import os import sys from emscripten_helpers import ( run_closure_compiler, create_engine_file, add_js_libraries, add_js_pre, add_js_externs, create_template_zip, ) from methods import get_compiler_version from SCons.Util import WhereIs def is_active(): return True def get_name(): return "JavaScript" def can_build(): return WhereIs("emcc") is not None def get_opts(): from SCons.Variables import BoolVariable return [ ("initial_memory", "Initial WASM memory (in MiB)", 32), # Matches default values from before Emscripten 3.1.27. New defaults are too low for Godot. ("stack_size", "WASM stack size (in KiB)", 5120), ("default_pthread_stack_size", "WASM pthread default stack size (in KiB)", 2048), BoolVariable("use_assertions", "Use Emscripten runtime assertions", False), BoolVariable("use_ubsan", "Use Emscripten undefined behavior sanitizer (UBSAN)", False), BoolVariable("use_asan", "Use Emscripten address sanitizer (ASAN)", False), BoolVariable("use_lsan", "Use Emscripten leak sanitizer (LSAN)", False), BoolVariable("use_safe_heap", "Use Emscripten SAFE_HEAP sanitizer", False), # eval() can be a security concern, so it can be disabled. BoolVariable("javascript_eval", "Enable JavaScript eval interface", True), BoolVariable("threads_enabled", "Enable WebAssembly Threads support (limited browser support)", False), BoolVariable("gdnative_enabled", "Enable WebAssembly GDNative support (produces bigger binaries)", False), BoolVariable("use_closure_compiler", "Use closure compiler to minimize JavaScript code", False), ] def get_flags(): return [ ("tools", False), ("builtin_pcre2_with_jit", False), ] def configure(env): try: env["initial_memory"] = int(env["initial_memory"]) except Exception: print("Initial memory must be a valid integer") sys.exit(255) ## Build type if env["target"].startswith("release"): # Use -Os to prioritize optimizing for reduced file size. This is # particularly valuable for the web platform because it directly # decreases download time. # -Os reduces file size by around 5 MiB over -O3. -Oz only saves about # 100 KiB over -Os, which does not justify the negative impact on # run-time performance. if env["optimize"] != "none": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Os"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Os"]) if env["target"] == "release_debug": # Retain function names for backtraces at the cost of file size. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--profiling-funcs"]) else: # "debug" env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-O1", "-g"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-O1", "-g"]) env["use_assertions"] = True if env["use_assertions"]: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "ASSERTIONS=1"]) if env["tools"]: if not env["threads_enabled"]: print('Note: Forcing "threads_enabled=yes" as it is required for the web editor.') env["threads_enabled"] = "yes" if env["initial_memory"] < 64: print('Note: Forcing "initial_memory=64" as it is required for the web editor.') env["initial_memory"] = 64 env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "INITIAL_MEMORY=%sMB" % env["initial_memory"]]) ## Copy env variables. env["ENV"] = os.environ # LTO if env["lto"] == "auto": # Full LTO for production. env["lto"] = "full" if env["lto"] != "none": if env["lto"] == "thin": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-flto=thin"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-flto=thin"]) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-flto"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-flto"]) # Sanitizers if env["use_ubsan"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-fsanitize=undefined"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-fsanitize=undefined"]) if env["use_asan"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-fsanitize=address"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-fsanitize=address"]) if env["use_lsan"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-fsanitize=leak"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-fsanitize=leak"]) if env["use_safe_heap"]: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "SAFE_HEAP=1"]) # Closure compiler if env["use_closure_compiler"]: # For emscripten support code. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--closure", "1"]) # Register builder for our Engine files jscc = env.Builder(generator=run_closure_compiler, suffix=".cc.js", src_suffix=".js") env.Append(BUILDERS={"BuildJS": jscc}) # Add helper method for adding libraries, externs, pre-js. env["JS_LIBS"] = [] env["JS_PRE"] = [] env["JS_EXTERNS"] = [] env.AddMethod(add_js_libraries, "AddJSLibraries") env.AddMethod(add_js_pre, "AddJSPre") env.AddMethod(add_js_externs, "AddJSExterns") # Add method that joins/compiles our Engine files. env.AddMethod(create_engine_file, "CreateEngineFile") # Add method for creating the final zip file env.AddMethod(create_template_zip, "CreateTemplateZip") # Closure compiler extern and support for ecmascript specs (const, let, etc). env["ENV"]["EMCC_CLOSURE_ARGS"] = "--language_in ECMASCRIPT6" env["CC"] = "emcc" env["CXX"] = "em++" env["AR"] = "emar" env["RANLIB"] = "emranlib" # Use TempFileMunge since some AR invocations are too long for cmd.exe. # Use POSIX-style paths, required with TempFileMunge. env["ARCOM_POSIX"] = env["ARCOM"].replace("$TARGET", "$TARGET.posix").replace("$SOURCES", "$SOURCES.posix") env["ARCOM"] = "${TEMPFILE(ARCOM_POSIX)}" # All intermediate files are just object files. env["OBJPREFIX"] = "" env["OBJSUFFIX"] = ".o" env["PROGPREFIX"] = "" # Program() output consists of multiple files, so specify suffixes manually at builder. env["PROGSUFFIX"] = "" env["LIBPREFIX"] = "lib" env["LIBSUFFIX"] = ".a" env["LIBPREFIXES"] = ["$LIBPREFIX"] env["LIBSUFFIXES"] = ["$LIBSUFFIX"] # Get version info for checks below. cc_semver = tuple(get_compiler_version(env) or (3, 1, 39)) env.Prepend(CPPPATH=["#platform/javascript"]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED", "UNIX_ENABLED"]) if env["javascript_eval"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["JAVASCRIPT_EVAL_ENABLED"]) stack_size_opt = "STACK_SIZE" if cc_semver >= (3, 1, 25) else "TOTAL_STACK" env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "%s=%sKB" % (stack_size_opt, env["stack_size"])]) # Thread support (via SharedArrayBuffer). if env["threads_enabled"]: stack_size_opt = "STACK_SIZE" if cc_semver >= (3, 1, 25) else "TOTAL_STACK" env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "%s=%sKB" % (stack_size_opt, env["stack_size"])]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PTHREAD_NO_RENAME"]) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "USE_PTHREADS=1"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "USE_PTHREADS=1"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "DEFAULT_PTHREAD_STACK_SIZE=%sKB" % env["default_pthread_stack_size"]]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=8"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "WASM_MEM_MAX=2048MB"]) env.extra_suffix = ".threads" + env.extra_suffix else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["NO_THREADS"]) if env["lto"] != "none": # Workaround if cc_semver >= (3, 1, 42) and cc_semver < (3, 1, 46): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,-u,scalbnf"]) if env["gdnative_enabled"]: if cc_semver < (2, 0, 10): print("GDNative support requires emscripten >= 2.0.10, detected: %s.%s.%s" % cc_semver) sys.exit(255) if env["threads_enabled"] and cc_semver < (3, 1, 14): print("Threads and GDNative requires emscripten => 3.1.14, detected: %s.%s.%s" % cc_semver) sys.exit(255) env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-s", "RELOCATABLE=1"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "RELOCATABLE=1"]) # Weak symbols are broken upstream: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["ZSTD_HAVE_WEAK_SYMBOLS=0"]) env.extra_suffix = ".gdnative" + env.extra_suffix # WASM_BIGINT is needed since emscripten ≥ 3.1.41 if cc_semver >= (3, 1, 41): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "WASM_BIGINT"]) # Reduce code size by generating less support code (e.g. skip NodeJS support). env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "ENVIRONMENT=web,worker"]) # Wrap the JavaScript support code around a closure named Pandemonium. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "MODULARIZE=1", "-s", "EXPORT_NAME='Pandemonium'"]) # Allow increasing memory buffer size during runtime. This is efficient # when using WebAssembly (in comparison to asm.js) and works well for # us since we don't know requirements at compile-time. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1"]) # This setting just makes WebGL 2 APIs available, it does NOT disable WebGL 1. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "USE_WEBGL2=1"]) # Do not call main immediately when the support code is ready. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "INVOKE_RUN=0"]) # Allow use to take control of swapping WebGL buffers. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1"]) # callMain for manual start, cwrap for the mono version. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['callMain','cwrap']"]) # Add code that allow exiting runtime. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-s", "EXIT_RUNTIME=1"])