#ifndef ANIMATION_BLEND_TREE_H #define ANIMATION_BLEND_TREE_H /*************************************************************************/ /* animation_blend_tree.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "scene/animation/animation_tree.h" class AnimationNodeAnimation : public AnimationRootNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAnimation, AnimationRootNode); StringName animation; StringName time; uint64_t last_version; bool skip; protected: void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const; static void _bind_methods(); public: void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; static Vector<String> (*get_editable_animation_list)(); virtual String get_caption() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); void set_animation(const StringName &p_name); StringName get_animation() const; AnimationNodeAnimation(); }; class AnimationNodeOneShot : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeOneShot, AnimationNode); public: enum MixMode { MIX_MODE_BLEND, MIX_MODE_ADD }; private: float fade_in; float fade_out; bool autorestart; float autorestart_delay; float autorestart_random_delay; MixMode mix; bool sync; /* bool active; bool do_start; float time; float remaining;*/ StringName active; StringName prev_active; StringName time; StringName remaining; StringName time_to_restart; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; void set_fadein_time(float p_time); void set_fadeout_time(float p_time); float get_fadein_time() const; float get_fadeout_time() const; void set_autorestart(bool p_active); void set_autorestart_delay(float p_time); void set_autorestart_random_delay(float p_time); bool has_autorestart() const; float get_autorestart_delay() const; float get_autorestart_random_delay() const; void set_mix_mode(MixMode p_mix); MixMode get_mix_mode() const; void set_use_sync(bool p_sync); bool is_using_sync() const; virtual bool has_filter() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeOneShot(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(AnimationNodeOneShot::MixMode) class AnimationNodeAdd2 : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAdd2, AnimationNode); StringName add_amount; bool sync; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; void set_use_sync(bool p_sync); bool is_using_sync() const; virtual bool has_filter() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeAdd2(); }; class AnimationNodeAdd3 : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeAdd3, AnimationNode); StringName add_amount; bool sync; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; void set_use_sync(bool p_sync); bool is_using_sync() const; virtual bool has_filter() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeAdd3(); }; class AnimationNodeBlend2 : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlend2, AnimationNode); StringName blend_amount; bool sync; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); void set_use_sync(bool p_sync); bool is_using_sync() const; virtual bool has_filter() const; AnimationNodeBlend2(); }; class AnimationNodeBlend3 : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlend3, AnimationNode); StringName blend_amount; bool sync; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; void set_use_sync(bool p_sync); bool is_using_sync() const; float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeBlend3(); }; class AnimationNodeTimeScale : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTimeScale, AnimationNode); StringName scale; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeTimeScale(); }; class AnimationNodeTimeSeek : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTimeSeek, AnimationNode); StringName seek_pos; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeTimeSeek(); }; class AnimationNodeTransition : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeTransition, AnimationNode); enum { MAX_INPUTS = 32 }; struct InputData { String name; bool auto_advance; InputData() { auto_advance = false; } }; InputData inputs[MAX_INPUTS]; int enabled_inputs; /* float prev_xfading; int prev; float time; int current; int prev_current; */ StringName prev_xfading; StringName prev; StringName time; StringName current; StringName prev_current; float xfade; void _update_inputs(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const; public: virtual void get_parameter_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_list) const; virtual Variant get_parameter_default_value(const StringName &p_parameter) const; virtual String get_caption() const; void set_enabled_inputs(int p_inputs); int get_enabled_inputs(); void set_input_as_auto_advance(int p_input, bool p_enable); bool is_input_set_as_auto_advance(int p_input) const; void set_input_caption(int p_input, const String &p_name); String get_input_caption(int p_input) const; void set_cross_fade_time(float p_fade); float get_cross_fade_time() const; float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeTransition(); }; class AnimationNodeOutput : public AnimationNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeOutput, AnimationNode); public: virtual String get_caption() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); AnimationNodeOutput(); }; ///// class AnimationNodeBlendTree : public AnimationRootNode { GDCLASS(AnimationNodeBlendTree, AnimationRootNode); struct Node { Ref<AnimationNode> node; Vector2 position; Vector<StringName> connections; }; Map<StringName, Node> nodes; Vector2 graph_offset; void _tree_changed(); void _node_changed(const StringName &p_node); protected: static void _bind_methods(); bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const; public: enum ConnectionError { CONNECTION_OK, CONNECTION_ERROR_NO_INPUT, CONNECTION_ERROR_NO_INPUT_INDEX, CONNECTION_ERROR_NO_OUTPUT, CONNECTION_ERROR_SAME_NODE, CONNECTION_ERROR_CONNECTION_EXISTS, //no need to check for cycles due to tree topology }; void add_node(const StringName &p_name, Ref<AnimationNode> p_node, const Vector2 &p_position = Vector2()); Ref<AnimationNode> get_node(const StringName &p_name) const; void remove_node(const StringName &p_name); void rename_node(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_new_name); bool has_node(const StringName &p_name) const; StringName get_node_name(const Ref<AnimationNode> &p_node) const; Vector<StringName> get_node_connection_array(const StringName &p_name) const; void set_node_position(const StringName &p_node, const Vector2 &p_position); Vector2 get_node_position(const StringName &p_node) const; virtual void get_child_nodes(List<ChildNode> *r_child_nodes); void connect_node(const StringName &p_input_node, int p_input_index, const StringName &p_output_node); void disconnect_node(const StringName &p_node, int p_input_index); struct NodeConnection { StringName input_node; int input_index; StringName output_node; }; ConnectionError can_connect_node(const StringName &p_input_node, int p_input_index, const StringName &p_output_node) const; void get_node_connections(List<NodeConnection> *r_connections) const; virtual String get_caption() const; virtual float process(float p_time, bool p_seek); void get_node_list(List<StringName> *r_list); void set_graph_offset(const Vector2 &p_graph_offset); Vector2 get_graph_offset() const; virtual Ref<AnimationNode> get_child_by_name(const StringName &p_name); AnimationNodeBlendTree(); ~AnimationNodeBlendTree(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(AnimationNodeBlendTree::ConnectionError) #endif // ANIMATION_BLEND_TREE_H