#ifndef TERRAIN_2D_CHUNK_H #define TERRAIN_2D_CHUNK_H /*************************************************************************/ /* terrain_2d_chunk.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/object/resource.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" #include "core/variant/array.h" #include "../defines.h" #include "core/containers/pool_vector.h" #include "core/os/mutex.h" #include "core/os/thread.h" #include "core/os/thread_safe.h" #include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h" #include "terrain_2d_world.h" #include "../data/terrain_2d_light.h" #include "../meshers/terrain_2d_mesher.h" #include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" #ifdef MODULE_PROPS_2D_ENABLED #include "../../props_2d/props/prop_2d_data.h" #endif #include "scene/resources/shapes_2d/shape_2d.h" #include "../library/terrain_2d_library.h" #include "../library/terrain_2d_surface.h" //debug meshes update //light ppu -> max(cell_size.x, cell_zise.y) //Props->ppu -> cell size //mesh gen-> dont scale images, put exact sized meshes, but on the grid Also pivots (just a vector2 offset should work) //Add custom mesh transform //create lods and use isolevel build flag remove //chunk marbgin dfefaul = 1 ok //reimplement colliders // add colliders where tile is missing, but has neighbours //Add pivot support to surfaces //Remove faces from the surfaces, shoul donly have one. //Scale RAO to the cell size //Reimplement props //Add wall layer (normal types, but gets a different mesh) ? -> TiledWalls are probably better, and they do this if props are fixed //Also if they are not merged they can be hidden one by one (even automatically) //mdi2d //sprite -> convert to mdi2d //meshinstance2d->mdi2d class Terrain2DJob; class Terrain2DWorld; class Terrain2DStructure; class Terrain2DChunk : public Resource { GDCLASS(Terrain2DChunk, Resource); _THREAD_SAFE_CLASS_ public: enum { TERRAIN_2D_CHUNK_STATE_OK = 0, }; public: bool get_process() const; void set_process(const bool value); bool get_physics_process() const; void set_physics_process(const bool value); bool get_visible() const; void set_visible(const bool value); bool get_is_generating() const; void set_is_generating(const bool value); bool is_build_aborted() const; bool is_in_tree() const; bool get_dirty() const; void set_dirty(const bool value); int get_state() const; void set_state(int value); int get_position_x() const; void set_position_x(const int value); int get_position_y() const; void set_position_y(const int value); int get_size_x() const; int get_size_y() const; void set_size_x(const int value); void set_size_y(const int value); int get_data_size_x() const; int get_data_size_y() const; void set_data_size_x(const int value); void set_data_size_y(const int value); Vector2 get_position() const; Vector2 get_size() const; Vector2 get_world_position() const; Vector2 get_world_size() const; Rect2 get_world_rect() const; void set_position(const int x, const int y); int get_margin_start() const; int get_margin_end() const; void set_margin_start(const int value); void set_margin_end(const int value); int material_cache_key_get() const; void material_cache_key_set(const int value); bool material_cache_key_has() const; void material_cache_key_has_set(const bool value); int liquid_material_cache_key_get() const; void liquid_material_cache_key_set(const int value); bool liquid_material_cache_key_has() const; void liquid_material_cache_key_has_set(const bool value); int prop_material_cache_key_get() const; void prop_material_cache_key_set(const int value); bool prop_material_cache_key_has() const; void prop_material_cache_key_has_set(const bool value); Ref<Terrain2DLibrary> get_library(); void set_library(const Ref<Terrain2DLibrary> &value); int get_cell_size_x() const; void set_cell_size_x(const int value); int get_cell_size_y() const; void set_cell_size_y(const int value); Terrain2DWorld *get_voxel_world() const; void set_voxel_world(Terrain2DWorld *world); void set_voxel_world_bind(Node *world); Transform2D mesh_transform_terrain_get(); void mesh_transform_terrain_set(const Transform2D &value); Transform2D mesh_transform_wall_north_get(); void mesh_transform_wall_north_set(const Transform2D &value); Transform2D mesh_transform_wall_south_get(); void mesh_transform_wall_south_set(const Transform2D &value); Transform2D mesh_transform_wall_east_get(); void mesh_transform_wall_east_set(const Transform2D &value); Transform2D mesh_transform_wall_west_get(); void mesh_transform_wall_west_set(const Transform2D &value); Ref<Shape2D> get_default_tile_shape(); void set_default_tile_shape(const Ref<Shape2D> &shape); //Jobs Ref<Terrain2DJob> job_get(const int index) const; void job_set(const int index, const Ref<Terrain2DJob> &job); void job_remove(const int index); void job_add(const Ref<Terrain2DJob> &job); int job_get_count() const; int job_get_current_index(); void job_next(); Ref<Terrain2DJob> job_get_current(); //Channels void channel_setup(); void set_size(const int size_x, const int size_y, const int margin_start = 0, const int margin_end = 0); bool validate_data_position(const int x, const int y) const; uint8_t get_voxel(const int p_x, const int p_y, const int p_index) const; void set_voxel(const uint8_t p_value, const int p_x, const int p_y, const int p_index); int channel_get_count() const; void channel_set_count(const int count); bool channel_is_allocated(const int channel_index); void channel_ensure_allocated(const int channel_index, const uint8_t default_value = 0); void channel_allocate(const int channel_index, const uint8_t default_value = 0); void channel_fill(const uint8_t value, const int channel_index); void channel_dealloc(const int channel_index); uint8_t *channel_get(const int channel_index); uint8_t *channel_get_valid(const int channel_index, const uint8_t default_value = 0); PoolByteArray channel_get_array(const int channel_index) const; void channel_set_array(const int channel_index, const PoolByteArray &array); PoolByteArray channel_get_compressed(const int channel_index) const; void channel_set_compressed(const int channel_index, const PoolByteArray &data); int get_index(const int x, const int y) const; int get_data_index(const int x, const int y) const; int get_data_size() const; //Terra Structures Ref<Terrain2DStructure> voxel_structure_get(const int index) const; void voxel_structure_add(const Ref<Terrain2DStructure> &structure); void voxel_structure_remove(const Ref<Terrain2DStructure> &structure); void voxel_structure_remove_index(const int index); void voxel_structure_clear(); int voxel_structure_get_count() const; void voxel_structure_add_at_position(Ref<Terrain2DStructure> structure, const Vector2 &world_position); Vector<Variant> voxel_structures_get(); void voxel_structures_set(const Vector<Variant> &structures); //Meshing void build(); void clear(); void finalize_build(); void cancel_build(); void _build(); //light Baking void bake_lights(); void bake_light(Ref<Terrain2DLight> light); void clear_baked_lights(); #ifdef MODULE_PROPS_2D_ENABLED void prop_add(const Transform2D &tarnsform, const Ref<Prop2DData> &prop); Ref<Prop2DData> prop_get(const int index); Transform2D prop_get_tarnsform(const int index); int prop_get_count() const; void prop_remove(const int index); void props_clear(); #endif #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED int mesh_data_resource_addv(const Vector2 &local_data_pos, const Ref<MeshDataResource> &mesh, const Ref<Texture> &texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Color &color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1), const bool apply_scale = true); int mesh_data_resource_add(const Transform2D &local_transform, const Ref<MeshDataResource> &mesh, const Ref<Texture> &texture = Ref<Texture>(), const Color &color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1), const bool apply_scale = true); Ref<MeshDataResource> mesh_data_resource_get(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set(const int index, const Ref<MeshDataResource> &mesh); Ref<Texture> mesh_data_resource_get_texture(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set_texture(const int index, const Ref<Texture> &texture); Color mesh_data_resource_get_color(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set_color(const int index, const Color &color); Rect2 mesh_data_resource_get_uv_rect(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set_uv_rect(const int index, const Rect2 &uv_rect); Transform2D mesh_data_resource_get_transform(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set_transform(const int index, const Transform2D &transform); bool mesh_data_resource_get_is_inside(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_set_is_inside(const int index, const bool inside); int mesh_data_resource_get_count() const; void mesh_data_resource_remove(const int index); void mesh_data_resource_clear(); #endif //Colliders int collider_add(const Transform2D &local_transform, const Ref<Shape2D> &shape, const RID &shape_rid = RID(), const RID &body = RID()); Transform2D collider_get_transform(const int index); void collider_set_transform(const int index, const Transform2D &transform); Ref<Shape2D> collider_get_shape(const int index); void collider_set_shape(const int index, const Ref<Shape2D> &shape); RID collider_get_shape_rid(const int index); void collider_set_shape_rid(const int index, const RID &rid); RID collider_get_body(const int index); void collider_set_body(const int index, const RID &rid); int collider_get_count() const; void collider_remove(const int index); void colliders_clear(); //handlers void enter_tree(); void exit_tree(); void process(const float delta); void physics_process(const float delta); void world_transform_changed(); void visibility_changed(const bool visible); void world_light_added(const Ref<Terrain2DLight> &light); void world_light_removed(const Ref<Terrain2DLight> &light); void generation_process(const float delta); void generation_physics_process(const float delta); void draw(); Transform2D get_transform() const; void set_transform(const Transform2D &transform); Transform2D get_global_transform() const; Vector2 to_local(Vector2 p_global) const; Vector2 to_global(Vector2 p_local) const; bool is_safe_to_delete(); _FORCE_INLINE_ RID get_canvas_item(const int index) const { return _canvas_items[index]; } _FORCE_INLINE_ int get_canvas_item_count() { return _canvas_items.size(); } void setup_canvas_items_size(const int amount); Terrain2DChunk(); ~Terrain2DChunk(); #if TOOLS_ENABLED RID _debug_canvas_item; #endif protected: virtual void _enter_tree(); virtual void _exit_tree(); virtual void _generation_process(const float delta); virtual void _generation_physics_process(const float delta); protected: #ifdef MODULE_PROPS_2D_ENABLED struct Prop2DDataStore { Transform2D transform; Ref<Prop2DData> prop; }; #endif #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED struct MeshDataResourceEntry { Ref<MeshDataResource> mesh; Ref<Texture> texture; Color color; Rect2 uv_rect; Transform2D transform; bool is_inside; }; #endif struct ColliderBody { Transform2D transform; RID body; Ref<Shape2D> shape; RID shape_rid; }; protected: virtual void _world_transform_changed(); /* bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value); bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const; void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const; */ static void _bind_methods(); bool _is_processing; bool _is_phisics_processing; bool _is_visible; bool _is_generating; bool _dirty; int _state; bool _is_in_tree; Terrain2DWorld *_voxel_world; int _position_x; int _position_y; int _size_x; int _size_y; int _data_size_x; int _data_size_y; int _margin_start; int _margin_end; int _material_cache_key; bool _material_cache_key_has; int _liquid_material_cache_key; bool _liquid_material_cache_key_has; int _prop_material_cache_key; bool _prop_material_cache_key_has; Vector<uint8_t *> _channels; int _cell_size_x; int _cell_size_y; int _current_job; Vector<Ref<Terrain2DJob>> _jobs; Ref<Terrain2DLibrary> _library; Vector<Ref<Terrain2DStructure>> _voxel_structures; #ifdef MODULE_PROPS_2D_ENABLED Vector<Prop2DDataStore> _props; #endif #ifdef MODULE_MESH_DATA_RESOURCE_ENABLED Vector<MeshDataResourceEntry> _mesh_data_resources; #endif Vector<ColliderBody> _colliders; Transform2D _transform; bool _abort_build; bool _queued_generation; Ref<Shape2D> _default_tile_shape; Vector<RID> _canvas_items; Transform2D _mesh_transform_terrain; Transform2D _mesh_transform_wall_north; Transform2D _mesh_transform_wall_south; Transform2D _mesh_transform_wall_east; Transform2D _mesh_transform_wall_west; }; #endif