/*************************************************************************/ /* packed_scene.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "packed_scene.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/core_string_names.h" #include "core/input/shortcut.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "editor/editor_inspector.h" #include "scene/main/control.h" #include "scene/main/instance_placeholder.h" #include "scene/main/node_2d.h" #include "scene/main/property_utils.h" #include "scene/main/spatial.h" #define PACKED_SCENE_VERSION 2 bool SceneState::can_instance() const { return nodes.size() > 0; } static Array _sanitize_node_pinned_properties(Node *p_node) { if (!p_node->has_meta("_edit_pinned_properties_")) { return Array(); } Array pinned = p_node->get_meta("_edit_pinned_properties_"); if (pinned.empty()) { return Array(); } RBSet<StringName> storable_properties; p_node->get_storable_properties(storable_properties); int i = 0; do { if (storable_properties.has(pinned[i])) { i++; } else { pinned.remove(i); } } while (i < pinned.size()); if (pinned.empty()) { p_node->remove_meta("_edit_pinned_properties_"); } return pinned; } Node *SceneState::instance(GenEditState p_edit_state) const { // nodes where instancing failed (because something is missing) List<Node *> stray_instances; #define NODE_FROM_ID(p_name, p_id) \ Node *p_name; \ if (p_id & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { \ NodePath np = node_paths[p_id & FLAG_MASK]; \ p_name = ret_nodes[0]->get_node_or_null(np); \ } else { \ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_id &FLAG_MASK, nc, NULL); \ p_name = ret_nodes[p_id & FLAG_MASK]; \ } int nc = nodes.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(nc == 0, nullptr); const StringName *snames = nullptr; int sname_count = names.size(); if (sname_count) { snames = &names[0]; } const Variant *props = nullptr; int prop_count = variants.size(); if (prop_count) { props = &variants[0]; } //Vector<Variant> properties; const NodeData *nd = &nodes[0]; Node **ret_nodes = (Node **)alloca(sizeof(Node *) * nc); bool gen_node_path_cache = p_edit_state != GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED && node_path_cache.empty(); RBMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>> resources_local_to_scene; for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { const NodeData &n = nd[i]; Node *parent = nullptr; String old_parent_path; if (i > 0) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(n.parent == -1, nullptr, vformat("Invalid scene: node %s does not specify its parent node.", snames[n.name])); NODE_FROM_ID(nparent, n.parent); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!nparent && (n.parent & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH)) { WARN_PRINT(String("Parent path '" + String(node_paths[n.parent & FLAG_MASK]) + "' for node '" + String(snames[n.name]) + "' has vanished when instancing: '" + get_path() + "'.").ascii().get_data()); old_parent_path = String(node_paths[n.parent & FLAG_MASK]).trim_prefix("./").replace("/", "@"); nparent = ret_nodes[0]; } #endif parent = nparent; } else { // i == 0 is root node. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(n.parent != -1, nullptr, vformat("Invalid scene: root node %s cannot specify a parent node.", snames[n.name])); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(n.type == TYPE_INSTANCED && base_scene_idx < 0, nullptr, vformat("Invalid scene: root node %s in an instance, but there's no base scene.", snames[n.name])); } Node *node = nullptr; if (i == 0 && base_scene_idx >= 0) { //scene inheritance on root node Ref<PackedScene> sdata = props[base_scene_idx]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sdata.is_valid(), nullptr); node = sdata->instance(p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED ? PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED : PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); //only main gets main edit state ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!node, nullptr); if (p_edit_state != GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED) { node->set_scene_inherited_state(sdata->get_state()); } } else if (n.instance >= 0) { //instance a scene into this node if (n.instance & FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER) { String path = props[n.instance & FLAG_MASK]; if (disable_placeholders) { Ref<PackedScene> sdata = ResourceLoader::load(path, "PackedScene"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sdata.is_valid(), nullptr); node = sdata->instance(p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED ? PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED : PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!node, nullptr); } else { InstancePlaceholder *ip = memnew(InstancePlaceholder); ip->set_instance_path(path); node = ip; } node->set_scene_instance_load_placeholder(true); } else { Ref<PackedScene> sdata = props[n.instance & FLAG_MASK]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!sdata.is_valid(), nullptr); node = sdata->instance(p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED ? PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED : PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!node, nullptr); } } else if (n.type == TYPE_INSTANCED) { //get the node from somewhere, it likely already exists from another instance if (parent) { node = parent->_get_child_by_name(snames[n.name]); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!node) { WARN_PRINT(String("Node '" + String(ret_nodes[0]->get_path_to(parent)) + "/" + String(snames[n.name]) + "' was modified from inside an instance, but it has vanished.").ascii().get_data()); } #endif } } else { //node belongs to this scene and must be created Object *obj = ClassDB::instance(snames[n.type]); node = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj); if (!node) { if (obj) { memdelete(obj); obj = nullptr; } WARN_PRINT(vformat("Node %s of type %s cannot be created. A placeholder will be created instead.", snames[n.name], snames[n.type]).ascii().get_data()); if (n.parent >= 0 && n.parent < nc && ret_nodes[n.parent]) { if (Object::cast_to<Spatial>(ret_nodes[n.parent])) { obj = memnew(Spatial); } else if (Object::cast_to<Control>(ret_nodes[n.parent])) { obj = memnew(Control); } else if (Object::cast_to<Node2D>(ret_nodes[n.parent])) { obj = memnew(Node2D); } } if (!obj) { obj = memnew(Node); } node = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj); } } if (node) { // may not have found the node (part of instanced scene and removed) // if found all is good, otherwise ignore //properties int nprop_count = n.properties.size(); if (nprop_count) { const NodeData::Property *nprops = &n.properties[0]; for (int j = 0; j < nprop_count; j++) { bool valid; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(nprops[j].name, sname_count, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(nprops[j].value, prop_count, nullptr); if (snames[nprops[j].name] == CoreStringNames::get_singleton()->_script) { //work around to avoid old script variables from disappearing, should be the proper fix to: //https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/2958 //store old state List<Pair<StringName, Variant>> old_state; if (node->get_script_instance()) { node->get_script_instance()->get_property_state(old_state); } node->set(snames[nprops[j].name], props[nprops[j].value], &valid); //restore old state for new script, if exists for (List<Pair<StringName, Variant>>::Element *E = old_state.front(); E; E = E->next()) { node->set(E->get().first, E->get().second); } } else { Variant value = props[nprops[j].value]; if (value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { //handle resources that are local to scene by duplicating them if needed Ref<Resource> res = value; if (res.is_valid()) { if (res->is_local_to_scene()) { RBMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>>::Element *E = resources_local_to_scene.find(res); if (E) { value = E->get(); } else { Node *base = i == 0 ? node : ret_nodes[0]; if (p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN || p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN_INHERITED) { //for the main scene, use the resource as is res->configure_for_local_scene(base, resources_local_to_scene); resources_local_to_scene[res] = res; } else { //for instances, a copy must be made Node *base2 = i == 0 ? node : ret_nodes[0]; Ref<Resource> local_dupe = res->duplicate_for_local_scene(base2, resources_local_to_scene); resources_local_to_scene[res] = local_dupe; res = local_dupe; value = local_dupe; } } //must make a copy, because this res is local to scene } } } else if (p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE) { value = value.duplicate(true); // Duplicate arrays and dictionaries for the editor } node->set(snames[nprops[j].name], value, &valid); } } } //name //groups for (int j = 0; j < n.groups.size(); j++) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(n.groups[j], sname_count, nullptr); node->add_to_group(snames[n.groups[j]], true); } if (n.instance >= 0 || n.type != TYPE_INSTANCED || i == 0) { //if node was not part of instance, must set its name, parenthood and ownership if (i > 0) { if (parent) { parent->_add_child_nocheck(node, snames[n.name]); if (n.index >= 0 && n.index < parent->get_child_count() - 1) { parent->move_child(node, n.index); } } else { //it may be possible that an instanced scene has changed //and the node has nowhere to go anymore stray_instances.push_back(node); //can't be added, go to stray list } } else { if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { //validate name if using editor, to avoid broken node->set_name(snames[n.name]); } else { node->_set_name_nocheck(snames[n.name]); } } } if (!old_parent_path.empty()) { node->_set_name_nocheck(old_parent_path + "@" + node->get_name()); } if (n.owner >= 0) { NODE_FROM_ID(owner, n.owner); if (owner) { node->_set_owner_nocheck(owner); if (node->data.unique_name_in_owner) { node->_acquire_unique_name_in_owner(); } } } // we only want to deal with pinned flag if instancing as pure main (no instance, no inheriting) if (p_edit_state == GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN) { _sanitize_node_pinned_properties(node); } else { node->remove_meta("_edit_pinned_properties_"); } } ret_nodes[i] = node; if (node && gen_node_path_cache && ret_nodes[0]) { NodePath n2 = ret_nodes[0]->get_path_to(node); node_path_cache[n2] = i; } } for (RBMap<Ref<Resource>, Ref<Resource>>::Element *E = resources_local_to_scene.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->setup_local_to_scene(); } //do connections int cc = connections.size(); const ConnectionData *cdata = connections.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < cc; i++) { const ConnectionData &c = cdata[i]; //ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V( c.from, nc, NULL ); //ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V( c.to, nc, NULL ); NODE_FROM_ID(cfrom, c.from); NODE_FROM_ID(cto, c.to); if (!cfrom || !cto) { continue; } Vector<Variant> binds; if (c.binds.size()) { binds.resize(c.binds.size()); for (int j = 0; j < c.binds.size(); j++) { binds.write[j] = props[c.binds[j]]; } } cfrom->connect(snames[c.signal], cto, snames[c.method], binds, CONNECT_PERSIST | c.flags); } //Node *s = ret_nodes[0]; //remove nodes that could not be added, likely as a result that while (stray_instances.size()) { memdelete(stray_instances.front()->get()); stray_instances.pop_front(); } for (int i = 0; i < editable_instances.size(); i++) { Node *ei = ret_nodes[0]->get_node_or_null(editable_instances[i]); if (ei) { ret_nodes[0]->set_editable_instance(ei, true); } } return ret_nodes[0]; } static int _nm_get_string(const String &p_string, RBMap<StringName, int> &name_map) { if (name_map.has(p_string)) { return name_map[p_string]; } int idx = name_map.size(); name_map[p_string] = idx; return idx; } static int _vm_get_variant(const Variant &p_variant, HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> &variant_map) { if (variant_map.has(p_variant)) { return variant_map[p_variant]; } int idx = variant_map.size(); variant_map[p_variant] = idx; return idx; } Error SceneState::_parse_node(Node *p_owner, Node *p_node, int p_parent_idx, RBMap<StringName, int> &name_map, HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> &variant_map, RBMap<Node *, int> &node_map, RBMap<Node *, int> &nodepath_map) { // this function handles all the work related to properly packing scenes, be it // instanced or inherited. // given the complexity of this process, an attempt will be made to properly // document it. if you fail to understand something, please ask! //discard nodes that do not belong to be processed if (p_node != p_owner && p_node->get_owner() != p_owner && !p_owner->is_editable_instance(p_node->get_owner())) { return OK; } bool is_editable_instance = false; // save the child instantiated scenes that are chosen as editable, so they can be restored // upon load back if (p_node != p_owner && p_node->get_filename() != String() && p_owner->is_editable_instance(p_node)) { editable_instances.push_back(p_owner->get_path_to(p_node)); // Node is the root of an editable instance. is_editable_instance = true; } else if (p_node->get_owner() && p_owner->is_a_parent_of(p_node->get_owner()) && p_owner->is_editable_instance(p_node->get_owner())) { // Node is part of an editable instance. is_editable_instance = true; } NodeData nd; nd.name = _nm_get_string(p_node->get_name(), name_map); nd.instance = -1; //not instanced by default //really convoluted condition, but it basically checks that index is only saved when part of an inherited scene OR the node parent is from the edited scene if (p_owner->get_scene_inherited_state().is_null() && (p_node == p_owner || (p_node->get_owner() == p_owner && (p_node->get_parent() == p_owner || p_node->get_parent()->get_owner() == p_owner)))) { //do not save index, because it belongs to saved scene and scene is not inherited nd.index = -1; } else if (p_node == p_owner) { //This (hopefully) happens if the node is a scene root, so its index is irrelevant. nd.index = -1; } else { //part of an inherited scene, or parent is from an instanced scene nd.index = p_node->get_index(); } // if this node is part of an instanced scene or sub-instanced scene // we need to get the corresponding instance states. // with the instance states, we can query for identical properties/groups // and only save what has changed bool instanced_by_owner = false; Vector<SceneState::PackState> states_stack = PropertyUtils::get_node_states_stack(p_node, p_owner, &instanced_by_owner); if (p_node->get_filename() != String() && p_node->get_owner() == p_owner && instanced_by_owner) { if (p_node->get_scene_instance_load_placeholder()) { //it's a placeholder, use the placeholder path nd.instance = _vm_get_variant(p_node->get_filename(), variant_map); nd.instance |= FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER; } else { //must instance ourselves Ref<PackedScene> instance = ResourceLoader::load(p_node->get_filename()); if (!instance.is_valid()) { return ERR_CANT_OPEN; } nd.instance = _vm_get_variant(instance, variant_map); } } // all setup, we then proceed to check all properties for the node // and save the ones that are worth saving List<PropertyInfo> plist; p_node->get_property_list(&plist); Array pinned_props = _sanitize_node_pinned_properties(p_node); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = plist.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (!(E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE)) { continue; } Variant forced_value; // If instance or inheriting, not saving if property requested so, or it's meta if (states_stack.size()) { if ((E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_INSTANCE_STATE)) { continue; } // Meta is normally not saved in instances/inherited (see GH-12838), but we need to save the pinned list if (E->get().name == "__meta__") { if (pinned_props.size()) { Dictionary meta_override; meta_override["_edit_pinned_properties_"] = pinned_props; forced_value = meta_override; } } } String name = E->get().name; Variant value = forced_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL ? p_node->get(name) : forced_value; if (!pinned_props.has(name) && forced_value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { bool is_valid_default = false; Variant default_value = PropertyUtils::get_property_default_value(p_node, name, &is_valid_default, &states_stack, true); if (is_valid_default && !PropertyUtils::is_property_value_different(value, default_value)) { continue; } } NodeData::Property prop; prop.name = _nm_get_string(name, name_map); prop.value = _vm_get_variant(value, variant_map); nd.properties.push_back(prop); } // save the groups this node is into // discard groups that come from the original scene List<Node::GroupInfo> groups; p_node->get_groups(&groups); for (List<Node::GroupInfo>::Element *E = groups.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Node::GroupInfo &gi = E->get(); if (!gi.persistent) { continue; } /* if (instance_state_node>=0 && instance_state->is_node_in_group(instance_state_node,gi.name)) continue; //group was instanced, don't add here */ bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < states_stack.size(); ++i) { const auto &ia = states_stack[i]; //check all levels of pack to see if the group was added somewhere if (ia.state->is_node_in_group(ia.node, gi.name)) { skip = true; break; } } if (skip) { continue; } nd.groups.push_back(_nm_get_string(gi.name, name_map)); } // save the right owner // for the saved scene root this is -1 // for nodes of the saved scene this is 0 // for nodes of instanced scenes this is >0 if (p_node == p_owner) { //saved scene root nd.owner = -1; } else if (p_node->get_owner() == p_owner) { //part of saved scene nd.owner = 0; } else { nd.owner = -1; } // Save the right type. If this node was created by an instance // then flag that the node should not be created but reused if (states_stack.empty() && !is_editable_instance) { //this node is not part of an instancing process, so save the type nd.type = _nm_get_string(p_node->get_class(), name_map); } else { // this node is part of an instanced process, so do not save the type. // instead, save that it was instanced nd.type = TYPE_INSTANCED; } // determine whether to save this node or not // if this node is part of an instanced sub-scene, we can skip storing it if basically // no properties changed and no groups were added to it. // below condition is true for all nodes of the scene being saved, and ones in subscenes // that hold changes bool save_node = nd.properties.size() || nd.groups.size(); // some local properties or groups exist save_node = save_node || p_node == p_owner; // owner is always saved save_node = save_node || (p_node->get_owner() == p_owner && instanced_by_owner); //part of scene and not instanced int idx = nodes.size(); int parent_node = NO_PARENT_SAVED; if (save_node) { //don't save the node if nothing and subscene node_map[p_node] = idx; //ok validate parent node if (p_parent_idx == NO_PARENT_SAVED) { int sidx; if (nodepath_map.has(p_node->get_parent())) { sidx = nodepath_map[p_node->get_parent()]; } else { sidx = nodepath_map.size(); nodepath_map[p_node->get_parent()] = sidx; } nd.parent = FLAG_ID_IS_PATH | sidx; } else { nd.parent = p_parent_idx; } parent_node = idx; nodes.push_back(nd); } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { Node *c = p_node->get_child(i); Error err = _parse_node(p_owner, c, parent_node, name_map, variant_map, node_map, nodepath_map); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } Error SceneState::_parse_connections(Node *p_owner, Node *p_node, RBMap<StringName, int> &name_map, HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> &variant_map, RBMap<Node *, int> &node_map, RBMap<Node *, int> &nodepath_map) { if (p_node != p_owner && p_node->get_owner() && p_node->get_owner() != p_owner && !p_owner->is_editable_instance(p_node->get_owner())) { return OK; } List<MethodInfo> _signals; p_node->get_signal_list(&_signals); _signals.sort(); //ERR_FAIL_COND_V( !node_map.has(p_node), ERR_BUG); //NodeData &nd = nodes[node_map[p_node]]; for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = _signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { List<Node::Connection> conns; p_node->get_signal_connection_list(E->get().name, &conns); conns.sort(); for (List<Node::Connection>::Element *F = conns.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const Node::Connection &c = F->get(); if (!(c.flags & CONNECT_PERSIST)) { //only persistent connections get saved continue; } // only connections that originate or end into main saved scene are saved // everything else is discarded Node *target = Object::cast_to<Node>(c.target); if (!target) { continue; } //find if this connection already exists Node *common_parent = target->find_common_parent_with(p_node); ERR_CONTINUE(!common_parent); if (common_parent != p_owner && common_parent->get_filename() == String()) { common_parent = common_parent->get_owner(); } bool exists = false; //go through ownership chain to see if this exists while (common_parent) { Ref<SceneState> ps; if (common_parent == p_owner) { ps = common_parent->get_scene_inherited_state(); } else { ps = common_parent->get_scene_instance_state(); } if (ps.is_valid()) { NodePath signal_from = common_parent->get_path_to(p_node); NodePath signal_to = common_parent->get_path_to(target); if (ps->has_connection(signal_from, c.signal, signal_to, c.method)) { exists = true; break; } } if (common_parent == p_owner) { break; } else { common_parent = common_parent->get_owner(); } } if (exists) { //already exists (comes from instance or inheritance), so don't save continue; } { Node *nl = p_node; bool exists2 = false; while (nl) { if (nl == p_owner) { Ref<SceneState> state = nl->get_scene_inherited_state(); if (state.is_valid()) { int from_node = state->find_node_by_path(nl->get_path_to(p_node)); int to_node = state->find_node_by_path(nl->get_path_to(target)); if (from_node >= 0 && to_node >= 0) { //this one has state for this node, save if (state->is_connection(from_node, c.signal, to_node, c.method)) { exists2 = true; break; } } } nl = nullptr; } else { if (nl->get_filename() != String()) { //is an instance Ref<SceneState> state = nl->get_scene_instance_state(); if (state.is_valid()) { int from_node = state->find_node_by_path(nl->get_path_to(p_node)); int to_node = state->find_node_by_path(nl->get_path_to(target)); if (from_node >= 0 && to_node >= 0) { //this one has state for this node, save if (state->is_connection(from_node, c.signal, to_node, c.method)) { exists2 = true; break; } } } } nl = nl->get_owner(); } } if (exists2) { continue; } } int src_id; if (node_map.has(p_node)) { src_id = node_map[p_node]; } else { if (nodepath_map.has(p_node)) { src_id = FLAG_ID_IS_PATH | nodepath_map[p_node]; } else { int sidx = nodepath_map.size(); nodepath_map[p_node] = sidx; src_id = FLAG_ID_IS_PATH | sidx; } } int target_id; if (node_map.has(target)) { target_id = node_map[target]; } else { if (nodepath_map.has(target)) { target_id = FLAG_ID_IS_PATH | nodepath_map[target]; } else { int sidx = nodepath_map.size(); nodepath_map[target] = sidx; target_id = FLAG_ID_IS_PATH | sidx; } } ConnectionData cd; cd.from = src_id; cd.to = target_id; cd.method = _nm_get_string(c.method, name_map); cd.signal = _nm_get_string(c.signal, name_map); cd.flags = c.flags; for (int i = 0; i < c.binds.size(); i++) { cd.binds.push_back(_vm_get_variant(c.binds[i], variant_map)); } connections.push_back(cd); } } for (int i = 0; i < p_node->get_child_count(); i++) { Node *c = p_node->get_child(i); Error err = _parse_connections(p_owner, c, name_map, variant_map, node_map, nodepath_map); if (err) { return err; } } return OK; } Error SceneState::pack(Node *p_scene) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_scene, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); clear(); Node *scene = p_scene; RBMap<StringName, int> name_map; HashMap<Variant, int, VariantHasher, VariantComparator> variant_map; RBMap<Node *, int> node_map; RBMap<Node *, int> nodepath_map; // If using scene inheritance, pack the scene it inherits from. if (scene->get_scene_inherited_state().is_valid()) { String path = scene->get_scene_inherited_state()->get_path(); Ref<PackedScene> instance = ResourceLoader::load(path); if (instance.is_valid()) { base_scene_idx = _vm_get_variant(instance, variant_map); } } // Instanced, only direct sub-scenes are supported of course. Error err = _parse_node(scene, scene, -1, name_map, variant_map, node_map, nodepath_map); if (err) { clear(); ERR_FAIL_V(err); } err = _parse_connections(scene, scene, name_map, variant_map, node_map, nodepath_map); if (err) { clear(); ERR_FAIL_V(err); } names.resize(name_map.size()); for (RBMap<StringName, int>::Element *E = name_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { names.write[E->get()] = E->key(); } variants.resize(variant_map.size()); const Variant *K = nullptr; while ((K = variant_map.next(K))) { int idx = variant_map[*K]; variants.write[idx] = *K; } node_paths.resize(nodepath_map.size()); for (RBMap<Node *, int>::Element *E = nodepath_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { node_paths.write[E->get()] = scene->get_path_to(E->key()); } if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { // Build node path cache for (RBMap<Node *, int>::Element *E = node_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) { node_path_cache[scene->get_path_to(E->key())] = E->get(); } } return OK; } void SceneState::set_path(const String &p_path) { path = p_path; } String SceneState::get_path() const { return path; } void SceneState::clear() { names.clear(); variants.clear(); nodes.clear(); connections.clear(); node_path_cache.clear(); node_paths.clear(); editable_instances.clear(); base_scene_idx = -1; } Ref<SceneState> SceneState::get_base_scene_state() const { if (base_scene_idx >= 0) { Ref<PackedScene> ps = variants[base_scene_idx]; if (ps.is_valid()) { return ps->get_state(); } } return Ref<SceneState>(); } int SceneState::find_node_by_path(const NodePath &p_node) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(node_path_cache.size() == 0, -1, "This operation requires the node cache to have been built."); if (!node_path_cache.has(p_node)) { if (get_base_scene_state().is_valid()) { int idx = get_base_scene_state()->find_node_by_path(p_node); if (idx != -1) { int rkey = _find_base_scene_node_remap_key(idx); if (rkey == -1) { rkey = nodes.size() + base_scene_node_remap.size(); base_scene_node_remap[rkey] = idx; } return rkey; } } return -1; } int nid = node_path_cache[p_node]; if (get_base_scene_state().is_valid() && !base_scene_node_remap.has(nid)) { //for nodes that _do_ exist in current scene, still try to look for //the node in the instanced scene, as a property may be missing //from the local one int idx = get_base_scene_state()->find_node_by_path(p_node); if (idx != -1) { base_scene_node_remap[nid] = idx; } } return nid; } int SceneState::_find_base_scene_node_remap_key(int p_idx) const { for (RBMap<int, int>::Element *E = base_scene_node_remap.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->value() == p_idx) { return E->key(); } } return -1; } Variant SceneState::get_property_value(int p_node, const StringName &p_property, bool &found) const { found = false; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_node < 0, Variant()); if (p_node < nodes.size()) { //find in built-in nodes int pc = nodes[p_node].properties.size(); const StringName *namep = names.ptr(); const NodeData::Property *p = nodes[p_node].properties.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < pc; i++) { if (p_property == namep[p[i].name]) { found = true; return variants[p[i].value]; } } } //property not found, try on instance if (base_scene_node_remap.has(p_node)) { return get_base_scene_state()->get_property_value(base_scene_node_remap[p_node], p_property, found); } return Variant(); } bool SceneState::is_node_in_group(int p_node, const StringName &p_group) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_node < 0, false); if (p_node < nodes.size()) { const StringName *namep = names.ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes[p_node].groups.size(); i++) { if (namep[nodes[p_node].groups[i]] == p_group) { return true; } } } if (base_scene_node_remap.has(p_node)) { return get_base_scene_state()->is_node_in_group(base_scene_node_remap[p_node], p_group); } return false; } bool SceneState::disable_placeholders = false; void SceneState::set_disable_placeholders(bool p_disable) { disable_placeholders = p_disable; } bool SceneState::is_connection(int p_node, const StringName &p_signal, int p_to_node, const StringName &p_to_method) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_node < 0, false); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_to_node < 0, false); if (p_node < nodes.size() && p_to_node < nodes.size()) { int signal_idx = -1; int method_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (names[i] == p_signal) { signal_idx = i; } else if (names[i] == p_to_method) { method_idx = i; } } if (signal_idx >= 0 && method_idx >= 0) { //signal and method strings are stored.. for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) { if (connections[i].from == p_node && connections[i].to == p_to_node && connections[i].signal == signal_idx && connections[i].method == method_idx) { return true; } } } } if (base_scene_node_remap.has(p_node) && base_scene_node_remap.has(p_to_node)) { return get_base_scene_state()->is_connection(base_scene_node_remap[p_node], p_signal, base_scene_node_remap[p_to_node], p_to_method); } return false; } void SceneState::set_bundled_scene(const Dictionary &p_dictionary) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("names")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("variants")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("node_count")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("nodes")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("conn_count")); ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_dictionary.has("conns")); //ERR_FAIL_COND( !p_dictionary.has("path")); int version = 1; if (p_dictionary.has("version")) { version = p_dictionary["version"]; } ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(version > PACKED_SCENE_VERSION, "Save format version too new."); const int node_count = p_dictionary["node_count"]; const PoolVector<int> snodes = p_dictionary["nodes"]; ERR_FAIL_COND(snodes.size() < node_count); const int conn_count = p_dictionary["conn_count"]; const PoolVector<int> sconns = p_dictionary["conns"]; ERR_FAIL_COND(sconns.size() < conn_count); PoolVector<String> snames = p_dictionary["names"]; if (snames.size()) { int namecount = snames.size(); names.resize(namecount); PoolVector<String>::Read r = snames.read(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { names.write[i] = r[i]; } } Array svariants = p_dictionary["variants"]; if (svariants.size()) { int varcount = svariants.size(); variants.resize(varcount); for (int i = 0; i < varcount; i++) { variants.write[i] = svariants[i]; } } else { variants.clear(); } nodes.resize(node_count); if (node_count) { PoolVector<int>::Read r = snodes.read(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { NodeData &nd = nodes.write[i]; nd.parent = r[idx++]; nd.owner = r[idx++]; nd.type = r[idx++]; uint32_t name_index = r[idx++]; nd.name = name_index & ((1 << NAME_INDEX_BITS) - 1); nd.index = (name_index >> NAME_INDEX_BITS); nd.index--; //0 is invalid, stored as 1 nd.instance = r[idx++]; nd.properties.resize(r[idx++]); for (int j = 0; j < nd.properties.size(); j++) { nd.properties.write[j].name = r[idx++]; nd.properties.write[j].value = r[idx++]; } nd.groups.resize(r[idx++]); for (int j = 0; j < nd.groups.size(); j++) { nd.groups.write[j] = r[idx++]; } } } connections.resize(conn_count); if (conn_count) { PoolVector<int>::Read r = sconns.read(); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < conn_count; i++) { ConnectionData &cd = connections.write[i]; cd.from = r[idx++]; cd.to = r[idx++]; cd.signal = r[idx++]; cd.method = r[idx++]; cd.flags = r[idx++]; cd.binds.resize(r[idx++]); for (int j = 0; j < cd.binds.size(); j++) { cd.binds.write[j] = r[idx++]; } } } Array np; if (p_dictionary.has("node_paths")) { np = p_dictionary["node_paths"]; } node_paths.resize(np.size()); for (int i = 0; i < np.size(); i++) { node_paths.write[i] = np[i]; } Array ei; if (p_dictionary.has("editable_instances")) { ei = p_dictionary["editable_instances"]; } if (p_dictionary.has("base_scene")) { base_scene_idx = p_dictionary["base_scene"]; } editable_instances.resize(ei.size()); for (int i = 0; i < editable_instances.size(); i++) { editable_instances.write[i] = ei[i]; } //path=p_dictionary["path"]; } Dictionary SceneState::get_bundled_scene() const { PoolVector<String> rnames; rnames.resize(names.size()); if (names.size()) { PoolVector<String>::Write r = rnames.write(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { r[i] = names[i]; } } Dictionary d; d["names"] = rnames; d["variants"] = variants; Vector<int> rnodes; d["node_count"] = nodes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { const NodeData &nd = nodes[i]; rnodes.push_back(nd.parent); rnodes.push_back(nd.owner); rnodes.push_back(nd.type); uint32_t name_index = nd.name; if (nd.index < (1 << (32 - NAME_INDEX_BITS)) - 1) { //save if less than 16k children name_index |= uint32_t(nd.index + 1) << NAME_INDEX_BITS; //for backwards compatibility, index 0 is no index } rnodes.push_back(name_index); rnodes.push_back(nd.instance); rnodes.push_back(nd.properties.size()); for (int j = 0; j < nd.properties.size(); j++) { rnodes.push_back(nd.properties[j].name); rnodes.push_back(nd.properties[j].value); } rnodes.push_back(nd.groups.size()); for (int j = 0; j < nd.groups.size(); j++) { rnodes.push_back(nd.groups[j]); } } d["nodes"] = rnodes; Vector<int> rconns; d["conn_count"] = connections.size(); for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) { const ConnectionData &cd = connections[i]; rconns.push_back(cd.from); rconns.push_back(cd.to); rconns.push_back(cd.signal); rconns.push_back(cd.method); rconns.push_back(cd.flags); rconns.push_back(cd.binds.size()); for (int j = 0; j < cd.binds.size(); j++) { rconns.push_back(cd.binds[j]); } } d["conns"] = rconns; Array rnode_paths; rnode_paths.resize(node_paths.size()); for (int i = 0; i < node_paths.size(); i++) { rnode_paths[i] = node_paths[i]; } d["node_paths"] = rnode_paths; Array reditable_instances; reditable_instances.resize(editable_instances.size()); for (int i = 0; i < editable_instances.size(); i++) { reditable_instances[i] = editable_instances[i]; } d["editable_instances"] = reditable_instances; if (base_scene_idx >= 0) { d["base_scene"] = base_scene_idx; } d["version"] = PACKED_SCENE_VERSION; return d; } int SceneState::get_node_count() const { return nodes.size(); } StringName SceneState::get_node_type(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), StringName()); if (nodes[p_idx].type == TYPE_INSTANCED) { return StringName(); } return names[nodes[p_idx].type]; } StringName SceneState::get_node_name(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), StringName()); return names[nodes[p_idx].name]; } int SceneState::get_node_index(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), -1); return nodes[p_idx].index; } bool SceneState::is_node_instance_placeholder(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), false); return nodes[p_idx].instance >= 0 && (nodes[p_idx].instance & FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER); } Ref<PackedScene> SceneState::get_node_instance(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), Ref<PackedScene>()); if (nodes[p_idx].instance >= 0) { if (nodes[p_idx].instance & FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER) { return Ref<PackedScene>(); } else { return variants[nodes[p_idx].instance & FLAG_MASK]; } } else if (nodes[p_idx].parent < 0 || nodes[p_idx].parent == NO_PARENT_SAVED) { if (base_scene_idx >= 0) { return variants[base_scene_idx]; } } return Ref<PackedScene>(); } String SceneState::get_node_instance_placeholder(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), String()); if (nodes[p_idx].instance >= 0 && (nodes[p_idx].instance & FLAG_INSTANCE_IS_PLACEHOLDER)) { return variants[nodes[p_idx].instance & FLAG_MASK]; } return String(); } Vector<StringName> SceneState::get_node_groups(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), Vector<StringName>()); Vector<StringName> groups; for (int i = 0; i < nodes[p_idx].groups.size(); i++) { groups.push_back(names[nodes[p_idx].groups[i]]); } return groups; } NodePath SceneState::get_node_path(int p_idx, bool p_for_parent) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), NodePath()); if (nodes[p_idx].parent < 0 || nodes[p_idx].parent == NO_PARENT_SAVED) { if (p_for_parent) { return NodePath(); } else { return NodePath("."); } } Vector<StringName> sub_path; NodePath base_path; int nidx = p_idx; while (true) { if (nodes[nidx].parent == NO_PARENT_SAVED || nodes[nidx].parent < 0) { sub_path.insert(0, "."); break; } if (!p_for_parent || p_idx != nidx) { sub_path.insert(0, names[nodes[nidx].name]); } if (nodes[nidx].parent & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { base_path = node_paths[nodes[nidx].parent & FLAG_MASK]; break; } else { nidx = nodes[nidx].parent & FLAG_MASK; } } for (int i = base_path.get_name_count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sub_path.insert(0, base_path.get_name(i)); } if (sub_path.empty()) { return NodePath("."); } return NodePath(sub_path, false); } int SceneState::get_node_property_count(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), -1); return nodes[p_idx].properties.size(); } StringName SceneState::get_node_property_name(int p_idx, int p_prop) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), StringName()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_prop, nodes[p_idx].properties.size(), StringName()); return names[nodes[p_idx].properties[p_prop].name]; } Variant SceneState::get_node_property_value(int p_idx, int p_prop) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), Variant()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_prop, nodes[p_idx].properties.size(), Variant()); return variants[nodes[p_idx].properties[p_prop].value]; } NodePath SceneState::get_node_owner_path(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, nodes.size(), NodePath()); if (nodes[p_idx].owner < 0 || nodes[p_idx].owner == NO_PARENT_SAVED) { return NodePath(); //root likely } if (nodes[p_idx].owner & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { return node_paths[nodes[p_idx].owner & FLAG_MASK]; } else { return get_node_path(nodes[p_idx].owner & FLAG_MASK); } } int SceneState::get_connection_count() const { return connections.size(); } NodePath SceneState::get_connection_source(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), NodePath()); if (connections[p_idx].from & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { return node_paths[connections[p_idx].from & FLAG_MASK]; } else { return get_node_path(connections[p_idx].from & FLAG_MASK); } } StringName SceneState::get_connection_signal(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), StringName()); return names[connections[p_idx].signal]; } NodePath SceneState::get_connection_target(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), NodePath()); if (connections[p_idx].to & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { return node_paths[connections[p_idx].to & FLAG_MASK]; } else { return get_node_path(connections[p_idx].to & FLAG_MASK); } } StringName SceneState::get_connection_method(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), StringName()); return names[connections[p_idx].method]; } int SceneState::get_connection_flags(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), -1); return connections[p_idx].flags; } Array SceneState::get_connection_binds(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, connections.size(), Array()); Array binds; for (int i = 0; i < connections[p_idx].binds.size(); i++) { binds.push_back(variants[connections[p_idx].binds[i]]); } return binds; } bool SceneState::has_connection(const NodePath &p_node_from, const StringName &p_signal, const NodePath &p_node_to, const StringName &p_method) { // this method cannot be const because of this Ref<SceneState> ss = this; do { for (int i = 0; i < ss->connections.size(); i++) { const ConnectionData &c = ss->connections[i]; NodePath np_from; if (c.from & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { np_from = ss->node_paths[c.from & FLAG_MASK]; } else { np_from = ss->get_node_path(c.from); } NodePath np_to; if (c.to & FLAG_ID_IS_PATH) { np_to = ss->node_paths[c.to & FLAG_MASK]; } else { np_to = ss->get_node_path(c.to); } StringName sn_signal = ss->names[c.signal]; StringName sn_method = ss->names[c.method]; if (np_from == p_node_from && sn_signal == p_signal && np_to == p_node_to && sn_method == p_method) { return true; } } ss = ss->get_base_scene_state(); } while (ss.is_valid()); return false; } Vector<NodePath> SceneState::get_editable_instances() const { return editable_instances; } //add int SceneState::add_name(const StringName &p_name) { names.push_back(p_name); return names.size() - 1; } int SceneState::find_name(const StringName &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (names[i] == p_name) { return i; } } return -1; } int SceneState::add_value(const Variant &p_value) { variants.push_back(p_value); return variants.size() - 1; } int SceneState::add_node_path(const NodePath &p_path) { node_paths.push_back(p_path); return (node_paths.size() - 1) | FLAG_ID_IS_PATH; } int SceneState::add_node(int p_parent, int p_owner, int p_type, int p_name, int p_instance, int p_index) { NodeData nd; nd.parent = p_parent; nd.owner = p_owner; nd.type = p_type; nd.name = p_name; nd.instance = p_instance; nd.index = p_index; nodes.push_back(nd); return nodes.size() - 1; } void SceneState::add_node_property(int p_node, int p_name, int p_value) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_node, nodes.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_name, names.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_value, variants.size()); NodeData::Property prop; prop.name = p_name; prop.value = p_value; nodes.write[p_node].properties.push_back(prop); } void SceneState::add_node_group(int p_node, int p_group) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_node, nodes.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_group, names.size()); nodes.write[p_node].groups.push_back(p_group); } void SceneState::set_base_scene(int p_idx) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, variants.size()); base_scene_idx = p_idx; } void SceneState::add_connection(int p_from, int p_to, int p_signal, int p_method, int p_flags, const Vector<int> &p_binds) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_signal, names.size()); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_method, names.size()); for (int i = 0; i < p_binds.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_binds[i], variants.size()); } ConnectionData c; c.from = p_from; c.to = p_to; c.signal = p_signal; c.method = p_method; c.flags = p_flags; c.binds = p_binds; connections.push_back(c); } void SceneState::add_editable_instance(const NodePath &p_path) { editable_instances.push_back(p_path); } PoolVector<String> SceneState::_get_node_groups(int p_idx) const { Vector<StringName> groups = get_node_groups(p_idx); PoolVector<String> ret; for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) { ret.push_back(groups[i]); } return ret; } void SceneState::_bind_methods() { //unbuild API ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_count"), &SceneState::get_node_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_type", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_type); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_name", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_path", "idx", "for_parent"), &SceneState::get_node_path, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_owner_path", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_owner_path); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_node_instance_placeholder", "idx"), &SceneState::is_node_instance_placeholder); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_instance_placeholder", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_instance_placeholder); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_instance", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_instance); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_groups", "idx"), &SceneState::_get_node_groups); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_index", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_index); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_property_count", "idx"), &SceneState::get_node_property_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_property_name", "idx", "prop_idx"), &SceneState::get_node_property_name); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_node_property_value", "idx", "prop_idx"), &SceneState::get_node_property_value); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_count"), &SceneState::get_connection_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_source", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_source); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_signal", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_signal); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_target", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_target); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_method", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_method); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_flags", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_flags); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_connection_binds", "idx"), &SceneState::get_connection_binds); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN_INHERITED); } SceneState::SceneState() { base_scene_idx = -1; last_modified_time = 0; } //////////////// void PackedScene::_set_bundled_scene(const Dictionary &p_scene) { state->set_bundled_scene(p_scene); } Dictionary PackedScene::_get_bundled_scene() const { return state->get_bundled_scene(); } Error PackedScene::pack(Node *p_scene) { return state->pack(p_scene); } void PackedScene::clear() { state->clear(); } bool PackedScene::can_instance() const { return state->can_instance(); } Node *PackedScene::instance(GenEditState p_edit_state) const { #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_edit_state != GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED, NULL, "Edit state is only for editors, does not work without tools compiled."); #endif Node *s = state->instance((SceneState::GenEditState)p_edit_state); if (!s) { return nullptr; } if (p_edit_state != GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED) { s->set_scene_instance_state(state); } if (!is_built_in()) { s->set_filename(get_path()); } s->notification(Node::NOTIFICATION_INSTANCED); return s; } void PackedScene::replace_state(Ref<SceneState> p_by) { state = p_by; state->set_path(get_path()); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED state->set_last_modified_time(get_last_modified_time()); #endif } void PackedScene::recreate_state() { state = Ref<SceneState>(memnew(SceneState)); state->set_path(get_path()); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED state->set_last_modified_time(get_last_modified_time()); #endif } Ref<SceneState> PackedScene::get_state() { return state; } void PackedScene::set_path(const String &p_path, bool p_take_over) { state->set_path(p_path); Resource::set_path(p_path, p_take_over); } void PackedScene::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("pack", "path"), &PackedScene::pack); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("instance", "edit_state"), &PackedScene::instance, DEFVAL(GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("can_instance"), &PackedScene::can_instance); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_bundled_scene"), &PackedScene::_set_bundled_scene); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_bundled_scene"), &PackedScene::_get_bundled_scene); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_state"), &PackedScene::get_state); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "_bundled"), "_set_bundled_scene", "_get_bundled_scene"); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_DISABLED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(GEN_EDIT_STATE_MAIN_INHERITED); } PackedScene::PackedScene() { state = Ref<SceneState>(memnew(SceneState)); }