/*************************************************************************/ /* merge_group_editor_plugin.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "merge_group_editor_plugin.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "editor/editor_file_dialog.h" #include "editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.h" #include "scene/3d/mesh_instance.h" #include "scene/gui/check_box.h" #include "scene/gui/spin_box.h" #include "scene/resources/mesh/merging_tool.h" #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h" EditorProgress *MergeGroupEditorPlugin::tmp_progress = nullptr; EditorProgress *MergeGroupEditorPlugin::tmp_subprogress = nullptr; void MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::_bake_confirm() { _owner_plugin->dialog_pressed_bake(_single_scene->is_pressed(), (int)_subscene_polycount_threshold->get_value()); } void MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::_add_bake_checkbox(Node *p_parent, CheckBox **pp_checkbox, const String &p_text, const String &p_tooltip, bool p_default) { *pp_checkbox = memnew(CheckBox); (*pp_checkbox)->set_text(TTR(p_text)); (*pp_checkbox)->set_tooltip(TTR(p_tooltip)); (*pp_checkbox)->set_pressed(p_default); p_parent->add_child(*pp_checkbox); } void MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::_add_bake_spinbox(VBoxContainer *p_parent, SpinBox **pp_spinbox, const String &p_text, const String &p_tooltip, int32_t p_min, int32_t p_max, int32_t p_step, int32_t p_default) { *pp_spinbox = memnew(SpinBox); (*pp_spinbox)->set_min(p_min); (*pp_spinbox)->set_max(p_max); (*pp_spinbox)->set_step(p_step); (*pp_spinbox)->set_value(p_default); (*pp_spinbox)->set_tooltip(p_tooltip); p_parent->add_margin_child(TTR(p_text), *pp_spinbox); } void MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::fill_merge_group_params(MergeGroup &r_merge_group) { r_merge_group.set_param_enabled(MergeGroup::PARAM_ENABLED_SHADOW_PROXY, _shadow_proxy->is_pressed()); r_merge_group.set_param_enabled(MergeGroup::PARAM_ENABLED_CONVERT_CSGS, _convert_csgs->is_pressed()); r_merge_group.set_param_enabled(MergeGroup::PARAM_ENABLED_CONVERT_GRIDMAPS, _convert_gridmaps->is_pressed()); r_merge_group.set_param_enabled(MergeGroup::PARAM_ENABLED_COMBINE_SURFACES, _combine_surfaces->is_pressed()); r_merge_group.set_param_enabled(MergeGroup::PARAM_ENABLED_CLEAN_MESHES, _clean_meshes->is_pressed()); r_merge_group.set_param(MergeGroup::PARAM_GROUP_SIZE, _group_size->get_value()); r_merge_group.set_param(MergeGroup::PARAM_SPLITS_HORIZONTAL, _splits_horz->get_value()); r_merge_group.set_param(MergeGroup::PARAM_SPLITS_VERTICAL, _splits_vert->get_value()); r_merge_group.set_param(MergeGroup::PARAM_MIN_SPLIT_POLY_COUNT, _min_split_poly_count->get_value()); } MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog(MergeGroupEditorPlugin *p_owner) { _owner_plugin = p_owner; set_title("Bake MergeGroup"); get_ok()->connect("pressed", this, "_bake_confirm"); VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew(VBoxContainer); add_child(vbc); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_single_scene, "Single Scene", "Save meshes as a single scene or separate scenes.", true); _add_bake_spinbox(vbc, &_subscene_polycount_threshold, "Subscene Polycount Threshold:", "Threshold polycount to split scenes into separate subscenes.", 0, 1024 * 128, 64, 1024); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_shadow_proxy, "Shadow Proxy", "Separate meshes for shadow rendering.", true); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_convert_csgs, "Convert CSGs", "Convert CSGs to meshes so they can be merged.", true); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_convert_gridmaps, "Convert GridMaps", "Convert GridMaps to meshes so they can be merged."); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_combine_surfaces, "Combine Surfaces", "Combine merged surfaces to form an \"ubermesh\".", true); _add_bake_checkbox(vbc, &_clean_meshes, "Clean Meshes", "Clean geometry data, remove degenerate triangles."); _add_bake_spinbox(vbc, &_group_size, "Group Size", "When non-zero, only local groups of the corresponding number of meshes will be merged.", 0, 128, 1, 0); _add_bake_spinbox(vbc, &_splits_horz, "Splits Horizontal", "When above 1, the final meshes will be split into a grid on the horizontal axis.", 0, 16, 1, 1); _add_bake_spinbox(vbc, &_splits_vert, "Splits Vertical", "When above 1, the final meshes will be split into a grid on the vertical axis.", 0, 16, 1, 1); _add_bake_spinbox(vbc, &_min_split_poly_count, "Min Split Polycount", "When splitting by grid, only meshes above this minimum polycount will be split.", 0, 1024 * 128, 256, 1024); } void MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_bake_confirm", &MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog::_bake_confirm); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::bake_func_step(float p_progress, const String &p_description, void *, bool p_force_refresh) { if (!tmp_progress) { tmp_progress = memnew(EditorProgress("bake_merge_group", TTR("Bake MergeGroup"), 1000, true)); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(tmp_progress, false); } return tmp_progress->step(p_description, p_progress * 1000, p_force_refresh); } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::bake_func_substep(float p_progress, const String &p_description, void *, bool p_force_refresh) { if (!tmp_subprogress) { tmp_subprogress = memnew(EditorProgress("bake_merge_group_substep", "", 1000, true)); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(tmp_subprogress, false); } return tmp_subprogress->step(p_description, p_progress * 1000, p_force_refresh); } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::bake_func_end(uint32_t p_time_started) { if (tmp_progress != nullptr) { memdelete(tmp_progress); tmp_progress = nullptr; } if (tmp_subprogress != nullptr) { memdelete(tmp_subprogress); tmp_subprogress = nullptr; } const int time_taken = (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() - p_time_started) * 0.001; if (time_taken >= 1) { // Only print a message and request attention if baking took at least 1 second. print_line(vformat("Done baking MergeGroup in %02d:%02d:%02d.", time_taken / 3600, (time_taken % 3600) / 60, time_taken % 60)); // Request attention in case the user was doing something else. OS::get_singleton()->request_attention(); } } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::dialog_pressed_bake(bool p_single_scene, int p_subscene_polycount_threshold) { if (!_merge_group) { return; } _params.single_scene = p_single_scene; _params.subscene_polycount_threshold = p_subscene_polycount_threshold; Node *root = _merge_group->get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root(); if (root == _merge_group) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Cannot bake MergeGroup when it is scene root.")); return; } String scene_path = _merge_group->get_filename(); if (scene_path == String()) { scene_path = _merge_group->get_owner()->get_filename(); } if (scene_path == String()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't determine a save path for merge group.\nSave your scene and try again.")); return; } scene_path = scene_path.get_basename() + ".tscn"; file_dialog->set_current_path(scene_path); file_dialog->popup_centered_ratio(); } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_find_visual_instances_recursive(Node *p_node) { if (Object::cast_to<VisualInstance>(p_node)) { return true; } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { if (_find_visual_instances_recursive(p_node->get_child(n))) { return true; } } return false; } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_bake() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(_merge_group); // If the merge group does not contain any VisualInstance children, flag an error. if (!_find_visual_instances_recursive(_merge_group)) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("MergeGroup does not contain any VisualInstances.\nCannot Bake.")); return; } bake_dialog->show(); } Spatial *MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_convert_merge_group_to_spatial(MergeGroup *p_merge_group) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_merge_group, nullptr); Node *parent = p_merge_group->get_parent(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(parent, nullptr); Spatial *spatial = memnew(Spatial); parent->add_child(spatial); // They can't have the same name at the same time. String name = p_merge_group->get_name(); p_merge_group->set_name(name + "_temp"); spatial->set_name(name); // Identical transforms. spatial->set_transform(p_merge_group->get_transform()); // Move the children. // GODOT is abysmally bad at moving children in order unfortunately. // So reverse order for now. for (int n = p_merge_group->get_child_count() - 1; n >= 0; n--) { Node *child = p_merge_group->get_child(n); p_merge_group->remove_child(child); spatial->add_child(child); } // Change owners. MergingTool::_invalidate_owner_recursive(spatial, nullptr, p_merge_group->get_owner()); // Delete AND detach the merge group from the tree. p_merge_group->_delete_node(p_merge_group); return spatial; } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_bake_select_file(const String &p_file) { if (!_merge_group) { return; } // Special treatment for scene root. Node *root = _merge_group->get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root(); // Cannot bake scene root. if (root == _merge_group) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Cannot bake scene root.\nPlease move to a branch before baking.")); ERR_FAIL_COND(root == _merge_group); } Node *parent = _merge_group->get_parent(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(parent); // Disallow saving to the same scene as the root scene // (this is usually user error), and prevents losing work. if (root->get_filename() == p_file) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Cannot save to the currently edited scene.\nPlease save to a different scene.")); ERR_FAIL_COND(root->get_filename() == p_file); } // Ensure to reset this when exiting this routine! // Spatial gizmos, especially for meshes are very expensive // in terms of RAM and performance, and are totally // unnecessary for temporary objects SpatialEditor::_prevent_gizmo_generation = true; #ifdef GODOT_MERGING_VERBOSE MergingTool::debug_branch(_merge_group, "START_SCENE"); #endif Spatial *hanger = memnew(Spatial); hanger->set_name("hanger"); parent->add_child(hanger); hanger->set_owner(_merge_group->get_owner()); uint32_t time_start = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec(); bake_func_step(0.0, "Duplicating Branch", nullptr, true); _duplicate_branch(_merge_group, hanger); // Temporarily hide source branch, to speed things up in the editor. bool was_visible = _merge_group->is_visible_in_tree(); _merge_group->hide(); MergeGroup *merge_group_copy = Object::cast_to<MergeGroup>(hanger->get_child(0)); // Set the parameters in the copy mergegroup to those set up in the bake dialog. bake_dialog->fill_merge_group_params(*merge_group_copy); if (merge_group_copy->merge_meshes_in_editor()) { if (!bake_func_step(1.0, "Saving Scene", nullptr, true)) { // Convert the merge node to a spatial.. // Once baked we don't want baked scenes to be merged AGAIN // when incorporated into scenes. Spatial *final_branch = _convert_merge_group_to_spatial(merge_group_copy); // Only save if not cancelled by user. _save_scene(final_branch, p_file); } } #ifdef GODOT_MERGING_VERBOSE MergingTool::debug_branch(hanger, "END_SCENE"); #endif // Finished. hanger->queue_delete(); _merge_group->set_visible(was_visible); SpatialEditor::_prevent_gizmo_generation = false; bake_func_end(time_start); } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_remove_queue_deleted_nodes_recursive(Node *p_node) { if (p_node->is_queued_for_deletion()) { p_node->get_parent()->remove_child(p_node); return; } for (int n = p_node->get_child_count() - 1; n >= 0; n--) { _remove_queue_deleted_nodes_recursive(p_node->get_child(n)); } } uint32_t MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_get_mesh_poly_count(const MeshInstance &p_mi) const { Ref<Mesh> rmesh = p_mi.get_mesh(); if (rmesh.is_valid()) { return rmesh->get_face_count(); } return 0; } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_replace_with_branch_scene(const String &p_file, Node *p_base) { Node *old_owner = p_base->get_owner(); Ref<PackedScene> sdata = ResourceLoader::load(p_file); if (!sdata.is_valid()) { ERR_PRINT("Error loading scene from \"" + p_file + "\"."); return false; } Node *instanced_scene = sdata->instance(PackedScene::GEN_EDIT_STATE_INSTANCE); if (!instanced_scene) { ERR_PRINT("Error instancing scene from \"" + p_file + "\"."); return false; } Node *parent = p_base->get_parent(); int pos = p_base->get_index(); parent->remove_child(p_base); parent->add_child(instanced_scene); parent->move_child(instanced_scene, pos); List<Node *> owned; p_base->get_owned_by(p_base->get_owner(), &owned); Array owners; for (List<Node *>::Element *F = owned.front(); F; F = F->next()) { owners.push_back(F->get()); } instanced_scene->set_owner(old_owner); p_base->queue_delete(); return true; } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_save_subscene(Node *p_root, Node *p_branch, String p_base_filename, int &r_subscene_count) { bake_func_substep(0.0, p_branch->get_name(), nullptr, false); Node *scene_root = p_root; RBMap<Node *, Node *> reown; reown[scene_root] = p_branch; Node *copy = p_branch->duplicate_and_reown(reown); bake_func_substep(0.2, p_branch->get_name(), nullptr, false); if (copy) { Ref<PackedScene> sdata = memnew(PackedScene); Error err = sdata->pack(copy); memdelete(copy); bake_func_substep(0.4, p_branch->get_name(), nullptr, false); if (err != OK) { WARN_PRINT("Couldn't save subscene \"" + p_branch->get_name() + "\" . Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be satisfied. Saving as part of main scene instead."); return false; } String filename = p_base_filename + "_" + itos(r_subscene_count++) + ".scn"; #ifdef DEV_ENABLED print_verbose("Save subscene: " + filename); #endif err = ResourceSaver::save(filename, sdata, ResourceSaver::FLAG_COMPRESS); bake_func_substep(0.6, p_branch->get_name(), nullptr, false); if (err != OK) { WARN_PRINT("Error saving subscene \"" + p_branch->get_name() + "\" , saving as part of main scene instead."); return false; } _replace_with_branch_scene(filename, p_branch); } else { WARN_PRINT("Error duplicating subscene \"" + p_branch->get_name() + "\" , saving as part of main scene instead."); return false; } return true; } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_save_mesh_subscenes_recursive(Node *p_root, Node *p_node, String p_base_filename, int &r_subscene_count) { if (p_node->is_queued_for_deletion()) { return; } // Is a subscene already? if (p_node->get_filename().length() && (p_node != p_root)) { return; } // Is it a mesh instance? MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); // Don't save subscenes for trivially sized meshes. if (mi && (!_params.subscene_polycount_threshold || ((int)_get_mesh_poly_count(*mi) > _params.subscene_polycount_threshold))) { // Save as subscene. if (_save_subscene(p_root, p_node, p_base_filename, r_subscene_count)) { return; } } // Replaced subscenes will be added to the last child, so going in reverse order is necessary. for (int n = p_node->get_child_count() - 1; n >= 0; n--) { _save_mesh_subscenes_recursive(p_root, p_node->get_child(n), p_base_filename, r_subscene_count); } } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_push_mesh_data_to_gpu_recursive(Node *p_node) { // Is it a mesh instance? MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(p_node); if (mi) { Ref<Mesh> rmesh = mi->get_mesh(); if (rmesh.is_valid()) { rmesh->set_storage_mode(Mesh::STORAGE_MODE_GPU); } } for (int n = 0; n < p_node->get_child_count(); n++) { _push_mesh_data_to_gpu_recursive(p_node->get_child(n)); } } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_save_scene(Node *p_branch, String p_filename) { // For some reason the saving machinery doesn't deal well with nodes queued for deletion, // so we will remove them from the scene tree (as risk of leaks, but the queue delete machinery // should still work when detached). _remove_queue_deleted_nodes_recursive(p_branch); // All mesh data must be on the GPU for the Mesh saving routines to work. _push_mesh_data_to_gpu_recursive(p_branch); Node *scene_root = p_branch->get_tree()->get_edited_scene_root(); RBMap<Node *, Node *> reown; reown[scene_root] = p_branch; Node *copy = p_branch->duplicate_and_reown(reown); #ifdef GODOT_MERGING_VERBOSE MergingTool::debug_branch(copy, "SAVE SCENE:"); #endif bake_func_substep(0.0, p_filename, nullptr, false); if (copy) { // Save any large meshes as compressed resources. if (!_params.single_scene) { int subscene_count = 0; _save_mesh_subscenes_recursive(copy, copy, p_filename.get_basename(), subscene_count); } bake_func_substep(0.4, p_filename, nullptr, false); Ref<PackedScene> sdata = memnew(PackedScene); Error err = sdata->pack(copy); memdelete(copy); bake_func_substep(0.8, p_filename, nullptr, false); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Couldn't save merged branch.\nLikely dependencies (instances) couldn't be satisfied.")); return false; } err = ResourceSaver::save(p_filename, sdata, ResourceSaver::FLAG_COMPRESS); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error saving scene.")); return false; } } else { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error duplicating scene to save it.")); return false; } return true; } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_duplicate_branch(Node *p_branch, Node *p_new_parent) { Node *dup = p_branch->duplicate(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(dup); p_new_parent->add_child(dup); Node *new_owner = p_new_parent->get_owner(); dup->set_owner(new_owner); MergingTool::_invalidate_owner_recursive(dup, nullptr, new_owner); } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::edit(Object *p_object) { MergeGroup *mg = Object::cast_to<MergeGroup>(p_object); if (!mg) { return; } _merge_group = mg; } bool MergeGroupEditorPlugin::handles(Object *p_object) const { return p_object->is_class("MergeGroup"); } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) { if (p_visible) { button_bake->show(); } else { button_bake->hide(); bake_dialog->hide(); } } void MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_bake", &MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_bake); ClassDB::bind_method("_bake_select_file", &MergeGroupEditorPlugin::_bake_select_file); } MergeGroupEditorPlugin::MergeGroupEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) { editor = p_node; button_bake = memnew(ToolButton); button_bake->set_icon(editor->get_gui_base()->get_theme_icon("Bake", "EditorIcons")); button_bake->set_text(TTR("Bake")); button_bake->set_tooltip(TTR("Bake MergeGroup to Scene.")); button_bake->hide(); button_bake->connect("pressed", this, "_bake"); file_dialog = memnew(EditorFileDialog); file_dialog->set_mode(EditorFileDialog::MODE_SAVE_FILE); file_dialog->add_filter("*.tscn ; " + TTR("Scene")); file_dialog->add_filter("*.scn ; " + TTR("Binary Scene")); file_dialog->set_title(TTR("Save Merged Scene As...")); file_dialog->connect("file_selected", this, "_bake_select_file"); button_bake->add_child(file_dialog); bake_dialog = memnew(MergeGroupEditorBakeDialog(this)); bake_dialog->set_anchors_and_margins_preset(Control::PRESET_CENTER); bake_dialog->hide(); button_bake->add_child(bake_dialog); add_control_to_container(CONTAINER_SPATIAL_EDITOR_MENU, button_bake); _merge_group = nullptr; MergeGroup::bake_step_function = bake_func_step; MergeGroup::bake_substep_function = bake_func_substep; MergeGroup::bake_end_function = bake_func_end; } MergeGroupEditorPlugin::~MergeGroupEditorPlugin() { }