<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="SoftBody" inherits="MeshInstance" version="3.5"> <brief_description> A soft mesh physics body. </brief_description> <description> A deformable physics body. Used to create elastic or deformable objects such as cloth, rubber, or other flexible materials. [b]Note:[/b] There are many known bugs in [SoftBody]. Therefore, it's not recommended to use them for things that can affect gameplay (such as a player character made entirely out of soft bodies). </description> <tutorials> <link>$DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/soft_body.html</link> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="add_collision_exception_with"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="body" type="Node" /> <description> Adds a body to the list of bodies that this body can't collide with. </description> </method> <method name="get_collision_exceptions"> <return type="Array" /> <description> Returns an array of nodes that were added as collision exceptions for this body. </description> </method> <method name="get_collision_layer_bit" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <argument index="0" name="bit" type="int" /> <description> Returns an individual bit on the collision mask. </description> </method> <method name="get_collision_mask_bit" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <argument index="0" name="bit" type="int" /> <description> Returns an individual bit on the collision mask. </description> </method> <method name="get_point_transform"> <return type="Vector3" /> <argument index="0" name="point_index" type="int" /> <description> Returns local translation of a vertex in the surface array. </description> </method> <method name="is_point_pinned" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <argument index="0" name="point_index" type="int" /> <description> Returns [code]true[/code] if vertex is set to pinned. </description> </method> <method name="remove_collision_exception_with"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="body" type="Node" /> <description> Removes a body from the list of bodies that this body can't collide with. </description> </method> <method name="set_collision_layer_bit"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="bit" type="int" /> <argument index="1" name="value" type="bool" /> <description> Sets individual bits on the layer mask. Use this if you only need to change one layer's value. </description> </method> <method name="set_collision_mask_bit"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="bit" type="int" /> <argument index="1" name="value" type="bool" /> <description> Sets individual bits on the collision mask. Use this if you only need to change one layer's value. </description> </method> <method name="set_point_pinned"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="point_index" type="int" /> <argument index="1" name="pinned" type="bool" /> <argument index="2" name="attachment_path" type="NodePath" default="NodePath("")" /> <description> Sets the pinned state of a surface vertex. When set to [code]true[/code], the optional [code]attachment_path[/code] can define a [Spatial] the pinned vertex will be attached to. </description> </method> </methods> <members> <member name="areaAngular_stiffness" type="float" setter="set_areaAngular_stiffness" getter="get_areaAngular_stiffness" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="collision_layer" type="int" setter="set_collision_layer" getter="get_collision_layer" default="1"> The physics layers this SoftBody is in. Collidable objects can exist in any of 32 different layers. These layers work like a tagging system, and are not visual. A collidable can use these layers to select with which objects it can collide, using the collision_mask property. A contact is detected if object A is in any of the layers that object B scans, or object B is in any layer scanned by object A. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html#collision-layers-and-masks]Collision layers and masks[/url] in the documentation for more information. </member> <member name="collision_mask" type="int" setter="set_collision_mask" getter="get_collision_mask" default="1"> The physics layers this SoftBody scans for collisions. See [url=$DOCS_URL/tutorials/physics/physics_introduction.html#collision-layers-and-masks]Collision layers and masks[/url] in the documentation for more information. </member> <member name="damping_coefficient" type="float" setter="set_damping_coefficient" getter="get_damping_coefficient" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="drag_coefficient" type="float" setter="set_drag_coefficient" getter="get_drag_coefficient" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="linear_stiffness" type="float" setter="set_linear_stiffness" getter="get_linear_stiffness" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="parent_collision_ignore" type="NodePath" setter="set_parent_collision_ignore" getter="get_parent_collision_ignore" default="NodePath("")"> [NodePath] to a [CollisionObject] this SoftBody should avoid clipping. </member> <member name="physics_enabled" type="bool" setter="set_physics_enabled" getter="is_physics_enabled" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], the [SoftBody] is simulated in physics. Can be set to [code]false[/code] to pause the physics simulation. </member> <member name="pose_matching_coefficient" type="float" setter="set_pose_matching_coefficient" getter="get_pose_matching_coefficient" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="pressure_coefficient" type="float" setter="set_pressure_coefficient" getter="get_pressure_coefficient" default="0.0"> </member> <member name="ray_pickable" type="bool" setter="set_ray_pickable" getter="is_ray_pickable" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], the [SoftBody] will respond to [RayCast]s. </member> <member name="simulation_precision" type="int" setter="set_simulation_precision" getter="get_simulation_precision" default="0"> Increasing this value will improve the resulting simulation, but can affect performance. Use with care. </member> <member name="total_mass" type="float" setter="set_total_mass" getter="get_total_mass" default="0.0"> The SoftBody's mass. </member> <member name="volume_stiffness" type="float" setter="set_volume_stiffness" getter="get_volume_stiffness" default="0.0"> </member> </members> <constants> </constants> </class>