/*************************************************************************/ /* skeleton.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "skeleton.h" #include "core/object/message_queue.h" #include "../resources/skeleton_modification_3d.h" #include "../resources/skeleton_modification_stack_3d.h" #include "../resources/skin.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "physical_bone.h" #include "scene/resources/surface_tool.h" #include "scene/scene_string_names.h" void SkinReference::_skin_changed() { if (skeleton_node) { skeleton_node->_make_dirty(); } skeleton_version = 0; } void SkinReference::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_skin_changed"), &SkinReference::_skin_changed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_skeleton"), &SkinReference::get_skeleton); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_skin"), &SkinReference::get_skin); } RID SkinReference::get_skeleton() const { return skeleton; } Skeleton *SkinReference::get_skeleton_node() const { return skeleton_node; } Ref<Skin> SkinReference::get_skin() const { return skin; } SkinReference::~SkinReference() { if (skeleton_node) { skeleton_node->skin_bindings.erase(this); } RS::get_singleton()->free(skeleton); } bool Skeleton::_set(const StringName &p_path, const Variant &p_value) { String path = p_path; #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (path.begins_with("modification_stack")) { set_modification_stack(p_value); return true; } #endif //_3D_DISABLED if (!path.begins_with("bones/")) { return false; } int which = path.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); String what = path.get_slicec('/', 2); if (which == bones.size() && what == "name") { add_bone(p_value); return true; } ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(which, bones.size(), false); if (what == "parent") { set_bone_parent(which, p_value); } else if (what == "rest") { set_bone_rest(which, p_value); } else if (what == "enabled") { set_bone_enabled(which, p_value); } else if (what == "position") { set_bone_pose_position(which, p_value); } else if (what == "rotation") { set_bone_pose_rotation(which, p_value); } else if (what == "scale") { set_bone_pose_scale(which, p_value); } else if (what == "pose") { set_bone_pose(which, p_value); } else { return false; } return true; } bool Skeleton::_get(const StringName &p_path, Variant &r_ret) const { String path = p_path; #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (path.begins_with("modification_stack")) { r_ret = modification_stack; return true; } #endif //_3D_DISABLED if (!path.begins_with("bones/")) { return false; } int which = path.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int(); String what = path.get_slicec('/', 2); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(which, bones.size(), false); if (what == "name") { r_ret = get_bone_name(which); } else if (what == "parent") { r_ret = get_bone_parent(which); } else if (what == "rest") { r_ret = get_bone_rest(which); } else if (what == "enabled") { r_ret = is_bone_enabled(which); } else if (what == "position") { r_ret = get_bone_pose_position(which); } else if (what == "rotation") { r_ret = get_bone_pose_rotation(which); } else if (what == "scale") { r_ret = get_bone_pose_scale(which); } else if (what == "pose") { r_ret = get_bone_pose(which); } else { return false; } return true; } void Skeleton::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i++) { String prep = "bones/" + itos(i) + "/"; p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, prep + "name")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, prep + "parent", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-1," + itos(bones.size() - 1) + ",1")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::TRANSFORM, prep + "rest")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, prep + "enabled")); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, prep + "position", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::QUATERNION, prep + "rotation", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR)); p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR3, prep + "scale", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR)); } #ifndef _3D_DISABLED p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "modification_stack", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "SkeletonModificationStack3D", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_DO_NOT_SHARE_ON_DUPLICATE)); #endif //_3D_DISABLED } /* void Skeleton::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { Vector<String> spr = property.name.split("/"); if (spr.size() == 3 && spr[0] == "bones") { if (spr[2] == "rest") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_KEYING_INCREMENTS; } if (is_show_rest_only()) { if (spr[2] == "enabled") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } if (spr[2] == "position") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } if (spr[2] == "rotation") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } if (spr[2] == "scale") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } } else if (!is_bone_enabled(spr[1].to_int())) { if (spr[2] == "position") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } if (spr[2] == "rotation") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } if (spr[2] == "scale") { property.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_READ_ONLY; } } } } */ void Skeleton::_update_process_order() { if (!process_order_dirty) { return; } ++updating; Bone *bonesptr = bones.ptrw(); int len = bones.size(); parentless_bones.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { bonesptr[i].child_bones.clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (bonesptr[i].parent >= len) { //validate this just in case ERR_PRINT("Bone " + itos(i) + " has invalid parent: " + itos(bonesptr[i].parent)); bonesptr[i].parent = -1; } if (bonesptr[i].parent != -1) { int parent_bone_idx = bonesptr[i].parent; // Check to see if this node is already added to the parent: if (bonesptr[parent_bone_idx].child_bones.find(i) < 0) { // Add the child node bonesptr[parent_bone_idx].child_bones.push_back(i); } else { ERR_PRINT("Skeleton parenthood graph is cyclic"); } } else { parentless_bones.push_back(i); } } process_order_dirty = false; --updating; emit_signal("bones_updated"); } void Skeleton::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON: { ++updating; // Update bone transforms force_update_all_bone_transforms(); RenderingServer *vs = RenderingServer::get_singleton(); Bone *bonesptr = bones.ptrw(); int len = bones.size(); dirty = false; //update skins for (RBSet<SkinReference *>::Element *E = skin_bindings.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const Skin *skin = E->get()->skin.operator->(); RID skeleton = E->get()->skeleton; uint32_t bind_count = skin->get_bind_count(); if (E->get()->bind_count != bind_count) { RS::get_singleton()->skeleton_allocate(skeleton, bind_count); E->get()->bind_count = bind_count; E->get()->skin_bone_indices.resize(bind_count); E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs = E->get()->skin_bone_indices.ptrw(); } if (E->get()->skeleton_version != version) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bind_count; i++) { StringName bind_name = skin->get_bind_name(i); if (bind_name != StringName()) { //bind name used, use this bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (bonesptr[j].name == bind_name) { E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i] = j; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ERR_PRINT("Skin bind #" + itos(i) + " contains named bind '" + String(bind_name) + "' but Skeleton has no bone by that name."); E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i] = 0; } } else if (skin->get_bind_bone(i) >= 0) { int bind_index = skin->get_bind_bone(i); if (bind_index >= len) { ERR_PRINT("Skin bind #" + itos(i) + " contains bone index bind: " + itos(bind_index) + " , which is greater than the skeleton bone count: " + itos(len) + "."); E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i] = 0; } else { E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i] = bind_index; } } else { ERR_PRINT("Skin bind #" + itos(i) + " does not contain a name nor a bone index."); E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i] = 0; } } E->get()->skeleton_version = version; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bind_count; i++) { uint32_t bone_index = E->get()->skin_bone_indices_ptrs[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(bone_index >= (uint32_t)len); vs->skeleton_bone_set_transform(skeleton, i, bonesptr[bone_index].pose_global * skin->get_bind_pose(i)); } } --updating; //TODO Not sure if this is useful or not in runtime //#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED emit_signal("pose_updated"); //#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED } break; #ifndef _3D_DISABLED case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS: { // This is active only if the skeleton animates the physical bones // and the state of the bone is not active. if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { if (animate_physical_bones) { for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i += 1) { if (bones[i].physical_bone) { if (bones[i].physical_bone->is_simulating_physics() == false) { bones[i].physical_bone->reset_to_rest_position(); } } } } } if (modification_stack.is_valid()) { execute_modifications(get_physics_process_delta_time(), SkeletonModificationStack3D::EXECUTION_MODE::execution_mode_physics_process); } } break; #endif #ifndef _3D_DISABLED case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS: { if (modification_stack.is_valid()) { execute_modifications(get_process_delta_time(), SkeletonModificationStack3D::EXECUTION_MODE::execution_mode_process); } } break; #endif // _3D_DISABLED #ifndef _3D_DISABLED case NOTIFICATION_READY: { set_physics_process_internal(true); set_process_internal(true); if (modification_stack.is_valid()) { set_modification_stack(modification_stack); } init_pose(); } break; #endif } } void Skeleton::clear_bones_global_pose_override() { for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i += 1) { bones.write[i].global_pose_override_amount = 0; bones.write[i].global_pose_override_reset = true; } _make_dirty(); } void Skeleton::set_bone_global_pose_override(int p_bone, const Transform &p_pose, float p_amount, bool p_persistent) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].global_pose_override_amount = p_amount; bones.write[p_bone].global_pose_override = p_pose; bones.write[p_bone].global_pose_override_reset = !p_persistent; _make_dirty(); } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose_override(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); return bones[p_bone].global_pose_override; } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); if (dirty && updating == 0) { const_cast<Skeleton *>(this)->notification(NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); } return bones[p_bone].pose_global; } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose_no_override(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); if (dirty && updating == 0) { const_cast<Skeleton *>(this)->notification(NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); } return bones[p_bone].pose_global_no_override; } void Skeleton::clear_bones_local_pose_override() { for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i += 1) { bones.write[i].local_pose_override_amount = 0; } _make_dirty(); } void Skeleton::set_bone_local_pose_override(int p_bone, const Transform &p_pose, real_t p_amount, bool p_persistent) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].local_pose_override_amount = p_amount; bones.write[p_bone].local_pose_override = p_pose; bones.write[p_bone].local_pose_override_reset = !p_persistent; _make_dirty(); } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_local_pose_override(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); return bones[p_bone].local_pose_override; } void Skeleton::update_bone_rest_forward_vector(int p_bone, bool p_force_update) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); if (bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector.length_squared() > 0 && p_force_update == false) { update_bone_rest_forward_axis(p_bone, p_force_update); } // If it is a child/leaf bone... if (get_bone_parent(p_bone) > 0) { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector = bones[p_bone].rest.origin.normalized(); } else { // If it has children... Vector<int> child_bones = get_bone_children(p_bone); if (child_bones.size() > 0) { Vector3 combined_child_dir = Vector3(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < child_bones.size(); i++) { combined_child_dir += bones[child_bones[i]].rest.origin.normalized(); } combined_child_dir = combined_child_dir / child_bones.size(); bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector = combined_child_dir.normalized(); } else { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("Cannot calculate forward direction for bone " + itos(p_bone)); WARN_PRINT_ONCE("Assuming direction of (0, 1, 0) for bone"); bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector = Vector3(0, 1, 0); } } update_bone_rest_forward_axis(p_bone, p_force_update); } void Skeleton::update_bone_rest_forward_axis(int p_bone, bool p_force_update) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); if (bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis > -1 && p_force_update == false) { return; } Vector3 forward_axis_absolute = bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector.abs(); if (forward_axis_absolute.x > forward_axis_absolute.y && forward_axis_absolute.x > forward_axis_absolute.z) { if (bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector.x > 0) { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_X_FORWARD; } else { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X_FORWARD; } } else if (forward_axis_absolute.y > forward_axis_absolute.x && forward_axis_absolute.y > forward_axis_absolute.z) { if (bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector.y > 0) { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_Y_FORWARD; } else { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y_FORWARD; } } else { if (bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector.z > 0) { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_Z_FORWARD; } else { bones.write[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis = BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z_FORWARD; } } } Vector3 Skeleton::get_bone_axis_forward_vector(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Vector3(0, 0, 0)); return bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_vector; } int Skeleton::get_bone_axis_forward_enum(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, -1); return bones[p_bone].rest_bone_forward_axis; } // skeleton creation api void Skeleton::add_bone(const String &p_name) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_name == "" || p_name.find(":") != -1 || p_name.find("/") != -1); for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_COND(bones[i].name == p_name); } Bone b; b.name = p_name; bones.push_back(b); process_order_dirty = true; version++; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); update_gizmos(); } int Skeleton::find_bone(const String &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i++) { if (bones[i].name == p_name) { return i; } } return -1; } String Skeleton::get_bone_name(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, ""); return bones[p_bone].name; } void Skeleton::set_bone_name(int p_bone, const String &p_name) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); for (int i = 0; i < bone_size; i++) { if (i != p_bone) { ERR_FAIL_COND(bones[i].name == p_name); } } bones.write[p_bone].name = p_name; } bool Skeleton::is_bone_parent_of(int p_bone, int p_parent_bone_id) const { int parent_of_bone = get_bone_parent(p_bone); if (-1 == parent_of_bone) { return false; } if (parent_of_bone == p_parent_bone_id) { return true; } return is_bone_parent_of(parent_of_bone, p_parent_bone_id); } int Skeleton::get_bone_count() const { return bones.size(); } void Skeleton::set_bone_parent(int p_bone, int p_parent) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_parent != -1 && (p_parent < 0)); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_bone == p_parent); bones.write[p_bone].parent = p_parent; process_order_dirty = true; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } void Skeleton::unparent_bone_and_rest(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); _update_process_order(); int parent = bones[p_bone].parent; while (parent >= 0) { bones.write[p_bone].rest = bones[parent].rest * bones[p_bone].rest; parent = bones[parent].parent; } bones.write[p_bone].parent = -1; process_order_dirty = true; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } int Skeleton::get_bone_parent(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, -1); return bones[p_bone].parent; } Vector<int> Skeleton::get_bone_children(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Vector<int>()); return bones[p_bone].child_bones; } void Skeleton::set_bone_children(int p_bone, Vector<int> p_children) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].child_bones = p_children; process_order_dirty = true; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } void Skeleton::add_bone_child(int p_bone, int p_child) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].child_bones.push_back(p_child); process_order_dirty = true; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } void Skeleton::remove_bone_child(int p_bone, int p_child) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); int child_idx = bones[p_bone].child_bones.find(p_child); if (child_idx >= 0) { bones.write[p_bone].child_bones.remove(child_idx); } else { WARN_PRINT("Cannot remove child bone: Child bone not found."); } process_order_dirty = true; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } Vector<int> Skeleton::get_parentless_bones() { return parentless_bones; } void Skeleton::set_bone_rest(int p_bone, const Transform &p_rest) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].rest = p_rest; rest_dirty = true; _make_dirty(); } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_rest(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); return bones[p_bone].rest; } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_global_rest(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); if (rest_dirty && updating == 0) { const_cast<Skeleton *>(this)->notification(NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); } return bones[p_bone].global_rest; } void Skeleton::set_bone_enabled(int p_bone, bool p_enabled) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].enabled = p_enabled; emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->bone_enabled_changed, p_bone); _make_dirty(); } bool Skeleton::is_bone_enabled(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, false); return bones[p_bone].enabled; } void Skeleton::set_show_rest_only(bool p_enabled) { show_rest_only = p_enabled; emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->show_rest_only_changed); _make_dirty(); } bool Skeleton::is_show_rest_only() const { return show_rest_only; } void Skeleton::clear_bones() { bones.clear(); process_order_dirty = true; version++; _make_dirty(); } // posing api void Skeleton::set_bone_pose(int p_bone, const Transform &p_pose) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].pose_position = p_pose.origin; bones.write[p_bone].pose_rotation = p_pose.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); bones.write[p_bone].pose_scale = p_pose.basis.get_scale(); bones.write[p_bone].pose_cache_dirty = true; if (is_inside_tree()) { _make_dirty(); } } void Skeleton::set_bone_pose_position(int p_bone, const Vector3 &p_position) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].pose_position = p_position; bones.write[p_bone].pose_cache_dirty = true; if (is_inside_tree()) { _make_dirty(); } } void Skeleton::set_bone_pose_rotation(int p_bone, const Quaternion &p_rotation) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].pose_rotation = p_rotation; bones.write[p_bone].pose_cache_dirty = true; if (is_inside_tree()) { _make_dirty(); } } void Skeleton::set_bone_pose_scale(int p_bone, const Vector3 &p_scale) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].pose_scale = p_scale; bones.write[p_bone].pose_cache_dirty = true; if (is_inside_tree()) { _make_dirty(); } } Transform Skeleton::get_bone_pose(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Transform()); ((Skeleton *)this)->bones.write[p_bone].update_pose_cache(); return bones[p_bone].pose_cache; } Vector3 Skeleton::get_bone_pose_position(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Vector3()); return bones[p_bone].pose_position; } Quaternion Skeleton::get_bone_pose_rotation(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Quaternion()); return bones[p_bone].pose_rotation; } Vector3 Skeleton::get_bone_pose_scale(int p_bone) const { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, Vector3()); return bones[p_bone].pose_scale; } void Skeleton::_make_dirty() { if (dirty) { return; } MessageQueue::get_singleton()->push_notification(this, NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); dirty = true; } void Skeleton::localize_rests() { _update_process_order(); Vector<int> bones_to_process = get_parentless_bones(); while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int current_bone_idx = bones_to_process[0]; bones_to_process.erase(current_bone_idx); if (bones[current_bone_idx].parent >= 0) { set_bone_rest(current_bone_idx, bones[bones[current_bone_idx].parent].rest.affine_inverse() * bones[current_bone_idx].rest); } // Add the bone's children to the list of bones to be processed int child_bone_size = bones[current_bone_idx].child_bones.size(); for (int i = 0; i < child_bone_size; i++) { bones_to_process.push_back(bones[current_bone_idx].child_bones[i]); } } } #ifndef _3D_DISABLED void Skeleton::set_animate_physical_bones(bool p_animate) { animate_physical_bones = p_animate; if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() == false) { bool sim = false; for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); i += 1) { if (bones[i].physical_bone) { bones[i].physical_bone->reset_physics_simulation_state(); if (bones[i].physical_bone->is_simulating_physics()) { sim = true; } } } set_physics_process_internal(sim == false && p_animate); } } bool Skeleton::get_animate_physical_bones() const { return animate_physical_bones; } void Skeleton::bind_physical_bone_to_bone(int p_bone, PhysicalBone *p_physical_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); ERR_FAIL_COND(bones[p_bone].physical_bone); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_physical_bone); bones.write[p_bone].physical_bone = p_physical_bone; _rebuild_physical_bones_cache(); } void Skeleton::unbind_physical_bone_from_bone(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone, bone_size); bones.write[p_bone].physical_bone = nullptr; _rebuild_physical_bones_cache(); } PhysicalBone *Skeleton::get_physical_bone(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, nullptr); return bones[p_bone].physical_bone; } PhysicalBone *Skeleton::get_physical_bone_parent(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, nullptr); if (bones[p_bone].cache_parent_physical_bone) { return bones[p_bone].cache_parent_physical_bone; } return _get_physical_bone_parent(p_bone); } PhysicalBone *Skeleton::_get_physical_bone_parent(int p_bone) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone, bone_size, nullptr); const int parent_bone = bones[p_bone].parent; if (0 > parent_bone) { return nullptr; } PhysicalBone *pb = bones[parent_bone].physical_bone; if (pb) { return pb; } else { return get_physical_bone_parent(parent_bone); } } void Skeleton::_rebuild_physical_bones_cache() { const int b_size = bones.size(); for (int i = 0; i < b_size; ++i) { PhysicalBone *parent_pb = _get_physical_bone_parent(i); if (parent_pb != bones[i].cache_parent_physical_bone) { bones.write[i].cache_parent_physical_bone = parent_pb; if (bones[i].physical_bone) { bones[i].physical_bone->_on_bone_parent_changed(); } } } } void _pb_stop_simulation(Node *p_node) { for (int i = p_node->get_child_count() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { _pb_stop_simulation(p_node->get_child(i)); } PhysicalBone *pb = Object::cast_to<PhysicalBone>(p_node); if (pb) { pb->set_simulate_physics(false); } } void Skeleton::physical_bones_stop_simulation() { _pb_stop_simulation(this); } void _pb_start_simulation(const Skeleton *p_skeleton, Node *p_node, const Vector<int> &p_sim_bones) { for (int i = p_node->get_child_count() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { _pb_start_simulation(p_skeleton, p_node->get_child(i), p_sim_bones); } PhysicalBone *pb = Object::cast_to<PhysicalBone>(p_node); if (pb) { for (int i = p_sim_bones.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { if (p_sim_bones[i] == pb->get_bone_id() || p_skeleton->is_bone_parent_of(pb->get_bone_id(), p_sim_bones[i])) { pb->set_simulate_physics(true); break; } } } } void Skeleton::physical_bones_start_simulation_on(const Array &p_bones) { set_physics_process_internal(false); Vector<int> sim_bones; if (p_bones.size() <= 0) { sim_bones.push_back(0); // if no bones is specified, activate ragdoll on full body } else { sim_bones.resize(p_bones.size()); int c = 0; for (int i = sim_bones.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { Variant::Type type = p_bones.get(i).get_type(); if (Variant::STRING == type || Variant::STRING_NAME == type) { int bone_id = find_bone(p_bones.get(i)); if (bone_id != -1) { sim_bones.write[c++] = bone_id; } } } sim_bones.resize(c); } _pb_start_simulation(this, this, sim_bones); } void _physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception(bool p_add, Node *p_node, RID p_exception) { for (int i = p_node->get_child_count() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { _physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception(p_add, p_node->get_child(i), p_exception); } CollisionObject *co = Object::cast_to<CollisionObject>(p_node); if (co) { if (p_add) { PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_add_collision_exception(co->get_rid(), p_exception); } else { PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_remove_collision_exception(co->get_rid(), p_exception); } } } void Skeleton::physical_bones_add_collision_exception(RID p_exception) { _physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception(true, this, p_exception); } void Skeleton::physical_bones_remove_collision_exception(RID p_exception) { _physical_bones_add_remove_collision_exception(false, this, p_exception); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED void Skeleton::_skin_changed() { _make_dirty(); } Ref<Skin> Skeleton::create_skin_from_rest_transforms() { Ref<Skin> skin; skin.instance(); skin->set_bind_count(bones.size()); _update_process_order(); // Just in case. // Pose changed, rebuild cache of inverses. const Bone *bonesptr = bones.ptr(); int len = bones.size(); // Calculate global rests and invert them. LocalVector<int> bones_to_process; bones_to_process = get_parentless_bones(); while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int current_bone_idx = bones_to_process[0]; const Bone &b = bonesptr[current_bone_idx]; bones_to_process.erase(current_bone_idx); LocalVector<int> child_bones_vector; child_bones_vector = get_bone_children(current_bone_idx); int child_bones_size = child_bones_vector.size(); if (b.parent < 0) { skin->set_bind_pose(current_bone_idx, b.rest); } for (int i = 0; i < child_bones_size; i++) { int child_bone_idx = child_bones_vector[i]; const Bone &cb = bonesptr[child_bone_idx]; skin->set_bind_pose(child_bone_idx, skin->get_bind_pose(current_bone_idx) * cb.rest); // Add the bone's children to the list of bones to be processed. bones_to_process.push_back(child_bones_vector[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // The inverse is what is actually required. skin->set_bind_bone(i, i); skin->set_bind_pose(i, skin->get_bind_pose(i).affine_inverse()); } return skin; } Ref<SkinReference> Skeleton::register_skin(const Ref<Skin> &p_skin) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_skin.is_null(), Ref<SkinReference>()); for (RBSet<SkinReference *>::Element *E = skin_bindings.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get()->skin == p_skin) { return Ref<SkinReference>(E->get()); } } Ref<SkinReference> skin_ref; skin_ref.instance(); skin_ref->skeleton_node = this; skin_ref->bind_count = 0; skin_ref->skeleton = RID_PRIME(RenderingServer::get_singleton()->skeleton_create()); skin_ref->skeleton_node = this; skin_ref->skin = p_skin; skin_bindings.insert(skin_ref.operator->()); skin_ref->skin->connect("changed", skin_ref.operator->(), "_skin_changed"); _make_dirty(); // Skin needs to be updated, so update skeleton. return skin_ref; } void Skeleton::init_pose() { const int bone_len = get_bone_count(); if (!bone_len) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < bone_len; i++) { Transform rest = get_bone_rest(i); set_bone_pose_position(i, rest.origin); set_bone_pose_rotation(i, rest.basis.get_rotation_quaternion()); set_bone_pose_scale(i, rest.basis.get_scale()); } } void Skeleton::force_update_all_dirty_bones() { if (dirty && updating == 0) { const_cast<Skeleton *>(this)->notification(NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); } } void Skeleton::force_update_all_bone_transforms() { ++updating; _update_process_order(); for (int i = 0; i < parentless_bones.size(); i++) { force_update_bone_children_transforms(parentless_bones[i]); } --updating; } void Skeleton::force_update_bone_children_transforms(int p_bone_idx) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone_idx, bone_size); Bone *bonesptr = bones.ptrw(); List<int> bones_to_process = List<int>(); bones_to_process.push_back(p_bone_idx); while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int current_bone_idx = bones_to_process[0]; bones_to_process.erase(current_bone_idx); Bone &b = bonesptr[current_bone_idx]; bool bone_enabled = b.enabled && !show_rest_only; if (bone_enabled) { b.update_pose_cache(); Transform pose = b.pose_cache; if (b.parent >= 0) { b.pose_global = bonesptr[b.parent].pose_global * pose; b.pose_global_no_override = b.pose_global; } else { b.pose_global = pose; b.pose_global_no_override = b.pose_global; } } else { if (b.parent >= 0) { b.pose_global = bonesptr[b.parent].pose_global * b.rest; b.pose_global_no_override = b.pose_global; } else { b.pose_global = b.rest; b.pose_global_no_override = b.pose_global; } } if (rest_dirty) { b.global_rest = b.parent >= 0 ? bonesptr[b.parent].global_rest * b.rest : b.rest; } if (b.local_pose_override_amount >= CMP_EPSILON) { Transform override_local_pose; if (b.parent >= 0) { override_local_pose = bonesptr[b.parent].pose_global * b.local_pose_override; } else { override_local_pose = b.local_pose_override; } b.pose_global = b.pose_global.interpolate_with(override_local_pose, b.local_pose_override_amount); } if (b.global_pose_override_amount >= CMP_EPSILON) { b.pose_global = b.pose_global.interpolate_with(b.global_pose_override, b.global_pose_override_amount); } if (b.local_pose_override_reset) { b.local_pose_override_amount = 0.0; } if (b.global_pose_override_reset) { b.global_pose_override_amount = 0.0; } // Add the bone's children to the list of bones to be processed int child_bone_size = b.child_bones.size(); for (int i = 0; i < child_bone_size; i++) { bones_to_process.push_back(b.child_bones[i]); } emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->bone_pose_changed, current_bone_idx); } rest_dirty = false; } Transform Skeleton::global_pose_to_world_transform(Transform p_global_pose) { return get_global_transform() * p_global_pose; } Transform Skeleton::world_transform_to_global_pose(Transform p_world_transform) { return get_global_transform().affine_inverse() * p_world_transform; } Transform Skeleton::global_pose_to_local_pose(int p_bone_idx, Transform p_global_pose) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone_idx, bone_size, Transform()); if (bones[p_bone_idx].parent >= 0) { int parent_bone_idx = bones[p_bone_idx].parent; Transform conversion_transform = get_bone_global_pose(parent_bone_idx).affine_inverse(); return conversion_transform * p_global_pose; } else { return p_global_pose; } } Transform Skeleton::local_pose_to_global_pose(int p_bone_idx, Transform p_local_pose) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone_idx, bone_size, Transform()); if (bones[p_bone_idx].parent >= 0) { int parent_bone_idx = bones[p_bone_idx].parent; return bones[parent_bone_idx].pose_global * p_local_pose; } else { return p_local_pose; } } Basis Skeleton::global_pose_z_forward_to_bone_forward(int p_bone_idx, Basis p_basis) { const int bone_size = bones.size(); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_bone_idx, bone_size, Basis()); Basis return_basis = p_basis; if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis < 0) { update_bone_rest_forward_vector(p_bone_idx, true); } if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_X_FORWARD) { return_basis.rotate_local(Vector3(0, 1, 0), (Math_PI / 2.0)); } else if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_X_FORWARD) { return_basis.rotate_local(Vector3(0, 1, 0), -(Math_PI / 2.0)); } else if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_Y_FORWARD) { return_basis.rotate_local(Vector3(1, 0, 0), -(Math_PI / 2.0)); } else if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Y_FORWARD) { return_basis.rotate_local(Vector3(1, 0, 0), (Math_PI / 2.0)); } else if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_Z_FORWARD) { // Do nothing! } else if (bones[p_bone_idx].rest_bone_forward_axis == BONE_AXIS_NEGATIVE_Z_FORWARD) { return_basis.rotate_local(Vector3(0, 0, 1), Math_PI); } return return_basis; } // Modifications #ifndef _3D_DISABLED void Skeleton::set_modification_stack(Ref<SkeletonModificationStack3D> p_stack) { if (modification_stack.is_valid()) { modification_stack->is_setup = false; modification_stack->set_skeleton(nullptr); } modification_stack = p_stack; if (modification_stack.is_valid()) { modification_stack->set_skeleton(this); modification_stack->setup(); } } Ref<SkeletonModificationStack3D> Skeleton::get_modification_stack() { return modification_stack; } void Skeleton::execute_modifications(real_t p_delta, int p_execution_mode) { if (!modification_stack.is_valid()) { return; } // Needed to avoid the issue where the stack looses reference to the skeleton when the scene is saved. if (modification_stack->skeleton != this) { modification_stack->set_skeleton(this); } modification_stack->execute(p_delta, p_execution_mode); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED void Skeleton::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_bone", "name"), &Skeleton::add_bone); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("find_bone", "name"), &Skeleton::find_bone); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_name", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_name", "bone_idx", "name"), &Skeleton::set_bone_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_parent", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_parent); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_parent", "bone_idx", "parent_idx"), &Skeleton::set_bone_parent); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_count"), &Skeleton::get_bone_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("unparent_bone_and_rest", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::unparent_bone_and_rest); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_children", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_children); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_children", "bone_idx", "bone_children"), &Skeleton::set_bone_children); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_bone_child", "bone_idx", "child_bone_idx"), &Skeleton::add_bone_child); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_bone_child", "bone_idx", "child_bone_idx"), &Skeleton::remove_bone_child); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_parentless_bones"), &Skeleton::get_parentless_bones); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_rest", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_rest); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_rest", "bone_idx", "rest"), &Skeleton::set_bone_rest); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_global_rest", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_global_rest); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("create_skin_from_rest_transforms"), &Skeleton::create_skin_from_rest_transforms); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("register_skin", "skin"), &Skeleton::register_skin); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("localize_rests"), &Skeleton::localize_rests); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_bones"), &Skeleton::clear_bones); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_pose", "bone_idx", "pose"), &Skeleton::set_bone_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_pose_position", "bone_idx", "position"), &Skeleton::set_bone_pose_position); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_pose_rotation", "bone_idx", "rotation"), &Skeleton::set_bone_pose_rotation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_pose_scale", "bone_idx", "scale"), &Skeleton::set_bone_pose_scale); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_pose", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_pose_position", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_pose_position); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_pose_rotation", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_pose_rotation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_pose_scale", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_pose_scale); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_bone_enabled", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::is_bone_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_enabled", "bone_idx", "enabled"), &Skeleton::set_bone_enabled, true); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_bones_global_pose_override"), &Skeleton::clear_bones_global_pose_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_global_pose_override", "bone_idx", "pose", "amount", "persistent"), &Skeleton::set_bone_global_pose_override, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_global_pose_override", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_global_pose", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_global_pose_no_override", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_global_pose_no_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_bones_local_pose_override"), &Skeleton::clear_bones_local_pose_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_bone_local_pose_override", "bone_idx", "pose", "amount", "persistent"), &Skeleton::set_bone_local_pose_override, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_bone_local_pose_override", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::get_bone_local_pose_override); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("init_pose"), &Skeleton::init_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("force_update_all_dirty_bones"), &Skeleton::force_update_all_dirty_bones); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("force_update_all_bone_transforms"), &Skeleton::force_update_all_bone_transforms); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("force_update_bone_children_transforms", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::force_update_bone_children_transforms); // Helper functions ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("global_pose_to_world_transform", "global_pose"), &Skeleton::global_pose_to_world_transform); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("world_transform_to_global_pose", "world_transform"), &Skeleton::world_transform_to_global_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("global_pose_to_local_pose", "bone_idx", "global_pose"), &Skeleton::global_pose_to_local_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("local_pose_to_global_pose", "bone_idx", "local_pose"), &Skeleton::local_pose_to_global_pose); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("global_pose_z_forward_to_bone_forward", "bone_idx", "basis"), &Skeleton::global_pose_z_forward_to_bone_forward); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_show_rest_only"), &Skeleton::set_show_rest_only); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_show_rest_only"), &Skeleton::is_show_rest_only); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "show_rest_only"), "set_show_rest_only", "is_show_rest_only"); #ifndef _3D_DISABLED ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_animate_physical_bones"), &Skeleton::get_animate_physical_bones); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_animate_physical_bones"), &Skeleton::set_animate_physical_bones); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "animate_physical_bones"), "set_animate_physical_bones", "get_animate_physical_bones"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("physical_bones_stop_simulation"), &Skeleton::physical_bones_stop_simulation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("physical_bones_start_simulation", "bones"), &Skeleton::physical_bones_start_simulation_on, DEFVAL(Array())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("physical_bones_add_collision_exception", "exception"), &Skeleton::physical_bones_add_collision_exception); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("physical_bones_remove_collision_exception", "exception"), &Skeleton::physical_bones_remove_collision_exception); #endif // _3D_DISABLED // Modifications ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_modification_stack", "modification_stack"), &Skeleton::set_modification_stack); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_modification_stack"), &Skeleton::get_modification_stack); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("execute_modifications", "delta", "execution_mode"), &Skeleton::execute_modifications); //TODO Not sure if this is useful or not in runtime //#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("pose_updated")); //#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("bone_pose_changed", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "bone_idx"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("bones_updated")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("bone_enabled_changed", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "bone_idx"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("show_rest_only_changed")); BIND_CONSTANT(NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_bone", "bone_idx"), &Skeleton::remove_bone); } Skeleton::Skeleton() { animate_physical_bones = true; dirty = false; version = 1; process_order_dirty = true; show_rest_only = false; rest_dirty = false; updating = 0; } Skeleton::~Skeleton() { //some skins may remain bound for (RBSet<SkinReference *>::Element *E = skin_bindings.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->skeleton_node = nullptr; } } void Skeleton::set_selected_bone(int p_bone) { selected_bone = p_bone; update_gizmos(); return; } int Skeleton::get_selected_bone() const { return selected_bone; } void Skeleton::remove_bone(const int p_bone_idx) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_bone_idx, bones.size()); for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); ++i) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(bones[i].parent == p_bone_idx, "Cannot remove bone if it has children."); } #ifndef _3D_DISABLED const Bone &bonet = bones[p_bone_idx]; ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(bonet.physical_bone || bonet.cache_parent_physical_bone, "Cannot remove bone if it has a physical bone attached, please remove physical bones first."); #endif // _3D_DISABLED bones.remove(p_bone_idx); for (int i = 0; i < bones.size(); ++i) { int parent = bones[i].parent; if (parent > p_bone_idx) { bones.write[i].parent = parent - 1; } } process_order_dirty = true; version++; _update_process_order(); // pose changed, rebuild cache of inverses const Bone *bonesptr = bones.ptr(); int len = bones.size(); for (RBSet<SkinReference *>::Element *E = skin_bindings.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Ref<SkinReference> sr = E->get(); Ref<Skin> skin = sr->skin; skin->set_bind_count(bones.size()); // calculate global rests and invert them Vector<int> bones_to_process = get_parentless_bones(); while (bones_to_process.size() > 0) { int current_bone_idx = bones_to_process[0]; bones_to_process.erase(current_bone_idx); const Bone &b = bonesptr[current_bone_idx]; // Note: the code below may not work by default. May need to track an integer for the bone pose index order // in the while loop, instead of using current_bone_idx. if (b.parent >= 0) { skin->set_bind_pose(current_bone_idx, skin->get_bind_pose(b.parent) * b.rest); } else { skin->set_bind_pose(current_bone_idx, b.rest); } } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { //the inverse is what is actually required skin->set_bind_bone(i, i); skin->set_bind_pose(i, skin->get_bind_pose(i).affine_inverse()); } } property_list_changed_notify(); _make_dirty(); update_gizmos(); }