/*************************************************************************/ /* label_3d.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "label_3d.h" #include "core/core_string_names.h" #include "scene/main/scene_string_names.h" #include "scene/resources/mesh/primitive_meshes.h" #include "scene/resources/theme.h" void Label3D::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_horizontal_alignment", "alignment"), &Label3D::set_horizontal_alignment); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_horizontal_alignment"), &Label3D::get_horizontal_alignment); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_vertical_alignment", "alignment"), &Label3D::set_vertical_alignment); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_vertical_alignment"), &Label3D::get_vertical_alignment); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_modulate", "modulate"), &Label3D::set_modulate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_modulate"), &Label3D::get_modulate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_outline_modulate", "modulate"), &Label3D::set_outline_modulate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_outline_modulate"), &Label3D::get_outline_modulate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text", "text"), &Label3D::set_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text"), &Label3D::get_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_uppercase", "enable"), &Label3D::set_uppercase); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_uppercase"), &Label3D::is_uppercase); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_render_priority", "priority"), &Label3D::set_render_priority); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_render_priority"), &Label3D::get_render_priority); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_outline_render_priority", "priority"), &Label3D::set_outline_render_priority); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_outline_render_priority"), &Label3D::get_outline_render_priority); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_font", "font"), &Label3D::set_font); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_font"), &Label3D::get_font); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_spacing", "line_spacing"), &Label3D::set_line_spacing); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_spacing"), &Label3D::get_line_spacing); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_autowrap", "autowrap_mode"), &Label3D::set_autowrap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_autowrap"), &Label3D::get_autowrap); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_width", "width"), &Label3D::set_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_width"), &Label3D::get_width); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_pixel_size", "pixel_size"), &Label3D::set_pixel_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pixel_size"), &Label3D::get_pixel_size); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_offset", "offset"), &Label3D::set_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_offset"), &Label3D::get_offset); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_flag", "flag", "enabled"), &Label3D::set_draw_flag); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_draw_flag", "flag"), &Label3D::get_draw_flag); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_billboard_mode", "mode"), &Label3D::set_billboard_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_billboard_mode"), &Label3D::get_billboard_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_alpha_cut_mode", "mode"), &Label3D::set_alpha_cut_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_alpha_cut_mode"), &Label3D::get_alpha_cut_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_alpha_scissor_threshold", "threshold"), &Label3D::set_alpha_scissor_threshold); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_alpha_scissor_threshold"), &Label3D::get_alpha_scissor_threshold); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_triangle_mesh"), &Label3D::generate_triangle_mesh); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_queue_update"), &Label3D::_queue_update); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_font_changed"), &Label3D::_font_changed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_im_update"), &Label3D::_im_update); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "pixel_size", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.0001,128,0.0001"), "set_pixel_size", "get_pixel_size"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "offset"), "set_offset", "get_offset"); ADD_GROUP("Flags", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "billboard", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Enabled,Y-Billboard"), "set_billboard_mode", "get_billboard_mode"); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shaded"), "set_draw_flag", "get_draw_flag", FLAG_SHADED); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "double_sided"), "set_draw_flag", "get_draw_flag", FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "no_depth_test"), "set_draw_flag", "get_draw_flag", FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "fixed_size"), "set_draw_flag", "get_draw_flag", FLAG_FIXED_SIZE); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "alpha_cut", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Disabled,Discard,Opaque Pre-Pass"), "set_alpha_cut_mode", "get_alpha_cut_mode"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "alpha_scissor_threshold", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01"), "set_alpha_scissor_threshold", "get_alpha_scissor_threshold"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "render_priority", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, itos(RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MIN) + "," + itos(RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MAX) + ",1"), "set_render_priority", "get_render_priority"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "outline_render_priority", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, itos(RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MIN) + "," + itos(RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MAX) + ",1"), "set_outline_render_priority", "get_outline_render_priority"); ADD_GROUP("Text", ""); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "modulate"), "set_modulate", "get_modulate"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::COLOR, "outline_modulate"), "set_outline_modulate", "get_outline_modulate"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "text", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT, ""), "set_text", "get_text"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "font", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Font"), "set_font", "get_font"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "horizontal_alignment", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Left,Center,Right,Fill"), "set_horizontal_alignment", "get_horizontal_alignment"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "vertical_alignment", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Top,Center,Bottom"), "set_vertical_alignment", "get_vertical_alignment"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "uppercase"), "set_uppercase", "is_uppercase"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "line_spacing"), "set_line_spacing", "get_line_spacing"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "autowrap"), "set_autowrap", "get_autowrap"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::REAL, "width"), "set_width", "get_width"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_SHADED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_FIXED_SIZE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(FLAG_MAX); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALPHA_CUT_DISCARD); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALPHA_CUT_OPAQUE_PREPASS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALIGN_LEFT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALIGN_CENTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALIGN_RIGHT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ALIGN_FILL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(VALIGN_TOP); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(VALIGN_CENTER); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(VALIGN_BOTTOM); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(VALIGN_FILL); } void Label3D::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { if (property.name == "material_override" || property.name == "material_overlay") { property.usage = PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR; } } int Label3D::get_longest_line_width() const { Ref<Font> font = _get_font_or_default(); real_t max_line_width = 0; real_t line_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < xl_text.size(); i++) { CharType current = xl_text[i]; if (uppercase) { current = String::char_uppercase(current); } if (current < 32) { if (current == '\n') { if (line_width > max_line_width) { max_line_width = line_width; } line_width = 0; } } else { real_t char_width = font->get_char_size(current, xl_text[i + 1]).width; line_width += char_width; } } if (line_width > max_line_width) { max_line_width = line_width; } // ceiling to ensure autowrapping does not cut text return Math::ceil(max_line_width); } void Label3D::regenerate_word_cache() { while (word_cache) { WordCache *current = word_cache; word_cache = current->next; memdelete(current); } int max_line_width; if (autowrap) { max_line_width = width; } else { max_line_width = get_longest_line_width(); } Ref<Font> font = _get_font_or_default(); real_t current_word_size = 0; int word_pos = 0; real_t line_width = 0; int space_count = 0; real_t space_width = font->get_char_size(' ').width; line_count = 1; bool was_separatable = false; WordCache *last = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i <= xl_text.length(); i++) { CharType current = i < xl_text.length() ? xl_text[i] : L' '; //always a space at the end, so the algo works if (uppercase) { current = String::char_uppercase(current); } // ranges taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_(Unicode) // if your language is not well supported, consider helping improve // the unicode support in Godot. bool separatable = (current >= 0x2E08 && current <= 0x9FFF) || // CJK scripts and symbols. (current >= 0xAC00 && current <= 0xD7FF) || // Hangul Syllables and Hangul Jamo Extended-B. (current >= 0xF900 && current <= 0xFAFF) || // CJK Compatibility Ideographs. (current >= 0xFE30 && current <= 0xFE4F) || // CJK Compatibility Forms. (current >= 0xFF65 && current <= 0xFF9F) || // Halfwidth forms of katakana (current >= 0xFFA0 && current <= 0xFFDC) || // Halfwidth forms of compatibility jamo characters for Hangul (current >= 0x20000 && current <= 0x2FA1F) || // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B ~ F and CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement. (current >= 0x30000 && current <= 0x3134F); // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G. bool insert_newline = false; real_t char_width = 0; bool separation_changed = i > 0 && was_separatable != separatable; was_separatable = separatable; if (current < 33) { // Control characters and space. if (current_word_size > 0) { // These characters always create a word-break. WordCache *wc = memnew(WordCache); if (word_cache) { last->next = wc; } else { word_cache = wc; } last = wc; wc->pixel_width = current_word_size; wc->char_pos = word_pos; wc->word_len = i - word_pos; wc->space_count = space_count; current_word_size = 0; space_count = 0; } else if ((i == xl_text.length() || current == '\n') && last != nullptr && space_count != 0) { // In case there are trailing white spaces we add a placeholder word cache with just the spaces. WordCache *wc = memnew(WordCache); if (word_cache) { last->next = wc; } else { word_cache = wc; } last = wc; wc->pixel_width = 0; wc->char_pos = 0; wc->word_len = 0; wc->space_count = space_count; current_word_size = 0; space_count = 0; } if (current == '\n') { insert_newline = true; } if (i < xl_text.length() && xl_text[i] == ' ') { if (line_width == 0) { if (current_word_size == 0) { word_pos = i; } current_word_size += space_width; line_width += space_width; } else if (line_width > 0 || last == nullptr || last->char_pos != WordCache::CHAR_WRAPLINE) { space_count++; line_width += space_width; } else { space_count = 0; } } } else { // Characters with graphical representation. // Word-break on CJK & non-CJK edge. if (separation_changed && current_word_size > 0) { WordCache *wc = memnew(WordCache); if (word_cache) { last->next = wc; } else { word_cache = wc; } last = wc; wc->pixel_width = current_word_size; wc->char_pos = word_pos; wc->word_len = i - word_pos; wc->space_count = space_count; current_word_size = 0; space_count = 0; } if (current_word_size == 0) { word_pos = i; } char_width = font->get_char_size(current, xl_text[i + 1]).width; current_word_size += char_width; line_width += char_width; // allow autowrap to cut words when they exceed line width if (autowrap && (current_word_size > max_line_width)) { separatable = true; } } if ((autowrap && (line_width >= max_line_width) && ((last && last->char_pos >= 0) || separatable)) || insert_newline) { if (separatable) { if (current_word_size > 0) { WordCache *wc = memnew(WordCache); if (word_cache) { last->next = wc; } else { word_cache = wc; } last = wc; wc->pixel_width = current_word_size - char_width; wc->char_pos = word_pos; wc->word_len = i - word_pos; wc->space_count = space_count; current_word_size = char_width; word_pos = i; } } WordCache *wc = memnew(WordCache); if (word_cache) { last->next = wc; } else { word_cache = wc; } last = wc; wc->pixel_width = 0; wc->char_pos = insert_newline ? WordCache::CHAR_NEWLINE : WordCache::CHAR_WRAPLINE; line_width = current_word_size; line_count++; space_count = 0; } } word_cache_dirty = false; } void Label3D::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { if (!pending_update) { _im_update(); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_TRANSLATION_CHANGED: { String new_text = tr(text); if (new_text == xl_text) { return; // Nothing new. } xl_text = new_text; regenerate_word_cache(); _queue_update(); } break; } } void Label3D::_im_update() { _shape(); triangle_mesh.unref(); update_gizmos(); pending_update = false; } void Label3D::_queue_update() { if (pending_update) { return; } pending_update = true; call_deferred(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->_im_update); } AABB Label3D::get_aabb() const { return aabb; } Ref<TriangleMesh> Label3D::generate_triangle_mesh() const { if (triangle_mesh.is_valid()) { return triangle_mesh; } Ref<Font> font = _get_font_or_default(); if (font.is_null()) { return Ref<TriangleMesh>(); } PoolVector<Vector3> faces; faces.resize(6); PoolVector<Vector3>::Write facesw = faces.write(); if (word_cache_dirty) { const_cast<Label3D *>(this)->regenerate_word_cache(); } float font_h = font->get_height() + line_spacing; real_t space_w = font->get_char_size(' ').width; float total_h = line_count * font_h; float vbegin = 0; switch (vertical_alignment) { case VALIGN_FILL: case VALIGN_TOP: { // Nothing. } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { vbegin = (total_h - line_spacing) / 2.0; } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { vbegin = (total_h - line_spacing); } break; } WordCache *wc = word_cache; if (!wc) { return Ref<TriangleMesh>(); } float max_line_w = 0.0; int line = 0; while (wc) { if (line >= line_count) { break; } if (wc->char_pos < 0) { wc = wc->next; line++; continue; } WordCache *to = wc; float taken = 0; int spaces = 0; while (to && to->char_pos >= 0) { taken += to->pixel_width; if (to->space_count) { spaces += to->space_count; } to = to->next; } max_line_w = MAX(max_line_w, (taken + spaces * space_w)); wc = to ? to->next : nullptr; line++; } Vector2 offset = Vector2(0, vbegin); switch (horizontal_alignment) { case ALIGN_FILL: case ALIGN_LEFT: { // Noting } break; case ALIGN_CENTER: { offset.x = -max_line_w / 2.0; } break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: { offset.x = -max_line_w; } break; } Rect2 final_rect = Rect2(offset + lbl_offset, Size2(max_line_w, total_h)); if (final_rect.size.x == 0 || final_rect.size.y == 0) { return Ref<TriangleMesh>(); } real_t pixel_size = get_pixel_size(); Vector2 vertices[4] = { (final_rect.position + Vector2(0, -final_rect.size.y)) * pixel_size, (final_rect.position + Vector2(final_rect.size.x, -final_rect.size.y)) * pixel_size, (final_rect.position + Vector2(final_rect.size.x, 0)) * pixel_size, final_rect.position * pixel_size, }; static const int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { int i = indices[j]; Vector3 vtx; vtx[0] = vertices[i][0]; vtx[1] = vertices[i][1]; facesw[j] = vtx; } triangle_mesh = Ref<TriangleMesh>(memnew(TriangleMesh)); triangle_mesh->create(faces); return triangle_mesh; } PoolVector<Face3> Label3D::get_faces(uint32_t p_usage_flags) const { return PoolVector<Face3>(); } float Label3D::_generate_glyph_surfaces(const Ref<Font> &p_font, CharType p_char, CharType p_next, Vector2 p_offset, const Color &p_modulate, int p_priority, bool p_outline) { Vector2 gl_of; Vector2 gl_sz; Rect2 gl_uv; Size2 texs; RID tex; tex = p_font->get_char_texture(p_char, p_next, p_outline); gl_of = p_font->get_char_tx_offset(p_char, p_next, p_outline); gl_sz = p_font->get_char_tx_size(p_char, p_next, p_outline); gl_uv = p_font->get_char_tx_uv_rect(p_char, p_next, p_outline); texs = p_font->get_char_texture_size(p_char, p_next, p_outline); SurfaceKey key = SurfaceKey(tex.get_id(), p_priority); if (!surfaces.has(key)) { SurfaceData surf; surf.material = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->material_create()); // Set defaults for material, names need to match up those in SpatialMaterial RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "albedo", Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "specular", 0.5); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "metallic", 0.0); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "roughness", 1.0); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "uv1_offset", Vector3(0, 0, 0)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "uv1_scale", Vector3(1, 1, 1)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "uv2_offset", Vector3(0, 0, 0)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "uv2_scale", Vector3(1, 1, 1)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "alpha_scissor_threshold", alpha_scissor_threshold); RID shader_rid = SpatialMaterial::get_material_rid_for_2d(get_draw_flag(FLAG_SHADED), true, get_draw_flag(FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED), get_alpha_cut_mode() == ALPHA_CUT_DISCARD, get_alpha_cut_mode() == ALPHA_CUT_OPAQUE_PREPASS, get_billboard_mode() == SpatialMaterial::BILLBOARD_ENABLED, get_billboard_mode() == SpatialMaterial::BILLBOARD_FIXED_Y, get_draw_flag(FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST), get_draw_flag(FLAG_FIXED_SIZE), p_font->is_distance_field_hint()); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_shader(surf.material, RS::get_singleton()->material_get_shader(shader_rid)); RS::get_singleton()->material_set_param(surf.material, "texture_albedo", tex); if (get_alpha_cut_mode() == ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED) { RS::get_singleton()->material_set_render_priority(surf.material, p_priority); } else { surf.z_shift = p_priority; } surfaces[key] = surf; } SurfaceData &s = surfaces[key]; s.mesh_vertices.resize((s.offset + 1) * 4); s.mesh_normals.resize((s.offset + 1) * 4); s.mesh_tangents.resize((s.offset + 1) * 16); s.mesh_colors.resize((s.offset + 1) * 4); s.mesh_uvs.resize((s.offset + 1) * 4); s.mesh_vertices.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 3] = Vector3(p_offset.x + gl_of.x, p_offset.y - gl_of.y - gl_sz.y, s.z_shift) * pixel_size; s.mesh_vertices.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 2] = Vector3(p_offset.x + gl_of.x + gl_sz.x, p_offset.y - gl_of.y - gl_sz.y, s.z_shift) * pixel_size; s.mesh_vertices.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 1] = Vector3(p_offset.x + gl_of.x + gl_sz.x, p_offset.y - gl_of.y, s.z_shift) * pixel_size; s.mesh_vertices.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 0] = Vector3(p_offset.x + gl_of.x, p_offset.y - gl_of.y, s.z_shift) * pixel_size; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { s.mesh_normals.write()[(s.offset * 4) + i] = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); s.mesh_tangents.write()[(s.offset * 16) + (i * 4) + 0] = 1.0; s.mesh_tangents.write()[(s.offset * 16) + (i * 4) + 1] = 0.0; s.mesh_tangents.write()[(s.offset * 16) + (i * 4) + 2] = 0.0; s.mesh_tangents.write()[(s.offset * 16) + (i * 4) + 3] = 1.0; s.mesh_colors.write()[(s.offset * 4) + i] = p_modulate; s.mesh_uvs.write()[(s.offset * 4) + i] = Vector2(); if (aabb == AABB()) { aabb.position = s.mesh_vertices[(s.offset * 4) + i]; } else { aabb.expand_to(s.mesh_vertices[(s.offset * 4) + i]); } } if (tex != RID()) { s.mesh_uvs.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 3] = Vector2(gl_uv.position.x / texs.x, (gl_uv.position.y + gl_uv.size.y) / texs.y); s.mesh_uvs.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 2] = Vector2((gl_uv.position.x + gl_uv.size.x) / texs.x, (gl_uv.position.y + gl_uv.size.y) / texs.y); s.mesh_uvs.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 1] = Vector2((gl_uv.position.x + gl_uv.size.x) / texs.x, gl_uv.position.y / texs.y); s.mesh_uvs.write()[(s.offset * 4) + 0] = Vector2(gl_uv.position.x / texs.x, gl_uv.position.y / texs.y); } s.indices.resize((s.offset + 1) * 6); s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 0] = (s.offset * 4) + 0; s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 1] = (s.offset * 4) + 1; s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 2] = (s.offset * 4) + 2; s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 3] = (s.offset * 4) + 0; s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 4] = (s.offset * 4) + 2; s.indices.write()[(s.offset * 6) + 5] = (s.offset * 4) + 3; s.offset++; return p_font->get_char_size(p_char, p_next).x; } void Label3D::_shape() { // Clear mesh. RS::get_singleton()->mesh_clear(mesh); aabb = AABB(); // Clear materials. { const SurfaceKey *k = nullptr; while ((k = surfaces.next(k))) { RS::get_singleton()->free(surfaces[*k].material); } surfaces.clear(); } Ref<Font> font = _get_font_or_default(); ERR_FAIL_COND(font.is_null()); if (word_cache_dirty) { regenerate_word_cache(); } // Generate surfaces and materials. float font_h = font->get_height() + line_spacing; real_t space_w = font->get_char_size(' ').width; float total_h = line_count * font_h; float vbegin = 0.0; switch (vertical_alignment) { case VALIGN_FILL: case VALIGN_TOP: { // Nothing. } break; case VALIGN_CENTER: { vbegin = (total_h - line_spacing) / 2.0; } break; case VALIGN_BOTTOM: { vbegin = (total_h - line_spacing); } break; } WordCache *wc = word_cache; if (!wc) { return; } int line = 0; while (wc) { if (line >= line_count) { break; } if (wc->char_pos < 0) { wc = wc->next; line++; continue; } WordCache *from = wc; WordCache *to = wc; float taken = 0; int spaces = 0; while (to && to->char_pos >= 0) { taken += to->pixel_width; if (to->space_count) { spaces += to->space_count; } to = to->next; } bool can_fill = to && (to->char_pos == WordCache::CHAR_WRAPLINE || to->char_pos == WordCache::CHAR_NEWLINE); float x_ofs = 0; switch (horizontal_alignment) { case ALIGN_FILL: { x_ofs = -width / 2.0; } break; case ALIGN_LEFT: { // Noting } break; case ALIGN_CENTER: { x_ofs = -(taken + spaces * space_w) / 2.0; } break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: { x_ofs = -(taken + spaces * space_w); } break; } float y_ofs = 0; y_ofs -= line * font_h + font->get_ascent(); y_ofs += vbegin; while (from != to) { // draw a word int pos = from->char_pos; if (from->char_pos < 0) { ERR_PRINT("BUG"); return; } if (from->space_count) { /* spacing */ x_ofs += space_w * from->space_count; if (can_fill && horizontal_alignment == ALIGN_FILL && spaces) { x_ofs += ((width - (taken + space_w * spaces)) / spaces); } } if (font->has_outline()) { float x_ofs_ol = x_ofs; for (int i = 0; i < from->word_len; i++) { CharType c = xl_text[i + pos]; CharType n = xl_text[i + pos + 1]; if (uppercase) { c = String::char_uppercase(c); n = String::char_uppercase(n); } x_ofs_ol += _generate_glyph_surfaces(font, c, n, lbl_offset + Point2(x_ofs_ol, y_ofs), outline_modulate, outline_render_priority, true); } } for (int i = 0; i < from->word_len; i++) { CharType c = xl_text[i + pos]; CharType n = xl_text[i + pos + 1]; if (uppercase) { c = String::char_uppercase(c); n = String::char_uppercase(n); } x_ofs += _generate_glyph_surfaces(font, c, n, lbl_offset + Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs), modulate, render_priority, false); } from = from->next; } wc = to ? to->next : nullptr; line++; } const SurfaceKey *k = nullptr; int idx = 0; while ((k = surfaces.next(k))) { const SurfaceData &surf = surfaces[*k]; Array mesh_array; mesh_array.resize(RS::ARRAY_MAX); mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_VERTEX] = surf.mesh_vertices; mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_NORMAL] = surf.mesh_normals; mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_TANGENT] = surf.mesh_tangents; mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_COLOR] = surf.mesh_colors; mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = surf.mesh_uvs; mesh_array[RS::ARRAY_INDEX] = surf.indices; RS::get_singleton()->mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(mesh, RS::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, mesh_array); RS::get_singleton()->instance_set_surface_material(get_instance(), idx++, surf.material); } } void Label3D::set_text(const String &p_string) { text = p_string; xl_text = tr(p_string); word_cache_dirty = true; _queue_update(); } String Label3D::get_text() const { return text; } void Label3D::set_horizontal_alignment(Label3D::Align p_alignment) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_alignment, 4); if (horizontal_alignment != p_alignment) { horizontal_alignment = p_alignment; _queue_update(); } } Label3D::Align Label3D::get_horizontal_alignment() const { return horizontal_alignment; } void Label3D::set_vertical_alignment(Label3D::VAlign p_alignment) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_alignment, 4); if (vertical_alignment != p_alignment) { vertical_alignment = p_alignment; _queue_update(); } } Label3D::VAlign Label3D::get_vertical_alignment() const { return vertical_alignment; } void Label3D::set_uppercase(bool p_uppercase) { if (uppercase != p_uppercase) { uppercase = p_uppercase; word_cache_dirty = true; _queue_update(); } } bool Label3D::is_uppercase() const { return uppercase; } void Label3D::set_render_priority(int p_priority) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_priority < RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MIN || p_priority > RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MAX); if (render_priority != p_priority) { render_priority = p_priority; _queue_update(); } } int Label3D::get_render_priority() const { return render_priority; } void Label3D::set_outline_render_priority(int p_priority) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_priority < RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MIN || p_priority > RS::MATERIAL_RENDER_PRIORITY_MAX); if (outline_render_priority != p_priority) { outline_render_priority = p_priority; _queue_update(); } } int Label3D::get_outline_render_priority() const { return outline_render_priority; } void Label3D::_font_changed() { word_cache_dirty = true; _queue_update(); } void Label3D::set_font(const Ref<Font> &p_font) { if (font_override != p_font) { if (font_override.is_valid()) { font_override->disconnect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_font_changed"); } font_override = p_font; if (font_override.is_valid()) { font_override->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, this, "_font_changed"); } _queue_update(); } } Ref<Font> Label3D::get_font() const { return font_override; } Ref<Font> Label3D::_get_font_or_default() const { if (theme_font.is_valid()) { theme_font->disconnect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, const_cast<Label3D *>(this), "_font_changed"); theme_font.unref(); } if (font_override.is_valid()) { return font_override; } // Check the project-defined Theme resource. if (Theme::get_project_default().is_valid()) { List<StringName> theme_types; Theme::get_project_default()->get_type_dependencies(get_class_name(), StringName(), &theme_types); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = theme_types.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (Theme::get_project_default()->has_theme_item(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, "font", E->get())) { Ref<Font> f = Theme::get_project_default()->get_theme_item(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, "font", E->get()); if (f.is_valid()) { theme_font = f; theme_font->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, const_cast<Label3D *>(this), "_font_changed"); } return f; } } } // Lastly, fall back on the items defined in the default Theme, if they exist. { List<StringName> theme_types; Theme::get_default()->get_type_dependencies(get_class_name(), StringName(), &theme_types); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = theme_types.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (Theme::get_default()->has_theme_item(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, "font", E->get())) { Ref<Font> f = Theme::get_default()->get_theme_item(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, "font", E->get()); if (f.is_valid()) { theme_font = f; theme_font->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, const_cast<Label3D *>(this), "_font_changed"); } return f; } } } // If they don't exist, use any type to return the default/empty value. Ref<Font> f = Theme::get_default()->get_theme_item(Theme::DATA_TYPE_FONT, "font", StringName()); if (f.is_valid()) { theme_font = f; theme_font->connect(CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->changed, const_cast<Label3D *>(this), "_font_changed"); } return f; } void Label3D::set_modulate(const Color &p_color) { if (modulate != p_color) { modulate = p_color; _queue_update(); } } Color Label3D::get_modulate() const { return modulate; } void Label3D::set_outline_modulate(const Color &p_color) { if (outline_modulate != p_color) { outline_modulate = p_color; _queue_update(); } } Color Label3D::get_outline_modulate() const { return outline_modulate; } void Label3D::set_autowrap(bool p_autowrap) { if (autowrap != p_autowrap) { autowrap = p_autowrap; word_cache_dirty = true; _queue_update(); } } bool Label3D::get_autowrap() const { return autowrap; } void Label3D::set_width(float p_width) { if (width != p_width) { width = p_width; word_cache_dirty = true; _queue_update(); } } float Label3D::get_width() const { return width; } void Label3D::set_pixel_size(real_t p_amount) { if (pixel_size != p_amount) { pixel_size = p_amount; _queue_update(); } } real_t Label3D::get_pixel_size() const { return pixel_size; } void Label3D::set_offset(const Point2 &p_offset) { if (lbl_offset != p_offset) { lbl_offset = p_offset; _queue_update(); } } Point2 Label3D::get_offset() const { return lbl_offset; } void Label3D::set_line_spacing(float p_line_spacing) { if (line_spacing != p_line_spacing) { line_spacing = p_line_spacing; _queue_update(); } } float Label3D::get_line_spacing() const { return line_spacing; } void Label3D::set_draw_flag(DrawFlags p_flag, bool p_enable) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_flag, FLAG_MAX); if (flags[p_flag] != p_enable) { flags[p_flag] = p_enable; _queue_update(); } } bool Label3D::get_draw_flag(DrawFlags p_flag) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_flag, FLAG_MAX, false); return flags[p_flag]; } void Label3D::set_billboard_mode(SpatialMaterial::BillboardMode p_mode) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_mode, 3); if (billboard_mode != p_mode) { billboard_mode = p_mode; _queue_update(); } } SpatialMaterial::BillboardMode Label3D::get_billboard_mode() const { return billboard_mode; } void Label3D::set_alpha_cut_mode(AlphaCutMode p_mode) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_mode, 3); if (alpha_cut != p_mode) { alpha_cut = p_mode; _queue_update(); } } Label3D::AlphaCutMode Label3D::get_alpha_cut_mode() const { return alpha_cut; } void Label3D::set_alpha_scissor_threshold(float p_threshold) { if (alpha_scissor_threshold != p_threshold) { alpha_scissor_threshold = p_threshold; _queue_update(); } } float Label3D::get_alpha_scissor_threshold() const { return alpha_scissor_threshold; } Label3D::Label3D() { for (int i = 0; i < FLAG_MAX; i++) { flags[i] = (i == FLAG_DOUBLE_SIDED); } mesh = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->mesh_create()); set_base(mesh); } Label3D::~Label3D() { while (word_cache) { WordCache *current = word_cache; word_cache = current->next; memdelete(current); } RS::get_singleton()->free(mesh); const SurfaceKey *k = nullptr; while ((k = surfaces.next(k))) { RS::get_singleton()->free(surfaces[*k].material); } surfaces.clear(); }