<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="BakedLightmap" inherits="VisualInstance"> <brief_description> Prerendered indirect light map for a scene. </brief_description> <description> Baked lightmaps are an alternative workflow for adding indirect (or baked) lighting to a scene. Unlike the [GIProbe] approach, baked lightmaps work fine on low-end PCs and mobile devices as they consume almost no resources in run-time. [b]Procedural generation:[/b] Lightmap baking functionality is only available in the editor. This means [BakedLightmap] is not suited to procedurally generated or user-built levels. For procedurally generated or user-built levels, use [GIProbe] instead. [b]Note:[/b] Due to how lightmaps work, most properties only have a visible effect once lightmaps are baked again. </description> <tutorials> <link>$DOCS_URL/tutorials/3d/baked_lightmaps.html</link> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="bake"> <return type="int" enum="BakedLightmap.BakeError" /> <argument index="0" name="from_node" type="Node" default="null" /> <argument index="1" name="data_save_path" type="String" default="""" /> <description> Bakes the lightmap, scanning from the given [code]from_node[/code] root and saves the resulting [BakedLightmapData] in [code]data_save_path[/code]. If no root node is provided, parent of this node will be used as root instead. If no save path is provided it will try to match the path from the current [member light_data]. </description> </method> </methods> <members> <member name="atlas_generate" type="bool" setter="set_generate_atlas" getter="is_generate_atlas_enabled" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], the lightmapper will merge the textures for all meshes into one or several large layered textures. If [code]false[/code], every mesh will get its own lightmap texture, which is less efficient. [b]Note:[/b] Atlas lightmap rendering is only supported in GLES3, [i]not[/i] GLES2. Non-atlas lightmap rendering is supported by both GLES3 and GLES2. If [member ProjectSettings.rendering/quality/driver/fallback_to_gles2] is [code]true[/code], consider baking lightmaps with [member atlas_generate] set to [code]false[/code] so that the resulting lightmap is visible in both GLES3 and GLES2. </member> <member name="atlas_max_size" type="int" setter="set_max_atlas_size" getter="get_max_atlas_size" default="4096"> Maximum size of each lightmap layer, only used when [member atlas_generate] is enabled. </member> <member name="bias" type="float" setter="set_bias" getter="get_bias" default="0.005"> Raycasting bias used during baking to avoid floating point precision issues. </member> <member name="bounce_indirect_energy" type="float" setter="set_bounce_indirect_energy" getter="get_bounce_indirect_energy" default="1.0"> The energy multiplier for each bounce. Higher values will make indirect lighting brighter. A value of [code]1.0[/code] represents physically accurate behavior, but higher values can be used to make indirect lighting propagate more visibly when using a low number of bounces. This can be used to speed up bake times by lowering the number of [member bounces] then increasing [member bounce_indirect_energy]. Unlike [member BakedLightmapData.energy], this property does not affect direct lighting emitted by light nodes, emissive materials and the environment. [b]Note:[/b] [member bounce_indirect_energy] only has an effect if [member bounces] is set to a value greater than or equal to [code]1[/code]. </member> <member name="bounces" type="int" setter="set_bounces" getter="get_bounces" default="3"> Number of light bounces that are taken into account during baking. See also [member bounce_indirect_energy]. </member> <member name="capture_cell_size" type="float" setter="set_capture_cell_size" getter="get_capture_cell_size" default="0.5"> Grid size used for real-time capture information on dynamic objects. </member> <member name="capture_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_capture_enabled" getter="get_capture_enabled" default="true"> When enabled, an octree containing the scene's lighting information will be computed. This octree will then be used to light dynamic objects in the scene. </member> <member name="capture_propagation" type="float" setter="set_capture_propagation" getter="get_capture_propagation" default="1.0"> Bias value to reduce the amount of light propagation in the captured octree. </member> <member name="capture_quality" type="int" setter="set_capture_quality" getter="get_capture_quality" enum="BakedLightmap.BakeQuality" default="1"> Bake quality of the capture data. </member> <member name="default_texels_per_unit" type="float" setter="set_default_texels_per_unit" getter="get_default_texels_per_unit" default="16.0"> If a baked mesh doesn't have a UV2 size hint, this value will be used to roughly compute a suitable lightmap size. </member> <member name="environment_custom_color" type="Color" setter="set_environment_custom_color" getter="get_environment_custom_color"> The environment color when [member environment_mode] is set to [constant ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_COLOR]. </member> <member name="environment_custom_energy" type="float" setter="set_environment_custom_energy" getter="get_environment_custom_energy"> The energy scaling factor when when [member environment_mode] is set to [constant ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_COLOR] or [constant ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_SKY]. </member> <member name="environment_custom_sky" type="Sky" setter="set_environment_custom_sky" getter="get_environment_custom_sky"> The [Sky] resource to use when [member environment_mode] is set o [constant ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_SKY]. </member> <member name="environment_custom_sky_rotation_degrees" type="Vector3" setter="set_environment_custom_sky_rotation_degrees" getter="get_environment_custom_sky_rotation_degrees"> The rotation of the baked custom sky. </member> <member name="environment_min_light" type="Color" setter="set_environment_min_light" getter="get_environment_min_light" default="Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )"> Minimum ambient light for all the lightmap texels. This doesn't take into account any occlusion from the scene's geometry, it simply ensures a minimum amount of light on all the lightmap texels. Can be used for artistic control on shadow color. </member> <member name="environment_mode" type="int" setter="set_environment_mode" getter="get_environment_mode" enum="BakedLightmap.EnvironmentMode" default="0"> Decides which environment to use during baking. </member> <member name="extents" type="Vector3" setter="set_extents" getter="get_extents" default="Vector3( 10, 10, 10 )"> Size of the baked lightmap. Only meshes inside this region will be included in the baked lightmap, also used as the bounds of the captured region for dynamic lighting. </member> <member name="image_path" type="String" setter="set_image_path" getter="get_image_path"> Deprecated, in previous versions it determined the location where lightmaps were be saved. </member> <member name="light_data" type="BakedLightmapData" setter="set_light_data" getter="get_light_data"> The calculated light data. </member> <member name="quality" type="int" setter="set_bake_quality" getter="get_bake_quality" enum="BakedLightmap.BakeQuality" default="1"> Determines the amount of samples per texel used in indirect light baking. The amount of samples for each quality level can be configured in the project settings. </member> <member name="use_color" type="bool" setter="set_use_color" getter="is_using_color" default="true"> Store full color values in the lightmap textures. When disabled, lightmap textures will store a single brightness channel. Can be disabled to reduce disk usage if the scene contains only white lights or you don't mind losing color information in indirect lighting. </member> <member name="use_denoiser" type="bool" setter="set_use_denoiser" getter="is_using_denoiser" default="true"> When enabled, a lightmap denoiser will be used to reduce the noise inherent to Monte Carlo based global illumination. </member> <member name="use_hdr" type="bool" setter="set_use_hdr" getter="is_using_hdr" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], stores the lightmap textures in a high dynamic range format (EXR). If [code]false[/code], stores the lightmap texture in a low dynamic range PNG image. This can be set to [code]false[/code] to reduce disk usage, but light values over 1.0 will be clamped and you may see banding caused by the reduced precision. [b]Note:[/b] Setting [member use_hdr] to [code]true[/code] will decrease lightmap banding even when using the GLES2 backend or if [member ProjectSettings.rendering/quality/depth/hdr] is [code]false[/code]. </member> </members> <constants> <constant name="BAKE_QUALITY_LOW" value="0" enum="BakeQuality"> The lowest bake quality mode. Fastest to calculate. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_QUALITY_MEDIUM" value="1" enum="BakeQuality"> The default bake quality mode. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_QUALITY_HIGH" value="2" enum="BakeQuality"> A higher bake quality mode. Takes longer to calculate. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_QUALITY_ULTRA" value="3" enum="BakeQuality"> The highest bake quality mode. Takes the longest to calculate. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_OK" value="0" enum="BakeError"> Baking was successful. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_NO_SAVE_PATH" value="1" enum="BakeError"> Returns if no viable save path is found. This can happen where an [member image_path] is not specified or when the save location is invalid. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_NO_MESHES" value="2" enum="BakeError"> Currently unused. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_IMAGE" value="3" enum="BakeError"> Returns when the baker cannot save per-mesh textures to file. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_LIGHTMAP_SIZE" value="4" enum="BakeError"> The size of the generated lightmaps is too large. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_INVALID_MESH" value="5" enum="BakeError"> Some mesh contains UV2 values outside the [code][0,1][/code] range. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_USER_ABORTED" value="6" enum="BakeError"> Returns if user cancels baking. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_NO_LIGHTMAPPER" value="7" enum="BakeError"> Returns if lightmapper can't be created. Unless you are using a custom lightmapper, please report this as bug. </constant> <constant name="BAKE_ERROR_NO_ROOT" value="8" enum="BakeError"> There is no root node to start baking from. Either provide [code]from_node[/code] argument or attach this node to a parent that should be used as root. </constant> <constant name="ENVIRONMENT_MODE_DISABLED" value="0" enum="EnvironmentMode"> No environment is used during baking. </constant> <constant name="ENVIRONMENT_MODE_SCENE" value="1" enum="EnvironmentMode"> The baked environment is automatically picked from the current scene. </constant> <constant name="ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_SKY" value="2" enum="EnvironmentMode"> A custom sky is used as environment during baking. </constant> <constant name="ENVIRONMENT_MODE_CUSTOM_COLOR" value="3" enum="EnvironmentMode"> A custom solid color is used as environment during baking. </constant> </constants> </class>