/*************************************************************************/ /* html_template.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "html_template.h" #include "core/containers/local_vector.h" #include "../http/web_server_request.h" #include "html_template_data.h" // Templates int HTMLTemplate::get_template_count() const { return _templates.size(); } Ref<HTMLTemplateData> HTMLTemplate::get_template(const int p_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, _templates.size(), Ref<HTMLTemplateData>()); return _templates[p_index]; } void HTMLTemplate::add_template(const Ref<HTMLTemplateData> &p_template) { _templates.push_back(p_template); } void HTMLTemplate::remove_template(const int p_index) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, _templates.size()); _templates.remove(p_index); } void HTMLTemplate::clear_templates() { _templates.clear(); } Vector<Variant> HTMLTemplate::get_templates() { Vector<Variant> r; for (int i = 0; i < _templates.size(); i++) { r.push_back(_templates[i].get_ref_ptr()); } return r; } void HTMLTemplate::set_templates(const Vector<Variant> &data) { _templates.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { Ref<HTMLTemplateData> e = Ref<HTMLTemplateData>(data[i]); _templates.push_back(e); } } // Overrides bool HTMLTemplate::has_template_override(const StringName &p_name) const { return _template_overrides.has(p_name); } String HTMLTemplate::get_template_override(const StringName &p_name) const { const String *val = _template_overrides.getptr(p_name); if (!val) { return String(); } return *val; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_override(const StringName &p_name, const String &p_value) { _template_overrides[p_name] = p_value; } void HTMLTemplate::remove_template_override(const StringName &p_name) { _template_overrides.erase(p_name); } void HTMLTemplate::clear_template_overrides() { _template_overrides.clear(); } Dictionary HTMLTemplate::get_template_overrides() const { Dictionary ret; for (const HashMap<StringName, String>::Element *E = _template_overrides.front(); E; E = E->next) { ret[E->key()] = E->value(); } return ret; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_overrides(const Dictionary &p_dict) { get_template_overrides(); Array keys = p_dict.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { Variant k = keys[i]; Variant::Type t = k.get_type(); if (t != Variant::STRING && t != Variant::STRING_NAME) { continue; } _template_overrides[k] = String(p_dict[k]); } } HashMap<StringName, String> HTMLTemplate::get_template_overrides_map() const { return _template_overrides; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_overrides_map(const HashMap<StringName, String> &p_map) { _template_overrides = p_map; } // Defaults bool HTMLTemplate::has_template_default(const StringName &p_name) const { return _template_defaults.has(p_name); } String HTMLTemplate::get_template_default(const StringName &p_name) const { const String *val = _template_defaults.getptr(p_name); if (!val) { return String(); } return *val; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_default(const StringName &p_name, const String &p_value) { _template_defaults[p_name] = p_value; } void HTMLTemplate::remove_template_default(const StringName &p_name) { _template_defaults.erase(p_name); } void HTMLTemplate::clear_template_defaults() { _template_defaults.clear(); } Dictionary HTMLTemplate::get_template_defaults() const { Dictionary ret; for (const HashMap<StringName, String>::Element *E = _template_defaults.front(); E; E = E->next) { ret[E->key()] = E->value(); } return ret; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_defaults(const Dictionary &p_dict) { clear_template_defaults(); Array keys = p_dict.keys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { Variant k = keys[i]; Variant::Type t = k.get_type(); if (t != Variant::STRING && t != Variant::STRING_NAME) { continue; } _template_defaults[k] = String(p_dict[k]); } } HashMap<StringName, String> HTMLTemplate::get_template_defaults_map() const { return _template_defaults; } void HTMLTemplate::set_template_defaults_map(const HashMap<StringName, String> &p_map) { _template_defaults = p_map; } // Use String HTMLTemplate::get_template_text(const StringName &p_name) { // First try overrides String *sptr = _template_overrides.getptr(p_name); if (sptr) { return *sptr; } // Go thourgh templates for (int i = 0; i < _templates.size(); ++i) { Ref<HTMLTemplateData> d = _templates[i]; if (!d.is_valid()) { continue; } String r = d->get_template(p_name); if (!r.empty()) { return r; } } // At last try default sptr = _template_defaults.getptr(p_name); if (sptr) { return *sptr; } return String(); } String HTMLTemplate::call_template_method(const TemplateExpressionMethods p_method, const Array &p_data, const bool p_first_var_decides_print) { int s = p_data.size(); if (s == 0) { return String(); } if (p_first_var_decides_print) { Variant v = p_data[0]; if (!v) { return String(); } } if (p_method != TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_VFORMAT) { int arg_start = 0; if (p_first_var_decides_print) { ++arg_start; } String ret; for (int i = arg_start; i < s; ++i) { switch (p_method) { case TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT: { ret += String(p_data[i]).xml_escape(); } break; case TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW: { ret += String(p_data[i]); } break; case TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_BR: { ret += String(p_data[i]).xml_escape().newline_to_br(); } break; case TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW_BR: { ret += String(p_data[i]).newline_to_br(); } break; default: break; } } return ret; } else { int arg_start = 1; if (p_first_var_decides_print) { ++arg_start; } //VFormat ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(s < arg_start, String(), "vformat requires at least one positional argument!"); Array args; for (int i = arg_start; i < s; ++i) { args.push_back(p_data[i]); } String fstring = String(p_data[arg_start - 1]); bool error = false; String fmt = fstring.sprintf(args, &error); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(error, String(), "vformat error! Format string: " + fstring + " params: " + String(Variant(args)) + " error string: " + fmt); return fmt; } return String(); } Variant HTMLTemplate::process_template_expression_variable(const String &p_variable, const Dictionary &p_data, const bool p_allow_missing) { // "XXX" // String // 'XXX' // String // var[1] // Array indexing // var["x"] // Dictionary indexing // () just gets used ar variable names, except for an outside one, that gets stripped: (var["x"]), also var[("X")], also var[(1)]. // NO: // var[var[var[2]]] Recursive indexing doesn't work. // Remove outside brackets String variable = p_variable.strip_edges().lstrip("(").rstrip(")").strip_edges(); if (variable.empty()) { return Variant(); } // String if (variable.begins_with("\"")) { return variable.lstrip("\"").rstrip("\""); } // String if (variable.begins_with("'")) { return variable.lstrip("'").rstrip("'"); } int lsqbrace_pos = variable.find("["); if (lsqbrace_pos == -1) { // Simplest case const Variant *element = p_data.getptr(Variant(p_variable)); if (p_allow_missing && !element) { return Variant(); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!element, Variant(), "The given Dictionary does not contain value! " + variable); return *element; } int rsqbrace_pos = variable.find_last("]"); // Has no [, but has ]. Might be a bug, or just ] in name of variable. If it's not intentional, the error macro will get triggered. if (rsqbrace_pos == -1) { const Variant *element = p_data.getptr(Variant(p_variable)); if (p_allow_missing && !element) { return Variant(); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!element, Variant(), "The given Dictionary does not contain value! " + variable); return *element; } String var_name = variable.substr_index(0, lsqbrace_pos); const Variant *element = p_data.getptr(Variant(var_name)); if (p_allow_missing && !element) { return Variant(); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!element, Variant(), "The given Dictionary does not contain value! " + var_name + " Full variable: " + variable); String var_index = variable.substr_index(lsqbrace_pos + 1, rsqbrace_pos).lstrip("(").rstrip(")").strip_edges(); Variant final_index; if (var_index.begins_with("\"")) { final_index = var_index.lstrip("\"").rstrip("\""); } else if (variable.begins_with("'")) { final_index = var_index.lstrip("'").rstrip("'"); } else { // Try to convert to int, if can't leave as string if (var_index.is_valid_integer()) { final_index = var_index.to_int(); } else { final_index = var_index; } } Variant v = *element; Variant r = v.get(final_index); return r; } String HTMLTemplate::process_template_expression(const String &p_expression, const Dictionary &p_data) { // Supported: // var // equivalent to p(var) // (var) // equivalent to p(var) // p(var) // print, escaped, also includes to string cast // pr(var) // print_raw, not escaped, also includes to string // pb(var) // print_newline_to_br, escaped, turns newlines into <br>, also includes to string cast // prb(var) // print_raw_newline_to_br, not escaped, turns newlines into <br>, also includes to string cast // vf("%d %d", var1, var2) // vformat // qp(var1, var2) // Same as p, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // qpr(var1, var2) // Same as pr, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // qpb(var1, var2) // Same as pb, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // qprb(var1, var2) // Same as prb, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // qvf(var1, "%d %d", var1, var2) // Same as vf, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // p(var[1]) // Array indexing // p(var["x"]) // Dictionary indexing // p(var1, var2) All methods can do multiple arguments // Not supported: // p(var[var[var[2]]]) Recursive indexing. // No actual method calls. Even though it should be relatively trivial to implement, it's probably not a good idea. String expression = p_expression.strip_edges(); int expression_length = expression.length(); if (expression_length == 0) { return String(); } int i = 0; int method_name_end_index = 0; while (i < expression_length) { CharType current_token = expression[i]; switch (current_token) { case '(': { // Found start '(' method_name_end_index = i; goto method_name_search_done; } break; case ')': { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(String(), "There is an error in the syntax of an expression! Erroneously placed ). Expression: " + p_expression); } break; case '"': case '\'': case '[': case ']': { // Encountering any of these before a '(' means that a variable is just on it's own. // Encountering a '(' ends the search. goto method_name_search_done; } break; default: break; } ++i; } method_name_search_done: TemplateExpressionMethods call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT; bool first_var_decides_print = false; // This will be zero even if (var) if (method_name_end_index != 0) { //method_name_end_index points to a '(', substr_index does not include end index. String method_name = expression.substr_index(0, method_name_end_index).strip_edges(); if (method_name == "p") { //default, needs to be checked so no error } else if (method_name == "pr") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW; } else if (method_name == "pb") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_BR; } else if (method_name == "prb") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW_BR; } else if (method_name == "vf") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_VFORMAT; } else if (method_name == "qp") { //default, needs to be checked so no error first_var_decides_print = true; } else if (method_name == "qpr") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW; first_var_decides_print = true; } else if (method_name == "qpb") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_BR; first_var_decides_print = true; } else if (method_name == "qprb") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW_BR; first_var_decides_print = true; } else if (method_name == "qvf") { call_method = TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_VFORMAT; first_var_decides_print = true; } else { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(String(), "There is an error in the syntax of an expression! Not a valid method!. Method: " + method_name + " Expression: " + p_expression); } } // From vf("%d %d", var1, var2) this ends up being ("%d %d", var1, var2) // Note this can be (((var))) too! String variables_str = expression.substr_index(method_name_end_index, expression.length()).strip_edges(); // Get rid of all '(' from beginning, and ')' from end variables_str = variables_str.lstrip("(").rstrip(")"); int variables_str_length = variables_str.length(); i = 0; bool in_string = false; CharType current_string_type = '"'; bool escape_next = false; int last_variable_end_index = 0; LocalVector<String> variables; // Find all variables, note we can't just split because of strings while (i < variables_str_length) { CharType current_token = variables_str[i]; if (escape_next) { escape_next = false; continue; } switch (current_token) { case ',': { // Nothing to do if we are in a string. if (in_string) { break; } // last_variable_end_index = v // i = ^ // v // var1, var2, var3 // ^ // in substr_index end index is not included: String current_variable_str = variables_str.substr_index(last_variable_end_index, i).strip_edges(); variables.push_back(current_variable_str); // next var: // last_variable_end_index = i + 1 means: // var1, var2, var3 // ^ last_variable_end_index = i + 1; } break; case '"': { if (in_string) { if (current_string_type == '"') { in_string = false; } break; } // String start in_string = true; current_string_type = '"'; } break; case '\'': { if (in_string) { if (current_string_type == '\'') { in_string = false; } break; } // String start in_string = true; current_string_type = '\''; } break; case '\\': { // There is nothing we can escape outside of strings // This way beginning string symbol cannot be escaped. (Which is bad syntax anyway). if (in_string) { escape_next = true; } } break; default: { } break; } ++i; } // Also add the last entry String current_variable_str = variables_str.substr_index(last_variable_end_index, variables_str_length).strip_edges(); if (!current_variable_str.empty()) { variables.push_back(current_variable_str); } Array final_values; final_values.resize(variables.size()); // Finally let's just process the variables themselves, and generate the final output for (uint32_t vi = 0; vi < variables.size(); ++vi) { String variable = variables[vi]; final_values.set(vi, process_template_expression_variable(variable, p_data, first_var_decides_print && vi == 0)); } return call_template_method(call_method, final_values, first_var_decides_print); } String HTMLTemplate::render_template(const String &p_text, const Dictionary &p_data) { // {\{ Escaped {{ // {\\{ -> {\{ etc // {{ p(var) }} // print, escaped, also includes to string cast // {{ pr(var) }} // print_raw, not escaped, also includes to string // {{ pb(var) }} // print_newline_to_br, escaped, turns newlines into <br>, also includes to string cast // {{ prb(var) }} // print_raw_newline_to_br, not escaped, turns newlines into <br>, also includes to string cast // {{ vf("%d %d", var1, var2) }} // vformat // {{ qp(var) }} // Same as p, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // {{ qpr(var) }} // Same as pr, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // {{ qpb(var) }} // Same as pb, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // {{ qprb(var) }} // Same as prb, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true // {{ qvf("%d %d", var1, var2) }} // Same as vf, but only prints when it's first argument evaluates to true String result; int text_length = p_text.length(); if (text_length == 0) { return result; } int i = 0; int last_section_start = 0; bool in_string = false; CharType current_string_type = '"'; int current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT; bool escape_next = false; while (i < text_length) { CharType current_token = p_text[i]; switch (current_state) { case RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT: { if (escape_next) { escape_next = false; continue; } switch (current_token) { case '{': { // A { is encountered, might be an expression. current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_POTENTIAL_START; } break; } } break; case RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_POTENTIAL_START: { switch (current_token) { case '\\': { // The last token was {, The current token is \. // Just set escape_next to true // If the next token is {, it will be handled properly in "case '{':" // If it's something else "default:" will reset state back to proper // In case of {\\\\{ We need to turn it to {\\\{ // This will go through all \'s escape_next = true; } break; case '{': { if (escape_next) { // i points to: v // In case of {\\\\{ We need to turn it to {\\\{ // cut here: ^ // We should have {\\\ . // We cut result += p_text.substr_index(last_section_start, i - 1); // Don't append the now missing {, it will be appended on the next normal text cut // Go back to normal state current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT; // ... {\\\\{ // last_section_start: ^ last_section_start = i; escape_next = false; break; } // No escape happened, we had a {{. We are in an expression now. current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION; // Cut text // i points to: v // ... {{ // cut up to here: ^ (Don't include {{ ) result += p_text.substr_index(last_section_start, i - 1); // i points to: v // ... {{ // last_section_start: ^ (Crop {{ so later it doesn't have to be handled. Having more { should result in an error.) last_section_start = i + 1; } break; default: { // Some other token encountered, just go back to normal current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT; escape_next = false; } break; } } case RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION: { switch (current_token) { case '}': { // We only need to worry about being in a string here, the syntax does not use }-s for anything else. if (in_string) { break; } // i points to: v // ... }} // Expression has to end at next token. current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_END_NEXT; } break; case '\'': { // Previous token was \. if (escape_next) { escape_next = false; break; } if (in_string) { // Only end string with the correct , so "'", or '"' will work if (current_string_type == '\'') { in_string = false; break; } break; } // Start string, and remember string type current_string_type = '\''; in_string = true; } break; case '"': { // Previous token was \. if (escape_next) { escape_next = false; break; } if (in_string) { // Only end string with the correct , so "'", or '"' will work if (current_string_type == '"') { in_string = false; break; } break; } // Start string, and remember string type current_string_type = '"'; in_string = true; } break; case '\\': { // Previous token was a \. if (escape_next) { escape_next = false; break; } // If we are in a string escape next character. // Otherwise it doesn't matters. if (in_string) { escape_next = true; break; } } break; default: { // Just set back escape_next // Could have been a \n in vformat for example. escape_next = false; } break; } } break; case RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_END_NEXT: { switch (current_token) { case '}': { // i points to: v // ... }} // Expression has ended // Grab expression // last_section_start: v // ... {{ ... }} // i: ^ // We want everything between {{ }} -s String expression = p_text.substr_index(last_section_start, i - 2); result += process_template_expression(expression, p_data); // i points to: v // ... {{ // last_section_start: ^ last_section_start = i + 1; current_state = RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT; } break; default: { // Some other token encountered, error in template result += p_text.substr_index(last_section_start, i); // Don't return half-rendered templates. ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(String(), "Error in template! One missing closing bracket encountered. Generated html so far:\n\n" + result); } break; } } break; } i += 1; } // Unterminated expression in template if (current_state != RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_NORMAL_TEXT) { if (in_string) { String c; c += current_string_type; ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(String(), "Error in template! Unterminated string of type " + c + " encountered. Generated html so far:\n\n" + result); } if (current_state == RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION || current_state == RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_END_NEXT) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(String(), "Error in template! Unterminated expression encountered. Generated html so far:\n\n" + result); } // if current_state is RENDER_TEMPLATE_STATE_EXPRESSION_POTENTIAL_START, that is actually fine. Template just ends in { } // Get the last bit of text // If the template closes with }}, last_section_start should be == to text_length // If template closes like }}X last_section_start should be == to text_length - 1, in that case we still need to get the last character if (last_section_start <= text_length - 1) { result += p_text.substr_index(last_section_start, text_length); } return result; } String HTMLTemplate::get_and_render_template(const StringName &p_name, const Dictionary &p_data) { String text = get_template_text(p_name); return render_template(text, p_data); } String HTMLTemplate::render(const Ref<WebServerRequest> &p_request, const Dictionary &p_data) { return call("_render", p_request, p_data); } String HTMLTemplate::_render(const Ref<WebServerRequest> &p_request, const Dictionary &p_data) { return ""; } HTMLTemplate::HTMLTemplate() { } HTMLTemplate::~HTMLTemplate() { } void HTMLTemplate::_on_editor_template_button_pressed(const StringName &p_property) { String name = p_property; if (name.begins_with("template_override/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key_button") { if (!_editor_new_template_override_key.empty()) { _template_overrides[_editor_new_template_override_key] = ""; _editor_new_template_override_key = ""; property_list_changed_notify(); } } return; } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "delete_key_button") { _template_overrides.erase(key); property_list_changed_notify(); } return; } if (name.begins_with("template_defaults/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key_button") { if (!_editor_new_template_default_key.empty()) { _template_defaults[_editor_new_template_default_key] = ""; _editor_new_template_default_key = ""; property_list_changed_notify(); } return; } } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "delete_key_button") { _template_defaults.erase(key); property_list_changed_notify(); } return; } } bool HTMLTemplate::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("template_override/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key") { _editor_new_template_override_key = p_value; return true; } else if (key == "add_key_button") { return true; } } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "value") { _template_overrides[key] = String(p_value); } return true; } if (name.begins_with("template_defaults/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key") { _editor_new_template_default_key = p_value; return true; } else if (key == "add_key_button") { return true; } } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "value") { _template_defaults[key] = String(p_value); } return true; } return false; } bool HTMLTemplate::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("template_override/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key") { r_ret = _editor_new_template_override_key; return true; } } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "value") { if (!_template_overrides.has(key)) { return false; } r_ret = _template_overrides[key]; return true; } return true; } if (name.begins_with("template_defaults/")) { int scount = name.get_slice_count("/"); String key = name.get_slicec('/', 1); if (scount == 2) { // This way add_key can also be used as a key if (key == "add_key") { r_ret = _editor_new_template_default_key; return true; } } String property = name.get_slicec('/', 2); if (property == "value") { if (!_template_defaults.has(key)) { return false; } r_ret = _template_defaults[key]; return true; } return true; } return false; } void HTMLTemplate::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { for (const HashMap<StringName, String>::Element *E = _template_overrides.front(); E; E = E->next) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "template_override/" + E->key() + "/value", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "template_override/" + E->key() + "/delete_key_button", PROPERTY_HINT_BUTTON, "_on_editor_template_button_pressed:Close/EditorIcons")); } p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "template_override/add_key")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "template_override/add_key_button", PROPERTY_HINT_BUTTON, "_on_editor_template_button_pressed:Add/EditorIcons")); for (const HashMap<StringName, String>::Element *E = _template_defaults.front(); E; E = E->next) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "template_defaults/" + E->key() + "/value", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "template_defaults/" + E->key() + "/delete_key_button", PROPERTY_HINT_BUTTON, "_on_editor_template_button_pressed:Close/EditorIcons")); } p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "template_defaults/add_key")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "template_defaults/add_key_button", PROPERTY_HINT_BUTTON, "_on_editor_template_button_pressed:Add/EditorIcons")); } void HTMLTemplate::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_on_editor_template_button_pressed"), &HTMLTemplate::_on_editor_template_button_pressed); // Templates ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_count"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template", "index"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_template", "template"), &HTMLTemplate::add_template); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_template", "index"), &HTMLTemplate::remove_template); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_templates"), &HTMLTemplate::clear_templates); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_templates"), &HTMLTemplate::get_templates); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_templates", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::set_templates); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "templates", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "23/20:HTMLTemplateData", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, "HTMLTemplateData"), "set_templates", "get_templates"); // Overrides ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_template_override", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::has_template_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_override", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_template_override", "name", "value"), &HTMLTemplate::set_template_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_template_override", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::remove_template_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_template_overrides"), &HTMLTemplate::clear_template_overrides); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_overrides"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_overrides); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_template_overrides", "dict"), &HTMLTemplate::set_template_overrides); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "template_overrides", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "set_template_overrides", "get_template_overrides"); // Defaults ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_template_default", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::has_template_default); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_default", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_default); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_template_default", "name", "value"), &HTMLTemplate::set_template_default); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_template_default", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::remove_template_default); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_template_defaults"), &HTMLTemplate::clear_template_defaults); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_defaults"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_defaults); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_template_defaults", "dict"), &HTMLTemplate::set_template_defaults); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "template_defaults", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", 0), "set_template_defaults", "get_template_defaults"); // Use ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_template_text", "name"), &HTMLTemplate::get_template_text); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("call_template_method", "method", "data", "first_var_decides_print"), &HTMLTemplate::call_template_method); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("process_template_expression_variable", "variable", "data", "allow_missing"), &HTMLTemplate::process_template_expression_variable, false); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("process_template_expression", "expression", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::process_template_expression); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("render_template", "text", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::render_template); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_and_render_template", "name", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::get_and_render_template); BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::STRING, "_render", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "request", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "WebServerRequest"), PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "data"))); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("render", "request", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::render); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_render", "request", "data"), &HTMLTemplate::_render); // Enums BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_BR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_PRINT_RAW_BR); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(TEMPLATE_EXPRESSION_METHOD_VFORMAT); }