسخة من المشروع قيد التشغيل حالياً. قم بتشغيل المشروع من المحرر "
"لاستعمال هذه الميزة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock Selected"
msgstr "حُدد القفل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock Selected"
msgstr "حُدد إلغاء القفل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Group Selected"
msgstr "حُدد التجميع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ungroup Selected"
msgstr "حُدد إلغاء التجميع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Pose"
msgstr "لصق الوضع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Guides"
msgstr "مسح الموجهات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)"
msgstr "إنشاء عظمة (عظام) مخصوصة من عُقدة (عُقد)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Bones"
msgstr "مسح العظام"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make IK Chain"
msgstr "أنشئ سلسة IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear IK Chain"
msgstr "إخلاء سلسلة IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Children of a container get their position and size determined only "
"by their parent."
msgstr "تحذير: الأطفال يأخذون موقعهم وحجمهم من خلال الوالدين فقط."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom Reset"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين التكبير"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Select Mode"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Drag: Rotate selected node around pivot."
msgstr "أسحبْ: تدوير الوحدة المحددة حول النقطة المحورية."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Move selected node."
msgstr "Alt + إسحب: لتحريك الوحدة المحددة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Scale selected node."
msgstr "Alt+سحب: لتغيير حجم الوحدة المحددة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "V: Set selected node's pivot position."
msgstr "V: تعيين نقطة المحور للوحدة المحددة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+RMB: Show list of all nodes at position clicked, including locked."
msgstr ""
"Alt + زر-الفأرة-الأيمن: أظهر قائمة لكل الوحدات في المنطقة المضغوطة، متضمنة "
"المقفلة منها."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "RMB: Add node at position clicked."
msgstr "زر-الفأرة-الأيمن: ضف العقد عند موقع الضغط."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحريك"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode"
msgstr "وضع التدوير"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Scale proportionally."
msgstr "Shift: التكبير بالتساوي."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Show a list of all objects at the position clicked\n"
"(same as Alt+RMB in select mode)."
msgstr ""
"أظهر قائمة من كل العناصر في المنطقة المضغوطة\n"
"(تماماً مثل Alt+زر الفأرة الأيمن في وضع التحديد)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click to change object's rotation pivot."
msgstr "إضغط لكي تغيير محور تدوير العنصر."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ruler Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle smart snapping."
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل محاذاة الشبكة بذكاء."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Smart Snap"
msgstr "استخدام المحاذاة الذكية"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle grid snapping."
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل المحاذاة للشبكة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Grid Snap"
msgstr "استخادم المحاذاة للشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snapping Options"
msgstr "إعدادت المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Rotation Snap"
msgstr "استعمال محاذاة التدوير"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Scale Snap"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Relative"
msgstr "نسبية المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Pixel Snap"
msgstr "إستخدام كبس البكسل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smart Snapping"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap..."
msgstr "تعديل المحاذاة..."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Parent"
msgstr "المحاذاة بالنسبة للأصل Parent"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Anchor"
msgstr "حاذي إلي مرتكز العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Sides"
msgstr "حاذي إلي جوانب العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Center"
msgstr "حاذي إلي مُنتصف العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Other Nodes"
msgstr "حاذي إلى العقد الأخرى"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Guides"
msgstr "حاذي إلى الموجهات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock the selected object in place (can't be moved)."
msgstr "قفل العنصر المحدد في هذا المكان (لا يمكن تحريكه)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "إقفال الوحدة(الوحدات) المحددة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock the selected object (can be moved)."
msgstr "إلغاء القفل عن هذا العنصر (يمكن تحريكه الأن)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "إلغاء فقل الوحدة(الوحدات) المحددة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Makes sure the object's children are not selectable."
msgstr "تأكد من أن الطفل للعنصر غير قابل للتحديد."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Group Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "إجمعْ الوحدة(الوحدات) المحددة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restores the object's children's ability to be selected."
msgstr "إرجاع مقدرة تحديد الطفل للعنصر."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ungroup Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "إلغاء جمعْ الوحدة(الوحدات) المحددة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Skeleton Options"
msgstr "إعدادات الهكيل العظمي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Bones"
msgstr "إظهار العظام"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)"
msgstr "إنشاء عظمة (عظام) مخصوصة من عُقدة (عُقد)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Custom Bones"
msgstr "مسح العظام المخصوصة"

#. TRANSLATORS: Noun, name of the 2D/3D View menus.
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View"
msgstr "أظهر"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show"
msgstr "إظهار الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show When Snapping"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "اخفاء"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Grid"
msgstr "أظهر المود"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "شبكة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Helpers"
msgstr "أظهر المساعدات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Rulers"
msgstr "أظهر المساطر"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Guides"
msgstr "أظهر الموجهات"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Origin"
msgstr "إظهار المركز"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Viewport"
msgstr "أظهر الشاشة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Group And Lock Icons"
msgstr "إظهار أيقونات المجوعة والقفل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Selection"
msgstr "نصف المُحدد"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Frame Selection"
msgstr "تحديد الإطار"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview Canvas Scale"
msgstr "إظهار تحجيم اللوحة Canvas"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "المخطط"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translation mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "قناع الترجمة لأجل إدخال المفاتيح."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "قناع التدوير لأجل إدخال المفاتيح."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "قناع التحجيم لأجل إدخال المفاتيح."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert keys (based on mask)."
msgstr "أدخل المفاتيح (على أساس القناع)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Auto insert keys when objects are translated, rotated or scaled (based on "
"Keys are only added to existing tracks, no new tracks will be created.\n"
"Keys must be inserted manually for the first time."
msgstr ""
"إدخال تلقائي للمفاتيح عندما تترجم، تُدار أو تحجم الأشياء objects (بناء على "
"تُضاف المفاتيح فقط للمقاطع الموجودة سلفاً، فلا يتم إنشاء مقاطع جديدة.\n"
"يجب إدخال المفاتيح يدوياً في أول مرة."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Insert Key"
msgstr "مفتاح مُدخل بصورة تلقائية"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key and Pose Options"
msgstr "إعدادت المفتاح والوضعية للرسومات المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key (Existing Tracks)"
msgstr "أدخل مفتاح (مسارات موجودة بالفعل)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Pose"
msgstr "نسخ الوضع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Pose"
msgstr "إخلاء الوضع"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node Here"
msgstr "أضفْ وحدة هنا"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene Here"
msgstr "نسخ المشهد هنا"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiply grid step by 2"
msgstr "ضاعف خطوة الشبكة ب 2"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divide grid step by 2"
msgstr "قسم خطوة الشبكة ب 2"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan View"
msgstr "إظهار شامل"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 3.125%"
msgstr "التكبير حتى 3.125%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 6.25%"
msgstr "التكبير حتى 6.25%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 12.5%"
msgstr "التكبير حتى 12.5%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 25%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 25%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 50%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 50%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 100%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 100%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 200%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 200%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 400%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 400%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 800%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 800%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 1600%"
msgstr "التكبير إلى 1600%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adding %s..."
msgstr "يتم إضافة %s..."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cannot instantiate multiple nodes without root."
msgstr "لا يمكن إضافة وحدات متعددة بدون الوحدةالرئيسية."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Node"
msgstr "إنشاء وحدة"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error instancing scene from %s"
msgstr "خطأ في توضيح المشهد من %s"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Default Type"
msgstr "تغير النوع الإفتراضي"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag & drop + Shift : Add node as sibling\n"
"Drag & drop + Alt : Change node type"
msgstr ""
"سحب وإسقاط + Shift : إضافة العقدة كقريب لعقدة أخري\n"
"سحب و إسقاط + Alt : تغيير نوع العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon3D"
msgstr "إنشاء متعدد سطوح ثلاثي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly"
msgstr "تعديل مُتعدد السطوح"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly (Remove Point)"
msgstr "تعديل متعدد السطوح (مسح النقطة)"

#: editor/plugins/collision_shape_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Handle"
msgstr "حدد المعامل"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Emission Mask"
msgstr "حمل قناع الانبعاث"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "إعادة التشغيل"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emission Mask"
msgstr "امسح قناع الانبعاث"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Particles"
msgstr "جسيمات"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generated Point Count:"
msgstr "عدد النقاط المولدة:"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Mask"
msgstr "قناع الانبعاث"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Solid Pixels"
msgstr "البكسلات غير الشفافة"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Border Pixels"
msgstr "البكسلات المحيطية (الحدودية)"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Directed Border Pixels"
msgstr "البكسلات المحيطية (الحدودية) الموجهة"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Capture from Pixel"
msgstr "التقط من البيكسل"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Colors"
msgstr "الوان الإنبعاث"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CPUParticles"
msgstr "جزيئات وحدة المعالجة المركزية"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Mesh"
msgstr "أنشئ نقاط إنبعاث من الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Node"
msgstr "أنشئ نقاط إنبعاث من العقدة"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat 0"
msgstr "السطح 0"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat 1"
msgstr "المستوى 1"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease In"
msgstr "دخول متسارع Ease In"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease Out"
msgstr "تراجع مُتباطئ Ease Out"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smoothstep"
msgstr "خطوة ناعمة"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Point"
msgstr "تعديل نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Tangent"
msgstr "تعديل مماس الإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Curve Preset"
msgstr "تحميل إعداد مسبق للإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point"
msgstr "مسح النقطة"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Linear"
msgstr "الخط اليساري"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Linear"
msgstr "الخط اليميني"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Preset"
msgstr "تحميل إعداد مسبق"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Curve Point"
msgstr "مسح نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Curve Linear Tangent"
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل مماس خط المنحني"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hold Shift to edit tangents individually"
msgstr "إبقى ضاغطاً على Shift لتعديل المماس فردياً"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right click to add point"
msgstr "اضغط بالزر الأيمن لإضافة نقطة"

#: editor/plugins/gi_probe_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake GI Probe"
msgstr "طبخ مجس GI"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Gradient Edited"
msgstr "التدرج المُحرر"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Swap GradientTexture2D Fill Points"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Swap Gradient Fill Points"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Grid Snap"
msgstr "أظهر المود"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/link_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Text"
msgstr "نص"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "الأيقونة"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ID"
msgstr "بطاقة تعريف"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item %d"
msgstr "العنصر %d"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Items"
msgstr "العناصر"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item List Editor"
msgstr "مُعدل قائمة العناصر"

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occluder Polygon"
msgstr "أنشئ شكل مُطبق"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh is empty!"
msgstr "الميش فارغ!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create a Trimesh collision shape."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء شكل Trimesh تصادمي."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Trimesh Body"
msgstr "أنشئ جسم تراميش ثابت"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This doesn't work on scene root!"
msgstr "لا يعمل هذا على المشهد الرئيس!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Shape"
msgstr "أنشئ شكل Trimesh ساكن"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't create a single convex collision shape for the scene root."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء شكل تصادمي مُحدب لأجل المشهد الرئيس."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create a single convex collision shape."
msgstr "لم يتم إنشاء شكل محدب تصادمي وحيد."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Simplified Convex Shape"
msgstr "إنشاء شكل مُحدب مبسط"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Single Convex Shape"
msgstr "أنشئ شكل محدب وحيد"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't create multiple convex collision shapes for the scene root."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء أشكال تصادم محدبة عديدة لأجل المشهد الرئيس."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create any collision shapes."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء أي شكل تصادمي."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Multiple Convex Shapes"
msgstr "أنشئ أشكال محدبة متعددة"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Mesh"
msgstr "أنشئ سطح Mesh التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Contained Mesh is not of type ArrayMesh."
msgstr "السطح المتضمن ليس نوعاً من مصفوفة السطوح ArrayMesh."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV Unwrap failed, mesh may not be manifold?"
msgstr "نشر Unwrap فشل، الميش ربما لا يكون متعدد؟"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh to debug."
msgstr "لا ميش لتصحيحة."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has no UV in layer %d."
msgstr "المجسّم ليس لديه UV في الطبقة %d."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "MeshInstance lacks a Mesh!"
msgstr "MeshInstance يفتقر إلي ميش!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has not surface to create outlines from!"
msgstr "الميش ليس لديه سطح لكي ينشئ حدود منه!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh primitive type is not PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES!"
msgstr "شبكة بسيطة ليست PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not create outline!"
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء الحد!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline"
msgstr "أنشئ الحد"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Mesh"
msgstr "مجسّم"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Body"
msgstr "إنشاء جسم تراميش ثابت"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a StaticBody and assigns a polygon-based collision shape to it "
"This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"إنشاء جسم سكوني وقرنه مع جسم تصادمي شبيه بالمُضلع تلقائياً.\n"
"هذا الخيار هو الأفضل والأكثر دقة (ولكنه الأبطئ) لأجل الكشف عن وجود تصادمات."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling"
msgstr "إنشاء متصادم تراميش قريب"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n"
"This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"إنشاء شكل تصادمي مُضلعي الشكل.\n"
"هذا هو الخيار الأكثر دقة (لكنه الأبطئ) لأجل للكشف عن وقوع التصادم."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Single Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr "إنشاء شقيق تصادم محدب مفرد"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a single convex collision shape.\n"
"This is the fastest (but least accurate) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"إنشاء شكل تصادمي ذو تحدب وحيد.\n"
"هذا هو الخيار الأسرع (لكنه الأقل دقة) للكشف عن وقوع التصادم."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Simplified Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr "إنشاء شقيق تصادم مُحدب مبسط"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a simplified convex collision shape.\n"
"This is similar to single collision shape, but can result in a simpler "
"geometry in some cases, at the cost of accuracy."
msgstr ""
"إنشاء شكل تصادم محدب مبسط.\n"
"هذا مشابه لشكل واحد من أشكال التصادم، ولكن يمكن أن ينتج عنه هندسة أبسط ولكن "
"أقل دقة."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Multiple Convex Collision Siblings"
msgstr "إنشاء أشقاء تصادم محدب متعددة"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n"
"This is a performance middle-ground between a single convex collision and a "
"polygon-based collision."
msgstr ""
"ينشئ شكل تصادم قائم على المضلع.\n"
"هذا الخيار مُتوسط الأداء بين التصادم مُحدب مبسط وحيد و تصادم قائم على المضلع."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh..."
msgstr "إنشاء شبكة الخطوط العريضة ..."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a static outline mesh. The outline mesh will have its normals "
"flipped automatically.\n"
"This can be used instead of the SpatialMaterial Grow property when using "
"that property isn't possible."
msgstr ""
"يُنشى سطحاً مخططاً outline mesh سكونياً. هذا السطح تكون قيمه الطبيعية مقلوبة "
"بصورة تلقائية.\n"
"يمكن أن يستخدم بدلاً من خاصية التمدد (Grow ) لمادة الحيز المكاني "
"SpatialMaterial عندما يكون استخدام هذه الخاصية غير مقدور عليه."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View UV1"
msgstr "أظهر UV1"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View UV2"
msgstr "أظهر UV2"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unwrap UV2 for Lightmap/AO"
msgstr "بسط UV2 من أجل خريطة الضوء/الإطباق المحيط"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh"
msgstr "إنشاء شبكة الخطوط العريضة"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Outline Size:"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط:"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV Channel Debug"
msgstr "منقح أخطاء قناة UV"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove item %d?"
msgstr "مسح العنصر %d؟"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Update from existing scene?:\n"
msgstr ""
"التحديث من المشهد المتواجد؟:\n"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "MeshLibrary"
msgstr "مكتبة المجسم"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Selected Item"
msgstr "مسح العنصر المحدد"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene (Ignore Transforms)"
msgstr "إستيراد من المشهد (تجاهل التحويلات)"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene (Apply Transforms)"
msgstr "إستيراد من المشهد (مع وضع التحويلات)"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update from Scene"
msgstr "تحديث من المشهد"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply without Transforms"
msgstr "تطبيق الهيئة ل MeshInstance"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply with Transforms"
msgstr "تطبيق الهيئة ل MeshInstance"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and no MultiMesh set in node)."
msgstr "لا مصدر ميش تم تحديده (و لا ميش متعدد تم تحديده في العقدة)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and MultiMesh contains no Mesh)."
msgstr "لا مصدر ميش تم تحديده (و ميش المتعدد لا يحتوي علي ميش)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "مصدر الميش خاطئ (المسار خاطئ)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (not a MeshInstance)."
msgstr "مصدر الميش خاطئ (لييس ميش نموذجي)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (contains no Mesh resource)."
msgstr "مصدر الميش خاطئ (لا يحتوي علي مصادر للميش)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No surface source specified."
msgstr "لا مصدر للسطح تم تحديده."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "مصدر السطح خاطئ (مسار خاطئ)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no geometry)."
msgstr "مصدر السطح خاطئ (لا شكل هندسي)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no faces)."
msgstr "مصدر السطح خاطئ (لا وجوه)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Source Mesh:"
msgstr "حدد مصدر ميش:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Target Surface:"
msgstr "حدد السطح المستهدف:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate Surface"
msgstr "تزويد السطح"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate MultiMesh"
msgstr "تزويد الميش المتعدد"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Surface:"
msgstr "السطح المستهدف:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Mesh:"
msgstr "الميش المصدر:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis"
msgstr "محور-X"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis"
msgstr "محور-Y"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis"
msgstr "محور-Z"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh Up Axis:"
msgstr "ميش المحاور:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Rotation:"
msgstr "دوران عشوائي:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Tilt:"
msgstr "إمالة عشوائية:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Scale:"
msgstr "حجم عشوائي:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate"
msgstr "تكثير/تزويد"

#: editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to CPUParticles"
msgstr "تحويل إلى %s"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generating Visibility Rect"
msgstr "توليد Rect الرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Visibility Rect"
msgstr "توليد Rect الرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can only set point into a ParticlesMaterial process material"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحديد نقطة سوى في الParticlesMaterial لمعالج المواد"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to CPUParticles2D"
msgstr "حولْ إلى جسيمات-ثنائية-البُعد-لوحدة-المعالجة-المركزية (CPUParticles2D)"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generation Time (sec):"
msgstr "وقت التوليد (تانية):"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "The geometry's faces don't contain any area."
msgstr "الوجوه الهندسية لا تتضمن أي منطقة."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "The geometry doesn't contain any faces."
msgstr "الهندسة لا تحتوي على وجوه."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't inherit from Spatial."
msgstr "\"%s\" لا يرث الفراغي Spatial."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain geometry."
msgstr "\"%s\" لا تحتوي على هندسة."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain face geometry."
msgstr "\"%s\" لا تحتوي على هندسة وجه."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter"
msgstr "أنشئ باعث"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Points:"
msgstr "نقاط الانبعاث:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Points"
msgstr "نقاط المساحة"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Points+Normal (Directed)"
msgstr "نقاط السطح + طبيعي (مُوجّه)"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "حجم"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Source:"
msgstr "مصدر الانبعاث:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "A processor material of type 'ParticlesMaterial' is required."
msgstr "معالج المواد من نوع 'ParticlesMaterial' مطلوب."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generating AABB"
msgstr "توليد AABB"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Visibility AABB"
msgstr "ولد رؤية AABB"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point from Curve"
msgstr "إزالة النقطة من المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Out-Control from Curve"
msgstr "أزل Out-Control من المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove In-Control from Curve"
msgstr "أزل In-Control من المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point to Curve"
msgstr "أضف نقطة للمنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point in Curve"
msgstr "حرك النقطة داخل المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move In-Control in Curve"
msgstr "حرك In-Control داخل المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Out-Control in Curve"
msgstr "حرك Out-Control داخل المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Points"
msgstr "إختر النقاط"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Drag: Select Control Points"
msgstr "Shift+سحب: إختر نقاط التحكم"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click: Add Point"
msgstr "إظغط: أضف نقطة"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Click: Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "بالزر الأيسر: فصل القطعة (من المنحنى)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Click: Delete Point"
msgstr "بالزر الأيمن: احذف النقطة"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Control Points (Shift+Drag)"
msgstr "اختر العُقد الآباء (بالسحب + Shift)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point (in empty space)"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة (في فُسحة فارغة)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Point"
msgstr "احذف النقطة"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Curve"
msgstr "إغلاق المنحنى"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Options"
msgstr "الإعدادات"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Handle Angles"
msgstr "زوايا مقبض المرآة"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Handle Lengths"
msgstr "أطول مقابض المرآة"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Curve Point #"
msgstr "نُقطة المنحنى #"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Point Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve In Position"
msgstr "ضع الإنحناء في الموقع"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Out Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع خروج الإنحناء"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Path"
msgstr "فصل المسار"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Path Point"
msgstr "إزالة نُقطة المسار"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Out-Control Point"
msgstr "مسح نقطة خروج التحكم"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove In-Control Point"
msgstr "إزالة النُقطة داخلية التحكم In-Control"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "فصل القطعة (من المُنحنى)"

#: editor/plugins/physical_bone_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Joint"
msgstr "تحريك النُقطة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The skeleton property of the Polygon2D does not point to a Skeleton2D node"
msgstr ""
"إن خاصية الهيكل الخاص بالمضلع ثنائي الأبعاد لا تشير إلى عُقدة هيكلية ثنائية "
"الأبعاد Skeleton2D"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sync Bones"
msgstr "مُزامنة العظام"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"No texture in this polygon.\n"
"Set a texture to be able to edit UV."
msgstr ""
"لا نقوش في هذا المُضلع.\n"
"حدد نقشاً لتتمكن من تعديل UV."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create UV Map"
msgstr "إنشاء خريطة UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Polygon 2D has internal vertices, so it can no longer be edited in the "
msgstr ""
"يمتلك المُضلع ثنائي الأبعاد رؤوساً داخلياً، لذا لا يمكن الاستمرار بتعديله في "
"إطار العرض."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon & UV"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع وUV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Internal Vertex"
msgstr "إنشاء رأس داخلي"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Internal Vertex"
msgstr "إزالة الرأس الداخلي"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid Polygon (need 3 different vertices)"
msgstr "مُضلع غير صالح (يحتاج لثلاثة رؤوس مختلفة)"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Custom Polygon"
msgstr "إضافة مُضلع مخصوص"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Custom Polygon"
msgstr "إزالة المُضلع المخصوص"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform UV Map"
msgstr "إعادة تشكيل خريطة UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Polygon"
msgstr "إعادة تشكيل المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint Bone Weights"
msgstr "طلاء العظام وزنياً"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Polygon 2D UV editor."
msgstr "فتح مُحرر UV الخاص بالمُضلعات ثنائية البُعد."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon 2D UV Editor"
msgstr "مُحرر UV الخاص بالمُضلعات ثنائية البُعد"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "UV"
msgstr "ال UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp
#: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Points"
msgstr "النقاط"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Polygons"
msgstr "المُضلعات"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
msgid "Bones"
msgstr "العظام"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Points"
msgstr "تحريك النقاط"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Command: Rotate"
msgstr "Command: استدارة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Move All"
msgstr "Shift: تحريك الكُل"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Command: Scale"
msgstr "Shift+Command: تغيير الحجم"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl: Rotate"
msgstr "Ctrl: تدوير"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Ctrl: Scale"
msgstr "Shift+Ctrl: تحجيم"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Polygon"
msgstr "تحريك المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Polygon"
msgstr "تدوير المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Polygon"
msgstr "تحجيم المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a custom polygon. Enables custom polygon rendering."
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع مخصوص. تمكين إخراج المُضلع المخصوص بصرياً."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove a custom polygon. If none remain, custom polygon rendering is "
msgstr ""
"إزالة المُضلع المخصوص. إن لم يتبق شيء، سيتم تعطيل إخراج المُضلع المخصوص بصرياً."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint weights with specified intensity."
msgstr "طلاء الأوزان بشدات محددة."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unpaint weights with specified intensity."
msgstr "إزالة طلاء الأوزان بشدات محددة."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Radius:"
msgstr "نصف القطر:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Polygon to UV"
msgstr "إنسخ المُضلع إلى UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy UV to Polygon"
msgstr "إنسخ ال UV إلى المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear UV"
msgstr "إزالة UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Snap"
msgstr "محاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Snap"
msgstr "تمكين المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "إظهار الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Grid:"
msgstr "تهيئة الشكبة:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset X:"
msgstr "معادل الشبكة على المحور الأفقي X:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset Y:"
msgstr "معادل الشبكة على المحور Y:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step X:"
msgstr "خطوة الشبكة على المحور X:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step Y:"
msgstr "خطوة الشبكة على المحور Y:"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sync Bones to Polygon"
msgstr "مزامنة العظام مع المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/ray_cast_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set cast_to"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load resource!"
msgstr "خطأ: لا يمكن تحميل المورد!"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Resource"
msgstr "إضافة مورد"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Resource"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المورد"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Resource"
msgstr "حذف المورد"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "حافظة الموارد فارغة!"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Resource"
msgstr "لصق المورد"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Instance:"
msgstr "نمذجة:"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open in Editor"
msgstr "افتح في المُحرر"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Resource"
msgstr "تحميل المورد"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Portals"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابات"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Room Generate Points"
msgstr "تم توليد نقاط للغرفة"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Points"
msgstr "قم بتوليد نقاط"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Portal"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابة"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occluder Set Transform"
msgstr "تم تغيير تحويل ال Occluder"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Node"
msgstr "حركْ الوحدة للمنتصف"

#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "AnimationTree has no path set to an AnimationPlayer"
msgstr "لا تملك شجرة التحريك مساراً لمشغل الرسومات المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Path to AnimationPlayer is invalid"
msgstr "المسار لمشغل الرسومات المتحركة غير صالح"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Files"
msgstr "إزالة الملفات الحديثة"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close and save changes?"
msgstr "الإغلاق مع حفظ التعديلات؟"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error writing TextFile:"
msgstr "خطأ في كتابة الملف النصي TextFile:"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not load file at:"
msgstr "لا يمكن تحميل المجلد في:"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving file!"
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ الملف!"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme."
msgstr "خطأ أثناء حفظ الموضوع (Theme)."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error Saving"
msgstr "خطأ في الحفظ"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing theme."
msgstr "خطأ في استيراد الموضوع (Theme)."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error Importing"
msgstr "خطأ في الاستيراد"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Text File..."
msgstr "ملف نصي جديد..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "افتح الملف"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save File As..."
msgstr "حفظ الملف ك..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't obtain the script for running."
msgstr "لا يمكن الحصول على النص البرمجي للتشغيل."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script failed reloading, check console for errors."
msgstr "أخفق تحميل النص البرمجي، تفقد الأخطاء في العارض console."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script is not in tool mode, will not be able to run."
msgstr "النص البرمجي ليس في وضعية الأداة، لم ينجح التشغيل."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"To run this script, it must inherit EditorScript and be set to tool mode."
msgstr ""
"ليتم تشغيل النص البرمجي، ينبغي أن يرث النص البرمجي للمحرر EditorScript وأن "
"يُضع في وضعية الأداة."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme"
msgstr "استيراد الموضوع Theme"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme"
msgstr "خطأ أثناء حفظ الموضوع Theme"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving"
msgstr "خطأ في الحفظ"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As..."
msgstr "حفظ الموضوع Theme ك..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "%s Class Reference"
msgstr "%s مرجعية الصف Class"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "إيجاد التالي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "إيجاد السابق"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter scripts"
msgstr "تشريح النصوص البرمجية"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle alphabetical sorting of the method list."
msgstr "تفعيل الترتيب الألفبائي لقائمة الدوال."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter methods"
msgstr "ترشيح الدوال"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/y_sort.cpp
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "ترتيب"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "تحريك لأعلى"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "تحريك لأسفل"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Script"
msgstr "النص البرمجي التالي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Script"
msgstr "النص البرمجي السابق"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "File"
msgstr "ملف"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "افتح..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reopen Closed Script"
msgstr "إعادة فتح النص البرمجي المُغلق"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "إحفظ الكل"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Soft Reload Script"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل النص البرمجي بلطف"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Script Path"
msgstr "نسخ مسار النص البرمجي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Previous"
msgstr "التاريخ السابق"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Next"
msgstr "التاريخ التالي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme..."
msgstr "استيراد الموضوع…"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload Theme"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل الموضوع"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme"
msgstr "احفظ الموضوع"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close All"
msgstr "إغلاق الكل"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Docs"
msgstr "إغلاق المستندات"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Search"
msgstr "بحث"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Into"
msgstr "اخط خطوة ضمن"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Over"
msgstr "اخط خطوة متجاوزة"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Break"
msgstr "توقف"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "يكمل"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Debugger Open"
msgstr "إبقاء المصحح مفتوحًا"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug with External Editor"
msgstr "تنقيح الأخطاء في محرر خارجي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Online Docs"
msgstr "مستندات الإنترنت"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Godot online documentation."
msgstr "افتح مستندات غودوت على الشبكة."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the reference documentation."
msgstr "ابحث في الوثائق المرجعية."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to previous edited document."
msgstr "التوجه إلى المستند المُحرر السابق."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to next edited document."
msgstr "التوجه إلى المستند المُحرر التالي."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "تجاهل"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?:"
msgstr ""
"الملفات التالية أحدث على القرص.\n"
"ما الإجراء الذي ينبغي اتخاذه؟:"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "نتائج البحث"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Dominant Script On Scene Change"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "External"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use External Editor"
msgstr "تنقيح الأخطاء في محرر خارجي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exec Path"
msgstr "مسار التصدير"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Script Temperature Enabled"
msgstr "حدد ملف القالب"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Highlight Current Script"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script Temperature History Size"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Script Background Color"
msgstr "لون خلفية غير صالح"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group Help Pages"
msgstr "حُدد التجميع"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Scripts By"
msgstr "إنشاء نص برمجي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "List Script Names As"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exec Flags"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Scripts"
msgstr "إخلاء النصوص البرمجية الحديثة"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Connections to method:"
msgstr "الاتصالات لدالة:"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Source"
msgstr "مصدر"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Target"
msgstr "الهدف"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Missing connected method '%s' for signal '%s' from node '%s' to node '%s'."
msgstr ""
"الدالة المتصلة '%s' للاشارة '%s' مفقودة من العقدة '%s' إلى العقدة '%s'."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "[Ignore]"
msgstr "(تجاهل)"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Line"
msgstr "خط"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Function"
msgstr "انتقل الى الوظيفة البرمجية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Only resources from filesystem can be dropped."
msgstr "يمكن إسقاط موارد ملفات النظام filesystem فقط."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't drop nodes because script '%s' is not used in this scene."
msgstr "لا يمكن إسقاط العُقد لأن النص البرمجي '%s' غير مُستخدم في هذا المشهد."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Lookup Symbol"
msgstr "رمز البحث"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Case"
msgstr "حالة التحويل"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Uppercase"
msgstr "الأحرف الكبيرة (Uppercase)"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Lowercase"
msgstr "الأحرف الصغيرة (Lowercase)"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Capitalize"
msgstr "تكبير الحروف Capitalize"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Syntax Highlighter"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "المحفوظات"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Breakpoints"
msgstr "نقاط التكسّر"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "التوجه إلى"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "قص"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "تحديد الكل"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Line"
msgstr "حذف الخط"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Left"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Right"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Comment"
msgstr "تفعيل Toggle التعليقات"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Fold/Unfold Line"
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل طي الخط"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Fold All Lines"
msgstr "طي جميع الخطوط"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Unfold All Lines"
msgstr "كشف جميع الخطوط"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Complete Symbol"
msgstr "رمز التمام"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Evaluate Selection"
msgstr "تقييم الاختيار"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace"
msgstr "تشذيب الفراغات البيضاء الزائدة"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent to Spaces"
msgstr "تحويل المسافة البادئة إلى مسافات"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent to Tabs"
msgstr "تحويل المسافة البادئة إلى تبويبات"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find in Files..."
msgstr "جِد في الملفات..."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace in Files..."
msgstr "إستبدل في الملفات..."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Contextual Help"
msgstr "مساعدة سياقية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Bookmark"
msgstr "تبديل العلامة المرجعية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Bookmark"
msgstr "الانتقال إلى العلامة المرجعية التالية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Bookmark"
msgstr "الانتقال إلى العلامة المرجعية السابقة"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove All Bookmarks"
msgstr "إزالة جميع الإشارات المرجعية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Function..."
msgstr "الذهاب إلى وظيفة برمجية..."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line..."
msgstr "الذهاب إلى خط..."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Breakpoint"
msgstr "تفعيل/إلغاء تفعيل نقطة التكسّر"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove All Breakpoints"
msgstr "إزالة جميع نقاط التكسّر"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Breakpoint"
msgstr "الذهاب إلى نقطة التكسّر التالية"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Breakpoint"
msgstr "الذهاب إلى نقطة التكسّر السابقة"

#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"This shader has been modified on on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?"
msgstr ""
"لقد تم تعديل هذا المُظلل على القرص.\n"
"ما الإجراء الذي ينبغي اتخاذه؟"

#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr "لا يملك هذا الهكيل أيّة عظام، أنشئ بعض عُقد العظام ثنائية البُعد كأبناء."

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Rest Pose to Bones"
msgstr "تحديد وضعية الراحة على العظام"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Rest Pose from Bones"
msgstr "إنشاء وضعية الراحة من العظام"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Skeleton2D"
msgstr "هيكل ثنائي البُعد"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reset to Rest Pose"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين العظام للوضعية الافتراضية (Rest Pose)"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Overwrite Rest Pose"
msgstr "الكتابة فوق الوضعية الافتراضية (Rest Pose)"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create physical bones"
msgstr "إنشاء عظام مادية"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr "الهيكل"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create physical skeleton"
msgstr "إنشاء هيكل عظمي مادي"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_ik_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play IK"
msgstr "تشغيل IK"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orthogonal"
msgstr "متعامد Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "منظوري"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Top Orthogonal"
msgstr "متعامد"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من فوق"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Orthogonal"
msgstr "نظر من الاسفل (متعامد)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من الاسفل"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Orthogonal"
msgstr "نظر من الشمال (متعامد/ليس له بعد ثالث)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من الشمال"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Orthogonal"
msgstr "نظر من اليمين (متعامد/ليس له بعد ثالث)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من اليمين"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front Orthogonal"
msgstr "نظر من الامام (متعامد/ليس له بعد ثالث)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من الامام"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear Orthogonal"
msgstr "نظر من الخلف (متعامد/ليس له بعد ثالث)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear Perspective"
msgstr "نظر من الخلف"

#. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Auto Orthogonal is enabled.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid " [auto]"
msgstr " [auto]"

#. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Portal Occlusion is enabled.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid " [portals active]"
msgstr " [البوابات مفعلة]"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Aborted."
msgstr "أجهض التحول."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis Transform."
msgstr "التحوّل المحوري X."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis Transform."
msgstr "التحوّل المحوري Y."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis Transform."
msgstr "التحوّل المحوري Z."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Plane Transform."
msgstr "إظهار تحولات المستوى."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "None"
msgstr "لا شيء"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "تدوير"

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the movement that changes the position of an object.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "ترجم"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the scale of a node in the 3D editor.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scaling:"
msgstr "تحجيم:"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the position of a node in the 3D editor.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translating:"
msgstr "التحريك:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotating %s degrees."
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keying is disabled (no key inserted)."
msgstr "تم تعطيل تعيين المفاتيح (لم يتم إدخال أيّة مفاتيح)."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key Inserted."
msgstr "أُدخل مفتاح الرسوم المتحركة."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pitch:"
msgstr "حدّة:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Yaw:"
msgstr "ياو:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Objects Drawn:"
msgstr "كائنات مرسومة:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Material Changes:"
msgstr "تغيرات المادة:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shader Changes:"
msgstr "تغيرات المُظلل:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Changes:"
msgstr "تغيرات السطح:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Draw Calls:"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertices:"
msgstr "القمم:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "FPS: %d (%s ms)"
msgstr "عدد الإطارات في الثانية: %d (%s ميلي ثانية)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View."
msgstr "الواجهة العلوية."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View."
msgstr "الواجهة السفلية."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View."
msgstr "الواجهة اليُسرى."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View."
msgstr "الواجهة اليُمنى."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View."
msgstr "الواجهة الأمامية."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View."
msgstr "الواجهة الخلفية."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align Transform with View"
msgstr "محاذاة التحوّل مع الواجهة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align Rotation with View"
msgstr "محاذاة التدوير مع الواجهة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance a child at."
msgstr "لا أب لنمذجة ابن له."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation requires a single selected node."
msgstr "هذه العملية تتطلب عقدة واحدة محددة."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Orthogonal Enabled"
msgstr "الإسقاط العمودي مُمكن تلقائياً"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock View Rotation"
msgstr "قفل تدوير الواجهة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Normal"
msgstr "عرض الطبيعي"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Wireframe"
msgstr "عرض المُخطط Wireframe"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Overdraw"
msgstr "عرض تراكبات الرسم Overdraw"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Unshaded"
msgstr "عرض من غير ظلال"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Environment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Gizmos"
msgstr "إظهار الأدوات Gizmos"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Information"
msgstr "إظهار المعلومات"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View FPS"
msgstr "إظهار عدد الإطارات بالثانية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Half Resolution"
msgstr "نصف دقة الشاشة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Audio Listener"
msgstr "المستمع الصوتي"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Doppler"
msgstr "تفعيل دوبلر"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cinematic Preview"
msgstr "معاينة سينمائية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Not in GLES2)"
msgstr "غير متاح في ريندر GLES2"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Debug draw modes are only available when using the GLES3 renderer, not GLES2."
msgstr "وضع رسومات الاختبار متاح في ريندر GLES3 فقط و ليس ريندر GLES2."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Left"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook يساراً"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Right"
msgstr "الرؤية الحرة Freelook يميناً"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Forward"
msgstr "الرؤية الحرة Freelook قُدماً"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Backwards"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook تراجعياً"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Up"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook للأعلى"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Down"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة للأسفل"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Speed Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل سرعة الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Slow Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل تباطؤ الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Camera Preview"
msgstr "تفعيل/تعطيل العرض المسبق للكاميرا"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Rotation Locked"
msgstr "تدوير الرؤية مقفول"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"To zoom further, change the camera's clipping planes (View -> Settings...)"
msgstr ""
"للتكبير بشكل أكبر ، قم بتغيير مستويات اقتصاص (clipping planes) للكاميرا (عرض "
"-> الإعدادات ...)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: The FPS value displayed is the editor's framerate.\n"
"It cannot be used as a reliable indication of in-game performance."
msgstr ""
"ملاحظة: إن قيمة عدد الإطارات بالثانية الظاهر هو مُعدل خاص بالمحرر.\n"
"لا يمكن الاعتماد على تلك القيمة كمؤشر لأداء اللعبة."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert Rooms"
msgstr "تحويل الغرف"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "XForm Dialog"
msgstr "نافذة XForm"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Click to toggle between visibility states.\n"
"Open eye: Gizmo is visible.\n"
"Closed eye: Gizmo is hidden.\n"
"Half-open eye: Gizmo is also visible through opaque surfaces (\"x-ray\")."
msgstr ""
"انقر للتبديل بين حالات الرؤية.\n"
"العين المفتوحة: الأداة مرئية.\n"
"العين المغلقة: الأداة مخفية.\n"
"العين نصف مفتوحة: الأداة مرئية أيضا من خلال الأسطح المعتمة (\"الأشعة "

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Nodes to Floor"
msgstr "محاذاة الوحدات إلى الأرضية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't find a solid floor to snap the selection to."
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد أرضية صُلبة لمحاذاة ما تم اختياره إليها."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Local Space"
msgstr "استخدام الحيّز المحلي"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Use Snap"
msgstr "استخدام المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts rooms for portal culling."
msgstr "تحويل الغرف لبورتال كالينق."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View"
msgstr "الواجهة View السفلية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View"
msgstr "الواجهة View العلوية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View"
msgstr "الواجهة View اليُسرى"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View"
msgstr "الواجهة View اليُمنى"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Down"
msgstr "تحريك المسار للأسفل"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Left"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليسار"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Right"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Up"
msgstr "المنظر View الأمامي"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View 180"
msgstr "درجة عرض المدار 180°"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Switch Perspective/Orthogonal View"
msgstr "التبديل بين الرؤية المنظورية / الإسقاطية Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Animation Key"
msgstr "إدخال مفتاح للرسوميات المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Origin"
msgstr "مصدر التركيز"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Selection"
msgstr "اختيار التركيز"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Freelook"
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل وضع الرؤية الحُرة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decrease Field of View"
msgstr "قلّل مجال الرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Increase Field of View"
msgstr "زدْ مجال الرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reset Field of View to Default"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين مجال الرؤية إلى الافتراضي"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Object to Floor"
msgstr "محاذاة الشيء إلى الأرض"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Dialog..."
msgstr "نافذة التحويلات ..."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 Viewport"
msgstr "ساحة رؤية واحدة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports"
msgstr "ساحتان للرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "ساحتان للرؤية (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports"
msgstr "3 ساحات للرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "3 ساحات للرؤية (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "4 Viewports"
msgstr "4 ساحات للرؤية"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Gizmos"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Origin"
msgstr "إظهار الأصل (المصدر)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Grid"
msgstr "إظهار الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Portal Culling"
msgstr "إعدادات بوابات الاخفاء (الاشياء الغير ظاهرة للكاميرا)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Occlusion Culling"
msgstr ""
"إعدادات الاخفاء بتقنية الاصطدام (طريقة برمجية لاخفاء الاشياء التي لا تراها "

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "اعدادات..."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate Snap:"
msgstr "ترجمة المحاذاة:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Snap (deg.):"
msgstr "تدوير المحاذاة (بالدرجات):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Snap (%):"
msgstr "تحجيم المحاذاة (%):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Viewport Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات إطار العرض"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective FOV (deg.):"
msgstr "مجال الرؤية FOV المنظورية (بالدرجات):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Near:"
msgstr "إظهار Z-Near:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Far:"
msgstr "إظهار Z-Far:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Change"
msgstr "تعديل التحولات"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate:"
msgstr "الترجمة:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate (deg.):"
msgstr "التدوير (بالدرجات):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale (ratio):"
msgstr "التحجيم (نسبةً):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Type"
msgstr "نوع التحوّل"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pre"
msgstr "سابق"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Post"
msgstr "لاحق"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Size"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Viewport Rotation Gizmo"
msgstr "قفل تدوير الواجهة"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Gizmo"
msgstr "اداة غير مسمى"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Mesh2D"
msgstr "إنشاء Mesh2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh2D Preview"
msgstr "معاينة Mesh2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon2D"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon2D Preview"
msgstr "مُعاينة المُضلع ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع تصادم ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CollisionPolygon2D Preview"
msgstr "معاينة مُضلع التصادم ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create LightOccluder2D"
msgstr "إنشاء LightOccluder2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LightOccluder2D Preview"
msgstr "معاينة LightOccluder2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sprite is empty!"
msgstr "الرسومية فارغة!"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't convert a sprite using animation frames to mesh."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن تحويل الرسومية (sprite) إلى سطح (mesh) باستخدام إطارات الرسوم "

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't replace by mesh."
msgstr "هندسياً غير صالح، لا يمكن استبداله بسطح (mesh)."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert to MeshInstance2D"
msgstr "تحويل إلى Mesh2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create polygon."
msgstr "هندسياصً غير صالح، لا يمكن إنشاء مُضلّع."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to Polygon2D"
msgstr "تحويل إلى مُضلع ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create collision polygon."
msgstr "هندسياً غير صالح، لا يمكن إنشاء مُضلع تصادم."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D Sibling"
msgstr "إنشاء شقيق لمُضلع التصادم ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create light occluder."
msgstr "هندسياً غير صالح، لا يمكن إنشاء حِظار (occluder) الضوء."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create LightOccluder2D Sibling"
msgstr "أنشاء ضوء محجوب ثنائي الأبعاد"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "رسومية"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Simplification:"
msgstr "التبسيط:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shrink (Pixels):"
msgstr "التقلص (Pixels):"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grow (Pixels):"
msgstr "التكبير (Pixels):"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update Preview"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings:"
msgstr "الإعدادات:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No Frames Selected"
msgstr "لا إطارات مُحددة"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add %d Frame(s)"
msgstr "إضافة %d إطار(ات)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frame"
msgstr "إضافة إطار"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to load images"
msgstr "غير قادر على تحميل الصور"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load frame resource!"
msgstr "خطأ: لم يتم تحميل مورد الإطار!"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty or not a texture!"
msgstr "إما أن تكون حافظة الموارد فارغة أو ليست نقشاً!"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Frame"
msgstr "الصق إطاراً"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "إضافته فارغاً"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation FPS"
msgstr "تغيير مُعدل الإطارات في الثانية FPS للرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr "(فارغ)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Frame"
msgstr "تحريك الإطار"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animations:"
msgstr "الرسومات المتحركة:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation"
msgstr "رسومية متحركة جديدة"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter animations"
msgstr "ترشيح الدوال"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "السرعة:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_animation.cpp modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp
#: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Loop"
msgstr "حلقة Loop"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Frames:"
msgstr "إطارات الرسومات المتحركة:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add a Texture from File"
msgstr "إضافة ملمس من الملف"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frames from a Sprite Sheet"
msgstr "إضافة الإطارات من ورقة الرسوميات Sprite Sheet"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (Before)"
msgstr "إضافته فارغاً (قبل)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (After)"
msgstr "إضافته فارغاً (بَعد)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move (Before)"
msgstr "تحريك (للسابق)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move (After)"
msgstr "تحريك (للتالي)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Frames"
msgstr "تحديد الإطارات"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Horizontal:"
msgstr "عَرضياً:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertical:"
msgstr "شاقولياً:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Separation:"
msgstr "التباعُدات:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "المُعادل:"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select/Clear All Frames"
msgstr "اختيار / مسح جميع الإطارات"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Frames from Sprite Sheet"
msgstr "إنشاء الإطارات من ورقة الرسومية Sprite Sheet"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SpriteFrames"
msgstr "إطارات الرسوميات SpriteFrames"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Region Rect"
msgstr "تحديد مستطيل المنطقة"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Mode:"
msgstr "وضع المحاذاة:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pixel Snap"
msgstr "محاذاة البكسل"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Snap"
msgstr "شبكة المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Slice"
msgstr "الاقتطاع التلقائي"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Step:"
msgstr "الخطوة:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TextureRegion"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Styleboxes"
msgstr "مربعات الشكل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} color(s)"
msgstr "{num} لون (ألوان)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No colors found."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على الوان."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} constant(s)"
msgstr "‘الثابت(الثوابت)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No constants found."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على الثوابت."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} font(s)"
msgstr "{num} خط (خطوط)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No fonts found."
msgstr "لا توجد خطوط."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} icon(s)"
msgstr "{num} أيقونة (أيقونات)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No icons found."
msgstr "لم توجد ايقونات."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} stylebox(es)"
msgstr "{num} ستايلبوكس"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No styleboxes found."
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على مربعات الشكل."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} currently selected"
msgstr "{num} المختارة حالياً"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nothing was selected for the import."
msgstr "لم يتم اختيار شيء لأجل عملية الاستيراد."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Importing Theme Items"
msgstr "استيراد مجموعة التنسيق"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Importing items {n}/{n}"
msgstr "استيراد العناصر {n}/{n}"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Updating the editor"
msgstr "تحديث المحرر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finalizing"
msgstr "في المراحل النهائية"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "تصفية:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "With Data"
msgstr "مع البيانات"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select by data type:"
msgstr "أخترْ بوساطة نوع المعلومة:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible color items."
msgstr "اختيار جميع العناصر اللونية المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible color items and their data."
msgstr "اختر جميع العناصر المرئية الملونة والبيانات المتعلقة بها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible color items."
msgstr "أزل اختيار العناصر الملونة المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible constant items."
msgstr "اختر كل العناصر الثابتة المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible constant items and their data."
msgstr "اختر جميع العناصر الثابتة المرئية والبيانات المتعلقة بها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible constant items."
msgstr "أزل اختيار العناصر الثابتة المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible font items."
msgstr "اختر كل عناصر الخط المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible font items and their data."
msgstr "اختر جميع عناصر الخط المرئية والبيانات المتعلقة بها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible font items."
msgstr "أزل اختيار جميع عناصر الخط المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible icon items."
msgstr "اختر كل عناصر الأيقونات المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible icon items and their data."
msgstr "اختر كل عناصر الأيقونات المرئية و بياناتها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible icon items."
msgstr "ألغِ اختيار كل عناصر الأيقونات المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible stylebox items."
msgstr "اختر جميع عناصر صندوق المظهر المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible stylebox items and their data."
msgstr "اختر جميع عناصر صندوق المصدر المرئية والبيانات المتعلقة بها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible stylebox items."
msgstr "أزل اختيار جميع عناصر صندوق المظهر المرئية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Caution: Adding icon data may considerably increase the size of your Theme "
msgstr ""
"تحذير: إن إضافة بيانات الأيقونة من الممكن أن تزيد حجم مورد الثيم الخاص بك "
"بصورة معتبرة."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Collapse types."
msgstr "إطوي الأنواع."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expand types."
msgstr "توسيع كل الأنواع."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all Theme items."
msgstr "حدد ملف القالب."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select With Data"
msgstr "إختر مع البيانات"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all Theme items with item data."
msgstr "اختر جميع عناصر الثيم والبيانات المتعلقة بهم."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect All"
msgstr "إلغاء تحديد الكل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all Theme items."
msgstr "أزل اختيار جميع عناصر الثيم."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Selected"
msgstr "إستيراد المحدد"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Import Items tab has some items selected. Selection will be lost upon "
"closing this window.\n"
"Close anyway?"
msgstr ""
"تبويب استيراد العناصر يحوي عناصر مختارة. بإغلاقك النافذة ستخسر جميع العناصر "
"الإغلاق على أية حال؟"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Type"
msgstr "إزالة البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select a theme type from the list to edit its items.\n"
"You can add a custom type or import a type with its items from another theme."
msgstr ""
"اختر نوعاً للثيم من القائمة جانباً لتحرير عناصره.\n"
"يمكنك إضافة نوع خاص أو استيراد نوع آخر مترافق من عناصره من ثيم آخر."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Color Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع عناصر الالوان"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Item"
msgstr "اعادة تسمية العنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Constant Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع العناصر الثابتة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Font Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع عناصر الخط"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Icon Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع عناصر العلامة/الايقونة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All StyleBox Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع عناصر مربعات الشكل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"This theme type is empty.\n"
"Add more items to it manually or by importing from another theme."
msgstr ""
"نوع الثيم هذا فارغ.\n"
"ضف المزيد من العناصر يدوياً أو عن طريق استيرادها من ثيم آخر."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Theme Type"
msgstr "إضافة نوع للعنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Theme Type"
msgstr "إزالة عنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Color Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر اللون"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Constant Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر ثابت"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Font Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر الخط"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Icon Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر العلامة/الايقونة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Stylebox Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر مربع المظهر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Color Item"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Constant Item"
msgstr "اعادة تسمية عنصر ثابت"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Font Item"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر الخط"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Icon Item"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر الأيقونة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Stylebox Item"
msgstr "اعادة تسمية عنصر مربع المظهر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, not a Theme resource."
msgstr "الملف خطأ، ليس ملف مورد المظهر الكلي."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, same as the edited Theme resource."
msgstr "ملف غير صالح، مماثل لمصدر الثيم المحرر."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manage Theme Items"
msgstr "إدارة عناصر المظاهر الكلية"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Items"
msgstr "تحرير العناصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Types:"
msgstr "أنواع:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Type:"
msgstr "أضفْ نوع:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item:"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add StyleBox Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر مربع المظهر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Items:"
msgstr "إزالة عنصر:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Class Items"
msgstr "حذف بنود من الصنف"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Custom Items"
msgstr "حذف عناصر مخصصة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Items"
msgstr "إزالة جميع العناصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Theme Item"
msgstr "إضافة عنصر مظهر واجهة المستخدم"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Old Name:"
msgstr "الأسم القديم:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Items"
msgstr "إستَردْ العناصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Default Theme"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Editor Theme"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Another Theme Resource:"
msgstr "إختر مورد مظهر كلي أخر:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Theme Resource"
msgstr "مورد المظهر الكلي"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Another Theme"
msgstr "مظهر كلي أخر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Type"
msgstr "إضافة نوع"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter the list of types or create a new custom type:"
msgstr "قم بتصفية قائمة الأنواع أو قم بأنشاء نوع جديد:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Available Node-based types:"
msgstr "أنواع المستندة-إلى-الوحدات المتوافرة:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Type name is empty!"
msgstr "أسم النوع فارغ!"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to create an empty type?"
msgstr "هل أنت واثق من إنشاء نوع فارغ؟"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Confirm Item Rename"
msgstr "تأكيد اعادة تسمية العنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cancel Item Rename"
msgstr "إلغاء إعادة تسمية العنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override Item"
msgstr "تجاوز العنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unpin this StyleBox as a main style."
msgstr "أزل تثبيت صندوق المظهر هذا على أنه المظهر الرئيس."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Pin this StyleBox as a main style. Editing its properties will update the "
"same properties in all other StyleBoxes of this type."
msgstr ""
"ثبّت صندوق المظهر هذا ليكون المظهر الرئيس. تحرير خاصياته سيحدث جميع الخاصيات "
"المشابهة في جميع صناديق المظهر من هذا النوع."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item Type"
msgstr "إضافة نوع للعنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Variation Base Type"
msgstr "حدد نوع المتغير"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Base Type"
msgstr "تعديل النوع الأساسي"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Default"
msgstr "أظهر الإفتراضي"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show default type items alongside items that have been overridden."
msgstr "أظهر عناصر النمط الافتراضي إلى جانب العناصر التي تم تجاوزها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override All"
msgstr "تجاوز الكل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override all default type items."
msgstr "تجاوز جميع أنواع العناصر الافتراضية."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the variation base type from a list of available types."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"A type associated with a built-in class cannot be marked as a variation of "
"another type."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Theme:"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manage Items..."
msgstr "إدارة العناصر..."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add, remove, organize and import Theme items."
msgstr "أضفْ، أزلْ، رتّبْ واستوردْ عناصر القالب."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Preview"
msgstr "إضافة عرض مسبق"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Preview"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select UI Scene:"
msgstr "حدد مصدر ميش:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid ""
"Toggle the control picker, allowing to visually select control types for "
msgstr "فعّل مُختار التحديد، مما يسمح لك باختيار أنواع التحديد بصرياً لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Toggle Button"
msgstr "زر التبديل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled Button"
msgstr "زر معطّل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "Item"
msgstr "عنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled Item"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Check Item"
msgstr "فَعل العنصر"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Checked Item"
msgstr "عنصر مُفعل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Radio Item"
msgstr "عنصر خِيار"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Checked Radio Item"
msgstr "عنصر مُفعل اختياري"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Named Separator"
msgstr "فاصل مُسمّى"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Submenu"
msgstr "القائمة الفرعية"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subitem 1"
msgstr "العنصر الفرعي 1"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subitem 2"
msgstr "العنصر الفرعي 2"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Has"
msgstr "يملك"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Many"
msgstr "العديد"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled LineEdit"
msgstr "تعديل الخط معطّل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 1"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 1"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 2"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 2"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 3"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 3"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Editable Item"
msgstr "عنصر قابل للتعديل"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subtree"
msgstr "الشجرة الفرعية"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Has,Many,Options"
msgstr "يمتلك، خيارات، عديدة"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Invalid path, the PackedScene resource was probably moved or removed."
msgstr ""
"مسار غير صالح، غالباً مصدر المشهد الموضب PackedScene قد تمت إزالته أو نقله."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Invalid PackedScene resource, must have a Control node at its root."
msgstr ""
"مصدر للمشهد الموضب PackedScene غير صالح، يجب أن يملك عقدة تحكم Control node "
"كعقدة رئيسة."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid file, not a PackedScene resource."
msgstr "ملف خطأ، ليس ملف نسق مسار الصوت."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Reload the scene to reflect its most actual state."
msgstr "أعد تحميل المشهد لإظهار الشكل الأقرب لحالته."

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase Selection"
msgstr "إزالة عملية الاختيار"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fix Invalid Tiles"
msgstr "أصلح البلاطة غير الصالحة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cut Selection"
msgstr "قص المُحدد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint TileMap"
msgstr "طلاء خريطة البلاط TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Line Draw"
msgstr "رسم الخط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rectangle Paint"
msgstr "مستطيل الطلاء"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bucket Fill"
msgstr "وعاء التعبئة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase TileMap"
msgstr "مسح خريطة البلاط TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Tile"
msgstr "جد البلاطة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transpose"
msgstr "المصفوفة المنقولة Transpose"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disable Autotile"
msgstr "تعطيل البلاط التلقائي Autotile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Priority"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter tiles"
msgstr "تنقية البلاطات"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Give a TileSet resource to this TileMap to use its tiles."
msgstr ""
"منح مورد مُحدد البلاطات TileSet لخريطة البلاط TileMap هذه كي تستخدم بلاطاتها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint Tile"
msgstr "طلاء البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n"
"Shift+Command+LMB: Rectangle Paint"
msgstr ""
"Shift+ الزر الأيسر للفأرة: الرسم خطياً\n"
"Shift+Ctrl+الزر الأيسر للفأرة: طلاء المستطيلات"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n"
"Shift+Ctrl+LMB: Rectangle Paint"
msgstr ""
"Shift+ الزر الأيسر للفأرة: الرسم خطياً\n"
"Shift+Ctrl+الزر الأيسر للفأرة: طلاء المستطيلات"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Tile"
msgstr "اختيار البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "تدوير لليسار"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "تدوير لليمين"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "القلب أفقياً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "القلب عموديًا"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Transform"
msgstr "محو التَحَوّل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile Map"
msgstr "طلاء خريطة البلاط TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Palette Min Width"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Palette Item H Separation"
msgstr "فاصل مُسمّى"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Tile Names"
msgstr "إظهار جميع المَحليّات Locales"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Tile Ids"
msgstr "أظهر المساطر"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort Tiles By Name"
msgstr "رتبْ الملفات"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bucket Fill Preview"
msgstr "وعاء التعبئة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor Side"
msgstr "المحرّر"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Grid"
msgstr "عرض تراكبات الرسم Overdraw"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Axis Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Texture(s) to TileSet."
msgstr "إضافة نقش(نقوش) إلى مُحدد البلاط TileSet."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove selected Texture from TileSet."
msgstr "مسح النقش المُختار من رزمة البلاطات."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from Scene"
msgstr "إنشاء من المشهد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from Scene"
msgstr "دمج من المشهد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Single Tile"
msgstr "بلاطة مُفردة جديدة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Autotile"
msgstr "بلاط-تلقائي جديد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Atlas"
msgstr "أطلس جديد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Coordinate"
msgstr "الإحداثيات التالية"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the next shape, subtile, or Tile."
msgstr "اختر الشكل أو البلاط الفرعي أو البلاط التالي."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Coordinate"
msgstr "الإحداثيات السابقة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the previous shape, subtile, or Tile."
msgstr "اختر الشكل أو البلاط الفرعي أو البلاط، السابق."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Region"
msgstr "الإقليم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Collision"
msgstr "التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occlusion"
msgstr "الإطباق Occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Bitmask"
msgstr "قناع-البِت"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "الأولية"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Index"
msgstr "ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Region Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأقليم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Collision Mode"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occlusion Mode"
msgstr "وضع الإطباق"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Navigation Mode"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bitmask Mode"
msgstr "وضع قناع-البِت"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Priority Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Icon Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأيقونة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z Index Mode"
msgstr "وضع ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy bitmask."
msgstr "نسخ قناع-البِت."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste bitmask."
msgstr "لصق قناع-البِت."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase bitmask."
msgstr "مسح قناع-البِت."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new rectangle."
msgstr "إنشاء مستطيل جديد."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Rectangle"
msgstr "مستطيل الطلاء"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new polygon."
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع جديد."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Polygon"
msgstr "تحريك المُضلع"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Selected Shape"
msgstr "حذف المُختار"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep polygon inside region Rect."
msgstr "إبقاء المُضلع داخل مستطيل المنطقة."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable snap and show grid (configurable via the Inspector)."
msgstr "تمكين المحاذاة وإظهار الشبكة (التهيئة عبر المُتفحص)."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Tile Names (Hold Alt Key)"
msgstr "تعطيل أسماء البلاطات (اضغط على زر Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Add or select a texture on the left panel to edit the tiles bound to it."
msgstr "أضف أو اختر نقشاً من اللوحة على اليسار لتحرير البلاطات المقترنة بها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove selected texture? This will remove all tiles which use it."
msgstr "مسح النقش المُختار؟ هذا سيزيل جميع البلاطات التي تستخدمه."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "You haven't selected a texture to remove."
msgstr "لم تختر نقشاً لإزالته."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from scene? This will overwrite all current tiles."
msgstr ""
"إنشاء اعتماداً على مشهد؟ هذا سيكتب متجاوزاً overwrite جميع البلاطات الحالية."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from scene?"
msgstr "دمج من مشهد؟"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Texture"
msgstr "إزالة النقش"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "%s file(s) were not added because was already on the list."
msgstr "%s الملف(ات) لم تضف بسبب كونها موجودة سلفاً بالقائمة."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag handles to edit Rect.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"اسحب المقابض لتحرير المستطيل.\n"
"اضغط على بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete selected Rect."
msgstr "مسح المستطيلات المحددة."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select current edited sub-tile.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"اختر البلاطات الفرعية المُحددة حديثاً.\n"
"اضغط على بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete polygon."
msgstr "مسح المُضلع."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"LMB: Set bit on.\n"
"RMB: Set bit off.\n"
"Shift+LMB: Set wildcard bit.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"الزر الأيسر للفأرة: تشغيل bit.\n"
"الزر الأيمن للفأرة: إطفاء bit.\n"
"Shift+الزر الأيسر للفأرة: تحديد wildcard bit.\n"
"اضغط على بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to use as icon, this will be also used on invalid autotile "
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"اختر بلاطة فرعية لاستخدامها كأيقونة، حيث سيتم استخدامها في قرن البلاط "
"التلقائي غير الصالح.\n"
"اضغط على بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to change its priority.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"اختر بلاطة فرعية لتغير التفاضل الخاص بها.\n"
"اختر بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to change its z index.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"اختر بلاطة فرعية لتغير ترتيبها على المحور Z.\n"
"اضغط على بلاطة أخرى لتحريرها."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Tile Region"
msgstr "تحديد منطقة البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Tile"
msgstr "إنشاء بلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Tile Icon"
msgstr "تحديد أيقونة البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "تحرير قناع البِت Bitmask البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Collision Polygon"
msgstr "تعديل مُضلع التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "تحرير مُضلع الإطباق"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "تحرير مُضلع التصفح"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "لصق قناع بِت Bitmask البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "مسح قناع بِت Bitmask البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Polygon Concave"
msgstr "جعل المُضلع مُقعراً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Polygon Convex"
msgstr "جعل المُضلع مُحدّباً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Tile"
msgstr "إزالة البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Collision Polygon"
msgstr "إزالة مُضلع التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "إزالة مُضلع الإطباق"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "إزالة مُضلع التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Priority"
msgstr "تعديل تفاضل البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Z Index"
msgstr "تعديل تراتبية البلاط على المحور Z"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Convex"
msgstr "جعله مُحدباً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Concave"
msgstr "جعله مُقعراً"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Collision Polygon"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع الإطباق Occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This property can't be changed."
msgstr "لا يمكن تعديل هذه الخاصية."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snap Options"
msgstr "إعدادت المحاذاة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Step"
msgstr "الخطوة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Tile"
msgstr "حدد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "نص"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tex Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Material"
msgstr "تغيرات المادة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modulate"
msgstr "تكثير/تزويد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile Mode"
msgstr "أظهر المود"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autotile Bitmask Mode"
msgstr "وضع قناع-البِت"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subtile Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subtile Spacing"
msgstr "تكرار الرسوم المتحركة"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Occluder Offset"
msgstr "أنشئ شكل مُطبق"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Offset"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shape Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shape Transform"
msgstr "التحوّل"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Collision"
msgstr "التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Collision One Way"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Collision One Way Margin"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Navigation"
msgstr "الإنتقال المرئي"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Occlusion"
msgstr "حدد"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tileset Script"
msgstr "تشريح النصوص البرمجية"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TileSet"
msgstr "مُحدد البلاط"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No VCS plugins are available."
msgstr "لا يوجد إضافات VCS متوافرة."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Remote settings are empty. VCS features that use the network may not work."
msgstr "الإعدادت عن بُعد فارغة. يمكن أنْ لا تعمل خصائص VCS التي تستخدم الشبكة."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No commit message was provided."
msgstr "لا أسم مُقدم."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "ارتكاب"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Staged Changes"
msgstr "تغيرات المُظلل"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unstaged Changes"
msgstr "تغيرات المُظلل"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit:"
msgstr "تسجيل/تجهيز:"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "تاريخ:"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtitle:"
msgstr "عنوان جانبي:"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Do you want to remove the %s branch?"
msgstr "هل تريد إزالة فرع s%؟"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do you want to remove the %s remote?"
msgstr "هل أنت واثق من فتح أكثر من مشروع؟"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "طَبق إعادة تعيين"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version Control System"
msgstr "نظام التحكم بالإصدار VCS"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Initialize"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote Login"
msgstr "مسح النقطة"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select SSH public key path"
msgstr "أختر مسار المفتاح العام لSSH"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select SSH private key path"
msgstr "أختر مسار المفتاح الخاص لSSH"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Passphrase"
msgstr "كلمة المرور ل(SSH)"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Detect new changes"
msgstr "الكشف عن التغيرات الجديدة"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Discard all changes"
msgstr "إلغاء جميع التعديلات"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stage all changes"
msgstr "تحضير جميع التغيرات"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unstage all changes"
msgstr "تُغيرات المادة"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit Message"
msgstr "اقتراف التعديلا"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit Changes"
msgstr "اقتراف التعديلا"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Commit List"
msgstr "ارتكاب"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit list size"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Branches"
msgstr "فروع"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Branch"
msgstr "إنشاء فرع جديد"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Branch"
msgstr "إزالة فرع"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Branch Name"
msgstr "أسم الفرع"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remotes"
msgstr "عن بعد"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create New Remote"
msgstr "إنشاء مشروع جديد"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Remote"
msgstr "إزالة عنصر"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remote Name"
msgstr "من بُعد"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remote URL"
msgstr "لينك/مسار اونلاين عن بعد"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fetch"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pull"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Push"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Force Push"
msgstr "أنشر بإجبار"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "مُعدّل"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Renamed"
msgstr "مُعاد تسميته"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "مُزال"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Typechange"
msgstr "تعديل النوع"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unmerged"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View:"
msgstr "أظهر:"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split"
msgstr "فصل المسار"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unified"
msgstr "مُعدّل"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(GLES3 only)"
msgstr "(GLES3 فقط)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Output"
msgstr "إضافة مُخرج"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar"
msgstr "كمية قياسية Scalar"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector"
msgstr "مُتجه"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean"
msgstr "منطق Boolean"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sampler"
msgstr "عينات (صوتية)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add input port"
msgstr "أضف بوابة المُدخلات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add output port"
msgstr "أضف منفذ المُخرجات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change input port type"
msgstr "غيّر نوع منفذ المُدخلات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change output port type"
msgstr "غيّر نوع منفذ المُخرجات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change input port name"
msgstr "غيّر اسم منفذ المُدخلات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change output port name"
msgstr "غيّر اسم منفذ المُخرجات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove input port"
msgstr "إزالة منفذ المُدخلات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove output port"
msgstr "إزالة منفذ المُخرجات"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set expression"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resize VisualShader node"
msgstr "تغيير حجم عُقدة VisualShader (التظليل البصري)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Uniform Name"
msgstr "تحديد اسم موحد"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Input Default Port"
msgstr "تحديد منفذ المدخلات الافتراضي"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node to Visual Shader"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة للتظليل البصري Visual Shader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Node(s) Moved"
msgstr "لقد تحركت العُقدة"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Nodes"
msgstr "مضاعفة العُقد"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste Nodes"
msgstr "لصق العُقد"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Nodes"
msgstr "حذف العُقد"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Visual Shader Input Type Changed"
msgstr "تعدل نوع مُدخلات التظليل البصري Visual Shader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "UniformRef Name Changed"
msgstr "تحديد اسم موحد"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertex"
msgstr "رأس"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fragment"
msgstr "شظايا"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Light"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show resulted shader code."
msgstr "إظهار نص التظليل البرمجي الناتج."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Shader Node"
msgstr "إنشاء عُقدة تظليل"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color function."
msgstr "الوظيفة البرمجية للون."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color operator."
msgstr "مُشغّل اللون."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grayscale function."
msgstr "وظيفة التدرج الرمادي."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts HSV vector to RGB equivalent."
msgstr "تحويل مُتجه HSV إلى معادله من RGB."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts RGB vector to HSV equivalent."
msgstr "تحويل مُتجه RGB إلى معادله من HSV."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sepia function."
msgstr "وظيفة البُني الداكن."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Burn operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الحرق."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Darken operator."
msgstr "مُشغل التعتيم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Difference operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الفارق."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dodge operator."
msgstr "مُشغل التملص Dodge."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "HardLight operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الضوء الساطع."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lighten operator."
msgstr "مُشغل التفتيح."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Overlay operator."
msgstr "مُشغل التراكم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Screen operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الشاشة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SoftLight operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الضوء الخافت."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color constant."
msgstr "ثابت اللون."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color uniform."
msgstr "اللون المُوحد."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the boolean result of the %s comparison between two parameters."
msgstr "يُرجع المنطق الناتج عن مقارنة %s بين اثنين من المُعاملات."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Equal (==)"
msgstr "يُعادل (==)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Greater Than (>)"
msgstr "أكبر من (>)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Greater Than or Equal (>=)"
msgstr "أكبر أو يساوي (>=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated vector if the provided scalars are equal, greater or "
msgstr ""
"يُرجع المُتجه المقرون إذا كانت القيمة القياسية المُقدمة مساوية، أكبر أو أصغر."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF and a scalar "
msgstr ""
"يُرجع قيمة المنطق (صح/خطأ) من المقارنة بين INF ومَعلم الكمية القياسية scalar "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between NaN and a scalar "
msgstr ""
"يُرجع منطق المقارنة (صحيح/خاطئ) بين NaN (ليس عدداً) و مَعلم الكمية القياسية "
"scalar parameter."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Less Than (<)"
msgstr "أصغر من (<)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Less Than or Equal (<=)"
msgstr "أصغر أو يساوي (<=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Not Equal (!=)"
msgstr "لا يُعادل (!=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated vector if the provided boolean value is true or false."
msgstr "يُرجع المٌتجه المقرون إن كانت قيمة المنطق المزود صحيحة أو خاطئة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated scalar if the provided boolean value is true or false."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع قيمة الكمية القياسية scalar المقرونة إن كانت قيمة المنطق المزود صحيحة "
"أو خاطئة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between two parameters."
msgstr "يُرجع نتيجة المنطق (صحيح/خاطئ) بعد المقارنة بين اثنين من المعالم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF (or NaN) and a "
"scalar parameter."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع نتيجة المنطق (صحيح/خاطئ) الناتج عن المقارنة ما بين INF (أو NaN \"ليس "
"عدداً\") و مَعلم كمية قياسية scalar parameter."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean constant."
msgstr "ثابت المنطق (صحيح/خاطئ)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean uniform."
msgstr "المنطق (صحيح/خاطئ) المُوحد."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for all shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل جميع أساليب التظليل shader modes."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Input parameter."
msgstr "مَعلم المُدخل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل أساليب تظليل الرأس والقطع."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment and light shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل أساليب تظليل القطع والإضاءة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل أساليب تظليل القطع."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for light shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأسلوب تظليل الإضاءة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل تظليل الرأس vertex."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' مَعلم المُدخل لأجل أساليب تظليل الرأس والقِطع."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar function."
msgstr "وظيفة الكمية القياسية Scalar."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar operator."
msgstr "مُشغل الكمية القياسية Scalar."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "E constant (2.718282). Represents the base of the natural logarithm."
msgstr ""
"الثابت E وتعادل قيمته (2.718282)، وهو يمثل الأساس في اللوغاريتم الطبيعي."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Epsilon constant (0.00001). Smallest possible scalar number."
msgstr "ثابت إيبسلون (0.00001)، أصغر الأعداد على الإطلاق."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Phi constant (1.618034). Golden ratio."
msgstr "ثابت فاي (1.618034)، ويمثل النسبة الذهبية ذاتها."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi/4 constant (0.785398) or 45 degrees."
msgstr "ثابت باي/4 (0.785398) أو 45 درجة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi/2 constant (1.570796) or 90 degrees."
msgstr "ثابت باي/2 (1.570796) أو 90 درجة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi constant (3.141593) or 180 degrees."
msgstr "ثابت باي (3.141593) أو 180 درجة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tau constant (6.283185) or 360 degrees."
msgstr "ثابت تاو Tau وقيمته (6.283185) أو 360 درجة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sqrt2 constant (1.414214). Square root of 2."
msgstr "ثابت جذر-العدد2 (1.414214)، أي قيمة جذر العدد 2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the absolute value of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع القيمة المطلقة لقيمة المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة جيب التمام للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة جيب تمام القطع الزائد العكسي للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-sine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة الجيب العكسية للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة جيب القطع الزائد العكسي للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة ظل الزاوية العكسية للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameters."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة ظل الزاوية العكسي للمَعالم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the parameter."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع قيمة ظل الزاوية العكسي (قطع زائد) \"inverse hyperbolic tangent\" للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter."
msgstr "يجد أقرب رقم أكبر أو يساوي المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constrains a value to lie between two further values."
msgstr "يُجبر قيمة على التوضع بين قيميتن إضافيتين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع جيب التمام \"cosine \" لقيمة المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة جيب التمام الزائدي \"hyperbolic cosine\" لقيمة المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts a quantity in radians to degrees."
msgstr "يحوّل قيمة (كمية) من الراديان إلى الدرجات."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-e Exponential."
msgstr "الدالة الأسية Base-e."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-2 Exponential."
msgstr "الدالة الأسية Base-2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter."
msgstr "يجد أقرب رقم أصغر أو يساوي المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Computes the fractional part of the argument."
msgstr "يحسب الجزء الكسري من المعامل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع عكس قيمة الجذر التربيعي للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Natural logarithm."
msgstr "اللوغاريتم الطبيعي."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-2 logarithm."
msgstr "اللوغاريتم Base-2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the greater of two values."
msgstr "يُرجع القيمة الكُبرى بين القيمتين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the lesser of two values."
msgstr "يُرجع القيمة الأصغر بين القيمتين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two scalars."
msgstr "استيفاء (استقراء داخلي interpolation ) خطي بين كميتين قياسيتين scalar."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the opposite value of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع القيمة المعاكسة للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 - scalar"
msgstr "1.0 - الكمية القياسية"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the value of the first parameter raised to the power of the second."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة المَعلم الأول مرفوعاً إلى قوّة الثاني."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts a quantity in degrees to radians."
msgstr "يحول الكمية المقاسة بالدرجات إلى الراديان (الدائري)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 / scalar"
msgstr "1.0 \\ الكمية القياسية"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest integer to the parameter."
msgstr "يوجد الرقم الأقرب للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest even integer to the parameter."
msgstr "يجد العدد الزوجي الأقرب لقيمة المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clamps the value between 0.0 and 1.0."
msgstr "يُمخلب (يحصر) القيمة بين 0.0 و 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Extracts the sign of the parameter."
msgstr "يستخرج إشارة المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the sine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع جيب المَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic sine of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة الجيب العكس للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the square root of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة الجذر التربيعي للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if x is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"الوظيفة البرمجية \"الخطوة الناعمة\" SmoothStep وهي function( scalar(edge0), "
"scalar(edge1), scalar(x) ).\n"
"تُرجع 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge0' و 1.0 إذا كان x أكبر من 'edge1'. عدا "
"ذلك سيتم استيفاء (استقراء داخلي interpolated) للقيمة ما بين 0.0 و 1.0 "
"باستخدام متعددات الحدود لهيرمت Hermite polynomials."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"الوظيفة البرمجية \"الخطوة\" function( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n"
"تُرجع 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge' وعدا ذلك 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة ظل الزاوية للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "يُرجع قيمة ظل الزاوية العكسي للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the truncated value of the parameter."
msgstr "يجد قيمة الاقتطاع للمَعلم."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adds scalar to scalar."
msgstr "إضافة كمية قياسية إلى كمية قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divides scalar by scalar."
msgstr "تقسيم كمية قياسية على كمية قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies scalar by scalar."
msgstr "الضرب الرياضي لكمية قياسية بكمية قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the remainder of the two scalars."
msgstr "يُرجع باقي الكميتين القياسيتين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtracts scalar from scalar."
msgstr "طرح كمية قياسية من كمية قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar constant."
msgstr "ثابت الكمية القياسية Scalar constant."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar uniform."
msgstr "الكمية القياسية المُوحدة Scalar uniform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perform the cubic texture lookup."
msgstr "إجراء البحث عن النقش المكعبي."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perform the texture lookup."
msgstr "إجراء البحث عن النقش."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cubic texture uniform lookup."
msgstr "البحث عن النقش المكعبي الموحد."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2D texture uniform lookup."
msgstr "البحث عن النقش الموحد ثنائي البُعد."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2D texture uniform lookup with triplanar."
msgstr ""
"البحث عن النقش ثنائي البُعد الموحد باستخدام الإسقاط ثلاثي المستويات triplanar."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform function."
msgstr "وظيفة التحويل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Calculate the outer product of a pair of vectors.\n"
"OuterProduct treats the first parameter 'c' as a column vector (matrix with "
"one column) and the second parameter 'r' as a row vector (matrix with one "
"row) and does a linear algebraic matrix multiply 'c * r', yielding a matrix "
"whose number of rows is the number of components in 'c' and whose number of "
"columns is the number of components in 'r'."
msgstr ""
"يحسب الجداء السلمي لزوج من المُتجهات (الأشعة). \n"
"يعامل OuterProduct (الجداء السلمي) المعامل الأول 'c' كمتجه عمودي (مصفوفة "
"بعمود واحد) بينما يعامل المعامل الثاني 'r' كمُتجه أفقي (مصفوفة بصف واحد) حيث "
"يقوم بالجداء الجبري الخطي للمصفوفتين بضرب 'c * r'، الأمر الذي ينتج عنه "
"مصفوفة عدد صفوفها يساوي عدد مكونات 'c' وعدد الأعمدة فيها يكون عدد المكونات "
"في 'r'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Composes transform from four vectors."
msgstr "تأليف التحوّل من أربع مُتجهات vectors."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decomposes transform to four vectors."
msgstr "فكّ التحوّل إلى أربع مُتجهات vectors."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the determinant of a transform."
msgstr "حساب مُحدد determinant التحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the inverse of a transform."
msgstr "حساب عكس التحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the transpose of a transform."
msgstr "حساب تبدل موضع التحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies transform by transform."
msgstr "مضاعفة التحوّلات بالتحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies vector by transform."
msgstr "مُضاعفة المُتجهات بالتحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform constant."
msgstr "ثابت التحوّل."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform uniform."
msgstr "مُوحد التحوّل Transform uniform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector function."
msgstr "وظيفة المُتجه Vector ."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector operator."
msgstr "مُشغّل المُتجه."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Composes vector from three scalars."
msgstr "تأليف المُتجه من ثلاث كميات قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decomposes vector to three scalars."
msgstr "فكّ تركيب المُتجه إلى ثلاث كميات قياسية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the cross product of two vectors."
msgstr "حساب حاصل الضرب الاتجاهي لمتجهين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the distance between two points."
msgstr "يُرجع المسافة ما بين نقطتين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the dot product of two vectors."
msgstr "حساب الجداء السلمي dot product للمُتجهين (الشعاعين)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the vector that points in the same direction as a reference vector. "
"The function has three vector parameters : N, the vector to orient, I, the "
"incident vector, and Nref, the reference vector. If the dot product of I and "
"Nref is smaller than zero the return value is N. Otherwise -N is returned."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع المُتجه (الشعاع) الذي يشير إلى ذات اتجاه المُتجه المرجعي. ولدى هذه "
"الوظيفة البرمجية ثلاث مَعالم كمتجهات: N، المُتجه الموجه، I، المُتجه المُسقط "
"وأخيراً Nref الذي يمثل المُوجه المرجعي. إذا كان الجداء السُلمي dot product لكل "
"من I وNref أصغر من الصفر فإن القيمة المُرجعة وقتها ستكون N. عدا ذلك سيتم "
"إرجاع -N."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the length of a vector."
msgstr "حساب طول المُتجه (الشعاع)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors."
msgstr "الاستيفاء (الاستقراء الداخلي interpolation ) بين مُتجهين."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors using scalar."
msgstr ""
"الاستيفاء (الاستقراء الداخلي interpolation) بين مُتجهين باستخدام الكمية "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the normalize product of vector."
msgstr "يحسب قيمة المُتجه (الشعاع) نسبة للواحد normalize product."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 - vector"
msgstr "1.0 - مُتجه (شعاع)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 / vector"
msgstr "1.0 \\ المُتجه (الشعاع)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the vector that points in the direction of reflection ( a : incident "
"vector, b : normal vector )."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع المُتجه الذي يشير إلى باتجاه الانعكاس (أ: المُتجه (الشعاع) المُسقَط، ب: "
"المُتجه (الشعاع) الطبيعي)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the vector that points in the direction of refraction."
msgstr "يُرجع المُتجه (الشعاع) الذي يشير باتجاه الانكسار."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( vector(edge0), vector(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"SmoothStep function( vector(edge0), vector(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"تُرجع قيمة 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge0' و 1.0 إذا كان 'x' أكبر من 'edge1'. "
"بخلاف ذلك القيمة المُرجعة سيتم استيفاؤها (استقراء داخلي) بين 0.0 و1.0 "
"باستخدام متعددات الحدود لهيرمت Hermite polynomials."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"تُرجع قيمة 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge0' و 1.0 إذا كان 'x' أكبر من 'edge1'. "
"بخلاف ذلك القيمة المُرجعة سيتم استيفاؤها (استقراء داخلي) بين 0.0 و1.0 "
"باستخدام متعددات الحدود لهيرمت Hermite polynomials."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( vector(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"Step function( vector(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"يُرجع القيمة 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge' وعدا ذلك ستُرجع القيمة 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"يُرجع القيمة 0.0 إذا كان 'x' أصغر من 'edge' وعدا ذلك ستُرجع القيمة 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adds vector to vector."
msgstr "إضافة مُتجه (شعاع) إلى مُتجه (شعاع)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divides vector by vector."
msgstr "يُقسّم المُتجه (الشعاع) على المُتجه."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies vector by vector."
msgstr "جداء (مضاعفة) مُتجه بمُتجه."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the remainder of the two vectors."
msgstr "يُرجع باقي قسمة كل من المُتجهين (الشعاعين)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtracts vector from vector."
msgstr "طرح مُتجه (شعاع) من مُتجه."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector constant."
msgstr "ثابت المُتجه."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector uniform."
msgstr "مُتجهات موحدة."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Custom Godot Shader Language expression, with custom amount of input and "
"output ports. This is a direct injection of code into the vertex/fragment/"
"light function, do not use it to write the function declarations inside."
msgstr ""
"تعبير إصلاحي (لغوي) خاص بمُظلل غودوت، بواسطة كمية مُخصصة من منافذ المُدخلات "
"والمُخرجات. إنه إقحام مباشر للنص البرمجي ضمن الوظائف الخاصة بالقمة vertex/ "
"بالجزء fragment/ بالضوء light ، لذا لا تستخدمها لكي تكتب تعريف وتوضيح "
"الوظيفة البرمجية داخلها."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns falloff based on the dot product of surface normal and view "
"direction of camera (pass associated inputs to it)."
msgstr ""
"يُرجع الإسقاط المبني على الجداء السُلمي لكل من السطح الطبيعي وتوجيه الكاميرا "
"(يمرر المُدخلات المرتبطة بها)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Custom Godot Shader Language expression, which is placed on top of the "
"resulted shader. You can place various function definitions inside and call "
"it later in the Expressions. You can also declare varyings, uniforms and "
msgstr ""
"تعبير (إصطلاحي) لغوي خاص بمُظلل غودوت، والذي يكون أعلى المُظلل الناتج. يمكنك "
"أن تضع تعريفات وظيفية برمجية مختلفة ضمنه واستدعاءها لاحقاً في التعابير عنها. "
"كما يمكنك أيضاً أن تُصرّح (تعرّف) عن المتحولات، الموحدات (uniforms)، وكذلك "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "A reference to an existing uniform."
msgstr "إشارة إلى زي موحد موجود."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Scalar derivative function."
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) وظيفية برمجية اشتقاقية للكمية القياسية "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Vector derivative function."
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) وظيفية برمجية اشتقاقية للمُتجه (الشعاع)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'x' using local "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (مُتجه) مُشتق في 'x' باستخدام الاختلافات "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'x' using local "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (كمية قياسية Scalar) مُشتقة في 'x' باستخدام "
"الاختلافات المحلية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'y' using local "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (مُتجه) مُشتق في 'y' باستخدام الاختلافات "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'y' using local "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (كمية قياسية Scalar) مُشتقة في 'y' باستخدام "
"الاختلافات المحلية."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (مُتجه)مجموع الاشتقاق المُطلق في 'x' و 'y'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and "
msgstr ""
"(فقط وضع القِطع Fragment/ الضوء) (كمية قياسية Scalar) مُشتق مُطلق في 'x' و'y'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "VisualShader"
msgstr "المُظلل البصري"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Visual Property:"
msgstr "تحرير الخاصية البصرية:"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Visual Shader Mode Changed"
msgstr "تغيير وضع المُظلل البصري"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Runnable"
msgstr "قابل للتشغيل"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export the project for all the presets defined."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "All presets must have an export path defined for Export All to work."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Delete preset '%s'?"
msgstr "حذف المُعد مُسبقاً '%s'؟"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Exporting All"
msgstr "تصدير الكُل"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Path"
msgstr "مسار التصدير"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Presets"
msgstr "مُعد سلفاً"

#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add..."
msgstr "إضافة..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"If checked, the preset will be available for use in one-click deploy.\n"
"Only one preset per platform may be marked as runnable."
msgstr ""
"إن تم تحدديها، ستتم إتاحة المُعدّة سلفاً لتكون جاهزة للنشر deploy بضغط واحدة.\n"
"فقط واحدة من المُعدّة سلفاً preset لكل منصة ستوسم على أنها قابلة للتشغيل."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "الموراد"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export all resources in the project"
msgstr "تصدير جميع الموارد في المشروع"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected scenes (and dependencies)"
msgstr "تصدير المشاهد المُختارة (وتبعاتها)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected resources (and dependencies)"
msgstr "تصدير الموارد المُختارة (وتبعياتها)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Mode:"
msgstr "وضع التصدير:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources to export:"
msgstr "الموارد المُعدّة للتصدير:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to export non-resource files/folders\n"
"(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"
msgstr ""
"مُرشحات Filters تصدير الملفات / المجلدات من غير الموارد\n"
"(تلك المفصولة بالفاصلة، على سبيل المثال: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to exclude files/folders from project\n"
"(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"
msgstr ""
"مُرشحات Filters تصدير الملفات/المُجلدات من المشروع\n"
"(المفصولة بفاصلة، مثلاً: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Features"
msgstr "المزايا"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Custom (comma-separated):"
msgstr "مُخصص (مفصول بفاصلة):"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Feature List:"
msgstr "قائمة المزايا:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Script"
msgstr "النص البرمجي"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GDScript Export Mode:"
msgstr "وضع تصدير النص البرمجي:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compiled Bytecode (Faster Loading)"
msgstr "التعليمات المتوسطة المستوى (البايتكود) المُجمَّعة (تحميل أسرع)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Encrypted (Provide Key Below)"
msgstr "مشفّرة (قدّم المفتاح أدناه)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid Encryption Key (must be 64 hexadecimal characters long)"
msgstr "مفتاح تشفير غير صالح (ينبغي أن يكون طوله 46 حرف)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GDScript Encryption Key (256-bits as hexadecimal):"
msgstr "مفتاح تشفير النص البرمجي (256-bits ك hex ):"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: Encryption key needs to be stored in the binary,\n"
"you need to build the export templates from source."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "More Info..."
msgstr "تحريك إلي..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export PCK/Zip..."
msgstr "تصدير PCK/ ملف مضغوط Zip..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Project..."
msgstr "تصدير المشروع..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export All"
msgstr "تصدير الكُل"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Choose an export mode:"
msgstr "من فضلك اختر مُجلداً فارغاً:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export All..."
msgstr "تصدير الكُل..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "ZIP File"
msgstr "الملف المضغوط ZIP File"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Godot Project Pack"
msgstr "رُزمة لعبة غودوت"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing:"
msgstr "قوالب التصدير لهذه المنصة مفقودة:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Project Export"
msgstr "مؤسسون المشروع"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Manage Export Templates"
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export With Debug"
msgstr "التصدير مع مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The path specified doesn't exist."
msgstr "المسار المُحدد غير موجود."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error opening package file (it's not in ZIP format)."
msgstr "حدث خطأ عندفتح ملف الحزمة بسبب أن الملف ليس في صيغة \"ZIP\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid \".zip\" project file; it doesn't contain a \"project.godot\" file."
msgstr "ملف المشروع \".zip\" غير صالح؛ لا يحوي ملف \"project.godot\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Please choose an empty folder."
msgstr "من فضلك اختر مُجلداً فارغاً."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Please choose a \"project.godot\" or \".zip\" file."
msgstr "من فضلك اختر ملف \"project.godot\" أو \".zip\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "This directory already contains a Godot project."
msgstr "الدليل المُختار يتضمن بالفعل مشروعاً لغودوت."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Game Project"
msgstr "مشروع لعبة جديد"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Imported Project"
msgstr "المشاريع المستوردة"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid project name."
msgstr "اسم مشروع غير صالح."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create folder."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "There is already a folder in this path with the specified name."
msgstr "يوجد ملف بالفعل بالمسار المُختار بذات الاسم المُختار."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "It would be a good idea to name your project."
msgstr "إنها لفكرة جيدة أن تقوم بتسمية مشروعك."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path (changed anything?)."
msgstr "مسار مشروع غير صالح (أعدلت شيء؟)."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Couldn't load project at '%s' (error %d). It may be missing or corrupted."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم تحميل project.godot من مسار المشروع (خطأ %d). قد يكون مفقوداً أو تالفاً."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't save project at '%s' (error %d)."
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح المشروع في '%s'."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create project.godot in project path."
msgstr "لا قدرة على إنشاء project.godot في مسار المشروع."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error opening package file, not in ZIP format."
msgstr "حدث خطأ عندفتح ملف الحزمة بسبب أن الملف ليس في صيغة \"ZIP\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from package:"
msgstr "فشل استخراج الملفات التالية من الحزمة:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Package installed successfully!"
msgstr "تم تتبيث الحزمة بنجاح!"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Rename Project"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import Existing Project"
msgstr "استيراد مشروع موجود"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import & Edit"
msgstr "إستيراد و تعديل"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create New Project"
msgstr "إنشاء مشروع جديد"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create & Edit"
msgstr "إنشاء و تعديل"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install Project:"
msgstr "تنصيب المشروع:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install & Edit"
msgstr "تثبيت و تعديل"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Name:"
msgstr "اسم المشروع:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Path:"
msgstr "مسار المشروع:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Installation Path:"
msgstr "مسار تنصيب المشروع:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Renderer:"
msgstr "مُحرك الإخراج البصري:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "OpenGL ES 3.0"
msgstr "خلفية بدعم OpenGL ES 3.0"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Not supported by your GPU drivers."
msgstr "غير مدعوم من قبل برامج تشغيل GPU(اجهزة اارسوم) الخاصة بك."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Higher visual quality\n"
"All features available\n"
"Incompatible with older hardware\n"
"Not recommended for web games"
msgstr ""
"جودة بصرية أعلى\n"
"جميع الميزات المتاحة\n"
"غير متوافق مع الأجهزة القديمة\n"
"لا ينصح به لألعاب الويب"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "OpenGL ES 2.0"
msgstr "خلفية بدعم OpenGL ES 2.0"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Lower visual quality\n"
"Some features not available\n"
"Works on most hardware\n"
"Recommended for web games"
msgstr ""
"جودة بصرية أقل\n"
"بعض الميزات غير متوفرة \n"
"يعمل على معظم الأجهزة\n"
"يوصى به لألعاب الويب"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Renderer can be changed later, but scenes may need to be adjusted."
msgstr "يمكن تعديل جهاز العرض لاحقاً، ولكن قد تحتاج المشاهد إلى تعديل."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Missing Project"
msgstr "مشروع مفقود"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error: Project is missing on the filesystem."
msgstr "خطأ: المشروع مفقود في نظام الملفات."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Local"
msgstr "محلي"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Projects"
msgstr "المشاريع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Asset Library Projects"
msgstr "مكتبة المُلحقات"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't open project at '%s'."
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح المشروع في '%s'."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to open more than one project?"
msgstr "هل أنت واثق من فتح أكثر من مشروع؟"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The following project settings file does not specify the version of Godot "
"through which it was created.\n"
"If you proceed with opening it, it will be converted to Godot's current "
"configuration file format.\n"
"Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the "
"engine anymore."
msgstr ""
"إن ملف إعدادت المشروع المرفق لا يُحدد نسخة غودوت التي تم بناؤه بها. \n"
"إن أصريت على فتحه، سيتم تحويله لبنية ملف التهيئة (التكوين) الحالي الخاص "
"بغودوت. \n"
"تحذير: لن تعد قادارً على فتح المشروع باستخدام النُسخ السابقة من المُحرك بعد "

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The following project settings file was generated by an older engine "
"version, and needs to be converted for this version:\n"
"Do you want to convert it?\n"
"Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the "
"engine anymore."
msgstr ""
"إن ملف إعدادات المشروع المرفق كان قد تم إنشاؤه باستخدام إصدار أقدم من "
"المحرك، لذا إنه بحاجة لتحويله إلى النسخة الحالية:\n"
"هل ترغب في تحويله؟\n"
"تحذير: لن تعد قادراً على فتح المشروع بالنُسخ السابقة من المُحرك بعد الآن."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The project settings were created by a newer engine version, whose settings "
"are not compatible with this version."
msgstr ""
"لقد تم إنشاء إعدادات المشروع هذا بإصدار أحدث من المُحرك، تلك الإعدادات غير "
"متوافقة مع هذا الإصدار."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't run project: no main scene defined.\n"
"Please edit the project and set the main scene in the Project Settings under "
"the \"Application\" category."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن تشغيل المشروع: لم يتم تحديد مشهد رئيس.\n"
"من فضلك حرر المشروع وحدد مشهداً رئيساً في إعدادات المشروع تحت خيار \"التطبيق\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't run project: Assets need to be imported.\n"
"Please edit the project to trigger the initial import."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن تشغيل المشروع: يجب استيراد المُلحقات.\n"
"من فضلك حرر المشروع لتحريض الشروع بالاستيراد."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to run %d projects at once?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من فتح %d مشاريع مرّة واحدة؟"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove %d projects from the list?"
msgstr "أتريد إزالة %d مشروع من القائمة؟"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove this project from the list?"
msgstr "أتريد إزالة هذا المشروع من القائمة؟"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove all missing projects from the list?\n"
"The project folders' contents won't be modified."
msgstr ""
"إزالة جميع المشاريع المفقودة من القائمة؟\n"
"لن يتم تعديل محتوى مُجلدات المشاريع."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Language changed.\n"
"The interface will update after restarting the editor or project manager."
msgstr ""
"تم تغيير اللُغة.\n"
"ستتحدث الواجهة بعد إعادة تشغيل المُحرر أو مُدير المشاريع."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Are you sure to scan %s folders for existing Godot projects?\n"
"This could take a while."
msgstr ""
"هل أنت متأكد من فحص %s من المجلدات بحثاً عن مشاريع غودوت متوافرة؟\n"
"قد يستغرق وقتاً."

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the application where users manage their Godot projects.
#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "Application"
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "مدير المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "آخر ما تم تعديله"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loading, please wait..."
msgstr "يستقبل المرايا، من فضلك إنتظر..."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Project"
msgstr "تصدير المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Run Project"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "فحص"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scan Projects"
msgstr "المشاريع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Select a Folder to Scan"
msgstr "اختر مُجلداً لفحصه"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Project"
msgstr "مشروع جديد"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import Project"
msgstr "المشاريع المستوردة"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Project"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove Missing"
msgstr "إزالة المفقود"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "About"
msgstr "حول هذا المستند"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Restart Now"
msgstr "إعادة التشغيل الآن"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove All"
msgstr "مسح الكل"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Also delete project contents (no undo!)"
msgstr "كذلك ستحذف محتويات المشروع (لا تراجع!)"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't run project"
msgstr "غير قادر على تشغيل المشروع"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"You currently don't have any projects.\n"
"Would you like to explore official example projects in the Asset Library?"
msgstr ""
"لا تملك حالياً أية مشاريع.\n"
"هل ترغب في استكشاف مشاريع الأمثلة الرسمية في مكتبة المُلحقات؟"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter projects"
msgstr "خصائص التصفية"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This field filters projects by name and last path component.\n"
"To filter projects by name and full path, the query must contain at least "
"one `/` character."
msgstr ""
"صندوق البحث يُرشح (يُغربل) المشاريع وفقاً للاسم و مكون المسار الأخير.\n"
"لتشريح (غربلة) المشاريع باستخدام الاسم والمسار الكامل، يجب أن تحتوي المبحوث "
"عنه query على الأقل حرف `/` واحد."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Physical Key"
msgstr "الزر الفيزيائي"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Key "
msgstr "زر "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Button"
msgstr "زر Joy"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Axis"
msgstr "محور Joy"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button"
msgstr "زر الفأرة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or "
msgstr ""
"اسم فعالية غير صحيح. لا يمكن أن يكون فارغاً أو يتضمن '/'، ':'، '='، '\\' أو "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "An action with the name '%s' already exists."
msgstr "فعالية action بهذا الاسم '%s' موجودة سلفاً."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Input Action Event"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية حدث فعالية الإدخال"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Action deadzone"
msgstr "تغيير المنطقة الميتة للفعالية Action deadzone"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action Event"
msgstr "إضافة حدث فعالية الإدخال"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "All Devices"
msgstr "جميع الأجهزة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid " (Physical)"
msgstr " (فيزيائي)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Press a Key..."
msgstr "اضغط زراً..."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button Index:"
msgstr "مؤشر Index زر الفأرة:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button"
msgstr "الزر الأيسر"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button"
msgstr "الزر الأيمن"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button"
msgstr "الزر الأوسط"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up Button"
msgstr "زر العجلة للأعلى"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down Button"
msgstr "زر العجلة للأسفل"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Left Button"
msgstr "زر العجلة يساراً"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Right Button"
msgstr "زر العجلة يميناً"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "X Button 1"
msgstr "زر X 1"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "X Button 2"
msgstr "زر X 2"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joypad Axis Index:"
msgstr "مؤشر محور القبضة Joypad :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joypad Button Index:"
msgstr "مؤشر زر القبضة Joypad:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action"
msgstr "مسح إجراء الإدخال"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action Event"
msgstr "مسح حدث إجراء الإضافة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Event"
msgstr "إضافة حَدث"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Button"
msgstr "زر"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button."
msgstr "الزر الأيسر."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button."
msgstr "الزر الأيمن."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button."
msgstr "الزر الأوسط."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up."
msgstr "العجلة نحو الأقصى."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down."
msgstr "العجلة نحو الأدنى."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Global Property"
msgstr "إضافة خاصية شمولية"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a setting item first!"
msgstr "اختر عنصر إعدادات بدايةً!"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "No property '%s' exists."
msgstr "لا خاصية '%s' موجودة."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Setting '%s' is internal, and it can't be deleted."
msgstr "الإعداد '%s' ضمني، ولا يمكن حذفه."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Item"
msgstr "حذف العُنصر"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or "
msgstr ""
"اسم إجراء غير صالح. لا يجوز أن يكون الاسم فارغاً أو متضمناً '/'، ':'،'='، '\\' "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action"
msgstr "إضافة إجراء إدخال"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Error saving settings."
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ الإعدادات."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Settings saved OK."
msgstr "تيسّر حفظ الإعدادات."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Moved Input Action Event"
msgstr "حدث إجراء إدخال الذي تم نقله"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override for Feature"
msgstr "التجاوز للميزة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add %d Translations"
msgstr "إضافة ترجمة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Translation"
msgstr "إزالة الترجمة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Path(s)"
msgstr "مورد إعادة رسم الخريطة يُضيف إعادة رسم خريطة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Remap(s)"
msgstr "مورد إعادة رسم الخريطة يُضيف إعادة رسم خريطة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Resource Remap Language"
msgstr "تغيير لغة مورد إعادة تعيين الخريطة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap"
msgstr "إزالة مورد إعادة تعيين الخريطة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap Option"
msgstr "إزالة إعداد مورد إعادة تعيين الخريطة"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Changed Locale Filter"
msgstr "مُرشح محلي مُعدّل"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Changed Locale Filter Mode"
msgstr "وضع المُرشح (المُغربل) المحلي المُعدّل"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Project Settings (project.godot)"
msgstr "إعدادات المشروع (project.godot)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "General"
msgstr "عام"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override For..."
msgstr "تجاوز لأجل..."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "The editor must be restarted for changes to take effect."
msgstr "لكي يظهر تأثير التغييرات ينبغي إعادة تشغيل المُحرر."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Input Map"
msgstr "خريطة الإدخال"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "إجراء:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid "Deadzone"
msgstr "الحيز الميّت"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "الجهاز:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Index:"
msgstr "الفهرس:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "توطين"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "الترجمات"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations:"
msgstr "الترجمات:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الخرائط"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources:"
msgstr "الموارد:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps by Locale:"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الخرائط محلياً:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locales Filter"
msgstr "مُرشح المحليّات Locales"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Show All Locales"
msgstr "إظهار جميع المَحليّات Locales"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Show Selected Locales Only"
msgstr "إظهار المَحليّات المُختارة فحسب"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Filter mode:"
msgstr "وضع المُرشح:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locales:"
msgstr "مَحليّات:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "AutoLoad"
msgstr "تحميل تلقائي"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "إضافات"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import Defaults"
msgstr "تحميل الإفتراضي"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Preset..."
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق..."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Zero"
msgstr "صفر"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing In-Out"
msgstr "تسارع بعد بداية بطيئة"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing Out-In"
msgstr "تباطؤ بعد بداية سريعة"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "File..."
msgstr "ملف..."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Dir..."
msgstr "مسار..."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "ألحق"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Node"
msgstr "اختر عُقدة"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading file: Not a resource!"
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل الملف: ليس مورداً!"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick a Node"
msgstr "اختر عُقدة"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, val %d."
msgstr "Bit %d، قيمة%d."

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Property"
msgstr "انتقاء الخاصية"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Virtual Method"
msgstr "اختر الطريقة الإفتراضية"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Method"
msgstr "إختر طريقة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Batch Rename"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الدفعة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Prefix:"
msgstr "بادئة:"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Suffix:"
msgstr "لاحقة:"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Use Regular Expressions"
msgstr "استخدام التعبيرات الاعتيادية Regular Expressions"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "إعدادات مُتقدمة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Substitute"
msgstr "استبدال"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node name"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node's parent name, if available"
msgstr "اسم العُقدة الأب، إن توافر"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node type"
msgstr "نوع العُقدة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current scene name"
msgstr "اسم المشهد الحالي"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Root node name"
msgstr "اسم العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Sequential integer counter.\n"
"Compare counter options."
msgstr ""
"عداد الأعداد الصحيحة التسلسلية.\n"
"يقارن إعدادات العداد."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Per-level Counter"
msgstr "العداد وفق-المستوى"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "If set, the counter restarts for each group of child nodes."
msgstr "إذا تم تحديده فإن العداد سيعيد البدء لكل مجموعة من العُقد الأبناء."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Initial value for the counter"
msgstr "القيمة المبدئية للعداد"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Amount by which counter is incremented for each node"
msgstr "مقدار الزيادة للعداد لكل عُقدة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Padding"
msgstr "الحواف Padding"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Minimum number of digits for the counter.\n"
"Missing digits are padded with leading zeros."
msgstr ""
"أصغر عدد خانات للعداد.\n"
"الخانات الناقصة ستعوض padded بأصفار قياسية."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Post-Process"
msgstr "المعالجة-اللاحقة Post-Process"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Style"
msgstr "الأسلوب"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "احتفظ"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "PascalCase to snake_case"
msgstr "حالة أحرف PascalCase إلى snake_case"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "snake_case to PascalCase"
msgstr "حالة أحرف snake_case إلى PascalCase"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Case"
msgstr "حالة"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "To Lowercase"
msgstr "لأحرف صغيرة Lowercase"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "To Uppercase"
msgstr "لأحرف كبيرة Uppercase"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Regular Expression Error:"
msgstr "خطأ في التعبير العادي:"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "At character %s"
msgstr "عند الحرف %s"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent Node"
msgstr "إعادة اختيار أبوة العُقدة"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Reparent Location (Select new Parent):"
msgstr "إعادة اختيار أبوة المكان (اختر أب جديد):"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep Global Transform"
msgstr "الاحتفاظ بالتحوّل الشمولي Global"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent"
msgstr "إعادة اختيار الأبوة"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Run Mode:"
msgstr "وضع التشغيل:"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Current Scene"
msgstr "المشهد الحالي"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene Arguments:"
msgstr "معاملات المشهد الرئيس:"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene Run Settings"
msgstr "إعدادت تشغيل المشهد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance the scenes at."
msgstr "لا أب لنمذجة المشاهد عنده."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error loading scene from %s"
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل المشهد من %s"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot instance the scene '%s' because the current scene exists within one "
"of its nodes."
msgstr "لا يمكن نمذجة المشهد '%s' لأن المشهد الحالي مُتضَمن في واحد من عُقده."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene(s)"
msgstr "نمذجة المشهد(المشاهد)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Replace with Branch Scene"
msgstr "استبدال بمشهد فرعي"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Child Scene"
msgstr "نمذجة المشهد الابن"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't paste root node into the same scene."
msgstr "لا يمكن لصق عقدة الجذر في نفس المشهد."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paste Node(s)"
msgstr "لصق العُقد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Detach Script"
msgstr "فصل النص البرمجي"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on the tree root."
msgstr "لا يمكن إجراء هذه العملية على الجذر الرئيسي."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Node In Parent"
msgstr "نقل العُقدة عند الأب"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Nodes In Parent"
msgstr "تحريك العُقد عند الأب"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Node(s)"
msgstr "مضاعفة العُقدة(العُقد)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't reparent nodes in inherited scenes, order of nodes can't change."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إعادة اختيار أبوة العُقدة في المشاهد الموروثة، لا يمكن تغيير ترتيب "

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Node must belong to the edited scene to become root."
msgstr "لكي تصبح هذه العُقدة رئيسة (جذر) عليها أن تنتمي إلى المشهد المُحرر."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instantiated scenes can't become root"
msgstr "لا يمكن أن تصبح المشاهد المنمذجة مشاهد رئيسة (جذر)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make node as Root"
msgstr "جعل العقدة المشهد الرئيس"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete %d nodes and any children?"
msgstr "حذف العُقدة %d مع جميع أبنائها؟"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete %d nodes?"
msgstr "حذف العُقد %d؟"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete the root node \"%s\"?"
msgstr "حذف العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر) \"%s\"؟"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete node \"%s\" and its children?"
msgstr "حذف العُقدة \"%s\" مع جميع أبنائها؟"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete node \"%s\"?"
msgstr "حذف العقدة \"%s\"؟"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Saving the branch as a scene requires having a scene open in the editor."
msgstr "يتطلب حفظ المشهد كفرع وجود مشهد مفتوح في المحرر."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Saving the branch as a scene requires selecting only one node, but you have "
"selected %d nodes."
msgstr "يتطلب حفظ المشهد كفرع اختيارك عقدة واحدة فقط، ولكنك اخترت %d من العقد."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save the root node branch as an instanced scene.\n"
"To create an editable copy of the current scene, duplicate it using the "
"FileSystem dock context menu\n"
"or create an inherited scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead."
msgstr ""
"فشلت عملية حفظ العقدة الرئيسة كفرع في المشهد الموروث instanced scene.\n"
"لإنشاء نسخة قابلة للتحرير من المشهد الحالي، ضاعف المشهد مستخدماً قائمة رصيف "
"الملفات FileSystem\n"
"أو أنشئ مشهداً موروثاً مستعملاً مشهد > مشهد موروث جديد... بدلاً عما قمت بفعله."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save the branch of an already instanced scene.\n"
"To create a variation of a scene, you can make an inherited scene based on "
"the instanced scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن حفظ الفرع باستخدام مشهد منسوخ أساساً.\n"
"لإنشاء تعديلة عن المشهد، يمكنك إنشاء مشهد موروث عن مشهد منسوخ مستخدماً مشهد > "
"مشهد جديد موروث… بدلاً عن ذلك."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save a branch which is a child of an already instantiated scene.\n"
"To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click "
"on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save a branch which is part of an inherited scene.\n"
"To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click "
"on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save New Scene As..."
msgstr "احفظ المشهد الجديد ك..."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Disabling \"editable_instance\" will cause all properties of the node to be "
"reverted to their default."
msgstr ""
"سيسبب تعطيل خاصية \"النمذجة_المُحررة\" \"editable_instance\" عودة قيم العُقد "
"إلى القيم الافتراضية لها."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Enabling \"Load As Placeholder\" will disable \"Editable Children\" and "
"cause all properties of the node to be reverted to their default."
msgstr ""
"سيسبب تمكين \"التحميل كعنصر نائب\" \"Load As Placeholder\" تعطيل \"ابن قابل "
"للتحرير\" \"Editable Children\" والذي ينجم عنه عودة قيم جميع العُقد إلى قيمها "

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Local"
msgstr "اجعله محلياً"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Scene Unique Name(s)"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unique names already used by another node in the scene:"
msgstr "لقد تم استخدام هذا الاسم في وظيفة برمجية/ مُتغيّر/ إشارة، من قبل:"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Scene Unique Name(s)"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "New Scene Root"
msgstr "مشهد رئيس (جذر) جديد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Root Node:"
msgstr "إنشاء العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر):"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "2D Scene"
msgstr "مشهد ثنائي البُعد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "3D Scene"
msgstr "مشهد ثلاثي الأبعاد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Other Node"
msgstr "عقدة أخرى"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes from a foreign scene!"
msgstr "لا يمكن تنفيذ الإجراء على عُقدة من مشهد أجنبي!"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from!"
msgstr "لا يمكن تنفيذ الإجراء على عُقد يرثها المشهد الحالي!"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on instanced scenes."
msgstr "لا يمكن تنفيذ هذا الإجراء على المشاهد المُنمذجة."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Attach Script"
msgstr "إلحاق نص برمجي"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cut Node(s)"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove Node(s)"
msgstr "إزالة عُقدة (عُقد)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change type of node(s)"
msgstr "تغيير نوع العُقدة(العُقد)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save new scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be "
msgstr "لم ينجح حفظ المشهد الجديد. غالباً لا يمكن إشباع التبعات (النماذج)."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error saving scene."
msgstr "خطأ في حفظ المشهد."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error duplicating scene to save it."
msgstr "خطأ في مضاعفة المشهد لحفظه."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Sub-Resources"
msgstr "مورد فرعي"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Access as Scene Unique Name"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance"
msgstr "مسح الميراث"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Editable Children"
msgstr "أبناء قابلين للتعديل"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Load As Placeholder"
msgstr "تحميله كعنصر نائب"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot attach a script: there are no languages registered.\n"
"This is probably because this editor was built with all language modules "
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إرفاق نص برمجي: لا توجد لغات مسجلة.\n"
"ربما يكون هذا بسبب أن المحرر تم إنشاؤه مع تعطيل جميع وحدات اللغة."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add Child Node"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة ابن"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Expand/Collapse All"
msgstr "توسيع / طي الكل"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change Type"
msgstr "تغيير النوع"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent to New Node"
msgstr "تعين لعقدة جديدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Scene Root"
msgstr "جعل المشهد الرئيس"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Merge From Scene"
msgstr "دمج من المشهد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Save Branch as Scene"
msgstr "حفظ الفرع كمشهد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Copy Node Path"
msgstr "نسخ مسار العُقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete (No Confirm)"
msgstr "حذف (دون تأكيد)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add/Create a New Node."
msgstr "إضافة/إنشاء عقدة جديدة."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Instance a scene file as a Node. Creates an inherited scene if no root node "
msgstr ""
"نمذجة ملف المشهد كعُقدة. إن لم يكن هناك عُقدة رئيسة (جذر) سيتم إنشاء مشهد "

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Attach a new or existing script to the selected node."
msgstr "إلحاق نص برمجي موجود أو جديد للعُقدة المختارة."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Detach the script from the selected node."
msgstr "فصل النص البرمجي من العُقدة المختارة."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remote"
msgstr "عن بعد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"If selected, the Remote scene tree dock will cause the project to stutter "
"every time it updates.\n"
"Switch back to the Local scene tree dock to improve performance."
msgstr ""
"إذا تم تحديده ، فسيؤدي شجرة المشهد البعيده (Remote) إلى توقف المشروع في كل "
"مرة يتم تحديث المشروع.\n"
"قمْ بالتبديل مرة أخرى إلى رصيف شجرة المشهد المحلي لتحسين الأداء."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance? (No Undo!)"
msgstr "مسح الموروث؟ (لا تراجع!)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Scene Tree Root Selection"
msgstr "نصف المُحدد"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Derive Script Globals By Name"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Favorites Root Selection"
msgstr "تحديد الإطار"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Unlock Node"
msgstr "إلغاء تأمين العقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Button Group"
msgstr "مجموعة الأزرار"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Scene Unique Name"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "(Connecting From)"
msgstr "(الإتصال من)"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node configuration warning:"
msgstr "تحذير تهيئة العُقدة:"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This node can be accessed from within anywhere in the scene by preceding it "
"with the '%s' prefix in a node path.\n"
"Click to disable this."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has %s connection(s) and %s group(s).\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""
"تملك هذه العُقدة %s اتصال(ات) و %s مجموعة(مجموعات).\n"
"اضغط لإظهار رصيف (ميناء) الإشارات."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has %s connection(s).\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""
"تملك العُقدة %s اتصال(ات).\n"
"اضغط لإظهار رصيف (ميناء) الإشارات."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is in %s group(s).\n"
"Click to show groups dock."
msgstr ""
"العُقدة ضمن %s مجموعة(مجموعات).\n"
"اضغط لإظهار رصيف (ميناء) المجموعات."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open Script:"
msgstr "فتح النص البرمجي:"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is locked.\n"
"Click to unlock it."
msgstr ""
"إن العُقدة مقفولة. \n"
"اضغط لفكّ القفل."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Children are not selectable.\n"
"Click to make selectable."
msgstr ""
"الابن غير قابل للاختيار.\n"
"اضغط لجعله قابلاً للاختيار."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Visibility"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"AnimationPlayer is pinned.\n"
"Click to unpin."
msgstr ""
"تم تعليق مُشغل الرسومات المُتحركة.\n"
"اضغط لإزالة تعليقه."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid node name, the following characters are not allowed:"
msgstr "اسم عُقدة غير صالح، إن الأحرف التالية غير مسموحة:"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Another node already uses this unique name in the scene."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Node"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية العُقدة"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree (Nodes):"
msgstr "شجرة المشهد (العُقد):"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Configuration Warning!"
msgstr "تحذير تهيئة العُقدة!"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a Node"
msgstr "اختر عُقدة"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is empty."
msgstr "المسار فارغ!."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Filename is empty."
msgstr "اسم الملف فارغ."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is not local."
msgstr "المسار ليس محلياً."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid base path."
msgstr "مسار غير صالح."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "A directory with the same name exists."
msgstr "يوجد ملف/مجلد بنفس الاسم."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "File does not exist."
msgstr "الملف غير موجود."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid extension."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Wrong extension chosen."
msgstr "لاحقة مُختارة غير مناسبة."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error loading template '%s'"
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل القالب '%s'"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error - Could not create script in filesystem."
msgstr "خطأ - فشل إنشاء النص البرمجي في نظام الملفات filesystem."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error loading script from %s"
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل النص البرمجي من %s"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Overrides"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "غير متوافق N/A"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open Script / Choose Location"
msgstr "فتح النص البرمجي / انتقاء الموقع"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open Script"
msgstr "فتح النص البرمجي"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "File exists, it will be reused."
msgstr "إن الملف موجود، سيعاد إستخدامه."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid path."
msgstr "مسار غير صالح."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid class name."
msgstr "إسم صف غير صالح."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid inherited parent name or path."
msgstr "إن اسم أو مسار الأب (الأصل parent) الموروث غير صالح."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script path/name is valid."
msgstr "مسار/اسم البرنامج النصي صالح."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and ."
msgstr "المسموح: a-z، A-Z ، 0-9 ، _ و ."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-in script (into scene file)."
msgstr "نص برمجي مدموج (داخل ملف المشهد)."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Will create a new script file."
msgstr "سيتم إنشاء ملف برمجي جديد."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Will load an existing script file."
msgstr "سيتم تحميل ملف برمجي موجود مسبقاً."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script file already exists."
msgstr "الملف البرمجي موجود بالفعل."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: Built-in scripts have some limitations and can't be edited using an "
"external editor."
msgstr ""
"ملاحظة: النصوص البرمجية المبنية ضمناً تملك مقيدة ولها إمكانيات محددة ولا يمكن "
"تعديلها باستخدام مُحرر خارجي."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Having the script name be the same as a built-in type is usually "
"not desired."
msgstr ""
"تحذير: من غير المستحسن امتلاك النص البرمجي اسماً مماثلاً للأنواع المشابهة "
"المدمجة بالمحرر."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Class Name:"
msgstr "اسم الفئة:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Template:"
msgstr "القالب:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-in Script:"
msgstr "ملف النص المُدمج:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Attach Node Script"
msgstr "ألحق نص برمجي للعُقدة"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote %s:"
msgstr "من بعد %s:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Bytes:"
msgstr "Bytes:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "تحذير:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "خطأ:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Error"
msgstr "خطأ في C++"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Error:"
msgstr "خطأ C++ :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Source"
msgstr "مصدر C++"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "مصدر:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Source:"
msgstr "مصدر C++:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Trace"
msgstr "تتبع المُكدس Stack Trace"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "أخطاء"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Child process connected."
msgstr "العملية التابعة متصلة."

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Copy Error"
msgstr "خطأ في نسخ"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Open C++ Source on GitHub"
msgstr "افتح مصدر ++C على GitHub"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Video RAM"
msgstr "الذاكرة العشوائية للفيديو"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Skip Breakpoints"
msgstr "تخطي نقاط التكسّر"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Previous Instance"
msgstr "تفحص النمذجة السابقة"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Next Instance"
msgstr "تفحص النمذجة التالية"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Frames"
msgstr "حزم الإطارات Stack Frames"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter stack variables"
msgstr "تنقية البلاطات"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Auto Switch To Remote Scene Tree"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Scene Tree Refresh Interval"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Inspect Refresh Interval"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Network Profiler"
msgstr "ملف تعريف الشبكة Network Profiler"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "المراقب Monitor"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitors"
msgstr "المراقبون Monitors"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Pick one or more items from the list to display the graph."
msgstr "اختر واحدة أو كثر من العناصر في القائمة لعرض الرسم البياني graph."

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:"
msgstr "قائمة باستخدام ذاكرة الفيديو لكل من الموارد:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "المجموع الكلي:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Export list to a CSV file"
msgstr "تصدير القائمة إلى ملف CSV"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Resource Path"
msgstr "مسار المورد"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_record.cpp
msgid "Format"
msgstr "البنية (اللاحقة)"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "الاستخدام"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "المتنوعات Misc"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control:"
msgstr "التحكم بالنقر Clicked Control:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control Type:"
msgstr "نوع التحكم بالنقر Clicked Control:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Edit Root:"
msgstr "جذر التعديل المباشر:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Set From Tree"
msgstr "التحديد من الشجرة"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Export measures as CSV"
msgstr "تصدير القياسات ك CSV"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Erase Shortcut"
msgstr "حذف الاختصار"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Restore Shortcut"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الاختصارات"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Change Shortcut"
msgstr "تغيير الاختصارات"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات المُعدل"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "الاختصارات"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Binding"
msgstr "الربط"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Light Radius"
msgstr "تغيير نصف قطر الإنارة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Stream Player 3D"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change AudioStreamPlayer3D Emission Angle"
msgstr ""
"تعديل زاوية انبعاث (إصدار) مُشغل الصوت ثلاثي الأبعاد AudioStreamPlayer3D"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Camera"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera FOV"
msgstr "تعديل حقل رؤية الكاميرا Camera FOV"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera Size"
msgstr "غيّر حجم الكاميرا"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Visibility Notifier"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Notifier AABB"
msgstr "تعديل Notifier AABB"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Particles AABB"
msgstr "تعديل جُزيئات AABB"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reflection Probe"
msgstr "انتقاء الخاصية"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Probe Extents"
msgstr "تعديل نطاقات المسبر Probe Extents"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GI Probe"
msgstr "طبخ مجس GI"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baked Indirect Light"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Sphere Shape Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف قطر الشكل الكروي"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Box Shape Extents"
msgstr "تعديل حجم الشكل الصندوقي"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف قطر الشكل الكبسولي Capsule Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Height"
msgstr "تعديل ارتفاع الشكل الكبسولي Capsule Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف قطر الشكل الأسطواني"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Height"
msgstr "تعديل ارتفاع الشكل الأسطواني"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Ray Shape Length"
msgstr "تعديل طول الشكل الشعاعي"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Edge"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Edge Disabled"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Solid"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Solid Disabled"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Joint Body A"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Joint Body B"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Room Edge"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Room Overlap"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Room Point Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Portal Margin"
msgstr "هامش البوابة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Edge"
msgstr "حافة الغرفة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Arrow"
msgstr "سهم البوابة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Portal Point Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع نقطة البوابة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Front"
msgstr "واجهة البوابة"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Portal Back"
msgstr "الرجوع للخلف"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Occluder"
msgstr "وضع الإطباق"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف قطر الشكل الأسطواني"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Position"
msgstr "ضع الإنحناء في الموقع"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Occluder Polygon Point Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Occluder Hole Point Position"
msgstr "حدد موقع نقطة الإنحناء"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Occluder Polygon Front"
msgstr "أنشئ شكل مُطبق"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Occluder Polygon Back"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Occluder Hole"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Godot Physics"
msgstr "فيزيائيات جودو"

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
msgid "Use BVH"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BVH Collision Margin"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Crash Handler"
msgstr "حدد المعامل"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multithreaded Server"
msgstr "تحديد عقد متعددة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "RID Pool Prealloc"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debugger stdout"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Chars Per Second"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Messages Per Frame"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Errors Per Second"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Warnings Per Second"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Flush stdout On Print"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Logging"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "File Logging"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable File Logging"
msgstr "تمكين الترشيح Filtering"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Log Path"
msgstr "نسخ المسار"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Log Files"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Driver"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Driver Name"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Fallback To GLES2"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Use Nvidia Rect Flicker Workaround"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "DPI"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Allow hiDPI"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "V-Sync"
msgstr "مزامنة (مزامنة كرت الشاشة)"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Use V-Sync"
msgstr "استخدام مزامنة كرت الشاشة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Per Pixel Transparency"
msgstr "شفافية بيكسل القلم"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Allowed"
msgstr "مسموح"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Intended Usage"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Framebuffer Allocation"
msgstr "تحديد الإطار"

#: main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Energy Saving"
msgstr "توفير الطاقة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "مسارات"

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
msgid "Thread Model"
msgstr "نوع المسار"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Thread Safe BVH"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Handheld"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "الوثائق الإلكترونية"

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Common"
msgstr "شائع"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics FPS"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Force FPS"
msgstr "أنشر بإجبار"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Enable Pause Aware Picking"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "GUI"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم الرسومية"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Drop Mouse On GUI Input Disabled"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "stdout"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Print FPS"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Verbose stdout"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Interpolation"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Enable Warnings"
msgstr "تفعيل التحذيرات"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frame Delay Msec"
msgstr "تحديد الإطار"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Mode"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Delta Sync After Draw"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "iOS"
msgstr "IOS"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Hide Home Indicator"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Input Devices"
msgstr "أجهزة الإدخال"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Pointing"
msgstr "يشير"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Touch Delay"
msgstr "تأخير اللمس"

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "GLES3"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shaders"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Shader Fallbacks"
msgstr "اجبار ارتداد(احتياط) التظليل"

#: main/main.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Default Clear Color"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Boot Splash"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Image"
msgstr "إظهار العظام"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Fullsize"
msgstr "الحجم الكامل"

#: main/main.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Filter"
msgstr "تصفية"

#: main/main.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BG Color"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "macOS Native Icon"
msgstr "تحديد أيقونة البلاط"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Windows Native Icon"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Buffering"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Agile Event Flushing"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Emulate Touch From Mouse"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Emulate Mouse From Touch"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mouse Cursor"
msgstr "زر الفأرة"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Image"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Custom Image Hotspot"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tooltip Position Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الدوران"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debugger Agent"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wait For Debugger"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wait Timeout"
msgstr "انتهت المهلة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "اثناء التشغيل"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Unhandled Exception Policy"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Main Loop Type"
msgstr "نوع الحلقة الرئيسية"

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp
msgid "Stretch"
msgstr "تمدد"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Aspect"
msgstr "مُتفحص"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Auto Accept Quit"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quit On Go Back"
msgstr "الرجوع للخلف"

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snap Controls To Pixels"
msgstr "حاذي إلي جوانب العقدة"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Dynamic Fonts"
msgstr ""

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Use Oversampling"
msgstr ""

#: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
msgid "Active Soft World"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "CSG"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Radius"
msgstr "تغيير نصف قطر الاسطوانة"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Height"
msgstr "تغيير ارتفاع الاسطوانة"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Torus Inner Radius"
msgstr "تغيير نصف قطر الدائرة الداخلي"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Torus Outer Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف القطر الخارجي للمسنن"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Operation"
msgstr "عملية"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Calculate Tangents"
msgstr "احسب الظلال"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Use Collision"
msgstr "استخدم التصادم"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Layer"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Mask"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Invert Faces"
msgstr "اقلب الوجوه"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/circle_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: scene/resources/sphere_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "نصف القطر"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radial Segments"
msgstr "معاملات المشهد الرئيس"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Rings"
msgstr "خواتم"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Smooth Faces"
msgstr "وجوه ناعمة"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Sides"
msgstr "جهات"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Cone"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Inner Radius"
msgstr "القطر الداخلي"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Outer Radius"
msgstr "القطر الخارجي"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Ring Sides"
msgstr "جهات الخاتم"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Polygon"
msgstr "المُضلعات"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Spin Degrees"
msgstr "درجة الدوران"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Spin Sides"
msgstr "جهة الدوران"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Node"
msgstr "مسار العقدة"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Interval Type"
msgstr "إنشاء رأس داخلي"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Interval"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Simplify Angle"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Rotation"
msgstr "دوران عشوائي"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Local"
msgstr "اجعله محلياً"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Continuous U"
msgstr "متواصل"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path U Distance"
msgstr "المسار المحلي"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Joined"
msgstr "دوران عشوائي"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Compression Mode"
msgstr "وضع الضغط"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer Channel"
msgstr "نقل القنوات"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Channel Count"
msgstr "عدد القنوات"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Always Ordered"
msgstr "مطلوب دائمًا"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Server Relay"
msgstr "تناوب الخادم"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "DTLS Verify"
msgstr ""

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "DTLS Hostname"
msgstr ""

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use DTLS"
msgstr "استخدام المحاذاة"

#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "FBX"
msgstr ""

#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "Use FBX"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Config File"
msgstr "ملف التهيئة"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Load Once"
msgstr "حمل مرة واحدة"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Singleton"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Symbol Prefix"
msgstr "رمز البادئة"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Reloadable"
msgstr "قابل لإعادة التحميل"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Library"
msgstr "مكتبة"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the dynamic library for this entry"
msgstr "اختر المكتبة المطاوعة (الديناميكية) لأجل هذا الإدخال"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select dependencies of the library for this entry"
msgstr "اختر تبعيات المكتبة لأجل هذا الإدخال"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove current entry"
msgstr "مسح المدخلات الحالية"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Double click to create a new entry"
msgstr "الضغط المزدوج لإنشاء إدخال جديد"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Platform:"
msgstr "المنصة:"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "منصة"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dynamic Library"
msgstr "مكتبة مطاوعة (ديناميكية)"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add an architecture entry"
msgstr "إضافة إدخال معماري architecture entry"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GDNativeLibrary"
msgstr "مكتبة GDNativeLibrary"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Enabled GDNative Singleton"
msgstr "تمكين نمط البرمجة Singleton ل GDNative"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Disabled GDNative Singleton"
msgstr "تعطيل نمط البرمجة Singleton ل GDNative"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Libraries:"
msgstr "مكتبات:"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "اسم الفئة"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Script Class"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Icon Path"
msgstr "مسار الأيقونة"

#: modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
msgid "GDNative"
msgstr "لغة البرمجة GDNative"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "GDScript"
msgstr "لغة جي دي"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
msgid "Function Definition Color"
msgstr "لون تعريف الدالة"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
msgid "Node Path Color"
msgstr "لون مسار العقدة"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Max Call Stack"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Treat Warnings As Errors"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Exclude Addons"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Autocomplete Setters And Getters"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Step argument is zero!"
msgstr "معامل الخطوة تساوي صفر!"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not a script with an instance"
msgstr "ليس نص برمجي مع نموذج"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a script"
msgstr "غير مبني على نص برمجي"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a resource file"
msgstr "غير مبني على ملف موارد"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (missing @path)"
msgstr "نموذج الشكل القاموسي غير صالح (@المسار مفقود)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (can't load script at @path)"
msgstr "نموذج الشكل القاموسي غير صالح (لا يمكن تحميل النص البرمجي من @المسار)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (invalid script at @path)"
msgstr "نموذج الشكل القاموسي غير صالح ( النص البرمجي غير صالح في @المسار)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary (invalid subclasses)"
msgstr "نموذج القاموس غير صالح (أصناف فرعية غير صالحة)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Object can't provide a length."
msgstr "لا يمكن للكائن أن يمنح طولاً."

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Language Server"
msgstr "لغة الخادك"

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Enable Smart Resolve"
msgstr "تفعيل الحل الذكي"

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Show Native Symbols In Editor"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Use Thread"
msgstr "استخدم المسار"

#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Mesh GLTF2"
msgstr "تصدير مكتبة الميش"

#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export GLTF..."
msgstr "تصدير..."

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffer View"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Byte Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Component Type"
msgstr "نوع المكون"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Normalized"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Count"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Min"
msgstr "أقل"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Max"
msgstr "أعلى"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sparse Count"
msgstr "كائن"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Indices Buffer View"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Indices Byte Offset"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sparse Indices Component Type"
msgstr "توزيع الأشكال الهندسية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Values Buffer View"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Values Byte Offset"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffer"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Byte Length"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Byte Stride"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Indices"
msgstr "جميع الأجهزة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "FOV Size"
msgstr "حجم مساحةالرؤية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "Zfar"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Znear"
msgstr "خطي"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#: scene/gui/color_rect.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Color"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Intensity"
msgstr "الكثافة | الشدة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Range"
msgstr "نطاق"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp
msgid "Inner Cone Angle"
msgstr "زاوية المخروط الداخلية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp
msgid "Outer Cone Angle"
msgstr "زاوية المخروط الخارجية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blend Weights"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Instance Materials"
msgstr "تغيرات المادة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "أب"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Xform"
msgstr "منصة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Skin"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "الترجمة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Children"
msgstr "أبناء قابلين للتعديل"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joints"
msgstr "المفاصل"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Roots"
msgstr "الجذور"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Unique Names"
msgstr "أسماء مميزة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Godot Bone Node"
msgstr "عقدة جودو العظمية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skin Root"
msgstr "مشهد رئيس (جذر) جديد"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joints Original"
msgstr "مصدر التركيز"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Inverse Binds"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Non Joints"
msgstr "بلا مفاصل"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joint I To Bone I"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joint I To Name"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Godot Skin"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Diffuse Img"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Diffuse Factor"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Gloss Factor"
msgstr "عامل اللمعان"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Specular Factor"
msgstr "عامل ال"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Spec Gloss Img"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Json"
msgstr "جيسون"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Major Version"
msgstr "إصدار رئيسي"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Minor Version"
msgstr "إصدار فرعي"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GLB Data"
msgstr "مع البيانات"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Use Named Skin Binds"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffer Views"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Accessors"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Scene Name"
msgstr "اسم المشهد"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root Nodes"
msgstr "اسم العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Textures"
msgstr "المزايا"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصور"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Cameras"
msgstr "الكاميرات"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Lights"
msgstr "الأضواء"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Unique Animation Names"
msgstr "أسماء حركات مميزة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skeletons"
msgstr "الهيكل"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Skeleton To Node"
msgstr "هيكل إلى عقدة"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Animations"
msgstr "الحركات"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_texture.cpp
msgid "Src Image"
msgstr "مصدر الصورة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Mesh Library"
msgstr "مكتبة المجسم"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Physics Material"
msgstr "مادة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Use In Baked Light"
msgstr "استخدام في الإضاءة المطبوخة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "خلية"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Octant Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center X"
msgstr "منتصف س"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center Y"
msgstr "منتصف ص"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center Z"
msgstr "منتصف"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Mask"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bake Navigation"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Layers"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Plane"
msgstr "التبويب التالي"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Plane"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Plane:"
msgstr "التبويت:"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Floor"
msgstr "الطابق التالي"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Floor"
msgstr "الطابق السابق"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Floor:"
msgstr "الطابق:"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Delete Selection"
msgstr "خريطة الشبكة GridMap لحذف المُختار"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Fill Selection"
msgstr "تحديد الملئ خريطة-الشبكة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Paste Selection"
msgstr "تحديد اللصق خريطة-الشبكة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Paint"
msgstr "تلوين (طلاء) خريطة الشبكة GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GridMap Selection"
msgstr "تحديد الملئ خريطة-الشبكة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap View"
msgstr "مظهر المحاذاة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Disabled"
msgstr "القص Clip مُعطّل"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Above"
msgstr "القص Clip أعلاه"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Below"
msgstr "القص Clip أدناه"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit X Axis"
msgstr "تعديل المحور X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Y Axis"
msgstr "تعديل المحور Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Z Axis"
msgstr "تعديل المحور Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate X"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate Y"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate Z"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate X"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر عكساً على X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Y"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر عكساً على Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Z"
msgstr "تدوير المؤشر عكساً على Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Clear Rotation"
msgstr "مسح تدوير المؤشر"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Selects"
msgstr "تحديد اللصق"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Selection"
msgstr "إخلاء المحدد"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fill Selection"
msgstr "تعبئة المُحدد"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات خريطة الشبكة"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Distance:"
msgstr "اختر المسافة:"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter meshes"
msgstr "تنقية المجسمات"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Give a MeshLibrary resource to this GridMap to use its meshes."
msgstr ""
"امنح مكتبة السطوح MeshLibrary وصولاً لخريطة الشبكة لتستخدم السطوح المجسمة "
"الخاصة بها meshes."

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Begin Bake"
msgstr "ابدأ الخبز (دمج تاثير الضوء في الصورة )"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Preparing data structures"
msgstr "تحضير هياكل البيانات"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate buffers"
msgstr "ولد AABB"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Direct lighting"
msgstr "إضاءة مباشرة"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Indirect lighting"
msgstr "إضاءة غير مباشرة"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Post processing"
msgstr "المعالجة-اللاحقة Post-Process"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Plotting lightmaps"
msgstr "تخطيط الإضاءات"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "CPU Lightmapper"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Low Quality Ray Count"
msgstr ""

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Medium Quality Ray Count"
msgstr ""

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "High Quality Ray Count"
msgstr ""

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Ultra Quality Ray Count"
msgstr ""

#: modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp
#: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp
msgid "Loop Offset"
msgstr "إزاحة الحلقة"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Eye Height"
msgstr "ارتفاع الغين"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "IOD"
msgstr ""

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Display Width"
msgstr "عرض الشاشة"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Display To Lens"
msgstr "شاشة إلى عدسة"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Oversample"
msgstr ""

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "K1"
msgstr ""

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "K2"
msgstr ""

#: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
msgid "Class name can't be a reserved keyword"
msgstr "لا يمكن أن يكون اسم الصف كلمة محجوزة"

#: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
msgid "Build Solution"
msgstr ""

#: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
msgid "Auto Update Project"
msgstr "تحديث المشروع تلقائيًا"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assembly Name"
msgstr "إظهار الكل"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solution Directory"
msgstr "حدد الوجهة"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "C# Project Directory"
msgstr "حدد الوجهة"

#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp
msgid "End of inner exception stack trace"
msgstr "نهاية تتبع مكدس الاستثناء الداخلي"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "A NavigationMesh resource must be set or created for this node to work."
msgstr ""
"يجب تعيين مصدر مجسم-التنقل (NavigationMesh) أو إنشاؤه حتى تعمل هذه العقدة."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake NavMesh"
msgstr "اطبخ شبكة ملاحة"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear the navigation mesh."
msgstr "إخلاء ميش المحاور."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Setting up Configuration..."
msgstr "يُجهز الإعدادات..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Calculating grid size..."
msgstr "يحسب حجم الشبكة..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating heightfield..."
msgstr "إنشاء مجال الإرتفاع..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Marking walkable triangles..."
msgstr "تعليم مثلثات التحرك..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Constructing compact heightfield..."
msgstr "يبني مجال الإرتفاع المدمج..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Eroding walkable area..."
msgstr "تقويض منطقة السير..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Partitioning..."
msgstr "تجزئة..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating contours..."
msgstr "إنشاء المحيط..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating polymesh..."
msgstr "إنشاء نموذج الميش..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Converting to native navigation mesh..."
msgstr "يحول إلي ميش التنقل المحلي..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Navigation Mesh Generator Setup:"
msgstr "منشئ تثبيت ميش التنقل:"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Parsing Geometry..."
msgstr "توزيع الأشكال الهندسية..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "تم!"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Seamless"
msgstr ""

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "As Normal Map"
msgstr "كخريطة عادية"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Bump Strength"
msgstr ""

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Noise"
msgstr "ضوضاء"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Noise Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Octaves"
msgstr ""

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Period"
msgstr "فترة"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Persistence"
msgstr "منظوري"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Lacunarity"
msgstr ""

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Subject"
msgstr ""

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Names"
msgstr "الأسماء"

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Strings"
msgstr "النصوص"

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover Multicast If"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover Local Port"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover IPv6"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "Description URL"
msgstr "وصف الرابط"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "Service Type"
msgstr "نوع الخدمة"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Control URL"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "IGD Service Type"
msgstr "تحيد نوع المتغير"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Our Addr"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "IGD Status"
msgstr "الحالة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"A node yielded without working memory, please read the docs on how to yield "
msgstr ""
"عقدة حُصِلت بدون ذاكرة فعالة,الرجاء قراءة الدليل عن كيفية تحصيلها بطريقة صحيحة!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Node yielded, but did not return a function state in the first working "
msgstr "العقدة حُصِلت,ولكنها لم ترجع حالة الوظيفة في اول ذاكرة فعالة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Return value must be assigned to first element of node working memory! Fix "
"your node please."
msgstr ""
"يجب أن تكون القيمة المُرجهة مقرونة بالعنصر الأول من العُقدة العاملة بالذاكرة! "
"أصلح العقدة من فضلك."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Node returned an invalid sequence output:"
msgstr "أرجعت العُقدة تسلسلاً مُخرجاً غير صالح:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Found sequence bit but not the node in the stack, report bug!"
msgstr "عثر على تسلسل بت ولكن ليس العقدة في المكدس ,ارفع تقرير عن الخطأ!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Stack overflow with stack depth:"
msgstr "حدوث تجاوز للتكدس ( Stack overflow) مع عمق التكدس:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Visual Script"
msgstr "البرمجة المرئية"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Signal Arguments"
msgstr "تعديل معاملات الإشارات"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Argument Type"
msgstr "تعديل نوع المعامل"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Argument name"
msgstr "تعديل اسم المعامل"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Variable Default Value"
msgstr "تحديد القيمة الافتراضية للمتغير"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Variable Type"
msgstr "تحيد نوع المتغير"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Port"
msgstr "أضف منفذ أدخال"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Output Port"
msgstr "أضف منفذ إخراج"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Port Type"
msgstr "تغيير نوع المنفذ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Port Name"
msgstr "تغيير اسم المنفذ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Override an existing built-in function."
msgstr "تجاوز لدالة مُدمجة موجودة مسبقًا."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new function."
msgstr "إنشاء دالة جديدة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Variables:"
msgstr "المتغيرات:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new variable."
msgstr "إنشاء متغير جديد."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Signals:"
msgstr "الإشارات:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new signal."
msgstr "إنشاء إشارة جديدة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name is not a valid identifier:"
msgstr "هذا الاسم ليس مُعرفاً مميزاً صالحاً:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name already in use by another func/var/signal:"
msgstr "لقد تم استخدام هذا الاسم في وظيفة برمجية/ مُتغيّر/ إشارة، من قبل:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Function"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الوظيفة البرمجية"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Variable"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية المُتغيّر"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Signal"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الإشارة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Function"
msgstr "إضافة وظيفة برمجية"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete input port"
msgstr "مسح منفذ إدخال"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Variable"
msgstr "إضافة مُتغيّر"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Signal"
msgstr "إضافة إشارة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Input Port"
msgstr "حذف منفذ إدخال"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Output Port"
msgstr "حذف منفذ إخراج"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Expression"
msgstr "تعديل التعبير"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't copy the function node."
msgstr "لا يمكن نسخ الوظيفة البرمجية للعُقدة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "لصق عُقد البرمجة البصرية VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "إزالة عُقد البرمجة البصرية VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "مُضاعفة عُقد البرمجة البصرية VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""
"اضغط مطولاً %s لإسقاط جالب Getter. اضغط مطولاً على Shift لإسقاط توقيع عام "
"generic signature."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""
"اضغط مطولاً على Ctrl لإسقاط جالب Getter. اضغط مطولاً على Shift لإسقاط توقيع "
"عام generic signature."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr "اضغط مطولاً على %s لإسقاط مرجعية بسيطة للعُقدة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr "اضغط مطولاً على Ctrl لإسقاط مرجعية بسيطة للعُقدة."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr "اضغط مطولاً على %s لإسقاط مُحدد المُتغير Variable Setter."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr "اضغط مطولاً على Ctrl لإسقاط مُحدد المُتغيّر Variable Setter."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Preload Node"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة مسبقة التحميل"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Node(s)"
msgstr "إضافة عُقدة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node(s) From Tree"
msgstr "أضفْ وحدة(وحدات) من الشجرة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't drop properties because script '%s' is not used in this scene.\n"
"Drop holding 'Shift' to just copy the signature."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إضافة (إسقاط) الخاصيات لأن النص البرمجي '%s' ليس موجوداً في هذا "
"للإضافة (للإسقاط) اضغط مطولاً 'Shift' ببساطة لنسخ التوقيع signature."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Getter Property"
msgstr "إضافية خاصية جالب Getter Property"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Setter Property"
msgstr "إضافة خاصية مُحدد Setter Property"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Base Type"
msgstr "تعديل النوع الأساس"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node(s)"
msgstr "تحريك العقدة(عقدات)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove VisualScript Node"
msgstr "إزالة عُقدة البرمجة البصرية VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Nodes"
msgstr "وصل العُقد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Disconnect Nodes"
msgstr "عُقد غير متصلة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Node Data"
msgstr "ربط بيانات العقدة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Node Sequence"
msgstr "ربط تسلسل العقدة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Script already has function '%s'"
msgstr "يملك النص البرمجي سلفاً الوظيفة البرمجية '%s'"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Input Value"
msgstr "تعديل قيمة الإدخال"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Resize Comment"
msgstr "تغيير حجم الملاحظة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't create function with a function node."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء وظيفة برمجية من دون عُقدة وظيفية."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't create function of nodes from nodes of multiple functions."
msgstr ""
"لا يمكن إنشاء وظيفة برمجية لعُقد من عُقد تابعة للعديد من الوظائف البرمجية."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Select at least one node with sequence port."
msgstr "اختر على الأقل واحدة من العقد التي تملك منفذ تسلسل sequence port."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Try to only have one sequence input in selection."
msgstr "حاول أن يكون لديك تسلسل إدخال واحد من المُختار."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create Function"
msgstr "إنشاء دالة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Function"
msgstr "مسح المهمة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Variable"
msgstr "إزالة المُتغيّر"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Variable:"
msgstr "تحرير المُتغيّر:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Signal"
msgstr "إزالة الإشارة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Signal:"
msgstr "تحرير الإشارة:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Tool:"
msgstr "عمل أداة:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Members:"
msgstr "الأعضاء:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Base Type:"
msgstr "تغيير اساس النوع:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Nodes..."
msgstr "إضافة عُقد..."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Function..."
msgstr "إضافة دالة…"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "function_name"
msgstr "أسم_الدالة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Select or create a function to edit its graph."
msgstr "اختر أو أنشئ وظيفة برمجية لتحرير الرسم الخاص بها (graph)."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected"
msgstr "حذف المُختار"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Node Type"
msgstr "إيجاد نوع العُقدة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Copy Nodes"
msgstr "نسخ العُقد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Cut Nodes"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Function"
msgstr "عمل دالة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Refresh Graph"
msgstr "تحديث الرسم البياني"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Member"
msgstr "تعديل العضو"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_expression.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expression"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Return"
msgstr "أرجعْ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Return Enabled"
msgstr "قابل للتشغيل"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Return Type"
msgstr "أرجعْ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "شرط"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "if (cond) is:"
msgstr "إذا (الشرط) هو:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "While"
msgstr "رَيْثَما"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "while (cond):"
msgstr "ريثما (الشرط):"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "for (elem) in (input):"
msgstr "لكل (عنصر) في (معلومات-الإدخال):"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Input type not iterable:"
msgstr "نوع الإدخال لا يمكن التكرار عليه:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid"
msgstr "أصبح المُكرر غير صالحاً"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid:"
msgstr "أصبح المُكرر غير صالحاً:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "in order:"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مجلد:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Steps"
msgstr "الخطوة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch"
msgstr "حدّة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "'input' is:"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Type Cast"
msgstr "تحويل النوع"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Is %s?"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Script"
msgstr "نص برمجي جديد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "On %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "On Self"
msgstr "ذاتي"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Call Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic Type"
msgstr "النوع الأساسي"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Node Path"
msgstr "نسخ مسار العُقدة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Default Args"
msgstr "اعادة التعيين للإفتراضيات"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "RPC Call Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Subtract %s"
msgstr "عند الحرف %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Multiply %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Divide %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mod %s"
msgstr "أضف %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "ShiftLeft %s"
msgstr "تحديد %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "ShiftRight %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BitAnd %s"
msgstr "أضف %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "BitOr %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "BitXor %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Mode"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assign Op"
msgstr "ألحق"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Get %s"
msgstr "جلب %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid index property name."
msgstr "اسم خاصية المؤشر index property غير صالح."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base object is not a Node!"
msgstr "الكائن الأساس ليس بعُقدة!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path does not lead to Node!"
msgstr "لا يؤدي المسار للوصول لعُقدة!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid index property name '%s' in node %s."
msgstr "اسم خاصية المؤشر \"الفهرس\" '%s' في العُقدة %s غير صالح."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emit %s"
msgstr "تحديد %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compose Array"
msgstr "تغيير حجم المصفوفة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "مُشغل التراكم"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid argument of type:"
msgstr "معامل غير صحيح من النوع:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid arguments:"
msgstr "معاملات غير صالحة:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "a if cond, else b"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Var Name"
msgstr "الأسم"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableGet not found in script:"
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد VariableGet في النص البرمجي:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableSet not found in script:"
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد VariableSet في النص البرمجي:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "إعادة تحميل"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Index"
msgstr "ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Index"
msgstr "ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Class Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Basic Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Math Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Engine Singleton"
msgstr "تمكين نمط البرمجة Singleton ل GDNative"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Scene Node"
msgstr "عقدة التنقل الزمني"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Scene Tree"
msgstr "تعديل شجرة المشهد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Self"
msgstr "ذاتي"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "CustomNode"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Custom node has no _step() method, can't process graph."
msgstr "العقدة المخصصة لا تحتوي طريقة ()step_ ، لا يمكن معالجة الشكل البياني."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid return value from _step(), must be integer (seq out), or string "
msgstr ""
"القيمة المُرجعة من _step() غير صالحة، ينبغي أن تكون رقماً (تسلسل)، أو نصاً "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SubCall"
msgstr "إستدعاءات"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Construct %s"
msgstr "ثوابت"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get Local Var"
msgstr "استخدام الحيّز المحلي"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Local Var"
msgstr "استخدام الحيّز المحلي"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Action %s"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Deconstruct %s"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Search VisualScript"
msgstr "بحث VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Yield"
msgstr "انتظر حتى"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Wait"
msgstr "إنتظر"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next Frame"
msgstr "تحريك الإطار"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next Physics Frame"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "%s sec(s)"
msgstr "s% ثانية(ثواني)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wait Time"
msgstr "طلاء البلاط"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "WaitSignal"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "WaitNodeSignal"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "WaitInstanceSignal"
msgstr "كائن"

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Write Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h
msgid "WebRTC"
msgstr ""

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h
msgid "Max Channel In Buffer (KB)"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp
msgid "Verify SSL"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp
msgid "Trusted SSL Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#, fuzzy
msgid "WebSocket Client"
msgstr "ملف تعريف الشبكة Network Profiler"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max In Buffer (KB)"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max In Packets"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max Out Buffer (KB)"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max Out Packets"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#, fuzzy
msgid "WebSocket Server"
msgstr "ملف تعريف الشبكة Network Profiler"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
msgid "Bind IP"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "مسار المفتاح الخاص لSSH"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "SSL Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "CA Chain"
msgstr "إخلاء سلسلة IK"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Handshake Timeout"
msgstr "انتهت المهلة"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Session Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأقليم"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Required Features"
msgstr "المزايا الرئيسية"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Optional Features"
msgstr "المزايا الرئيسية"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Requested Reference Space Types"
msgstr ""

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Reference Space Type"
msgstr ""

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visibility State"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bounds Geometry"
msgstr "إعادة المحاولة"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "XR Standard Mapping"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Android SDK Path"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Keystore"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Keystore User"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Keystore Pass"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Force System User"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Shutdown ADB On Exit"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Launcher Icons"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Main 192 X 192"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adaptive Foreground 432 X 432"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adaptive Background 432 X 432"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Package name is missing."
msgstr "اسم الرُزمة مفقود."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Package segments must be of non-zero length."
msgstr "أقسام الرُزمة ينبغي أن تكون ذات مسافات غير-صفرية non-zero length."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Android application package names."
msgstr "إن الحرف '%s' غير مسموح في أسماء حِزم تطبيقات الأندرويد."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "A digit cannot be the first character in a package segment."
msgstr "لا يمكن أن يكون الرقم هو أول حرف في مقطع الرُزمة."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' cannot be the first character in a package segment."
msgstr "الحرف '%s' لا يمكن أن يكون الحرف الأول من مقطع الرُزمة."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The package must have at least one '.' separator."
msgstr "يجب أن تتضمن الرزمة على الأقل واحد من الفواصل '.' ."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Build"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Custom Build"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Format"
msgstr "مسار التصدير"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min SDK"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target SDK"
msgstr "الهدف"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "إضافة إدخال معماري architecture entry"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keystore"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug User"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Password"
msgstr "كلمة المرور"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Release User"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Release Password"
msgstr "كلمة المرور"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "One Click Deploy"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Previous Install"
msgstr "تفحص النمذجة السابقة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Code"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Package"
msgstr "يَحزم\"ينتج الملف المضغوط\""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unique Name"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Signed"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classify As Game"
msgstr "اسم الفئة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Retain Data On Uninstall"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exclude From Recents"
msgstr "حذف العُقد"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "OpenGL Debug"
msgstr "إفتح"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "XR Features"
msgstr "المزايا"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "XR Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hand Tracking"
msgstr "يَحزم\"ينتج الملف المضغوط\""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hand Tracking Frequency"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Passthrough"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Immersive Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Small"
msgstr "الدعم"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Normal"
msgstr "الدعم"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Large"
msgstr "الدعم"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Xlarge"
msgstr "الدعم"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "User Data Backup"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Allow"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Command Line"
msgstr "المجتمع"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extra Args"
msgstr "وسائط إستدعاء إضافية"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "APK Expansion"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Salt"
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "مسار المفتاح العام لSSH"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "قناع الانبعاث"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Permissions"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد المخصص"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select device from the list"
msgstr "اختر جهازاً من القائمة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Running on %s"
msgstr "يعمل على %s"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exporting APK..."
msgstr "جاري تصدير APK..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Uninstalling..."
msgstr "إلغاء التثبيت..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Installing to device, please wait..."
msgstr "يستقبل المرايا، من فضلك إنتظر..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not install to device: %s"
msgstr "لم نتمكن من التثبيت على الجهاز: %s"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Running on device..."
msgstr "تشغيل النص البرمجي المُخصص..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not execute on device."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Android build template not installed in the project. Install it from the "
"Project menu."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم تنزيل قالب بناء Android لهذا المشروع. نزّل واحداً من قائمة المشروع."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Either Debug Keystore, Debug User AND Debug Password settings must be "
"configured OR none of them."
msgstr ""
"إما أن يتم يتكوين مفتاح-المتجر للتنقيح البرمجي debug keystore، أو إعدادات "
"ملف وكلمة مرور التنقيح البرمجي سويةً debug user AND debug password، أو لاشيء "
"مما سبق."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug keystore not configured in the Editor Settings nor in the preset."
msgstr ""
"مُنقح أخطاء مفتاح المتجر keystore غير مُهيئ في إعدادت المُحرر أو في الإعدادات "
"الموضوعة سلفاً."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Either Release Keystore, Release User AND Release Password settings must be "
"configured OR none of them."
msgstr ""
"إم أن يتم تكوين إعدادات مفتاح التصدير release keystore، أو ملف وكلمة مرور "
"التصدير سوية Release User AND Release Password، أو من دونهم جميعاً."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Release keystore incorrectly configured in the export preset."
msgstr "تحرر مخزن المفاتيح غير مُهيئ بشكل صحيح في إعدادت المسبقة للتصدير."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "A valid Android SDK path is required in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"مسار حزمة تطوير Android SDK للبُنى المخصوصة، غير صالح في إعدادات المُحرر."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"مسار حزمة تطوير Android SDK للبُنى المخصوصة، غير صالح في إعدادات المُحرر."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Missing 'platform-tools' directory!"
msgstr "المجلد 'أدوات-المنصة (platform-tools)' مفقود!"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to find Android SDK platform-tools' adb command."
msgstr "تعذر العثور على أمر adb الخاص بأدوات النظام الأساسي لـ Android SDK."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please check in the Android SDK directory specified in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"مسار حزمة تطوير Android SDK للبُنى المخصوصة، غير صالح في إعدادات المُحرر."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Missing 'build-tools' directory!"
msgstr "مجلد 'أدوات البناء' (build-tools) مفقود!"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to find Android SDK build-tools' apksigner command."
msgstr ""
"تعذر العثور على أمر أدوات البناء الخاص بالأندرويد Android SDK build-tools "
"الخاص بتوقيع ملف apk (apksigner)."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid public key for APK expansion."
msgstr "مفتاح عام غير صالح لأجل تصدير حزمة تطبيق أندرويد APK."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid package name:"
msgstr "اسم رُزمة غير صالح:"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid \"GodotPaymentV3\" module included in the \"android/modules\" "
"project setting (changed in Godot 3.2.2).\n"
"Replace it with the first-party \"GodotGooglePlayBilling\" plugin.\n"
"Note that the singleton was also renamed from \"GodotPayments\" to "
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Use Custom Build\" must be enabled to use the plugins."
msgstr "يجب تفعيل \"Use Custom Build\" لإستخدام الإضافات."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\"Hand Tracking\" is only valid when \"XR Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VrApi\" "
"or \"OpenXR\"."
msgstr ""
"\"Hand Tracking\" تكون صالحة فقط عندما يكون وضع ال \"Xr Mode\"هو \"Oculus "
"Mobile VR\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"Passthrough\" is only valid when \"XR Mode\" is \"OpenXR\"."
msgstr ""
"\"Hand Tracking\" تكون صالحة فقط عندما يكون وضع ال \"Xr Mode\"هو \"Oculus "
"Mobile VR\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Export AAB\" is only valid when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"يصبح خيار \"تصدير ABB\" صالحاً فقط عندما يتم اختيار \"استعمال تصدير مخصص "
"Custom Build\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\"Min SDK\" can only be overridden when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"يصبح خيار \"تصدير ABB\" صالحاً فقط عندما يتم اختيار \"استعمال تصدير مخصص "
"Custom Build\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Min SDK\" should be a valid integer, but got \"%s\" which is invalid."
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Min SDK\" cannot be lower than %d, which is the version needed by the "
"Godot library."
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" can only be overridden when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"يصبح خيار \"تصدير ABB\" صالحاً فقط عندما يتم اختيار \"استعمال تصدير مخصص "
"Custom Build\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" should be a valid integer, but got \"%s\" which is invalid."
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" %d is higher than the default version %d. This may work, but "
"wasn't tested and may be unstable."
msgstr ""

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"Target SDK\" version must be greater or equal to \"Min SDK\" version."
msgstr ""
"إصدار \"حزمة التطوير البرمجية المستهدفة\" يجب أن يكون أعلى من أو يساوي إصدار "
"\"Min Sdk\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code Signing"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"'apksigner' could not be found. Please check that the command is available "
"in the Android SDK build-tools directory. The resulting %s is unsigned."
msgstr ""
"تعذر العثور على 'apksigner'. تأكد من فضلك إن كان الأمر موجوداً في دليل ملفات "
"أدوات-بناء حزمة تطوير الأندرويد Android SDK build-tools. لم يتم توقيع الناتج "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Signing debug %s..."
msgstr "يتم توقيع نسخة التنقيح البرمجي %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Signing release %s..."
msgstr "التوقيع-الرقمي للاصدار %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find keystore, unable to export."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على مفتاح المتجر، لا يمكن التصدير."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not start apksigner executable."
msgstr "تعذر بدء تشغيل apksigner ."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "'apksigner' returned with error #%d"
msgstr "أعاد 'apksigner' الخطأ التالي #%d"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Verifying %s..."
msgstr "جاري التحقق من %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "'apksigner' verification of %s failed."
msgstr "فشلت عملية توثيق 'apksigner' ل %s."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exporting for Android"
msgstr "تصدير الكُل"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid filename! Android App Bundle requires the *.aab extension."
msgstr ""
"اسم ملف غير صالح! تتطلب حزمة تطبيق الأندرويد Android App Bundle لاحقة *.aab."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "APK Expansion not compatible with Android App Bundle."
msgstr "توسيع APK غير متوافق مع حزمة تطبيق الأندرويد Android App Bundle."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid filename! Android APK requires the *.apk extension."
msgstr "أسم الملف غير صالح! يتطلب ملف اندرويد APK أمتداد *.apk لتعمل."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unsupported export format!"
msgstr "تنسيق تصدير غير مدعوم!"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Trying to build from a custom built template, but no version info for it "
"exists. Please reinstall from the 'Project' menu."
msgstr ""
"تتم محاولة البناء من قالب بناء مُخصص، ولكن لا تتواجد معلومات النسخة. من فضلك "
"أعد التحميل من قائمة \"المشروع\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Android build version mismatch: Template installed: %s, Godot version: %s. "
"Please reinstall Android build template from 'Project' menu."
msgstr ""
"نسخ بناء Android غير متوافقة: قوالب مُنصبة: %s إصدار غودوت: %s. من فضلك أعد "
"تنصيب قالب بناء الأندرويد من قائمة 'المشروع'."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Unable to overwrite res://android/build/res/*.xml files with project name."
msgstr ""
"تعذرت كتابة overwrite ملفات res://android/build/res/*.xml مع اسم المشروع."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not export project files to gradle project."
msgstr "لم يتمكن من تصدير ملفات المشروع إلى مشروع gradle."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not write expansion package file!"
msgstr "لا يمكن كتابة ملف الحزمة الإضافية!"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Building Android Project (gradle)"
msgstr "بناء مشروع الأندرويد (gradle)"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Building of Android project failed, check output for the error. "
"Alternatively visit docs.godotengine.org for Android build documentation."
msgstr ""
"أخفق بناء مشروع الأندرويد، تفقد المُخرجات للإطلاع على الخطأ. بصورة بديلة "
"يمكنك زيارة docs.godotengine.org لأجل مستندات البناء للأندرويد."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Moving output"
msgstr "جاري تحريك المخرجات"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to copy and rename export file, check gradle project directory for "
msgstr "تعذر نسخ وإعادة تسمية الملف المصدر، تفقد ملف مشروع gradle للمخرجات."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Package not found: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد الرسم المتحرك: '%s'."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Creating APK..."
msgstr "إنشاء المحيط..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find template APK to export: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد قالب APK للتصدير: \"%s\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Missing libraries in the export template for the selected architectures: %s. "
"Please build a template with all required libraries, or uncheck the missing "
"architectures in the export preset."
msgstr ""
"هنالك مكاتب قوالب تصدير ناقصة بالنسبة للمعمارية المختارة: %s.ابن قالب "
"التصدير متضمناً جميع المكتبات الضرورية، أو أزال اختيار المعماريات الناقصة من "
"خيارات التصدير المعدّة مسبقاً."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adding files..."
msgstr "إضافة %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not export project files."
msgstr "لم نتمكن من تصدير ملفات المشروع."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Aligning APK..."
msgstr "محاذاة ملف APK..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not unzip temporary unaligned APK."
msgstr "تعذر إزالة ضغط ملف APK المؤقت غير المصفوف unaligned."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identifier is missing."
msgstr "المُحدد مفقود."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Identifier."
msgstr "إن الحرف '%s' غير مسموح في المُحدد Identifier."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape Launch Screens"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 2436 X 1125"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 2208 X 1242"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 1024 X 768"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 2048 X 1536"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Portrait Launch Screens"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 640 X 960"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 640 X 1136"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 750 X 1334"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 1125 X 2436"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 768 X 1024"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 1536 X 2048"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 1242 X 2208"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store Team ID"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Debug"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code Sign Identity Debug"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Method Debug"
msgstr "التصدير مع مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Release"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code Sign Identity Release"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Method Release"
msgstr "وضع التصدير"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Targeted Device Family"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Info"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "مُحدد غير صالح"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Short Version"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "في الأعلى يميناً"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "إلصق الخاصيات"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Access Wi-Fi"
msgstr "الوصول للواي-فاي"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Push Notifications"
msgstr "دوران عشوائي"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "User Data"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Accessible From Files App"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Accessible From iTunes Sharing"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "مسار المفتاح الخاص لSSH"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Camera Usage Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Microphone Usage Description"
msgstr "أوصاف المُلكية"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photolibrary Usage Description"
msgstr "أوصاف المُلكية"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 120 X 120"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 180 X 180"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 76 X 76"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 152 X 152"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 167 X 167"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store 1024 X 1024"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Spotlight 40 X 40"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Spotlight 80 X 80"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Storyboard"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Use Launch Screen Storyboard"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Image Scale Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Image @2x"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Image @3x"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Custom BG Color"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom BG Color"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Icons"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Prepare Templates"
msgstr "إدارة القوالب"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export template not found."
msgstr "قالب الإصدار المخصص ليس موجود."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store Team ID not specified - cannot configure the project."
msgstr ""
"لم يتم تحديد ID الفُرق الخاص بمتجر التطبيقات - لا يمكن تهيئة configure "

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid Identifier:"
msgstr "مُحدد غير صالح:"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Stop HTTP Server"
msgstr "إيقاف مُخدم HTTP"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run in Browser"
msgstr "تشغيل في المتصفح"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run exported HTML in the system's default browser."
msgstr "شغل ملف HTML المُصدر في المتصفح الإفتراضي للنظام."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open template for export: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن فتح القالب من أجل التصدير: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid export template: \"%s\"."
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not write file: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن كتابة الملف: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Icon Creation"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not read file: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن كتابة الملف: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "PWA"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variant"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Type"
msgstr "تصدير"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "VRAM Texture Compression"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "For Desktop"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "For Mobile"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTML"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Icon"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom HTML Shell"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Head Include"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Canvas Resize Policy"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Focus Canvas On Start"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Experimental Virtual Keyboard"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Progressive Web App"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Offline Page"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 144 X 144"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 180 X 180"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 512 X 512"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not read HTML shell: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن قراءة ملف HTML مخصص: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not create HTTP server directory: %s."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء مجلد خادم ال HTTP: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error starting HTTP server: %d."
msgstr "خطأ في بدء تشغيل خادم HTTP: ."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Web"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTTP Host"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTTP Port"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use SSL"
msgstr "استخدام المحاذاة"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "SSL Key"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Can't get filesystem access."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to get Info.plist hash."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no exe name."
msgstr "اسم مشروع غير صالح."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no bundle id."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, can't load."
msgstr "هندسياصً غير صالح، لا يمكن إنشاء مُضلّع."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to create \"%s\" subfolder."
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء المجلد."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to extract thin binary."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid binary format."
msgstr "مسار غير صالح."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Already signed!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to process nested resources."
msgstr "فشل تحميل المورد."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to create _CodeSignature subfolder."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to get CodeResources hash."
msgstr "فشل تحميل المورد."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid entitlements file."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid executable file."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Can't resize signature load command."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to create fat binary."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Unknown bundle type."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Unknown object type."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "App Category"
msgstr "الفئة"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "High Res"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Location Usage Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Address Book Usage Description"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Calendar Usage Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photos Library Usage Description"
msgstr "أوصاف المُلكية"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Desktop Folder Usage Description"
msgstr "أوصاف الدوال"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Documents Folder Usage Description"
msgstr "أوصاف الدوال"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Downloads Folder Usage Description"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Network Volumes Usage Description"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Removable Volumes Usage Description"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Codesign"
msgstr "وحدة"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يساراً"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "الوقت"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Hardened Runtime"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replace Existing Signature"
msgstr "إستبدل في كل المفات"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Entitlements"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom File"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Allow JIT Code Execution"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Allow Unsigned Executable Memory"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Allow Dyld Environment Variables"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Library Validation"
msgstr "زر معطّل"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio Input"
msgstr "أضف مدخله"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Calendars"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photos Library"
msgstr "تصدير المكتبة"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apple Events"
msgstr "إضافة حَدث"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "تصحيح الأخطاء"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Sandbox"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Network Server"
msgstr "ملف تعريف الشبكة Network Profiler"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Network Client"
msgstr "ملف تعريف الشبكة Network Profiler"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Device USB"
msgstr "الجهاز"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Device Bluetooth"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Downloads"
msgstr "تنزيل"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Pictures"
msgstr "المزايا"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Music"
msgstr "ملف"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Movies"
msgstr "تنقية البلاطات"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Options"
msgstr "‎خيارات مسار الصوت (BUS)"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization"
msgstr "توطين"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple ID Name"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apple ID Password"
msgstr "كلمة المرور"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple Team ID"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open icon file \"%s\"."
msgstr "لم نتمكن من تصدير ملفات المشروع."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not start xcrun executable."
msgstr "تعذر بدء تشغيل xcrun."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization failed."
msgstr "توطين."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization request UUID: \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"The notarization process generally takes less than an hour. When the process "
"is completed, you'll receive an email."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"You can check progress manually by opening a Terminal and running the "
"following command:"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Run the following command to staple the notarization ticket to the exported "
"application (optional):"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Built-in CodeSign failed with error \"%s\"."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Built-in CodeSign require regex module."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Could not start codesign executable, make sure Xcode command line tools are "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No identity found."
msgstr "لم توجد ايقونات."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot sign file %s."
msgstr "خطأ في تحميل الملف %s."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Relative symlinks are not supported, exported \"%s\" might be broken!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "DMG Creation"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not start hdiutil executable."
msgstr "تعذر بدء الملف التنفيذي hdiutil."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "`hdiutil create` failed - file exists."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "`hdiutil create` failed."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Creating app bundle"
msgstr "ينشئ الصورة المصغرة"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find template app to export: \"%s\"."
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد قالب التطبيق (Template app) للتصدير: ."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid export format."
msgstr "إدارة قوالب التصدير."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Relative symlinks are not supported on this OS, the exported project might "
"be broken!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Requested template binary \"%s\" not found. It might be missing from your "
"template archive."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making PKG"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Ad-hoc signed applications require the 'Disable Library Validation' "
"entitlement to load dynamic libraries."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code signing bundle"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making DMG"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code signing DMG"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making ZIP"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Notarization requires the app to be archived first, select the DMG or ZIP "
"export format instead."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Sending archive for notarization"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "ZIP Creation"
msgstr "مشروع"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not open file to read from path \"%s\"."
msgstr "تعذر فتح الملف للقراءة من المسار \"%s\"."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid bundle identifier:"
msgstr "مُحدد غير صالح:"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Built-in \"codesign\" is selected in the Editor Settings. Code "
"signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Xcode command line tools are not installed, using built-in "
"\"codesign\". Code signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Notarization with an ad-hoc signature is not supported."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization: Code signing is required for notarization."
msgstr "التوثيق: إن توقيع الشفرة البرمجية مطلوب."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization: Hardened runtime is required for notarization."
msgstr "التوثيق: إن تمكين وقت التشغيل hardened runtime مطلوب."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization: Timestamp runtime is required for notarization."
msgstr "التوثيق: إن تمكين وقت التشغيل hardened runtime مطلوب."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Apple ID name not specified."
msgstr "التوثيق: لم يتم تحديد اسم معرف Apple ID."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Apple ID password not specified."
msgstr "التوثيق: لم يتم تحديد كلمة مرور Apple ID."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Notarization is disabled. The exported project will be blocked by "
"Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Code signing is disabled. The exported project will not run on Macs with "
"enabled Gatekeeper and Apple Silicon powered Macs."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be disabled!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Notarization is not supported from this OS. The exported project "
"will be blocked by Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Microphone access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Camera access is enabled, but usage description is not specified."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Location information access is enabled, but usage description is "
"not specified."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Address book access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Calendar access is enabled, but usage description is not specified."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Photo library access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "macOS"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Force Builtin Codesign"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "إضافة إدخال معماري architecture entry"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "إظهار الكل"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Short Name"
msgstr "اسم النص البرمجي"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publisher Display Name"
msgstr "اسم الناشر المعروض للرُزمة غير صالح"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Product GUID"
msgstr "مُعرف GUID (المُعرّف الفريد العالمي) للمنتج غير صالح"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Publisher GUID"
msgstr "مسح الموجهات"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Signing"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Certificate"
msgstr "القمم"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Algorithm"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Major"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Minor"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Build"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Revision"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "بشكل افقي (Landscape)"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابات"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape Flipped"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Portrait Flipped"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Store Logo"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 44 X 44 Logo"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 71 X 71 Logo"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 150 X 150 Logo"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 310 X 310 Logo"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Wide 310 X 150 Logo"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Splash Screen"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tiles"
msgstr "ملف"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Square 150 X 150"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Wide 310 X 150"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Square 310 X 310"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot's Mono version does not support the UWP platform. Use the standard "
"build (no C# support) if you wish to target UWP."
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package short name."
msgstr "اسم الرُزمة القصير غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package unique name."
msgstr "الاسم المميز للرُزمة غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package publisher display name."
msgstr "اسم الناشر المعروض للرُزمة غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid product GUID."
msgstr "مُعرف GUID (المُعرّف الفريد العالمي) للمنتج غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid publisher GUID."
msgstr "المُعرف الفريد العالمي للناشر GUID غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid background color."
msgstr "لون خلفية غير صالح."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid Store Logo image dimensions (should be 50x50)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة الشعار الخاص بالمتجر غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون50 × 50)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 44x44 logo image dimensions (should be 44x44)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة الشعار المربع 44×44 غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 44×44)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 71x71 logo image dimensions (should be 71x71)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة شعار 71×71 غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 71×71)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 150x150 logo image dimensions (should be 150x150)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة الشعار المُربع 150×150 غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 150×150)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 310x310 logo image dimensions (should be 310x310)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة الشعار المُربع 310×310 غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 310×310)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid wide 310x150 logo image dimensions (should be 310x150)."
msgstr "أبعاد صورة الشعار المربع 310x150 غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 310x150)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid splash screen image dimensions (should be 620x300)."
msgstr "أبعاد شاشة البداية غير صالحة (ينبغي أن تكون 620×300)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "UWP"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Signtool"
msgstr "الإشاراة"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Certificate"
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Algorithm"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to rename temporary file \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف ملف مؤقت."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identity Type"
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Timestamp Server URL"
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Digest Algorithm"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Resources"
msgstr "نسخ الموارد"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Version"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Product Version"
msgstr "مُعرف GUID (المُعرّف الفريد العالمي) للمنتج غير صالح"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Company Name"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Product Name"
msgstr "اسم المشروع"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Trademarks"
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resources Modification"
msgstr "دوران عشوائي"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find rcedit executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على مفتاح المتجر، لا يمكن التصدير."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find wine executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على مفتاح المتجر، لا يمكن التصدير."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Could not start rcedit executable. Configure rcedit path in the Editor "
"Settings (Export > Windows > Rcedit), or disable \"Application > Modify "
"Resources\" in the export preset."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "rcedit failed to modify executable: %s."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find signtool executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على مفتاح المتجر، لا يمكن التصدير."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find osslsigncode executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن العثور على مفتاح المتجر، لا يمكن التصدير."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid identity type."
msgstr "مُحدد غير صالح."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid timestamp server."
msgstr "اسم غير صالح."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Could not start signtool executable. Configure signtool path in the Editor "
"Settings (Export > Windows > Signtool), or disable \"Codesign\" in the "
"export preset."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Signtool failed to sign executable: %s."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to remove temporary file \"%s\"."
msgstr "لا يمكن حذف ملف مؤقت."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"The rcedit tool must be configured in the Editor Settings (Export > Windows "
"> Rcedit) to change the icon or app information data."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid icon path:"
msgstr "مسار الأيقونة غير صالح:"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid file version:"
msgstr "إصدار الملف غير صالح:"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid product version:"
msgstr "مُعرف GUID (المُعرّف الفريد العالمي) للمنتج غير صالح:"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Windows executables cannot be >= 4 GiB."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to open executable file \"%s\"."
msgstr "صيغة غير صالحة."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "Executable file header corrupted."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "Executable \"pck\" section not found."
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "نافذة جديدة"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Rcedit"
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Osslsigncode"
msgstr ""

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wine"
msgstr "طبقة المعالجة Wine"

#: platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "32-bit executables cannot have embedded data >= 4 GiB."
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frames"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite to display frames."
msgstr ""
"ليتم إظهار الإطارات في الAnimatedSprite (النقوش المتحركة), يجب تكوين مصدر "
"لها من نوع SpriteFrames و ضبط خاصية الFrames (الأطر) بها."

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Speed Scale"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Centered"
msgstr "المنتصف"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
msgid "Flip H"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
msgid "Flip V"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Monitoring"
msgstr "المراقب Monitor"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Monitorable"
msgstr "المراقب Monitor"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Overrides"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Space Override"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gravity Point"
msgstr "قم بتوليد نقاط"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gravity Distance Scale"
msgstr "كائن"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gravity Vec"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Gravity"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Damp"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Angular Damp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio Bus"
msgstr "أضف مسار الصوت"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Override"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_amplify.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Volume dB"
msgstr "حجم"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pitch Scale"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autoplay"
msgstr "إلغاء/تفعيل التشغيل التلقائي"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
msgid "Stream Paused"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attenuation"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bus"
msgstr "أضف مسار"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Area Mask"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy Mode"
msgstr "نسخ العُقد"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anchor Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأيقونة"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotating"
msgstr "خطوة الدوران"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/listener_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/listener.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "تكبير"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Viewport"
msgstr "ساحة رؤية واحدة"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Process Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحريك"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left"
msgstr "في الأعلى يساراً"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "في الأسفل يساراً"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smoothed"
msgstr "خطوة ناعمة"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin H Enabled"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin V Enabled"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smoothing"
msgstr "خطوة ناعمة"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "H"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V"
msgstr "ال UV"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Screen"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Limits"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Drag Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blend Mode"
msgstr "عقدة الدمج2"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Mode"
msgstr "بالعرض يميناً"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particles Animation"
msgstr "جسيمات"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim H Frames"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim V Frames"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particles Anim Loop"
msgstr "جسيمات"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Self Modulate"
msgstr "تكثير/تزويد"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Show Behind Parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show On Top"
msgstr "إظهار المركز"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Mask"
msgstr "طبخ/تجهيز-خريطة-الاضاءة"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Use Parent Material"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one visible CanvasModulate is allowed per scene (or set of instanced "
"scenes). The first created one will work, while the rest will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"يُسمح بواحد فقط من CanvasModulate (مُعدلات اللوحة) في كُل مشهد (أو مجموعة "
"المشاهد المُنمذجة). سيعمل أول واحد فقط، بينما الباقي سيتم تجاهلهم."

#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n"
"Consider adding a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D as a child to "
"define its shape."
msgstr ""
"لا تملك هذه العُقدة شكلاً، بالتالي إنها غير قادرة على التصادم أو التفاعل مع "
"الكائنات الأخرى.\n"
"ضع في الحسبان إضافة عُقدة بنت كالشكل التصادمي ثنائي الأبعاد CollisionShape2D "
"أو الشكل التصادمي المُضلع ثنائي الأبعاد CollisionPolygon2D لتحديد الشكل "
"الخاصة بها."

#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pickable"
msgstr "اختيار البلاط"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"يعمل مُضلع التصادم ثنائي الأبعاد CollisionPolygon2D فقط كشكل تصادمي لكل العُقد "
"المشتقة من الكائن التصادمي ثنائي الأبعاد CollisionObject2D. من فضلك استخدمه "
"فقط لكل أبناء الحيز ثنائي الأبعاد Area2D، الجسم السكوني ثنائي الأبعاد "
"StaticBody2D و الجسم الجامد ثنائي الأبعاد RigidBody2D، والجسم المتحرك ثنائي "
"الأبعاد KinematicBody2D إلخ.. لكي تمنح كل منهم شكلاً."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon2D has no effect on collision."
msgstr ""
"مُضلع تصادم ثنائي الأبعاد (CollisionPolygon2D) الفارغ ليس له أي تأثير على "

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 3 points are needed in 'Solids' build mode."
msgstr ""
"مضلع غير صالح. يتطلب الأمر 3 نقاط على الأقل في نمط بناء \"المواد الصلبة "

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 2 points are needed in 'Segments' build mode."
msgstr ""
"مضلع غير صالح. يتطلب الأمر على الأقل نقطتين في نمط البناء \"المتجزئ "

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The One Way Collision property will be ignored when the parent is an Area2D."
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Build Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "One Way Collision"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "One Way Collision Margin"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"يعمل جسم-تصادم-ثنائي-البُعد (CollisionPolygon2D) فقط كشكل تصادمي لكل العُقد "
"المشتقة من الكائن التصادمي ثنائي الأبعاد (CollisionObject2D). من فضلك "
"استخدمه فقط لكل أبناء الحيز-ثنائي-البُعد (Area2D)، الجسم-الثابت-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(StaticBody2D) و الجسم-الصلب-ثنائي-البُعد (RigidBody2D)، والجسم-المتحرك-ثنائي-"
"البُعد (KinematicBody2D) إلخ.. لكي تمنح كل منهم شكلاً."

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape2D to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"يجب تزويد جسم-تصادم-ثنائي-البُعد (CollisionShape2D) بإحدى الأشكال (من نوع "
"Shape2D) لتعمل بالشكل المطلوب. الرجاء تكوين و ضبط الشكل لها اولا!"

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Polygon-based shapes are not meant be used nor edited directly through the "
"CollisionShape2D node. Please use the CollisionPolygon2D node instead."
msgstr ""
"الأشكال المستندة إلى المضلع (Polygon-based shapes) لا تعني انك قادر على "
"استخدامها او تعديلها بشكل مباشر من خلال عقدة جسم-تصادم-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(CollisionShape2D). الرجاء استخدام عقدة مضلع-تصادم-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(CollisionPolygon2D) بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CPUParticles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with "
"\"Particles Animation\" enabled."
msgstr ""
"تتطلب الرسوم المتحركة للجسيمات-وحدة-المعالجة-المركزية-ثنائية-الأبعاد "
"(CPUParticles2D) استخدام لوحة-مادة-العنصر (CanvasItemMaterial) مع "
"تفعيل\"الرسوم المتحركة للجزيئات\"."

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emitting"
msgstr "الإعدادات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "One Shot"
msgstr "عقدة اللقطة الواحدة"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preprocess"
msgstr "المعالجة-اللاحقة Post-Process"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Explosiveness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Randomness"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل عشوائية (ثواني)"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Lifetime Randomness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fixed FPS"
msgstr "إظهار عدد الإطارات بالثانية"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Fract Delta"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Coords"
msgstr "المشاريع"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Draw Order"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission Shape"
msgstr "قناع الانبعاث"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Sphere Radius"
msgstr "قطر الجسم الكروى"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rect Extents"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normals"
msgstr "البنية (اللاحقة)"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Align Y"
msgstr "ألحق"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Spread"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initial Velocity"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Velocity Random"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Angular Velocity"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Velocity Curve"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Orbit Velocity"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Accel"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Accel"
msgstr "التسارع"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Accel Random"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Accel Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Radial Accel"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Tangential Accel"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Damping"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Damping Random"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Damping Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Angle"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Angle Random"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angle Curve"
msgstr "إغلاق المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid "Scale Amount Random"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Amount Curve"
msgstr "تكبير من المؤشر"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Ramp"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Color Initial Ramp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hue Variation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variation Random"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Variation Curve"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Speed Random"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Speed Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Offset Random"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Offset Curve"
msgstr "إغلاق المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr ""
"يجب على العقدة A والعقدة B أن يكونا PhysicsBody2Ds (جسم فيزيائي ثنائي البُعد)"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody2D"
msgstr "يجب أن تكون العقدة A من النوع PhysicsBody2D (جسم فيزيائي ثنائي البُعد)"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody2D"
msgstr "يجب أن تكون العقدة B من النوع PhysicsBody2D (جسم فيزيائي ثنائي البُعد)"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Joint is not connected to two PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr ""
"إن المفصل غير متصل مع اثنين من PhysicsBody2Ds (الأجسام الفيزيائية ثنائية "

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr "على العقدة A وكذلك العقدة B أن يكونا PhysicsBody2Ds مختلفين"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Node A"
msgstr "وحدة"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Node B"
msgstr "وحدة"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bias"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Collision"
msgstr "زر معطّل"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Softness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp
#: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initial Offset"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Rest Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A texture with the shape of the light must be supplied to the \"Texture\" "
msgstr "يجب توريد نقش بهيئة الضوء لخاصية \"النقش\"."

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor Only"
msgstr "المحرّر"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Scale"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Energy"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Min"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Max"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Layer Min"
msgstr "غيّر حجم الكاميرا"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Layer Max"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Item Cull Mask"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffer Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gradient Length"
msgstr "التدرج المُحرر"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Smooth"
msgstr "ترشيح الدوال"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "إغلاق"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cull Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"An occluder polygon must be set (or drawn) for this occluder to take effect."
msgstr ""
"المُضلع المُغلق(occluder polygon) يجب تعينه (او رسمه) ليأخذ هذا الغَلق تأثيره."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid "The occluder polygon for this occluder is empty. Please draw a polygon."
msgstr "المُضلع المُغلق لهذا الغَلق فارغ. الرجاء رسم مُضلع."

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Width Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Color"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Fill"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "التدرج المُحرر"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Mode"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Capping"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joint Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأيقونة"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Begin Cap Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأقليم"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "End Cap Mode"
msgstr "وضع المحاذاة"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مجلد"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Sharp Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Round Precision"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Antialiased"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/multimesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Multimesh"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
msgid "Cell Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edge Connection Margin"
msgstr "تعديل الإتصال"

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"'Navigation2D' node and 'Navigation2D.get_simple_path()' are deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future version. Use 'Navigation2DServer.map_get_path()' "
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pathfinding"
msgstr "الربط"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Desired Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Target Desired Distance"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path Max Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Avoidance"
msgstr "إعدادات متقدمة"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Avoidance Enabled"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Neighbor Dist"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Max Neighbors"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Horizon"
msgstr "القلب أفقياً"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Speed"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationAgent2D can be used only under a Node2D inheriting parent node."
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Estimate Radius"
msgstr "تعديل نصف القطر الخارجي للطارة Torus Outer Radius"

#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationObstacle2D only serves to provide collision avoidance to a "
"Node2D object."
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"A NavigationPolygon resource must be set or created for this node to work. "
"Please set a property or draw a polygon."
msgstr ""
"يجب تعيين مصدر مُضلع-التنقل (NavigationPolygon) أو إنشاؤه حتى تعمل هذه "
"العقدة. يُرجى تعيين خاصية أو رسم مضلع."

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid "Navpoly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter Cost"
msgstr "في أسفل المنتصف"

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Travel Cost"
msgstr "السفر"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Rotation"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Scale"
msgstr "حجم عشوائي"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Transform"
msgstr "الاحتفاظ بالتحوّل الشمولي Global"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Z As Relative"
msgstr "نسبية المحاذاة"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Scale"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Limit Begin"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Limit End"
msgstr "في النهاية"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Ignore Camera Zoom"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
msgid ""
"ParallaxLayer node only works when set as child of a ParallaxBackground node."
msgstr ""
"تعمل عقدة طبقة-المنظهر (ParallaxLayer) فقط عند تعيينها كعقدة تابعة لعقدة "
"خلفية-المنظر ParallaxBackground."

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Motion"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mirroring"
msgstr "انعكاس"

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use the CPUParticles2D node instead. You can use the \"Convert to "
"CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"لا يدعم برنامج تشغيل الفيديو GLES2 الجسيمات القائمة على وحدة معالجة الرسومات "
"(GPU-based particles).\n"
"استخدم عقدة جسيمات-وحدة-المعالجة-المركزية-ثنائية-البُعد (CPUParticles2D) بدلاً "
"من ذلك. يمكنك استخدام خيار \"التحويل إلى CPUParticles\" لهذا الغرض."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"On macOS, Particles2D rendering is much slower than CPUParticles2D due to "
"transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n"
"Consider using CPUParticles2D instead when targeting macOS.\n"
"You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this "
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"A material to process the particles is not assigned, so no behavior is "
msgstr ""
"لا يوجد مادة (material) لمعالجة الجسيمات ، لذلك لا يتم طبع او عمل أي سلوك."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Particles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with "
"\"Particles Animation\" enabled."
msgstr ""
"تتطلب الرسوم المتحركة للجسيمات-ثنائية-البُعد (Particles2D) استخدام لوحة-مادة-"
"العنصر (CanvasItemMaterial) مع تمكين \"الرسوم المتحركة للجسيمات\"."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visibility Rect"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Process Material"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "PathFollow2D only works when set as a child of a Path2D node."
msgstr ""
"لا يعمل اتباع-المسار-ثنائي-البُعد (PathFollow2D) إلا عند جعل عقدة مسار-ثنائي-"
"البُعد (Path2D) تابعًا له."

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unit Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "H Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "Cubic Interp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "Lookahead"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Constant Linear Velocity"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Constant Angular Velocity"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Friction"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Bounce"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Physics Material Override"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Gravity"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody2D (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden "
"by the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"تغييرات الحجم للجسم-صلب-ثنائي-البُعد (RigidBody2D) (في أوضاع الشخصيات أو "
"الأوضاع الصلبة) سيتم تجاوزها بواسطة محرك الفيزياء عند التشغيل.\n"
"قم بتغيير الحجم في أشكال تصادم التابعين له بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Mass"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inertia"
msgstr "شاقولياً"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Gravity Scale"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Integrator"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Continuous CD"
msgstr "متواصل"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Contacts Reported"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contact Monitor"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sleeping"
msgstr "المحاذاة الذكية"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can Sleep"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Damp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Applied Forces"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Torque"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Safe Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Sync To Physics"
msgstr "تزامن مع الفيزياء"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moving Platform"
msgstr "نقل المخرجات"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Apply Velocity On Leave"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "البنية (اللاحقة)"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remainder"
msgstr "مُحرك الإخراج البصري"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Local Shape"
msgstr "محلي"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collider"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider ID"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collider RID"
msgstr "RID غير صالح"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collider Shape"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collider Shape Index"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collider Velocity"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Collider Metadata"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertex Colors"
msgstr "رأس"

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Internal Vertex Count"
msgstr "إنشاء رأس داخلي"

#: scene/2d/position_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gizmo Extents"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Exclude Parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cast To"
msgstr "إنشاء عُقدة تظليل"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Collide With"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Areas"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Bodies"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Node2D node to work."
msgstr ""
"يجب أن تشير خاصية المسار إلى عُقدة-ثنائية-البُعد (Node2D) صالحة لكي تعمل."

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remote Path"
msgstr "مسح النقطة"

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Global Coordinates"
msgstr "الإحداثيات التالية"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rest"
msgstr "إعادة التشغيل"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Length"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid "This Bone2D chain should end at a Skeleton2D node."
msgstr ""
"سلسلة العظم ثنائي البُعد Bone2D هذه، ينبغي أن تنتهي في عُقدة هيكل ثنائي البُعد "

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid "A Bone2D only works with a Skeleton2D or another Bone2D as parent node."
msgstr ""
"يعمل عظم-ثنائي-البُعد (Bone2D) فقط مع هيكلية-ثنائية-البُعد (Skeleton2D) أو "
"Bone2D آخر كعقدة رئيسية."

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"This bone lacks a proper REST pose. Go to the Skeleton2D node and set one."
msgstr ""
"هذا العظم يفتقر إلى وضع الراحة المناسب. انتقل إلى عقدة هيكلية ثنائية "
"البُعد(Skeleton2D) وقم بتعيين واحدة."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Hframes"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Vframes"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frame Coords"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Clip"
msgstr "تشريح النصوص البرمجية"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid ""
"TileMap with Use Parent on needs a parent CollisionObject2D to give shapes "
"to. Please use it as a child of Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, "
"KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"يحتاج خريطة-البلاط (TileMap) مع تفعيل خاصية إستخدام الأصل (Use Parent) إلى "
"ان يكون تابعًا لكائن-تصادمي-ثنائي-البُعد (CollisionObject2D) لإعطاء الأشكال. "
"يرجى استخدامه كتابع لحيز-ثنائي-البُعد(ِArea2D)، جسم-ثابت-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(StaticBody2D)، جسم-صلب-ثنائي-البُعد (RigidBody2D)، أو جسم-متحرك-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(KinematicBody2D)، وما إلى ذلك لمنحهم شكلاً."

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile Set"
msgstr "مُحدد البلاط"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quadrant Size"
msgstr "غيّر حجم الكاميرا"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Transform"
msgstr "التحوّل"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Half Offset"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile Origin"
msgstr "إظهار الأصل (المصدر)"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Y Sort"
msgstr "ترتيب"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Collision"
msgstr "التصادم"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compatibility Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Centered Textures"
msgstr "المزايا الرئيسية"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Cell Clip UV"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Parent"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Use Kinematic"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shape Centered"
msgstr "حاذي إلي مُنتصف العقدة"

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shape Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Passby Press"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visibility Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"VisibilityEnabler2D works best when used with the edited scene root directly "
"as parent."
msgstr ""
"يعمل مُمَكِن-الرؤية-ثنائي-البُعد (VisibilityEnabler2D) بشكل أفضل عند استخدامه مع "
"المشهد الرئيس الذي تم تحريره مباشرةً باعتباره الأصل."

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause Animations"
msgstr "لصق الرسوم المتحركة"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
msgid "Freeze Bodies"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause Particles"
msgstr "جسيمات"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause Animated Sprites"
msgstr "لصق الرسوم المتحركة"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Process Parent"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid "Physics Process Parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Reverb Bus"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uniformity"
msgstr "تحديد اسم موحد"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRCamera must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "يجب أن تحتوي ARVRCamera على عقدة ARVROrigin كأصل لها."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "Controller ID"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr/arvr_positional_tracker.cpp
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRController must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "يجب أن تحتوي ARVRController على عقدة ARVROrigin كأصل لها."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The controller ID must not be 0 or this controller won't be bound to an "
"actual controller."
msgstr ""
"يجب ألا يكون معرف وحدة التحكم تساوي 0 أو لن تكون وحدة التحكم هذه مقيدة بوحدة "
"تحكم فعلية."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anchor ID"
msgstr "المرتكزات فقط"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRAnchor must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "يجب أن يحتوي ARVRController على عقدة ARVROrigin كأصل له."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The anchor ID must not be 0 or this anchor won't be bound to an actual "
msgstr ""
"يجب ألا يكون معرف الإرتكاز (The anchor) يساوي 0 أو لن يكون هذا الإرتكاز مقيد "
"بإرتكاز فِعلي."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVROrigin requires an ARVRCamera child node."
msgstr ""
"يحتاج خريطة-البلاط (TileMap) مع تفعيل خاصية إستخدام الأصل (Use Parent) إلى "
"ان يكون تابعًا لكائن-تصادمي-ثنائي-البُعد (CollisionObject2D) لإعطاء الأشكال. "
"يرجى استخدامه كتابع لحيز-ثنائي-البُعد(ِArea2D)، جسم-ثابت-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(StaticBody2D)، جسم-صلب-ثنائي-البُعد (RigidBody2D)، أو جسم-متحرك-ثنائي-البُعد "
"(KinematicBody2D)، وما إلى ذلك لمنحهم شكلاً."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "World Scale"
msgstr "حجم عشوائي"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attenuation Model"
msgstr "عقدة الحركة"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Unit dB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Unit Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Max dB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Out Of Range Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission Angle"
msgstr "الوان الإنبعاث"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Attenuation dB"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Attenuation Filter"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "Cutoff Hz"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "dB"
msgstr "بايت"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Doppler"
msgstr "تفعيل دوبلر"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tracking"
msgstr "يَحزم\"ينتج الملف المضغوط\""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Interior"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Finding meshes and lights"
msgstr "إيجاد السطوح meshes والأضواء"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Preparing geometry (%d/%d)"
msgstr "تجضير الهندسة (%d/%d)"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preparing environment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating capture"
msgstr "انشاء خارطة الضوء"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Saving lightmaps"
msgstr "انشاء خارطة الضوء"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Done"
msgstr "تم"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/resources/box_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/rectangle_shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extents"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Tweaks"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Bounces"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Bounce Indirect Energy"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Denoiser"
msgstr "تصفية"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Use HDR"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Color"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Texels Per Unit"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Atlas"
msgstr "أطلس جديد"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "عام"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Size"
msgstr "الحجم"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sky"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Sky Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Color"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Energy"
msgstr "حرك ثأثير مسار الصوت"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Light"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Propagation"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Image Path"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Data"
msgstr "مع البيانات"

#: scene/3d/bone_attachment.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone Name"
msgstr "إسم العقدة"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Keep Aspect"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Cull Mask"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Doppler Tracking"
msgstr "مسار خاصية"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Projection"
msgstr "مشروع"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "FOV"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Frustum Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Near"
msgstr "أقرب"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Far"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip To"
msgstr "القص Clip أعلاه"

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Ray Pickable"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture On Drag"
msgstr "التقاط"

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp
msgid ""
"This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n"
"Consider adding a CollisionShape or CollisionPolygon as a child to define "
"its shape."
msgstr ""
"هذه العقدة ليس لها شكل، لذلك لا يمكن أن تصطدم أو تتفاعل مع الكائنات الأخرى.\n"
"ضع في الإعتبار إضافة شكل تصادم أو مضلع تصادم كتابع لتعريف شكله."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, "
"StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"يعمل مضلع التصادم (CollisionPolygon) فقط على توفير شكل تصادم لعقدة كائن "
"التصادم (CollisionObject) المشتقة. يُرجى استخدامه فقط كتابع لحيز (Area)، جسم "
"ثابت (StaticBody)، جسم صلب (StaticBody)، أو جسم حركي (KinematicBody)، وما "
"إلى ذلك لمنحهم شكلاً."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon has no effect on collision."
msgstr "مُصادم فارغ ليس لديه تأثير علي التصادم."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape only serves to provide a collision shape to a CollisionObject "
"derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, "
"KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"يعمل شكل التصادم (CollisionPolygon) فقط على توفير شكل تصادم لعقدة كائن "
"التصادم (CollisionObject) المشتقة. يُرجى استخدامه فقط كتابع لحيز (Area)، جسم "
"ثابت (StaticBody)، جسم صلب (StaticBody)، أو جسم حركي (KinematicBody)، وما "
"إلى ذلك لمنحهم شكلاً."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it."
msgstr ""
"يجب توفير شكل ل CollisionShape2D بإحدى الأشكال (من نوع Shape2D) لتعمل بالشكل "
"المطلوب. الرجاء تكوين و ضبط الشكل لها."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"Plane shapes don't work well and will be removed in future versions. Please "
"don't use them."
msgstr ""
"لا تعمل أشكال التبويت (Plane shapes) بشكل جيد وسيتم إزالتها في الإصدارات "
"المستقبلية. من فضلك لا تستخدمها."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"ConcavePolygonShape doesn't support RigidBody in another mode than static."
msgstr ""
"الشكل المضلع المُقعر (ConcavePolygonShape) لا يدعم الجسم الصلب (RigidBody) في "
"أي وضع غير الوضع الثابت."

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid "Nothing is visible because no mesh has been assigned."
msgstr "لا شيء مرئي لأنه لم يتم تعيين أي مجسم."

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid ""
"CPUParticles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose "
"Billboard Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"."
msgstr ""
"تتطلب الرسوم المتحركة لجسيمات وحدة المعالجة المركزية( CPUParticles) استخدام "
"مادة مكانية (SpatialMaterial) التي تم ضبط وضع اللوحة (Billboard Mode) الخاص "
"بها على \"لوحة الجسيمات\"."

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Box Extents"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ring Radius"
msgstr "قناع الانبعاث"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ring Inner Radius"
msgstr "تغيير نصف قطر الدائرة الداخلي"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ring Height"
msgstr "تدوير لليمين"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ring Axis"
msgstr "تحذيرات"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotate Y"
msgstr "تدوير"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Z"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Flatness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Portals"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابات"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Portal Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
msgid "Include In Bound"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
msgid "Allow Merging"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autoplace Priority"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Plotting Meshes"
msgstr "تخطيط المجسمات"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Finishing Plot"
msgstr "الانتهاء من التخطيط"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid ""
"GIProbes are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use a BakedLightmap instead."
msgstr ""
"GIProbes لا يدعم برنامج تشغيل الفيديو GLES2.\n"
"استخدم BakedLightmap بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid ""
"The GIProbe Compress property has been deprecated due to known bugs and no "
"longer has any effect.\n"
"To remove this warning, disable the GIProbe's Compress property."
msgstr ""
"تم إيقاف خاصية GIProbe Compress بسبب أخطاء معروفة ولم يعد لها أي تأثير.\n"
"لإزالة هذا التحذير عطّل خاصية GIProbe's Compress."

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dynamic Range"
msgstr "مكتبة مطاوعة (ديناميكية)"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Normal Bias"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Pixel Size"
msgstr "حجم البكسل"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Billboard"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shaded"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Double Sided"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "No Depth Test"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fixed Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Alpha Cut"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Alpha Scissor Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Render Priority"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Render Priority"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Modulate"
msgstr "الاجبار على التعديل الابيض"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font"
msgstr "الخطوط"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
msgstr "عَرضياً"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertical Alignment"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autowrap"
msgstr "تحميل تلقائي"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Indirect Energy"
msgstr "الوان الإنبعاث"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Negative"
msgstr "لغة البرمجة GDNative"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specular"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bake Mode"
msgstr "وضع قناع-البِت"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reverse Cull Face"
msgstr "إرجاع صوت المسار"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Directional Shadow"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 1"
msgstr "فصل المسار"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 2"
msgstr "فصل المسار"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 3"
msgstr "فصل المسار"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blend Splits"
msgstr "أوقات الدمج"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bias Split Scale"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Range"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Omni"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow Mode"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow Detail"
msgstr "أظهر الإفتراضي"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "A SpotLight with an angle wider than 90 degrees cannot cast shadows."
msgstr "بقعة الضوء بزاوية أكبر من 90 درجة لا يمكنها إلقاء الظلال."

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Spot"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angle Attenuation"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transform Normals"
msgstr "أجهض التحول"

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp
msgid ""
"'Navigation' node and 'Navigation.get_simple_path()' are deprecated and will "
"be removed in a future version. Use 'NavigationServer.map_get_path()' "
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Up Vector"
msgstr "مُتجه"

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cell Height"
msgstr "أختبار"

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Agent Height Offset"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ignore Y"
msgstr "(تجاهل)"

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationAgent can be used only under a Spatial inheriting parent node."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "NavMesh"
msgstr "اطبخ شبكة ملاحة"

#: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationObstacle only serves to provide collision avoidance to a "
"Spatial inheriting parent object."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp
msgid "No shape is set."
msgstr "لم يتم تعيين أي شكل."

#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp
msgid "Only uniform scales are supported."
msgstr "المعايير الموحدة هي المدعومة فقط."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use the CPUParticles node instead. You can use the \"Convert to "
"CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"الجسيمات القائمة على وحدة معالجة الرسومات (GPU-based particles) لا تدعم "
"برنامج تشغيل الفيديو GLES2 .\n"
"استخدم عقدة CPUParticles بدلاً من ذلك. يمكنك استخدام خيار \"التحويل إلى "
"CPUParticles\" لهذا الغرض."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"On macOS, Particles rendering is much slower than CPUParticles due to "
"transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n"
"Consider using CPUParticles instead when targeting macOS.\n"
"You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"Nothing is visible because meshes have not been assigned to draw passes."
msgstr "لا يوجد شيء مرئي لأن المجسمات لم يتم تعيين لها رسم التمريرات."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"Particles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose Billboard "
"Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"."
msgstr ""
"تتطلب الرسوم المتحركة للجسيمات استخدام مادة مكانية (SpatialMaterial) التي تم "
"ضبط وضع اللوحة (Billboard Mode) الخاص بها على \"لوحة الجسيمات\"."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visibility AABB"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Passes"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Passes"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "PathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
msgstr "يعمل تتبع المسار PathFollow فقط عندما يكون ابناً لعُقدة مسار Path."

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid ""
"PathFollow's ROTATION_ORIENTED requires \"Up Vector\" to be enabled in its "
"parent Path's Curve resource."
msgstr ""
"يتطلب ROTATION_ORIENTED الخاص بأتباع-المسار (PathFollow) تمكين \"Up Vector\" "
"في مصدر منحنى مسار الأصل (Parent Path's)."

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotation Mode"
msgstr "وضع التدوير"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden "
"by the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"تغير حجم الجسم الصلب (RigidBody) (في الشخصية أو الأوضاع الصلبة) سيتم تجاوزها "
"بواسطة محرك الفيزياء عند التشغيل.\n"
"قم بتغيير الحجم في أشكال تصادم الأتباع (Children) بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Axis Lock"
msgstr "محاور"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear X"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Y"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Z"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular X"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Y"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Z"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Motion X"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Motion Y"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Motion Z"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joint Constraints"
msgstr "ثوابت"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Impulse Clamp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Swing Span"
msgstr "حفظ المشهد"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Twist Span"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Relaxation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Upper"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Lower"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء زواية"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Bias"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Softness"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Relaxation"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Upper"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Lower"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Softness"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Restitution"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Damping"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Restitution"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Limit Damping"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "X"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Y"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Z"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Enabled"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring Enabled"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring Stiffness"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring Damping"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Equilibrium Point"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Restitution"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Damping"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Restitution"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Damping"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "ERP"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Spring Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Damping"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Equilibrium Point"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Body Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBodies"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Joint is not connected to any PhysicsBodies"
msgstr "المفصل غير متصل لأي الاجسام الفيزيائية (PhysicsBodies)"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBodies"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Solver"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Exclude Nodes"
msgstr "استثناء العُقد"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Params"
msgstr "لقد تم تغيير المَعلم"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Upper"
msgstr "الأحرف الكبيرة (Uppercase)"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lower"
msgstr "الأحرف الصغيرة (Lowercase)"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Motor"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Velocity"
msgstr "تحريك المسار لليمين"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Impulse"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Upper Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lower Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restitution"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Motion"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Ortho"
msgstr "نظر من الخلف (متعامد/ليس له بعد ثالث)"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Upper Angle"
msgstr "الزاوية العلوية"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Lower Angle"
msgstr "الزاوية السفلية"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Motion"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Angular Ortho"
msgstr "أقصي أخطاء زواية"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit X"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Motor X"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Force Limit"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring X"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Equilibrium Point"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit X"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor X"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring X"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Y"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Motor Y"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring Y"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Y"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor Y"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Y"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Limit Z"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Motor Z"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Spring Z"
msgstr "خطي"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Z"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor Z"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Z"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "A Room should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "A RoomGroup should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Portal Active"
msgstr "البوابة نشطة"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
msgid "Two Way"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linked Room"
msgstr "جذر التعديل المباشر"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Default Margin"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group Name"
msgstr "مُجَمعَ"

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
msgid "Dispatch Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid Radius"
msgstr "نصف القطر"

#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Shape"
msgstr "مُنقح الأخطاء"

#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Thickness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Update Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحديث"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Origin Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Box Projection"
msgstr "مشروع"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Shadows"
msgstr "تمكين المحاذاة"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Energy"
msgstr "الوان الإنبعاث"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Contrib"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid ""
"The \"Remote Path\" property must point to a valid Spatial or Spatial-"
"derived node to work."
msgstr ""
"يجب أن تشير خاصية \"المسار البعيد\" إلى عقدة مكانية أو مشتقة مكانية صالحة "
"لكي تعمل."

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "A Room cannot have another Room as a child or grandchild."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a Room."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "A RoomGroup should not be placed inside a Room."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid ""
"Room convex hull contains a large number of planes.\n"
"Consider simplifying the room bound in order to increase performance."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "Use Default Simplify"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Room Simplify"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "Bound"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_group.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roomgroup Priority"
msgstr "الأولية"

#: scene/3d/room_group.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a RoomGroup."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "The RoomList has not been assigned."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "The RoomList node should be a Spatial (or derived from Spatial)."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Portal Depth Limit is set to Zero.\n"
"Only the Room that the Camera is in will render."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "There should only be one RoomManager in the SceneTree."
msgstr "يجب توافر مدير-غرف (RoomManager) واحد فقط في شجرة المشهد."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Main"
msgstr "رئيسي | الرئيسي"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Roomlist"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS"
msgstr "إطار خلال ثانية"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS Filename"
msgstr "الملف المضغوط ZIP File"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Gameplay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gameplay Monitor"
msgstr "المراقب Monitor"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Secondary PVS"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Merge Meshes"
msgstr "مجسّم"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Margins"
msgstr "إظهار المركز"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Sprawl"
msgstr "تصحيح الأخطاء"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Overlap Warning Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preview Camera"
msgstr "عرض"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Portal Depth Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Portal Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roaming Expansion Margin"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"RoomList path is invalid.\n"
"Please check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "RoomList contains no Rooms, aborting."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Misnamed nodes detected, check output log for details. Aborting."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Portal link room not found, check output log for details."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Portal autolink failed, check output log for details.\n"
"Check the portal is facing outwards from the source room."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Room overlap detected, cameras may work incorrectly in overlapping area.\n"
"Check output log for details."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Error calculating room bounds.\n"
"Ensure all rooms contain geometry or manual bounds."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/resources/skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pose"
msgstr "نسخ الوضع"

#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bound Children"
msgstr "أبناء قابلين للتعديل"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pinned Points"
msgstr "تم تثبيت %s"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Point Index"
msgstr "ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Spatial Attachment Path"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Enabled"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parent Collision Ignore"
msgstr "إنشاء مُضلع التصادم"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simulation Precision"
msgstr "شجرة التحريك غير صالحة"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Total Mass"
msgstr "المجموع الكلي"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Areaangular Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Volume Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Pressure Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Damping Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Drag Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Pose Matching Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "This body will be ignored until you set a mesh."
msgstr "سيتم تجاهل هذا الجسم حتى تضع تحدد له مجسمًا."

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to SoftBody will be overridden by the physics engine when "
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"تغير حجم الجسم الناعم (SoftBody) سيتم تجاوزها بواسطة محرك الفيزياء عند "
"قم بتغيير الحجم في أشكال تصادم الأتباع (Children) بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Translation"
msgstr "الاحتفاظ بالتحوّل الشمولي Global"

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Matrix"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gizmo"
msgstr "الأدوات Gizmos"

#: scene/3d/spatial_velocity_tracker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Track Physics Step"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
msgid "Spring Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparent"
msgstr "المصفوفة المنقولة Transpose"

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite3D to display frames."
msgstr ""
"يجب إنشاء مصدر إطارات الرسم (SpriteFrames) أو تعيينه في خاصية \"الإطارات\" "
"حتى يتمكن الرسوم المتحركة للرسم ثلاثي الُعد (AnimatedSprite3D) من عرض "

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid ""
"VehicleWheel serves to provide a wheel system to a VehicleBody. Please use "
"it as a child of a VehicleBody."
msgstr ""
"تعمل عجلة المركبة (VehicleWheel) على توفير نظام عجلات لجسم "
"المركبة(VehicleBody). يرجى استخدامه كتابع لجسم المركبة."

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Per-Wheel Motion"
msgstr "زر العجلة للأسفل"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Engine Force"
msgstr "قوة المحرك"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Brake"
msgstr "فرامل | مكابح"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Steering"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "VehicleBody Motion"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use As Traction"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Use As Steering"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Wheel"
msgstr "عجلة"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Roll Influence"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Friction Slip"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Suspension"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Force"
msgstr "خطأ"

#: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
msgid "AABB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr "ترتيب"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use AABB Center"
msgstr "استخدم Ambient"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Geometry"
msgstr "إعادة المحاولة"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Material Override"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Material Overlay"
msgstr "تغيرات المادة"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cast Shadow"
msgstr "إنشاء عُقدة تظليل"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extra Cull Margin"
msgstr "وسائط إستدعاء إضافية"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baked Light"
msgstr "طبخ (إعداد) خرائط الضوء"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate Lightmap"
msgstr "انشاء خارطة الضوء"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lightmap Scale"
msgstr "طبخ/تجهيز-خريطة-الاضاءة"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "LOD"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Min Hysteresis"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Max Hysteresis"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"WorldEnvironment requires its \"Environment\" property to contain an "
"Environment to have a visible effect."
msgstr ""
"تتطلب بيئة-العالم (WorldEnvironment) خاصية\"البيئة\" الخاصة بها لاحتواء بيئة "
"ليكون لها تأثير مرئي."

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one WorldEnvironment is allowed per scene (or set of instanced scenes)."
msgstr "يُسمح فقط ببيئة عالمية واحدة لكل مشهد (أو مجموعة من المشاهد المتوافقة)."

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"This WorldEnvironment is ignored. Either add a Camera (for 3D scenes) or set "
"this environment's Background Mode to Canvas (for 2D scenes)."
msgstr ""
"يتم تجاهل هذه البيئة العالمية. إما أن تضيف كاميرا (للمشاهد ثلاثية البُعد) أو "
"اضبط وضع الخلفية لهذه البيئة على لوحة (Canvas) (للمشاهد ثنائية البُعد)."

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "On BlendTree node '%s', animation not found: '%s'"
msgstr ""
"في عقدة/شبكة خليط-الشجرة (BlendTree) '%s'، لم يتم العثور على الرسوم "
"المتحركة: '%s '"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Animation not found: '%s'"
msgstr "لم يتم إيجاد الرسم المتحرك: '%s'"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mix Mode"
msgstr "عقدة الخلط"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fadein Time"
msgstr "وقت التلاشي X (ثواني)"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fadeout Time"
msgstr "وقت التلاشي X (ثواني)"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل تلقائية"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Autorestart"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل تلقائية"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Delay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Random Delay"
msgstr "إمالة عشوائية"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blend Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Seek Position"
msgstr "ضع الإنحناء في الموقع"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input Count"
msgstr "أضف منفذ أدخال"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Xfade Time"
msgstr "وقت التلاشي X (ثواني)"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch Mode"
msgstr "حدّة"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Advance"
msgstr "حدد التقدم التلقائي"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Advance Condition"
msgstr "إعدادات مُتقدمة"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Anim Apply Reset"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Animation"
msgstr "تحديد الرسومية المتحركة"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assigned Animation"
msgstr "أضف حركة"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Reset On Save"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Animation Length"
msgstr "تعديل مدة الرسم المتحرك"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Animation Position"
msgstr "أضفة نقطة الرسوم المتحركة"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playback Options"
msgstr "إعدادات الصف (Class)"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Blend Time"
msgstr "المظهر الكلي الاساسي"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Method Call Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "In node '%s', invalid animation: '%s'."
msgstr "في العُقدة '%s'، رسومية متحركة غير صالحة: '%s'."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Invalid animation: '%s'."
msgstr "رسومية متحركة غير صالحة: '%s'."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Nothing connected to input '%s' of node '%s'."
msgstr "ليس هناك وصل بين أي من مُدخلات '%s' للعُقدة '%s'."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "No root AnimationNode for the graph is set."
msgstr "لم يتم تحديد عُقدة رئيسة لعُقدة الرسومات المتحركة لأجل الرسم graph."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Path to an AnimationPlayer node containing animations is not set."
msgstr "لم يتم تحديد مسار يحتوي ارسومات المتحركة لعُقدة مُشغل الرسومات المتحركة."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Path set for AnimationPlayer does not lead to an AnimationPlayer node."
msgstr ""
"المسار المُحدد لمُشغل الرسومات المتحركة لا يقود إلى عُقدة مُشغل رسومات مُتحركة."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "The AnimationPlayer root node is not a valid node."
msgstr "العُقدة الرئيسة لمُشغل الرسومات المتحركة ليست عُقدة صالحة."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tree Root"
msgstr "إنشاء العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Player"
msgstr "تثبيت مُشغّل الرسوميات المتحركة"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Root Motion"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Track"
msgstr "إضافة مسار"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
msgid "This node has been deprecated. Use AnimationTree instead."
msgstr ""
"لقد تم إهمال هذه الوحدة, أستخدم شجرة الرسومات المتحركة (AnimationTree) بدلاً "

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playback"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Master Player"
msgstr "لصق المُعامل"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Path"
msgstr "مسار التصدير"

#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Animation Path"
msgstr "رسوم متحركة"

#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zero Y"
msgstr "صفر"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Root Bone"
msgstr "اسم العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tip Bone"
msgstr "العظام"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Interpolation"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Override Tip Basis"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Use Magnet"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Magnet"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Target Node"
msgstr "إعادة اختيار أبوة العُقدة"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Iterations"
msgstr "عمل دالة"

#: scene/animation/tween.cpp
msgid "Playback Process Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/animation/tween.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playback Speed"
msgstr "تشغيل المشهد"

#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mix Target"
msgstr "الهدف"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ratio"
msgstr "نسبة التكبير"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Mode"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/box_container.cpp
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcut In Tooltip"
msgstr "إظهار المركز"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Action Mode"
msgstr "وضع الأيقونة"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Enabled Focus Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Keep Pressed Outside"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/shortcut.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "الاختصارات"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group"
msgstr "المجموعات"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip Text"
msgstr "نسخ النص"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
msgid "Align"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/button.cpp
msgid "Icon Align"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand Icon"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: scene/gui/center_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Top Left"
msgstr "في الأعلى يساراً"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Color: #%s\n"
"LMB: Apply color\n"
"RMB: Remove preset"
msgstr ""
"اللون: #%s\n"
"الزر الأيسر للفأرة: تحديد اللون\n"
"الزر الأيمن للفأرة: إزالة اللون الحالي"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Alpha"
msgstr "تعديل مُتعدد السطوح"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "HSV Mode"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deferred Mode"
msgstr "مؤجل"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Presets Enabled"
msgstr "مُعد سلفاً"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Presets Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Pick a color from the editor window."
msgstr "اختر لوناً من نافذة المُحرر."

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "HSV"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Switch between hexadecimal and code values."
msgstr "بدّل بين القيم البرمجية والسداسية العشرية."

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Add current color as a preset."
msgstr "أضف اللون الحالي كإعداد مسبق."

#: scene/gui/container.cpp
msgid ""
"Container by itself serves no purpose unless a script configures its "
"children placement behavior.\n"
"If you don't intend to add a script, use a plain Control node instead."
msgstr ""
"لا تخدم الحاوية في حد ذاتها أي غرض ما لم يقم النص البرمجي بتكوين سلوك وضع "
"الأتباع الخاص به .\n"
"إذا كنت لا تنوي إضافة نص برمجي ، فاستخدم عقدة تحكم عادية بدلاً من ذلك."

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Theme Overrides"
msgstr "يتجاوز"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid ""
"The Hint Tooltip won't be displayed as the control's Mouse Filter is set to "
"\"Ignore\". To solve this, set the Mouse Filter to \"Stop\" or \"Pass\"."
msgstr ""
"لن يتم عرض أداة التلميح أثناء تعيين عامل تصفية الفأره الخاص بعنصر التحكم, تم "
"وضعه على \"تجاهل\". لحل هذه المشكلة ، اضبط تصفية الفأره على \"إيقاف\" أو "

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "المرتكزات فقط"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grow Direction"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pivot Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip Content"
msgstr "ثابت"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Hint"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tooltip"
msgstr "أدوات"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focus"
msgstr "مسار التركيز"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Left"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Top"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Right"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Neighbour Bottom"
msgstr "في أسفل المنتصف"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Next"
msgstr "التالي"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "السابق"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Cursor Shape"
msgstr "تحميل نسق المسار الإفتراضي"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Pass On Modal Close Click"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Size Flags"
msgstr "أعلام الحجم"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Ratio"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Theme Type Variation"
msgstr "خصائص الثِمة"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Window Title"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "نافذة XForm"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Hide On OK"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Alert!"
msgstr "تنبيه!"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Please Confirm..."
msgstr "يُرجى التأكيد..."

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mode Overrides Title"
msgstr "تجاوز العنصر"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Must use a valid extension."
msgstr "يجب أن يستخدم صيغة صحيحة."

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right Disconnects"
msgstr "قطع الاتصال"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snap Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Min"
msgstr "تكبير"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Max"
msgstr "تكبير"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Step"
msgstr "تصغير"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Zoom Label"
msgstr "إظهار العظام"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Enable grid minimap."
msgstr "تفعيل الخريطة المصغرة للشبكة."

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Close"
msgstr "إظهار العظام"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/gui/option_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "حدد"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "ارتكاب"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Overlay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/grid_container.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "حجم"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timers"
msgstr "الوقت"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Incremental Search Max Interval Msec"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Reselect"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow RMB Select"
msgstr "تعبئة المُحدد"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Max Text Lines"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Height"
msgstr "أختبار"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Max Columns"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Same Column Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Fixed Column Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Icon Scale"
msgstr "حجم عشوائي"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fixed Icon Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V Align"
msgstr "ألحق"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visible Characters"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Percent Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
msgid "Lines Skipped"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
msgid "Max Lines Visible"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Secret Character"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Expand To Text Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Context Menu Enabled"
msgstr "مساعدة سياقية"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Virtual Keyboard Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcut Keys Enabled"
msgstr "الاختصارات"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Middle Mouse Paste Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selecting Enabled"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Deselect On Focus Loss Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right Icon"
msgstr "الزر الأيمن"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "تحميله كعنصر نائب"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Caret"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Blink"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blink Speed"
msgstr "السرعة"

#: scene/gui/link_button.cpp
msgid "Underline"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/menu_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch On Hover"
msgstr "حدّة"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Center"
msgstr "المنتصف"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Region Rect"
msgstr "تحديد مستطيل المنطقة"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Patch Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Axis Stretch"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
msgid ""
"The Tile and Tile Fit options for Axis Stretch properties are only effective "
"when using the GLES3 rendering backend.\n"
"The GLES2 backend is currently in use, so these modes will act like Stretch "
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Popup"
msgstr "تكثير/تزويد"

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exclusive"
msgstr "شامل"

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
msgid ""
"Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() "
"functions. Making them visible for editing is fine, but they will hide upon "
msgstr ""
"ستختفي النوافذ المنبثقة افتراضيًا ما لم تقم باستدعاء popup() أو أي من وظائف "
"popup(). من الجيد جعلها مرئية للتحرير ، لكنها ستختفي عند التشغيل."

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On Item Selection"
msgstr "نصف المُحدد"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On Checkable Item Selection"
msgstr "خريطة الشبكة GridMap لحذف المُختار"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On State Item Selection"
msgstr "إحدف المحدد (المجموعة المختارة)"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
msgid "Submenu Popup Delay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Search"
msgstr "بحث"

#: scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "If \"Exp Edit\" is enabled, \"Min Value\" must be greater than 0."
msgstr "إذا تم تفعيل ال\"Exp Edit\" يجب على ان يكون \"Min Value\" اعلى من صفر."

#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Value"
msgstr "القيمة المثبتة"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Value"
msgstr "القيمة"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Page"
msgstr "صفحة"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exp Edit"
msgstr "تعديل"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rounded"
msgstr "مُجَمعَ"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Allow Greater"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Allow Lesser"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border Color"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border Width"
msgstr "البكسلات المحيطية (الحدودية)"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Relative Index"
msgstr "ترتيبية المحور Z"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Absolute Index"
msgstr "مسافة بادئة تلقائية"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "أوقات الدمج"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Env"
msgstr "النهاية"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Character"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "BBCode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Meta Underlined"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab Size"
msgstr "الحجم"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fit Content Height"
msgstr "طلاء العظام وزنياً"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Scroll Active"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Scroll Following"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Enabled"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Override Selected Font Color"
msgstr "عدل على الحساب الحالي"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Effects"
msgstr "حرك ثأثير مسار الصوت"

#: scene/gui/scroll_bar.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Step"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid ""
"ScrollContainer is intended to work with a single child control.\n"
"Use a container as child (VBox, HBox, etc.), or a Control and set the custom "
"minimum size manually."
msgstr ""
"تم تصميم ScrollContainer للعمل مع عنصر تحكم تابع واحد.\n"
"استخدم حاوية كتابع (VBox ، HBox ، إلخ) ، أو عنصر تحكم واضبط الحد الأدنى "
"المخصص للحجم يدويًا."

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow Focus"
msgstr "تزويد السطح"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Horizontal Enabled"
msgstr "عَرضياً"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertical Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid "Default Scroll Deadzone"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
msgid "Scrollable"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tick Count"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ticks On Borders"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مجلد"

#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "بادئة"

#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "لاحقة"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collapsed"
msgstr "طوي الكل"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dragger Visibility"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية Visibility"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Tab Align"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Tab"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tabs Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
msgid "All Tabs In Front"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag To Rearrange Enabled"
msgstr "إسحب وأسقط لإعادة الترتيب"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
msgid "Use Hidden Tabs For Min Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Tab Close Display Policy"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Scrolling Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Readonly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bookmark Gutter"
msgstr "المحفوظات"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Breakpoint Gutter"
msgstr "تخطي نقاط التكسّر"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fold Gutter"
msgstr "مجلد"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag And Drop Selection Enabled"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hiding Enabled"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap Enabled"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Vertical"
msgstr "شاقولياً"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Horizontal"
msgstr "عَرضياً"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw"
msgstr "استدعاءات الرسم"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Block Mode"
msgstr "إلغاء تأمين العقدة"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Moving By Right Click"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Text Edit Idle Detect (sec)"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Text Edit Undo Stack Max Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Hover"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focused"
msgstr "مسار التركيز"

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Click Mask"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Under"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Over"
msgstr "الكتابة المُتراكبة Overwrite"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "خصائص الثِمة"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Progress Offset"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fill Mode"
msgstr "وضع التشغيل"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Tint"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Radial Fill"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initial Angle"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fill Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Center Offset"
msgstr "في المنتصف يساراً"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nine Patch Stretch"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Left"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Top"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Right"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Bottom"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Custom Minimum Height"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "(Other)"
msgstr "(آخر)"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column Titles Visible"
msgstr "تشغيل/إطفاء الوضوحية"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide Folding"
msgstr "زر معطّل"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide Root"
msgstr "إنشاء العُقدة الرئيسة (الجذر)"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Drop Mode Flags"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio Track"
msgstr "إضافة مسار"

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid "Paused"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffering Msec"
msgstr "الواجهة View الخلفية"

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stream Position"
msgstr "ضع الإنحناء في الموقع"

#: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Shrink"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow Viewport"
msgstr "أظهر الشاشة"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download File"
msgstr "تنزيل"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Download Chunk Size"
msgstr "حجم جزء التنزيل"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Body Size Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Max Redirects"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "انتهت المهلة"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid ""
"Setting node name '%s' to be unique within scene for '%s', but it's already "
"claimed by '%s'. This node is no longer set unique."
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name Num Separator"
msgstr "فاصل مُسمّى"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Name Casing"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor Description"
msgstr "الوصف"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Folded"
msgstr "عرض من غير ظلال"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "إعادة التسمية"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "ملاك"

#: scene/main/node.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multiplayer"
msgstr "تحديد التكرار"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Multiplayer"
msgstr "تحديد التكرار"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Process Priority"
msgstr "أولوية العملية"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Left"
msgstr "في الأعلى يساراً"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Collisions Hint"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Navigation Hint"
msgstr "وضع التنقل"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use Font Oversampling"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edited Scene Root"
msgstr "مشهد رئيس (جذر) جديد"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Root"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multiplayer Poll"
msgstr "تحديد التكرار"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Shapes"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Shape Color"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contact Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Geometry Color"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disabled Geometry Color"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Max Contacts Displayed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw 2D Outlines"
msgstr "أنشئ الحد"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Reflections"
msgstr "انعكاسات"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Atlas Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Atlas Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "MSAA"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use FXAA"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use Debanding"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "HDR"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Use 32 BPC Depth"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Environment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid ""
"Default Environment as specified in Project Settings (Rendering -> "
"Environment -> Default Environment) could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
"تعذر تحميل البيئة الافتراضية كما هو محدد في إعدادات المشروع (التقديم -> "
"البيئة -> البيئة الافتراضية)."

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Object Picking"
msgstr "تفعيل تقشير البصل"

#: scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid ""
"Very low timer wait times (< 0.05 seconds) may behave in significantly "
"different ways depending on the rendered or physics frame rate.\n"
"Consider using a script's process loop instead of relying on a Timer for "
"very low wait times."
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autostart"
msgstr "إعادة تشغيل تلقائية"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Viewport Path"
msgstr "مسار التصدير"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The Viewport size must be greater than or equal to 2 pixels on both "
"dimensions to render anything."
msgstr "ينبغي أن يكون حجم إطار العرض أكبر من 0 ليتم الإخراج البصري لأي شيء."

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid ""
"This Viewport has HDR enabled, but its Usage is set to 2D or 2D No-"
"HDR is only supported in Viewports that have their Usage set to 3D or 3D No-"
"HDR will be disabled for this Viewport."
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "ARVR"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Size Override Stretch"
msgstr "تجاوز العنصر"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Own World"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "World"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "World 2D"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transparent BG"
msgstr "المصفوفة المنقولة Transpose"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Handle Input Locally"
msgstr "تعديل قيمة الإدخال"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "FXAA"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debanding"
msgstr "الربط"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable 3D"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keep 3D Linear"
msgstr "الخط اليساري"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Render Direct To Screen"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Draw"
msgstr "تصحيح الأخطاء"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Render Target"
msgstr "مُحرك الإخراج البصري"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "V Flip"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable 2D"
msgstr "تفعيل"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Enable 3D"
msgstr "تفعيل 3D"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Object Picking"
msgstr "اختيار الكائن"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Disable Input"
msgstr "تعطيل الإدخال"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shadow Atlas"
msgstr "أطلس الظل"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 0"
msgstr "رباعي 0"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 1"
msgstr "رباعية 1"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 2"
msgstr "رباعية 2"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 3"
msgstr "رباعية 3"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Canvas Transform"
msgstr "تحويل اللوحة"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Global Canvas Transform"
msgstr "تحويل اللوحة الشامل (global)"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Tooltip Delay (sec)"
msgstr "تأخير تلميح الأدوات (ثانية)"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Swap OK Cancel"
msgstr "مبادلة موافق إلغاء"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Layer Names"
msgstr "أسماء الطبقات"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "2D Render"
msgstr "إنشاء صورة 2D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "3D Render"
msgstr "إنشاء صورة 3D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "2D Physics"
msgstr "فيزياء 2D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "3D Physics"
msgstr "فيزياء 3D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "2D Navigation"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "3D Navigation"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Use hiDPI"
msgstr ""

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Font"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mix Rate"
msgstr "عقدة الخلط"

#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/concave_polygon_shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Segments"
msgstr "معاملات المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bake Resolution"
msgstr "نصف دقة الشاشة"

#: scene/resources/curve.cpp
msgid "Bake Interval"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Panel"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Pressed"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Hover"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Focus"
msgstr "تزويد السطح"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Disabled"
msgstr "القص Clip مُعطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "H Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Underline Spacing"
msgstr "تكرار الرسوم المتحركة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Arrow Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hover Pressed"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Checked Disabled"
msgstr "فَعل العنصر"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "عنصر مُفعل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unchecked Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radio Checked"
msgstr "عنصر مُفعل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radio Checked Disabled"
msgstr "(المُحرر مُعطّل)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Unchecked"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Unchecked Disabled"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Hover Pressed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Check V Adjust"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "On Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Off"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Off Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Shadow"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Outline Modulate"
msgstr "الاجبار على التعديل الابيض"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow Offset X"
msgstr "معادل الشبكة على المحور الأفقي X"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow Offset Y"
msgstr "معادل الشبكة على المحور Y"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow As Outline"
msgstr "التبويب السابق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Selected"
msgstr "حُدد إلغاء القفل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Uneditable"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor Color"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Color"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Color Pressed"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum Spaces"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BG"
msgstr "بايت"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "FG"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 1"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Space"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folded"
msgstr "مجلد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fold"
msgstr "مجلد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Readonly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completion Lines"
msgstr "نسخ المُحدد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completion Max Width"
msgstr "نسخ المُحدد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Completion Scroll Width"
msgstr "إستيراد المحدد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Focus"
msgstr "تزويد السطح"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grabber Highlight"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grabber Pressed"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Increment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Increment Highlight"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Increment Pressed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Decrement"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decrement Highlight"
msgstr "مُعلّم التركيب Syntax"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Decrement Pressed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slider"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Area"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Area Highlight"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grabber Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tick"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Updown"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scaleborder Size"
msgstr "البكسلات المحيطية (الحدودية)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Font"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة العقدة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Color"
msgstr "الطابق التالي"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Height"
msgstr "أختبار"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close Highlight"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close H Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close V Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parent Folder"
msgstr "أنشئ مجلد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Hidden"
msgstr "أظهر الملفات المخفية"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Panel Disabled"
msgstr "القص Clip مُعطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Labeled Separator Left"
msgstr "فاصل مُسمّى"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Labeled Separator Right"
msgstr "فاصل مُسمّى"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Separator"
msgstr "مُشغّل اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Accel"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Separator"
msgstr "مُشغّل اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Frame"
msgstr "تحديد الإطارات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Frame"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Focus"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment Focus"
msgstr "ارتكاب"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Breakpoint"
msgstr "نقاط التكسّر"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resizer"
msgstr "تغيير حجم المصفوفة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close Color"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resizer Color"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Port Offset"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BG Focus"
msgstr "مسار التركيز"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Focus"
msgstr "حدد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Cursor Unfocused"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Button Pressed"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Normal"
msgstr "زر التبديل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Pressed"
msgstr "زر التبديل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Hover"
msgstr "زر التبديل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Button"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Button Pressed"
msgstr "‎خيارات مسار الصوت (BUS)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Button Hover"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Arrow"
msgstr "تحديد الكل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Arrow Collapsed"
msgstr "طوي الكل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Font"
msgstr "زر التبديل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Color"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Guide Color"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drop Position Color"
msgstr "مكان الرصيف"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Relationship Line Color"
msgstr "المشهد الحالي"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Custom Button Font Highlight"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Item Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Button Margin"
msgstr "زر"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Draw Relationship Lines"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Guides"
msgstr "أظهر الموجهات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Border"
msgstr "شاقولياً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scroll Speed"
msgstr "مقدار إزاحة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Icon Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab FG"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 1"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab BG"
msgstr "علامة التبويب 1"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tab Disabled"
msgstr "عنصر معطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Menu"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Menu Highlight"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color FG"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color BG"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية عنصر اللون"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Side Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Top Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Label V Align FG"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Label V Align BG"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Large"
msgstr "الهدف"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "مجلد"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder Icon Modulate"
msgstr "الاجبار على التعديل الابيض"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Icon Modulate"
msgstr "وضع الأيقونة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Disabled"
msgstr "القص Clip مُعطّل"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SV Width"
msgstr "بالعرض يساراً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SV Height"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "H Width"
msgstr "بالعرض يساراً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Label Width"
msgstr "بالعرض يساراً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Screen Picker"
msgstr "مُشغل الشاشة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Preset"
msgstr "تحميل إعداد مسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Hue"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Sample"
msgstr "الألوان"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset BG"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Overbright Indicator"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset FG"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset BG Icon"
msgstr "إعداد مُسبق"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Normal Font"
msgstr "البنية (اللاحقة)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bold Font"
msgstr "إضافة نقطة العقدة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Italics Font"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bold Italics Font"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mono Font"
msgstr "المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table H Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Table V Separation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Margin Left"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Margin Top"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Margin Right"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Margin Bottom"
msgstr "تحديد الوضع"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr "الاقتطاع التلقائي"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Minus"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "More"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid Minor"
msgstr "اختر لوناً"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grid Major"
msgstr "خريطة الشبكة"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Fill"
msgstr "المحدد فقط"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Stroke"
msgstr "انتقاء الخاصية"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "إجراء"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bezier Len Pos"
msgstr "تحريك نقاط بيزية"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bezier Len Neg"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port Grab Distance Horizontal"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Port Grab Distance Vertical"
msgstr "كائن"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Hinting"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Override Oversampling"
msgstr "تجاوز العنصر"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Path"
msgstr "مسار التركيز"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outline Color"
msgstr "الوظائف البرمجية"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Mipmaps"
msgstr "الإشارات"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extra Spacing"
msgstr "خيارات إضافية"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Char"
msgstr "الأحرف الصالحة"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Data"
msgstr "مع البيانات"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Background"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Sky"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sky Custom FOV"
msgstr "قص العُقد"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sky Orientation"
msgstr "الوثائق الإلكترونية"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sky Rotation"
msgstr "خطوة الدوران"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sky Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "يُدير %s من الدرجات"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Canvas Max Layer"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Camera Feed ID"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Light"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sky Contribution"
msgstr "شرط"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Fog"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sun Color"
msgstr "تخزين الملف"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sun Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Enabled"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Begin"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth End"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transmit Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transmit Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Height Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Height Min"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Height Max"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Height Curve"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tonemap"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الخرائط"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exposure"
msgstr "تصدير"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "White"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Auto Exposure"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Min Luma"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Max Luma"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SS Reflections"
msgstr "تكبير المحدد"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Steps"
msgstr "الخطوة"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fade In"
msgstr "تلاشي في البداية (ثواني)"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fade Out"
msgstr "تلاشي من النهاية (ثواني)"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Tolerance"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Roughness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "SSAO"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radius 2"
msgstr "نصف القطر"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Intensity 2"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Affect"
msgstr "بالعرض يميناً"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "AO Channel Affect"
msgstr "منقح أخطاء قناة UV"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Blur"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Edge Sharpness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "DOF Far Blur"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Transition"
msgstr "الانتقال"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "DOF Near Blur"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Glow"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Levels"
msgstr "المطورون"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "1"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "3"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "4"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "5"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "6"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "7"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bloom"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "HDR Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "HDR Luminance Cap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "HDR Scale"
msgstr "المقياس"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bicubic Upscale"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Adjustments"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "ضوء"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Correction"
msgstr "الوظيفة البرمجية للون"

#: scene/resources/font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ascent"
msgstr "الحالي"

#: scene/resources/font.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distance Field"
msgstr "وضع خالي من الإلهاء"

#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Data"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Offsets"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
msgid "Map Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Map Depth"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Map Data"
msgstr "العمق"

#: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "D"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next Pass"
msgstr "التبويب التالي"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use Shadow To Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unshaded"
msgstr "عرض من غير ظلال"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertex Lighting"
msgstr "الاتجاهات"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Point Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "World Triplanar"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo Tex Force sRGB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Do Not Receive Shadows"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Ambient Light"
msgstr "المسافة البادئة يميناً"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ensure Correct Normals"
msgstr "أجهض التحول"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo Tex MSDF"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertex Color"
msgstr "رأس"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use As Albedo"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Is sRGB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "لقد تم تغيير المَعلم"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diffuse Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specular Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Draw Mode"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Width"
msgstr "بالعرض يساراً"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Point Size"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Billboard Mode"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Billboard Keep Scale"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Grow"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Grow Amount"
msgstr "الكمية"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use Alpha Scissor"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particles Anim"
msgstr "جسيمات"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "H Frames"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V Frames"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار %"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Metallic"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Channel"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission"
msgstr "قناع الانبعاث"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "On UV2"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "NormalMap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Rim"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clearcoat"
msgstr "مسح"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Gloss"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Anisotropy"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Flowmap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Occlusion"
msgstr "الإطباق Occlusion"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Deep Parallax"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Layers"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Layers"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Flip Tangent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Binormal"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Subsurf Scatter"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Transmission"
msgstr "الإنتقال"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Refraction"
msgstr "التباعُدات"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Detail"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "UV Layer"
msgstr "طبقة"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "UV1"
msgstr "ال UV"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Triplanar"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Triplanar Sharpness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "UV2"
msgstr "ال UV"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Proximity Fade"
msgstr "وضع الأولية"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Distance Fade"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Async Mode"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lightmap Size Hint"
msgstr "طبخ/تجهيز-خريطة-الاضاءة"

#: scene/resources/mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Custom AABB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mesh Transform"
msgstr "التحوّل"

#: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "NavMesh Transform"
msgstr "محو التَحَوّل"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Format"
msgstr "مُشغّل اللون"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transform Format"
msgstr "أجهض التحول"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Custom Data Format"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Instance Count"
msgstr "كائن"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Visible Instance Count"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "تحجيم"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Partition Type"
msgstr "حدد نوع المتغير"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parsed Geometry Type"
msgstr "توزيع الأشكال الهندسية"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Source Geometry Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source Group Name"
msgstr "مصدر"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Cells"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Agents"
msgstr "معاملات المشهد الرئيس"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Climb"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Slope"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regions"
msgstr "الإقليم"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Merge Size"
msgstr "دمج من المشهد"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Edges"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Error"
msgstr "خطأ"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Verts Per Poly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Details"
msgstr "أظهر الإفتراضي"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sample Distance"
msgstr "اختر المسافة"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sample Max Error"
msgstr "عينات (صوتية)"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Low Hanging Obstacles"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Ledge Spans"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Walkable Low Height Spans"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baking AABB"
msgstr "توليد AABB"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baking AABB Offset"
msgstr "المُعادل"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp
msgid "Spheres"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp
msgid "OccluderShapeSphere Set Spheres"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Polygon Points"
msgstr "المُضلعات"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hole Points"
msgstr "تحريك النقاط"

#: scene/resources/packed_scene.cpp
msgid "Bundled"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Trail"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Divisor"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Size Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل سرعة الرؤية الحُرة"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Modifier"
msgstr "مُعدّل تباطؤ الرؤية الحُرة"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Point Texture"
msgstr "نقاط الانبعاث"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Normal Texture"
msgstr "نقش طبيعي"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Texture"
msgstr "مظهر المحرر/برنامج-جودوه"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Point Count"
msgstr "أضف منفذ أدخال"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Random"
msgstr "نسبة التكبير"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Curve"
msgstr "إغلاق المنحنى"

#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Rough"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Absorbent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/plane_shape.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plane"
msgstr "التبويت"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Faces"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابات"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Mid Height"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Height"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Depth"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Top Radius"
msgstr "نصف القطر"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bottom Radius"
msgstr "في الأسفل يميناً"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left To Right"
msgstr "في الأعلى يميناً"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Is Hemisphere"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Curve Step"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Slips On Slope"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "A"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Custom Solver Bias"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bind Count"
msgstr "أضف منفذ أدخال"

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bind"
msgstr "الربط"

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bone"
msgstr "العظام"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radiance Size"
msgstr "حجم الخطوط"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Panorama"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Top Color"
msgstr "الطابق التالي"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Horizon Color"
msgstr "تخزين الملف"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ground"
msgstr "مُجَمعَ"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bottom Color"
msgstr "المحفوظات"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "تشغيل"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "استبدال"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Angle Min"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Angle Max"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Content Margin"
msgstr "تحديد الهامش"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand Margin"
msgstr "توسيع الكل"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Skew"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Corner Radius"
msgstr "تغيير نصف قطر الدائرة الداخلي"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Corner Detail"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Anti Aliasing"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Grow Begin"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Grow End"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load Path"
msgstr "تحميل إعداد مسبق"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base Texture"
msgstr "إزالة النقش"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "حجم الصورة"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Side"
msgstr "أظهر الموجهات"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Front"
msgstr "الواجهة View الأمامية"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Back"
msgstr "الرجوع للخلف"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Storage Mode"
msgstr "وضع التحجيم"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lossy Storage Quality"
msgstr "التقاط"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "From"
msgstr "وضع التشغيل"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "To"
msgstr "فوق"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Base"
msgstr "النوع الأساسي"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Frame"
msgstr "اسم المشهد الحالي"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Which Feed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Camera Is Active"
msgstr "حساسة لحالة الأحرف"

#: scene/resources/theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Font"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Output Port For Preview"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Draw"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cull"
msgstr "وضع المسطرة"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diffuse"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Async"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "وضع السحب"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Input Name"
msgstr "خريطة الإدخال"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uniform Name"
msgstr "تحديد اسم موحد"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The sampler port is connected but not used. Consider changing the source to "
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid source for preview."
msgstr "مصدر غير صالح للمعاينة."

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid source for shader."
msgstr "مصدر غير صالح لتظليل."

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Type"
msgstr "منطقة النقش TextureRegion"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Cube Map"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Value Enabled"
msgstr "ملفات غودوت المُرشّحة"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "تعديل قيمة الإدخال"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Default"
msgstr "تحميل الإفتراضي"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid comparison function for that type."
msgstr "وظيفة برمجية مُقارِنة غير صالحة لأجل ذلك النوع."

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fallback Environment"
msgstr "عرض البيئة"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scenario"
msgstr "مشهد"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Navigation Map"
msgstr "تنقل"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Direct Space State"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Gravity Vector"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Linear Damp"
msgstr "الخط اليساري"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Angular Damp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Map Up"
msgstr "افتراضي"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Cell Size"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Cell Height"
msgstr "أختبار"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Edge Connection Margin"
msgstr "تعديل الإتصال"

#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr ""

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Is Primary"
msgstr ""

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Is Initialized"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "AR"
msgstr ""

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Is Anchor Detection Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: servers/arvr_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Primary Interface"
msgstr "واجهة المستخدم"

#: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio Stream"
msgstr "عنصر خِيار"

#: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Random Pitch"
msgstr "إمالة عشوائية"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_capture.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp
msgid "Buffer Length"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "Voice Count"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Dry"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Wet"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "Voice"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Delay (ms)"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Rate Hz"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth (ms)"
msgstr "العمق"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Level dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_panner.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pan"
msgstr "التبويت"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "Gain"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Attack (µs)"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Release (ms)"
msgstr "الإصدار"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Mix"
msgstr "خلط"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Sidechain"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Tap 1"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Tap 2"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Feedback"
msgstr "إرسال مستندات التغذية الراجعة Feedback"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Low-pass"
msgstr "تخطي"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Pre Gain"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Keep Hf Hz"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Drive"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Post Gain"
msgstr "لاحق"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resonance"
msgstr "مورد"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Ceiling dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Threshold dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Soft Clip dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Soft Clip Ratio"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Range Min Hz"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Range Max Hz"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
msgid "Oversampling"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "FFT Size"
msgstr "الحجم"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Predelay"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Msec"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Room Size"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "High-pass"
msgstr "تخطي"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
msgid "Tap Back Pos"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
msgid "Pan Pullout"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Pullout (ms)"
msgstr "انتهت المهلة"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
msgid "Surround"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Audio Input"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية مسار الصوت"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Output Latency"
msgstr "المخرجات"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Channel Disable Threshold dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Disable Time"
msgstr "تغيير وقت الدمج"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Video Delay Compensation (ms)"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bus Count"
msgstr "أضف منفذ أدخال"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture Device"
msgstr "التقط من البيكسل"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Rate Scale"
msgstr "مُتغيّر عام (Global Variable)"

#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp
msgid "Feed"
msgstr ""

#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Is Active"
msgstr "منظوري"

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Sleep Threshold Linear"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Sleep Threshold Angular"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Time Before Sleep"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BP Hash Table Size"
msgstr "الحجم"

#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
msgid "Large Object Surface Threshold In Cells"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Inverse Mass"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inverse Inertia"
msgstr "الرؤية الحُرة Freelook يساراً"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Total Angular Damp"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Total Linear Damp"
msgstr "خطي"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Total Gravity"
msgstr "تحديث المُعاينة"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Velocity"
msgstr "الشروع"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Exclude"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Shape RID"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collide With Bodies"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collide With Areas"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Motion Remainder"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Point"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Normal"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Depth"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Safe Fraction"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Unsafe Fraction"
msgstr "وضع التصادم"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Engine"
msgstr "نسبة الإطار الفيزيائي %"

#: servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Center Of Mass"
msgstr "في المنتصف يساراً"

#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Principal Inertia Axes"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Varying may not be assigned in the '%s' function."
msgstr "يمكن تعيين المتغيرات فقط في الذروة ."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid ""
"Varyings which were assigned in 'vertex' function may not be reassigned in "
"'fragment' or 'light'."
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid ""
"Varyings which were assigned in 'fragment' function may not be reassigned in "
"'vertex' or 'light'."
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Assignment to function."
msgstr "تكليفها لوظيفة برمجية."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Assignment to uniform."
msgstr "التعين للإنتظام."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "لا يمكن تعديل الثوابت."

#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Spatial Partitioning"
msgstr "تجزئة"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Render Loop Enabled"
msgstr "تنقية الإشارات"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "VRAM Compression"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import BPTC"
msgstr "استيراد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import S3TC"
msgstr "استيراد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import ETC"
msgstr "استيراد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import ETC2"
msgstr "استيراد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import PVRTC"
msgstr "استيراد الموضوع Theme"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Lossless Compression"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Force PNG"
msgstr "أنشر بإجبار"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "WebP Compression Level"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Time Rollover Secs"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cubemap Size"
msgstr "غيّر حجم الكاميرا"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 0 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 1 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 2 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 3 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadows"
msgstr "مُظلل"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Mode"
msgstr "تصفية العُقد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Array Reflections"
msgstr "نصف المُحدد"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "High Quality GGX"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Irradiance Max Size"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shading"
msgstr "الحواف Padding"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Vertex Shading"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Lambert Over Burley"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Blinn Over GGX"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Mesh Storage"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split Stream"
msgstr "تقسيم المنحنى"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Physical Light Attenuation"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Depth Prepass"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Disable For Vendors"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Anisotropic Filter Level"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Nearest Mipmap Filter"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Software Skinning Fallback"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ninepatch Mode"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "OpenGL"
msgstr "إفتح"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batching Send Null"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Batching Stream"
msgstr "إعادة تسمية الدفعة"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Legacy Orphan Buffers"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Legacy Stream"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Batching"
msgstr "جاري البحث"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Batching"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Batching In Editor"
msgstr "تحديث المحرر"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Single Rect Fallback"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Join Item Commands"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Colored Vertex Format Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Scissor Area Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Join Items"
msgstr "إدارة العناصر"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batch Buffer Size"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Item Reordering Lookahead"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Flash Batching"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diagnose Frame"
msgstr "الصق إطاراً"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "GLES2"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Compatibility"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Disable Half Float"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable High Float"
msgstr "تمكين الأولوية"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "تحديد التعبير"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "UV Contract"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "UV Contract Amount"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Simple PVS"
msgstr "استخدام محاذاة التحجيم"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "PVS Logging"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Signals"
msgstr "الإشارات"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Danglers"
msgstr "إزالة البلاط"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Imported Portals"
msgstr "إقلبْ البوابات"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Occlusion Culling"
msgstr ""
"إعدادات الاخفاء بتقنية الاصطدام (طريقة برمجية لاخفاء الاشياء التي لا تراها "

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Active Spheres"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Active Polygons"
msgstr "تحريك المُضلع"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shader Compilation Mode"
msgstr "وضعية الأستيفاء"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Simultaneous Compiles"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Log Active Async Compiles Count"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shader Cache Size (MB)"
msgstr "حجم ذاكرة التظليل المؤقتة (مب)"