/*************************************************************************/ /* path_editor_plugin.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "path_editor_plugin.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/math/color.h" #include "core/math/basis.h" #include "core/math/geometry.h" #include "core/math/math_defs.h" #include "core/math/plane.h" #include "core/math/transform.h" #include "core/input/input_event.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "core/os/memory.h" #include "core/containers/pool_vector.h" #include "core/object/undo_redo.h" #include "core/containers/vector.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "scene/3d/camera.h" #include "scene/3d/path.h" #include "scene/3d/spatial.h" #include "scene/gui/control.h" #include "scene/gui/menu_button.h" #include "scene/gui/popup_menu.h" #include "scene/gui/separator.h" #include "scene/gui/tool_button.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "scene/resources/curve.h" #include "scene/resources/material.h" #include "spatial_editor_plugin.h" String PathSpatialGizmo::get_handle_name(int p_id, bool p_secondary) const { Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return ""; } if (!p_secondary) { return TTR("Curve Point #") + itos(p_id); } p_id += 1; // Account for the first point only having an "out" handle int idx = p_id / 2; int t = p_id % 2; String n = TTR("Curve Point #") + itos(idx); if (t == 0) { n += " In"; } else { n += " Out"; } return n; } Variant PathSpatialGizmo::get_handle_value(int p_id, bool p_secondary) { Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return Variant(); } if (!p_secondary) { original = c->get_point_position(p_id); return original; } p_id += 1; // Account for the first point only having an "out" handle int idx = p_id / 2; int t = p_id % 2; Vector3 ofs; if (t == 0) { ofs = c->get_point_in(idx); } else { ofs = c->get_point_out(idx); } original = ofs + c->get_point_position(idx); return ofs; } void PathSpatialGizmo::set_handle(int p_id, bool p_secondary, Camera *p_camera, const Point2 &p_point) { Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return; } Transform gt = path->get_global_transform(); Transform gi = gt.affine_inverse(); Vector3 ray_from = p_camera->project_ray_origin(p_point); Vector3 ray_dir = p_camera->project_ray_normal(p_point); // Setting curve point positions if (!p_secondary) { Plane p(gt.xform(original), p_camera->get_transform().basis.get_axis(2)); Vector3 inters; if (p.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_dir, &inters)) { if (SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->is_snap_enabled()) { float snap = SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->get_translate_snap(); inters.snap(Vector3(snap, snap, snap)); } Vector3 local = gi.xform(inters); c->set_point_position(p_id, local); } return; } p_id += 1; // Account for the first point only having an "out" handle int idx = p_id / 2; int t = p_id % 2; Vector3 base = c->get_point_position(idx); Plane p(gt.xform(original), p_camera->get_transform().basis.get_axis(2)); Vector3 inters; // Setting curve in/out positions if (p.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_dir, &inters)) { if (!PathEditorPlugin::singleton->is_handle_clicked()) { orig_in_length = c->get_point_in(idx).length(); orig_out_length = c->get_point_out(idx).length(); PathEditorPlugin::singleton->set_handle_clicked(true); } Vector3 local = gi.xform(inters) - base; if (SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->is_snap_enabled()) { float snap = SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->get_translate_snap(); local.snap(Vector3(snap, snap, snap)); } if (t == 0) { c->set_point_in(idx, local); if (PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_angle_enabled()) { c->set_point_out(idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -local : (-local.normalized() * orig_out_length)); } } else { c->set_point_out(idx, local); if (PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_angle_enabled()) { c->set_point_in(idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -local : (-local.normalized() * orig_in_length)); } } } } void PathSpatialGizmo::commit_handle(int p_id, bool p_secondary, const Variant &p_restore, bool p_cancel) { Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return; } UndoRedo *ur = SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo(); if (!p_secondary) { if (p_cancel) { c->set_point_position(p_id, p_restore); return; } ur->create_action(TTR("Set Curve Point Position")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_position", p_id, c->get_point_position(p_id)); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_position", p_id, p_restore); ur->commit_action(); return; } p_id += 1; // Account for the first point only having an "out" handle int idx = p_id / 2; int t = p_id % 2; if (t == 0) { if (p_cancel) { c->set_point_in(p_id, p_restore); return; } ur->create_action(TTR("Set Curve In Position")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", idx, c->get_point_in(idx)); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", idx, p_restore); if (PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_angle_enabled()) { ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -c->get_point_in(idx) : (-c->get_point_in(idx).normalized() * orig_out_length)); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -static_cast<Vector3>(p_restore) : (-static_cast<Vector3>(p_restore).normalized() * orig_out_length)); } ur->commit_action(); } else { if (p_cancel) { c->set_point_out(idx, p_restore); return; } ur->create_action(TTR("Set Curve Out Position")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", idx, c->get_point_out(idx)); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", idx, p_restore); if (PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_angle_enabled()) { ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -c->get_point_out(idx) : (-c->get_point_out(idx).normalized() * orig_in_length)); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", idx, PathEditorPlugin::singleton->mirror_length_enabled() ? -static_cast<Vector3>(p_restore) : (-static_cast<Vector3>(p_restore).normalized() * orig_in_length)); } ur->commit_action(); } } void PathSpatialGizmo::redraw() { clear(); Ref<SpatialMaterial> path_material = gizmo_plugin->get_material("path_material", this); Ref<SpatialMaterial> path_thin_material = gizmo_plugin->get_material("path_thin_material", this); Ref<SpatialMaterial> handles_material = gizmo_plugin->get_material("handles"); Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return; } PoolVector<Vector3> v3a = c->tessellate(); //PoolVector<Vector3> v3a=c->get_baked_points(); int v3s = v3a.size(); if (v3s == 0) { return; } Vector<Vector3> v3p; PoolVector<Vector3>::Read r = v3a.read(); // BUG: the following won't work when v3s, avoid drawing as a temporary workaround. for (int i = 0; i < v3s - 1; i++) { v3p.push_back(r[i]); v3p.push_back(r[i + 1]); //v3p.push_back(r[i]); //v3p.push_back(r[i]+Vector3(0,0.2,0)); } if (v3p.size() > 1) { add_lines(v3p, path_material); add_collision_segments(v3p); } if (PathEditorPlugin::singleton->get_edited_path() == path) { v3p.clear(); Vector<Vector3> handles; Vector<Vector3> sec_handles; for (int i = 0; i < c->get_point_count(); i++) { Vector3 p = c->get_point_position(i); handles.push_back(p); if (i > 0) { v3p.push_back(p); v3p.push_back(p + c->get_point_in(i)); sec_handles.push_back(p + c->get_point_in(i)); } if (i < c->get_point_count() - 1) { v3p.push_back(p); v3p.push_back(p + c->get_point_out(i)); sec_handles.push_back(p + c->get_point_out(i)); } } if (v3p.size() > 1) { add_lines(v3p, path_thin_material); } if (handles.size()) { add_handles(handles, handles_material); } if (sec_handles.size()) { add_handles(sec_handles, handles_material, Vector<int>(), false, true); } } } PathSpatialGizmo::PathSpatialGizmo(Path *p_path) { path = p_path; set_spatial_node(p_path); } EditorPlugin::AfterGUIInput PathEditorPlugin::forward_spatial_gui_input(Camera *p_camera, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { if (!path) { return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_PASS; } Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_PASS; } Transform gt = path->get_global_transform(); Transform it = gt.affine_inverse(); static const int click_dist = 10; //should make global Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_event; if (mb.is_valid()) { Point2 mbpos(mb->get_position().x, mb->get_position().y); if (!mb->is_pressed()) { set_handle_clicked(false); } if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT && (curve_create->is_pressed() || (curve_edit->is_pressed() && mb->get_control()))) { //click into curve, break it down PoolVector<Vector3> v3a = c->tessellate(); int idx = 0; int rc = v3a.size(); int closest_seg = -1; Vector3 closest_seg_point; float closest_d = 1e20; if (rc >= 2) { PoolVector<Vector3>::Read r = v3a.read(); if (p_camera->unproject_position(gt.xform(c->get_point_position(0))).distance_to(mbpos) < click_dist) { return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_PASS; //nope, existing } for (int i = 0; i < c->get_point_count() - 1; i++) { //find the offset and point index of the place to break up int j = idx; if (p_camera->unproject_position(gt.xform(c->get_point_position(i + 1))).distance_to(mbpos) < click_dist) { return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_PASS; //nope, existing } while (j < rc && c->get_point_position(i + 1) != r[j]) { Vector3 from = r[j]; Vector3 to = r[j + 1]; real_t cdist = from.distance_to(to); from = gt.xform(from); to = gt.xform(to); if (cdist > 0) { Vector2 s[2]; s[0] = p_camera->unproject_position(from); s[1] = p_camera->unproject_position(to); Vector2 inters = Geometry::get_closest_point_to_segment_2d(mbpos, s); float d = inters.distance_to(mbpos); if (d < 10 && d < closest_d) { closest_d = d; closest_seg = i; Vector3 ray_from = p_camera->project_ray_origin(mbpos); Vector3 ray_dir = p_camera->project_ray_normal(mbpos); Vector3 ra, rb; Geometry::get_closest_points_between_segments(ray_from, ray_from + ray_dir * 4096, from, to, ra, rb); closest_seg_point = it.xform(rb); } } j++; } if (idx == j) { idx++; //force next } else { idx = j; //swap } if (j == rc) { break; } } } UndoRedo *ur = editor->get_undo_redo(); if (closest_seg != -1) { //subdivide ur->create_action(TTR("Split Path")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "add_point", closest_seg_point, Vector3(), Vector3(), closest_seg + 1); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "remove_point", closest_seg + 1); ur->commit_action(); return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_STOP; } else { Vector3 org; if (c->get_point_count() == 0) { org = path->get_transform().get_origin(); } else { org = gt.xform(c->get_point_position(c->get_point_count() - 1)); } Plane p(org, p_camera->get_transform().basis.get_axis(2)); Vector3 ray_from = p_camera->project_ray_origin(mbpos); Vector3 ray_dir = p_camera->project_ray_normal(mbpos); Vector3 inters; if (p.intersects_ray(ray_from, ray_dir, &inters)) { ur->create_action(TTR("Add Point to Curve")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "add_point", it.xform(inters), Vector3(), Vector3(), -1); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "remove_point", c->get_point_count()); ur->commit_action(); return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_STOP; } //add new at pos } } else if (mb->is_pressed() && ((mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_LEFT && curve_del->is_pressed()) || (mb->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT && curve_edit->is_pressed()))) { for (int i = 0; i < c->get_point_count(); i++) { real_t dist_to_p = p_camera->unproject_position(gt.xform(c->get_point_position(i))).distance_to(mbpos); real_t dist_to_p_out = p_camera->unproject_position(gt.xform(c->get_point_position(i) + c->get_point_out(i))).distance_to(mbpos); real_t dist_to_p_in = p_camera->unproject_position(gt.xform(c->get_point_position(i) + c->get_point_in(i))).distance_to(mbpos); // Find the offset and point index of the place to break up. // Also check for the control points. if (dist_to_p < click_dist) { UndoRedo *ur = editor->get_undo_redo(); ur->create_action(TTR("Remove Path Point")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "remove_point", i); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "add_point", c->get_point_position(i), c->get_point_in(i), c->get_point_out(i), i); ur->commit_action(); return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_STOP; } else if (dist_to_p_out < click_dist) { UndoRedo *ur = editor->get_undo_redo(); ur->create_action(TTR("Remove Out-Control Point")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", i, Vector3()); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_out", i, c->get_point_out(i)); ur->commit_action(); return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_STOP; } else if (dist_to_p_in < click_dist) { UndoRedo *ur = editor->get_undo_redo(); ur->create_action(TTR("Remove In-Control Point")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", i, Vector3()); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "set_point_in", i, c->get_point_in(i)); ur->commit_action(); return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_STOP; } } } } return EditorPlugin::AFTER_GUI_INPUT_PASS; } void PathEditorPlugin::edit(Object *p_object) { if (p_object) { path = Object::cast_to<Path>(p_object); if (path) { if (path->get_curve().is_valid()) { path->get_curve()->emit_signal("changed"); } } } else { Path *pre = path; path = nullptr; if (pre) { pre->get_curve()->emit_signal("changed"); } } //collision_polygon_editor->edit(Object::cast_to<Node>(p_object)); } bool PathEditorPlugin::handles(Object *p_object) const { return p_object->is_class("Path"); } void PathEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) { if (p_visible) { curve_create->show(); curve_edit->show(); curve_del->show(); curve_close->show(); handle_menu->show(); sep->show(); } else { curve_create->hide(); curve_edit->hide(); curve_del->hide(); curve_close->hide(); handle_menu->hide(); sep->hide(); { Path *pre = path; path = nullptr; if (pre && pre->get_curve().is_valid()) { pre->get_curve()->emit_signal("changed"); } } } } void PathEditorPlugin::_mode_changed(int p_id) { curve_create->set_pressed(p_id == 0); curve_edit->set_pressed(p_id == 1); curve_del->set_pressed(p_id == 2); } void PathEditorPlugin::_close_curve() { Ref<Curve3D> c = path->get_curve(); if (c.is_null()) { return; } if (c->get_point_count() < 2) { return; } if (c->get_point_position(0) == c->get_point_position(c->get_point_count() - 1)) { return; } UndoRedo *ur = editor->get_undo_redo(); ur->create_action(TTR("Close Curve")); ur->add_do_method(c.ptr(), "add_point", c->get_point_position(0), c->get_point_in(0), c->get_point_out(0), -1); ur->add_undo_method(c.ptr(), "remove_point", c->get_point_count()); ur->commit_action(); } void PathEditorPlugin::_handle_option_pressed(int p_option) { PopupMenu *pm; pm = handle_menu->get_popup(); switch (p_option) { case HANDLE_OPTION_ANGLE: { bool is_checked = pm->is_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_ANGLE); mirror_handle_angle = !is_checked; pm->set_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_ANGLE, mirror_handle_angle); pm->set_item_disabled(HANDLE_OPTION_LENGTH, !mirror_handle_angle); } break; case HANDLE_OPTION_LENGTH: { bool is_checked = pm->is_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_LENGTH); mirror_handle_length = !is_checked; pm->set_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_LENGTH, mirror_handle_length); } break; } } void PathEditorPlugin::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE) { curve_create->connect("pressed", this, "_mode_changed", make_binds(0)); curve_edit->connect("pressed", this, "_mode_changed", make_binds(1)); curve_del->connect("pressed", this, "_mode_changed", make_binds(2)); curve_close->connect("pressed", this, "_close_curve"); } } void PathEditorPlugin::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_mode_changed"), &PathEditorPlugin::_mode_changed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_close_curve"), &PathEditorPlugin::_close_curve); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_handle_option_pressed"), &PathEditorPlugin::_handle_option_pressed); } PathEditorPlugin *PathEditorPlugin::singleton = nullptr; PathEditorPlugin::PathEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) { path = nullptr; editor = p_node; singleton = this; mirror_handle_angle = true; mirror_handle_length = true; Ref<PathSpatialGizmoPlugin> gizmo_plugin; gizmo_plugin.instance(); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_gizmo_plugin(gizmo_plugin); sep = memnew(VSeparator); sep->hide(); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(sep); curve_edit = memnew(ToolButton); curve_edit->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("CurveEdit", "EditorIcons")); curve_edit->set_toggle_mode(true); curve_edit->hide(); curve_edit->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); curve_edit->set_tooltip(TTR("Select Points") + "\n" + TTR("Shift+Drag: Select Control Points") + "\n" + keycode_get_string(KEY_MASK_CMD) + TTR("Click: Add Point") + "\n" + TTR("Right Click: Delete Point")); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(curve_edit); curve_create = memnew(ToolButton); curve_create->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("CurveCreate", "EditorIcons")); curve_create->set_toggle_mode(true); curve_create->hide(); curve_create->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); curve_create->set_tooltip(TTR("Add Point (in empty space)") + "\n" + TTR("Split Segment (in curve)")); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(curve_create); curve_del = memnew(ToolButton); curve_del->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("CurveDelete", "EditorIcons")); curve_del->set_toggle_mode(true); curve_del->hide(); curve_del->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); curve_del->set_tooltip(TTR("Delete Point")); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(curve_del); curve_close = memnew(ToolButton); curve_close->set_icon(EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("CurveClose", "EditorIcons")); curve_close->hide(); curve_close->set_focus_mode(Control::FOCUS_NONE); curve_close->set_tooltip(TTR("Close Curve")); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(curve_close); PopupMenu *menu; handle_menu = memnew(MenuButton); handle_menu->set_text(TTR("Options")); handle_menu->hide(); SpatialEditor::get_singleton()->add_control_to_menu_panel(handle_menu); menu = handle_menu->get_popup(); menu->add_check_item(TTR("Mirror Handle Angles")); menu->set_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_ANGLE, mirror_handle_angle); menu->add_check_item(TTR("Mirror Handle Lengths")); menu->set_item_checked(HANDLE_OPTION_LENGTH, mirror_handle_length); menu->connect("id_pressed", this, "_handle_option_pressed"); curve_edit->set_pressed(true); } PathEditorPlugin::~PathEditorPlugin() { } Ref<EditorSpatialGizmo> PathSpatialGizmoPlugin::create_gizmo(Spatial *p_spatial) { Ref<PathSpatialGizmo> ref; Path *path = Object::cast_to<Path>(p_spatial); if (path) { ref = Ref<PathSpatialGizmo>(memnew(PathSpatialGizmo(path))); } return ref; } String PathSpatialGizmoPlugin::get_name() const { return "Path"; } int PathSpatialGizmoPlugin::get_priority() const { return -1; } PathSpatialGizmoPlugin::PathSpatialGizmoPlugin() { Color path_color = EDITOR_DEF("editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/path", Color(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.8)); create_material("path_material", path_color); create_material("path_thin_material", Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); create_handle_material("handles"); }