#ifndef TILE_MAP_H #define TILE_MAP_H /*************************************************************************/ /* tile_map.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/containers/self_list.h" #include "core/containers/vset.h" #include "scene/2d/navigation_2d.h" #include "scene/2d/node_2d.h" #include "tile_set.h" #include "../fastnoise/noise.h" class CollisionObject2D; class TileMap : public Node2D { GDCLASS(TileMap, Node2D); public: enum Mode { MODE_SQUARE, MODE_ISOMETRIC, MODE_CUSTOM }; enum HalfOffset { HALF_OFFSET_X, HALF_OFFSET_Y, HALF_OFFSET_DISABLED, HALF_OFFSET_NEGATIVE_X, HALF_OFFSET_NEGATIVE_Y, }; enum TileOrigin { TILE_ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT, TILE_ORIGIN_CENTER, TILE_ORIGIN_BOTTOM_LEFT }; private: enum DataFormat { FORMAT_1 = 0, FORMAT_2 }; Ref<TileSet> tile_set; Size2i cell_size; int quadrant_size; Mode mode; Transform2D custom_transform; HalfOffset half_offset; bool use_parent; CollisionObject2D *collision_parent; bool use_kinematic; Navigation2D *navigation; bool bake_navigation; uint32_t navigation_layers; bool show_collision = false; Ref<FastNoise> noise; bool _use_rao; union PosKey { struct { int16_t x; int16_t y; }; uint32_t key; //using a more precise comparison so the regions can be sorted later bool operator<(const PosKey &p_k) const { return (y == p_k.y) ? x < p_k.x : y < p_k.y; } bool operator==(const PosKey &p_k) const { return (y == p_k.y && x == p_k.x); } PosKey to_quadrant(const int &p_quadrant_size) const { // rounding down, instead of simply rounding towards zero (truncating) return PosKey( x > 0 ? x / p_quadrant_size : (x - (p_quadrant_size - 1)) / p_quadrant_size, y > 0 ? y / p_quadrant_size : (y - (p_quadrant_size - 1)) / p_quadrant_size); } PosKey(int16_t p_x, int16_t p_y) { x = p_x; y = p_y; } PosKey() { x = 0; y = 0; } }; struct Cell { int32_t id; bool flip_h; bool flip_v; bool transpose; int16_t autotile_coord_x; int16_t autotile_coord_y; uint8_t rao; Cell() { id = 0; flip_h = false; flip_v = false; transpose = false; autotile_coord_x = 0; autotile_coord_y = 0; rao = 0; } }; Map<PosKey, Cell> tile_map; List<PosKey> dirty_bitmask; struct Quadrant { Vector2 pos; List<RID> canvas_items; RID body; uint32_t shape_owner_id; SelfList<Quadrant> dirty_list; struct NavPoly { RID region; Transform2D xform; }; struct Occluder { RID id; Transform2D xform; }; Map<PosKey, NavPoly> navpoly_ids; Map<PosKey, Occluder> occluder_instances; VSet<PosKey> cells; void clear_navpoly(); void operator=(const Quadrant &q) { pos = q.pos; canvas_items = q.canvas_items; body = q.body; shape_owner_id = q.shape_owner_id; cells = q.cells; navpoly_ids = q.navpoly_ids; occluder_instances = q.occluder_instances; } Quadrant(const Quadrant &q) : dirty_list(this) { pos = q.pos; canvas_items = q.canvas_items; body = q.body; shape_owner_id = q.shape_owner_id; cells = q.cells; occluder_instances = q.occluder_instances; navpoly_ids = q.navpoly_ids; } Quadrant() : dirty_list(this) {} }; Map<PosKey, Quadrant> quadrant_map; SelfList<Quadrant>::List dirty_quadrant_list; bool pending_update; Rect2 rect_cache; bool rect_cache_dirty; Rect2 used_size_cache; bool used_size_cache_dirty; bool quadrant_order_dirty; bool y_sort_mode; bool compatibility_mode; bool centered_textures; bool clip_uv; float fp_adjust; float friction; float bounce; uint32_t collision_layer; uint32_t collision_mask; mutable DataFormat format; TileOrigin tile_origin; int occluder_light_mask; void _fix_cell_transform(Transform2D &xform, const Cell &p_cell, const Vector2 &p_offset, const Size2 &p_sc); void _add_shape(int &shape_idx, const Quadrant &p_q, const Ref<Shape2D> &p_shape, const TileSet::ShapeData &p_shape_data, const Transform2D &p_xform, const Vector2 &p_metadata); Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *_create_quadrant(const PosKey &p_qk); void _erase_quadrant(Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q); void _make_quadrant_dirty(Map<PosKey, Quadrant>::Element *Q, bool update = true); void _recreate_quadrants(); void _clear_quadrants(); void _update_quadrant_space(const RID &p_space); void _update_quadrant_transform(); void _recompute_rect_cache(); void _update_all_items_material_state(); _FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_item_material_state(const RID &p_canvas_item); _FORCE_INLINE_ int _get_quadrant_size() const; void _set_tile_data(const PoolVector<int> &p_data); PoolVector<int> _get_tile_data() const; void _set_old_cell_size(int p_size) { set_cell_size(Size2(p_size, p_size)); } int _get_old_cell_size() const { return cell_size.x; } _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 _map_to_world(int p_x, int p_y, bool p_ignore_ofs = false) const; protected: bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const; void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const; virtual void _changed_callback(Object *p_changed, const char *p_prop); public: enum { INVALID_CELL = -1 }; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED virtual Rect2 _edit_get_rect() const; #endif void set_tileset(const Ref<TileSet> &p_tileset); Ref<TileSet> get_tileset() const; void set_cell_size(const Size2 &p_size); Size2 get_cell_size() const; void set_quadrant_size(int p_size); int get_quadrant_size() const; void set_use_rao(bool p_rao); bool get_use_rao() const; void set_cell(int p_x, int p_y, int p_tile, bool p_flip_x = false, bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_transpose = false, const Vector2 &p_autotile_coord = Vector2()); int get_cell(int p_x, int p_y) const; bool is_cell_x_flipped(int p_x, int p_y) const; bool is_cell_y_flipped(int p_x, int p_y) const; bool is_cell_transposed(int p_x, int p_y) const; void set_cell_autotile_coord(int p_x, int p_y, const Vector2 &p_coord); Vector2 get_cell_autotile_coord(int p_x, int p_y) const; void _set_celld(const Vector2 &p_pos, const Dictionary &p_data); void set_cellv(const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_tile, bool p_flip_x = false, bool p_flip_y = false, bool p_transpose = false); int get_cellv(const Vector2 &p_pos) const; void make_bitmask_area_dirty(const Vector2 &p_pos); void update_bitmask_area(const Vector2 &p_pos); void update_bitmask_region(const Vector2 &p_start = Vector2(), const Vector2 &p_end = Vector2()); void update_cell_bitmask(int p_x, int p_y); void update_dirty_bitmask(); void update_dirty_quadrants(); void set_show_collision(bool p_value); bool is_show_collision_enabled() const; void set_collision_layer(uint32_t p_layer); uint32_t get_collision_layer() const; void set_collision_mask(uint32_t p_mask); uint32_t get_collision_mask() const; void set_collision_layer_bit(int p_bit, bool p_value); bool get_collision_layer_bit(int p_bit) const; void set_collision_mask_bit(int p_bit, bool p_value); bool get_collision_mask_bit(int p_bit) const; void set_collision_use_kinematic(bool p_use_kinematic); bool get_collision_use_kinematic() const; void set_collision_use_parent(bool p_use_parent); bool get_collision_use_parent() const; void set_collision_friction(float p_friction); float get_collision_friction() const; void set_collision_bounce(float p_bounce); float get_collision_bounce() const; void set_bake_navigation(bool p_bake_navigation); bool is_baking_navigation(); void set_navigation_layers(uint32_t p_navigation_layers); uint32_t get_navigation_layers(); void set_mode(Mode p_mode); Mode get_mode() const; void set_half_offset(HalfOffset p_half_offset); HalfOffset get_half_offset() const; void set_tile_origin(TileOrigin p_tile_origin); TileOrigin get_tile_origin() const; void set_custom_transform(const Transform2D &p_xform); Transform2D get_custom_transform() const; Transform2D get_cell_transform() const; Vector2 get_cell_draw_offset() const; Vector2 map_to_world(const Vector2 &p_pos, bool p_ignore_ofs = false) const; Vector2 world_to_map(const Vector2 &p_pos) const; void set_y_sort_mode(bool p_enable); bool is_y_sort_mode_enabled() const; void set_compatibility_mode(bool p_enable); bool is_compatibility_mode_enabled() const; void set_centered_textures(bool p_enable); bool is_centered_textures_enabled() const; Array get_used_cells() const; Array get_used_cells_by_id(int p_id) const; Rect2 get_used_rect(); // Not const because of cache void set_occluder_light_mask(int p_mask); int get_occluder_light_mask() const; virtual void set_light_mask(int p_light_mask); virtual void set_material(const Ref<Material> &p_material); virtual void set_use_parent_material(bool p_use_parent_material); void set_clip_uv(bool p_enable); bool get_clip_uv() const; String get_configuration_warning() const; void fix_invalid_tiles(); void clear(); TileMap(); ~TileMap(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(TileMap::Mode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(TileMap::HalfOffset); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(TileMap::TileOrigin); #endif // TILE_MAP_H