/* transforms is a part of ABI, but not API. It means that there are some functions that are supposed to be in "common" library, but header itself is not placed into include/brotli. This way, aforementioned functions will be available only to brotli internals. */ #ifndef BROTLI_COMMON_TRANSFORM_H_ #define BROTLI_COMMON_TRANSFORM_H_ #include <brotli/port.h> #include <brotli/types.h> #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) extern "C" { #endif enum BrotliWordTransformType { BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY = 0, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_1 = 1, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_2 = 2, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_3 = 3, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_4 = 4, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_5 = 5, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_6 = 6, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_7 = 7, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_8 = 8, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_9 = 9, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_FIRST = 10, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_ALL = 11, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_1 = 12, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_2 = 13, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_3 = 14, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_4 = 15, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_5 = 16, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_6 = 17, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_7 = 18, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_8 = 19, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_FIRST_9 = 20, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SHIFT_FIRST = 21, BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SHIFT_ALL = 22, BROTLI_NUM_TRANSFORM_TYPES /* Counts transforms, not a transform itself. */ }; #define BROTLI_TRANSFORMS_MAX_CUT_OFF BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_9 typedef struct BrotliTransforms { uint16_t prefix_suffix_size; /* Last character must be null, so prefix_suffix_size must be at least 1. */ const uint8_t* prefix_suffix; const uint16_t* prefix_suffix_map; uint32_t num_transforms; /* Each entry is a [prefix_id, transform, suffix_id] triplet. */ const uint8_t* transforms; /* Shift for BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SHIFT_FIRST and BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SHIFT_ALL, must be NULL if and only if no such transforms are present. */ const uint8_t* params; /* Indices of transforms like ["", BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_#, ""]. 0-th element corresponds to ["", BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, ""]. -1, if cut-off transform does not exist. */ int16_t cutOffTransforms[BROTLI_TRANSFORMS_MAX_CUT_OFF + 1]; } BrotliTransforms; /* T is BrotliTransforms*; result is uint8_t. */ #define BROTLI_TRANSFORM_PREFIX_ID(T, I) ((T)->transforms[((I) * 3) + 0]) #define BROTLI_TRANSFORM_TYPE(T, I) ((T)->transforms[((I) * 3) + 1]) #define BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SUFFIX_ID(T, I) ((T)->transforms[((I) * 3) + 2]) /* T is BrotliTransforms*; result is const uint8_t*. */ #define BROTLI_TRANSFORM_PREFIX(T, I) (&(T)->prefix_suffix[ \ (T)->prefix_suffix_map[BROTLI_TRANSFORM_PREFIX_ID(T, I)]]) #define BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SUFFIX(T, I) (&(T)->prefix_suffix[ \ (T)->prefix_suffix_map[BROTLI_TRANSFORM_SUFFIX_ID(T, I)]]) BROTLI_COMMON_API const BrotliTransforms* BrotliGetTransforms(void); BROTLI_COMMON_API int BrotliTransformDictionaryWord( uint8_t* dst, const uint8_t* word, int len, const BrotliTransforms* transforms, int transform_idx); #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* BROTLI_COMMON_TRANSFORM_H_ */