<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="JavaScriptObject" inherits="Reference"> <brief_description> A wrapper class for native JavaScript objects. </brief_description> <description> JavaScriptObject is used to interact with JavaScript objects retrieved or created via [method JavaScript.get_interface], [method JavaScript.create_object], or [method JavaScript.create_callback]. Example: [codeblock] extends Node var _my_js_callback = JavaScript.create_callback(self, "myCallback") # This reference must be kept var console = JavaScript.get_interface("console") func _init(): var buf = JavaScript.create_object("ArrayBuffer", 10) # new ArrayBuffer(10) print(buf) # prints [JavaScriptObject:OBJECT_ID] var uint8arr = JavaScript.create_object("Uint8Array", buf) # new Uint8Array(buf) uint8arr[1] = 255 prints(uint8arr[1], uint8arr.byteLength) # prints 255 10 console.log(uint8arr) # prints in browser console "Uint8Array(10) [ 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]" # Equivalent of JavaScript: Array.from(uint8arr).forEach(myCallback) JavaScript.get_interface("Array").from(uint8arr).forEach(_my_js_callback) func myCallback(args): # Will be called with the parameters passed to the "forEach" callback # [0, 0, [JavaScriptObject:1173]] # [255, 1, [JavaScriptObject:1173]] # ... # [0, 9, [JavaScriptObject:1180]] print(args) [/codeblock] [b]Note:[/b] Only available in the HTML5 platform. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> </methods> <constants> </constants> </class>