#!/usr/bin/env python EnsureSConsVersion(0, 98, 1) # System import atexit import glob import os import pickle import sys import time from collections import OrderedDict # Local import methods import gles_builders import scu_builders from platform_methods import run_in_subprocess # scan possible build platforms platform_list = [] # list of platforms platform_opts = {} # options for each platform platform_flags = {} # flags for each platform active_platforms = [] active_platform_ids = [] platform_exporters = [] platform_apis = [] time_at_start = time.time() for x in sorted(glob.glob("platform/*")): if not os.path.isdir(x) or not os.path.exists(x + "/detect.py"): continue tmppath = "./" + x sys.path.insert(0, tmppath) import detect if os.path.exists(x + "/export/export.cpp"): platform_exporters.append(x[9:]) if os.path.exists(x + "/api/api.cpp"): platform_apis.append(x[9:]) if detect.is_active(): active_platforms.append(detect.get_name()) active_platform_ids.append(x) if detect.can_build(): x = x.replace("platform/", "") # rest of world x = x.replace("platform\\", "") # win32 platform_list += [x] platform_opts[x] = detect.get_opts() platform_flags[x] = detect.get_flags() sys.path.remove(tmppath) sys.modules.pop("detect") methods.save_active_platforms(active_platforms, active_platform_ids) custom_tools = ["default"] platform_arg = ARGUMENTS.get("platform", ARGUMENTS.get("p", False)) if platform_arg == "android": custom_tools = ["clang", "clang++", "as", "ar", "link"] elif platform_arg == "javascript": # Use generic POSIX build toolchain for Emscripten. custom_tools = ["cc", "c++", "ar", "link", "textfile", "zip"] elif os.name == "nt" and methods.get_cmdline_bool("use_mingw", False): custom_tools = ["mingw"] # We let SCons build its default ENV as it includes OS-specific things which we don't # want to have to pull in manually. # Then we prepend PATH to make it take precedence, while preserving SCons' own entries. env_base = Environment(tools=custom_tools) env_base.PrependENVPath("PATH", os.getenv("PATH")) env_base.PrependENVPath("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", os.getenv("PKG_CONFIG_PATH")) if "TERM" in os.environ: # Used for colored output. env_base["ENV"]["TERM"] = os.environ["TERM"] env_base.disabled_modules = [] env_base.use_ptrcall = False env_base.module_version_string = "" env_base.msvc = False env_base.__class__.disable_module = methods.disable_module env_base.__class__.add_module_version_string = methods.add_module_version_string env_base.__class__.add_source_files = methods.add_source_files env_base.__class__.use_windows_spawn_fix = methods.use_windows_spawn_fix env_base.__class__.split_lib = methods.split_lib env_base.__class__.add_shared_library = methods.add_shared_library env_base.__class__.add_library = methods.add_library env_base.__class__.add_program = methods.add_program env_base.__class__.CommandNoCache = methods.CommandNoCache env_base.__class__.disable_warnings = methods.disable_warnings env_base.__class__.force_optimization_on_debug = methods.force_optimization_on_debug env_base.__class__.module_add_dependencies = methods.module_add_dependencies env_base.__class__.module_check_dependencies = methods.module_check_dependencies env_base["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = False env_base["x86_libtheora_opt_vc"] = False # avoid issues when building with different versions of python out of the same directory env_base.SConsignFile(".sconsign{0}.dblite".format(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) # Build options customs = ["custom.py"] profile = ARGUMENTS.get("profile", "") if profile: if os.path.isfile(profile): customs.append(profile) elif os.path.isfile(profile + ".py"): customs.append(profile + ".py") opts = Variables(customs, ARGUMENTS) # Target build options opts.Add("p", "Platform (alias for 'platform')", "") opts.Add("platform", "Target platform (%s)" % ("|".join(platform_list),), "") opts.Add(BoolVariable("tools", "Build the tools (a.k.a. the Pandemonium editor)", True)) opts.Add(EnumVariable("target", "Compilation target", "debug", ("debug", "release_debug", "release"))) opts.Add("arch", "Platform-dependent architecture (arm/arm64/x86/x64/mips/...)", "") opts.Add(EnumVariable("bits", "Target platform bits", "default", ("default", "32", "64"))) opts.Add(EnumVariable("optimize", "Optimization type", "speed", ("speed", "size", "none"))) opts.Add(BoolVariable("production", "Set defaults to build Pandemonium for use in production", False)) opts.Add(EnumVariable("lto", "Link-time optimization (production builds)", "none", ("none", "auto", "thin", "full"))) opts.Add(BoolVariable("use_rtti", "Use RTTI", False)) # Components opts.Add(BoolVariable("deprecated", "Enable deprecated features", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("minizip", "Enable ZIP archive support using minizip", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("xaudio2", "Enable the XAudio2 audio driver", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("disable_exceptions", "Force disabling exception handling code", True)) opts.Add("custom_modules", "A list of comma-separated directory paths containing custom modules to build.", "") opts.Add(BoolVariable("custom_modules_recursive", "Detect custom modules recursively for each specified path.", True)) # Advanced options opts.Add(BoolVariable("dev", "If yes, alias for verbose=yes warnings=extra werror=yes", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("fast_unsafe", "Enable unsafe options for faster rebuilds", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("compiledb", "Generate compilation DB (`compile_commands.json`) for external tools", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("verbose", "Enable verbose output for the compilation", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("progress", "Show a progress indicator during compilation", True)) opts.Add(EnumVariable("warnings", "Level of compilation warnings", "all", ("extra", "all", "moderate", "no"))) opts.Add(BoolVariable("werror", "Treat compiler warnings as errors", False)) opts.Add("extra_suffix", "Custom extra suffix added to the base filename of all generated binary files", "") opts.Add(BoolVariable("vsproj", "Generate a Visual Studio solution", False)) opts.Add( BoolVariable( "split_libmodules", "Split intermediate libmodules.a in smaller chunks to prevent exceeding linker command line size (forced to True when using MinGW)", False, ) ) opts.Add(BoolVariable("disable_gles3", "Disable the gles3 video driver.", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("disable_3d", "Disable 3D nodes for a smaller executable", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("disable_advanced_gui", "Disable advanced GUI nodes and behaviors", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("modules_enabled_by_default", "If no, disable all modules except ones explicitly enabled", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("no_editor_splash", "Don't use the custom splash screen for the editor", True)) opts.Add("system_certs_path", "Use this path as SSL certificates default for editor (for package maintainers)", "") opts.Add(BoolVariable("use_precise_math_checks", "Math checks use very precise epsilon (debug option)", False)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("scu_build", "Use single compilation unit build", False)) opts.Add( EnumVariable( "rids", "Server object management technique (debug option)", "pointers", ("pointers", "handles", "tracked_handles"), ) ) opts.Add(BoolVariable("editor_docs", "Whether to add docs to an editor build or not. Disabling this can significantly reduce incremental compile times. Only relevant for editor builds!", True)) # Thirdparty libraries opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_certs", "Use the built-in SSL certificates bundles", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_enet", "Use the built-in ENet library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_freetype", "Use the built-in FreeType library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_libogg", "Use the built-in libogg library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_libpng", "Use the built-in libpng library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_libtheora", "Use the built-in libtheora library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_libvorbis", "Use the built-in libvorbis library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_wslay", "Use the built-in wslay library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_mbedtls", "Use the built-in mbedTLS library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_miniupnpc", "Use the built-in miniupnpc library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_opus", "Use the built-in Opus library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_pcre2", "Use the built-in PCRE2 library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_pcre2_with_jit", "Use JIT compiler for the built-in PCRE2 library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_recast", "Use the built-in Recast library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_rvo2_2d", "Use the built-in RVO2 2D library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_rvo2_3d", "Use the built-in RVO2 3D library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_squish", "Use the built-in squish library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_zlib", "Use the built-in zlib library", True)) opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_zstd", "Use the built-in Zstd library", True)) # TODO this should go to the xatlas_unwrap module opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_xatlas", "Use the built-in xatlas library", True)) # TODO this should go to the raycast module opts.Add(BoolVariable("builtin_embree", "Use the built-in Embree library", True)) # Compilation environment setup opts.Add("CXX", "C++ compiler") opts.Add("CC", "C compiler") opts.Add("LINK", "Linker") opts.Add("CCFLAGS", "Custom flags for both the C and C++ compilers") opts.Add("CFLAGS", "Custom flags for the C compiler") opts.Add("CXXFLAGS", "Custom flags for the C++ compiler") opts.Add("LINKFLAGS", "Custom flags for the linker") # Update the environment to have all above options defined # in following code (especially platform and custom_modules). opts.Update(env_base) # Platform selection: validate input, and add options. selected_platform = "" if env_base["platform"] != "": selected_platform = env_base["platform"] elif env_base["p"] != "": selected_platform = env_base["p"] else: # Missing `platform` argument, try to detect platform automatically if ( sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform.startswith("dragonfly") or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd") or sys.platform.startswith("netbsd") or sys.platform.startswith("openbsd") ): selected_platform = "x11" elif sys.platform == "darwin": selected_platform = "osx" elif sys.platform == "win32": selected_platform = "windows" else: print("Could not detect platform automatically. Supported platforms:") for x in platform_list: print("\t" + x) print("\nPlease run SCons again and select a valid platform: platform=<string>") if selected_platform != "": print("Automatically detected platform: " + selected_platform) if selected_platform == "macos": # Alias for forward compatibility. print('Platform "macos" is still called "osx" in Godot 3.x. Building for platform "osx".') selected_platform = "osx" if selected_platform == "ios": # Alias for forward compatibility. print('Platform "ios" is still called "iphone" in Godot 3.x. Building for platform "iphone".') selected_platform = "iphone" if selected_platform in ["linux", "bsd", "linuxbsd"]: if selected_platform == "linuxbsd": # Alias for forward compatibility. print('Platform "linuxbsd" is still called "x11" in Pandemonium 3.x. Building for platform "x11".') # Alias for convenience. selected_platform = "x11" # Make sure to update this to the found, valid platform as it's used through the buildsystem as the reference. # It should always be re-set after calling `opts.Update()` otherwise it uses the original input value. env_base["platform"] = selected_platform # Add platform-specific options. if selected_platform in platform_opts: for opt in platform_opts[selected_platform]: opts.Add(opt) # Update the environment to take platform-specific options into account. opts.Update(env_base) env_base["platform"] = selected_platform # Must always be re-set after calling opts.Update(). # Detect modules. modules_detected = OrderedDict() module_search_paths = [ "modules", methods.convert_custom_modules_path("editor_modules") ] # Built-in path. # maybe? #if env_base["tools"]: # module_search_paths.append(methods.convert_custom_modules_path("editor_modules")) if env_base["custom_modules"]: paths = env_base["custom_modules"].split(",") for p in paths: try: module_search_paths.append(methods.convert_custom_modules_path(p)) except ValueError as e: print(e) sys.exit(255) for path in module_search_paths: if path == "modules": # Built-in modules don't have nested modules, # so save the time it takes to parse directories. modules = methods.detect_modules(path, recursive=False) else: # Custom. modules = methods.detect_modules(path, env_base["custom_modules_recursive"]) # Provide default include path for both the custom module search `path` # and the base directory containing custom modules, as it may be different # from the built-in "modules" name (e.g. "custom_modules/summator/summator.h"), # so it can be referenced simply as `#include "summator/summator.h"` # independently of where a module is located on user's filesystem. if not os.path.isabs(path): env_base.Prepend(CPPPATH=["#" + path, "#" + os.path.dirname(path)]) else: env_base.Prepend(CPPPATH=[path, os.path.dirname(path)]) # Note: custom modules can override built-in ones. modules_detected.update(modules) # Add module options for name, path in modules_detected.items(): sys.path.insert(0, path) import config if env_base["modules_enabled_by_default"]: enabled = True try: enabled = config.is_enabled() except AttributeError: pass else: enabled = False sys.path.remove(path) sys.modules.pop("config") opts.Add(BoolVariable("module_" + name + "_enabled", "Enable module '%s'" % (name,), enabled)) methods.write_modules(modules_detected) # Update the environment again after all the module options are added. opts.Update(env_base) env_base["platform"] = selected_platform # Must always be re-set after calling opts.Update(). Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env_base)) # add default include paths env_base.Prepend(CPPPATH=["#"]) # configure ENV for platform env_base.platform_exporters = platform_exporters env_base.platform_apis = platform_apis # Build type defines - more platform-specific ones can be in detect.py. if env_base["target"] == "release_debug" or env_base["target"] == "debug": # DEBUG_ENABLED enables debugging *features* and debug-only code, which is intended # to give *users* extra debugging information for their game development. env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["DEBUG_ENABLED"]) if env_base["target"] == "debug": # DEV_ENABLED enables *engine developer* code which should only be compiled for those # working on the engine itself. env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["DEV_ENABLED"]) else: # Disable assert() for production targets (only used in thirdparty code). env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["NDEBUG"]) # SCons speed optimization controlled by the `fast_unsafe` option, which provide # more than 10 s speed up for incremental rebuilds. # Unsafe as they reduce the certainty of rebuilding all changed files, so it's # enabled by default for `debug` builds, and can be overridden from command line. # Ref: https://github.com/SCons/scons/wiki/GoFastButton if methods.get_cmdline_bool("fast_unsafe", env_base["target"] == "debug"): # Renamed to `content-timestamp` in SCons >= 4.2, keeping MD5 for compat. env_base.Decider("MD5-timestamp") env_base.SetOption("implicit_cache", 1) env_base.SetOption("max_drift", 60) if env_base["use_precise_math_checks"]: env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PRECISE_MATH_CHECKS"]) if env_base["tools"]: if not env_base.File("#main/splash_editor.png").exists(): # Force disabling editor splash if missing. env_base["no_editor_splash"] = True if env_base["no_editor_splash"]: env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["NO_EDITOR_SPLASH"]) if not env_base["deprecated"]: env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["DISABLE_DEPRECATED"]) if env_base["rids"] == "handles": env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["RID_HANDLES_ENABLED"]) print("WARNING: Building with RIDs as handles.") if env_base["rids"] == "tracked_handles": env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["RID_HANDLES_ENABLED"]) env_base.Append(CPPDEFINES=["RID_HANDLE_ALLOCATION_TRACKING_ENABLED"]) print("WARNING: Building with RIDs as tracked handles.") if selected_platform in platform_list: tmppath = "./platform/" + selected_platform sys.path.insert(0, tmppath) import detect env = env_base.Clone() env.extra_suffix = "" if env["extra_suffix"] != "": env.extra_suffix += "." + env["extra_suffix"] # Environment flags CCFLAGS = env.get("CCFLAGS", "") env["CCFLAGS"] = "" env.Append(CCFLAGS=str(CCFLAGS).split()) CFLAGS = env.get("CFLAGS", "") env["CFLAGS"] = "" env.Append(CFLAGS=str(CFLAGS).split()) CXXFLAGS = env.get("CXXFLAGS", "") env["CXXFLAGS"] = "" env.Append(CXXFLAGS=str(CXXFLAGS).split()) LINKFLAGS = env.get("LINKFLAGS", "") env["LINKFLAGS"] = "" env.Append(LINKFLAGS=str(LINKFLAGS).split()) # Platform specific flags. # These can sometimes override default options. flag_list = platform_flags[selected_platform] for f in flag_list: if not (f[0] in ARGUMENTS): # allow command line to override platform flags env[f[0]] = f[1] # 'dev' and 'production' are aliases to set default options if they haven't been # set manually by the user. # These need to be checked *after* platform specific flags so that different # default values can be set (e.g. to keep LTO off for `production` on some platforms). if env["dev"]: env["verbose"] = methods.get_cmdline_bool("verbose", True) env["warnings"] = ARGUMENTS.get("warnings", "extra") env["werror"] = methods.get_cmdline_bool("werror", True) if env["production"]: env["use_static_cpp"] = methods.get_cmdline_bool("use_static_cpp", True) env["debug_symbols"] = methods.get_cmdline_bool("debug_symbols", False) # LTO "auto" means we handle the preferred option in each platform detect.py. env["lto"] = ARGUMENTS.get("lto", "auto") if not env["tools"] and env["target"] == "debug": print( "WARNING: Requested `production` build with `tools=no target=debug`, " "this will give you a full debug template (use `target=release_debug` " "for an optimized template with debug features)." ) # Run SCU file generation script if in a SCU build. if env["scu_build"]: methods.set_scu_folders(scu_builders.generate_scu_files(env["verbose"], env_base["target"] != "debug")) # Must happen after the flags' definition, as configure is when most flags # are actually handled to change compile options, etc. detect.configure(env) # Needs to happen after configure to handle "auto". if env["lto"] != "none": print("Using LTO: " + env["lto"]) # Set our C and C++ standard requirements. # Prepending to make it possible to override # This needs to come after `configure`, otherwise we don't have env.msvc. if not env.msvc: # Specifying GNU extensions support explicitly, which are supported by # both GCC and Clang. This mirrors GCC and Clang's current default # compile flags if no -std is specified. env.Prepend(CFLAGS=["-std=gnu11"]) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["-std=gnu++14"]) else: # MSVC doesn't have clear C standard support, /std only covers C++. # We apply it to CCFLAGS (both C and C++ code) in case it impacts C features. env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=["/std:c++14"]) if env_base["use_rtti"]: if not env.msvc: env_base.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["-frtti"]) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["-frtti"]) else: env_base.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["/GR"]) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["/GR"]) else: if not env.msvc: env_base.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["-fno-rtti"]) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["-fno-rtti"]) else: env_base.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["/GR-"]) env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS=["/GR-"]) # Don't use dynamic_cast, necessary with no-rtti. env_base.Prepend(CPPDEFINES=["NO_SAFE_CAST"]) env.Prepend(CPPDEFINES=["NO_SAFE_CAST"]) # Handle renamed options. if "use_lto" in ARGUMENTS or "use_thinlto" in ARGUMENTS: print("Error: The `use_lto` and `use_thinlto` boolean options have been unified to `lto=<none|thin|full>`.") print(" Please adjust your scripts accordingly.") Exit(255) if "use_lld" in ARGUMENTS: print("Error: The `use_lld` boolean option has been replaced by `linker=<default|bfd|gold|lld|mold>`.") print(" Please adjust your scripts accordingly.") Exit(255) # Disable exception handling. Godot doesn't use exceptions anywhere, and this # saves around 20% of binary size and very significant build time (GH-80513). if env["disable_exceptions"]: if env.msvc: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[("_HAS_EXCEPTIONS", 0)]) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-fno-exceptions"]) elif env.msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/EHsc"]) # Configure compiler warnings if env.msvc: # MSVC # Truncations, narrowing conversions, signed/unsigned comparisons... disable_nonessential_warnings = ["/wd4267", "/wd4244", "/wd4305", "/wd4018", "/wd4800"] if env["warnings"] == "extra": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/Wall"]) # Implies /W4 elif env["warnings"] == "all": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/W3"] + disable_nonessential_warnings) elif env["warnings"] == "moderate": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/W2"] + disable_nonessential_warnings) else: # 'no' env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/w"]) if env["werror"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["/WX"]) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["/WX"]) else: # GCC, Clang version = methods.get_compiler_version(env) or [-1, -1] common_warnings = [] if methods.using_gcc(env): common_warnings += ["-Wno-misleading-indentation"] if version[0] >= 7: common_warnings += ["-Wshadow-local"] elif methods.using_clang(env) or methods.using_emcc(env): # We often implement `operator<` for structs of pointers as a requirement # for putting them in `Set` or `Map`. We don't mind about unreliable ordering. common_warnings += ["-Wno-ordered-compare-function-pointers"] if env["warnings"] == "extra": # Note: enable -Wimplicit-fallthrough for Clang (already part of -Wextra for GCC) # once we switch to C++11 or later (necessary for our FALLTHROUGH macro). env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wwrite-strings", "-Wno-unused-parameter"] + common_warnings) env.Append(CXXFLAGS=["-Wctor-dtor-privacy", "-Wnon-virtual-dtor"]) if methods.using_gcc(env): env.Append( CCFLAGS=[ "-Walloc-zero", "-Wduplicated-branches", "-Wduplicated-cond", "-Wstringop-overflow=4", "-Wlogical-op", ] ) env.Append(CXXFLAGS=["-Wnoexcept", "-Wplacement-new=1"]) if version[0] >= 9: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Wattribute-alias=2"]) elif env["warnings"] == "all": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Wall"] + common_warnings) elif env["warnings"] == "moderate": env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Wall", "-Wno-unused"] + common_warnings) else: # 'no' env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-w"]) if env["werror"]: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Werror"]) if methods.using_gcc(env) and version[0] >= 12: # False positives in our error macros, see GH-58747. env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-Wno-error=return-type"]) if hasattr(detect, "get_program_suffix"): suffix = "." + detect.get_program_suffix() else: suffix = "." + selected_platform if env["target"] == "release": if env["tools"]: print("ERROR: The editor can only be built with `target=debug` or `target=release_debug`.") print(" Use `tools=no target=release` to build a release export template.") Exit(255) suffix += ".opt" elif env["target"] == "release_debug": if env["tools"]: suffix += ".opt.tools" else: suffix += ".opt.debug" else: if env["tools"]: print( "Note: Building a debug binary (which will run slowly). Use `target=release_debug` to build an optimized release binary." ) suffix += ".tools" else: print( "Note: Building a debug binary (which will run slowly). Use `target=release` to build an optimized release binary." ) suffix += ".debug" if env["arch"] != "": suffix += "." + env["arch"] elif env["bits"] == "32": suffix += ".32" elif env["bits"] == "64": suffix += ".64" suffix += env.extra_suffix sys.path.remove(tmppath) sys.modules.pop("detect") modules_enabled = OrderedDict() env.module_dependencies = {} env.module_icons_paths = [] env.module_license_files = [] env.doc_class_path = {} for name, path in modules_detected.items(): if not env["module_" + name + "_enabled"]: continue sys.path.insert(0, path) env.current_module = name import config if config.can_build(env, selected_platform): # Disable it if a required dependency is missing. if not env.module_check_dependencies(name): continue config.configure(env) # Get doc classes paths (if present) try: doc_classes = config.get_doc_classes() doc_path = config.get_doc_path() for c in doc_classes: env.doc_class_path[c] = path + "/" + doc_path except Exception: pass # Get icon paths (if present) try: icons_path = config.get_icons_path() env.module_icons_paths.append(path + "/" + icons_path) except Exception: # Default path for module icons env.module_icons_paths.append(path + "/" + "icons") # Get license path (if present) try: license_file = config.get_license_file() if not os.path.isabs(path): env.module_license_files.append("#" + path + "/" + license_file) else: env.module_license_files.append(path + "/" + license_file) except Exception: pass modules_enabled[name] = path else: env["module_" + name + "_enabled"] = False sys.path.remove(path) sys.modules.pop("config") #TODO hack, the editor should be a module as well if env["tools"] and not env["module_freetype_enabled"]: print("The editor (tools=yes) can't be built if freetype is disabled! Stopping.") sys.exit(255) env.module_list = modules_enabled methods.sort_module_list(env) methods.generate_version_header(env.module_version_string) env["PROGSUFFIX"] = suffix + env.module_version_string + env["PROGSUFFIX"] env["OBJSUFFIX"] = suffix + env["OBJSUFFIX"] # (SH)LIBSUFFIX will be used for our own built libraries # LIBSUFFIXES contains LIBSUFFIX and SHLIBSUFFIX by default, # so we need to append the default suffixes to keep the ability # to link against thirdparty libraries (.a, .so, .lib, etc.). if os.name == "nt": # On Windows, only static libraries and import libraries can be # statically linked - both using .lib extension env["LIBSUFFIXES"] += [env["LIBSUFFIX"]] else: env["LIBSUFFIXES"] += [env["LIBSUFFIX"], env["SHLIBSUFFIX"]] env["LIBSUFFIX"] = suffix + env["LIBSUFFIX"] env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] = suffix + env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] if env.use_ptrcall: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PTRCALL_ENABLED"]) if env["tools"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["TOOLS_ENABLED"]) if env["disable_gles3"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["GLES3_DISABLED"]) if env["disable_3d"]: if env["tools"]: print( "Build option 'disable_3d=yes' cannot be used with 'tools=yes' (editor), " "only with 'tools=no' (export template)." ) sys.exit(255) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["_3D_DISABLED"]) if env["disable_advanced_gui"]: if env["tools"]: print( "Build option 'disable_advanced_gui=yes' cannot be used with 'tools=yes' (editor), " "only with 'tools=no' (export template)." ) sys.exit(255) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["ADVANCED_GUI_DISABLED"]) if env["minizip"]: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["MINIZIP_ENABLED"]) if not env["verbose"]: methods.no_verbose(sys, env) if not env["platform"] == "server": if not env["disable_gles3"]: env.Append( BUILDERS={ "GLES3_GLSL": env.Builder( action=run_in_subprocess(gles_builders.build_gles3_headers), suffix="glsl.gen.h", src_suffix=".glsl" ) } ) env.Append( BUILDERS={ "GLES2_GLSL": env.Builder( action=run_in_subprocess(gles_builders.build_gles2_headers), suffix="glsl.gen.h", src_suffix=".glsl" ) } ) scons_cache_path = os.environ.get("SCONS_CACHE") if scons_cache_path != None: CacheDir(scons_cache_path) print("Scons cache enabled... (path: '" + scons_cache_path + "')") if env["vsproj"]: env.vs_incs = [] env.vs_srcs = [] if env["compiledb"]: # Generating the compilation DB (`compile_commands.json`) requires SCons 4.0.0 or later. from SCons import __version__ as scons_raw_version scons_ver = env._get_major_minor_revision(scons_raw_version) if scons_ver < (4, 0, 0): print("The `compiledb=yes` option requires SCons 4.0 or later, but your version is %s." % scons_raw_version) Exit(255) env.Tool("compilation_db") env.Alias("compiledb", env.CompilationDatabase()) Export("env") # build subdirs, the build order is dependent on link order. SConscript("core/SCsub") SConscript("servers/SCsub") SConscript("scene/SCsub") if env["tools"]: SConscript("editor/SCsub") SConscript("drivers/SCsub") SConscript("platform/SCsub") SConscript("modules/SCsub") SConscript("main/SCsub") SConscript("platform/" + selected_platform + "/SCsub") # build selected platform # Microsoft Visual Studio Project Generation if env["vsproj"]: if os.name != "nt": print("Error: The `vsproj` option is only usable on Windows with Visual Studio.") Exit(255) env["CPPPATH"] = [Dir(path) for path in env["CPPPATH"]] methods.generate_vs_project(env, GetOption("num_jobs")) methods.generate_cpp_hint_file("cpp.hint") # Check for the existence of headers conf = Configure(env) if "check_c_headers" in env: for header in env["check_c_headers"]: if conf.CheckCHeader(header[0]): env.AppendUnique(CPPDEFINES=[header[1]]) elif selected_platform != "": if selected_platform == "list": print("The following platforms are available:\n") else: print('Invalid target platform "' + selected_platform + '".') print("The following platforms were detected:\n") for x in platform_list: print("\t" + x) print("\nPlease run SCons again and select a valid platform: platform=<string>") if selected_platform == "list": # Exit early to suppress the rest of the built-in SCons messages sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(255) # The following only makes sense when the 'env' is defined, and assumes it is. if "env" in locals(): methods.show_progress(env) # TODO: replace this with `env.Dump(format="json")` # once we start requiring SCons 4.0 as min version. methods.dump(env) methods.clean_cache(env) def print_elapsed_time(): elapsed_time_sec = round(time.time() - time_at_start, 3) time_ms = round((elapsed_time_sec % 1) * 1000) print("[Time elapsed: {}.{:03}]".format(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time_sec)), time_ms)) atexit.register(print_elapsed_time)