/*************************************************************************/ /* prop_2d_instance_prop_job.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "prop_2d_instance_prop_job.h" #include "lights/prop_2d_light.h" #include "material_cache/prop_2d_material_cache.h" #include "prop_2d_instance.h" #include "prop_2d_instance_merger.h" #include "prop_2d_mesher.h" #include "scene/resources/shapes/shape.h" #include "singleton/prop_2d_cache.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED #include "../mesh_data_resource/mesh_data_resource.h" #endif #ifdef MODULE_MESH_UTILS_ENABLED #include "../mesh_utils/fast_quadratic_mesh_simplifier.h" #endif #ifdef MODULE_TEXTURE_PACKER_ENABLED #include "../texture_packer/texture_packer.h" #endif #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED #include "../mesh_data_resource/props_2d/prop_2d_data_mesh_data.h" #endif #include "props/prop_2d_data_tiled_wall_2d.h" #include "tiled_wall/tiled_wall_2d_data.h" Ref<Prop2DMaterialCache> Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::get_material_cache() { return _material_cache; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_material_cache(const Ref<Prop2DMaterialCache> &cache) { _material_cache = cache; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::add_collision_shape(const Ref<Shape2D> &shape, const Transform2D &transform, const bool owns_shape) { CollisionShapeEntry e; e.shape = shape; e.transform = transform; e.owns_shape = owns_shape; _collision_shapes.push_back(e); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::clear_collision_shapes() { _collision_shapes.clear(); } Prop2DInstanceMerger *Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::get_prop_instace() { return _prop_instace; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_prop_instace(Prop2DInstanceMerger *prop) { _prop_instace = prop; _instance = prop; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_prop_instace_bind(Node *prop) { set_prop_instace(Object::cast_to<Prop2DInstanceMerger>(prop)); } Ref<Prop2DMesher> Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::get_prop_mesher() const { return _prop_mesher; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_prop_mesher(const Ref<Prop2DMesher> &mesher) { _prop_mesher = mesher; } #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::add_mesh(const Ref<Prop2DDataMeshData> &mesh_data, const Transform2D &base_transform) { PMDREntry e; e.mesh_data = mesh_data; e.base_transform = base_transform; _prop_mesh_datas.push_back(e); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::clear_meshes() { _prop_mesh_datas.clear(); } #endif void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::add_tiled_wall(const Ref<Prop2DDataTiledWall2D> &data, const Transform2D &base_transform) { PTWEntry e; e.data = data; e.base_transform = base_transform; _prop_tiled_wall_datas.push_back(e); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::clear_tiled_walls() { _prop_tiled_wall_datas.clear(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::add_light(const Ref<Prop2DLight> &light) { _prop_mesher->add_light(light); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::clear_lights() { _prop_mesher->clear_lights(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_physics_process(float delta) { if (_phase == 0) { phase_physics_process(); } } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_execute_phase() { if (!_material_cache.is_valid()) { ERR_PRINT("!Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_execute_phase(): !_material_cache.is_valid()"); //reset_meshes(); set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done finished(); } #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED if (_prop_mesh_datas.size() == 0 && _prop_tiled_wall_datas.size() == 0) { //reset_meshes(); set_complete(true); finished(); return; } #endif if (_phase == 1) { phase_setup_cache(); } else if (_phase == 2) { phase_prop(); } else if (_phase == 3) { phase_steps(); } else if (_phase > 3) { set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done finished(); ERR_FAIL_MSG("Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob: _phase is too high!"); } } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_reset() { Prop2DInstanceJob::_reset(); _build_done = false; _phase = 0; reset_stages(); if (_prop_mesher.is_valid()) { _prop_mesher->reset(); } _prop_tiled_wall_datas.clear(); #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED _prop_mesh_datas.clear(); #endif clear_collision_shapes(); set_build_phase_type(BUILD_PHASE_TYPE_PHYSICS_PROCESS); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::phase_physics_process() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!_prop_instace); //TODO this should only update the differences //for (int i = 0; i < _prop_instace->collider_get_num(); ++i) { // PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->free(_prop_instace->collider_body_get(i)); //} _prop_instace->free_colliders(); _prop_instace->colliders_clear(); /* for (int i = 0; i < _collision_shapes.size(); ++i) { CollisionShapeEntry &e = _collision_shapes.write[i]; if (!e.shape.is_valid()) { continue; } RID body = PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_create(PhysicsServer::BODY_MODE_STATIC); PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_add_shape(body, e.shape->get_rid()); //TODO store the layer mask somewhere PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_layer(body, _prop_instace->get_collision_layer()); PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_set_collision_mask(body, _prop_instace->get_collision_mask()); if (_prop_instace->is_inside_tree() && _prop_instace->is_inside_world()) { Ref<World2D> world = _prop_instace->get_world_2d(); if (world.is_valid() && world->get_space() != RID()) { PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_set_space(body, world->get_space()); } } //PhysicsServer::get_singleton()->body_set_state(body, PhysicsServer::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM, e.transform); _prop_instace->collider_add(e.transform, e.shape, e.shape->get_rid(), body, e.owns_shape); } */ #if TOOLS_ENABLED /* if (SceneTree::get_singleton()->is_debugging_collisions_hint() && _prop_instace->collider_get_num() > 0) { _prop_instace->draw_debug_mdr_colliders(); } */ #endif set_build_phase_type(BUILD_PHASE_TYPE_NORMAL); next_phase(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::phase_setup_cache() { if (should_do()) { if (!_material_cache->get_initialized()) { _material_cache->mutex_lock(); //check again, this thread might have gotten here after an another one already did the initialization! if (!_material_cache->get_initialized()) { //this will set up materials, and settings //Can only be called from the main thread! //Merger calls this //_material_cache->initial_setup_default(); _material_cache->prop_add_textures(_prop_instace->get_prop_data()); _material_cache->refresh_rects(); } _material_cache->mutex_unlock(); } if (should_return()) { return; } } reset_stages(); next_phase(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::phase_prop() { if (!_prop_mesher.is_valid()) { set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done return; } if (should_do()) { if ( #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED _prop_mesh_datas.size() == 0 && #endif _prop_tiled_wall_datas.size() == 0) { //reset_meshes(); reset_stages(); set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done return; } #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED for (int i = 0; i < _prop_mesh_datas.size(); ++i) { PMDREntry &e = _prop_mesh_datas.write[i]; Ref<Prop2DDataMeshData> pmd = e.mesh_data; Ref<MeshDataResource> mesh = pmd->get_mesh(); Ref<Texture> tex = pmd->get_texture(); Transform t = pmd->get_transform(); Rect2 uvr = _material_cache->texture_get_uv_rect(tex); _prop_mesher->add_mesh_data_resource_transform(mesh, t, uvr); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < _prop_tiled_wall_datas.size(); ++i) { PTWEntry &e = _prop_tiled_wall_datas.write[i]; Ref<Prop2DDataTiledWall2D> pdtw = e.data; //Transform t = pdtw->get_transform(); //Transform2D t = e.base_transform; //_prop_mesher->add_tiled_wall_simple(pdtw->get_width(), pdtw->get_heigth(), t, pdtw->get_data(), _material_cache); } if (_prop_mesher->get_vertex_count() == 0) { //reset_meshes(); reset_stages(); set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done return; } if (should_return()) { return; } } if (should_do()) { if ((_prop_mesher->get_build_flags() & Prop2DMesher::BUILD_FLAG_USE_LIGHTING) != 0) { _prop_mesher->bake_colors(); } if (should_return()) { return; } } reset_stages(); next_phase(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::phase_steps() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!_prop_mesher.is_valid()); if (should_return()) { return; } if (_prop_mesher->get_vertex_count() == 0) { reset_stages(); //next_phase(); set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done finished(); return; } //set up the meshes if (should_do()) { if (_prop_instace->mesh_get_num() == 0) { //need to allocate the meshes _prop_instace->meshes_create(1); } else { //we have the meshes, just clear int count = _prop_instace->mesh_get_num(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { RID mesh_rid = _prop_instace->mesh_get(i); if (RS::get_singleton()->mesh_get_surface_count(mesh_rid) > 0) RS::get_singleton()->mesh_remove_surface(mesh_rid, 0); } } } step_type_normal(); reset_stages(); //next_phase(); set_complete(true); //So threadpool knows it's done finished(); } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::step_type_normal() { //TODO add a lighting generation step temp_mesh_arr = _prop_mesher->build_mesh(); RID mesh_rid = _prop_instace->mesh_get(0); RS::get_singleton()->mesh_add_surface_from_arrays(mesh_rid, RenderingServer::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, temp_mesh_arr); Ref<Material> lmat = _material_cache->material_get(); if (lmat.is_valid()) { RenderingServer::get_singleton()->mesh_surface_set_material(mesh_rid, 0, lmat->get_rid()); } } Array Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::merge_mesh_array(Array arr) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(arr.size() != RenderingServer::ARRAY_MAX, arr); PoolVector3Array verts = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_VERTEX]; PoolVector3Array normals = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_NORMAL]; PoolVector2Array uvs = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_TEX_UV]; PoolColorArray colors = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_COLOR]; PoolIntArray indices = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_INDEX]; bool has_normals = normals.size() > 0; bool has_uvs = uvs.size() > 0; bool has_colors = colors.size() > 0; int i = 0; while (i < verts.size()) { Vector3 v = verts[i]; Array equals; for (int j = i + 1; j < verts.size(); ++j) { Vector3 vc = verts[j]; if (Math::is_equal_approx(v.x, vc.x) && Math::is_equal_approx(v.y, vc.y) && Math::is_equal_approx(v.z, vc.z)) equals.push_back(j); } for (int k = 0; k < equals.size(); ++k) { int rem = equals[k]; int remk = rem - k; verts.remove(remk); if (has_normals) normals.remove(remk); if (has_uvs) uvs.remove(remk); if (has_colors) colors.remove(remk); for (int j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) { int indx = indices[j]; if (indx == remk) indices.set(j, i); else if (indx > remk) indices.set(j, indx - 1); } } ++i; } arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_VERTEX] = verts; if (has_normals) arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_NORMAL] = normals; if (has_uvs) arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs; if (has_colors) arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_COLOR] = colors; arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices; return arr; } Array Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::bake_mesh_array_uv(Array arr, Ref<Texture> tex, const float mul_color) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(arr.size() != RenderingServer::ARRAY_MAX, arr); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tex.is_valid(), arr); Ref<Image> img = tex->get_data(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!img.is_valid(), arr); Vector2 imgsize = img->get_size(); PoolVector2Array uvs = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_TEX_UV]; PoolColorArray colors = arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_COLOR]; if (colors.size() < uvs.size()) colors.resize(uvs.size()); img->lock(); for (int i = 0; i < uvs.size(); ++i) { Vector2 uv = uvs[i]; uv *= imgsize; int ux = static_cast<int>(CLAMP(uv.x, 0, imgsize.x - 1)); int uy = static_cast<int>(CLAMP(uv.y, 0, imgsize.y - 1)); Color c = img->get_pixel(ux, uy); colors.set(i, colors[i] * c * mul_color); } img->unlock(); arr[RenderingServer::ARRAY_COLOR] = colors; return arr; } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::reset_meshes() { if (!_prop_instace) { return; } //we have meshes, clear if (_prop_instace->mesh_get_num() != 0) { int count = _prop_instace->mesh_get_num(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { RID mesh_rid = _prop_instace->mesh_get(i); if (RS::get_singleton()->mesh_get_surface_count(mesh_rid) > 0) RS::get_singleton()->mesh_remove_surface(mesh_rid, 0); } } } Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob() { set_build_phase_type(BUILD_PHASE_TYPE_PHYSICS_PROCESS); _prop_instace = NULL; //todo allocate this in a virtual method _prop_mesher.instance(); _prop_mesher->set_build_flags(Prop2DMesher::BUILD_FLAG_USE_LIGHTING | Prop2DMesher::BUILD_FLAG_USE_AO | Prop2DMesher::BUILD_FLAG_USE_RAO | Prop2DMesher::BUILD_FLAG_BAKE_LIGHTS); } Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::~Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob() { } void Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_material_cache"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::get_material_cache); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_material_cache", "packer"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_material_cache); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "material_cache", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Prop2DMaterialCache", 0), "set_material_cache", "get_material_cache"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_prop_mesher"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::get_prop_mesher); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_prop_mesher", "mesher"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::set_prop_mesher); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "prop_mesher", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Prop2DMesher", 0), "set_prop_mesher", "get_prop_mesher"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_light", "light"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::add_light); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_lights"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::clear_lights); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_physics_process", "delta"), &Prop2DInstanceProp2DJob::_physics_process); }