#ifndef PORTAL_RENDERER_H #define PORTAL_RENDERER_H /*************************************************************************/ /* portal_renderer.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* PANDEMONIUM ENGINE */ /* https://github.com/Relintai/pandemonium_engine */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2022-present Péter Magyar. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "core/containers/pooled_list.h" #include "core/containers/vector.h" #include "core/math/geometry.h" #include "core/math/plane.h" #include "core/math/projection.h" #include "portal_gameplay_monitor.h" #include "portal_pvs.h" #include "portal_resources.h" #include "portal_rooms_bsp.h" #include "portal_tracer.h" #include "portal_types.h" struct Transform; struct VSStatic { // the lifetime of statics is not strictly monitored like moving objects // therefore we store a RID which could return NULL if the object has been deleted RID instance; AABB aabb; // statics are placed in a room, but they can optionally sprawl to other rooms // if large (like lights) uint32_t source_room_id; // dynamics will request their AABB each frame // from the visual server in case they have moved. // But they will NOT update the rooms they are in... // so this works well for e.g. moving platforms, but not for objects // that will move between rooms. uint32_t dynamic; }; // static / dynamic visibility notifiers. // ghost objects are not culled, but are present in rooms // and expect to receive gameplay notifications struct VSStaticGhost { ObjectID object_id; uint32_t last_tick_hit = 0; uint32_t last_room_tick_hit = 0; }; class PortalRenderer { public: // use most significant bit to store whether an instance is being used in the room system // in which case, deleting such an instance should deactivate the portal system to prevent // crashes due to dangling references to instances. static const uint32_t OCCLUSION_HANDLE_ROOM_BIT = 1 << 31; static bool use_occlusion_culling; struct MovingBase { // when the rooms_and_portals_clear message is sent, // we want to remove all references to old rooms in the moving // objects, to prevent dangling references. void rooms_and_portals_clear() { destroy(); } void destroy() { _rooms.clear(); room_id = -1; last_tick_hit = 0; last_gameplay_tick_hit = 0; } // the expanded aabb allows objects to move on most frames // without needing to determine a change of room AABB expanded_aabb; // exact aabb of the object should be used for culling AABB exact_aabb; // which is the primary room this moving object is in // (it may sprawl into multiple rooms) int32_t room_id; // id in the allocation pool uint32_t pool_id; uint32_t last_tick_hit = 0; uint32_t last_gameplay_tick_hit = 0; // room ids of rooms this moving object is sprawled into LocalVector<uint32_t, int32_t> _rooms; }; struct Moving : public MovingBase { // either roaming or global bool global; // in _moving_lists .. not the same as pool ID (handle) uint32_t list_id; // a void pointer, but this is ultimately a pointer to a RenderingServerScene::Instance // (can't have direct pointer because it is a nested class...) VSInstance *instance; #ifdef PORTAL_RENDERER_STORE_MOVING_RIDS // primarily for testing RID instance_rid; #endif }; // So far the only roaming ghosts are VisibilityNotifiers. // this will always be roaming... statics and dynamics are handled separately, // and global ghosts do not get created. struct RGhost : public MovingBase { ObjectID object_id; }; PortalHandle portal_create(); void portal_destroy(PortalHandle p_portal); void portal_set_geometry(PortalHandle p_portal, const Vector<Vector3> &p_points, real_t p_margin); void portal_link(PortalHandle p_portal, RoomHandle p_room_from, RoomHandle p_room_to, bool p_two_way); void portal_set_active(PortalHandle p_portal, bool p_active); RoomGroupHandle roomgroup_create(); void roomgroup_prepare(RoomGroupHandle p_roomgroup, ObjectID p_roomgroup_object_id); void roomgroup_destroy(RoomGroupHandle p_roomgroup); void roomgroup_add_room(RoomGroupHandle p_roomgroup, RoomHandle p_room); // Rooms RoomHandle room_create(); void room_destroy(RoomHandle p_room); OcclusionHandle room_add_instance(RoomHandle p_room, RID p_instance, const AABB &p_aabb, bool p_dynamic, const Vector<Vector3> &p_object_pts); OcclusionHandle room_add_ghost(RoomHandle p_room, ObjectID p_object_id, const AABB &p_aabb); void room_set_bound(RoomHandle p_room, ObjectID p_room_object_id, const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, const AABB &p_aabb, const Vector<Vector3> &p_verts); void room_prepare(RoomHandle p_room, int32_t p_priority); void rooms_and_portals_clear(); void rooms_finalize(bool p_generate_pvs, bool p_cull_using_pvs, bool p_use_secondary_pvs, bool p_use_signals, String p_pvs_filename, bool p_use_simple_pvs, bool p_log_pvs_generation); void rooms_override_camera(bool p_override, const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector<Plane> *p_convex); void rooms_set_active(bool p_active) { _active = p_active; } void rooms_set_params(int p_portal_depth_limit, real_t p_roaming_expansion_margin) { _tracer.set_depth_limit(p_portal_depth_limit); _roaming_expansion_margin = p_roaming_expansion_margin; } void rooms_set_cull_using_pvs(bool p_enable) { _cull_using_pvs = p_enable; } void rooms_update_gameplay_monitor(const Vector<Vector3> &p_camera_positions); // for use in the editor only, to allow a cheap way of turning off portals // if there has been a change, e.g. moving a room etc. void rooms_unload(String p_reason) { _ensure_unloaded(p_reason); } bool rooms_is_loaded() const { return _loaded; } // debugging void set_debug_sprawl(bool p_active) { _debug_sprawl = p_active; } // this section handles moving objects - roaming (change rooms) and globals (not in any room) OcclusionHandle instance_moving_create(VSInstance *p_instance, RID p_instance_rid, bool p_global, AABB p_aabb); void instance_moving_update(OcclusionHandle p_handle, const AABB &p_aabb, bool p_force_reinsert = false); void instance_moving_destroy(OcclusionHandle p_handle); // spatial derived roamers (non VisualInstances that still need to be portal culled, especially VisibilityNotifiers) RGhostHandle rghost_create(ObjectID p_object_id, const AABB &p_aabb); void rghost_update(RGhostHandle p_handle, const AABB &p_aabb, bool p_force_reinsert = false); void rghost_destroy(RGhostHandle p_handle); // occluders OccluderInstanceHandle occluder_instance_create(); void occluder_instance_link(OccluderInstanceHandle p_handle, OccluderResourceHandle p_resource_handle); void occluder_instance_set_transform(OccluderInstanceHandle p_handle, const Transform &p_xform); void occluder_instance_set_active(OccluderInstanceHandle p_handle, bool p_active); void occluder_instance_destroy(OccluderInstanceHandle p_handle, bool p_free = true); // editor only .. slow Geometry::MeshData occlusion_debug_get_current_polys() const { return _tracer.get_occlusion_culler().debug_get_current_polys(); } // note that this relies on a 'frustum' type cull, from a point, and that the planes are specified as in // Projection, i.e. // order PLANE_NEAR,PLANE_FAR,PLANE_LEFT,PLANE_TOP,PLANE_RIGHT,PLANE_BOTTOM int cull_convex(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const Projection &p_cam_projection, const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, VSInstance **p_result_array, int p_result_max, uint32_t p_mask, int32_t &r_previous_room_id_hint) { // combined camera matrix Projection cm = Projection(p_cam_transform.affine_inverse()); cm = p_cam_projection * cm; Vector3 point = p_cam_transform.origin; Vector3 cam_dir = -p_cam_transform.basis.get_axis(2).normalized(); if (!_override_camera) return cull_convex_implementation(point, cam_dir, cm, p_convex, p_result_array, p_result_max, p_mask, r_previous_room_id_hint); // override camera matrix NYI return cull_convex_implementation(_override_camera_pos, cam_dir, cm, _override_camera_planes, p_result_array, p_result_max, p_mask, r_previous_room_id_hint); } int cull_convex_implementation(const Vector3 &p_point, const Vector3 &p_cam_dir, const Projection &p_cam_matrix, const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, VSInstance **p_result_array, int p_result_max, uint32_t p_mask, int32_t &r_previous_room_id_hint); bool occlusion_is_active() const { return _occluder_instance_pool.active_size() && use_occlusion_culling; } // special function for occlusion culling only that does not use portals / rooms, // but allows using occluders with the main scene int occlusion_cull(const Transform &p_cam_transform, const Projection &p_cam_projection, const Vector<Plane> &p_convex, VSInstance **p_result_array, int p_num_results) { // inactive? if (!_occluder_instance_pool.active_size() || !use_occlusion_culling) { return p_num_results; } // combined camera matrix Projection cm = Projection(p_cam_transform.affine_inverse()); cm = p_cam_projection * cm; Vector3 point = p_cam_transform.origin; Vector3 cam_dir = -p_cam_transform.basis.get_axis(2).normalized(); return _tracer.occlusion_cull(*this, point, cam_dir, cm, p_convex, p_result_array, p_num_results); } bool is_active() const { return _active && _loaded; } VSStatic &get_static(int p_id) { return _statics[p_id]; } const VSStatic &get_static(int p_id) const { return _statics[p_id]; } int32_t get_num_rooms() const { return _room_pool_ids.size(); } VSRoom &get_room(int p_id) { return _room_pool[_room_pool_ids[p_id]]; } const VSRoom &get_room(int p_id) const { return _room_pool[_room_pool_ids[p_id]]; } int32_t get_num_portals() const { return _portal_pool_ids.size(); } VSPortal &get_portal(int p_id) { return _portal_pool[_portal_pool_ids[p_id]]; } const VSPortal &get_portal(int p_id) const { return _portal_pool[_portal_pool_ids[p_id]]; } int32_t get_num_moving_globals() const { return _moving_list_global.size(); } const Moving &get_moving_global(uint32_t p_id) const { return _moving_pool[_moving_list_global[p_id]]; } Moving &get_pool_moving(uint32_t p_pool_id) { return _moving_pool[p_pool_id]; } const Moving &get_pool_moving(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _moving_pool[p_pool_id]; } RGhost &get_pool_rghost(uint32_t p_pool_id) { return _rghost_pool[p_pool_id]; } const RGhost &get_pool_rghost(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _rghost_pool[p_pool_id]; } VSStaticGhost &get_static_ghost(uint32_t p_id) { return _static_ghosts[p_id]; } VSRoomGroup &get_roomgroup(uint32_t p_pool_id) { return _roomgroup_pool[p_pool_id]; } PVS &get_pvs() { return _pvs; } const PVS &get_pvs() const { return _pvs; } bool get_cull_using_pvs() const { return _cull_using_pvs; } // occluders const LocalVector<uint32_t, uint32_t> &get_occluders_active_list() const { return _occluder_instance_pool.get_active_list(); } const VSOccluder_Instance &get_pool_occluder_instance(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _occluder_instance_pool[p_pool_id]; } VSOccluder_Instance &get_pool_occluder_instance(uint32_t p_pool_id) { return _occluder_instance_pool[p_pool_id]; } const VSOccluder_Sphere &get_pool_occluder_world_sphere(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _occluder_world_sphere_pool[p_pool_id]; } const VSOccluder_Poly &get_pool_occluder_world_poly(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _occluder_world_poly_pool[p_pool_id]; } const VSOccluder_Hole &get_pool_occluder_world_hole(uint32_t p_pool_id) const { return _occluder_world_hole_pool[p_pool_id]; } VSOccluder_Hole &get_pool_occluder_world_hole(uint32_t p_pool_id) { return _occluder_world_hole_pool[p_pool_id]; } private: int find_room_within(const Vector3 &p_pos, int p_previous_room_id = -1) { return _rooms_lookup_bsp.find_room_within(*this, p_pos, p_previous_room_id); } bool sprawl_static(int p_static_id, const VSStatic &p_static, int p_room_id); bool sprawl_static_geometry(int p_static_id, const VSStatic &p_static, int p_room_id, const Vector<Vector3> &p_object_pts); bool sprawl_static_ghost(int p_ghost_id, const AABB &p_aabb, int p_room_id); void _load_finalize_roaming(); void sprawl_roaming(uint32_t p_mover_pool_id, MovingBase &r_moving, int p_room_id, bool p_moving_or_ghost); void _moving_remove_from_rooms(uint32_t p_moving_pool_id); void _rghost_remove_from_rooms(uint32_t p_pool_id); void _occluder_remove_from_rooms(uint32_t p_pool_id); void _ensure_unloaded(String p_reason = String()); void _rooms_add_portals_to_convex_hulls(); void _add_portal_to_convex_hull(LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> &p_planes, const Plane &p); void _debug_print_global_list(); bool _occlusion_handle_is_in_room(OcclusionHandle p_h) const { return p_h == OCCLUSION_HANDLE_ROOM_BIT; } void _log(String p_string, int p_priority = 0); // note this is vulnerable to crashes, we must monitor for deletion of rooms LocalVector<uint32_t, int32_t> _room_pool_ids; LocalVector<uint32_t, int32_t> _portal_pool_ids; LocalVector<VSStatic, int32_t> _statics; LocalVector<VSStaticGhost, int32_t> _static_ghosts; // all rooms and portals are allocated from pools. PooledList<VSPortal> _portal_pool; PooledList<VSRoom> _room_pool; PooledList<VSRoomGroup> _roomgroup_pool; // moving objects, global and roaming PooledList<Moving> _moving_pool; TrackedPooledList<RGhost> _rghost_pool; LocalVector<uint32_t, int32_t> _moving_list_global; LocalVector<uint32_t, int32_t> _moving_list_roaming; // occluders TrackedPooledList<VSOccluder_Instance> _occluder_instance_pool; TrackedPooledList<VSOccluder_Sphere, uint32_t, true> _occluder_world_sphere_pool; TrackedPooledList<VSOccluder_Poly, uint32_t, true> _occluder_world_poly_pool; TrackedPooledList<VSOccluder_Hole, uint32_t, true> _occluder_world_hole_pool; PVS _pvs; bool _active = true; bool _loaded = false; bool _debug_sprawl = false; bool _show_debug = true; // if the pvs is generated, we can either cull using dynamic portals or PVS bool _cull_using_pvs = false; PortalTracer _tracer; PortalTracer::TraceResult _trace_results; PortalRoomsBSP _rooms_lookup_bsp; PortalGameplayMonitor _gameplay_monitor; // when moving roaming objects, we expand their bound // to prevent too many updates. real_t _roaming_expansion_margin = 1.0; // a bitfield to indicate which rooms have been // visited already in sprawling, to prevent visiting rooms multiple times BitFieldDynamic _bitfield_rooms; bool _override_camera = false; Vector3 _override_camera_pos; LocalVector<Plane, int32_t> _override_camera_planes; public: static String _rid_to_string(RID p_rid); static String _addr_to_string(const void *p_addr); void occluder_ensure_up_to_date_sphere(const PortalResources &p_resources, VSOccluder_Instance &r_occluder); void occluder_ensure_up_to_date_polys(const PortalResources &p_resources, VSOccluder_Instance &r_occluder); void occluder_refresh_room_within(uint32_t p_occluder_pool_id); PortalRenderer(); }; inline void PortalRenderer::occluder_ensure_up_to_date_sphere(const PortalResources &p_resources, VSOccluder_Instance &r_occluder) { // occluder is not bound to a resource, cannot be used if (r_occluder.resource_pool_id == UINT32_MAX) { return; } // get the resource const VSOccluder_Resource &res = p_resources.get_pool_occluder_resource(r_occluder.resource_pool_id); // dirty? if (r_occluder.revision == res.revision) { return; } r_occluder.revision = res.revision; // must be same type, if not an error has occurred ERR_FAIL_COND(res.type != r_occluder.type); // first make sure the instance has the correct number of world space spheres if (r_occluder.list_ids.size() != res.list_ids.size()) { // not the most efficient, but works... // remove existing for (int n = 0; n < r_occluder.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t id = r_occluder.list_ids[n]; _occluder_world_sphere_pool.free(id); } r_occluder.list_ids.clear(); // create new for (int n = 0; n < res.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t id; VSOccluder_Sphere *sphere = _occluder_world_sphere_pool.request(id); sphere->create(); r_occluder.list_ids.push_back(id); } } const Transform &tr = r_occluder.xform; Vector3 scale3 = tr.basis.get_scale_abs(); real_t scale = (scale3.x + scale3.y + scale3.z) / 3.0; // update the AABB Vector3 bb_min = Vector3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX); Vector3 bb_max = Vector3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); // transform spheres for (int n = 0; n < r_occluder.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t world_pool_id = r_occluder.list_ids[n]; VSOccluder_Sphere &world_osphere = _occluder_world_sphere_pool[world_pool_id]; const VSOccluder_Sphere &local_osphere = p_resources.get_pool_occluder_local_sphere(res.list_ids[n]); world_osphere.pos = tr.xform(local_osphere.pos); world_osphere.radius = local_osphere.radius * scale; Vector3 bradius = Vector3(world_osphere.radius, world_osphere.radius, world_osphere.radius); Vector3 bmin = world_osphere.pos - bradius; Vector3 bmax = world_osphere.pos + bradius; bb_min.x = MIN(bb_min.x, bmin.x); bb_min.y = MIN(bb_min.y, bmin.y); bb_min.z = MIN(bb_min.z, bmin.z); bb_max.x = MAX(bb_max.x, bmax.x); bb_max.y = MAX(bb_max.y, bmax.y); bb_max.z = MAX(bb_max.z, bmax.z); } r_occluder.aabb.position = bb_min; r_occluder.aabb.size = bb_max - bb_min; } inline void PortalRenderer::occluder_ensure_up_to_date_polys(const PortalResources &p_resources, VSOccluder_Instance &r_occluder) { // occluder is not bound to a resource, cannot be used if (r_occluder.resource_pool_id == UINT32_MAX) { return; } // get the resource const VSOccluder_Resource &res = p_resources.get_pool_occluder_resource(r_occluder.resource_pool_id); // dirty? if (r_occluder.revision == res.revision) { return; } r_occluder.revision = res.revision; // must be same type, if not an error has occurred ERR_FAIL_COND(res.type != r_occluder.type); // first make sure the instance has the correct number of world space spheres if (r_occluder.list_ids.size() != res.list_ids.size()) { // not the most efficient, but works... // remove existing for (int n = 0; n < r_occluder.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t id = r_occluder.list_ids[n]; _occluder_world_poly_pool.free(id); } r_occluder.list_ids.clear(); // create new for (int n = 0; n < res.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t id; VSOccluder_Poly *poly = _occluder_world_poly_pool.request(id); poly->create(); r_occluder.list_ids.push_back(id); } } const Transform &tr = r_occluder.xform; for (int n = 0; n < r_occluder.list_ids.size(); n++) { uint32_t world_pool_id = r_occluder.list_ids[n]; uint32_t local_pool_id = res.list_ids[n]; VSOccluder_Poly &world_opoly = _occluder_world_poly_pool[world_pool_id]; const VSOccluder_Poly &local_opoly = p_resources._occluder_local_poly_pool[local_pool_id]; world_opoly.poly.num_verts = local_opoly.poly.num_verts; world_opoly.two_way = local_opoly.two_way; for (int i = 0; i < local_opoly.poly.num_verts; i++) { world_opoly.poly.verts[i] = tr.xform(local_opoly.poly.verts[i]); } world_opoly.poly.plane = tr.xform(local_opoly.poly.plane); // number of holes must be correct for each poly if (world_opoly.num_holes != local_opoly.num_holes) { // remove existing for (int h = 0; h < world_opoly.num_holes; h++) { uint32_t id = world_opoly.hole_pool_ids[h]; _occluder_world_hole_pool.free(id); // not strictly necessary world_opoly.hole_pool_ids[h] = UINT32_MAX; } world_opoly.num_holes = local_opoly.num_holes; for (int h = 0; h < world_opoly.num_holes; h++) { uint32_t id; VSOccluder_Hole *hole = _occluder_world_hole_pool.request(id); hole->create(); world_opoly.hole_pool_ids[h] = id; } } // holes for (int h = 0; h < world_opoly.num_holes; h++) { uint32_t world_hid = world_opoly.hole_pool_ids[h]; uint32_t local_hid = local_opoly.hole_pool_ids[h]; VSOccluder_Hole &world_hole = _occluder_world_hole_pool[world_hid]; const VSOccluder_Hole &local_hole = p_resources._occluder_local_hole_pool[local_hid]; world_hole.num_verts = local_hole.num_verts; for (int i = 0; i < world_hole.num_verts; i++) { world_hole.verts[i] = tr.xform(local_hole.verts[i]); } } } } #endif // PORTAL_RENDERER_H