#ifndef WAVE_FORM_COLLAPSE_H #define WAVE_FORM_COLLAPSE_H #include "core/int_types.h" #include "core/math/random_pcg.h" #include "array_2d.h" #include "array_3d.h" #include "core/containers/vector.h" #include "core/object/reference.h" class WaveFormCollapse : public Reference { GDCLASS(WaveFormCollapse, Reference); public: enum Symmetry { SYMMETRY_X = 0, SYMMETRY_T, SYMMETRY_I, SYMMETRY_L, SYMMETRY_BACKSLASH, SYMMETRY_P }; enum ObserveStatus { OBSERVE_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, OBSERVE_STATUS_FAILURE, OBSERVE_STATUS_TO_CONTINUE }; struct PropagatorStateEntry { Vector<int> directions[4]; }; struct PropagatingEntry { int data[3]; PropagatingEntry() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { data[i] = 0; } } PropagatingEntry(int x, int y, int z) { data[0] = x; data[1] = y; data[2] = z; } }; struct CompatibilityEntry { int direction[4]; CompatibilityEntry() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { direction[i] = 0; } } }; static const int DIRECTIONS_X[4]; static const int DIRECTIONS_Y[4]; public: int get_wave_width() const; void set_wave_width(const int val); int get_wave_height() const; void set_wave_height(const int val); bool get_periodic_output() const; void set_periodic_output(const bool val); void set_seed(const int seed); void set_wave_size(int p_width, int p_height); void init_wave(); void set_propagator_state(const Vector<PropagatorStateEntry> &p_propagator_state); void set_pattern_frequencies(const Vector<double> &p_patterns_frequencies, const bool p_normalize = true); virtual void set_input(const PoolIntArray &p_data, int p_width, int p_height); virtual Array2D<int> run(); PoolIntArray generate_image_index_data(); ObserveStatus observe(); void remove_wave_pattern(int i, int j, int pattern) { if (wave_get(i, j, pattern)) { wave_set(i, j, pattern, false); add_to_propagator(i, j, pattern); } } // Return true if pattern can be placed in cell index. bool wave_get(int index, int pattern) const { return _wave_data.get(index, pattern); } // Return true if pattern can be placed in cell (i,j) bool wave_get(int i, int j, int pattern) const { return wave_get(i * _wave_width + j, pattern); } // Set the value of pattern in cell index. void wave_set(int index, int pattern, bool value); // Set the value of pattern in cell (i,j). void wave_set(int i, int j, int pattern, bool value) { wave_set(i * _wave_width + j, pattern, value); } // Return the index of the cell with lowest entropy different of 0. // If there is a contradiction in the wave, return -2. // If every cell is decided, return -1. int wave_get_min_entropy() const; void add_to_propagator(int y, int x, int pattern) { // All the direction are set to 0, since the pattern cannot be set in (y,x). CompatibilityEntry temp; _compatible.get(y, x, pattern) = temp; _propagating.push_back(PropagatingEntry(y, x, pattern)); } constexpr int get_opposite_direction(int direction) { return 3 - direction; } void normalize(Vector<double> &v); Vector<double> get_plogp(const Vector<double> &distribution); double get_min_abs_half(const Vector<double> &v); void propagate(); virtual void initialize(); WaveFormCollapse(); ~WaveFormCollapse(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); Array2D<int> _input; bool _periodic_output; //Wave int _wave_width; int _wave_height; int _wave_size; private: RandomPCG _gen; // The number of distinct patterns. size_t _nb_patterns; // Transform the wave to a valid output (a 2d array of patterns that aren't in // contradiction). This function should be used only when all cell of the wave // are defined. Array2D<int> wave_to_output() const; // The patterns frequencies p given to wfc. Vector<double> _patterns_frequencies; // The precomputation of p * log(p). Vector<double> _plogp_patterns_frequencies; // The precomputation of min (p * log(p)) / 2. // This is used to define the maximum value of the noise. double _min_abs_half_plogp; Vector<double> _memoisation_plogp_sum; // The sum of p'(pattern)// log(p'(pattern)). Vector<double> _memoisation_sum; // The sum of p'(pattern). Vector<double> _memoisation_log_sum; // The log of sum. Vector<int> _memoisation_nb_patterns; // The number of patterns present Vector<double> _memoisation_entropy; // The entropy of the cell. // This value is set to true if there is a contradiction in the wave (all elements set to false in a cell). bool _is_impossible; // The actual wave. wave_data.get(index, pattern) is equal to false if the pattern can be placed in the cell index. Array2D<bool> _wave_data; //Propagator Vector<PropagatorStateEntry> _propagator_state; // All the tuples (y, x, pattern) that should be propagated. // The tuple should be propagated when wave.get(y, x, pattern) is set to false. Vector<PropagatingEntry> _propagating; // compatible.get(y, x, pattern)[direction] contains the number of patterns // present in the wave that can be placed in the cell next to (y,x) in the // opposite direction of direction without being in contradiction with pattern // placed in (y,x). If wave.get(y, x, pattern) is set to false, then // compatible.get(y, x, pattern) has every element negative or null Array3D<CompatibilityEntry> _compatible; void init_compatible(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(WaveFormCollapse::Symmetry); #endif