#ifndef OS_WINDOWS_H #define OS_WINDOWS_H /*************************************************************************/ /* os_windows.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "context_gl_windows.h" #include "core/config/project_settings.h" #include "core/input/input.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "crash_handler_windows.h" #include "drivers/unix/ip_unix.h" #include "drivers/wasapi/audio_driver_wasapi.h" #include "drivers/winmidi/midi_driver_winmidi.h" #include "key_mapping_windows.h" #include "main/input_default.h" #include "power_windows.h" #include "servers/audio_server.h" #include "servers/rendering/rasterizer.h" #include "servers/rendering_server.h" #ifdef XAUDIO2_ENABLED #include "drivers/xaudio2/audio_driver_xaudio2.h" #endif #include "tts_windows.h" #include <dwmapi.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include <stdio.h> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> // WinTab API #define WT_PACKET 0x7FF0 #define WT_PROXIMITY 0x7FF5 #define WT_INFOCHANGE 0x7FF6 #define WT_CSRCHANGE 0x7FF7 #define WTI_DEFSYSCTX 4 #define WTI_DEVICES 100 #define DVC_NPRESSURE 15 #define DVC_TPRESSURE 16 #define DVC_ORIENTATION 17 #define DVC_ROTATION 18 #define CXO_MESSAGES 0x0004 #define PK_STATUS 0x0002 #define PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE 0x0400 #define PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE 0x0800 #define PK_ORIENTATION 0x1000 #define TPS_INVERT 0x0010 /* 1.1 */ typedef struct tagLOGCONTEXTW { WCHAR lcName[40]; UINT lcOptions; UINT lcStatus; UINT lcLocks; UINT lcMsgBase; UINT lcDevice; UINT lcPktRate; DWORD lcPktData; DWORD lcPktMode; DWORD lcMoveMask; DWORD lcBtnDnMask; DWORD lcBtnUpMask; LONG lcInOrgX; LONG lcInOrgY; LONG lcInOrgZ; LONG lcInExtX; LONG lcInExtY; LONG lcInExtZ; LONG lcOutOrgX; LONG lcOutOrgY; LONG lcOutOrgZ; LONG lcOutExtX; LONG lcOutExtY; LONG lcOutExtZ; DWORD lcSensX; DWORD lcSensY; DWORD lcSensZ; BOOL lcSysMode; int lcSysOrgX; int lcSysOrgY; int lcSysExtX; int lcSysExtY; DWORD lcSysSensX; DWORD lcSysSensY; } LOGCONTEXTW; typedef struct tagAXIS { LONG axMin; LONG axMax; UINT axUnits; DWORD axResolution; } AXIS; typedef struct tagORIENTATION { int orAzimuth; int orAltitude; int orTwist; } ORIENTATION; typedef struct tagPACKET { int pkStatus; int pkNormalPressure; int pkTangentPressure; ORIENTATION pkOrientation; } PACKET; typedef HANDLE(WINAPI *WTOpenPtr)(HWND p_window, LOGCONTEXTW *p_ctx, BOOL p_enable); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *WTClosePtr)(HANDLE p_ctx); typedef UINT(WINAPI *WTInfoPtr)(UINT p_category, UINT p_index, LPVOID p_output); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *WTPacketPtr)(HANDLE p_ctx, UINT p_param, LPVOID p_packets); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *WTEnablePtr)(HANDLE p_ctx, BOOL p_enable); // Windows Ink API #ifndef POINTER_STRUCTURES #define POINTER_STRUCTURES typedef DWORD POINTER_INPUT_TYPE; typedef UINT32 POINTER_FLAGS; typedef UINT32 PEN_FLAGS; typedef UINT32 PEN_MASK; #ifndef PEN_FLAG_INVERTED #define PEN_FLAG_INVERTED 0x00000002 #endif #ifndef PEN_FLAG_ERASER #define PEN_FLAG_ERASER 0x00000004 #endif #ifndef PEN_MASK_PRESSURE #define PEN_MASK_PRESSURE 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef PEN_MASK_TILT_X #define PEN_MASK_TILT_X 0x00000004 #endif #ifndef PEN_MASK_TILT_Y #define PEN_MASK_TILT_Y 0x00000008 #endif #ifndef POINTER_MESSAGE_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON #define POINTER_MESSAGE_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON 0x00000010 #endif enum tagPOINTER_INPUT_TYPE { PT_POINTER = 0x00000001, PT_TOUCH = 0x00000002, PT_PEN = 0x00000003, PT_MOUSE = 0x00000004, PT_TOUCHPAD = 0x00000005 }; typedef enum tagPOINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE { POINTER_CHANGE_NONE, POINTER_CHANGE_FIRSTBUTTON_DOWN, POINTER_CHANGE_FIRSTBUTTON_UP, POINTER_CHANGE_SECONDBUTTON_DOWN, POINTER_CHANGE_SECONDBUTTON_UP, POINTER_CHANGE_THIRDBUTTON_DOWN, POINTER_CHANGE_THIRDBUTTON_UP, POINTER_CHANGE_FOURTHBUTTON_DOWN, POINTER_CHANGE_FOURTHBUTTON_UP, POINTER_CHANGE_FIFTHBUTTON_DOWN, POINTER_CHANGE_FIFTHBUTTON_UP, } POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE; typedef struct tagPOINTER_INFO { POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pointerType; UINT32 pointerId; UINT32 frameId; POINTER_FLAGS pointerFlags; HANDLE sourceDevice; HWND hwndTarget; POINT ptPixelLocation; POINT ptHimetricLocation; POINT ptPixelLocationRaw; POINT ptHimetricLocationRaw; DWORD dwTime; UINT32 historyCount; INT32 InputData; DWORD dwKeyStates; UINT64 PerformanceCount; POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE ButtonChangeType; } POINTER_INFO; typedef struct tagPOINTER_PEN_INFO { POINTER_INFO pointerInfo; PEN_FLAGS penFlags; PEN_MASK penMask; UINT32 pressure; UINT32 rotation; INT32 tiltX; INT32 tiltY; } POINTER_PEN_INFO; #endif #ifndef WM_POINTERUPDATE #define WM_POINTERUPDATE 0x0245 #endif #ifndef WM_POINTERENTER #define WM_POINTERENTER 0x0249 #endif #ifndef WM_POINTERLEAVE #define WM_POINTERLEAVE 0x024A #endif typedef BOOL(WINAPI *GetPointerTypePtr)(uint32_t p_id, POINTER_INPUT_TYPE *p_type); typedef BOOL(WINAPI *GetPointerPenInfoPtr)(uint32_t p_id, POINTER_PEN_INFO *p_pen_info); typedef struct { BYTE bWidth; // Width, in pixels, of the image BYTE bHeight; // Height, in pixels, of the image BYTE bColorCount; // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) BYTE bReserved; // Reserved ( must be 0) WORD wPlanes; // Color Planes WORD wBitCount; // Bits per pixel DWORD dwBytesInRes; // How many bytes in this resource? DWORD dwImageOffset; // Where in the file is this image? } ICONDIRENTRY, *LPICONDIRENTRY; typedef struct { WORD idReserved; // Reserved (must be 0) WORD idType; // Resource Type (1 for icons) WORD idCount; // How many images? ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) } ICONDIR, *LPICONDIR; class JoypadWindows; class OS_Windows : public OS { String tablet_driver; Vector<String> tablet_drivers; // WinTab API static bool wintab_available; static WTOpenPtr wintab_WTOpen; static WTClosePtr wintab_WTClose; static WTInfoPtr wintab_WTInfo; static WTPacketPtr wintab_WTPacket; static WTEnablePtr wintab_WTEnable; // Windows Ink API static bool winink_available; static GetPointerTypePtr win8p_GetPointerType; static GetPointerPenInfoPtr win8p_GetPointerPenInfo; HANDLE wtctx; LOGCONTEXTW wtlc; int min_pressure; int max_pressure; bool tilt_supported; bool pen_inverted; bool block_mm; int last_pressure_update; float last_pressure; Vector2 last_tilt; bool last_pen_inverted; enum { KEY_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE = 512 }; #ifdef STDOUT_FILE FILE *stdo; #endif struct KeyEvent { bool alt, shift, control, meta; UINT uMsg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; }; KeyEvent key_event_buffer[KEY_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int key_event_pos; uint64_t ticks_start; uint64_t ticks_per_second; TTS_Windows *tts = nullptr; bool old_invalid; bool outside; int old_x, old_y; Point2i center; #if defined(OPENGL_ENABLED) ContextGL_Windows *gl_context; #endif RenderingServer *rendering_server; int pressrc; HINSTANCE hInstance; // Holds The Instance Of The Application HWND hWnd; Vector<Vector2> mpath; Point2 last_pos; bool layered_window; uint32_t move_timer_id; Ref<Image> icon; HCURSOR hCursor; Size2 min_size; Size2 max_size; Size2 window_rect; VideoMode video_mode; bool preserve_window_size = false; MainLoop *main_loop; WNDPROC user_proc; // IME HIMC im_himc; Vector2 im_position; MouseMode mouse_mode; int restore_mouse_trails; bool alt_mem; bool gr_mem; bool shift_mem; bool control_mem; bool meta_mem; bool force_quit; bool window_has_focus; uint32_t last_button_state; bool use_raw_input; bool drop_events; HCURSOR cursors[CURSOR_MAX] = { NULL }; CursorShape cursor_shape; RBMap<CursorShape, Vector<Variant>> cursors_cache; InputDefault *input; JoypadWindows *joypad; RBMap<int, Vector2> touch_state; PowerWindows *power_manager; int video_driver_index; #ifdef WASAPI_ENABLED AudioDriverWASAPI driver_wasapi; #endif #ifdef XAUDIO2_ENABLED AudioDriverXAudio2 driver_xaudio2; #endif #ifdef WINMIDI_ENABLED MIDIDriverWinMidi driver_midi; #endif CrashHandler crash_handler; void _drag_event(float p_x, float p_y, int idx); void _touch_event(bool p_pressed, float p_x, float p_y, int idx); void _update_window_style(bool p_repaint = true, bool p_maximized = false); void _update_window_mouse_passthrough(); void _set_mouse_mode_impl(MouseMode p_mode); // functions used by main to initialize/deinitialize the OS protected: virtual int get_current_video_driver() const; virtual void initialize_core(); virtual Error initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_audio_driver); virtual bool is_offscreen_gl_available() const; virtual void set_offscreen_gl_current(bool p_current); virtual void set_main_loop(MainLoop *p_main_loop); virtual void delete_main_loop(); virtual void finalize(); virtual void finalize_core(); void process_events(); void process_key_events(); String _quote_command_line_argument(const String &p_text) const; struct ProcessInfo { STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; }; RBMap<ProcessID, ProcessInfo> *process_map; bool pre_fs_valid; RECT pre_fs_rect; bool maximized; bool minimized; bool borderless; bool window_focused; bool was_maximized; public: LRESULT WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual void alert(const String &p_alert, const String &p_title = "ALERT!"); String get_stdin_string(); void set_mouse_mode(MouseMode p_mode); MouseMode get_mouse_mode() const; virtual bool tts_is_speaking() const; virtual bool tts_is_paused() const; virtual Array tts_get_voices() const; virtual void tts_speak(const String &p_text, const String &p_voice, int p_volume = 50, float p_pitch = 1.f, float p_rate = 1.f, int p_utterance_id = 0, bool p_interrupt = false); virtual void tts_pause(); virtual void tts_resume(); virtual void tts_stop(); virtual void warp_mouse_position(const Point2 &p_to); virtual Point2 get_mouse_position() const; void update_real_mouse_position(); virtual int get_mouse_button_state() const; virtual void set_window_title(const String &p_title); virtual void set_window_mouse_passthrough(const PoolVector2Array &p_region); virtual void set_video_mode(const VideoMode &p_video_mode, int p_screen = 0); virtual VideoMode get_video_mode(int p_screen = 0) const; virtual void get_fullscreen_mode_list(List<VideoMode> *p_list, int p_screen = 0) const; virtual int get_tablet_driver_count() const; virtual String get_tablet_driver_name(int p_driver) const; virtual String get_current_tablet_driver() const; virtual void set_current_tablet_driver(const String &p_driver); virtual int get_screen_count() const; virtual int get_current_screen() const; virtual void set_current_screen(int p_screen); virtual Point2 get_screen_position(int p_screen = -1) const; virtual Size2 get_screen_size(int p_screen = -1) const; virtual int get_screen_dpi(int p_screen = -1) const; virtual float get_screen_refresh_rate(int p_screen = -1) const; virtual Point2 get_window_position() const; virtual void set_window_position(const Point2 &p_position); virtual Size2 get_window_size() const; virtual Size2 get_real_window_size() const; virtual Size2 get_max_window_size() const; virtual Size2 get_min_window_size() const; virtual void set_min_window_size(const Size2 p_size); virtual void set_max_window_size(const Size2 p_size); virtual void set_window_size(const Size2 p_size); virtual void set_window_fullscreen(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_window_fullscreen() const; virtual void set_window_resizable(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_window_resizable() const; virtual void set_window_minimized(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_window_minimized() const; virtual void set_window_maximized(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_window_maximized() const; virtual void set_window_always_on_top(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_window_always_on_top() const; virtual bool is_window_focused() const; virtual void request_attention(); virtual void *get_native_handle(int p_handle_type); virtual void set_borderless_window(bool p_borderless); virtual bool get_borderless_window(); virtual bool get_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled() const; virtual void set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(bool p_enabled); virtual Error open_dynamic_library(const String p_path, void *&p_library_handle, bool p_also_set_library_path = false); virtual Error close_dynamic_library(void *p_library_handle); virtual Error get_dynamic_library_symbol_handle(void *p_library_handle, const String p_name, void *&p_symbol_handle, bool p_optional = false); virtual MainLoop *get_main_loop() const; virtual uint64_t get_embedded_pck_offset() const; virtual String get_name() const; virtual Date get_date(bool utc) const; virtual Time get_time(bool utc) const; virtual TimeZoneInfo get_time_zone_info() const; virtual uint64_t get_unix_time() const; virtual uint64_t get_system_time_secs() const; virtual uint64_t get_system_time_msecs() const; virtual bool can_draw() const; virtual Error set_cwd(const String &p_cwd); virtual void delay_usec(uint32_t p_usec) const; virtual uint64_t get_ticks_usec() const; virtual Error execute(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_arguments, bool p_blocking = true, ProcessID *r_child_id = NULL, String *r_pipe = NULL, int *r_exitcode = NULL, bool read_stderr = false, Mutex *p_pipe_mutex = NULL, bool p_open_console = false); virtual Error kill(const ProcessID &p_pid); virtual int get_process_id() const; virtual bool is_process_running(const ProcessID &p_pid) const; virtual bool has_environment(const String &p_var) const; virtual String get_environment(const String &p_var) const; virtual bool set_environment(const String &p_var, const String &p_value) const; virtual void set_clipboard(const String &p_text); virtual String get_clipboard() const; void set_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape); CursorShape get_cursor_shape() const; virtual void set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot); void GetMaskBitmaps(HBITMAP hSourceBitmap, COLORREF clrTransparent, OUT HBITMAP &hAndMaskBitmap, OUT HBITMAP &hXorMaskBitmap); void set_native_icon(const String &p_filename); void set_icon(const Ref<Image> &p_icon); virtual String get_executable_path() const; virtual String get_locale() const; virtual int get_processor_count() const; virtual String get_processor_name() const; virtual LatinKeyboardVariant get_latin_keyboard_variant() const; virtual int keyboard_get_layout_count() const; virtual int keyboard_get_current_layout() const; virtual void keyboard_set_current_layout(int p_index); virtual String keyboard_get_layout_language(int p_index) const; virtual String keyboard_get_layout_name(int p_index) const; virtual uint32_t keyboard_get_scancode_from_physical(uint32_t p_scancode) const; virtual void enable_for_stealing_focus(ProcessID pid); virtual void move_window_to_foreground(); virtual String get_config_path() const; virtual String get_data_path() const; virtual String get_cache_path() const; virtual String get_pandemonium_dir_name() const; virtual String get_system_dir(SystemDir p_dir, bool p_shared_storage = true) const; virtual String get_user_data_dir() const; virtual String get_unique_id() const; virtual void set_ime_active(const bool p_active); virtual void set_ime_position(const Point2 &p_pos); virtual void release_rendering_thread(); virtual void make_rendering_thread(); virtual void swap_buffers(); virtual Error shell_open(String p_uri); void main_run(); virtual bool get_swap_ok_cancel() { return true; } virtual bool is_joy_known(int p_device); virtual String get_joy_guid(int p_device) const; virtual void _set_use_vsync(bool p_enable); //virtual bool is_vsync_enabled() const; virtual OS::PowerState get_power_state(); virtual int get_power_seconds_left(); virtual int get_power_percent_left(); virtual bool _check_internal_feature_support(const String &p_feature); void disable_crash_handler(); bool is_disable_crash_handler() const; virtual void initialize_debugging(); void force_process_input(); virtual Error move_to_trash(const String &p_path); virtual void process_and_drop_events(); OS_Windows(HINSTANCE _hInstance); ~OS_Windows(); }; #endif