<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="EditorFileDialog" inherits="ConfirmationDialog" version="3.7"> <brief_description> A modified version of [FileDialog] used by the editor. </brief_description> <description> </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="add_filter"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="filter" type="String" /> <description> Adds a comma-delimited file extension filter option to the [EditorFileDialog] with an optional semi-colon-delimited label. For example, [code]"*.tscn, *.scn; Scenes"[/code] results in filter text "Scenes (*.tscn, *.scn)". </description> </method> <method name="clear_filters"> <return type="void" /> <description> Removes all filters except for "All Files (*)". </description> </method> <method name="get_vbox"> <return type="VBoxContainer" /> <description> Returns the [code]VBoxContainer[/code] used to display the file system. [b]Warning:[/b] This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their [member CanvasItem.visible] property. </description> </method> <method name="invalidate"> <return type="void" /> <description> Notify the [EditorFileDialog] that its view of the data is no longer accurate. Updates the view contents on next view update. </description> </method> </methods> <members> <member name="access" type="int" setter="set_access" getter="get_access" enum="EditorFileDialog.Access" default="0"> The location from which the user may select a file, including [code]res://[/code], [code]user://[/code], and the local file system. </member> <member name="current_dir" type="String" setter="set_current_dir" getter="get_current_dir"> The currently occupied directory. </member> <member name="current_file" type="String" setter="set_current_file" getter="get_current_file"> The currently selected file. </member> <member name="current_path" type="String" setter="set_current_path" getter="get_current_path"> The file system path in the address bar. </member> <member name="dialog_hide_on_ok" type="bool" setter="set_hide_on_ok" getter="get_hide_on_ok" overrides="AcceptDialog" default="false" /> <member name="disable_overwrite_warning" type="bool" setter="set_disable_overwrite_warning" getter="is_overwrite_warning_disabled" default="false"> If [code]true[/code], the [EditorFileDialog] will not warn the user before overwriting files. </member> <member name="display_mode" type="int" setter="set_display_mode" getter="get_display_mode" enum="EditorFileDialog.DisplayMode" default="0"> The view format in which the [EditorFileDialog] displays resources to the user. </member> <member name="mode" type="int" setter="set_mode" getter="get_mode" enum="EditorFileDialog.Mode" default="4"> The purpose of the [EditorFileDialog], which defines the allowed behaviors. </member> <member name="resizable" type="bool" setter="set_resizable" getter="get_resizable" overrides="WindowDialog" default="true" /> <member name="show_hidden_files" type="bool" setter="set_show_hidden_files" getter="is_showing_hidden_files" default="false"> If [code]true[/code], hidden files and directories will be visible in the [EditorFileDialog]. </member> <member name="window_title" type="String" setter="set_title" getter="get_title" overrides="WindowDialog" default=""Save a File"" /> </members> <signals> <signal name="dir_selected"> <argument index="0" name="dir" type="String" /> <description> Emitted when a directory is selected. </description> </signal> <signal name="file_selected"> <argument index="0" name="path" type="String" /> <description> Emitted when a file is selected. </description> </signal> <signal name="files_selected"> <argument index="0" name="paths" type="PoolStringArray" /> <description> Emitted when multiple files are selected. </description> </signal> </signals> <constants> <constant name="MODE_OPEN_FILE" value="0" enum="Mode"> The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one file. Accepting the window will open the file. </constant> <constant name="MODE_OPEN_FILES" value="1" enum="Mode"> The [EditorFileDialog] can select multiple files. Accepting the window will open all files. </constant> <constant name="MODE_OPEN_DIR" value="2" enum="Mode"> The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one directory. Accepting the window will open the directory. </constant> <constant name="MODE_OPEN_ANY" value="3" enum="Mode"> The [EditorFileDialog] can select a file or directory. Accepting the window will open it. </constant> <constant name="MODE_SAVE_FILE" value="4" enum="Mode"> The [EditorFileDialog] can select only one file. Accepting the window will save the file. </constant> <constant name="ACCESS_RESOURCES" value="0" enum="Access"> The [EditorFileDialog] can only view [code]res://[/code] directory contents. </constant> <constant name="ACCESS_USERDATA" value="1" enum="Access"> The [EditorFileDialog] can only view [code]user://[/code] directory contents. </constant> <constant name="ACCESS_FILESYSTEM" value="2" enum="Access"> The [EditorFileDialog] can view the entire local file system. </constant> <constant name="DISPLAY_THUMBNAILS" value="0" enum="DisplayMode"> The [EditorFileDialog] displays resources as thumbnails. </constant> <constant name="DISPLAY_LIST" value="1" enum="DisplayMode"> The [EditorFileDialog] displays resources as a list of filenames. </constant> </constants> </class>