/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_properties_array_dict.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "editor_properties_array_dict.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/math/color.h" #include "core/error/error_macros.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/math/math_defs.h" #include "core/math/rect2.h" #include "core/input/input.h" #include "core/input/input_event.h" #include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/object/resource.h" #include "core/typedefs.h" #include "core/containers/vector.h" #include "editor/editor_file_system.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/editor_spin_slider.h" #include "editor_properties.h" #include "scene/gui/box_container.h" #include "scene/gui/button.h" #include "scene/gui/control.h" #include "scene/gui/label.h" #include "scene/gui/panel_container.h" #include "scene/gui/popup_menu.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "scene/main/viewport.h" #include "scene/resources/style_box.h" bool EditorPropertyArrayObject::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("indices")) { int index = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); array.set(index, p_value); return true; } return false; } bool EditorPropertyArrayObject::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("indices")) { int index = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); bool valid; r_ret = array.get(index, &valid); if (r_ret.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(r_ret)) { r_ret = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(r_ret)->get_object_id(); } return valid; } return false; } void EditorPropertyArrayObject::set_array(const Variant &p_array) { array = p_array; } Variant EditorPropertyArrayObject::get_array() { return array; } EditorPropertyArrayObject::EditorPropertyArrayObject() { } /////////////////// bool EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; if (name == "new_item_key") { new_item_key = p_value; return true; } if (name == "new_item_value") { new_item_value = p_value; return true; } if (name.begins_with("indices")) { int index = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(index); dict[key] = p_value; return true; } return false; } bool EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (name == "new_item_key") { r_ret = new_item_key; return true; } if (name == "new_item_value") { r_ret = new_item_value; return true; } if (name.begins_with("indices")) { int index = name.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(index); r_ret = dict[key]; if (r_ret.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(r_ret)) { r_ret = Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(r_ret)->get_object_id(); } return true; } return false; } void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_dict(const Dictionary &p_dict) { dict = p_dict; } Dictionary EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_dict() { return dict; } void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_new_item_key(const Variant &p_new_item) { new_item_key = p_new_item; } Variant EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_new_item_key() { return new_item_key; } void EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::set_new_item_value(const Variant &p_new_item) { new_item_value = p_new_item; } Variant EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::get_new_item_value() { return new_item_value; } EditorPropertyDictionaryObject::EditorPropertyDictionaryObject() { } ///////////////////// ARRAY /////////////////////////// void EditorPropertyArray::_property_changed(const String &p_property, Variant p_value, const String &p_name, bool p_changing) { if (p_property.begins_with("indices")) { int index = p_property.get_slice("/", 1).to_int(); Variant array = object->get_array(); array.set(index, p_value); emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", true); if (array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { array = array.call("duplicate"); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better. } object->set_array(array); } } void EditorPropertyArray::_change_type(Object *p_button, int p_index) { Button *button = Object::cast_to<Button>(p_button); changing_type_index = p_index; Rect2 rect = button->get_global_rect(); change_type->set_as_minsize(); change_type->set_global_position(rect.position + rect.size - Vector2(change_type->get_combined_minimum_size().x, 0)); change_type->popup(); } void EditorPropertyArray::_change_type_menu(int p_index) { if (p_index == Variant::VARIANT_MAX) { _remove_pressed(changing_type_index); return; } Variant value; Variant::CallError ce; value = Variant::construct(Variant::Type(p_index), nullptr, 0, ce); Variant array = object->get_array(); array.set(changing_type_index, value); emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", true); if (array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { array = array.call("duplicate"); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better. } object->set_array(array); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyArray::_object_id_selected(const String &p_property, ObjectID p_id) { emit_signal("object_id_selected", p_property, p_id); } void EditorPropertyArray::update_property() { Variant array = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property()); String arrtype = ""; switch (array_type) { case Variant::ARRAY: { arrtype = "Array"; } break; // Arrays. case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolByteArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolIntArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolFloatArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolStringArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector2Array"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2I_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector2iArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector3Array"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3I_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector3iArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR4_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector4Array"; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR4I_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolVector4iArray"; } break; case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: { arrtype = "PoolColorArray"; } break; default: { } } if (array.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { edit->set_text(String("(Nil) ") + arrtype); edit->set_pressed(false); if (vbox) { set_bottom_editor(nullptr); memdelete(vbox); vbox = nullptr; } return; } int size = array.call("size"); int pages = MAX(0, size - 1) / page_length + 1; page_index = MIN(page_index, pages - 1); int offset = page_index * page_length; edit->set_text(arrtype + " (size " + itos(size) + ")"); bool unfolded = get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property()); if (edit->is_pressed() != unfolded) { edit->set_pressed(unfolded); } if (unfolded) { updating = true; if (!vbox) { vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbox); set_bottom_editor(vbox); HBoxContainer *hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); vbox->add_child(hbox); Label *label = memnew(Label(TTR("Size: "))); label->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); hbox->add_child(label); size_slider = memnew(EditorSpinSlider); size_slider->set_step(1); size_slider->set_max(1000000); size_slider->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); size_slider->connect("value_changed", this, "_length_changed"); hbox->add_child(size_slider); page_hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); vbox->add_child(page_hbox); label = memnew(Label(TTR("Page: "))); label->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); page_hbox->add_child(label); page_slider = memnew(EditorSpinSlider); page_slider->set_step(1); page_slider->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); page_slider->connect("value_changed", this, "_page_changed"); page_hbox->add_child(page_slider); } else { // Bye bye children of the box. for (int i = vbox->get_child_count() - 1; i >= 2; i--) { Node *child = vbox->get_child(i); if (child == reorder_selected_element_hbox) { continue; // Don't remove the property that the user is moving. } child->queue_delete(); // Button still needed after pressed is called. vbox->remove_child(child); } } size_slider->set_value(size); page_slider->set_max(pages); page_slider->set_value(page_index); page_hbox->set_visible(pages > 1); if (array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { array = array.call("duplicate"); } object->set_array(array); int amount = MIN(size - offset, page_length); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { bool reorder_is_from_current_page = reorder_from_index / page_length == page_index; if (reorder_is_from_current_page && i == reorder_from_index % page_length) { // Don't duplicate the property that the user is moving. continue; } if (!reorder_is_from_current_page && i == reorder_to_index % page_length) { // Don't create the property the moving property will take the place of, // e.g. (if page_length == 20) don't create element 20 if dragging an item from // the first page to the second page because element 20 would become element 19. continue; } HBoxContainer *hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); vbox->add_child(hbox); Button *reorder_button = memnew(Button); reorder_button->set_icon(get_theme_icon("TripleBar", "EditorIcons")); reorder_button->set_default_cursor_shape(Control::CURSOR_MOVE); reorder_button->connect("gui_input", this, "_reorder_button_gui_input"); reorder_button->connect("button_down", this, "_reorder_button_down", varray(i + offset)); reorder_button->connect("button_up", this, "_reorder_button_up"); hbox->add_child(reorder_button); String prop_name = "indices/" + itos(i + offset); EditorProperty *prop = nullptr; Variant value = array.get(i + offset); Variant::Type value_type = value.get_type(); if (value_type == Variant::NIL && subtype != Variant::NIL) { value_type = subtype; } if (value_type == Variant::OBJECT && Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(value)) { EditorPropertyObjectID *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyObjectID); editor->setup("Object"); prop = editor; } else { prop = EditorInspector::instantiate_property_editor(nullptr, value_type, "", subtype_hint, subtype_hint_string, 0); } prop->set_object_and_property(object.ptr(), prop_name); prop->set_label(itos(i + offset)); prop->set_selectable(false); prop->set_use_folding(is_using_folding()); prop->connect("property_changed", this, "_property_changed"); prop->connect("object_id_selected", this, "_object_id_selected"); prop->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); hbox->add_child(prop); bool is_untyped_array = array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY && subtype == Variant::NIL; if (is_untyped_array) { Button *edit = memnew(Button); edit->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons")); hbox->add_child(edit); edit->connect("pressed", this, "_change_type", varray(edit, i + offset)); } else { Button *remove = memnew(Button); remove->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons")); remove->connect("pressed", this, "_remove_pressed", varray(i + offset)); hbox->add_child(remove); } prop->update_property(); } if (reorder_to_index % page_length > 0) { vbox->move_child(vbox->get_child(2), reorder_to_index % page_length + 2); } updating = false; } else { if (vbox) { set_bottom_editor(nullptr); memdelete(vbox); vbox = nullptr; } } } void EditorPropertyArray::_remove_pressed(int p_index) { Variant array = object->get_array(); array.call("remove", p_index); emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", false); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyArray::_button_draw() { if (dropping) { Color color = get_theme_color("accent_color", "Editor"); edit->draw_rect(Rect2(Point2(), edit->get_size()), color, false); } } bool EditorPropertyArray::_is_drop_valid(const Dictionary &p_drag_data) const { String allowed_type = Variant::get_type_name(subtype); // When the subtype is of type Object, an additional subtype may be specified in the hint string // (e.g. Resource, Texture2D, ShaderMaterial, etc). We want the allowed type to be that, not just "Object". if (subtype == Variant::OBJECT && subtype_hint_string != "") { allowed_type = subtype_hint_string; } Dictionary drag_data = p_drag_data; if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "files") { Vector<String> files = drag_data["files"]; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { String file = files[i]; String ftype = EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_file_type(file); for (int j = 0; j < allowed_type.get_slice_count(","); j++) { String at = allowed_type.get_slice(",", j).strip_edges(); // Fail if one of the files is not of allowed type if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(ftype, at)) { return false; } } } // If no files fail, drop is valid return true; } return false; } bool EditorPropertyArray::can_drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) const { return _is_drop_valid(p_data); } void EditorPropertyArray::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data, Control *p_from) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!_is_drop_valid(p_data)); Dictionary drag_data = p_data; if (drag_data.has("type") && String(drag_data["type"]) == "files") { Vector<String> files = drag_data["files"]; Variant array = object->get_array(); // Handle the case where array is not initialised yet. if (!array.is_array()) { Variant::CallError ce; array = Variant::construct(array_type, nullptr, 0, ce); } // Loop the file array and add to existing array. for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { String file = files[i]; RES res = ResourceLoader::load(file); if (res.is_valid()) { array.call("push_back", res); } } if (array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { array = array.call("duplicate"); } emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", false); object->set_array(array); update_property(); } } void EditorPropertyArray::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { change_type->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { String type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i)); change_type->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon(type, "EditorIcons"), type, i); } change_type->add_separator(); change_type->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Remove Item"), Variant::VARIANT_MAX); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAG_BEGIN: { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { if (_is_drop_valid(get_viewport()->gui_get_drag_data())) { dropping = true; edit->update(); } } } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAG_END: { if (dropping) { dropping = false; edit->update(); } } break; } } void EditorPropertyArray::_edit_pressed() { Variant array = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property()); if (!array.is_array()) { Variant::CallError ce; array = Variant::construct(array_type, nullptr, 0, ce); get_edited_object()->set(get_edited_property(), array); } get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), edit->is_pressed()); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyArray::_page_changed(double p_page) { if (updating) { return; } page_index = p_page; update_property(); } void EditorPropertyArray::_length_changed(double p_page) { if (updating) { return; } Variant array = object->get_array(); int previous_size = array.call("size"); array.call("resize", int(p_page)); if (array.get_type() == Variant::ARRAY) { if (subtype != Variant::NIL) { int size = array.call("size"); for (int i = previous_size; i < size; i++) { if (array.get(i).get_type() == Variant::NIL) { Variant::CallError ce; array.set(i, Variant::construct(subtype, nullptr, 0, ce)); } } } array = array.call("duplicate"); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better. } else { int size = array.call("size"); // Pool*Array don't initialize their elements, have to do it manually. for (int i = previous_size; i < size; i++) { Variant::CallError ce; array.set(i, Variant::construct(array.get(i).get_type(), nullptr, 0, ce)); } } emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", false); object->set_array(array); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyArray::setup(Variant::Type p_array_type, const String &p_hint_string) { array_type = p_array_type; // The format of p_hint_string is: // subType/subTypeHint:nextSubtype ... etc. if (array_type == Variant::ARRAY && !p_hint_string.empty()) { int hint_subtype_separator = p_hint_string.find(":"); if (hint_subtype_separator >= 0) { String subtype_string = p_hint_string.substr(0, hint_subtype_separator); int slash_pos = subtype_string.find("/"); if (slash_pos >= 0) { subtype_hint = PropertyHint(subtype_string.substr(slash_pos + 1, subtype_string.size() - slash_pos - 1).to_int()); subtype_string = subtype_string.substr(0, slash_pos); } subtype_hint_string = p_hint_string.substr(hint_subtype_separator + 1, p_hint_string.size() - hint_subtype_separator - 1); subtype = Variant::Type(subtype_string.to_int()); } } } void EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { if (reorder_from_index < 0) { return; } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_event; if (mm.is_valid()) { Variant array = object->get_array(); int size = array.call("size"); // Cumulate the mouse delta, many small changes (dragging slowly) should result in reordering at some point. reorder_mouse_y_delta += mm->get_relative().y; // Reordering is done by moving the dragged element by +1/-1 index at a time based on the cumulated mouse delta so if // already at the array bounds make sure to ignore the remaining out of bounds drag (by resetting the cumulated delta). if ((reorder_to_index == 0 && reorder_mouse_y_delta < 0.0f) || (reorder_to_index == size - 1 && reorder_mouse_y_delta > 0.0f)) { reorder_mouse_y_delta = 0.0f; return; } float required_y_distance = 20.0f * EDSCALE; if (ABS(reorder_mouse_y_delta) > required_y_distance) { int direction = reorder_mouse_y_delta > 0.0f ? 1 : -1; reorder_mouse_y_delta -= required_y_distance * direction; reorder_to_index += direction; if ((direction < 0 && reorder_to_index % page_length == page_length - 1) || (direction > 0 && reorder_to_index % page_length == 0)) { // Automatically move to the next/previous page. page_slider->set_value(page_index + direction); } vbox->move_child(reorder_selected_element_hbox, reorder_to_index % page_length + 2); // Ensure the moving element is visible. EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_inspector()->ensure_control_visible(reorder_selected_element_hbox); } } } void EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_down(int p_index) { reorder_from_index = p_index; reorder_to_index = p_index; reorder_selected_element_hbox = Object::cast_to<HBoxContainer>(vbox->get_child(p_index % page_length + 2)); reorder_selected_button = Object::cast_to<Button>(reorder_selected_element_hbox->get_child(0)); // Ideally it'd to be able to show the mouse but I had issues with // Control's `mouse_exit()`/`mouse_entered()` signals not getting called. Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED); } void EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_up() { if (reorder_from_index != reorder_to_index) { // Move the element. Variant array = object->get_array(); Variant value_to_move = array.get(reorder_from_index); array.call("remove", reorder_from_index); array.call("insert", reorder_to_index, value_to_move); emit_changed(get_edited_property(), array, "", false); object->set_array(array); update_property(); } reorder_from_index = -1; reorder_to_index = -1; reorder_mouse_y_delta = 0.0f; Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE); reorder_selected_button->warp_mouse(reorder_selected_button->get_size() / 2.0f); reorder_selected_element_hbox = nullptr; reorder_selected_button = nullptr; } void EditorPropertyArray::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_edit_pressed", &EditorPropertyArray::_edit_pressed); ClassDB::bind_method("_page_changed", &EditorPropertyArray::_page_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("_length_changed", &EditorPropertyArray::_length_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("_property_changed", &EditorPropertyArray::_property_changed, DEFVAL(String()), DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type", &EditorPropertyArray::_change_type); ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type_menu", &EditorPropertyArray::_change_type_menu); ClassDB::bind_method("_object_id_selected", &EditorPropertyArray::_object_id_selected); ClassDB::bind_method("_remove_pressed", &EditorPropertyArray::_remove_pressed); ClassDB::bind_method("_reorder_button_gui_input", &EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_gui_input); ClassDB::bind_method("_reorder_button_down", &EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_down); ClassDB::bind_method("_reorder_button_up", &EditorPropertyArray::_reorder_button_up); ClassDB::bind_method("_button_draw", &EditorPropertyArray::_button_draw); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_drop_data_fw"), &EditorPropertyArray::can_drop_data_fw); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("drop_data_fw"), &EditorPropertyArray::drop_data_fw); } EditorPropertyArray::EditorPropertyArray() { object.instance(); page_length = int(EDITOR_GET("interface/inspector/max_array_dictionary_items_per_page")); edit = memnew(Button); edit->set_flat(true); edit->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); edit->set_clip_text(true); edit->connect("pressed", this, "_edit_pressed"); edit->set_toggle_mode(true); edit->set_drag_forwarding(this); edit->connect("draw", this, "_button_draw"); add_child(edit); add_focusable(edit); vbox = nullptr; page_slider = nullptr; size_slider = nullptr; updating = false; change_type = memnew(PopupMenu); add_child(change_type); change_type->connect("id_pressed", this, "_change_type_menu"); for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { String type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i)); change_type->add_item(type, i); } change_type->add_separator(); change_type->add_item(TTR("Remove Item"), Variant::VARIANT_MAX); changing_type_index = -1; subtype = Variant::NIL; subtype_hint = PROPERTY_HINT_NONE; subtype_hint_string = ""; dropping = false; } ///////////////////// DICTIONARY /////////////////////////// void EditorPropertyDictionary::_property_changed(const String &p_property, Variant p_value, const String &p_name, bool changing) { if (p_property == "new_item_key") { object->set_new_item_key(p_value); } else if (p_property == "new_item_value") { object->set_new_item_value(p_value); } else if (p_property.begins_with("indices")) { int index = p_property.get_slice("/", 1).to_int(); Dictionary dict = object->get_dict(); Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(index); dict[key] = p_value; emit_changed(get_edited_property(), dict, "", true); dict = dict.duplicate(); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better\. object->set_dict(dict); } } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type(Object *p_button, int p_index) { Button *button = Object::cast_to<Button>(p_button); Rect2 rect = button->get_global_rect(); change_type->set_as_minsize(); change_type->set_global_position(rect.position + rect.size - Vector2(change_type->get_combined_minimum_size().x, 0)); change_type->popup(); changing_type_index = p_index; } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_add_key_value() { // Do not allow nil as valid key. I experienced errors with this if (object->get_new_item_key().get_type() == Variant::NIL) { return; } Dictionary dict = object->get_dict(); dict[object->get_new_item_key()] = object->get_new_item_value(); object->set_new_item_key(Variant()); object->set_new_item_value(Variant()); emit_changed(get_edited_property(), dict, "", false); dict = dict.duplicate(); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better. object->set_dict(dict); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type_menu(int p_index) { if (changing_type_index < 0) { Variant value; Variant::CallError ce; value = Variant::construct(Variant::Type(p_index), nullptr, 0, ce); if (changing_type_index == -1) { object->set_new_item_key(value); } else { object->set_new_item_value(value); } update_property(); return; } Dictionary dict = object->get_dict(); if (p_index < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) { Variant value; Variant::CallError ce; value = Variant::construct(Variant::Type(p_index), nullptr, 0, ce); Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(changing_type_index); dict[key] = value; } else { Variant key = dict.get_key_at_index(changing_type_index); dict.erase(key); } emit_changed(get_edited_property(), dict, "", false); dict = dict.duplicate(); // Duplicate, so undo/redo works better. object->set_dict(dict); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyDictionary::update_property() { Variant updated_val = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property()); if (updated_val.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { edit->set_text("Dictionary (Nil)"); // This provides symmetry with the array property. edit->set_pressed(false); if (vbox) { set_bottom_editor(nullptr); memdelete(vbox); button_add_item = nullptr; vbox = nullptr; } return; } Dictionary dict = updated_val; edit->set_text("Dictionary (size " + itos(dict.size()) + ")"); bool unfolded = get_edited_object()->editor_is_section_unfolded(get_edited_property()); if (edit->is_pressed() != unfolded) { edit->set_pressed(unfolded); } if (unfolded) { updating = true; if (!vbox) { vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbox); set_bottom_editor(vbox); page_hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); vbox->add_child(page_hbox); Label *label = memnew(Label(TTR("Page: "))); label->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); page_hbox->add_child(label); page_slider = memnew(EditorSpinSlider); page_slider->set_step(1); page_hbox->add_child(page_slider); page_slider->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); page_slider->connect("value_changed", this, "_page_changed"); } else { // Queue children for deletion, deleting immediately might cause errors. for (int i = 1; i < vbox->get_child_count(); i++) { vbox->get_child(i)->queue_delete(); } } int size = dict.size(); int pages = MAX(0, size - 1) / page_length + 1; page_slider->set_max(pages); page_index = MIN(page_index, pages - 1); page_slider->set_value(page_index); page_hbox->set_visible(pages > 1); int offset = page_index * page_length; int amount = MIN(size - offset, page_length); dict = dict.duplicate(); object->set_dict(dict); VBoxContainer *add_vbox = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < amount + 2; i++) { String prop_name; Variant key; Variant value; if (i < amount) { prop_name = "indices/" + itos(i + offset); key = dict.get_key_at_index(i + offset); value = dict.get_value_at_index(i + offset); } else if (i == amount) { prop_name = "new_item_key"; value = object->get_new_item_key(); } else if (i == amount + 1) { prop_name = "new_item_value"; value = object->get_new_item_value(); } EditorProperty *prop = nullptr; switch (value.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNil); } break; // Atomic types. case Variant::BOOL: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyCheck); } break; case Variant::INT: { EditorPropertyInteger *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyInteger); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 1, true, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::REAL: { EditorPropertyFloat *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyFloat); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true, false, true, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::STRING: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyText); } break; // Math types. case Variant::RECT2: { EditorPropertyRect2 *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyRect2); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::RECT2I: { EditorPropertyRect2i *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyRect2i); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR2: { EditorPropertyVector2 *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector2); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR2I: { EditorPropertyVector2i *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector2i); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR3: { EditorPropertyVector3 *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector3); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR3I: { EditorPropertyVector3i *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector3i); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR4: { EditorPropertyVector4 *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector4); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::VECTOR4I: { EditorPropertyVector4i *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyVector4i); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::PLANE: { EditorPropertyPlane *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyPlane); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::QUATERNION: { EditorPropertyQuaternion *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyQuaternion); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::AABB: { EditorPropertyAABB *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyAABB); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::BASIS: { EditorPropertyBasis *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyBasis); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: { EditorPropertyTransform *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyTransform); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: { EditorPropertyTransform2D *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyTransform2D); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::PROJECTION: { EditorPropertyProjection *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyProjection); editor->setup(-100000, 100000, 0.001, true); prop = editor; } break; // Miscellaneous types. case Variant::COLOR: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyColor); } break; case Variant::NODE_PATH: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyNodePath); } break; case Variant::RID: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyRID); } break; case Variant::OBJECT: { if (Object::cast_to<EncodedObjectAsID>(value)) { EditorPropertyObjectID *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyObjectID); editor->setup("Object"); prop = editor; } else { EditorPropertyResource *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyResource); editor->setup(object.ptr(), prop_name, "Resource"); editor->set_use_folding(is_using_folding()); prop = editor; } } break; case Variant::STRING_NAME: { EditorPropertyText *ept = memnew(EditorPropertyText); ept->set_string_name(true); prop = ept; } break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: { prop = memnew(EditorPropertyDictionary); } break; case Variant::ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; // Arrays. case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2I_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR2I_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3I_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR3I_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR4_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR4_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_VECTOR4I_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_VECTOR4I_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: { EditorPropertyArray *editor = memnew(EditorPropertyArray); editor->setup(Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY); prop = editor; } break; default: { } } if (i == amount) { PanelContainer *pc = memnew(PanelContainer); vbox->add_child(pc); Ref<StyleBoxFlat> flat; flat.instance(); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { flat->set_default_margin(Margin(j), 2 * EDSCALE); } flat->set_bg_color(get_theme_color("prop_subsection", "Editor")); pc->add_theme_style_override("panel", flat); add_vbox = memnew(VBoxContainer); pc->add_child(add_vbox); } prop->set_object_and_property(object.ptr(), prop_name); int change_index = 0; if (i < amount) { String cs = key.get_construct_string(); prop->set_label(key.get_construct_string()); prop->set_tooltip(cs); change_index = i + offset; } else if (i == amount) { prop->set_label(TTR("New Key:")); change_index = -1; } else if (i == amount + 1) { prop->set_label(TTR("New Value:")); change_index = -2; } prop->set_selectable(false); prop->connect("property_changed", this, "_property_changed"); prop->connect("object_id_selected", this, "_object_id_selected"); HBoxContainer *hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer); if (add_vbox) { add_vbox->add_child(hbox); } else { vbox->add_child(hbox); } hbox->add_child(prop); prop->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); Button *edit = memnew(Button); edit->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons")); hbox->add_child(edit); edit->connect("pressed", this, "_change_type", varray(edit, change_index)); prop->update_property(); if (i == amount + 1) { button_add_item = memnew(Button); button_add_item->set_text(TTR("Add Key/Value Pair")); button_add_item->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Add", "EditorIcons")); button_add_item->connect("pressed", this, "_add_key_value"); add_vbox->add_child(button_add_item); } } updating = false; } else { if (vbox) { set_bottom_editor(nullptr); memdelete(vbox); button_add_item = nullptr; vbox = nullptr; } } } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_object_id_selected(const String &p_property, ObjectID p_id) { emit_signal("object_id_selected", p_property, p_id); } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { change_type->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { String type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(i)); change_type->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon(type, "EditorIcons"), type, i); } change_type->add_separator(); change_type->add_icon_item(get_theme_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons"), TTR("Remove Item"), Variant::VARIANT_MAX); if (Object::cast_to<Button>(button_add_item)) { button_add_item->set_icon(get_theme_icon("Add", "EditorIcons")); } } break; } } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_edit_pressed() { Variant prop_val = get_edited_object()->get(get_edited_property()); if (prop_val.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { Variant::CallError ce; prop_val = Variant::construct(Variant::DICTIONARY, nullptr, 0, ce); get_edited_object()->set(get_edited_property(), prop_val); } get_edited_object()->editor_set_section_unfold(get_edited_property(), edit->is_pressed()); update_property(); } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_page_changed(double p_page) { if (updating) { return; } page_index = p_page; update_property(); } void EditorPropertyDictionary::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_edit_pressed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_edit_pressed); ClassDB::bind_method("_page_changed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_page_changed); ClassDB::bind_method("_property_changed", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_property_changed, DEFVAL(String()), DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type); ClassDB::bind_method("_change_type_menu", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_change_type_menu); ClassDB::bind_method("_add_key_value", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_add_key_value); ClassDB::bind_method("_object_id_selected", &EditorPropertyDictionary::_object_id_selected); } EditorPropertyDictionary::EditorPropertyDictionary() { object.instance(); page_length = int(EDITOR_GET("interface/inspector/max_array_dictionary_items_per_page")); edit = memnew(Button); edit->set_flat(true); edit->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); edit->set_clip_text(true); edit->connect("pressed", this, "_edit_pressed"); edit->set_toggle_mode(true); add_child(edit); add_focusable(edit); vbox = nullptr; page_slider = nullptr; button_add_item = nullptr; updating = false; change_type = memnew(PopupMenu); add_child(change_type); change_type->connect("id_pressed", this, "_change_type_menu"); changing_type_index = -1; }