<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="NavigationObstacle2D" inherits="Node" version="3.11"> <brief_description> 2D obstacle used in navigation for collision avoidance. </brief_description> <description> 2D obstacle used in navigation for collision avoidance. The obstacle needs navigation data to work correctly. This can be done by having the obstacle as a child of a [Navigation2D] node, or using [method set_navigation]. [NavigationObstacle2D] is physics safe. Obstacles [b]don't[/b] change the resulting path from the pathfinding, they only affect the navigation agent movement in a radius. Therefore, using obstacles for the static walls in your level won't work because those walls don't exist in the pathfinding. The navigation agent will be pushed in a semi-random direction away while moving inside that radius. Obstacles are intended as a last resort option for constantly moving objects that cannot be (re)baked to a navigation mesh efficiently. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="get_navigation" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Node" /> <description> Returns the [Navigation2D] node that the obstacle is using for its navigation system. </description> </method> <method name="get_rid" qualifiers="const"> <return type="RID" /> <description> Returns the [RID] of this obstacle on the [Navigation2DServer]. </description> </method> <method name="set_navigation"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="navigation" type="Node" /> <description> Sets the [Navigation2D] node used by the obstacle. Useful when you don't want to make the obstacle a child of a [Navigation2D] node. </description> </method> </methods> <members> <member name="estimate_radius" type="bool" setter="set_estimate_radius" getter="is_radius_estimated" default="true"> Enables radius estimation algorithm which uses parent's collision shapes to determine the obstacle radius. </member> <member name="radius" type="float" setter="set_radius" getter="get_radius" default="1.0"> The radius of the agent. Used only if [member estimate_radius] is set to [code]false[/code]. </member> </members> <constants> </constants> </class>