#ifndef NAVIGATION_AGENT_H #define NAVIGATION_AGENT_H /*************************************************************************/ /* navigation_agent.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/containers/vector.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "servers/navigation/navigation_path_query_parameters_3d.h" class Spatial; class Navigation; class SpatialMaterial; class NavigationPathQueryParameters3D; class NavigationPathQueryResult3D; class NavigationAgent : public Node { GDCLASS(NavigationAgent, Node); Spatial *agent_parent; Navigation *navigation; RID agent; RID map_override; bool avoidance_enabled; bool use_3d_avoidance; uint32_t avoidance_layers; uint32_t avoidance_mask; real_t avoidance_priority; uint32_t navigation_layers; NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathfindingAlgorithm pathfinding_algorithm; NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathPostProcessing path_postprocessing; int path_metadata_flags; real_t path_desired_distance; real_t target_desired_distance; real_t height; real_t radius; real_t path_height_offset; real_t neighbor_distance; int max_neighbors; real_t time_horizon_agents; real_t time_horizon_obstacles; real_t max_speed; real_t path_max_distance; Vector3 target_position; bool target_position_submitted; Ref<NavigationPathQueryParameters3D> navigation_query; Ref<NavigationPathQueryResult3D> navigation_result; int nav_path_index; // the velocity result of the avoidance simulation step Vector3 safe_velocity; /// The submitted target velocity, sets the "wanted" rvo agent velocity on the next update // this velocity is not guaranteed, the simulation will try to fulfil it if possible // if other agents or obstacles interfere it will be changed accordingly Vector3 velocity; bool velocity_submitted; /// The submitted forced velocity, overrides the rvo agent velocity on the next update // should only be used very intentionally and not every frame as it interferes with the simulation stability Vector3 velocity_forced; bool velocity_forced_submitted; // 2D avoidance has no y-axis. This stores and reapplies the y-axis velocity to the agent before and after the avoidance step. // While not perfect it at least looks way better than agent's that clip through everything that is not a flat surface float stored_y_velocity; bool target_reached; bool navigation_finished; // No initialized on purpose uint32_t update_frame_id; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED bool debug_enabled; bool debug_path_dirty; RID debug_path_instance; Ref<ArrayMesh> debug_path_mesh; float debug_path_custom_point_size; bool debug_use_custom; Color debug_path_custom_color; Ref<SpatialMaterial> debug_agent_path_line_custom_material; Ref<SpatialMaterial> debug_agent_path_point_custom_material; #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); public: NavigationAgent(); virtual ~NavigationAgent(); void set_navigation(Navigation *p_nav); const Navigation *get_navigation() const { return navigation; } void set_navigation_node(Node *p_nav); Node *get_navigation_node() const; RID get_rid() const { return agent; } void set_avoidance_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool get_avoidance_enabled() const; void set_agent_parent(Node *p_agent_parent); void set_navigation_layers(uint32_t p_navigation_layers); uint32_t get_navigation_layers() const; void set_navigation_layer_value(int p_layer_number, bool p_value); bool get_navigation_layer_value(int p_layer_number) const; void set_pathfinding_algorithm(const NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathfindingAlgorithm p_pathfinding_algorithm); NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathfindingAlgorithm get_pathfinding_algorithm() const { return pathfinding_algorithm; } void set_path_postprocessing(const NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathPostProcessing p_path_postprocessing); NavigationPathQueryParameters3D::PathPostProcessing get_path_postprocessing() const { return path_postprocessing; } void set_avoidance_layers(uint32_t p_layers); uint32_t get_avoidance_layers() const; void set_avoidance_mask(uint32_t p_mask); uint32_t get_avoidance_mask() const; void set_avoidance_layer_value(int p_layer_number, bool p_value); bool get_avoidance_layer_value(int p_layer_number) const; void set_avoidance_mask_value(int p_mask_number, bool p_value); bool get_avoidance_mask_value(int p_mask_number) const; void set_avoidance_priority(real_t p_priority); real_t get_avoidance_priority() const; void set_path_metadata_flags(const int p_flags); int get_path_metadata_flags() const; void set_navigation_map(RID p_navigation_map); RID get_navigation_map() const; void set_path_desired_distance(real_t p_dd); real_t get_path_desired_distance() const { return path_desired_distance; } void set_target_desired_distance(real_t p_dd); real_t get_target_desired_distance() const { return target_desired_distance; } void set_radius(real_t p_radius); real_t get_radius() const { return radius; } void set_height(real_t p_height); real_t get_height() const { return height; } void set_path_height_offset(real_t p_path_height_offset); real_t get_path_height_offset() const { return path_height_offset; } void set_use_3d_avoidance(bool p_use_3d_avoidance); bool get_use_3d_avoidance() const { return use_3d_avoidance; } void set_neighbor_distance(real_t p_dist); real_t get_neighbor_distance() const { return neighbor_distance; } void set_max_neighbors(int p_count); int get_max_neighbors() const { return max_neighbors; } void set_time_horizon_agents(real_t p_time_horizon); real_t get_time_horizon_agents() const { return time_horizon_agents; } void set_time_horizon_obstacles(real_t p_time_horizon); real_t get_time_horizon_obstacles() const { return time_horizon_obstacles; } void set_max_speed(real_t p_max_speed); real_t get_max_speed() const { return max_speed; } void set_path_max_distance(real_t p_pmd); real_t get_path_max_distance(); void set_target_position(Vector3 p_position); Vector3 get_target_position() const; Vector3 get_next_position(); Ref<NavigationPathQueryResult3D> get_current_navigation_result() const; Vector<Vector3> get_current_navigation_path() const; int get_current_navigation_path_index() const { return nav_path_index; } real_t distance_to_target() const; bool is_target_reached() const; bool is_target_reachable(); bool is_navigation_finished(); Vector3 get_final_position(); void set_velocity(const Vector3 p_velocity); Vector3 get_velocity() { return velocity; } void set_velocity_forced(const Vector3 p_velocity); void _avoidance_done(Vector3 p_new_velocity); virtual String get_configuration_warning() const; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED void set_debug_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool get_debug_enabled() const; void set_debug_use_custom(bool p_enabled); bool get_debug_use_custom() const; void set_debug_path_custom_color(Color p_color); Color get_debug_path_custom_color() const; void set_debug_path_custom_point_size(float p_point_size); float get_debug_path_custom_point_size() const; #endif // DEBUG_ENABLE private: void update_navigation(); void _request_repath(); void _check_distance_to_target(); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED void _navigation_debug_changed(); void _update_debug_path(); #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED }; #endif