#include "gsaiutils.h" // Math and vector utility functions.; // @Category - Utilities; // Returns the `vector` with its length capped to `limit`.; Vector3 GSAIUtils::clampedv3(const Vector3 &vector, const float limit) { float length_squared = vector.length_squared(); float limit_squared = limit * limit; if (length_squared > limit_squared) { vector *= sqrt(limit_squared / length_squared); } return vector; } // Returns an angle in radians between the positive X axis and the `vector`.; //; // This assumes orientation for 3D agents that are upright and rotate; // around the Y axis.; float GSAIUtils::vector3_to_angle(const Vector3 &vector) { return atan2(vector.x, vector.z); } // Returns an angle in radians between the positive X axis and the `vector`.; float GSAIUtils::vector2_to_angle(const Vector2 &vector) { return atan2(vector.x, -vector.y); } // Returns a directional vector from the given orientation angle.; //; // This assumes orientation for 2D agents or 3D agents that are upright and; // rotate around the Y axis.; Vector2 GSAIUtils::angle_to_vector2(const float angle) { return Vector2(sin(-angle), cos(angle)); } // Returns a vector2 with `vector`'s x and y components.; Vector2 GSAIUtils::to_vector2(const Vector3 &vector) { return Vector2(vector.x, vector.y); } // Returns a vector3 with `vector`'s x and y components and 0 in z.; Vector3 GSAIUtils::to_vector3(const Vector2 &vector) { return Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0); } } GSAIUtils::GSAIUtils() { } GSAIUtils::~GSAIUtils() { } static void GSAIUtils::_bind_methods() { }