#ifndef TRIANGULATOR_H #define TRIANGULATOR_H //Copyright (C) 2011 by Ivan Fratric // //Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy //of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal //in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights //to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell //copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is //furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // //The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in //all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // //THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR //IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, //FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE //AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER //LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, //OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN //THE SOFTWARE. #include "core/containers/list.h" #include "core/math/vector2.h" #include "core/containers/set.h" //2D point structure #define TRIANGULATOR_CCW 1 #define TRIANGULATOR_CW -1 //Polygon implemented as an array of points with a 'hole' flag class TriangulatorPoly { protected: Vector2 *points; long numpoints; bool hole; public: //constructors/destructors TriangulatorPoly(); ~TriangulatorPoly(); TriangulatorPoly(const TriangulatorPoly &src); TriangulatorPoly& operator=(const TriangulatorPoly &src); //getters and setters long GetNumPoints() { return numpoints; } bool IsHole() { return hole; } void SetHole(bool hole) { this->hole = hole; } Vector2 &GetPoint(long i) { return points[i]; } Vector2 *GetPoints() { return points; } Vector2& operator[] (int i) { return points[i]; } //clears the polygon points void Clear(); //inits the polygon with numpoints vertices void Init(long numpoints); //creates a triangle with points p1,p2,p3 void Triangle(Vector2 &p1, Vector2 &p2, Vector2 &p3); //inverts the orfer of vertices void Invert(); //returns the orientation of the polygon //possible values: // Triangulator_CCW : polygon vertices are in counter-clockwise order // Triangulator_CW : polygon vertices are in clockwise order // 0 : the polygon has no (measurable) area int GetOrientation(); //sets the polygon orientation //orientation can be // Triangulator_CCW : sets vertices in counter-clockwise order // Triangulator_CW : sets vertices in clockwise order void SetOrientation(int orientation); }; class TriangulatorPartition { protected: struct PartitionVertex { bool isActive; bool isConvex; bool isEar; Vector2 p; real_t angle; PartitionVertex *previous; PartitionVertex *next; }; struct MonotoneVertex { Vector2 p; long previous; long next; }; struct VertexSorter{ mutable MonotoneVertex *vertices; bool operator() (long index1, long index2) const; }; struct Diagonal { long index1; long index2; }; //dynamic programming state for minimum-weight triangulation struct DPState { bool visible; real_t weight; long bestvertex; }; //dynamic programming state for convex partitioning struct DPState2 { bool visible; long weight; List<Diagonal> pairs; }; //edge that intersects the scanline struct ScanLineEdge { mutable long index; Vector2 p1; Vector2 p2; //determines if the edge is to the left of another edge bool operator< (const ScanLineEdge & other) const; bool IsConvex(const Vector2& p1, const Vector2& p2, const Vector2& p3) const; }; //standard helper functions bool IsConvex(Vector2& p1, Vector2& p2, Vector2& p3); bool IsReflex(Vector2& p1, Vector2& p2, Vector2& p3); bool IsInside(Vector2& p1, Vector2& p2, Vector2& p3, Vector2 &p); bool InCone(Vector2 &p1, Vector2 &p2, Vector2 &p3, Vector2 &p); bool InCone(PartitionVertex *v, Vector2 &p); int Intersects(Vector2 &p11, Vector2 &p12, Vector2 &p21, Vector2 &p22); Vector2 Normalize(const Vector2 &p); real_t Distance(const Vector2 &p1, const Vector2 &p2); //helper functions for Triangulate_EC void UpdateVertexReflexity(PartitionVertex *v); void UpdateVertex(PartitionVertex *v,PartitionVertex *vertices, long numvertices); //helper functions for ConvexPartition_OPT void UpdateState(long a, long b, long w, long i, long j, DPState2 **dpstates); void TypeA(long i, long j, long k, PartitionVertex *vertices, DPState2 **dpstates); void TypeB(long i, long j, long k, PartitionVertex *vertices, DPState2 **dpstates); //helper functions for MonotonePartition bool Below(Vector2 &p1, Vector2 &p2); void AddDiagonal(MonotoneVertex *vertices, long *numvertices, long index1, long index2, char *vertextypes, Set<ScanLineEdge>::Element **edgeTreeIterators, Set<ScanLineEdge> *edgeTree, long *helpers); //triangulates a monotone polygon, used in Triangulate_MONO int TriangulateMonotone(TriangulatorPoly *inPoly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); public: //simple heuristic procedure for removing holes from a list of polygons //works by creating a diagonal from the rightmost hole vertex to some visible vertex //time complexity: O(h*(n^2)), h is the number of holes, n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // inpolys : a list of polygons that can contain holes // vertices of all non-hole polys have to be in counter-clockwise order // vertices of all hole polys have to be in clockwise order // outpolys : a list of polygons without holes //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int RemoveHoles(List<TriangulatorPoly> *inpolys, List<TriangulatorPoly> *outpolys); //triangulates a polygon by ear clipping //time complexity O(n^2), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // poly : an input polygon to be triangulated // vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order // triangles : a list of triangles (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int Triangulate_EC(TriangulatorPoly *poly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); //triangulates a list of polygons that may contain holes by ear clipping algorithm //first calls RemoveHoles to get rid of the holes, and then Triangulate_EC for each resulting polygon //time complexity: O(h*(n^2)), h is the number of holes, n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // inpolys : a list of polygons to be triangulated (can contain holes) // vertices of all non-hole polys have to be in counter-clockwise order // vertices of all hole polys have to be in clockwise order // triangles : a list of triangles (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int Triangulate_EC(List<TriangulatorPoly> *inpolys, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); //creates an optimal polygon triangulation in terms of minimal edge length //time complexity: O(n^3), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n^2) //params: // poly : an input polygon to be triangulated // vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order // triangles : a list of triangles (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int Triangulate_OPT(TriangulatorPoly *poly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); //triangulates a polygons by firstly partitioning it into monotone polygons //time complexity: O(n*log(n)), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // poly : an input polygon to be triangulated // vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order // triangles : a list of triangles (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int Triangulate_MONO(TriangulatorPoly *poly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); //triangulates a list of polygons by firstly partitioning them into monotone polygons //time complexity: O(n*log(n)), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // inpolys : a list of polygons to be triangulated (can contain holes) // vertices of all non-hole polys have to be in counter-clockwise order // vertices of all hole polys have to be in clockwise order // triangles : a list of triangles (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int Triangulate_MONO(List<TriangulatorPoly> *inpolys, List<TriangulatorPoly> *triangles); //creates a monotone partition of a list of polygons that can contain holes //time complexity: O(n*log(n)), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // inpolys : a list of polygons to be triangulated (can contain holes) // vertices of all non-hole polys have to be in counter-clockwise order // vertices of all hole polys have to be in clockwise order // monotonePolys : a list of monotone polygons (result) //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int MonotonePartition(List<TriangulatorPoly> *inpolys, List<TriangulatorPoly> *monotonePolys); //partitions a polygon into convex polygons by using Hertel-Mehlhorn algorithm //the algorithm gives at most four times the number of parts as the optimal algorithm //however, in practice it works much better than that and often gives optimal partition //uses triangulation obtained by ear clipping as intermediate result //time complexity O(n^2), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // poly : an input polygon to be partitioned // vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order // parts : resulting list of convex polygons //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int ConvexPartition_HM(TriangulatorPoly *poly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *parts); //partitions a list of polygons into convex parts by using Hertel-Mehlhorn algorithm //the algorithm gives at most four times the number of parts as the optimal algorithm //however, in practice it works much better than that and often gives optimal partition //uses triangulation obtained by ear clipping as intermediate result //time complexity O(n^2), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n) //params: // inpolys : an input list of polygons to be partitioned // vertices of all non-hole polys have to be in counter-clockwise order // vertices of all hole polys have to be in clockwise order // parts : resulting list of convex polygons //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int ConvexPartition_HM(List<TriangulatorPoly> *inpolys, List<TriangulatorPoly> *parts); //optimal convex partitioning (in terms of number of resulting convex polygons) //using the Keil-Snoeyink algorithm //M. Keil, J. Snoeyink, "On the time bound for convex decomposition of simple polygons", 1998 //time complexity O(n^3), n is the number of vertices //space complexity: O(n^3) // poly : an input polygon to be partitioned // vertices have to be in counter-clockwise order // parts : resulting list of convex polygons //returns 1 on success, 0 on failure int ConvexPartition_OPT(TriangulatorPoly *poly, List<TriangulatorPoly> *parts); }; #endif