#ifndef ROOM_MANAGER_H #define ROOM_MANAGER_H /*************************************************************************/ /* room_manager.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/containers/local_vector.h" #include "room.h" #include "spatial.h" class Portal; class RoomGroup; class MeshInstance; class GeometryInstance; class VisualInstance; #define PANDEMONIUM_PORTAL_WILDCARD ('*') class RoomManager : public Spatial { GDCLASS(RoomManager, Spatial); public: enum PVSMode { PVS_MODE_DISABLED, PVS_MODE_PARTIAL, PVS_MODE_FULL, }; void set_roomlist_path(const NodePath &p_path); NodePath get_roomlist_path() const { return _settings_path_roomlist; } void set_preview_camera_path(const NodePath &p_path); NodePath get_preview_camera_path() const { return _settings_path_preview_camera; } void rooms_set_active(bool p_active); bool rooms_get_active() const; void set_show_margins(bool p_show); bool get_show_margins() const; void set_debug_sprawl(bool p_enable); bool get_debug_sprawl() const; void set_merge_meshes(bool p_enable); bool get_merge_meshes() const; void set_room_simplify(real_t p_value); real_t get_room_simplify() const; void set_default_portal_margin(real_t p_dist); real_t get_default_portal_margin() const; void set_overlap_warning_threshold(int p_value) { _overlap_warning_threshold = p_value; } int get_overlap_warning_threshold() const { return (int)_overlap_warning_threshold; } void set_portal_depth_limit(int p_limit); int get_portal_depth_limit() const { return _settings_portal_depth_limit; } void set_roaming_expansion_margin(real_t p_dist); real_t get_roaming_expansion_margin() const { return _settings_roaming_expansion_margin; } void set_pvs_mode(PVSMode p_mode); PVSMode get_pvs_mode() const; void set_pvs_filename(String p_filename); String get_pvs_filename() const; void set_use_secondary_pvs(bool p_enable) { _settings_use_secondary_pvs = p_enable; } bool get_use_secondary_pvs() const { return _settings_use_secondary_pvs; } void set_gameplay_monitor_enabled(bool p_enable) { _settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled = p_enable; } bool get_gameplay_monitor_enabled() const { return _settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled; } void rooms_convert(); void rooms_clear(); void rooms_flip_portals(); String get_configuration_warning() const; // for internal use in the editor.. // either we can clear the rooms and unload, // or reconvert. void _rooms_changed(String p_reason); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // for a preview, we allow the editor to change the bound bool _room_regenerate_bound(Room *p_room); #endif RoomManager(); ~RoomManager(); // an easy way of grabbing the active room manager for tools purposes #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED static RoomManager *active_room_manager; // static versions of functions for use from editor toolbars static void static_rooms_set_active(bool p_active); static bool static_rooms_get_active(); static bool static_rooms_get_active_and_loaded(); static void static_rooms_convert(); #endif private: // funcs bool resolve_preview_camera_path(); void _preview_camera_update(); // conversion // FIRST PASS void _convert_rooms_recursive(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals, LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &r_roomgroups, int p_roomgroup = -1); void _convert_room(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals, const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, int p_roomgroup); int _convert_roomgroup(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &r_roomgroups); void _find_portals_recursive(Spatial *p_node, Room *p_room, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals); void _convert_portal(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<Portal *> &portals); // SECOND PASS void _second_pass_portals(Spatial *p_roomlist, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals); void _second_pass_rooms(const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); void _second_pass_room(Room *p_room, const LocalVector<RoomGroup *> &p_roomgroups, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); bool _convert_manual_bound(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); void _check_portal_for_warnings(Portal *p_portal, const AABB &p_room_aabb_without_portals); void _process_static(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, bool p_add_to_portal_renderer); void _find_statics_recursive(Room *p_room, Spatial *p_node, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, bool p_add_to_portal_renderer); bool _convert_room_hull_preliminary(Room *p_room, const Vector<Vector3> &p_room_pts, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); bool _bound_findpoints_mesh_instance(MeshInstance *p_mi, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, AABB &r_aabb); bool _bound_findpoints_geom_instance(GeometryInstance *p_gi, Vector<Vector3> &r_room_pts, AABB &r_aabb); // THIRD PASS void _autolink_portals(Spatial *p_roomlist, LocalVector<Portal *> &r_portals); void _third_pass_rooms(const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); bool _convert_room_hull_final(Room *p_room, const LocalVector<Portal *> &p_portals); void _build_simplified_bound(const Room *p_room, Geometry::MeshData &r_md, LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> &r_planes, int p_num_portal_planes); // AUTOPLACE - automatically place STATIC and DYNAMICs that are not within a room // into the most appropriate room, and sprawl void _autoplace_recursive(Spatial *p_node); bool _autoplace_object(VisualInstance *p_vi); // misc bool _add_plane_if_unique(const Room *p_room, LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> &r_planes, const Plane &p); void _update_portal_gizmos(Spatial *p_node); bool _check_roomlist_validity(Node *p_node); void _cleanup_after_conversion(); Error _build_room_convex_hull(const Room *p_room, const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry::MeshData &r_mesh); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void _generate_room_overlap_zones(); #endif // merging void _merge_meshes_in_room(Room *p_room); void _list_mergeable_mesh_instances(Spatial *p_node, LocalVector<MeshInstance *, int32_t> &r_list); void _merge_log(String p_string) { debug_print_line(p_string); } bool _remove_redundant_dangling_nodes(Spatial *p_node); // helper funcs bool _name_ends_with(const Node *p_node, String p_postfix) const; template <class NODE_TYPE> NODE_TYPE *_resolve_path(NodePath p_path) const; template <class NODE_TYPE> bool _node_is_type(Node *p_node) const; template <class T> T *_change_node_type(Spatial *p_node, String p_prefix, bool p_delete = true); void _update_gizmos_recursive(Node *p_node); void _set_owner_recursive(Node *p_node, Node *p_owner); void _flip_portals_recursive(Spatial *p_node); Error _build_convex_hull(const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, Geometry::MeshData &r_mesh, real_t p_epsilon = 3.0 * UNIT_EPSILON); // output strings during conversion process void convert_log(String p_string, int p_priority = 0) { debug_print_line(p_string, 1); } // only prints when user has set 'debug' in the room manager inspector // also does not show in non editor builds void debug_print_line(String p_string, int p_priority = 0); void show_warning(const String &p_string, bool p_skippable = false, bool p_alert = true); public: static String _find_name_before(Node *p_node, String p_postfix, bool p_allow_no_postfix = false); static real_t _get_default_portal_margin() { return _default_portal_margin; } private: // accessible from UI NodePath _settings_path_roomlist; NodePath _settings_path_preview_camera; // resolved node Spatial *_roomlist = nullptr; bool _warning_misnamed_nodes_detected = false; bool _warning_portal_link_room_not_found = false; bool _warning_portal_autolink_failed = false; bool _warning_room_overlap_detected = false; // merge suitable meshes in rooms? bool _settings_merge_meshes = false; // remove redundant childless spatials after merging bool _settings_remove_danglers = true; bool _active = true; // portals, room hulls etc bool _show_debug = true; bool _debug_sprawl = false; // pvs PVSMode _pvs_mode = PVS_MODE_PARTIAL; String _pvs_filename; bool _settings_use_secondary_pvs = false; bool _settings_use_simple_pvs = false; bool _settings_log_pvs_generation = false; bool _settings_use_signals = true; bool _settings_gameplay_monitor_enabled = false; int _conversion_tick = 0; // just used during conversion, could be invalidated // later by user deleting rooms etc. LocalVector<Room *, int32_t> _rooms; // advanced params static real_t _default_portal_margin; real_t _overlap_warning_threshold = 1.0; Room::SimplifyInfo _room_simplify_info; int _settings_portal_depth_limit = 16; real_t _settings_roaming_expansion_margin = 1.0; // debug override camera ObjectID _pandemonium_preview_camera_ID = -1; // local version of the pandemonium camera frustum, // to prevent updating the visual server (and causing // a screen refresh) where not necessary. Vector3 _pandemonium_camera_pos; Vector<Plane> _pandemonium_camera_planes; protected: static void _bind_methods(); void _notification(int p_what); void _refresh_from_project_settings(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(RoomManager::PVSMode); #endif