#ifndef PAGED_ARRAY_H #define PAGED_ARRAY_H /*************************************************************************/ /* paged_array.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/os/spin_lock.h" #include "core/typedefs.h" // PagedArray is used mainly for filling a very large array from multiple threads efficiently and without causing major fragmentation // PageArrayPool manages central page allocation in a thread safe matter template <class T> class PagedArrayPool { T **page_pool = nullptr; uint32_t pages_allocated = 0; uint32_t *available_page_pool = nullptr; uint32_t pages_available = 0; uint32_t page_size = 0; SpinLock spin_lock; public: uint32_t alloc_page() { spin_lock.lock(); if (unlikely(pages_available == 0)) { uint32_t pages_used = pages_allocated; pages_allocated++; page_pool = (T **)memrealloc(page_pool, sizeof(T *) * pages_allocated); available_page_pool = (uint32_t *)memrealloc(available_page_pool, sizeof(uint32_t) * pages_allocated); page_pool[pages_used] = (T *)memalloc(sizeof(T) * page_size); available_page_pool[0] = pages_used; pages_available++; } pages_available--; uint32_t page = available_page_pool[pages_available]; spin_lock.unlock(); return page; } T *get_page(uint32_t p_page_id) { return page_pool[p_page_id]; } void free_page(uint32_t p_page_id) { spin_lock.lock(); available_page_pool[pages_available] = p_page_id; pages_available++; spin_lock.unlock(); } uint32_t get_page_size_shift() const { return get_shift_from_power_of_2(page_size); } uint32_t get_page_size_mask() const { return page_size - 1; } void reset() { ERR_FAIL_COND(pages_available < pages_allocated); if (pages_allocated) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pages_allocated; i++) { memfree(page_pool[i]); } memfree(page_pool); memfree(available_page_pool); page_pool = nullptr; available_page_pool = nullptr; pages_allocated = 0; pages_available = 0; } } bool is_configured() const { return page_size > 0; } void configure(uint32_t p_page_size) { ERR_FAIL_COND(page_pool != nullptr); //sanity check ERR_FAIL_COND(p_page_size == 0); page_size = nearest_power_of_2_templated(p_page_size); } PagedArrayPool(uint32_t p_page_size = 4096) { // power of 2 recommended because of alignment with OS page sizes. Even if element is bigger, its still a multiple and get rounded amount of pages configure(p_page_size); } ~PagedArrayPool() { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(pages_available < pages_allocated, "Pages in use exist at exit in PagedArrayPool"); reset(); } }; // PageArray is a local array that is optimized to grow in place, then be cleared often. // It does so by allocating pages from a PagedArrayPool. // It is safe to use multiple PagedArrays from different threads, sharing a single PagedArrayPool template <class T> class PagedArray { PagedArrayPool<T> *page_pool = nullptr; T **page_data = nullptr; uint32_t *page_ids = nullptr; uint32_t max_pages_used = 0; uint32_t page_size_shift = 0; uint32_t page_size_mask = 0; uint64_t count = 0; _FORCE_INLINE_ uint32_t _get_pages_in_use() const { if (count == 0) { return 0; } else { return ((count - 1) >> page_size_shift) + 1; } } void _grow_page_array() { //no more room in the page array to put the new page, make room if (max_pages_used == 0) { max_pages_used = 1; } else { max_pages_used *= 2; // increase in powers of 2 to keep allocations to minimum } page_data = (T **)memrealloc(page_data, sizeof(T *) * max_pages_used); page_ids = (uint32_t *)memrealloc(page_ids, sizeof(uint32_t) * max_pages_used); } public: _FORCE_INLINE_ const T &operator[](uint64_t p_index) const { CRASH_BAD_UNSIGNED_INDEX(p_index, count); uint32_t page = p_index >> page_size_shift; uint32_t offset = p_index & page_size_mask; return page_data[page][offset]; } _FORCE_INLINE_ T &operator[](uint64_t p_index) { CRASH_BAD_UNSIGNED_INDEX(p_index, count); uint32_t page = p_index >> page_size_shift; uint32_t offset = p_index & page_size_mask; return page_data[page][offset]; } _FORCE_INLINE_ void push_back(const T &p_value) { uint32_t remainder = count & page_size_mask; if (unlikely(remainder == 0)) { // at 0, so time to request a new page uint32_t page_count = _get_pages_in_use(); uint32_t new_page_count = page_count + 1; if (unlikely(new_page_count > max_pages_used)) { ERR_FAIL_COND(page_pool == nullptr); //sanity check _grow_page_array(); //keep out of inline } uint32_t page_id = page_pool->alloc_page(); page_data[page_count] = page_pool->get_page(page_id); page_ids[page_count] = page_id; } // place the new value uint32_t page = count >> page_size_shift; uint32_t offset = count & page_size_mask; if (!HAS_TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(T)) { memnew_placement(&page_data[page][offset], T(p_value)); } else { page_data[page][offset] = p_value; } count++; } _FORCE_INLINE_ void pop_back() { ERR_FAIL_COND(count == 0); if (!HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(T)) { uint32_t page = (count - 1) >> page_size_shift; uint32_t offset = (count - 1) & page_size_mask; page_data[page][offset].~T(); } uint32_t remainder = count & page_size_mask; if (unlikely(remainder == 1)) { // one element remained, so page must be freed. uint32_t last_page = _get_pages_in_use() - 1; page_pool->free_page(page_ids[last_page]); } count--; } void clear() { //destruct if needed if (!HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(T)) { for (uint64_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32_t page = i >> page_size_shift; uint32_t offset = i & page_size_mask; page_data[page][offset].~T(); } } //return the pages to the pagepool, so they can be used by another array eventually uint32_t pages_used = _get_pages_in_use(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pages_used; i++) { page_pool->free_page(page_ids[i]); } count = 0; //note we leave page_data and page_indices intact for next use. If you really want to clear them call reset() } void reset() { clear(); if (page_data) { memfree(page_data); memfree(page_ids); page_data = nullptr; page_ids = nullptr; max_pages_used = 0; } } // This takes the pages from a source array and merges them to this one // resulting order is undefined, but content is merged very efficiently, // making it ideal to fill content on several threads to later join it. void merge_unordered(PagedArray<T> &p_array) { ERR_FAIL_COND(page_pool != p_array.page_pool); uint32_t remainder = count & page_size_mask; T *remainder_page = nullptr; uint32_t remainder_page_id = 0; if (remainder > 0) { uint32_t last_page = _get_pages_in_use() - 1; remainder_page = page_data[last_page]; remainder_page_id = page_ids[last_page]; } count -= remainder; uint32_t src_pages = p_array._get_pages_in_use(); uint32_t page_size = page_size_mask + 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < src_pages; i++) { uint32_t page_count = _get_pages_in_use(); uint32_t new_page_count = page_count + 1; if (unlikely(new_page_count > max_pages_used)) { _grow_page_array(); //keep out of inline } page_data[page_count] = p_array.page_data[i]; page_ids[page_count] = p_array.page_ids[i]; if (i == src_pages - 1) { //last page, only increment with remainder count += p_array.count & page_size_mask; } else { count += page_size; } } p_array.count = 0; //take away the other array pages //handle the remainder page if exists if (remainder_page) { uint32_t new_remainder = count & page_size_mask; if (new_remainder > 0) { //must merge old remainder with new remainder T *dst_page = page_data[_get_pages_in_use() - 1]; uint32_t to_copy = MIN(page_size - new_remainder, remainder); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < to_copy; i++) { if (!HAS_TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(T)) { memnew_placement(&dst_page[i + new_remainder], T(remainder_page[i + remainder - to_copy])); } else { dst_page[i + new_remainder] = remainder_page[i + remainder - to_copy]; } if (!HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(T)) { remainder_page[i + remainder - to_copy].~T(); } } remainder -= to_copy; //subtract what was copied from remainder count += to_copy; //add what was copied to the count if (remainder == 0) { //entire remainder copied, let go of remainder page page_pool->free_page(remainder_page_id); remainder_page = nullptr; } } if (remainder > 0) { //there is still remainder, append it uint32_t page_count = _get_pages_in_use(); uint32_t new_page_count = page_count + 1; if (unlikely(new_page_count > max_pages_used)) { _grow_page_array(); //keep out of inline } page_data[page_count] = remainder_page; page_ids[page_count] = remainder_page_id; count += remainder; } } } _FORCE_INLINE_ uint64_t size() const { return count; } void set_page_pool(PagedArrayPool<T> *p_page_pool) { ERR_FAIL_COND(max_pages_used > 0); //sanity check page_pool = p_page_pool; page_size_mask = page_pool->get_page_size_mask(); page_size_shift = page_pool->get_page_size_shift(); } ~PagedArray() { reset(); } }; #endif // PAGED_ARRAY_H