#ifndef SCENE_MAIN_LOOP_H #define SCENE_MAIN_LOOP_H /*************************************************************************/ /* scene_tree.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/containers/self_list.h" #include "core/io/multiplayer_api.h" #include "core/os/main_loop.h" #include "core/os/thread_safe.h" class PackedScene; class Node; class SceneTreeTween; class ShortCut; class Spatial; class Viewport; class Material; class Mesh; class ArrayMesh; class SceneTreeTimer : public Reference { GDCLASS(SceneTreeTimer, Reference); float time_left; bool process_pause; bool ignore_time_scale = false; protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void set_time_left(float p_time); float get_time_left() const; void set_pause_mode_process(bool p_pause_mode_process); bool is_pause_mode_process(); void set_ignore_time_scale(bool p_ignore); bool is_ignore_time_scale(); void release_connections(); SceneTreeTimer(); }; class SceneTree : public MainLoop { _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ GDCLASS(SceneTree, MainLoop); public: typedef void (*IdleCallback)(); enum StretchMode { STRETCH_MODE_DISABLED, STRETCH_MODE_2D, STRETCH_MODE_VIEWPORT, }; enum StretchAspect { STRETCH_ASPECT_IGNORE, STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP, STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_WIDTH, STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP_HEIGHT, STRETCH_ASPECT_EXPAND, }; private: struct Group { Vector<Node *> nodes; //uint64_t last_tree_version; bool changed; Group() { changed = false; }; }; struct ClientPhysicsInterpolation { SelfList<Spatial>::List _spatials_list; void physics_process(); } _client_physics_interpolation; Viewport *root; uint64_t tree_version; float physics_process_time; float idle_process_time; bool accept_quit; bool quit_on_go_back; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED bool debug_collisions_hint; bool debug_navigation_hint; bool debug_avoidance_hint; bool debug_paths_hint; #endif bool pause; int root_lock; RBMap<StringName, Group> group_map; bool _quit; bool initialized; bool input_handled; bool _physics_interpolation_enabled; Size2 last_screen_size; StringName tree_changed_name; StringName node_added_name; StringName node_removed_name; StringName node_renamed_name; bool use_font_oversampling; int64_t current_frame; int64_t current_event; int node_count; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Node *edited_scene_root; #endif struct UGCall { StringName group; StringName call; bool operator<(const UGCall &p_with) const { return group == p_with.group ? call < p_with.call : group < p_with.group; } }; //safety for when a node is deleted while a group is being called int call_lock; RBSet<Node *> call_skip; //skip erased nodes StretchMode stretch_mode; StretchAspect stretch_aspect; Size2i stretch_min; real_t stretch_scale; void _update_font_oversampling(float p_ratio); void _update_root_rect(); struct DeleteQueueElement { ObjectID id; int32_t child_list_id; }; LocalVector<DeleteQueueElement> delete_queue; RBMap<UGCall, Vector<Variant>> unique_group_calls; bool ugc_locked; void _flush_ugc(); _FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_group_order(Group &g, bool p_use_priority = false); Array _get_nodes_in_group(const StringName &p_group); Node *current_scene; Color debug_collisions_color; Color debug_collision_contact_color; Color debug_paths_color; float debug_paths_width = 1.0f; Ref<ArrayMesh> debug_contact_mesh; Ref<Material> debug_paths_material; Ref<Material> collision_material; int collision_debug_contacts; void _change_scene(Node *p_to); //void _call_group(uint32_t p_call_flags,const StringName& p_group,const StringName& p_function,const Variant& p_arg1,const Variant& p_arg2); List<Ref<SceneTreeTimer>> timers; List<Ref<SceneTreeTween>> tweens; ///network/// Ref<MultiplayerAPI> multiplayer; bool multiplayer_poll; void _network_peer_connected(int p_id); void _network_peer_disconnected(int p_id); void _connected_to_server(); void _connection_failed(); void _server_disconnected(); static SceneTree *singleton; friend class Node; void tree_changed(); void node_added(Node *p_node); void node_removed(Node *p_node); void node_renamed(Node *p_node); void process_tweens(float p_delta, bool p_physics_frame); Group *add_to_group(const StringName &p_group, Node *p_node); void remove_from_group(const StringName &p_group, Node *p_node); void make_group_changed(const StringName &p_group); void _notify_group_pause(const StringName &p_group, int p_notification); void _call_input_pause(const StringName &p_group, const StringName &p_method, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_input); Variant _call_group_flags(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error); Variant _call_group(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error); void _flush_delete_queue(); //optimization friend class CanvasItem; friend class Spatial; friend class Viewport; SelfList<Node>::List xform_change_list; friend class ScriptDebuggerRemote; Ref<ShortCut> debugger_stop_shortcut; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED RBMap<int, NodePath> live_edit_node_path_cache; RBMap<int, String> live_edit_resource_cache; NodePath live_edit_root; String live_edit_scene; RBMap<String, RBSet<Node *>> live_scene_edit_cache; RBMap<Node *, RBMap<ObjectID, Node *>> live_edit_remove_list; void _debugger_request_tree(); void _live_edit_node_path_func(const NodePath &p_path, int p_id); void _live_edit_res_path_func(const String &p_path, int p_id); void _live_edit_node_set_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_prop, const Variant &p_value); void _live_edit_node_set_res_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_prop, const String &p_value); void _live_edit_node_call_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE); void _live_edit_res_set_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_prop, const Variant &p_value); void _live_edit_res_set_res_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_prop, const String &p_value); void _live_edit_res_call_func(int p_id, const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE); void _live_edit_root_func(const NodePath &p_scene_path, const String &p_scene_from); void _live_edit_create_node_func(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_type, const String &p_name); void _live_edit_instance_node_func(const NodePath &p_parent, const String &p_path, const String &p_name); void _live_edit_remove_node_func(const NodePath &p_at); void _live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_func(const NodePath &p_at, ObjectID p_keep_id); void _live_edit_restore_node_func(ObjectID p_id, const NodePath &p_at, int p_at_pos); void _live_edit_duplicate_node_func(const NodePath &p_at, const String &p_new_name); void _live_edit_reparent_node_func(const NodePath &p_at, const NodePath &p_new_place, const String &p_new_name, int p_at_pos); #endif enum { MAX_IDLE_CALLBACKS = 256 }; static IdleCallback idle_callbacks[MAX_IDLE_CALLBACKS]; static int idle_callback_count; void _call_idle_callbacks(); protected: void _notification(int p_notification); static void _bind_methods(); public: enum { NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED = 2000 }; enum GroupCallFlags { GROUP_CALL_DEFAULT = 0, GROUP_CALL_REVERSE = 1, GROUP_CALL_REALTIME = 2, GROUP_CALL_UNIQUE = 4, GROUP_CALL_MULTILEVEL = 8, }; _FORCE_INLINE_ Viewport *get_root() const { return root; } void call_group_flags(uint32_t p_call_flags, const StringName &p_group, const StringName &p_function, VARIANT_ARG_LIST); void notify_group_flags(uint32_t p_call_flags, const StringName &p_group, int p_notification); void set_group_flags(uint32_t p_call_flags, const StringName &p_group, const String &p_name, const Variant &p_value); void call_group(const StringName &p_group, const StringName &p_function, VARIANT_ARG_LIST); void notify_group(const StringName &p_group, int p_notification); void set_group(const StringName &p_group, const String &p_name, const Variant &p_value); void flush_transform_notifications(); virtual void input_text(const String &p_text); virtual void input_event(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); virtual void init(); virtual void iteration_prepare(); virtual bool iteration(float p_time); virtual void iteration_end(); virtual bool idle(float p_time); virtual void finish(); bool is_auto_accept_quit() const; void set_auto_accept_quit(bool p_enable); bool is_quit_on_go_back() const; void set_quit_on_go_back(bool p_enable); void quit(int p_exit_code = -1); void set_input_as_handled(); bool is_input_handled(); _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_physics_process_time() const { return physics_process_time; } _FORCE_INLINE_ float get_idle_process_time() const { return idle_process_time; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool is_node_being_edited(const Node *p_node) const; #else bool is_node_being_edited(const Node *p_node) const { return false; } #endif void set_pause(bool p_enabled); bool is_paused() const; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED void set_debug_collisions_hint(bool p_enabled); bool is_debugging_collisions_hint() const; void set_debug_navigation_hint(bool p_enabled); bool is_debugging_navigation_hint() const; void set_debug_avoidance_hint(bool p_enabled); bool is_debugging_avoidance_hint() const; void set_debug_paths_hint(bool p_enabled); bool is_debugging_paths_hint() const; #else void set_debug_collisions_hint(bool p_enabled) {} bool is_debugging_collisions_hint() const { return false; } void set_debug_navigation_hint(bool p_enabled) {} bool is_debugging_navigation_hint() const { return false; } void set_debug_avoidance_hint(bool p_enabled) {} bool is_debugging_avoidance_hint() const { return false; } void set_debug_paths_hint(bool p_enabled) {} bool is_debugging_paths_hint() const { return false; } #endif void set_debug_collisions_color(const Color &p_color); Color get_debug_collisions_color() const; void set_debug_collision_contact_color(const Color &p_color); Color get_debug_collision_contact_color() const; void set_debug_paths_color(const Color &p_color); Color get_debug_paths_color() const; void set_debug_paths_width(float p_width); float get_debug_paths_width() const; Ref<Material> get_debug_paths_material(); Ref<Material> get_debug_collision_material(); Ref<ArrayMesh> get_debug_contact_mesh(); int get_collision_debug_contact_count() { return collision_debug_contacts; } int64_t get_frame() const; int64_t get_event_count() const; int get_node_count() const; void queue_delete(Object *p_object); void get_nodes_in_group(const StringName &p_group, List<Node *> *p_list); bool has_group(const StringName &p_identifier) const; void set_screen_stretch(StretchMode p_mode, StretchAspect p_aspect, const Size2 &p_minsize, real_t p_scale = 1.0); void set_use_font_oversampling(bool p_oversampling); bool is_using_font_oversampling() const; //void change_scene(const String& p_path); //Node *get_loaded_scene(); void set_edited_scene_root(Node *p_node); Node *get_edited_scene_root() const; void set_current_scene(Node *p_scene); Node *get_current_scene() const; Error change_scene(const String &p_path); Error change_scene_to(const Ref<PackedScene> &p_scene); Error reload_current_scene(); Ref<SceneTreeTimer> create_timer(float p_delay_sec, bool p_process_pause = true); Ref<SceneTreeTween> create_tween(); Array get_processed_tweens(); //used by Main::start, don't use otherwise void add_current_scene(Node *p_current); static SceneTree *get_singleton() { return singleton; } void drop_files(const Vector<String> &p_files, int p_from_screen = 0); void global_menu_action(const Variant &p_id, const Variant &p_meta); void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List<String> *r_options) const; //network API Ref<MultiplayerAPI> get_multiplayer() const; void set_multiplayer_poll_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_multiplayer_poll_enabled() const; void set_multiplayer(Ref<MultiplayerAPI> p_multiplayer); void set_network_peer(const Ref<NetworkedMultiplayerPeer> &p_network_peer); Ref<NetworkedMultiplayerPeer> get_network_peer() const; bool is_network_server() const; bool has_network_peer() const; int get_network_unique_id() const; Vector<int> get_network_connected_peers() const; int get_rpc_sender_id() const; void set_refuse_new_network_connections(bool p_refuse); bool is_refusing_new_network_connections() const; void set_physics_interpolation_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_physics_interpolation_enabled() const; void client_physics_interpolation_add_spatial(SelfList<Spatial> *p_elem); void client_physics_interpolation_remove_spatial(SelfList<Spatial> *p_elem); static void add_idle_callback(IdleCallback p_callback); SceneTree(); ~SceneTree(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SceneTree::StretchMode); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SceneTree::StretchAspect); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SceneTree::GroupCallFlags); #endif