#ifndef RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_H #define RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_H /*************************************************************************/ /* rendering_server_light_culler.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/math/plane.h" #include "core/math/vector3.h" #include "rendering_server_scene.h" struct Projection; struct Transform; // For testing performance improvements from the LightCuller: // Uncomment LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_FLASH and it will turn the culler // on and off every LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_FLASH_FREQUENCY camera prepares. // Uncomment LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_LOGGING to get periodic print of the number of casters culled before / after. // #define LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_LOGGING // #define LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_FLASH #define LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_FLASH_FREQUENCY 1024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The code to generate the lookup table is included but commented out. // This may be useful for debugging / regenerating the LUT in the future, // especially if the order of planes changes. // When this define is set, the generated lookup table will be printed to debug output. // The generated lookup table can be copy pasted // straight to LUT_entry_sizes and LUT_entries. // See the referenced article for explanation. // #define RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_CALCULATE_LUT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This define will be set automatically depending on earlier defines, you can leave this as is. #if defined(LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_LOGGING) || defined(RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_CALCULATE_LUT) #define RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_STRINGS #endif // Culls shadow casters that can't cast shadows into the camera frustum. class RenderingServerLightCuller { public: RenderingServerLightCuller(); private: class LightSource { public: enum SourceType { ST_UNKNOWN, ST_DIRECTIONAL, ST_SPOTLIGHT, ST_OMNI, }; LightSource() { type = ST_UNKNOWN; angle = 0.0f; range = FLT_MAX; } // All in world space, culling done in world space. Vector3 pos; Vector3 dir; SourceType type; float angle; // For spotlight. float range; }; // Same order as godot. enum PlaneOrder { PLANE_NEAR, PLANE_FAR, PLANE_LEFT, PLANE_TOP, PLANE_RIGHT, PLANE_BOTTOM, PLANE_TOTAL, }; // Same order as godot. enum PointOrder { PT_FAR_LEFT_TOP, PT_FAR_LEFT_BOTTOM, PT_FAR_RIGHT_TOP, PT_FAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM, PT_NEAR_LEFT_TOP, PT_NEAR_LEFT_BOTTOM, PT_NEAR_RIGHT_TOP, PT_NEAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM, }; // 6 bits, 6 planes. enum { NUM_CAM_PLANES = 6, NUM_CAM_POINTS = 8, MAX_CULL_PLANES = 17, LUT_SIZE = 64, }; public: // Before each pass with a different camera, you must call this so the culler can pre-create // the camera frustum planes and corner points in world space which are used for the culling. bool prepare_camera(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const Projection &p_cam_matrix); // Returns false if the entire light is culled (i.e. there is no intersection between the light and the view frustum). bool prepare_light(const RenderingServerScene::Instance &p_instance); // Cull according to the planes that were setup in the previous call to prepare_light. int cull(int p_count, RenderingServerScene::Instance **p_result_array); // Can turn on and off from the engine if desired. void set_caster_culling_active(bool p_active) { data.caster_culling_active = p_active; } void set_light_culling_active(bool p_active) { data.light_culling_active = p_active; } private: // Internal version uses LightSource. bool _add_light_camera_planes(const LightSource &p_light_source); // Directional light gives parallel culling planes (as opposed to point lights). bool add_light_camera_planes_directional(const LightSource &p_light_source); // Avoid adding extra culling planes derived from near colinear triangles. // The normals derived from these will be inaccurate, and can lead to false // culling of objects that should be within the light volume. bool _is_colinear_tri(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_c) const { // Lengths of sides a, b and c. float la = (p_b - p_a).length(); float lb = (p_c - p_b).length(); float lc = (p_c - p_a).length(); // Get longest side into lc. if (lb < la) { SWAP(la, lb); } if (lc < lb) { SWAP(lb, lc); } // Prevent divide by zero. if (lc > 0.00001f) { // If the summed length of the smaller two // sides is close to the length of the longest side, // the points are colinear, and the triangle is near degenerate. float ld = ((la + lb) - lc) / lc; // ld will be close to zero for colinear tris. return ld < 0.00001f; } // Don't create planes from tiny triangles, // they won't be accurate. return true; } // Is the light culler active? maybe not in the editor... bool is_caster_culling_active() const { return data.caster_culling_active; } bool is_light_culling_active() const { return data.light_culling_active; } // Do we want to log some debug output? bool is_logging() const { return data.debug_count == 0; } // Culling planes. void add_cull_plane(const Plane &p); struct Data { // Camera frustum planes (world space) - order ePlane. Vector<Plane> frustum_planes; // Camera frustum corners (world space) - order ePoint. Vector3 frustum_points[NUM_CAM_POINTS]; // We are storing cull planes in a ye olde style array to prevent needless allocations. Plane cull_planes[MAX_CULL_PLANES]; int num_cull_planes = 0; // The whole light can be out of range of the view frustum, in which case all casters should be culled. bool out_of_range = false; #ifdef RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_DEBUG_STRINGS static String plane_bitfield_to_string(unsigned int BF); // Names of the plane and point enums, useful for debugging. static const char *string_planes[]; static const char *string_points[]; #endif // Precalculated look up table. static uint8_t LUT_entry_sizes[LUT_SIZE]; static uint8_t LUT_entries[LUT_SIZE][8]; bool caster_culling_active = true; bool light_culling_active = true; // Light culling is a basic on / off switch. // Caster culling only works if light culling is also on. bool is_active() const { return light_culling_active; } // Ideally a frame counter, but for ease of implementation // this is just incremented on each prepare_camera. // used to turn on and off debugging features. int debug_count = -1; } data; // This functionality is not required in general use (and is compiled out), // as the lookup table can normally be hard coded // (provided order of planes etc does not change). // It is provided for debugging / future maintenance. #ifdef RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_CALCULATE_LUT void get_neighbouring_planes(PlaneOrder p_plane, PlaneOrder r_neigh_planes[4]) const; void get_corners_of_planes(PlaneOrder p_plane_a, PlaneOrder p_plane_b, PointOrder r_points[2]) const; void create_LUT(); void compact_LUT_entry(uint32_t p_entry_id); void debug_print_LUT(); void debug_print_LUT_as_table(); void add_LUT(int p_plane_0, int p_plane_1, PointOrder p_pts[2]); void add_LUT_entry(uint32_t p_entry_id, PointOrder p_pts[2]); String debug_string_LUT_entry(const LocalVector<uint8_t> &p_entry, bool p_pair = false); String string_LUT_entry(const LocalVector<uint8_t> &p_entry); // Contains a list of points for each combination of plane facing directions. LocalVector<uint8_t> _calculated_LUT[LUT_SIZE]; #endif }; #endif // RENDERING_SERVER_LIGHT_CULLER_H