/*************************************************************************/ /* http_server_simple.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "http_server_simple.h" #include "core/os/dir_access.h" #include "http_parser.h" #include "modules/web/http/web_server_cookie.h" #include "simple_web_server_request.h" #include "web_server_simple.h" #define CONNECTION_OPEN_CLOSE_DEBUG 0 #define CONNECTION_RESPOSE_DEBUG 0 void HTTPServerConnection::update() { if (closed()) { return; } if (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time > _timeout_usec) { close(); return; } if (tcp->get_status() != StreamPeerTCP::STATUS_CONNECTED) { return; } if (use_ssl) { if (ssl.is_null()) { ssl = Ref(StreamPeerSSL::create()); ssl->set_blocking_handshake_enabled(false); peer = ssl; Ref key = Ref(CryptoKey::create()); Error err = key->load(_http_server->_ssl_key_file); if (err != OK) { close(); ERR_FAIL_COND(err != OK); } _certificate = Ref(X509Certificate::create()); err = _certificate->load(_http_server->_ssl_cert_file); if (err != OK) { close(); ERR_FAIL_COND(err != OK); } if (ssl->accept_stream(tcp, key, _certificate) != OK) { close(); return; } } ssl->poll(); if (ssl->get_status() == StreamPeerSSL::STATUS_HANDSHAKING) { // Still handshaking, keep waiting. return; } if (ssl->get_status() != StreamPeerSSL::STATUS_CONNECTED) { close(); return; } } if (_current_request.is_valid()) { update_send_file(_current_request); if (closed()) { //some error happened return; } if (!_current_request->sent()) { // we will get back to this return; } _current_request.unref(); } int read = 0; Error err = peer->get_partial_data(req_buf, 4096, read); if (err != OK) { // Got an error close(); return; } if (read > 0) { int buffer_start_index = 0; while (true) { char *rb = reinterpret_cast(&req_buf[buffer_start_index]); buffer_start_index += _http_parser->read_from_buffer(rb, read); if (buffer_start_index >= read) { break; } // Stop processing if a protocol error happened if (_http_parser->has_error()) { break; } } // We had activity, reset timeout timer time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); } if (_http_parser->get_request_count() > 0) { _current_request = _http_parser->get_next_request(); _current_request->_server = _http_server; _current_request->_connection = Ref(this); _current_request->setup_url_stack(); _web_server->server_handle_request(_current_request); if (closed()) { //some error happened return; } if (!_current_request->sent()) { // we will get back to this time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); return; } _current_request.unref(); if (_http_parser->get_request_count() == 0 && _http_parser->is_finished()) { close(); } } if (_http_parser->has_error()) { close(); } } void HTTPServerConnection::send_redirect(Ref request, const String &location, const HTTPServerEnums::HTTPStatusCode status_code) { if (closed()) { return; } //String s = "HTTP/1.1 " + itos(static_cast(status_code)) + " Found\r\n"; String s = "HTTP/1.1 " + HTTPServerEnums::get_status_code_header_string(status_code) + "\r\n"; HashMap custom_headers = request->custom_response_headers_get(); if (!custom_headers.has("Location")) { s += "Location: " + location + "\r\n"; } if (!custom_headers.has("Connection")) { if (has_more_messages()) { s += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; } else { s += "Connection: close\r\n"; } } for (int i = 0; i < request->response_get_cookie_count(); ++i) { Ref cookie = request->response_get_cookie(i); ERR_CONTINUE(!cookie.is_valid()); String cookie_str = cookie->get_response_header_string(); if (cookie_str != "") { s += cookie_str; } } for (HashMap::Element *E = custom_headers.front(); E; E = E->next) { s += String(E->key()) + ": " + E->value() + "\r\n"; } s += "\r\n"; #if CONNECTION_RESPOSE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT(s); #endif CharString cs = s.utf8(); peer->put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.size() - 1); } void HTTPServerConnection::send(Ref request) { if (closed()) { return; } String body = request->get_compiled_body(); HashMap custom_headers = request->custom_response_headers_get(); String s = "HTTP/1.1 " + HTTPServerEnums::get_status_code_header_string(request->get_status_code()) + "\r\n"; if (!custom_headers.has("Content-Length")) { s += "Content-Length: " + itos(body.utf8_byte_length()) + "\r\n"; } if (!custom_headers.has("Content-type")) { s += "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; } if (!custom_headers.has("Connection")) { if (has_more_messages()) { s += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; } else { s += "Connection: close\r\n"; } } for (int i = 0; i < request->response_get_cookie_count(); ++i) { Ref cookie = request->response_get_cookie(i); ERR_CONTINUE(!cookie.is_valid()); String cookie_str = cookie->get_response_header_string(); if (cookie_str != "") { s += cookie_str; } } for (HashMap::Element *E = custom_headers.front(); E; E = E->next) { s += String(E->key()) + ": " + E->value() + "\r\n"; } s += "\r\n"; s += body; #if CONNECTION_RESPOSE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT(s); #endif CharString cs = s.utf8(); peer->put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.size() - 1); } void HTTPServerConnection::send_file(Ref request, const String &p_file_path) { if (closed()) { return; } HashMap custom_headers = request->custom_response_headers_get(); if (!FileAccess::exists(p_file_path)) { request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_404_NOT_FOUND); return; } Ref r = request; r->_sending_file_fa = FileAccess::open(p_file_path, FileAccess::READ); if (!r->_sending_file_fa) { request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_404_NOT_FOUND); return; } _file_start = 0; _file_length = r->_sending_file_fa->get_len(); _file_end = _file_length; uint64_t content_length = _file_length; String result_content_range_header; String range_header = request->get_header_parameter("range"); if (!range_header.empty()) { //Range: =- //Range: =- //Range: =-, - //Range: =-, -, - //Range: =- //Range: bytes=200-999, 2000-2499, 9500- //range_header -> "bytes=200-999, 2000-2499, 9500-" //Currently only bytes units are registered which are offsets (zero-indexed & inclusive). If the requested data has a content coding applied, each byte range represents the encoded sequence of bytes, not the bytes that would be obtained after decoding. if (!range_header.begins_with("bytes=")) { //If the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. close_file(request); request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_416_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); return; } //range_noprefix -> "200-999, 2000-2499, 9500-" String range_noprefix = range_header.substr_index(5, range_header.size() - 1); Vector ranges = range_header.split(","); if (ranges.size() == 0) { //If the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. close_file(request); request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_416_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); return; } // only handle the first one. Handling more creates extreme amounts of unnecessary complexity. //range -> "200-999" String range = ranges[0].strip_edges(); Vector range_values = range.split("-"); if (range_values.size() != 2) { //If the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. close_file(request); request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_416_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); return; } //9500- bool error = false; uint64_t start_value = 0; if (!range_values[0].empty() && !range_values[0].is_valid_unsigned_integer()) { start_value = range_values[0].to_int64(); } else { error = true; } if (!error && start_value >= _file_length) { error = true; } if (!error) { _file_start = start_value; r->_sending_file_fa->seek(_file_start); if (!range_values[1].empty()) { //200-999 uint64_t end_value = 0; if (!range_values[1].is_valid_unsigned_integer()) { end_value = range_values[1].to_int64(); } else { error = true; } if (!error && end_value > _file_length) { error = true; } if (!error) { _file_end = end_value; } } } if (error) { //If the ranges are invalid, the server returns the 416 Range Not Satisfiable error. close_file(request); request->send_error(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_416_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE); return; } if (request->get_status_code() == 200) { request->set_status_code(HTTPServerEnums::HTTP_STATUS_CODE_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT); } content_length = _file_end - _file_start; //Content-Range: -/ ( = The total length of the document (or '*' if unknown).) result_content_range_header = "Content-Range: bytes " + itos(_file_start) + "-" + itos(_file_end) + "/" + itos(_file_length) + +"\r\n"; } String s = "HTTP/1.1 " + HTTPServerEnums::get_status_code_header_string(request->get_status_code()) + "\r\n"; if (!result_content_range_header.empty()) { s += result_content_range_header; } if (!custom_headers.has("Connection")) { if (has_more_messages()) { s += "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; } else { s += "Connection: close\r\n"; } } if (!custom_headers.has("Content-Type")) { String ctype; StringName req_ext = p_file_path.get_extension().to_lower(); if (_http_server->mimes.has(req_ext)) { ctype = _http_server->mimes[req_ext]; } else { ctype = "application/octet-stream"; } s += "Content-Type: " + ctype + "\r\n"; } s += "Content-Length: " + itos(content_length) + "\r\n"; for (int i = 0; i < request->response_get_cookie_count(); ++i) { Ref cookie = request->response_get_cookie(i); ERR_CONTINUE(!cookie.is_valid()); String cookie_str = cookie->get_response_header_string(); if (cookie_str != "") { s += cookie_str; } } for (HashMap::Element *E = custom_headers.front(); E; E = E->next) { s += String(E->key()) + ": " + E->value() + "\r\n"; } s += "\r\n"; #if CONNECTION_RESPOSE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT(s); #endif CharString cs = s.utf8(); Error err = peer->put_data((const uint8_t *)cs.get_data(), cs.size() - 1); if (err != OK) { close(); return; } _file_buffer_start = 0; _file_buffer_end = 0; update_send_file(r); } void HTTPServerConnection::update_send_file(Ref request) { if (closed()) { return; } int loop_count = 0; while (true) { //read into buffer if (_file_buffer_start == _file_buffer_end) { _file_buffer_start = 0; uint64_t remaining = _file_end - request->_sending_file_fa->get_position(); uint64_t read_length = MIN(remaining, 4096); _file_buffer_end = request->_sending_file_fa->get_buffer(_file_send_buffer, read_length); if (_file_buffer_end == 0) { //finished break; } } int read = 0; Error err = peer->put_partial_data(&_file_send_buffer[_file_buffer_start], _file_buffer_end - _file_buffer_start, read); _file_buffer_start += read; if (read > 0) { time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); } if (err == ERR_BUSY) { // we can get ERR_BUSY is the socket is full -> we need to wait return; } if (err != OK) { close_file(request); close(); _file_buffer_start = 0; _file_buffer_end = 0; return; } loop_count += 1; if (loop_count >= _file_buffer_send_max_consecutive_loops) { // Work on other clients aswell. return; } } close_file(request); _file_buffer_start = 0; _file_buffer_end = 0; } void HTTPServerConnection::close() { #if CONNECTION_OPEN_CLOSE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("CONN CLOSE"); #endif if (ssl.is_valid()) { ssl->disconnect_from_stream(); } if (tcp.is_valid()) { tcp->disconnect_from_host(); } peer.unref(); ssl.unref(); tcp.unref(); _closed = true; } bool HTTPServerConnection::closed() { return _closed; } bool HTTPServerConnection::has_more_messages() { if (_closed) { return false; } if (_http_parser->has_error()) { return false; } if (_http_parser->get_request_count() == 0 && _http_parser->is_finished()) { return false; } return true; } void HTTPServerConnection::close_file(Ref request) { if (request.is_valid() && request->_sending_file_fa) { memdelete(request->_sending_file_fa); request->_sending_file_fa = NULL; } } HTTPServerConnection::HTTPServerConnection() { _web_server = nullptr; _http_server = nullptr; // This parameter will likely needs some tweaks _file_buffer_send_max_consecutive_loops = 5; // 20 sec _timeout_usec = 20 * 1000 * 1000; _http_parser.instance(); time = 0; memset(req_buf, 0, sizeof(req_buf)); _closed = false; _file_buffer_start = 0; _file_buffer_end = 0; _file_start = 0; _file_end = 0; _file_length = 0; } HTTPServerConnection::~HTTPServerConnection() { } void HTTPServerSimple::stop() { server->stop(); _clear_clients(); } Error HTTPServerSimple::listen(int p_port, IP_Address p_address, bool p_use_ssl, String p_ssl_key, String p_ssl_cert) { use_ssl = p_use_ssl; _ssl_key_file = p_ssl_key; _ssl_cert_file = p_ssl_cert; if (upload_file_store_type == WebServerSimple::FILE_UPLOAD_STORE_TYPE_TEMP_FILES) { DirAccess *dir = DirAccess::create_for_path(upload_temp_file_store_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!dir, ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE); Error err = OK; if (!dir->dir_exists(upload_temp_file_store_path)) { err = dir->make_dir_recursive(upload_temp_file_store_path); } memdelete(dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE, vformat("Cannot create temporary files directory for uploads! Error: %d", err)); } if (use_ssl) { Ref crypto = Crypto::create(); if (crypto.is_null()) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } if (!p_ssl_key.empty() && !p_ssl_cert.empty()) { key = Ref(CryptoKey::create()); Error err = key->load(p_ssl_key); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); cert = Ref(X509Certificate::create()); err = cert->load(p_ssl_cert); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); } else { _set_internal_certs(crypto); } } Error err = server->listen(p_port, p_address); if (err != OK) { return err; } if (_use_worker_threads) { for (int i = 0; i < _thread_count; ++i) { ServerWorkerThread *t = memnew(ServerWorkerThread); t->running = true; t->server.reference_ptr(this); t->semaphore = memnew(Semaphore); t->thread = memnew(Thread()); t->thread->start(HTTPServerSimple::_worker_thread_func, t); _threads.push_back(t); } } return OK; } bool HTTPServerSimple::is_listening() const { return server->is_listening(); } void HTTPServerSimple::poll() { if (!server->is_listening()) { return; } //todo add connection limit while (server->is_connection_available()) { _connections_lock.write_lock(); Ref tcp = server->take_connection(); ERR_CONTINUE(!tcp.is_valid()); #if CONNECTION_OPEN_CLOSE_DEBUG ERR_PRINT("NEW CONN"); #endif Ref connection; connection.instance(); connection->_web_server = _web_server; connection->_http_server = this; connection->_http_parser->max_request_size = max_request_size; connection->_http_parser->request_max_file_upload_size = request_max_file_upload_size; connection->_http_parser->upload_file_store_type = upload_file_store_type; connection->_http_parser->upload_temp_file_store_path = upload_temp_file_store_path; connection->use_ssl = use_ssl; connection->key = key; connection->tcp = tcp; connection->peer = connection->tcp; connection->time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); _connections.push_back(connection); _connections_lock.write_unlock(); } if (!_use_worker_threads) { _connections_lock.write_lock(); List>::Element *e = _connections.front(); while (e) { Ref c = e->get(); if (c->closed()) { List>::Element *etmp = e->next(); _connections.erase(e); e = etmp; continue; } c->update(); if (c->closed()) { List>::Element *etmp = e->next(); _connections.erase(e); e = etmp; continue; } e = e->next(); } _connections_lock.write_unlock(); } else { if (_connections.size() > 0) { _wake_workers(); } } } Dictionary HTTPServerSimple::unregister_connection_for_request(const Ref &request) { Ref srequest = request; Dictionary d; d["result"] = ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; if (!srequest.is_valid()) { return d; } bool found = false; _connections_lock.write_lock(); List>::Element *e = _connections.front(); while (e) { Ref c = e->get(); if (c->_current_request == srequest) { d["result"] = OK; d["use_ssl"] = c->use_ssl; d["key"] = c->key; d["tcp"] = c->tcp; d["ssl"] = c->ssl; d["peer"] = c->peer; c->_closed = true; found = true; _connections.erase(e); break; } e = e->next(); } if (!found) { for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); ++i) { ServerWorkerThread *t = _threads[i]; Ref &c = t->current_connection; if (!c.is_valid()) { continue; } if (c->_current_request == srequest) { d["result"] = OK; d["use_ssl"] = c->use_ssl; d["key"] = c->key; d["tcp"] = c->tcp; d["ssl"] = c->ssl; d["peer"] = c->peer; //So the thread will not put it back to the connections array c->_closed = true; break; } } } _connections_lock.write_unlock(); return d; } HTTPServerSimple::HTTPServerSimple() { _web_server = nullptr; mimes["html"] = "text/html"; mimes["js"] = "application/javascript"; mimes["json"] = "application/json"; mimes["pck"] = "application/octet-stream"; mimes["png"] = "image/png"; mimes["svg"] = "image/svg"; mimes["jpg"] = "image/jpeg"; mimes["jpeg"] = "image/jpeg"; mimes["wasm"] = "application/wasm"; mimes["css"] = "text/css"; mimes["pdf"] = "application/pdf"; mimes["mp4"] = "video/mp4"; mimes["zip"] = "application/zip"; mimes["rar"] = "application/vnd.rar"; mimes["txt"] = "text/plain"; mimes["exe"] = "application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable"; mimes["vorbis"] = "audio/vorbis"; mimes["otf"] = "font/otf"; mimes["sfnt"] = "font/sfnt"; mimes["ttf"] = "font/ttf"; mimes["ogg"] = "video/ogg"; mimes["ogv"] = "video/ogg"; mimes["mpv"] = "video/MPV"; mimes["quicktime"] = "video/quicktime"; mimes["gzip"] = "application/gzip"; mimes["pdf"] = "application/pdf"; mimes["rtf"] = "application/rtf"; mimes["zip"] = "application/zip"; mimes["opus"] = "audio/opus"; mimes["bmp"] = "image/bmp"; mimes["csv"] = "text/csv"; mimes["md"] = "text/markdown"; server.instance(); stop(); max_request_size = 0; request_max_file_upload_size = 0; } HTTPServerSimple::~HTTPServerSimple() { } void HTTPServerSimple::_clear_clients() { //stop worker threads first! _stop_workers(); _connections_lock.write_lock(); for (List>::Element *e = _connections.front(); e; e = e->next()) { e->get()->close(); } _connections.clear(); _connections_lock.write_unlock(); } void HTTPServerSimple::_stop_workers() { for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); ++i) { _threads.write[i]->running = false; _threads.write[i]->semaphore->post(); } for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); ++i) { _threads.write[i]->thread->wait_to_finish(); memdelete(_threads.write[i]->thread); memdelete(_threads.write[i]->semaphore); } _threads.clear(); } void HTTPServerSimple::_set_internal_certs(Ref p_crypto) { const String cache_path = "user://cache/web/"; DirAccess *dir = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_USERDATA); ERR_FAIL_COND(!dir); dir->make_dir_recursive(cache_path); memdelete(dir); const String key_path = cache_path.plus_file("http_server_simple_cert.key"); const String crt_path = cache_path.plus_file("http_server_simple_cert.crt"); bool regen = !FileAccess::exists(key_path) || !FileAccess::exists(crt_path); if (!regen) { key = Ref(CryptoKey::create()); cert = Ref(X509Certificate::create()); if (key->load(key_path) != OK || cert->load(crt_path) != OK) { regen = true; } } if (regen) { key = p_crypto->generate_rsa(2048); key->save(key_path); cert = p_crypto->generate_self_signed_certificate(key, "CN=pandemonium-debug.local,O=A Game Dev,C=XXA", "20140101000000", "20340101000000"); cert->save(crt_path); } _ssl_key_file = key_path; _ssl_cert_file = crt_path; } void HTTPServerSimple::_wake_workers() { for (int i = 0; i < _threads.size(); ++i) { if (_connections.size() == 0) { return; } ServerWorkerThread *t = _threads[i]; if (!t->working) { t->semaphore->post(); } } } void HTTPServerSimple::_worker_thread_func(void *data) { ServerWorkerThread *context = reinterpret_cast(data); Ref server = context->server; context->working = true; while (context->running) { //THis will only work well in a worker thread while (!server->_connections.empty()) { server->_connections_lock.write_lock(); List>::Element *e = server->_connections.front(); if (!e) { server->_connections_lock.write_unlock(); break; } Ref c = e->get(); context->current_connection = c; server->_connections.pop_front(); server->_connections_lock.write_unlock(); if (c->closed()) { continue; } c->update(); if (c->closed()) { continue; } server->_connections_lock.write_lock(); server->_connections.push_back(c); context->current_connection.unref(); server->_connections_lock.write_unlock(); } context->working = false; context->semaphore->wait(); context->working = true; } }